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Hans-olaf Henkel vs Albert Weiler

Compară Hans-olaf Henkel si Albert Weiler pentru a afla cine să votezi.

Hans-olaf Henkel

Hans-olaf Henkel

Albert Weiler

Albert Weiler
Hans-olaf Henkel
score Albert Weiler
Berlin Germany
Berlin Germany
Data nașterii
Liberal-Conservative Refomists, European Conservatives and Reformists Group
Partid politic
Italy row ERUPTS: Verhofstadt branded 'DELUDED' by German MEP after pair squabble over EU
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Italy's ongoing political crisis, which has seen it without an elected government for seven years an...

EU debate LIVE: Juncker makes shock demand for Brussels to STAND UP to 'rampant populism'
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9.00am UPDATE: Hans-Olaf Henkel, German MEP, tears into the euro. He said: “While Italy suffers from...

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Eine freiwillige Zerschlagung von #Facebook ist eine Illusion. Ebenso wird ein Manager niemals Firme...

Juncker: Postavme sa populizmu, dá sa potlačiť. Bez EÚ by bolo v Európe zúfalstvo a fašizmus, dodáva Verhofstadt
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Potom vystúpil nemecký europoslanec Hans-Olaf Henkel. Ten sa zostra pustil do spoločnej európskej me...

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Unter normalen Umständen wäre es unproblematisch, einer ausländischen Regierung die Bitte zu erfülle...

Gjonaj, Monte Discuss Weiler Expansion
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Councilman Mark Gjonaj met with the administration and medical representatives from the Montefiore a...

Watch it: Reese Albert, Andrew Karp on FSU's walk-off win
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The Seminoles clinched a huge series win over No. 4 NC State with Friday's win. Curt Weiler, Tallaha...

Watch it: Reese Albert, Cal Raleigh on FSU's win over JU
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Watch it: Reese Albert, Cal Raleigh on FSU's win over JU. CLOSE. The two combined for four of FSU's...

Fördervereine und Kabarettisten glänzten
2018.05.25 - Sursă :80% - News
Albert Weiler, der als Beigeordneter der Stadt den Neubau der drei Grundschulen intensiv begleitet h...

Königschießen an Pfingsten
2018.05.23 - Sursă :80% - News
Ein besonderer Gruß galt dem Stadtbürgermeister Uli Klöckner, dem Beigeordneten Albert Weiler sowie...

Lancaster County Marriage Licenses Posted: May 10, 2018
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Dominick John Derosa, of 61 Baron Drive, and Anna Ivette Albert, same address. Derosa's parents are...

Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Headache Disorders: Expert Roundtable
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... Clinical Pain Advisor interviewed 3 experts: one of the authors of the consensus recommendations...

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Weil am Rhein Klaus Gempp jetzt Ehrenkommandant
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Welch großer Wertschätzung sich Klaus Gempp, der langjährige Weiler Feuerwehrkommandant und Stadtbra...