Primerjaj Gerhard Schick in Gregor Gysi ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Gerhard Schick![]() |
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Gregor Gysi![]() |
Deutsche Bank to fight US$14 billion demand from US ...
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- Vloga vlade, Obramba
... would be how much damage would it do to the economy if the bank were to topple," said Green Part...
Deutsche Bank to fight $14 billion demand from US ...
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- Vloga vlade, Obramba
... would be how much damage would it do to the economy if the bank were to topple,” said Green Part...
International Business: Deutsche Bank to fight $14 billion ...
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- Vloga vlade, Finance
... would be how much damage would it do to the economy if the bank were to topple,” said Green Part...
Germany TV Ads Encourage Hijab Wearing While Native ...
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- Vloga vlade
Gregor Gysi, a known left wing politician, claims those opposed to this “migrant” invasion and cultu...
“Stand Up against Racism”: A right-wing alliance in ...
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- Civil Rights
The Left Party’s former parliamentary group chairman Gregor Gysi closed his speech at a party rally...
Berlin election: Pseudo-left supports right-wing election ...
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- Vloga vlade
The keynote speaker at its Left Party campaign event on September 3 on Hermannplatz in Neukölln was...
German politician: No sanctions over Kosovo secession ...
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- Zunanje zadeve, Vloga vlade
... mistakes when it comes to Russia, repeatedly refusing to take into account Russia’s interests, s...