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Victor-Viorel Ponta vs Jadranka Kosor

Vergleiche Victor-Viorel Ponta und Jadranka Kosor um herauszufinden, für wenn du stimmen könntest.

Victor-Viorel Ponta

Victor-Viorel Ponta

Jadranka Kosor

Jadranka Kosor
Victor-Viorel Ponta
Jadranka Kosor
Former Prime Minister
Former Prime Minister
Bukarest Romania
Zagreb Croatia
Sozialdemokratische Partei
League of Communists of Yugoslavia , Croatian Democratic Union, Independent
News, Die Rolle der Regierung, Ausbildung, Wahlen, Justizwesen, Umwelt, Gesundheitsvorsorge, Sport, Essen & Landwirtschaft, Bürgerrechte, Wirtschaft
The committees have approved the nomination of Victor Ponta as prime minister for relations with Parliament
2008.12.20 - Quelle :90% - Die Rolle der Regierung
The committees have approved the nomination of Victor Ponta as prime minister for relations with Par...

Little Titulescu take over the reins of the PSD
2010.02.21 - Quelle :85% - Wahlen
Little Titulescu take over the reins of the PSD

Ponta, elected vice president of the Socialist International
2012.08.30 - Quelle :95% - Wahlen
Ponta, elected vice president of the Socialist International

The Ponta government approved by Parliament, with 284 votes for and 92 against it
2012.05.07 - Quelle :75% - Wahlen
The Ponta government approved by Parliament, with 284 votes for and 92 against it

Ponta: We will have economic growth only in the private area. Don't give up to increase salaries
2012.05.15 - Quelle :80% - Wahlen
Ponta: We will have economic growth only in the private area. Don't give up to increase salaries

The commission's under Ponta has decided: no to plagiarism
2012.07.19 - Quelle :75% - Ausbildung
The commission's under Ponta has decided: no to plagiarism

Victor Ponta was officially appointed prime minister
2012.12.17 - Quelle :75% - Die Rolle der Regierung
Victor Ponta was officially appointed prime minister

Daciana Sarbu and Victor Ponta are the parents
2009.03.25 - Quelle :90% - Gesundheitsvorsorge
Daciana Sarbu and Victor Ponta are the parents

Victor Ponta will compete at the rally organized in Targu Mures
2010.06.03 - Quelle :85% - Sport
Victor Ponta will compete at the rally organized in Targu Mures