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Sigmar Gabriel vs Edwin Meese

Compara Sigmar Gabriel y Edwin Meese para saber por quién votar.

Sigmar Gabriel

Sigmar Gabriel

Edwin Meese

Edwin Meese
Sigmar Gabriel
score Edwin Meese
Vice Chancellor
Former United States Attorney General
Berlín Germany
Washington D. C. United States
Social Democratic Party
Partido político
News, Rol del gobierno, Economía, Relaciones externas, Elecciones, Alimentos & Agricultura, Energía
German SPD Supports Canada Trade Deal
2016.09.19 - Fuente :75% - Economía
Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, chairman of the Social Democratic Party and the country's economy mi...

1ST LEAD Merkel's coalition partner gives backing to EU ...
2016.09.19 - Fuente :75% - Elecciones
SPD leader and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel brought sceptics from his own ranks on board by promis...

German Vice Chancellor Presses Saudis Over Blogger’s Sentence
2015.03.07 - Fuente :75% - Rol del gobierno
German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel launched an unusual public effort to persuade Saudi authoritie...

Business: Washington Post Business Page, Business News
2016.09.15 - Fuente :95% - Rol del gobierno
German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel accompanied Kaeser in a meeting with Macri this week, Kaeser s...

Germany's Gabriel gets green light to support CETA ...
2016.09.19 - Fuente :90% - Rol del gobierno
Germany's Social Democrats (SPD), led by the country's economy minister Sigmar Gabriel, shown here i...

CETA CanadaEU trade deal has Germany’s approval, minister ...
2016.09.16 - Fuente :85% - Rol del gobierno
“We will get a majority vote,” German Vice Chancellor and Economic Affairs Minister Sigmar Gabriel t...

Germany’s domestic unrest: Will Merkel alter her approach ...
2016.09.14 - Fuente :80% - Rol del gobierno
As a result, its leader – Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabrie...

Brexit secretary: 'Accelerate' talks on European Union ...
2016.09.13 - Fuente :90% - Elecciones, Relaciones externas
... Kingdom as it prepares for life outside the EU. Last week, Germany's vice-chancellor and Social...

German Minister Criticizes Qatar’s Labor Policies
2015.03.09 - Fuente :80% - Rol del gobierno
Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel’s visit to the Gulf reveals tension between Germany’s export-driven e...

German court accuses Merkel rival Gabriel of ‘bias’ and ‘secrecy’
2016.07.12 - Fuente :75% - Rol del gobierno
Sigmar Gabriel, a coalition partner of Angela Merkel and one of the German chancellor’s chief rivals...

Anti-migrant party gains regional seats in Germany amid ...
2016.09.17 - Fuente :75% - Rol del gobierno
“Berlin continues to stand for social and human decency,” Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice-chancellor...

Germany, Iran pledge to revive economic ties after long freeze
2015.07.19 - Fuente :75% - Rol del gobierno
* Gabriel first top German to visit Iran in 13 years* German industry eyes quadrupling of exports to...

Hundreds of Thousands of Germans Are Protesting TTIP (VIDEO)
2016.09.18 - Fuente :90% - Rol del gobierno
Despite German Chancellor Angela Merkel's backing of the deal, many Germans — including Vice Chancel...

Europeans protest trade deals with Canada, U.S.
2016.09.20 - Fuente :90% - Rol del gobierno
Canadian Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland issued a joint statement alongside German Economic Affairs...

Jerusalem Post 15/03/2012
2016.09.22 - Fuente :95% - Rol del gobierno
Gabriel's remarks trigger wave of criticism from Merkel's Christian Democratic Union Party, as well...

Germanys Gabriel seeks EU rule to block foreign takeover of key technologies
2016.06.08 - Fuente :80% - Rol del gobierno, Economía
Germany's economy minister called on Thursday for a European-wide safeguard clause which could stop...

Protests in Brussels as talks on EU-US trade deal falter
2016.09.20 - Fuente :95% - Rol del gobierno
Sigmar Gabriel; Suzanne Lynch; European Council; Read More. Brexit causing deep concern in US over t...

Protesters march at EU headquarters over planned trade ...
2016.09.20 - Fuente :80% - Rol del gobierno, Economía
Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland issued a joint statement alongside German Economic Affairs Minister...

MORNING BID EUROPE-More woes for Merkel; May heads to UN
2016.09.19 - Fuente :85% - Rol del gobierno
A nail-biter tonight for Sigmar Gabriel, Merkel's vice chancellor and a key figure in Germany's cros...

If Merkel Does Not Take Action, The AfD Could Soon Be ...
2016.09.20 - Fuente :75% - Rol del gobierno
Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Deputy Sigmar Gabriel must urgently turn their fine words into hard...

Jobbik: Hungarian government's position on TTIP is still ...
2016.09.15 - Fuente :80% - Relaciones externas, Rol del gobierno
... Germany’s Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said “The negotiations with the USA have de facto fail...

Gastbeitrag: Keine Kumpanei mit Despoten | Meinung – Frankfurter Rundschau
2011.02.02 - Fuente :90% - Rol del gobierno
Das Eingeständnis ist bitter: Die Sozialistische Internationale ist keine Stimme der Freiheit mehr....