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Victor-Viorel Ponta vs Cătălin Predoiu

Compare Victor-Viorel Ponta and Cătălin Predoiu to find out who to vote.

Victor-Viorel Ponta

Victor-Viorel Ponta

Cătălin Predoiu

Cătălin Predoiu
Victor-Viorel Ponta
Cătălin Predoiu
Former Prime Minister
Former Prime Minister
Bucharest Romania
Bucharest Romania
Social Democratic Party
National Liberal Party
News, Role of Government, Education, Elections, Justice System, Environment, Health Care, Sport, Foreign Affairs, Civil Rights, Economy
News, Role of Government, Justice System
2016.09.02 - Source :100% - Justice System
Victor Ponta a plagiat in lucrarea sa de doctorat

Ex-PM investigated over pre-election 'Blair' visit
2016.09.07 - Source :95% - Foreign Affairs
Former Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta is being investigated for alleged financial improprietie...

Tens of thousands of romanians have asked for the resignation of Ponta, Oprea and Piedone
2015.11.03 - Source :85% - Role of Government
Tens of thousands of romanians have asked for the resignation of Ponta, Oprea and Piedone

Videanu: In 2002, through threats, Ponta led the prosecutor Cristian Panait to kill himself
2012.12.06 - Source :95% - Civil Rights
Videanu: In 2002, through threats, Ponta led the prosecutor Cristian Panait to kill himself

Victor Ponta resign from the PSD leadership
2015.07.12 - Source :90% - Elections
Victor Ponta resign from the PSD leadership

Dottore Ponta, accused of plagiarism
2012.06.19 - Source :85% - Education
Dottore Ponta, accused of plagiarism

Victor Ponta will not resign: Basescu is behind the accusations of plagiarism. Who called me Dottore in...
2012.06.19 - Source :85% - Education
Victor Ponta will not resign: Basescu is behind the accusations of plagiarism. Who called me Dottore...

Victor Ponta, accused of plagiarism. The prime minister invoked a political war
2012.06.19 - Source :85% - Education
Victor Ponta, accused of plagiarism. The prime minister invoked a political war

The council, which checked the doctoral thesis of prime minister Ponta: it Is a plagiarized copy pasta
2012.06.29 - Source :90% - Education
The council, which checked the doctoral thesis of prime minister Ponta: it Is a plagiarized copy pas...

University of Bucharest: Victor Ponta plagiarized and plagiarized on purpose
2012.07.20 - Source :80% - Education
University of Bucharest: Victor Ponta plagiarized and plagiarized on purpose

The Ethics committee decided: Victor Ponta plagiarized in his phd
2012.07.20 - Source :85% - Education
The Ethics committee decided: Victor Ponta plagiarized in his phd

Victor Ponta gives up the title of doctor
2014.12.17 - Source :75% - Education, Justice System
Victor Ponta gives up the title of doctor

The prime minister and the falsified RESUME
2012.07.04 - Source :90% - Role of Government
The prime minister and the falsified RESUME

Victor Ponta, prosecuted for money laundering and complicity in tax evasion
2015.06.05 - Source :95% - Justice System
Victor Ponta, prosecuted for money laundering and complicity in tax evasion

Mps voted against initiating a criminal prosecution against the premier
2015.06.09 - Source :95% - Justice System
Mps voted against initiating a criminal prosecution against the premier

Victor Ponta, sent to court in the file Turceni-Rovinari
2015.09.17 - Source :95% - Justice System
Victor Ponta, sent to court in the file Turceni-Rovinari

Ponta and Piedone have resigned
2015.11.04 - Source :95% - Role of Government
Ponta and Piedone have resigned

Ponta and Piedone have resigned
2015.11.04 - Source :80% - Role of Government
Ponta and Piedone have resigned

Victor Ponta was absent from the vote for învestitirea the Cabinet Ciolos
2015.11.17 - Source :75% - Role of Government
Victor Ponta was absent from the vote for învestitirea the Cabinet Ciolos

Romanian businessman charged with money laundering in ...
2016.09.07 - Source :90% - Role of Government
... EUR 220,000 to Ponta in exchange for being included on PSD’s list of candidates for the parliame...

Former Romanian PM under judicial supervision for alledged ...
2016.09.07 - Source :75% - Role of Government
Former Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta has been placed under court supervision for 60 days for...

Corruption Currents: Maldives Raids Media After Money ...
2016.09.07 - Source :85% - Role of Government
The former Romanian prime minister Victor Ponta is being investigated for alleged financial corrupti...

Tony Blair’s name appears in corruption case targeting ...
2016.09.06 - Source :90% - Justice System
The name of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair appears in a corruption case in Romania, which...

Minister Catalin Predoiu has lost the duel of justice in Buzau
2008.12.01 - Source :75% - Justice System
Minister Catalin Predoiu has lost the duel of justice in Buzau

RVA Insolvency, the company to which he was associated father-in-law of the minister Predoiu, to provide technical consulting...
2011.11.03 - Source :75% - Justice System
RVA Insolvency, the company to which he was associated father-in-law of the minister Predoiu, to pro...