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Joachim Gauck vs Rosen Plevneliev

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Joachim Gauck

Joachim Gauck

Rosen Plevneliev

Rosen Plevneliev
Joachim Gauck
Rosen Plevneliev
Beira Germany
Sofia Bulgaria
New Forum/Alliance 90 , Independent
Communist Party , GERB , Independent
News, Role of Government, Immigration, Elections, Civil Rights, Foreign Affairs
News, Role of Government
(VIDEO) His Majesty King Philippe of Belgium Hosts a ...
2016.09.07 - Source :95% - Role of Government
... Serene Highness Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, and the President of the Federal Repub...

(VIDEOS) TMs King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium ...
2016.09.08 - Source :95% - Role of Government
... Mr. Joachim Gauck, the President of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Johann Schneider-Ammann along w...

German far-right group, asylum seekers in mass brawl |
2016.09.15 - Source :95% - Role of Government
President Joachim Gauck, who had on several occasions urged Germans to extend a welcoming hand to re...

Germanys Next President: Im No Superman – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International
2012.02.19 - Source :85% - Role of Government
Joachim Gauck could help repair the damage that Christian Wulff did to the German presidency. The co...

Germans, asylum-seekers battle in eastern town of Bautzen
2016.09.17 - Source :80% - Immigration, Role of Government
In March, President Joachim Gauck was subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse when he visited the tow...

Anti-communist pastor who could turn out to be Merkels nemesis
2010.06.29 - Source :90% - Role of Government
He is Germany's answer to Nelson Mandela and if public popularity was the deciding factor, he would...

European Parliament chief: ‘Trump problem for whole world ...
2016.09.15 - Source :90% - Role of Government
... Sticking to the staff: The search for a successor to President Joachim Gauck runs. If the SPD al...

Far-right groups, migrants clash as tensions flare - CBS News
2016.09.15 - Source :80% - Immigration
... a case of suspected arson. And when German President Joachim Gauck visited Bautzen in March to t...

Far-right group, migrants fight in East German town – ‘I’m ...
2016.09.13 - Source :75% - Immigration
... a case of suspected arson. And when German President Joachim Gauck visited Bautzen in March to t...

Causa Gauck exposed red-Red-Green Illusion
2016.09.22 - Source :90% - Role of Government
Gauck is the definition of a General attack on the life-lie of the GDR. Since election night, The re...

Federal President: Gabriel Lafontaine-criticism of Gauck embarrassing – Deutschland – FOCUS Online – Nachrichten
2010.06.16 - Source :85% - Role of Government
As a "bizarre and embarrassing" SPD rejected-Chef Sigmar Gabriel, the sharp criticism of a left poli...

The Saxon state Parliament celebrates day of German unity – speakers Joachim Gauck: freedom of the car – responsibility...
2007.10.02 - Source :75% - Role of Government
The Saxon state Parliament celebrates day of German unity – speakers Joachim Gauck: freedom of the c...

Bautzen tightens rules for refugees after far-right clash ...
2016.09.16 - Source :90% - Immigration, Role of Government
President Joachim Gauck, who had on several occasions urged Germans to extend a welcoming hand to re...

Far-right thugs, asylum seekers battle in eastern German ...
2016.09.16 - Source :85% - Immigration, Role of Government
President Joachim Gauck, who had on several occasions urged Germans to extend a welcoming hand to re...

Joachim Gauck – a Patriotic I-AG
2010.06.29 - Source :90% - Role of Government
Current news from Germany and around the world. Selected by experienced editors from reputable sourc...

Migrants, Far-Right Group Clash in Eastern German Town
2016.09.15 - Source :75% - Role of Government
When German President Joachim Gauck visited the town a few weeks later, he was heckled as a "traitor...

Reader debate: As Gauck Sarrazin courage attested to policy
2012.02.20 - Source :85% - Role of Government
Joachim Gauck is in a second start-up of the Federal President? A year ago, he triggered a debate am...

Merkel’s election woes are a warning to Berlin - The ...
2016.09.07 - Source :95% - Role of Government
It is the home state of President Joachim Gauck as well as Chancellor Merkel—a fact which its famous...

Unrepentant Anti-Communist
2009.11.07 - Source :90% - Role of Government
The Stasi observed him under the cover name of "larva": The pastor, Joachim Gauck can look back on a...

Serbian thug who killed trainee teacher to be deported ...
2016.09.20 - Source :90% - Role of Government
German President Joachim Gauck wrote to Miss Albayrak's family to give his condolences, calling her...

The President appointed a caretaker government and schedule elections
2013.03.12 - Source :75% - Role of Government
President Rosen Plevneliev has issued a decree today on the appointment of a caretaker government wi...