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Ductum redone: now live.

Victor-Viorel Ponta vs Jadranka Kosor

Compare Victor-Viorel Ponta e Jadranka Kosor para saber em quem votar.

Victor-Viorel Ponta

Victor-Viorel Ponta

Jadranka Kosor

Jadranka Kosor
Victor-Viorel Ponta
score Jadranka Kosor
Former Prime Minister
Former Prime Minister
Bucareste Romania
Zagreb Croatia
Partido Social Democrata
Partido político
League of Communists of Yugoslavia , Croatian Democratic Union, Independent
News, Rol do governo, Educação, Eleições, Sistema de justiça, Médio ambiente, Saúde, esporte, Relações externas, Direitos civis, Economia
The committees have approved the nomination of Victor Ponta as prime minister for relations with Parliament
2008.12.20 - Fonte :90% - Rol do governo
The committees have approved the nomination of Victor Ponta as prime minister for relations with Par...

Little Titulescu take over the reins of the PSD
2010.02.21 - Fonte :85% - Eleições
Little Titulescu take over the reins of the PSD

Ponta, elected vice president of the Socialist International
2012.08.30 - Fonte :95% - Eleições
Ponta, elected vice president of the Socialist International

The Ponta government approved by Parliament, with 284 votes for and 92 against it
2012.05.07 - Fonte :75% - Eleições
The Ponta government approved by Parliament, with 284 votes for and 92 against it

Ponta: We will have economic growth only in the private area. Don't give up to increase salaries
2012.05.15 - Fonte :80% - Eleições
Ponta: We will have economic growth only in the private area. Don't give up to increase salaries

The commission's under Ponta has decided: no to plagiarism
2012.07.19 - Fonte :75% - Educação
The commission's under Ponta has decided: no to plagiarism

Victor Ponta was officially appointed prime minister
2012.12.17 - Fonte :75% - Rol do governo
Victor Ponta was officially appointed prime minister

Daciana Sarbu and Victor Ponta are the parents
2009.03.25 - Fonte :90% - Saúde
Daciana Sarbu and Victor Ponta are the parents

Victor Ponta will compete at the rally organized in Targu Mures
2010.06.03 - Fonte :85% - esporte
Victor Ponta will compete at the rally organized in Targu Mures