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Gerardo Morales vs Nathan Deal

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Gerardo Morales

Gerardo Morales

Nathan Deal

Nathan Deal
Gerardo Morales
Nathan Deal
Jujuy Argentina
Tbilisi United States
Radical Civic Union
Democratic Republican
News, Health Care
Gerardo Morales anunció que que el litio comenzará a cotizar en la bolsa de metales de Londres
2018.05.22 - Source :75% - News
“Posiblemente el jueves se podrá listar (cotizar) en la Bolsa de la capital londinense el precio del...

Gerardo Morales visitará China para fortalecer los lazos económicos y culturales
2018.05.21 - Source :95% - News
“La delegación compuesta por funcionarios, legisladores, empresarios y artistas cumplirá una serie d...

Gerardo Morales dijo que el acuerdo con el FMI es para salir de la crisis
2018.05.10 - Source :75% - News
Gerardo Morales dijo que el acuerdo con el FMI es para salir de la crisis. Para el gobernador jujeño...

Gerardo Morales anunció que el litio comenzará a cotizar en la bolsa de metales Londres
2018.05.22 - Source :95% - News
Jujuy al día® – El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, adelantó en Londres que el litio “se podrá...

The Mexican government says it will help people who are deported, but they often are left to make it on their own
2018.05.09 - Source :95% - News
José Gerardo Morales Moncada, secretary of social and human development for the state of Guanajuato,...

Gerardo Morales y la corrupción debajo de la alfombra
2018.05.01 - Source :75% - News
A quince días de la difusión de correos electrónicos entre el Ministerio de Turismo de la provincia...

Gerardo Morales: “Esto no es una competencia sobre quién ajusta más entre Nación y provincias”
2018.05.21 - Source :80% - News
Estas son las declaraciones más relevantes del gobernador de Jujuy y nuevo integrantes de la “mesa c...

Megacausa: Gerardo Morales respondería hoy o mañana el cuestionario
2018.05.17 - Source :85% - News
... debían ser destinados para la construcción de 2300 viviendas sociales, denominada "Megacausa". T...

Gerardo Morales le pagó cuatro millones al testigo que utilizó para condenar a Milagro Sala
2018.05.07 - Source :85% - News
Cuatro meses después que la Cámara de Casación de Jujuy confirmara la condena a tres años de prisión...

Con Gerardo Morales, se reunió la nueva mesa política de Mauricio Macri
2018.05.16 - Source :75% - News
Junto a Sanz, también se sumó el gobernador de Jujuy Gerardo Morales, pero no así el jefe del radica...

Shale country is out of workers. That means $140000 for a truck driver and 100% pay hikes
2018.06.08 - Source :80% - News
Morales, a native Midlander and second-generation restaurateur, has seen it happen many times before...

2018.06.08 - Source :90% - News
Dicen que el subsecretario de Gobierno, Marco Antonio Osuna Moreno, ni se inmutó de todo lo que lo a...

Gerardo Morales se apropió de la sede central de la Tupac Amaru
2018.06.08 - Source :95% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, dispuso que la sede central de la organización Tupac Amaru...

Shale country dangles 100 percent pay raises as labor market runs dry
2018.06.09 - Source :80% - News
But the crazy-low 2.1 percent unemployment rate is a bear. As the proprietor of Mulberry Cafe and Ge...

Santa Cruz y Jujuy firman acuerdo para fortalecer la integración y el ...
2018.06.08 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador cruceño, Rubén Costas, y su homólogo de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, se reunieron en la cap...

Shale country dangles 100 percent pay raises as labor market runs dry
2018.06.09 - Source :90% - News
As the proprietor of Mulberry Cafe and Gerardo's Casita, Morales is working hard to retain cooks. As...

El gobernador Morales recorrió dependencias relocalizadas de Educación
2018.06.11 - Source :80% - News
Morales recorrió las instalaciones y dialogó con los empleados, acompañado por la ministra Isolda Ca...

Rienda suelta al punitivismo
2018.06.12 - Source :85% - News
En las mesas de trabajo de ayer hubo funcionarios nacionales, bonaerense y de Mendoza, además de 14...

El gobernador Morales recibió a estudiantes jujeños becados en Francia
2018.06.12 - Source :95% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador de la Provincia, Gerardo Morales, recibió en el Salón Fascio de Casa d...

Urtubey ratificó con Evo Morales convenio de Salud
2018.06.11 - Source :90% - News
La reunión se da tras el despegue de Urtubey de las declaraciones de otro Morales: Gerardo, el radic...

Shale country dangles 100 percent pay raises as labor market runs dry
2018.06.12 - Source :90% - News
Jerry Morales, the mayor of Midland and a local restaurateur, is being whipsawed by the latest Permi...

Gerardo Morales adelantó aumento para docentes y estatales
2018.06.13 - Source :75% - News
#economía. Gerardo Morales adelantó aumento para docentes y estatales. 13/06 07:44. El gobernador ju...

Gerardo Morales inaugura el ajuste del FMI y el salario estatal pierde por goleada
2018.06.13 - Source :85% - News
Con la decisión de fijar unilateralmente un segundo aumento del 5% en los salarios de docentes y est...

Morales reivindicó los principios de la reforma universitaria
2018.06.16 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador Gerardo Morales encabezó el acto de conmemoración por el Centenario de...

Jujuy: el gobierno alienta el desarrollo emprendedor en la Puna ...
2018.06.16 - Source :95% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador, Gerardo Morales y la vicepresidente de la Nación, Gabriela Michetti,...

Inicio trepidante en torneo de boliche
2018.06.17 - Source :95% - News
Peces BC, es el equipo que cierra la mitad de la tabla de esta competencia ya que se ubica en el sép...

Mundial Rusia 2018: Jujuy alentó a la selección
2018.06.17 - Source :90% - News
El Gobernador, Gerardo Morales se mezcló entre la gente para presenciar el partido, y estuvo acompañ...

Conmemoraron el centenario de la Reforma Universitaria
2018.06.18 - Source :80% - News
El Gobernador Gerardo Morales encabezó el acto de conmemoración por el Centenario de la Reforma Univ...

Reclamo de la Ctera
2018.06.18 - Source :85% - News
La Ctera rechazó cualquier intento de cierre de los institutos de formación docente de Jujuy. La min...

Los técnicos perdieron ante la política y Mauricio Macri debió cambiar
2018.06.18 - Source :75% - News
No sólo a Ernesto Sanz, miembro de la mesa política o al jefe del partido, el gobernador de Mendoza...

Albany Options School graduates 61
2018.06.20 - Source :85% - News
Class of 2018 graduates (not pictured in order): Mary Elizabeth Bursey, Kesha Raelynn Collett, Gerar...

Napoleon Municipal Court
2018.06.21 - Source :90% - News
Sentenced: Craig Wagenhauser Jr., 29, Deshler, domestic violence, $250 fine, one year probation, cre...

Morales: “vamos a tener que modificar los criterios que teníamos toda vez que la inflación es mayor”
2018.06.20 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – En diálogo con los medios, el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, se refirió al di...

Todos miden mal en Capital
2018.06.21 - Source :95% - News
En cuanto a la imagen personal de los gobernantes, Gerardo Morales es el mejor valorado por los encu...

El gobernador Morales inauguró la ruta 18 entre Huacalera y Alonso
2018.06.21 - Source :95% - News
Jujuy al día® – El gobernador Gerardo Morales encabezó la ceremonia inaugural de la primera etapa de...

Una afrenta al radicalismo
2018.06.22 - Source :80% - News
Gerardo Morales y Mario Negri han tirado a la basura la tradición latinoamericanista de Yrigoyen, Il...

Siguen los ataques de Gerardo Morales: vaciaron la sede de la ...
2018.06.22 - Source :75% - News
Se trata de un nuevo amedrentamiento contra la organización social y política liderada por la presa...

Argentine Province Of Jujuy's Waste Management Plan Set To Create New Job Opportunities For Female Waste ...
2018.06.22 - Source :80% - News
... concrete steps towards a province dedicated to promoting environmental preservation, sustainable...

Gobernadores radicales, a la mesa chica de la Casa Rosada
2018.06.22 - Source :85% - News
De esta manera, el mendocino Alfredo Cornejo, el correntino Gustavo Valdés y el jujeño Gerardo Moral...

El Gobierno explora medidas para tratar de seducir a la clase media
2018.06.22 - Source :75% - News
En cambio, junto al ministro del Interior Rogelio Frigerio y el titular de la Cámara de Diputados Em...

Boom poses challenges for restaurants
2018.06.24 - Source :80% - News
Jerry Morales of Gerardo's Casita and Mulberry Cafe said long-time staff stay because of flexible sc...

Los ajustes de Mauricio Macri, las tensiones internas y la analogía con la Selección
2018.06.24 - Source :95% - News
El Presidente venía de festejar los goles de Nigeria y a eso se refería cuando pasó a saludar y se e...

El recorte de giros de la Nación impactará fuerte en diez provincias
2018.06.25 - Source :80% - News
En la lista hay aliados de Cambiemos, como Gerardo Morales , y gobernadores con buen vínculo, como J...

El recorte de giros de Nación impactará en nueve provincias
2018.06.25 - Source :80% - News
En la lista hay aliados de Cambiemos, como Gerardo Morales , y gobernadores con buen vínculo, como J...

“El futuro se concreta con más y mejor política”, dijo el radical 'Cacho' Novillo
2018.06.26 - Source :75% - News
El dirigente radical Jorge 'Cacho' Novillo es optimista al respecto del rumbo económico que tomó el...

La Ciénaga cuenta con nuevo edificio escolar
2018.06.26 - Source :95% - News
El gobernador Gerardo Morales inauguró el moderno edificio de la recientemente creada Escuela Secund...

Corrupción en Jujuy: preguntas para Morales
2018.06.25 - Source :75% - News
Uno de los principales denunciantes de este supuesto mecanismo de corrupción fue el actual gobernado...

Pequeños productores recibieron fondos para mejoras productivas
2018.06.27 - Source :75% - News
Durante un acto realizado en la casa de Gobierno de Jujuy, el gobernador Gerardo Morales y el direct...

Anuncia MMM construcción de universidad pública
2018.06.27 - Source :80% - News
Fue acompañado en todo momento por el presidente municipal Artemio León Zárate y por el secretario d...

Allanan las instalaciones de la Federación Jujeña de Basquet
2018.06.27 - Source :85% - News
27 DE Junio 2018 - 11:43 La medida se realiza tras conocerse ayer el decreto de intervención firmado...

El gobernador Morales inauguró obras en San Pedro
2018.06.28 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador, Gerardo Morales dejó inaugurada la Red de Agua Potable en el barrio M...

Revalorizan patrimonio histórico y cultural alimenticio de Jujuy
2018.06.28 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador de la Provincia, Gerardo Morales, encabezó en el Salón Blanco de Casa...

Convenios entre provincia y la UNJu para preservar patrimonio y gastronomía
2018.06.28 - Source :95% - News
El gobernador Gerardo Morales y el rector de la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Rodolfo Tecchi, firma...

Vence el plazo para que Gerardo Morales presente su declaración en la Megacausa
2018.06.28 - Source :95% - News
En el marco de la Megacausa, hoy se vence el plazo de presentación del cuestionario que fue enviado...

2018.06.29 - Source :75% - News
Los exasesores de la Universidad Autónoma Intercultural de Sinaloa Gerardo Morales Sandoval y José A...

Evalúan mejoras en los planes sociales por el deterioro de la situación
2018.06.29 - Source :85% - News
Pero también podría haber más cambios en asignaciones familiares. Este tipo de medidas es la que le...

¿Cuáles serán las provincias más perjudicadas por el ajuste fiscal anunciado por el Gobierno nacional?
2018.06.28 - Source :90% - News
El IARAF asegura en su estudio que La Rioja (gobernada por Sergio Casas, Partido Justicialista) y Ju...

Milagro Sala fue citada a declarar el próximo jueves
2018.06.29 - Source :75% - News
Por otra parte, nuestro diario supo que esta jornada el gobernador de la Provincia Gerardo Morales d...

El Gobierno intenta mostrar apoyo opositor al ajuste fiscal
2018.06.29 - Source :75% - News
“También se manifestó en esa línea el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, que se mostró confiado e...

Se inauguró la avenida Libertad en Palpalá
2018.06.30 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – Con la presencia del Gobernador Gerardo Morales acompañado del Intendente Pablo Palo...

La Rosada impulsa un preacuerdo con los gobernadores
2018.06.30 - Source :75% - News
En esta primera fase arrancaron los cinco mandatarios locales de Cambiemos. De esto hablaron el juev...

Morales presentó su declaración en la Megacausa
2018.06.29 - Source :90% - News
Los abogados del gobernador Gerardo Morales presentaron esta mañana la declaración del mandatario en...

La UCR suma tensión por la economía y teme que conspire para ...
2018.07.01 - Source :95% - News
Sus principales referentes apoyan los últimos cambios. Pero también les pasan "No hay recetas mágica...

La misteriosa campaña que tiene como símbolo a un bigote
2018.07.01 - Source :95% - News
... una fórmula que compartió con el periodista Jorge Asís. Con el 1,4% de los votos quedaron en el...

Gobernadores de la región con reparos ante un posible Acuerdo Nacional
2018.07.01 - Source :95% - News
Ya se habían pronunciado en el mismo sentido los gobernadores de Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey; el de C...

En Cambiemos ya discuten la conveniencia de unificar elecciones en 2019
2018.07.01 - Source :85% - News
En el Norte -una región esquiva para el Gobierno en 2015 y todavía hoy- Macri necesita los votos de...

Convencer a los gobernadores propios, el primer escollo para negociar el Presupuesto
2018.07.02 - Source :75% - News
Los cinco mandatarios con el sello de Cambiemos -Gerardo Morales de Jujuy; María Eugenia Vidal por B...

Levantar el estadio El Tribuno
2018.07.03 - Source :80% - News
Lamentó las condiciones en que se encuentra un edificio histórico de la provincia y anunció que será...

“Ella representa un trofeo político para Macri”
2018.07.03 - Source :90% - News
Tras una semana en el país, constataron el incumplimiento de los fallos de la Corte Interamericana d...

Buscan acordar esta semana con Vidal y Larreta los subsidios al transporte
2018.07.03 - Source :85% - News
Una vez resuelta la discusión con los dos referentes del PRO, la Casa Rosada avanzarán con los gober...

El lamentable fallido de Gerardo Morales en una conferencia de prensa
2018.07.03 - Source :75% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy Gerardo Morales cometió un lamentable fallido en medio de un rueda de prensa...

El gobernador Morales habló sobre la denuncia contra Abud Robles
2018.07.04 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – En diálogo con nuestro medio, el gobernador de la provincia, Gerardo Morales, se ref...

Inauguraron la Casa Primero Jujuy y se conformó el partido
2018.07.04 - Source :80% - News
La apertura contó con la presencia del gobernador Gerardo Morales, intendentes y referentes político...

Entregaron elementos deportivos a los clubes
2018.07.03 - Source :75% - News
3 DE Julio 2018 - 20:09 A los equipos que juegan la Copa Jujuy con la presencia del Gobernador Gerar...

Campo Santo, en llamas contra Gerardo Morales
2018.07.05 - Source :80% - News
La desacertada expresión que el gobernador de la provincia de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, realizó en una...

El PJ local cuestionó las gestiones de Morales y Macri
2018.07.05 - Source :80% - News
... al ahogo financiero, evidenciando su único objetivo de reendeudar al País con la comunidad inter...

El vicegobernador Carlos Haquim firmó la primera ficha de afiliación del partido Primero Jujuy
2018.07.05 - Source :95% - News
Con gran convocatoria de la militancia, Carlos Haquim, acompañado por el gobernador Gerardo Morales,...

Financiamiento para el turismo y municipios
2018.07.06 - Source :95% - News
El gobernador Gerardo Morales y el presidente del Banco Nación, Javier Antonio González Fraga, mantu...

Siguen las críticas a Elisa Carrió: Gerardo Morales le respondió
2018.07.07 - Source :90% - News
La semana pasada, Elisa Carrió declaró que a los radicales ella "los maneja desde afuera" y que ese...

Gerardo Morales cruzó a Carrió y se agranda la grieta en Cambiemos
2018.07.07 - Source :80% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, cruzó esta noche en duros términos a la líder de la Coalici...

Gerardo Morales salió al cruce por los dichos de Elisa Carrió
2018.07.07 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – A través de las redes sociales, el gobernador de la provincia, Gerardo Morales, sali...

Two arrested in Wiregrass set for deportation
2018.07.06 - Source :75% - News
Jimenes-Morales was arrested June 1 in Geneva County for driving under the influence and leaving the...

Fuerte réplica de Gerardo Morales a Elisa Carrió
2018.07.07 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador de Mendoza no contestó, pero sí lo hizo un colega suyo, el mandatario de Jujuy Gerardo...

Ingenio San Isidro: Bibi criticó a Morales por sus “desafortunadas” palabras El Intra
2018.07.07 - Source :90% - News
SALTA (Redacción) – el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, encendió la polémica, luego de hablar s...

Fuerte réplica de Gerardo Morales a Elisa Carrió
2018.07.08 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador de Mendoza no contestó, pero sí lo hizo un colega suyo, el mandatario de Jujuy Gerardo...

Valdés y gobernadores radicales inician ronda de diálogo por Presupuesto 2019
2018.07.09 - Source :85% - News
El encuentro se realizaría en el marco de negociaciones por el Presupuesto 2019 y sería con los gobe...

Morales: “La indemnización por YPF debería pagarla el kirchnerismo”
2018.07.11 - Source :95% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, hoy que la indemnización por YPF "debería pagarla el kirchn...

Gerardo Morales: "La situación económica no cubre las expectativas que teníamos"
2018.07.12 - Source :90% - News
El desafío central del Gobierno y de los gobernadores es que se mantenga el nivel de la economía has...

Gerardo Morales: “La indemnización por YPF debería pagarla el kirchnerismo”
2018.07.11 - Source :85% - News
"Todo el proceso implementado por los K debilitó los intereses del Estado", sostuvo Morales y advirt...

El gobernador Morales firmó importantes convenios para la promoción del crecimiento jujeño
2018.07.11 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – En un acto desarrollado en Casa de Gobierno, el Gobernador Gerardo Morales, y el Sec...

Morales: "la situación económica es muy complicada"
2018.07.12 - Source :85% - News
Buenos Aires, 12 julio (NA) -- El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, advirtió hoy que la situació...

Para Gerardo Morales, "Sturzenegger se debería haber ido mucho antes"
2018.07.12 - Source :80% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, advirtió hoy que la situación económica "es muy complicada...

Instalan a un Gerardo Morales “crítico” con el Gobierno
2018.07.12 - Source :75% - News
Infobae, Perfil, Página/12, Clarín y TN se agrupan para editar sobre un reportaje radial concedido p...

Delicado equilibrio: Gerardo Morales, Cambiemos y el viento de frente del FMI
2018.07.14 - Source :80% - News
Las palabras del gobernador Gerardo Morales podrían sonar un tanto inesperadas, viniendo de un solda...

Aborto: Fiad se diferenció de Morales
2018.07.13 - Source :85% - News
El senador nacional del radicalismo ratificó su posición en contra del proyecto que busca legalizar...

Comienza la ronda de reuniones con gobernadores
2018.07.16 - Source :95% - News
... números finos de la negociación, que ya comenzó días atrás, primero con los gobernadores macrist...

Morales: "Mientras dure la crisis habría que parar la baja de retenciones"
2018.07.16 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador jujeño, Gerardo Morales, consideró hoy que "mientras dure la crisis habría que parar l...

Ante el desafío del recorte y el Presupuesto, Macri convoca a los gobernadores
2018.07.17 - Source :75% - News
... invitados de peso a los gobernadores de Cambiemos de cinco distritos: Horacio Rodríguez Larreta...

Desde Confederaciones Rurales cruzaron a Gerardo Morales por las retenciones: “Está cuidando sus intereses”
2018.07.18 - Source :75% - News
Desde la Confederaciiones Rurales salieron a contestarle al gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, qu...

Argentina cabinet chief confirms no suspension on soybean duty
2018.07.19 - Source :90% - News
Earlier this week, Gerardo Morales, the governor of Argentina's Jujuy province, called for a suspens...

Morales lanzó un plan para "sostener la situación social" El ...
2018.07.21 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, lanzó un plan para asistir a los sectores más vulnerables y...

Gerardo Morales: "Hay que tener cuidado con que esta crisis la termine pagando sólo la gente de más abajo"
2018.07.22 - Source :95% - News
Una advertencia y al mismo tiempo la insistencia en una medida económica concreta. Así se plantó el...

Gerardo Morales: “Hay que tener cuidado con que esta crisis la termine pagando sólo la gente de más abajo”
2018.07.22 - Source :85% - News
Así se plantó el gobernador radical de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, al alertar que “hay que tener cuidado...

Gerardo Morales: "Que no sólo los de abajo paguen la crisis"
2018.07.22 - Source :90% - News
Por eso digo que también hay que tener cuidado con que esta crisis la termine pagando solo la gente...

Milagro Sala desafió al gobernador de Jujuy: “Que venga Morales a bajarme el martillo”
2018.07.24 - Source :90% - News
La dirigente apuntó al gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales en el juicio que comenzó hoy y donde hay...

Milagro Sala: "Gerardo Morales pagá a los comedores"
2018.07.25 - Source :90% - News
... personas imputadas en el marco de la causa conocida como Pibes Villeros ( y quien ayer mantuvo u...

Plan de Jujuy para paliar los efectos de la crisis cambiaria
2018.07.25 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy Gerardo Morales presentó el “Plan de Contingencia Jujuy Asiste y Reactiva”, y...

POLICE NEWS: Crash injures mo-ped driver
2018.07.26 - Source :90% - News
Gerardo Morales Martinez, Goshen, reported to Goshen police damage to the front door of his home at...

Hola Marcelo Hugo, soy Mauricio... 26/07/2018 Clarí
2018.07.27 - Source :85% - News
Llamada MundialMucho se habló en los últimos días de los coqueteos con la política de Marcelo Hugo T...

El gobernador Gerardo Morales se casaría el 15 de diciembre
2018.07.27 - Source :85% - News
27 DE Julio 2018 - 10:16 El Tribuno consultó hoy a voceros del Gobernador, quienes no confirmaron ni...

EL GOBERNADOR SE CASARA CON TULIA SNOPEK: Gerardo Morales dijo que la boda será el 15 de Diciembre
2018.07.29 - Source :90% - News
El Gobernador de la Provincia Gerardo Morales se casará con Tulia Snopek, el 15 de Diciembre, en una...

Two federal inmates walk away from La Tuna prison: law enforcement
2018.07.29 - Source :75% - News
Immanuel Anderson and Gerardo Morales were discovered missing from the minimum-security facility at...

Gerardo Morales anunció que Jujuy producirá cannabis para la ...
2018.07.31 - Source :85% - News
El Gobierno de Jujuy y el laboratorio chileno Knop firmaron un memorándum de entendimiento y coopera...

Milagro Sala, internada
2018.08.01 - Source :75% - News
“Nos preguntamos si (el gobernador Gerardo) Morales no está buscando la muerte de Milagro o de algún...

Frigerio inauguró obras en Jujuy por 180 millones de dólares
2018.08.01 - Source :75% - News
El ministro del Interior, Rogelio Frigerio, y el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, inauguraron o...

"Da la fuerza para trabajar por el bien de Jujuy"
2018.08.01 - Source :90% - News
Al concluir con el ritual, el gobernador Gerardo Morales expresó que "agosto es uno de los meses más...

Evo Morales expresó su "solidaridad" con Milagro Sala y Cristina ...
2018.08.02 - Source :75% - News
Luego de que el presidente boliviano Evo Morales afirmara que hay una "persecución judicial" contra...

Habitantes de Tepetiztla acusan a esposo de alcaldesa de usurpar ...
2018.08.03 - Source :75% - News
TEPETZINTLA, Ver.- Pobladores de este municipio acusan a Carlos Hernández de la Cruz, esposo de la a...

El ataque de Gerardo Morales a Evo Morales por defender a ...
2018.08.03 - Source :90% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy citó un emotivo mensaje de Evo Morales dedicado a Milagro Sala para atacarlo...

Avanzan el plan del Gobierno para conectar a Internet a más de 600 mil personas en el Norte
2018.08.03 - Source :90% - News
El Ministro de Modernización de la Nación, Andrés Ibarra, encabezó los avances de la ambiciosa obra...

Authorities: Two more inmates walk away from La Tuna
2018.08.05 - Source :75% - News
These are the fourth and fifth reported escapes in the past month at SPC La Tuna, a minimum-security...

Tras el cruce con Evo, Gerardo Morales participó de los festejos ...
2018.08.05 - Source :75% - News
Luego del ida y vuelta twittero entre el presidente de Bolivia y la respuesta del gobernador jujeño,...

US Marshals Office investigating La Tuna escapes KVIA
2018.08.06 - Source :85% - News
This weekend, the fourth and fifth escape from La Tuna Satellite Prison in New Mexico were reported....

Social Leader Milagro Sala Transferred to Federal Prison
2018.08.08 - Source :80% - News
"The governor (Gerardo) Morales and Judge Pullen Llermanos continue with their constant policy of ha...

El régimen de Gerardo Morales trasladó repentinamente a Milagro Sala a una prisión salteña
2018.08.08 - Source :85% - News
Desde el Tribunal Criminal donde se desarrolló la audiencia del juicio conocido como Pibes Villeros...

Gerardo Morales se refirió a la condena de Boudou
2018.08.08 - Source :95% - News
Jujuy al día® – A través de las redes sociales, el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, se refirió...

Soberbia y humo: la fórmula de Gerardo Morales que no alcanza a tapar el bosque
2018.08.08 - Source :85% - News
En cada campaña electoral desde que Gerardo Morales busco algún cargo electivo, recorría el Ingenio...

Indignante: Gerardo Morales ofrece 5% en negro a los estatales de Jujuy
2018.08.08 - Source :95% - News
En lo que va del año el gobierno de Gerardo Morales implementó arbitrariamente dos aumentos de 5% co...

"Morales no tuvo nada que ver: Marti Coll se la buscó"
2018.08.11 - Source :75% - News
Lejos de ser víctima del gobernador jujeño Gerardo Morales (UCR-Cambiemos), Carlos Marti Coll es víc...

Gerardo Morales quiere casarse pero, por ahora, no puede 12/08 ...
2018.08.12 - Source :95% - News
Un escándalo con ribetes casi novelescos recorre por estos días la actualidad política de Jujuy. El...

Two La Tuna inmates surrender, one remains missing
2018.08.14 - Source :75% - News
Gerardo Morales also surrendered at El Paso Police Headquarters on Saturday. Morales, 45, received a...

Mauricio Macri viaja a Jujuy para presentar el primer operativo de ...
2018.08.15 - Source :85% - News
Este viernes 17 es la fecha que eligió Mauricio Macri para encabezar el lanzamiento del primer opera...

Macri y Morales inauguran la injerencia de las FF. AA. en Jujuy
2018.08.16 - Source :95% - News
Mañana Mauricio Macri, Patricia Bullrich y el ministro de Defensa Oscar Aguad, junto a Gerardo Moral...

Macri en Jujuy: “estoy muy a favor de lo que está impulsando Gerardo Morales”
2018.08.18 - Source :90% - News
Jujuy al día® – En el marco de su nueva visita a Jujuy, el presidente Mauricio Macri, en conferencia...

Man gets 8 months in prison after being fugitive for 12 years over role in La Tuna escape
2018.08.17 - Source :75% - News
The final defendant in a group accused of helping a man escape from La Tuna Federal Correctional Ins...

Macri, desde Jujuy: "El dólar está más calmo las últimas semanas"
2018.08.17 - Source :95% - News
Mauricio Macri brindó este viernes una conferencia de prensa desde la localidad de Purmamarca en la...

Cañones antigranizo golpean a campesinos del sur de Jalisco
2018.08.21 - Source :80% - News
Gerardo Morales, explicó que “se está afectando en todo lo que es la parte Sur de Jalisco porque no...

Los aliados de Cambiemos pedirán corregir el plan económico y un ...
2018.08.22 - Source :75% - News
Macri recibirá mañana a los referentes de la UCR y de la Coalición Cívica Fuente: LA NACION - Crédit...

Evo Morales acusó a la Argentina de buscar "amedrentar" a Bolivia ...
2018.08.24 - Source :95% - News
En una inesperada reacción, Evo Morales expresó este jueves a la prensa de su país su malestar por l...

Respuesta a Evo Morales
2018.08.25 - Source :90% - News
El Gobierno rechazó ayer las críticas del presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, por el envío de milita...

Avanza la modernización en sistema de comunicaciones
2018.08.25 - Source :75% - News
Con ese objetivo, el gobernador Gerardo Morales; el CEO de Telecom, Carlos Moltini y el ministro de...

Middlesex Community College Dean's List
2018.08.26 - Source :80% - News
... Sonic Meas, Rachel Medina, Jucinei S. Mello, Kheang Meng, Sopheaktra Meng, Mavis A. Mensah, Betc...

Certifican a 37 servidores públicos en Monitoreo y Evaluación de Programas Sociales
2018.08.27 - Source :85% - News
El secretario de Desarrollo Social y Humano, José Gerardo Morales Moncada, afirmó que con este curso...

Reconoce Sedeshu que faltan acciones preventivas para prevención de drogas
2018.08.27 - Source :80% - News
El secretario de Desarrollo Social y Humano en el estado, José Gerardo Morales Moncada, aceptó que h...

Presentaron al templo a la pequeña Romina Geraldine Morales Alvarado
2018.08.28 - Source :95% - News
Llegó hasta el altar de la Catedral Basílica Menor la linda Romina Geraldine Morales Alvarado, acomp...

Otra vez internada
2018.08.29 - Source :75% - News
La dirigente social y diputada del Parlasur, que lleva 956 días en prisión preventiva por una catara...

Llegan los equipamientos para Cauchari
2018.08.29 - Source :85% - News
Asimismo, destacó que la decisión del gobernador Gerardo Morales de utilizar los puertos de Antofaga...

Morales pretende vender el Ingenio La Esperanza a como dé lugar
2018.08.29 - Source :80% - News
En conferencia de prensa Gerardo Morales, acompañado por el Ministro de Desarrollo y Producción Juan...

Cobertura en agua potable al 96.8% El Sol de Salamanca
2018.08.29 - Source :75% - News
GUANAJUATO, Gto; Durante el sexenio del gobernador Miguel Márquez que está por concluir, se invirtie...

Nueva base para la lucha contra incendios forestales
2018.08.30 - Source :85% - News
Con la presencia del gobernador Gerardo Morales, se inauguró la base de la Brigada de Incendios Fore...

La crisis interna también sube
2018.08.31 - Source :80% - News
La suba del dólar y la profundización de la crisis económica reavivaron las diferencias al interior...

En Jujuy 10.000 estudiantes y trabajadores rechazaron el ajuste de Macri-Morales
2018.08.31 - Source :80% - News
En una provincia que ha sido punta de lanza de las políticas represivas y policíacas de Cambiemos, c...

Comunidad indígena recibió el título de propiedad en Casira
2018.08.31 - Source :80% - News
La ceremonia contó con la participación del gobernador Gerardo Morales, el ministro de Cultura y Tur...

Sesiona en Jujuy el Consejo Federal del Trabajo
2018.08.31 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – l Gobernador de la Provincia, Gerardo Morales, encabezó junto al Ministro de Trabajo...

"Organizarse para defender el país"
2018.09.01 - Source :80% - News
Es que tanto Mauricio Macri como Gerardo Morales, dijo, “usan a la Justicia como mano derecha” para...

Cumple sus metas Desarrollo Social: Morales Moncada
2018.09.01 - Source :80% - News
El secretario de Desarrollo Social y Humano, José Gerardo Morales Moncada, afirmó que están pendient...

Milagro Sala pide unión de todos los sectores por una Argentina más justa
2018.09.02 - Source :90% - News
Sobre su situación, Sala fustigó nuevamente el accionar del juez Pullen Llermanos y culpó al goberna...

Mauricio Macri se reúne en Olivos con referentes del radicalismo
2018.09.02 - Source :95% - News
... Rogelio Frigerio y Emilio Monzó mantienen conversaciones con los radicales Mario Negri, los sena...

Charlas de quincho
2018.09.03 - Source :75% - News
Mucho más distendido, el gobernador de Jujuy, el combativo radical Gerardo Morales, se mostraba en l...

Los cambios de Macri vienen hablados
2018.09.03 - Source :75% - News
Después de un sábado intenso, con reuniones y conversaciones durante casi todo el día encabezadas po...

Gerardo Morales: “Las provincias estamos acompañando en semanas que van a ser cruciales”
2018.09.03 - Source :95% - News
Luego del discurso del presidente Macri y los anuncios del ministro Dujovne, el gobernador de Jujuy,...

Salieron de la pobreza 160 mil guanajuatenses: Sedeshu
2018.09.05 - Source :85% - News
Irapuato.- El secretario de Desarrollo Social y Humano, José Gerardo Morales Moncada dijo que la est...

Con cambio de gobiernos no habrá afectaciones a programas, dice Desarrollo Social
2018.09.05 - Source :95% - News
Con el cambio de gobierno federal y estatal no se prevén afectaciones a los programas de la Secretar...

Presentaron el operativo federal de Renatre
2018.09.06 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador Gerardo Morales recibió en Casa de Gobierno a las autoridades del Regi...

Diego Sinhue anuncia 6 miembros más de su gabinete
2018.09.06 - Source :80% - News
Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, Gobernador electo, presentó seis integrantes más de su gabinete. Yol...

Critican 'reciclaje' de funcionarios
2018.09.07 - Source :85% - News
El expriista y diputado federal de Morena, Miguel Ángel Chico Herrera, afirmó que la continuidad de...

Un atajo para dar el remedio
2018.09.07 - Source :90% - News
El Ministerio de Salud nacional, en cambio, sí autorizó el mes pasado al gobierno de Jujuy –del radi...

Optimista Paniagua con secretarios de Celaya
2018.09.08 - Source :90% - News
La alcaldesa electa del municipio afirmó sentirse confiada ante la decisión del gobernador electo an...

San Luis Potosí le dice adiós a las bolsas de plástico
2018.09.08 - Source :85% - News
Fueron ratificados en sus cargos José Gerardo Morales Moncada, como secretario de Desarrollo Social...

Aprueba Congreso potosino reestructuración de deuda estatal
2018.09.07 - Source :75% - News
Fueron ratificados en sus cargos José Gerardo Morales Moncada, como secretario de Desarrollo Social...

Objetan idoneidad de Eusebio para la SICES
2018.09.08 - Source :80% - News
En el marco de la presentación del Foro Pacificación a desarrollarse próximamente en León, el dirige...

Jujuy: docentes y la izquierda lanzan campaña ante la crisis de infraestructura
2018.09.07 - Source :90% - News
... la comunidad educativa, donde alumnos, docentes y padres deben hacer malabares para que no haya...

La explosiva mesa de Mirtha legrand que garantiza polémica
2018.09.08 - Source :90% - News
... ser muy polémica. La diva tendrá una variopinta paleta de invitados que podrían generar fuertes...

1.000 días de Gobierno: qué pasa por la cabeza de Mauricio Macri en plena crisis
2018.09.09 - Source :95% - News
En ese grupo están Alfredo Cornejo, Sanz, Mario Negri, Gerardo Morales y Luis Naidenoff, entre otros...

Promoción de la actividad económica
2018.09.09 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – El gobernador Gerardo Morales se entrevistó con el ministro de Producción y Trabajo...

Gerardo Morales: “es necesario repensar el pacto fiscal”
2018.09.10 - Source :95% - News
Jujuy al día® – El gobernador de la provincia de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, en la noche del sábado, dur...

Morales visitó a Mirtha Legrand y habló del país, la provincia y hasta de su casamiento
2018.09.10 - Source :80% - News
El gobernador de la provincia, Gerardo Morales participó de “La Noche de Mirtha” que conduce Mirtha...

“Por seguirlo a Macri, el gobernador Morales está perdiendo prestigio”
2018.09.10 - Source :75% - News
También aseveró que “por seguir a Macri y convalidar todo lo que está haciendo, el gobernador Gerard...

Comercio informal continúa en las calles de Salina Cruz
2018.09.10 - Source :85% - News
Para el empresario Gerardo Morales, reconoció que después del terremoto que se registró el año pasad...

Obstáculos para la ayuda
2018.09.11 - Source :95% - News
La organización social Corriente Pueblo Unido denunció que en la provincia de Jujuy el gobernador Ge...

Gerardo Morales participó de la reunión de gobernadores con el Presidente Macri
2018.09.11 - Source :95% - News
Del encuentro participó el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, como los demás gobernadores entre e...

Morales ponderó el acuerdo del Presupuesto 2019 en la Nación
2018.09.12 - Source :95% - News
Gerardo Morales destacó el apoyo explicitado por mandatarios provinciales a favor de un presupuesto...

US Blockade Against Cuba is 'Unjust': World Health Organization
2018.09.11 - Source :80% - News
Over the last year, Cuba has suffered a loss of US$4 billion due to the blockade, the nation's ambas...

Gerardo Morales: “No sé si sale como lo manda el Gobierno, pero va a haber presupuesto y será equilibrado”
2018.09.12 - Source :85% - News
El día después de la reunión que el presidente Mauricio Macri mantuvo con los gobernadores provincia...

Piden informe por los reemplazantes de los hospitales que no cobran hace meses
2018.09.13 - Source :90% - News
“No olvidemos que Gerardo Morales, sus diputados y diputados opositores del PJ, son quienes votarán...

Estado busca a quien tiró desechos médicos
2018.09.13 - Source :90% - News
¨Sabemos que la ciudad colabora en uno de los casos de manera muy intensa para dar con el responsabl...

Jujuy: la empresa responsable de la muerte de los obreros del acueducto y la continuidad del negocio con la obra ...
2018.09.13 - Source :95% - News
Rovella Carranza está sospechada en los cuadernos de las coimas y fue vinculada a José López en su m...

Miembros de pueblos indígenas se capacitaron en oficios
2018.09.15 - Source :80% - News
“Hay alumnos, que no estuvieron presentes hoy porque ya están trabajando en los proyectos de Cauchar...

Gobierno eliminará cerca de 100 cargos de funcionarios
2018.09.15 - Source :80% - News
15 DE Septiembre 2018 - 19:33 La medida fue adoptada mediante un decreto que el gobernador Gerardo M...

Mestre es uno de los apuntados por 'Coti' Nosiglia para refundar la UCR
2018.09.16 - Source :95% - News
Sin embargo, el histórico operador del partido estaba ahí, en un acto que tuvo poca presencia de ref...

El Intendente Raúl “Chuli” Jorge habilitó la primera etapa del Centro de Monitoreo
2018.09.16 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – Con el corte de cinta tradicional, el intendente Municipal, Raúl “Chuli” Jorge, junt...

Kapanga puso la fiesta en una jornada inicial “pesada” del Taragüí Rock 2018
2018.09.17 - Source :80% - News
La banda del “Mono” Fabio dio cátedra de ska con su carisma sobre el escenario, su habitual versatil...

Se ponen candentes los juegos de play Offs de la Liga Beto Ávila
2018.09.16 - Source :80% - News
... (5-2); y por el equipo visitante Ricardo “El Chivo” Hernandez (5-2), Alfredo Martínez (3-2) y Ar...

Milagro Sala quiere ser gobernadora y enfrentar a Gerardo Morales ...
2018.09.17 - Source :85% - News
Además, se emparentó con la ex Presidenta: "Como dijo Cristina, no me arrepiento de nada", agregó la...

El gobierno busca sumar apoyo político al Presupuesto
2018.09.18 - Source :90% - News
El viernes pasado el salteño Juan Manuel Urtubey fue el primero en formalizar el apoyo y luego fue e...

Desmenuzando al gabinete
2018.09.18 - Source :80% - News
... decir que se haya tenido que echar mano obligadamente de quienes están en funciones actualmente...

Jujuy Asiste y Reactiva: visita a obras realizadas por cooperativas
2018.09.18 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – En el marco del Plan provincial de contingencia “Jujuy, Asiste y Reactiva”, el Gober...

AccuWeather awards Environmental Journalism Scholarship for students of Puerto Rico
2018.09.17 - Source :80% - News
"This scholarship offered by AccuWeather is an ideal platform for journalism students to insert in t...

No es joda: Gerardo Morales tuvo que despedir a su “Coordinador de las Cosas por su Nombre”
2018.09.18 - Source :75% - News
En el afán de continuar con la línea estipulada por Nicolás Dujovne, hace tan solo unas horas el gob...

Piden prohibición de cañones antigranizo
2018.09.19 - Source :75% - News
Al participar en una protesta realizada al mediodía de ayer a las afueras de palacio de gobierno, el...

Peña y Frigerio dieron explicaciones al bloque de la UCR por el presupuesto
2018.09.19 - Source :75% - News
Jorge y Garro esperan que los gobernadores María Eugenia Vidal (Buenos Aires) y Gerardo Morales (Juj...

Morales usa una teoría conspirativa para tapar la realidad
2018.09.18 - Source :90% - News
Fue el propio Gerardo Morales el que habló de 224 millones y que insinuó la palabra “extorsión”. La...

Guillermo Moreno a juicio oral por manipulación de datos en el INDEC
2018.09.20 - Source :85% - News
El expediente comenzó a partir de la denuncia de una ONG que precedió a otra de los referentes radic...

El parque solar más alto del mundo estará en Jujuy a 4.200 m sn m
2018.09.20 - Source :75% - News
El ministro del gobernador Gerardo Morales explicó que su provincia "tiene la perspectiva de continu...

Córdoba, San Juan y Río Negro firmaron el consenso fiscal 2018
2018.09.20 - Source :85% - News
El acuerdo había sido rubricado en los últimos días por los gobernadores de Salta, Juan Manuel Urtub...

Alcalde de Acámbaro rinde informe; se ausentan tres regidores
2018.09.20 - Source :80% - News
Cabe mencionar que también se notó la ausencia del diputado local plurinominal Gerardo Silva Campos...

Macri, Vidal y Larreta, en una imagen para mostrar que no hay peleas internas
2018.09.21 - Source :75% - News
... y que se reúne los lunes al mediodía: Macri, Peña, Vidal, Larreta, Frigerio, el presidente de la...

Bernis: "Camusso busca en intendentes de la oposición ...
2018.09.21 - Source :85% - News
El diputado se manifestó en contra de la deuda de más de 220 millones de pesos que pretende cobrar e...

Médicos y enfermeros jujeños ampliarán conocimientos en Francia
2018.09.23 - Source :75% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador, Gerardo Morales visitó el Hospital Central de Poitiers, en Francia, d...

Según Frigerio, hay recursos para todas las obras en marcha
2018.09.22 - Source :80% - News
También por el rionegrino Alberto Weretilneck; el correntino Gustavo Valdés; el porteño Horacio Rodr...

El gobernador Morales visita Francia con acuerdos para la provincia
2018.09.24 - Source :95% - News
Gerardo Morales y su par de la Vienne, Bruno Belin mantuvieron un encuentro en el que abordaron proy...

Valdés, un posible orador en la cumbre nacional de Cambiemos
2018.09.25 - Source :75% - News
Los cinco gobernadores de Cambiemos, el correntino Valdés, el mendocino Alfredo Cornejo, el jujeño G...

Jujuy presentó vinos de altura y gastronomía regional en París
2018.09.25 - Source :85% - News
El Gobernador Gerardo Morales, junto al Secretario de Turismo de la Nación, Gustavo Santos, y el tit...

Concejal advierte que el boleto podría llegar a $30 si se eliminan los subsidios
2018.09.25 - Source :90% - News
“Todavía no lo escuché al intendente Raúl “Chuli” Jorge explicarles a los vecinos de San Salvador de...

to-the-point: French agency to finance 85-MW PV project in Argentina
2018.09.25 - Source :90% - News
September 25 (Renewables Now) - The French Development Agency (AFD) has signed an agreement with the...

Jujuy se muestra en París
2018.09.26 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador Gerardo Morales, estuvo presente en la apertura del stand de Argentina donde la provin...

“Las políticas de ajuste de Macri se replican en Jujuy"
2018.09.26 - Source :95% - News
En declaraciones a un medio local se mostró crítico con las decisiones políticas adoptadas por el Go...

Ratifican a Álvar y Carlos Zamarripa
2018.09.25 - Source :90% - News
También en el gabinete están estatal están Gerardo Morales Moncada en la Secretaría de Desarrollo So...

Jujuy presentó su gastronomía y vinos de altura en París
2018.09.27 - Source :75% - News
Mientras que el mandatario provincial, Gerardo Morales, destacó la potencialidad de la provincia. “J...

Saldana, Jose Ramon
2018.09.27 - Source :80% - News
He was preceded in death by his mother, Juana Castro Acosta; and son, Luz Gerardo.He is survived by...

El Raid Trofeo de las Rosas será en Salta y Jujuy
2018.09.27 - Source :75% - News
De la reunión también participaron el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales; el embajador de argentin...

Capacitarán a médicos jujeños en Francia
2018.09.28 - Source :85% - News
Tras la visita del gobernador Gerardo Morales a Francia, se materializa la vocación de cooperación m...

Importantes anuncios de Argentina en el marco de la feria Top Resa
2018.09.28 - Source :95% - News
De la firma del acuerdo participaron el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales; el embajador argentino...

Gobierno de Jujuy: Unión, paz… y panfletos
2018.09.28 - Source :90% - News
Fuentes seguras confiaron a Jujuy al Momento que las encuestas están marcando una nada despreciable...

Para Milagro Sala, el gobierno jujeño la quiere quebrar ... El Destape
2018.09.28 - Source :90% - News
La referente social contó que vive situaciones de violencia médica. Además, aseguró que competirá co...

#EncuentroNacional: en medio de la crisis, Cambiemos quiere mostrar unidad
2018.09.29 - Source :80% - News
También se ausentaron la diputada Elisa Carrió, el radical Ernesto Sanz, el asesor Jaime Durán Barba...

Ya se prepara el rally "Rosas de los Andes" para el 2019
2018.09.29 - Source :85% - News
En su reciente visita a Francia, el gobernador Gerardo Morales se reunió con el Secretario de Gobier...

La guerra de los 100 años: una historia del movimiento estudiantil en Argentina
2018.09.28 - Source :85% - News
Más de 800 páginas, distribuidas en 15 capítulos, con entrevistas inéditas a Julio Bárbaro, Domingo...

Un ensayo de luna de miel en Francia
2018.09.30 - Source :95% - News
Sin embargo el convenio existe desde 2014 y el año pasado se renovó por cinco años. Morales, que hac...

En plena crisis financiera, Morales fue a la feria de turismo de París
2018.09.29 - Source :80% - News
En medio de una devaluación brutal, Gerardo Morales no tuvo problemas para pasar la semana en París...

Este lunes habrá asueto escolar mañana y tarde
2018.09.30 - Source :95% - News
El gobernador Gerardo Morales acaba de anunciar Asueto Escolar para este lunes, tanto para estudiant...

Suspensión de actividades: lunes sin clases en Jujuy
2018.10.01 - Source :75% - News
Jujuy al día® – El gobernador, Gerardo Morales decretó la “Suspensión de actividades” escolares para...

Macri resalta rol del turismo como generador de empleo para Argentina
2018.10.02 - Source :95% - News
... (FIT), que se desarrolla en el predio de La Rural, en el barrio de Palermo, zona norte de Buenos...

Milagro Sala: "Me gustaría ser gobernadora de Jujuy"
2018.10.01 - Source :80% - News
Durante una entrevista realizada por Carlos Barragán, en el programa "Hola Buenos días que va de Lun...

Panchos Camotes logró hazaña al ganar al Deportivo Perú
2018.10.02 - Source :95% - News
Con marcador de 4 goles a cero, el equipo del Deportivo Serviaire le ganó al Club Cuervo Tradicional...

Gerardo Morales: "Macri no es una persona de tener miedo, no es ...
2018.10.02 - Source :80% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy habló de la relación de confianza que mantiene con el Presidente: pidió cuida...

Gerardo Morales habló sobre los cambios en el Gabinete y confesó: "Hubo un plan que fracasó"
2018.10.02 - Source :80% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, se sinceró y aseguró que "fracasó" el plan del Gobierno par...

Gerardo Morales: "Ojo, Macri no es una persona de tener miedo, no es De la Rúa, eh"
2018.10.02 - Source :95% - News
gobernador Gerardo Morales aterrizó y se fue con la confirmación de que el Banco Europeo de Inversio...

Entre vetos y panfletazos, ¿Llega a su fin la luna de miel de Gerardo Morales?
2018.10.03 - Source :95% - News
En los últimos quince días, y en medio de un salto en la crisis económica, el gobernador Gerardo Mor...

Entre vetos y planfletazos, ¿Llega a su fin la luna de miel de Gerardo Morales?
2018.10.03 - Source :95% - News
En los últimos quince días, y en medio de un salto en la crisis económica, el gobernador Gerardo Mor...

Morales: “Cauchari es la llave que nos va a abrir muchas puertas”
2018.10.03 - Source :95% - News
Jujuy al día® – En conferencia de prensa, el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales informó sobre los...

El radical Morales le pidió al Gobierno que duplique las retenciones
2018.10.03 - Source :75% - News
El gobernador de la provincia de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, volvió a generar polémica al referirse a la...

Retenciones y el recuerdo de "la 125": Morales busca otro final de película (para Macri)
2018.10.04 - Source :90% - News
No es la primera vez que Gerardo Morales, parte del radicalismo de Cambiemos, ve que las retenciones...

Debate en Cambiemos: Gerardo Morales quiere duplicar las retenciones
2018.10.05 - Source :90% - News
Morales se transformó en el primer mandatario en poner objeciones al alcance del plan económico. Seg...

"Hay que resolver el tema de la pobreza por ingreso" El Tribuno
2018.10.05 - Source :80% - News
Dijo el gobernador Gerardo Morales al hacer referencia a las decisiones políticas que se toman para...

Energías renovables en Jujuy: el gobernador Morales recorrió las obras de Cauchari
2018.10.07 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – El Gobernador, Gerardo Morales encabezó el recorrido por el parque fotovoltaico de C...

Morales apuntala su reelección con energía renovable, litio y turismo
2018.10.08 - Source :95% - News
Así, Morales justificó su reciente viaje a París, donde consiguió tasas de financiamiento de 3% con...

Gerardo Morales criticó la suba del gas: “No comparto este aumento, las boletas ya vienen muy elevadas”
2018.10.08 - Source :85% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, cuestionó la suba del gas que dispuso el Gobierno nacional...

Interna en Cambiemos: Gerardo Morales cruzó a Carrió y le pidió no "debilitarlos"
2018.10.08 - Source :95% - News
El gobernador jujeño, Gerardo Morales, le reclamó esta mañana a la líder de la Coalición Cívica, Eli...

También la cuestionaron desde la UCR
2018.10.09 - Source :85% - News
Luego de que la aliada cívica Elisa Carrió iniciara una negociación con sus interlocutores en la Ros...

Gerardo Morales defendió su idea de aumentar las retenciones y ...
2018.10.09 - Source :95% - News
Gerardo Morales defendió su idea de aumentar las retenciones y criticó a la Rural - Campo, Comunidad...

Continúa la polémica por el pedido de Gerardo Morales de aumentar las retenciones
2018.10.10 - Source :75% - News
Los representantes de las cadenas de valor advirtieron que expresiones de algunos gobernadores (como...

Gerardo Morales: "La gente no da más" | Crónica | Firme junto al ...
2018.10.11 - Source :80% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy pidió públicamente que se deje sin efecto la decisión de subir la tarifa de g...

Sostienen que hay decisión de trabajar en un plan federal de exportaciones
2018.10.10 - Source :90% - News
... de las provincias para trabajar en un plan federal de exportaciones para el que hay una decisión...

Tremendo cruce entre Espert y Gerardo Morales
2018.10.12 - Source :80% - News
Twitter fue el escenario elegido por Gerardo Morales y José Luis Espert para un cruce que dio que ha...

For the Thousand Days of Milagro Sala in prison an international campaign
2018.10.12 - Source :75% - News After the oper...

“Me han encerrado en carne y hueso, pero no encarcelaron mis ideas”
2018.10.12 - Source :85% - News
Tanto al gobierno de (Mauricio) Macri como al de Gerardo Morales, les sirvió lo que hicieron conmigo...

"Gerardo Morales no es Robin Hood"
2018.10.11 - Source :90% - News
"Gerardo Morales no es Robin Hood". Apuntes de la Mañana, el análisis de Alejandro Cuellar por Radio...

Argentines March to Demand Social Leader Milagro Sala's Freedom
2018.10.12 - Source :80% - News
Sala is being investigated for alleged illicit association, fraud, and extortion, crimes she was cha...

EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Indigenous Social Leader Milagro Sala
2018.10.13 - Source :90% - News
Sala was detained in early 2016 for allegedly instigating violence during a protest against Jujuy Go...

Milagro Sala cumplió mil días de prisión y disparó contra Mauricio Macri y Gerardo Morales
2018.10.12 - Source :85% - News
“Avasallada por la Justicia que ya no es independiente, sino que acá depende del Ejecutivo de Gerard...

Gerardo Morales: "Falló el sistema de decisiones; ¡hemos creado tantas mesas que no sirvieron!"
2018.10.21 - Source :80% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales , explicó que "está fallando el sistema de toma de decisione...

Gerardo Morales: “Falló el sistema de decisiones; ¡hemos creado tantas mesas que no sirvieron!”
2018.10.21 - Source :85% - News
La ebullición continúa en el radicalismo, como coletazo de los errores políticos del gobierno de Mau...

Gerardo Morales y la UCR le mete presión a Macri: “El Gobierno no es infalible”
2018.10.21 - Source :90% - News
Gerardo Morales: el Gobierno “no es infalible”, la UCR “puede aportar mu”El Gobierno hizo muchas cos...

Jujuy: veinticinco familiares de Gerardo Morales son funcionarios en el Estado
2018.10.23 - Source :85% - News
Seguramente el gobernador Gerardo Morales lo escuchó tempranamente en su carrera política y se aprop...

Experts Provide Guidance on Data Interoperability for SDGs
2018.10.25 - Source :75% - News
Authored by Luis Gerardo González Morales, UN Statistics Division (UNSD), and Tom Orrell, Founder, D...

Categórico apoyo partidario a la gestión del gobernador Morales
2018.10.26 - Source :90% - News
Jujuy al día® – Los Comité Provincia y Comité Capital expresaron un fuerte respaldo a la gestión del...

2018.10.26 - Source :85% - News
Visitation will be held on Sunday, October 28, 2018 at Joe Jackson North Funeral Chapels & Cremation...

Gerardo Morales: "En el segundo trimestre vamos a retomar la senda del crecimiento"
2018.10.28 - Source :75% - News
GERARDO MORALES es uno de los gobernadores más cercanos al presidente MAURICIO MACRI, tanto es así q...

Gerardo Morales: "Hoy el candidato es Mauricio Macri" LA NACION
2018.10.28 - Source :75% - News
Gerardo Morales: "Hoy el candidato es Mauricio Macri " - Mauricio Macri, Cristina Kirchner, Gerardo...

Gerardo Morales: "La devaluación da cuenta de que no se han ...
2018.10.31 - Source :75% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, afirmó este martes que "la devaluación" del peso en este añ...

Gerardo Morales: "El Papa Francisco se mete mucho en la política local"
2018.10.31 - Source :95% - News
"Vamos a tener que hacer esfuerzos. Hay provincias que tenemos muchas complicaciones, como la de Bue...

Dura acusación a Morales en Jujuy por girar cheques sin fondos a comedores
2018.11.01 - Source :85% - News
El reclamo por la situación de Milagro Sala por parte de organismos nacionales e internacionales de...

Para Gerardo Morales hay que dejar de hablar de "la herencia" porque "el gobierno ya tiene responsabilidad"
2018.11.02 - Source :75% - News
El gobernador de Jujuy Gerardo Morales profundizó sus críticas contra el gobierno nacional, admitió...

Denuncian a Gerardo Morales por girar cheques sin fondos para los ...
2018.11.01 - Source :95% - News
Los responsables de comedores comunitarios de Jujuy mostraron su preocupación por el creciente númer...

El feudo de Gerardo Morales habilitó el trabajo infantil y adolescente
2018.11.09 - Source :95% - News
Solo en lo que va de 2018 el gobierno de Gerardo Morales autorizó que 45 niños y adolescentes de ent...

Gerardo Morales y el trabajo infantil
2018.11.10 - Source :95% - News
En lo que va del 2018, el gobernador de Jujuy Gerardo Morales autorizó el trabajo de decenas de niño...

Morales analiza desdoblar, preocupado por la caída de imagen de Macri
2018.11.10 - Source :85% - News
De confirmarse la versión, Morales se sumaría a un conglomerado de 13 provincias que deciden adelant...

Construction trades training moves workers into jobs
2018.11.12 - Source :75% - News
We've been very impressed with his professionalism and drive,” the company said in a statement. “Mr....

Morales preocupado por la caída de imagen de Macri
2018.11.11 - Source :80% - News
Preocupado por la caída de imagen de Mauricio Macri y por sus propias mediciones en los sondeos, el...

El gobernador Morales entregó viviendas en Volcán
2018.11.12 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – Con la presencia del Gobernador Gerardo Morales, seis familias y los dueños de una c...

La boda del gobernador Gerardo Morales: tapas de revistas y una guerra judicial
2018.11.13 - Source :90% - News
La actualidad política de Jujuy sigue convulsionada por "la novela" sobre la pareja y el inminente c...

“Es una falacia que el gobierno de Gerardo Morales promueva el trabajo infantil”
2018.11.14 - Source :75% - News
“Para lo jujeños no quedan dudas que el gobierno que encabeza Gerardo Morales tiene como prioridad l...

Con una empresa de EE.UU. como socia, Jujuy promete crear el cultivo de cannabis "más grande del mundo"
2018.11.14 - Source :85% - News
... cannabis medicinal, sino también la posibilidad de cambiar la matriz productiva de la provincia...

Por qué la boda de Gerardo Morales viene con polémica | Perfil
2018.11.14 - Source :80% - News
El próximo 15 de diciembre el Gobernador de Jujuy Gerardo Morales tiene previsto casarse con su novi...

Jujuy, tierra del trabajo infantil
2018.11.15 - Source :80% - News
Luego de que el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, autorizara el trabajo infantil en las tabacale...

Gerardo Morales: “me opongo terminantemente al trabajo infantil”
2018.11.16 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – A través de su cuenta en Twitter, el gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, taxativam...

El escándalo familiar que rodea a la boda de Gerardo Morales
2018.11.18 - Source :75% - News
Gerardo Morales se quiere casar llueva o truene, o mejor dicho: tenga o no sentencia firme de divorc...

El economista Milei acusó de nepotismo a Gerardo Morales e insultó a legisladores
2018.11.19 - Source :80% - News
En el programa Demoliendo Mitos, que conduce por radio Conexión Abierta, Milei cargó contra el gober...

Reader asks whether cars parked on private property must be licensed
2018.11.19 - Source :90% - News
Q: Gerardo Morales is a commercial driver in California who said he was cited in Texas, for driving...

Middle school wrestlers compete at Kepley
2018.11.20 - Source :75% - News
“We had a very special individual award given to one of our wrestlers,” Eisenhower coach Michael Fow...

Tilcara: en el feudo de Gerardo Morales otra vez reprimieron a comunidades indígenas
2018.11.21 - Source :90% - News
Tilcara: en el feudo de Gerardo Morales otra vez reprimieron a comunidades indígenas. Miércoles 21 d...

Gerardo Morales invita a plantar cannabis
2018.11.22 - Source :85% - News
Gerardo Morales, gobernador jujeño, viajó a Estados Unidos para buscar inversiones en diversos proye...

Gerardo Morales: “No hay que subestimar al peronismo, porque cuando ven la posibilidad de ganar, se juntan y te ...
2018.11.23 - Source :75% - News
La semana pasada, en la renovación de los integrantes del Consejo de la Magistratura, el peronismo c...

Gerardo Morales: “los jóvenes son el motor de nuestra organización política”
2018.11.24 - Source :90% - News
Jujuy al día® – El gobernador Gerardo Morales convocó a la militancia de la Juventud Radical a poner...

Gerardo Morales: “Cambiemos tiene que dejar de hacer macanas”
2018.11.25 - Source :75% - News
Espontáneamente, Gerardo Morales comentó que a él lo consideraban “el más peronista” de los radicale...

La futura primera dama jujeña quiere que la Corte de Tucumán revise una cautelar
2018.11.28 - Source :90% - News
Tulia Snopek, pareja del gobernador Gerardo Morales (UCR-Cambiemos), manifestó que están dadas las c...

Problemas para la jueza del gobernador Morales | Pi... | Página12
2018.11.29 - Source :80% - News
El senador nacional Guillermo Snopek pidió un juicio político y la posterior destitución de la presi...

El presidente chino Xi Jinping fue recibido por Gerardo Morales
2018.11.30 - Source :85% - News
Al descender de la aeronave, el mandatario chino y su esposa, Peng Liyuan, fueron recibidos por el c...

¿Por qué Xi Jinping fue recibido con más honores que los demás líderes?
2018.11.30 - Source :95% - News
... donde también cumplió una visita de Estado, fue recibido por un comité especial de bienvenida co...

Detalles de la unión entre Gerardo Morales y Tulia Snopek
2018.11.30 - Source :85% - News
30 DE Noviembre 2018 - 14:13 La ceremonia tendrá lugar el próximo 7 de diciembre. 0. + -. A a. Detal...

Gerardo Morales: “Con el presidente Mauricio Macri aprendimos a respetarnos y así generamos un vínculo”
2018.12.01 - Source :80% - News
Jujuy al día® – “Creo en la construcción que va más allá de los partidos”, definió el gobernador Ger...

Filtran más detalles del casamiento de Gerardo Morales y Tulia Snopek
2018.11.30 - Source :95% - News
30 DE Noviembre 2018 - 13:29 La ceremonia tendrá lugar el próximo 7 de diciembre. 0. + -. A a. Filtr...

Cumbre del G20: Gerardo Morales recibió al Presidente Chino Xi Jimping
2018.11.30 - Source :75% - News
En el marco de la Cumbre del G-20, el Gobernador Gerardo Morales, acompañado por Tulia Snopek, fue e...

Gerardo Morales anunció el pago de un bono de 4 mil pesos en dos tramos
2018.12.03 - Source :75% - News
Sin especificar fecha, Morales dijo que se pagarán dos mil pesos entre Navidad y Año Nuevo. Mientras...

Ponderan la participación de Gerardo Morales en la cumbre del G20
2018.12.03 - Source :85% - News
Jujuy al día® – El bloque de diputados de la Unión Cívica Radical ponderó la activa participación de...

September is National Preparedness Month: Don’t Wait for an Emergency to Prepare!
2016.09.22 - Source :95% - Health Care
Emergency situations arise suddenly. When they occur, crises and disasters can be devastating to our...

Governor Nathan Deal starts Look Again campaign WBRC FOX6 News
2018.05.29 - Source :95% - News
Heartbreaking stories of hot car deaths are told every year but there are ways to avoid them. On May...

Governor Deal Explains Decision To Sign Eagle's Landing Legislation
2018.05.30 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal explained Tuesday why he signed legislation that would form the new city of Eagle's Land...

LOOK: Nathan Deal posts photo of personalized SEC Championship ring
2018.05.24 - Source :75% - News
“With an SEC championship, one Rose Bowl title and six NFL draft picks this year, there's a new stan...

The Jolt: A sign that Nathan Deal might weigh in if GOP race goes to overtime
2018.05.21 - Source :95% - News
On the last weekend before Tuesday's GOP primary vote for governor, Chris Riley, top aide to Gov. Na...

Computer snooping bill vetoed by Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal
2018.05.08 - Source :80% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal vetoed a bill Tuesday that would have made it a crime to access a computer...

Gov. Nathan Deal signs ATL regional transit bill into law
2018.05.03 - Source :90% - News
Deal said, “The initiatives set forth in this legislation will supplement our efforts to build an ef...

Gov. Deal: Problems at City Hall Shouldn't Affect Amazon Decision ...
2018.05.30 - Source :90% - News
Atlanta is one of 20 cities Amazon is considering for its second headquarters. The online retailer a...

Gov. Nathan Deal signs distracted driving bill into law
2018.05.02 - Source :80% - News
“I am honored to sign this Hands-Free legislation here in this community, the home of Georgia Southe...

Gov. Nathan Deal becomes fan boy with Norman Reedus of “The Walking Dead”
2018.05.07 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal has been a huge supporter of the production tax credits that have turned Georgia into on...

A closer look at a pair of Nathan Deal's vetoes
2018.05.09 - Source :90% - News
On Tuesday, Gov. Nathan Deal issued 21 vetoes. His handy-dandy list is right here. Somewhat overlook...

North Hall Middle School literacy garden dedicated to Sandra Deal
2018.06.08 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal was there to support his wife and said he's sure they will be back to visit the garden “...

Georgia to end collection of local sales tax on jet fuel
2018.06.09 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal speaking at the Georgia State Capitol building in Atlanta. Georgia has asked vendors to...

Secret recording stuns GOP front runner for Georgia governor
2018.06.09 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal on May 7, raised the cap on tax credits for private school scholarships from $58 million...

Dick Yarbrough: Jekyll Island deer take careful aim at politicians
2018.06.09 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal has issued an executive order that would allow deer hunters to bait fields in certain pa...

Marietta Police dialing up awareness of hands-free phone law
2018.06.08 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal's signature on House Bill 673, which was sponsored by state Rep. John Carson, R-northeas...

Secret recording first shot fired in governor's race
2018.06.09 - Source :80% - News
ALBANY — According to published reports, the first shots in a real skirmish in the race to replace o...

State study committee to stir up issue of Hartsfield-Jackson control
2018.06.10 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal's administration and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Jones instead introduced a reso...

Pollinator protection: More than monarchs and milkweed
2018.06.11 - Source :85% - News
For agricultural states like Georgia, pollinators are serious business. In a proclamation issued Mar...

President Trump considers a bill that would drop federal ban on existing Marijuana laws
2018.06.10 - Source :85% - News
Just this May, Governor Nathan Deal signed House Bill 65 to allow those suffering from PTSD and othe...

Company donates $1 million to technical school foundation
2018.06.11 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal joined leaders from both Kubota Manufacturing of America, Gainesville, Georgia, and Kubo...

Brunch Bill could mean earlier sales of adult beverages on Sunday
2018.06.12 - Source :85% - News
Restaurateurs in Rome may soon have the option of offering alcoholic beverage sales as early as 11 a...

Stockbridge man accused of threatening Eagle's Landing cityhood backers
2018.06.11 - Source :75% - News
Eagle's Landing residents hold a press conference just hours after Gov. Nathan Deal signs a bill in...

School board to vote to adopt budget
2018.06.12 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal signed a state budget in May that for the first time in more than a decade fully funds t...

Gridlock Guy: How to get legal for the July 1 Hands-Free Act
2018.06.11 - Source :75% - News
Georgia State Patrol officers, who will be enforcing the law, attend a ceremony where Gov. Nathan De...

Hands-Free Act: Breakdown of exactly what's allowed, what isn't
2018.06.12 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA - Earlier this year, Gov. Nathan Deal signed House bill 673, which will require drivers to u...

Who's willing to bet that state lotteries are free of manipulation?
2018.06.12 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal (R) signed legislation last month making his state the ninth to let winners claim their...

Rep. Tanner named Legislator of the Year
2018.06.12 - Source :85% - News
Tanner, R-Dawsonville, was chosen for his work on House Bill 930, which passed the general assembly...

Non-profit to shine light on Native American athletes at Bacone this week
2018.06.13 - Source :85% - News
A few years ago, Bacone women's basketball coach Josh Nichols and Riverside Indian School boys baske...

Emails show unified opposition to Georgia hacking bill before veto
2018.06.13 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal signs House Bill 673 prohibiting Georgia motorists from handling their cellphones w...

Time to rethink America's failing highways, the right says
2018.06.13 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal to declare a state of emergency Tuesday afternoon, Jan.28, 2014 for all 159 counties. In...

Commissioners, legislators meet to discuss Cobb's transit future ...
2018.06.13 - Source :80% - News
MARIETTA — Cobb's road map to a potential expansion of transit services remained a work in progress...

Here's the Deal: Excuse our absence, but there's plenty to like about the World Cup
2018.06.14 - Source :75% - News
... but our country is hosting this tournament in eight years. So, if for nothing else, casual viewe...

This Life with Gracie: YWCA helps achieve a win for domestic violence victims in Georgia
2018.06.14 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal at the bill signing ceremony for HB 834. CONTRIBUTED (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)....

Dutch manufacturer to create more than 100 jobs in north-central Georgia
2018.06.13 - Source :75% - News
Georgia continues to be an attractive landing spot for European business, as international industria...

Deal: GE Appliances putting distribution site in Commerce
2018.06.15 - Source :80% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal says a manufacturer of household appliances is investing $55 million in a new distr...

Candidate for Georgia Governor Bought Condo From Lobbyist
2018.06.14 - Source :80% - News
His withdrawal left an opening for another Hall County resident, Nathan Deal, to run and become the...

Georgia Ports On Track for a Record Year
2018.06.14 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal signed a budget bill containing $35 million for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. T...

GE Appliances putting distribution site in Georgia
2018.06.16 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal says a manufacturer of household appliances is investing $55 million in a new distributi...

Marijuana, bail reform on tap for Athens
2018.06.16 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal, pointed out the ACLU's Rob Wood. “I am really proud of our outgoing governor, Nathan De...

Georgia News: Governor Deal, GE Appliances to create 100 jobs in Jackson County
2018.06.16 - Source :80% - News
ATLANTA, GA – Georgia Governor Nathan Deal Thursday announced that GE Appliances, a manufacturer of...

Secret recording, unpaid loan stir race for Georgia governor
2018.06.16 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal. Georgia hasn't elected a Democratic governor since 1998, so the stakes are high for Rep...

Deal: GE Appliances putting distribution site in Commerce
2018.06.17 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA (AP) — Gov. Nathan Deal says a manufacturer of household appliances is investing $55 million...

Deal to unveil $100M in 'groundbreaking' new transit funding
2018.06.19 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is set to outline what could be a boost to metro Atlanta transit Tuesday when he un...

Help Wanted on Georgia Supreme Court
2018.06.18 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal a “short list” from among those candidates found to be “qualified” or “well qualified.”...

Herb Cranford's humility key to leadership
2018.06.19 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal. I have known Herb for many years. I have noticed that he has all the qualities our lead...

Court rules airport shop operator need not pay Clayton property taxes
2018.06.18 - Source :95% - News
Clayton had split the revenue with the county's school district for more than a decade, but earlier...

Attorney wants ex-Gwinnett cop's traffic stop indictment tossed
2018.06.18 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal signed a law that took away accused law enforcement officers' ability to sit through ent...

Gov. Nathan Deal announces new $100 million infrastructure plan as part of SR 400 Express Lanes project
2018.06.19 - Source :85% - News
The money, coming from General Obligation bonds, will be used for Bus Rapid Transit infrastructure a...

Deal awards Dougherty $500000 in transportation package
2018.06.19 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal on Tuesday announced that the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA) awa...

Two Gwinnett road projects receive grant funding from state
2018.06.20 - Source :90% - News
Two road projects in Gwinnett County were among a list of infrastructure plans that will receive gra...

Georgia Lottery hits 25
2018.06.19 - Source :80% - News
State officials plan to celebrate the HOPE Scholarship and pre-kindergarten program the lottery fund...

Amid Georgia protest, there is some immigration optimism
2018.06.19 - Source :75% - News
Here in Georgia, Republican Governor Nathan Deal says he's hopeful the controversy will lead Congres...

Georgia secures AAA bond rating for another year
2018.06.19 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal said Tuesday Georgia has maintained the AAA credit rating needed to get low interes...

Gov. Nathan Deal says Georgia earned AAA bond rating for 21st consecutive year
2018.06.21 - Source :85% - News
Georgia has been given a top credit rating for the 21st year in a row, Gov. Nathan Deal announced We...

Deal thankful his skepticism about Georgia Lottery scholarship plan 'was proven wrong'
2018.06.20 - Source :85% - News
Deal said he was skeptical at the time. “I'm glad my skepticism was proven to be wrong,” he said at...

Deal: Georgia retains AAA ratings for 21st consecutive year
2018.06.21 - Source :90% - News
From the Office of Gov. Nathan Deal: Gov. Nathan Deal today announced Georgia again earned a rating...

Kiszla: Avalanche star Nathan MacKinnon doesn't win MVP. No big deal. Stanley Cup is trophy he really wants.
2018.06.21 - Source :80% - News
Las Vegas — Before the winner of NHL's most valuable player award was revealed Wednesday night, some...

Democrats urge Deal to not send National Guard troops to border
2018.06.20 - Source :85% - News
Some Georgia politicians have called on Gov. Nathan Deal to not send National Guard troops to the so...

Georgia Leaders Celebrate Lottery, HOPE Scholarship Anniversaries At Capitol
2018.06.20 - Source :75% - News
Georgia leaders marked the 25th anniversary of the lottery at the State Capitol Wednesday. They also...

Buy from Georgia Month proclamation presented to Georgia Manufacturing Alliance from Gov. Nathan Deal
2018.06.21 - Source :90% - News
On June 20, Gov. Nathan Deal presented the Buy from Georgia Month proclamation to the members of the...

Two days, two seismic Georgia political shifts on display
2018.06.21 - Source :85% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal speaks at a ceremony celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Georgia Lotter...

Drive hands-free or pay after July 1
2018.06.23 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal signed House Bill 673 in May making it illegal for a cellphone to be held or be supporte...

Governor urged to end state's bounty on coyotes
2018.06.23 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal to cancel the event. During the six-month period from March to August the challenge offe...

The Morning Commute, June 25: Ugliest dog; Arrington crash; Gov. Deal
2018.06.25 - Source :80% - News
But what about the state's most popular Republican, Nathan Deal? Casey Cagle, the lieutenant governo...

A 'Deal/Cagle team' without the governor (for now) Politically Georgia
2018.06.24 - Source :75% - News
Toccoa - Gov. Nathan Deal hasn't endorsed either Republican in the race to succeed him, but that has...

State approves grant funding for 2 road projects in Peachtree Corners
2018.06.25 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal recently announced grant funding from the Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Ban...

Gov. Deal heading to Lockheed to celebrate 50 years of the C-5 Galaxy
2018.06.25 - Source :95% - News
Lockheed Martin in Marietta will be celebrating 50 years of the massive C-5 Galaxy being used by the...

VPD encourages hands free
2018.06.25 - Source :75% - News
VALDOSTA — Inside the Valdosta Mall, people lined up to sign a pledge to drive distraction free and...

The Jolt: Mayors like Nathan Deal, but not dismantling of Stockbridge
2018.06.26 - Source :85% - News
The Georgia Municipal Association bestowed its highest award on Gov. Nathan Deal at its annual meeti...

Gov. Deal Says He Regrets Not Resolving Water Wars | 90.1 FM ...
2018.06.26 - Source :90% - News
The Supreme Court has just two cases left that it hasn't ruled on this term. One of them is a fight...

Gov. Deal on tariffs: United States still has one of lowest tariff barriers in world
2018.06.27 - Source :95% - News
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal says that even with new tariffs announced by President Trump, the Unite...

Lockheed Martin Celebrates 50 Years Of C-5 Planes
2018.06.27 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal, who spoke at the event, mentioned the unique ability to load cargo through the front of...

Georgia gov regrets near-miss on water wars deal as court readies decision
2018.06.27 - Source :75% - News
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to issue a decision Wednesday on Georgia's water wars dispute with Flo...

Lockheed celebrates 50 years of the C-5 Galaxy
2018.06.26 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal, who called the plane “the ambassador of the skies” for its role in both military confli...

Deal: I'm confident in state's water position
2018.06.27 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal expressed continued optimism this morning in Georgia's position in the on...

Trump Says He Will Nominate New Supreme Court Justice From This List
2018.06.28 - Source :85% - News
Blackwell has been a justice on the Georgia Supreme Court since July of 2012, appointed by Governor...

UPDATE: Supreme Court prolongs Georgia-Florida water dispute
2018.06.28 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal said he remained optimistic that the court would not impose caps on Georgia's water use....

Georgia State University's 2018 Woodrow Wilson Fellows Announced
2018.06.28 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal honored Georgia State University's ongoing commitment to close the achievement gap and p...

Ga. Supreme Court Justices Grant, Blackwell on Trump's SCOTUS List
2018.06.28 - Source :90% - News
Rising star Britt Grant, on track to become the newest member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the E...

Governor signs hands-free driving law; Goes into effect July 1
2018.06.29 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA -- Gov. Nathan Deal signed the Hands-Free Georgia Act into law on Wednesday while visiting S...

Amazon second headquarters contest jumpstarts languishing transit, education projects
2018.06.29 - Source :85% - News
In Georgia, where Atlanta is still in the running, Governor Nathan Deal told local reporters he's up...

Video: Police officer rear-ended by distracted driver
2018.06.29 - Source :75% - News
BYRON, Ga. (WGXA) -- The Byron Police Department release a video Friday that shows what can happen w...

EDITORIAL: After 50 years, the C-5 still flying high
2018.07.01 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal and the generations of men and women who worked on the aircraft over the years. Since it...

Hands-free phone law starts today for Georgia drivers
2018.07.01 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal. Legally, there is no grace period from when the law takes place, which Georgia State Pa...

Voting starts Monday in July 24 runoff for Columbia County race
2018.06.30 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal, Attorney General Chris Carr and Columbia County Sheriff Clay Whittle. “I've worked with...

Hands-free phone law now in effect for Georgia drivers
2018.07.02 - Source :90% - News
Georgia House Bill 673, which is better known as the Hands-Free Georgia Act, was passed by the Georg...

Don't get burned by changes in law about when, where fireworks allowed
2018.07.01 - Source :85% - News
... that fireworks will be part of the celebration. For those taking part, it is advisable to be awa...

Early voting for primary runoffs starts today
2018.07.02 - Source :90% - News
Republican voters will also decide whether Casey Cagle or Brian Kemp will compete to replace Georgia...

Drop that phone: It's now illegal to hold your mobile device while driving in Georgia
2018.07.02 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal in May, aims to curtail driving fatalities in the state. "Nobody's trying to keep people...

Gov. Deal's legacy
2018.07.03 - Source :80% - News
Every governor and president will leave a legacy. When Gov. Nathan Deal was sworn in, I knew that Ge...

State takeovers of schools are about political power, not school improvement
2018.07.03 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal has proposed creative ways of taking over Atlanta schools after voters rejected a takeov...

New appointed to Board of Natural Resources
2018.07.03 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal recently appointed Douglas County native Billy New as the 13th Congressional Distri...

Gov. Deal Gets Shortlists for 5 Superior Court Jobs
2018.07.03 - Source :95% - News
The Judicial Nominating Commission announced Monday it has given Gov. Nathan Deal shortlist recommen...

Georgia editorial roundup
2018.07.04 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal put politics aside in signing this bill into law to ensure that veterans, abuse survivor...

Deal names West Georgia residents to lead departments, colleges, justice system
2018.07.03 - Source :90% - News
Residents of West Georgia counties will help lead the operations of some state departments and colle...

Mayor 'Reads Across Valdosta'
2018.07.05 - Source :90% - News
VALDOSTA – School is out for the summer but efforts to encourage young students to read is year roun...

On the Road: Hands off that cellphone in Georgia
2018.07.04 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal signed the “Hands-Free Georgia Act” into law, and it took effect Sunday. What it says si...

JNC Releases Names of Nominees for Georgia Supreme Court
2018.07.05 - Source :85% - News
The commission will narrow the list to about 30 for interviews on July 26, Chair Pete Robinson of Tr...

Cagle, Kemp keep pressure on each other during televised debate in Columbus
2018.07.06 - Source :95% - News
"The choice is clear," Cagle said. "If you want an individual who is just like President Trump, and...

First phase of Augusta's Georgia Cyber Center to open Tuesday ...
2018.07.06 - Source :75% - News
The Georgia Technology Authority anticipated about 500 people would RSVP for the Georgia Cyber Cente...

Gov. Deal's legacy
2018.07.06 - Source :90% - News
Until Deal was elected, I thought that tackling criminal justice reform would doom a conservative ca...

Sarah Avery's talent on display at State Capitol
2018.07.06 - Source :90% - News
Governor Nathan Deal in partnership with the Georgia Council for the Arts is pleased to announce loc...

Secretary DeVos Announces New Federal Disaster Assistance for ...
2018.07.06 - Source :85% - News
WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced today a total of approximately $94,50...

Georgia mom's quest to end distracted driving isn't over
2018.07.08 - Source :85% - News
But Sorohan was there when Gov. Nathan Deal signed a tougher law that will effectively replace Georg...

EDITORIAL: Every vote counts in the July 24 runoff
2018.07.08 - Source :80% - News
Republicans in Cobb and across the state have some critical decisions to make in the July 24 runoff,...

COLUMN: Beautiful maybe, baffling definitely, intriguing possibly
2018.07.08 - Source :95% - News
Without the Stars and Stripes in an international event, I don't know of a sport I would typically f...

Garner reappointment to state council
2018.07.08 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal to the Georgia Circuit Public Defender Supervisory Council. All Georgians will benefit f...

New Georgia governor will work with a far different economy than Deal
2018.07.09 - Source :90% - News
Seven years ago Nathan Deal became governor at a time when the state was struggling to pay its bills...

The Georgia Cyber Center's Hull McKnight Building Opens its Doors on July 10, 2018
2018.07.09 - Source :90% - News
"The Georgia Cyber Center is the culmination of Governor Nathan Deal's vision to position the state...

Ga. 400 express lanes and BRT project a potential double-edged sword
2018.07.08 - Source :80% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal stood at the North Wing stairs of the Georgia State Capitol on June 19 to announce...

Finding mercy in setting bond
2018.07.08 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal said during a signing ceremony earlier in the year. “So, unfortunately, the system did n...

Georgia's June tax collections increase by 1 percent
2018.07.09 - Source :90% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal announced Monday that Georgia's net tax collections for June increased by...

Georgia Cyber Center, Touting Partnerships Across Sectors, to Open in Augusta
2018.07.09 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal at the urging of a pair of Augusta businessmen, is intended to strengthen Georgia's glob...

Lawrenceville native receives state teaching fellowship
2018.07.09 - Source :85% - News
“Every student deserves access to a quality educational environment for academic achievement and suc...

Feature film “Tyson's Run” shooting on the Square
2018.07.09 - Source :90% - News
The bright lights of Hollywood are back in Cobb County as a new film is shooting in and around Marie...

UPDATE | Cyber campus named for Georgia Governor Nathan Deal
2018.07.11 - Source :75% - News
(WRDW/WAGT) -- Governor Nathan Deal attended Tuesday night's grand opening of the new Cyber Center i...

Deal calls opening of Georgia Cyber Center a historic day for Augusta
2018.07.11 - Source :75% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal called the moment a historic day for Augusta. “This new facility that I hav...

Deal: June tax revenues up 1 percent
2018.07.10 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal today announced that Georgia's net tax collections for June totaled $1.98 billion,...

Georgia tax receipts up slightly in June
2018.07.10 - Source :85% - News
Georgia tax collections rose slightly last month to $1.98 billion, 1 percent above June of last year...

New Fulton County Superior Court Judge Appointed
2018.07.10 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal has appointed Fulton County Magistrate Judge Shukura Ingram Millender as Superior C...

Georgia Gubernatorial Race Sets Spending Record
2018.07.11 - Source :85% - News
Financial reports released this week show the race to succeed Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has become th...

Governor: Center birthplace of a new future for our state
2018.07.11 - Source :85% - News
AUGUSTA — Gov. Nathan Deal attended the opening of The Hull McKnight Building at The Georgia Cyber C...

Why Cagle's home county may be linchpin in Georgia GOP's governor's race
2018.07.11 - Source :90% - News
On a sweltering Friday in late June, Gov. Nathan Deal huddled inside a bank boardroom with some of H...

Watch 'Jeopardy' last night? You probably knew the answer to this Savannah-based question.
2018.07.11 - Source :80% - News
On last night's episode of the game show, one of the questions asked, "As governor of Georgia starti...

The Jolt: Gov. Deal links Cagle recording to Democratic '47 percent' video
2018.07.12 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is still sitting firmly on the sidelines in the race to succeed him, but he had sha...

Cagle's home county may play key role in Georgia governor's race
2018.07.12 - Source :90% - News
By Greg Bluestein and Aaron Holmes, Cox Newspapers. GAINESVILLE, Ga. -- On a sweltering Friday in la...

Police: Most obeying hands-free law
2018.07.13 - Source :75% - News
Since the hands-free law went into effect July 1, local police have noticed that the majority of dri...

Cyber security fears spark training, hopes for lots of Georgia jobs
2018.07.13 - Source :95% - News
Even Georgia's first lady worries about cyber attacks. “I keep telling her that's not going to happe...

Scuttlebiz: Ribbon was worthy adversary, but not for Deal's penknife
2018.07.14 - Source :80% - News
If a shrine was built for Gov. Nathan Deal at the Georgia Cyber Center – something plausible given t...

Georgia Governor Candidate Caught Saying He's in Race to Be the 'Craziest'
2018.07.15 - Source :95% - News
The recording of Mr. Cagle's comments released by his opponent has added additional drama to what wa...

Two foundations to host clinic in Watkinsville on college access
2018.07.16 - Source :90% - News
However, only about 47 percent of the workforce currently meets that standard. To continue the econo...

Georgia GOP governor's race: What you need to know
2018.07.16 - Source :95% - News
The state's top office was in Democratic hands for generations, until Sonny Perdue's upset victory i...

Race to Be the 'Craziest'? That's How a Georgia Candidate Thinks of the Primary for Governor.
2018.07.16 - Source :95% - News
The recording of Mr. Cagle's comments released by his opponent has added additional drama to what wa...

Gov. Nathan Deal endorses Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle
2018.07.16 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA - Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has endorsed Casey Cagle in the Republican gubernatorial runo...

Editorial: What a Deal for Augusta
2018.07.17 - Source :85% - News
There probably wasn't enough ribbon to do it. And the scissors provided to the governor were obvious...

Mercedes-Benz opens innovation lab in Buckhead
2018.07.16 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal welcomed the lab during an announcement at the Georgia Capitol, joined by Mercedes-...

Daimler's Lab1886 Innovation Hub Opens in Atlanta With A New CEO and Volocopter Display
2018.07.16 - Source :80% - News
With remarks from company leaders, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms,...

Gov. Deal endorses Cagle for governor
2018.07.17 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal, who will leave office as one of the most popular governors in Georgia history, endorsed...

Cybersecurity fears spark training, hopes for lots of jobs
2018.07.17 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal quipped before cutting the ribbon on the new $100 million Georgia Cyber Center in August...

Two Democrats are vying to lead the state's public schools.
2018.07.18 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal's constitutional amendment for an Opportunity School District and has pushed for more fu...

Gov. Nathan Deal endorses Sen. David Shafer in lieutenant ...
2018.07.18 - Source :80% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal endorsed state Sen. David Shafer, R-Duluth, in the race against former state Rep. G...

Darrisaw appointed by Gov. Deal to fill judicial vacancy WBRC FOX6 News
2018.07.19 - Source :95% - News
Governor Nathan Deal announced Wednesday night appointments to fill several judicial vacancies, incl...

Five Below to raise Georgia's bottom line | Local News ...
2018.07.18 - Source :80% - News
ALBANY — Gov. Nathan Deal announced Wednesday that Five Below, a leading high-growth value retailer,...

Georgia Gov. Deal makes endorsement in race to succeed him
2018.07.19 - Source :80% - News
Associated Press. Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has endorsed Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle in the Republican prima...

Dunwoody council to hear report on 'the ATL' regional transit plan
2018.07.20 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal, created the ATL as a new board to oversee transit in the 13-county metro Atlanta region...

Deal: Georgia Lottery transfers more than $1.14 billion to education ...
2018.07.19 - Source :80% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal announced Thursday that the Georgia Lottery Corp. has transferred its fis...

Cagle addresses voters at rally in south Forsyth
2018.07.20 - Source :95% - News
“There is no one that I would rather have their endorsement than our great governor, Nathan Deal.” C...

Gov. Nathan Deal announced that the Georgia Lottery Corp. transferred its fiscal year 2018 profits
2018.07.20 - Source :75% - News
buy Lyrica online ireland Gov. Nathan Deal today announced that the Georgia Lottery Corp. transferre...

Georgia runoff: It's Trump vs. Deal in GOP contest to pick opponent to Stacey Abrams
2018.07.20 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal, and Georgia's secretary of state, Brian Kemp, who received President Trump's "full and...

Deal Names New Superior Court Judges
2018.07.20 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal has named five new superior court judges to fill openings around the state. Two of...

Editorial: Can Deal seal the deal for Cagle?
2018.07.21 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is as popular with his fellow Georgians as ice cold sweet tea on a summer day or tr...

Rick Franza: Augusta's “Field of Dreams” based on fact, not faith
2018.07.21 - Source :75% - News
The Georgia Cyber Center sits on what will now be known as the Nathan Deal Campus for Innovation. As...

Understanding Tuesday's GOP runoff for Georgia governor
2018.07.23 - Source :90% - News
The race for governor has fast become the costliest contest for the state's top job in Georgia histo...

Deal: Lottery transfers billion-plus to education | Local News ...
2018.07.22 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA – Gov. Nathan Deal announced that the Georgia Lottery transferred its fiscal year 2018 profi...

Ga. lawmaker urged to resign after using racial slurs, dropping pants in TV show
2018.07.23 - Source :95% - News
Georgia House Speaker David Ralston demanded that state Rep. Jason Spencer resign after he yelled ra...

Georgia GOP governor's runoff tests loyalty to Trump
2018.07.24 - Source :80% - News
Those concerns became evident days before Trump waded into the race, when Deal, a broadly popular fi...

Georgia lawmaker uses racial slur and drops pants in TV series
2018.07.23 - Source :90% - News
Spencer's on-camera conduct horrified fellow Republicans in Georgia. State House Speaker David Ralst...

Thyssenkrupp execs coming to Cobb for event Thursday, could confirm company's plans for skyscraper
2018.07.23 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal and executives with Thyssenkrupp and the Braves are expected to hold a press event at Su...

The Jolt: In Georgia, Jeff Sessions warns against prison releases
2018.07.23 - Source :80% - News
As mentioned late last week, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Sunday addressed the state's pro...

Gov. Nathan Deal congratulates Brian Kemp on winning GOP nomination for GA governor
2018.07.25 - Source :85% - News
Georgia Secretary of State and 2018 Georgia Gubernatorial candidate. (Source: Jose Zozaya/WTVM). (WT...

Brian Kemp Wins Georgia GOP Runoff for Governor to Face Stacey Abrams
2018.07.24 - Source :90% - News
ATHENS, Ga. — Brian Kemp, Georgia's secretary of state, captured the Republican nomination for gover...

Georgia Lawmaker Faces Calls to Step Down After Segment on Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Who Is America?'
2018.07.24 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal wrote on Twitter that “the actions and language used by Jason Spencer are appalling and...

Georgia congressman to resign after using racial slurs on new Sacha Baron Cohen show
2018.07.25 - Source :75% - News
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle had called for Spencer's resignation, and the state's governor,...

Gov. Nathan Deal, other state officials kick off I-85 widening in Braselton
2018.07.26 - Source :80% - News
Drivers could see traffic related delays on a portion of Interstate 85, north of Interstate 985, dro...

David Shafer not conceding to Geoff Duncan in Republican lieutenant governor runoff — yet
2018.07.25 - Source :75% - News
Many state officials, including Gov. Nathan Deal, are treating former state Rep. Geoff Duncan as the...

Deal, GDOT break ground on I-85 widening project
2018.07.25 - Source :75% - News
BRASELTON — Gov. Nathan Deal and the Georgia Department of Transportation held a ceremonial groundbr...

Deal breaks ground on first Major Mobility Investment Program project
2018.07.26 - Source :80% - News
From the Office of Gov. Nathan Deal: Gov. Nathan Deal and the Georgia Department of Transportation (...

What the Nathan Eovaldi deal means for Mike Fiers' trade value
2018.07.26 - Source :75% - News
On Wednesday morning, the Tampa Bay Rays shipped righthander Nathan Eovaldi to the Boston Red Sox. E...

Gov. Nathan Deal appoints new interim Georgia DFCS director
2018.07.27 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal on Friday announced that he is moving Tom Rawlings from the Office of the Child Adv...

Kemp pledges to let Deal take lead in Amazon incentives
2018.07.27 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal vetoed a version of the proposal in 2016, and his office has warned that reigniting a co...

New Chief Named For Ga. Family, Children Services; Current Leader Takes Job In LA
2018.07.27 - Source :75% - News
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services will have its third leader in less than a year, aft...

Deal makes two high-level DFCS appointments
2018.07.28 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal has appointed Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) Director Tom Rawlings to...

Gov. Nathan Deal halts jet fuel tax
2018.07.31 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA — Georgia's governor on Monday made good on his vow to restore a tax cut on jet fuel sales t...

Kemp: 'Robust' Systems Will Keep Georgia Elections Secure
2018.07.30 - Source :95% - News
Kemp's runoff opponent, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, stood near him onstage at the rally and offered his su...

Gov. Nathan Deal halts jet fuel tax months after Delta and NRA fight
2018.07.31 - Source :75% - News
In a statement Monday, Republican Gov. Nathan Deal ordered the collection of the state's 4 percent s...

Georgia World Congress Center In Line For Massive Expansion
2018.08.01 - Source :75% - News
The Georgia World Congress Center is about to undergo a sizable expansion. About 100,000 square feet...

Disgraced Georgia lawmaker officially resigns in one-sentence letter
2018.08.01 - Source :80% - News
Georgia lawmaker Jason Spencer is officially out of office after resigning his position on Tuesday....

Deal builds Georgia reserves up to record $2.5 billion as safety net
2018.08.02 - Source :85% - News
Five months before he leaves office, it appears Gov. Nathan Deal has met one of the most important p...

For first time, Deal allows Georgia agencies to seek more for spending
2018.08.01 - Source :80% - News
For the first time in his administration, Gov. Nathan Deal is letting the people who run state agenc...

Georgia's Nathan Deal One Of Most Popular Governors In US: Poll
2018.08.02 - Source :80% - News
ATLANTA, GA — As he nears the end of his second term and prepares to leave office, Georgia Gov. Nath...

Deal gets short list of names for state Supreme Court appointments
2018.08.02 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal now has nine names to choose from to fill two upcoming vacancies on the Georgia Sup...

Gov. Nathan Deal talks about his tenure | Local News | albanyherald ...
2018.08.04 - Source :85% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal takes a candid look at his tenure and where Georgia will go when he leaves...

Gov. Nathan Deal: One-on-one
2018.08.05 - Source :85% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal takes a candid look at his tenure and where Georgia will go when he leaves...

Deal: July tax revenues up 3.5 percent, South Georgia ...
2018.08.07 - Source :80% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal announced that Georgia's net tax collections for July, the first month of FY 2019,...

Gov. Nathan Deal: Georgia's July tax revenues increased by 3.5 percent
2018.08.07 - Source :85% - News
The net tax revenues collected by Georgia last month were 3.5 percent higher than the revenues colle...

Georgia News: Georgia Governor Nathan Deal applauds meaningful gains on Vogtle 3 & 4
2018.08.09 - Source :80% - News
ATLANTA, GA – Georgia Governor Nathan Deal yesterday commended the substantial progress made by Geor...

LIST: Ga. Cities, Counties To Decide On 'Brunch Bill' In November
2018.08.08 - Source :95% - News
In November, some Georgia municipalities will decide if restaurants can serve alcohol starting at 11...

Gov. Nathan Deal among others meeting with Trump to discuss prison reform
2018.08.10 - Source :75% - News
Matt Bevin of Kentucky, Nathan Deal of Georgia, Phil Bryant of Mississippi, Doug Burgum of North Dak...

Gov. Nathan Deal meeting with President Trump, other governors
2018.08.09 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is meeting with President Donald Trump and other of the nation's governors Thursday...

The Morning Commute, August 9: 'White girl'; school buses; Gov. Nathan Deal
2018.08.10 - Source :80% - News
The Bluffton Police stopped resident Lauren Cutshaw for suspicion of drunk driving recently, and it...

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, President Donald Trump talk criminal justice reform during roundtable
2018.08.11 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal laid out Georgia's efforts to reform criminal justice to President Donald Trump dur...

Governor Deal visits Amazon Fulfillment Center in Jefferson
2018.08.10 - Source :90% - News
Governor Nathan Deal visited an Amazon Fulfillment Center in Jefferson to see how the facility has p...

Deal and Trump Come Together on Criminal Justice Reform
2018.08.10 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is not one of the Georgia Republicans who've tried to leverage President Donald Tru...

Gov. Deal helps Amazon officially open fulfillment center (Video)
2018.08.13 - Source :80% - News
While Georgia remains in the running for Amazon's second headquarters, Gov. Nathan Deal dropped by l...

Film production degree to be offered at Columbus State University
2018.08.14 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal that offers free tuition to technical college students enrolled in one of those targeted...

Europe's Jaguar Land Rover Classic bringing jobs to Georgia
2018.08.16 - Source :75% - News
Jaguar Land Rover Classic will soon be heading to Georgia, placing its first facility in the U.S. in...

Gov. Deal: record 455 film and television projects in Georgia Story ...
2018.08.16 - Source :95% - News
Georgia's film and television production industry has continued to break records. That's according t...

Capitol Vision: Gov. Deal drops by Amazon; Georgia Power raises cost estimate of Plant Vogtle
2018.08.17 - Source :90% - News
While Georgia remains in the running for Amazon's second headquarters, Gov. Nathan Deal dropped by A...

COLUMN: Our labor of love done, now the real fun begins, with a new view
2018.08.19 - Source :75% - News
Thanks to a one-week pushback of our Media Day, myself, staff writer Nathan Deal and correspondents...

Deal: 20 corporate prospects with average of 850 new jobs eyeing Georgia
2018.08.20 - Source :80% - News
By Amy Wenk and Maria Saporta – Atlanta Business Chronicle. 5 hours ago. Gov. Nathan Deal told the R...

Georgia's top lawyer confirms fears about change to school bus law
2018.08.21 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal signed the legislation into law despite the objections of most of the state's school bus...

Bid to create new city in Georgia triggers a federal lawsuit
2018.08.22 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal and other state officials. It comes just days after Capital One Public Funding — one of...

Governor Deal dedicates Appalachian Regional Port in Chatsworth Wednesday
2018.08.22 - Source :85% - News
CHATSWORTH, Ga. — A small North Georgia community is becoming a major transportation hub. On Wednesd...

Deal appoints Sarah Hawkins Warren to Georgia Supreme Court
2018.08.22 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal announced Wednesday the appointment of the Sarah Hawkins Warren as a just...

New rail port boosts business interest in northern Georgia
2018.08.23 - Source :90% - News
The Georgia Ports Authority and state taxpayers spent $23.5 million building the Appalachian Regiona...

Deadline extended for applicants seeking state Supreme Court post
2018.08.24 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal, the Judicial Nominating Commission is taking additional applications for a vacancy on t...

Deal Highlights Prison Reforms for Criminal Defense Lawyers
2018.08.24 - Source :75% - News
States that want to cut costs and repeat stays in their prisons need to remove the traps that make p...

Shielded from politics, Sandra Deal treks to 850 schools across Georgia
2018.08.24 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal's wife has been mostly a backstage operator who has guarded an improbable streak of poli...

Gov. Nathan Deal
2018.08.26 - Source :85% - News
“John McCain has left an example for all of us of what it takes to be an American patriot. His willi...

Rynders, Greene announce awarding of CBDG grants
2018.08.26 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal recently announced that 60 Georgia communities will receive a total of mo...

Booze on the ballot this Nov. for county, most cities
2018.08.26 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal signed the so-called “Brunch Bill,” which allows all restaurants in Georgia to begin ser...

Governor Deal pays visit to Rome
2018.08.27 - Source :80% - News
Retired Rome Police Department Chief Elaine Snow (center) who is now on the Department of Juvenile J...

Criminal justice reveals wide split in Georgia governor's race
2018.08.28 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal has a lasting legacy from his eight years in office, it may very well be his criminal ju...

Gov. Deal orders flags to fly half-staff for Sen. McCain
2018.08.27 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA (WSAV) - Governor Nathan Deal has issued U.S. flags to be lowered to half-staff to honor the...

Taurus breaks ground in Decatur Co.
2018.08.28 - Source :95% - News
Governor Nathan Deal and the Bainbridge legislative delegation were on hand at this morning's Taurus...

Kemp: I will veto any legislation that veers from federal 'religious liberty' law
2018.08.29 - Source :90% - News
It's the same bill Nathan Deal voted on when he was in Congress,” he said. “That's all I'm committin...

Inspire Brands bringing 1100 jobs, $32 million to Sandy Springs
2018.08.28 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal today announced Inspire Brands will locate its new headquarters in Sandy Springs, c...

Project Yogurt Just The Tip Of The Economic Development Iceberg
2018.08.28 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal telling an audience at the Rotary Club of Atlanta that the state is negotiating with “20...

Listen to the business owners about Regency Mall
2018.08.29 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal named Rocky Creek an “opportunity zone” because of recent housing development created in...

Gov. Nathan Deal highlights link between conservation, economic development in final Environmental Address
2018.08.31 - Source :90% - News
As Gov. Nathan Deal delivered his final Environmental Address at the Infinite Energy Forum on Thursd...

Gov. Deal, local leaders celebrate JCB's military manufacturing ...
2018.08.30 - Source :95% - News
JCB marked the production of 1000 military excavators during a ceremony Thursday at the company's No...

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal declares Georgia Blood Donation Day
2018.08.31 - Source :80% - News
... to proclaim a state blood donation day. Gov. Deal has declared Wednesday, Sept. 5. as Georgia Bl...

Gov. Nathan Deal's Environmental Address
2018.08.31 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal highlights link between conservation, economic development in final Environmental A...

Capitol Vision: Gov. Deal cuts ribbon on inland port; Reality Winner ...
2018.08.31 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal cut the ribbon Aug. 22 at the Georgia Ports Authority's new inland port in Northwes...

Janet Sheldon attends state literacy event
2018.09.02 - Source :75% - News
MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — Janet Sheldon, executive director of Colquitt County Family Connection, left, r...

Deal, Jarrard visit Louisiana base
2018.09.03 - Source :95% - News
Deal and Jarrard visited approximately 200 Georgia guardsmen in one morning during the trip to Fort...

Judge McGarity to retire; nominees under consideration
2018.09.03 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal, who has appointed numerous judges during his time in office. McGarity, a University of...

Criminal justice reform an 8 year success story
2018.09.05 - Source :95% - News
As Georgia begins the final stretch to find a new occupant of the Governor's Mansion, a look back at...

New metro Atlanta I-75 toll lanes open Saturday
2018.09.05 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal announced the new I-75 lanes will open to southbound traffic mid-morning Saturday. Georg...

I-75 express lanes set to open
2018.09.04 - Source :90% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal announced Tuesday that the Northwest Corridor Express Lanes will open to...

County to consider accepting $2.5 million grant for post-hurricane beach restoration
2018.09.05 - Source :75% - News
The Glynn County Commission is expected to consider accepting a $2.5 million grant on Thursday for p...

Local state leaders, including governor, split over starting school after Labor Day
2018.09.05 - Source :85% - News
Channel 2's Richard Elliot visited the state Capitol on Wednesday to see if he could speak to the go...

Georgia governor wants Gulch transformed from 'hole in the ground'
2018.09.05 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal endorsed the sweeping project to redevelop downtown Atlanta's Gulch, saying Wednesd...

Driver services app unveiled | News |
2018.09.06 - Source :75% - News
MARIETTA— Hate standing in line to get that driver's license renewed? You're not alone.

A deeper dive: What our latest poll shows about President Trump, Gov. Deal
2018.09.06 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal in polls at this stage in 2014. The numbers show there is a wide gender gap between the...

New app makes renewing or replacing license easier
2018.09.07 - Source :95% - News
With the app, you can change your address, reinstate or renew your license and new drivers can study...

Poulan awarded $318000 loan for water system infrastructure
2018.09.06 - Source :90% - News
(Nathan) Deal, U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, U.S. Sen. David Perdue, U.S. Rep. Austin Scott, state Sen....

Kemp, Abrams in dead heat in race for Governor of Georgia
2018.09.07 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal is casting a long shadow. Democratic strategist Tharon Johnson said he's not surprised a...

On Georgia's most popular politician and the race for governor
2018.09.09 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is riding into the final months of his second term as governor as the most popular...

UPDATE | Hurricane Florence: What effect will 'massive' storm have?
2018.09.10 - Source :85% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has not issued a state of emergency, but his chief of staff, Chris Riley, t...

AJC poll shows gaping gender divide in Georgia politics
2018.09.10 - Source :80% - News
At this point in the gubernatorial race four years ago, Democrat Jason Carter held almost the exact...

How governor's chief of staff will remember Deal administration
2018.09.10 - Source :80% - News
Chris Riley, Gov. Nathan Deal's chief of staff, reflected Monday with the Rotary Club of Gainesville...

Deal says state's net tax collections for August increased by 7 percent
2018.09.10 - Source :80% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal announced Monday that Georgia's net tax collections for August totaled ro...

Atlanta details Gulch deal, but some say benefits come up short
2018.09.10 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal also has encouraged City Council to support the project. Several pieces of legislation r...

Gov. Scott: While families remember Irma and prepare for Florence, Florida offers support
2018.09.10 - Source :75% - News
As Hurricane Florence grows and threatens the southeastern U.S. coast, Florida Gov. Rick Scott spoke...

Georgia prepares for Florence, hoping storm stays away
2018.09.11 - Source :90% - News
... the Category 4 storm was projected to strike farther north, leading governors to declare states...

Council committee rebuffs Mayor Bottoms on Gulch deal
2018.09.11 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal, who expressed concerns a delay could scuttle the negotiation for the company's headquar...

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal issues emergency declaration for all 159 counties
2018.09.12 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal today has issued an emergency declaration for all 159 counties in Georgia. Accordin...

Hurricane Florence weakened to Category 2 by 'tremendous' wind shear
2018.09.13 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal declared a state of emergency for all of Georgia on Wednesday, citing concerns abou...

Local Rotary Clubs welcome Gov. Nathan Deal
2018.09.12 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal addressed several local Rotary Clubs on Wednesday at the Forsyth Conference Center at La...

Gov. Nathan Deal endorses Geoff Duncan in lieutenant governor's race
2018.09.12 - Source :85% - News
Deal initially endorsed Duncan's opponent, state Sen. David Shafer, shortly before July's primary ru...

Gov. Deal cuts ribbon on I-75, 575 toll lanes days after opening
2018.09.12 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal said Wednesday. “That means more people on our highways and obviously people are commuti...

Deal gets three new names for Supreme Court vacancy
2018.09.12 - Source :90% - News
Alyssa Pointer 08/10/2018 -- Jefferson, Georgia -- Georgia Govener Nathan Deal speaks during a press...

Gov. Deal announces 600 jobs coming to Columbus though Global Callcenter Solutions
2018.09.12 - Source :75% - News
“Georgia is a global hub for communications services thanks to our technology infrastructure and ski...

Georgia's governor declares state of emergency for all counties
2018.09.13 - Source :80% - News
"The state is mobilizing all available resources to ensure public safety ahead of Hurricane Florence...

Deal to cement his imprint on Georgia's top court
2018.09.14 - Source :80% - News
In short order, Gov. Nathan Deal will lay claim to a rare distinction: He will have appointed a majo...

In filling another Supreme Court vacancy, Gov. Deal achieves milestone
2018.09.14 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal on Friday filled yet another vacancy on the Georgia Supreme Court, giving him the r...

Governor announces members of Atlanta regional transit board
2018.09.14 - Source :90% - News
Georgia's top political leaders Friday appointed representatives to a new regional board that will h...

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal Proclaims September Balloon Month
2018.09.17 - Source :85% - News
... year in a row, Maxine Burton, president and founder, and Bob Burton, CEO, of burton + BURTON® ha...

Abrams showcases 'pragmatic' side in new TV ad
2018.09.17 - Source :75% - News
Her balanced view allowed her to reach across the aisle to help Governor Nathan Deal…Pass a billion-...

On the beat: Of Deal's pointed words, good timing and socialism
2018.09.19 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is hosting a private fundraiser for Brian Kemp's campaign in Gainesville on Thursda...

Georgia governor urges Atlanta to approve Gulch incentives
2018.09.19 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal urged the Atlanta City Council to break an impasse over an incentive package that c...

Governor to next year's leaders: look at links between dropping out and prison
2018.09.18 - Source :85% - News
By Maggie Lee. In a bit of a valedictory speech on Tuesday, outgoing Republican Governor Nathan Deal...

Governor set to appear at Albany Area Chamber of Commerce dinner
2018.09.19 - Source :80% - News
“The Albany Area Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to attend a dinner for the Honorable Gove...

Coming soon: The 'Nathan Deal Judicial Center'
2018.09.21 - Source :95% - News
A towering judicial complex that is one of the most expensive building projects in Georgia history c...

Atlanta City Council asserts itself as Gulch talks enter new phase
2018.09.21 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal said Tuesday, urging council support. Under Reed, the council often acted more like a ru...

Georgia named top state for business for fifth consecutive year
2018.09.20 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal's office announced on Thursday that Georgia has been named the top state...

Deal: Georgia named top state for business for 5th consecutive year by Area Development
2018.09.21 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal today announced that Georgia has been named the No. 1 state for business for the fifth y...

Canceling Georgia nuclear plant could cost owners billions
2018.09.21 - Source :85% - News
But Gov. Nathan Deal took a different stance. A day before the lawmaker's letter was sent, Deal sent...

Canceling Georgia nuclear plant could cost owners billions
2018.09.23 - Source :90% - News
But Gov. Nathan Deal took a different stance. A day before the lawmaker's letter was sent, Deal sent...

Colorado-based firm aims to create 600 jobs in west Georgia
2018.09.23 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal said in a news release. Most of that will be spent retrofitting the former supermarket s...

Cost caps sought for Georgia nuclear project to move forward
2018.09.25 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal took to Twitter on Monday to urge Oglethorpe to vote to continue. He called on the utili...

Georgia's top 2 courts see diluted diversity for blacks
2018.09.25 - Source :85% - News
Georgia's governor has expanded the state Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals by adding five juri...

Deal's Criminal Justice Reform Legacy And The Ga. Governor's Race
2018.09.25 - Source :75% - News
On the campaign trail, both major party candidates for Georgia governor have praised Republican Gov....

Another science building on the way at UGA
2018.09.26 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal included it in their annual list of projects to be funded with bond proceeds. Called the...

Deal Keeps Alive Last US Nuclear Power Plant Under Construction
2018.09.26 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal, urged them to continue work, citing the more than 6,000 construction jobs. The federal...

Gov. Deal weighs in on Kavanaugh hearing: 'I wholeheartedly ...
2018.09.27 - Source :75% - News
Throughout metro Atlanta, televisions, laptops and cell phones were turned into the Brett Kavanaugh...

Georgia agencies mostly seek more for pay, staffing in next budget
2018.10.01 - Source :95% - News
For the first time in his tenure, outgoing Gov. Nathan Deal let state agencies ask for more funding,...

Abrams shifts, says she would now let Georgia's income tax cut stand
2018.10.01 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal probably agree. But trying to halt a push to cut taxes in an election year is like stepp...

The Jolt: Stacey Abrams lays claim to Nathan Deal's legacy
2018.10.01 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal's name on the stump far more than that of President Donald Trump. But in her AJC intervi...

Atlanta chamber urges council approval of Gulch
2018.10.02 - Source :90% - News
... City Council to support an up to $1.75 billion public financing package. The chamber joins other...

NBC News | Survey Monkey poll: Kemp, Abrams in close race with many Georgia voters split
2018.10.02 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA – As November 6 approaches, the race for Georgia governor is neck and neck between candidate...

Deal Has More New Judges to Pick
2018.10.02 - Source :75% - News
Deal's two terms as governor will see the Supreme Court go from two women and two African-Americans...

New Yamaha office brings 100 workers
2018.10.02 - Source :80% - News
NORTH COBB — Get on your bikes and ride. Yamaha Motor Corporation cut the ribbon on a new corporate...

Bethel assumes high court bench
2018.10.03 - Source :80% - News
ATLANTA – Dalton's Charlie Bethel was sworn in Tuesday as a Georgia Supreme Court justice, becoming...

A "deal has already been struck": Mayor expecting Norfolk Southern to move headquarters
2018.10.04 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal has urged the council to back the incentive package, stating that Norfolk Southern wants...

'Let's deal with it:' Georgia's first lady shares personal story from her Stage 1 diagnosis
2018.10.05 - Source :85% - News
“My doctor arranged for me to see him and said they found a tumor and suspected it was malignant,” s...

Gov. Deal confirms: Floor & Decor to create 500 jobs in Cobb County
2018.10.04 - Source :90% - News
Atlanta discount home improvement chain Floor & Décor Holdings Inc. will create 500 jobs over five y...

Governor among speakers on Douglas County success with alternative courts
2018.10.04 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal is set to lead a series of speakers in Douglasville next week highlighting the bene...

P20 Atlanta conference to be center of global payments world
2018.10.05 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms are among the local political leaders expected to...

Georgia governor's race draws huge sums of money
2018.10.05 - Source :75% - News
For the entire campaign, Kemp leads $16.9 million to $16.25 million. Outgoing Gov. Nathan Deal had r...

Election 2018: Hall and some cities to vote on 'brunch bill' for early Sunday alcohol sales
2018.10.06 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal in May, gives cities and counties the option to allow restaurants to start selling alcoh...

Georgia governor's race draws huge sums of money
2018.10.07 - Source :75% - News
For the entire campaign, Kemp leads $16.9 million to $16.25 million. Outgoing Gov. Nathan Deal had r...

Georgia Boosts Eligible Voters in Groups Leaning Democratic
2018.10.08 - Source :75% - News
Mr. Deal declined to comment about Georgia's change with the drivers-license forms and its possible...

Brian Kemp: I will increase literacy and improve teaching conditions
2018.10.08 - Source :90% - News
Who can carry on the legacy of Governors Sonny Perdue and Nathan Deal? As governor, I will continue...

EDC report, business matters presented to Dougherty County Commission
2018.10.08 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal, is set for 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 17. The EDC president also noted the 40 jobs new jobs adde...

'Walking Dead' returns, puts the Gold Dome to good use
2018.10.08 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal - an enthusiastic supporter of the state's tax credits for film and TV production compan...

Gov. Nathan Deal declares State of Emergency ahead of Hurricane Michael
2018.10.09 - Source :75% - News
Based on the latest forecast for Hurricane Michael and acting on a recommendation from Georgia Emerg...

Gov. Nathan Deal issues commendation to Gwinnett County doctor
2018.10.10 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal presented the commendation to Dr. Indran B. Indrakrishnan on Sept. 25. The Georgia House...

What is a state of emergency? Georgia braces for Hurricane Michael
2018.10.09 - Source :95% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal on Tuesday issued a state of emergency for 92 Georgia counties ahead of Hur...

Baldwin Co. among 92 in state of emergency declaration Baldwin in state of emergency area
2018.10.09 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal declared a state of emergency for more than half the state and while Hurricane Michael c...

News: Gov. Nathan Deal hands out 10 Governor's Awards for Arts and Humanities
2018.10.10 - Source :85% - News
Ten arts leaders and organizations have received Governor's Awards for the Arts and Humanities from...

Gov. Deal expands state of emergency as 'very dangerous' Hurricane Michael menaces Georgia
2018.10.10 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal expanded a state of emergency Wednesday to an additional 16 counties and activated...

Over 200000 Without Power, Flooding Underway as Deadly Hurricane Michael Plows Into Georgia, Alabama
2018.10.10 - Source :85% - News
On Wednesday, Gov. Nathan Deal expanded his state of emergency to include 108 counties. "The state i...

State troopers, National Guard stand ready
2018.10.10 - Source :90% - News
The Category 4 monster – the fiercest hurricane to hit Florida in a century – was still striving to...

Governor Nathan Deal holds a press conference regarding storm damage in Georgia
2018.10.11 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA, GA (WJBF) - Governor Nathan Deal held a press conference on Thursday, Oct. 11 regarding the...

Gov. Deal cements strong economic development legacy (Slideshow)
2018.10.12 - Source :85% - News
Deal cements strong economic development legacy (Slideshow). Email; Share · Share .... that since Go...

Gov. Deal speaks about disaster response after Michael
2018.10.11 - Source :85% - News
The storm was expected to move across North Carolina and Virginia and push into the Atlantic Ocean b...

Gov. Deal announces plans for aviation academy at Paulding airport
2018.10.12 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal unveiled plans on Friday for a $35 million aviation academy to train aircraft mecha...

Deal honors contributors in arts, humanities
2018.10.13 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA — Gov. Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal announced this week the recipients of the seve...

Atlanta residents, organizations honored by Deals for arts, humanities
2018.10.14 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal and first lady Sandra Deal Tuesday announced the recipients of the seventh annual G...

Voter registration extended in 4 hurricane-hit GA counties
2018.10.15 - Source :90% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has issued an executive order extending the voter registration deadline in...

Trump surveys Georgia hurricane damage; President, First Lady fly into Robins AFB
2018.10.16 - Source :85% - News
WARNER ROBINS, Ga. – President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Warner Robins Mo...

Dougherty among six southwest Georgia counties approved for federal aid
2018.10.15 - Source :80% - News
ATLANTA – Gov. Nathan Deal received notice from the White House Monday that Georgia's request for fe...

Governor Deal: White House approves request for federal assistance in SW GA
2018.10.16 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal received notice from the White House that Georgia's request for federal aid has bee...

The Squawkbox
2018.10.17 - Source :95% - News
We tend to forget that folks like this have to deal with the same things the rest of us do … and the...

Gov. Nathan Deal designated Oct. 18 as International Credit Union Day
2018.10.18 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal in a proclamation declaring Oct. 18 to be Credit Union Day in Georgia. Credit unions are...

First of two Cobb-hosted transit meetings set for Wednesday
2018.10.18 - Source :90% - News
House Bill 930, signed into law by Gov. Nathan Deal in May, creates the 16-member authority known as...

Deal cements hometown legacy with sparkling new Hall County campus
2018.10.19 - Source :95% - News
The ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday in Gov. Nathan Deal's hometown will celebrate the completion of o...

Gov. Deal Names New Judges for Fulton & Three Other Circuits
2018.10.19 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal on Friday named four new Georgia judges to the bench, appointing replacements for r...

Governor, other officials celebrate new Lanier Tech campus built 'for a 21st-century workforce'
2018.10.19 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal said. “With unparalleled resources for learning and mastering high-demand skills, this l...

State governors issue Credit Union Day proclamations
2018.10.19 - Source :75% - News
... those issuing proclamations designating Oct. 18 as “Credit Union Day” in their respective states...

Gov. Deal to honor nine GCPS eighth-graders with REACH Scholarship
2018.10.21 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal and Gwinnett County Public Schools CEO/Superintendent J. Alvin Wilbanks will be at...

Deal stars in latest ad for Kemp's campaign for governor
2018.10.22 - Source :80% - News
Republican Brian Kemp is turning to one of the state's most popular politicians for an extra boost t...

Deal orders flags flown at half-staff for fallen Gwinnett police Officer Antwan Toney
2018.10.23 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal ordered flags at the state Capitol and in Gwinnett County to be flown at half-staff...

Deal to call Georgia legislators into session over hurricane costs
2018.10.23 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal on Tuesday announced he will call lawmakers back to Atlanta on Nov. 13 for a specia...

Gov. Nathan Deal announces special session for Hurricane Michael cleanup
2018.10.23 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal announces special session for Hurricane Michael cleanup. Unable to load video. Some...

Nathan Deal reflects on his time as Georgia's governor, gives advice for successor
2018.10.24 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA — As Governor Nathan Deal's time in office draws to a close, the Republican leader of the st...

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal announces 150 new jobs coming to Swainsboro
2018.10.23 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal today announced that Wincore Window Company LLC, an American manufacturer of vinyl...

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal calls for special legislative session
2018.10.23 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) -- Georgia Governor Nathan Deal is planning to call for a special legislati...

Special session will be 'beginning of a beginning' to state's hurricane recovery
2018.10.23 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA – State lawmakers will head back to Atlanta next month to designate funds for the cost of cl...

Gov. Deal endorses Brian Kemp in campaign ad
2018.10.23 - Source :80% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal has endorsed Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp in next month's election for...

Deal calls for special session
2018.10.24 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA — State lawmakers will head back to Atlanta next month to designate funds for the cost of cl...

Gov. Deal awards nine GCPS students with REACH Scholarships
2018.10.25 - Source :80% - News
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal enacted the REACH Scholarship in 2012 as a way to provide an opportunity fo...

Deal calls for special session; hurricane funds needed in budget
2018.10.24 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA – State lawmakers will head back to Atlanta next month to designate funds for the cost of cl...

What's the deal with Deal? Blakely residents question governor's apparent absence
2018.10.25 - Source :90% - News
In Blakely, as many continue to recover from Hurricane Michael, they're still wondering: where is Go...

Sharecare to join Governor Nathan Deal, Walmart, BlueCross BlueShield of Georgia and Emory Healthcare for ...
2018.10.26 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA, Oct. 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sharecare founder Jeff Arnold will join Georgia Governor...

Deal announces emergency session to allot funding for hurricane relief aid
2018.10.25 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Governor Nathan Deal announced on Tuesday that he will convene an em...

Abrams, Kemp back jet fuel tax break
2018.10.26 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal, who now backs Kemp, used an executive order in late July to temporarily suspend the tax...

Big issues at stake in Georgia's tight gubernatorial race
2018.10.28 - Source :90% - News
But Medicaid expansion has also been a key part of Abrams' campaign platform. It's been a hot topic...

Governor Deal orders flags at half-staff to honor synagogue shooting victims
2018.10.29 - Source :90% - News
ATLANTA -- Flags across Georgia will be flown at half-staff to honor the memory of numerous victims...

Deal: Special session won't aim to strip gov's powers
2018.10.30 - Source :95% - News
The special legislative session set for the week after the election will not include any attempt to...

Georgia Gov. Deal orders flags at half-staff to honor synagogue victims
2018.10.29 - Source :75% - News
Deal orders flags at half-staff to honor synagogue victims. Unable to load video. Governor Nathan De...

Closing arguments: Medicaid, economy dominate final days of gov race
2018.10.30 - Source :85% - News
... thousands of jobs. Republican Brian Kemp is closing out his campaign focusing on an economic mes...

Gov. Deal stumps for Kemp
2018.10.31 - Source :75% - News
“It takes everybody working together,” Deal said to a packed crowd at Williamson Brothers Bar-B-Q in...

Gov. Deal announces $50 million corporate headquarters move
2018.10.31 - Source :85% - News
With just days to go before Georgia elects a new governor, the current governor had another big econ...

Gov. Deal stumps for Kemp
2018.10.31 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA – Gov. Nathan Deal has hit the campaign trail with Republican Brian Kemp with a call for con...

Brian Kemp visits Moultrie on "Road to Victory Bus Tour"
2018.11.02 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal. Deal is limited by law to two terms, the second of which ends in early January. Polls r...

ACVB Hall of Fame inductee: Gov. Nathan Deal 'gets' hospitality
2018.11.02 - Source :90% - News
People In This Article. Ed Baker; Nathan Deal; Philip Wilheit. By Bill Chastain – Contributing Write...

AROUND TOWN: Gov. Deal: Cobb schools 'ready to serve as a state model'
2018.11.02 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal has high praise for the Cobb School District's plan to replace the annual Milestone...

In Tight Governor's Race, Atlanta CRE Execs Pour Money Into Kemp Campaign
2018.11.02 - Source :95% - News
The race to replace outgoing Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican, is a toss-up that could lead to...

Was this 1992 Nathan Deal TV ad the GOAT?
2018.11.04 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal – who was then a Democrat – wanted to replace him. But so did Tom Ramsey, another Democr...

Nathan Deal campaigns for Brian Kemp for governor
2018.11.04 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal campaigns for Brian Kemp for governor. Unable to load video. Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal sp...

Abrams: Trump is 'wrong,' I am qualified to be Georgia's governor
2018.11.05 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal. Trump said recently that Abrams was "not qualified" for the job, and Obama rebutted the...

Governor Nathan Deal: Georgia's business climate ranks No. 1 for sixth straight year
2018.11.05 - Source :95% - News
ATLANTA – Governor Nathan Deal announced that Georgia's business climate has been ranked No. 1 in th...

Gov. Deal: 'We're not going to have our hearts broken' if state doesn't land Amazon HQ2
2018.11.05 - Source :80% - News
Despite recent media reports indicating that Amazon has picked northern Virginia for its second head...

Was a 1992 Nathan Deal TV ad the GOAT?
2018.11.05 - Source :80% - News
No doubt, people hate political TV commercials. So before the 2018 campaign ends, we want to tell th...

Amazon headquarters reports have Atlanta on the outside looking in
2018.11.05 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal told reporters “I don't think they have made a final determination yet, but we stand rea...

Gov. Deal touts public-private partnerships, 'conservative policies' for Georgia's No. 1 business ranking
2018.11.05 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal has added one more highlight to his legacy of business acumen as Georgia's governor. Geo...

Georgia's First Lady Sandra Deal Suggests Stacey Abrams Is Unfit to 'Take Good Care' of the Governor's Mansion
2018.11.07 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal, were among the crowd of fellow Republican supporters who attended gubernatorial candida...

Brian Kemp resigning as Secretary of State
2018.11.08 - Source :95% - News
At the news conference Thursday morning, Governor Deal referred to Kemp as Governor-elect, even thou...

Gov. Deal: $270 million in state money needed to repair Georgia after Hurricane Michael
2018.11.08 - Source :90% - News
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal said that up to $270 million in state funding is required to address co...

Brian Kemp steps down as SOS as Gov. Nathan Deal welcomes him
2018.11.08 - Source :75% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal and Brian Kemp held a news conference on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 10 a.m. in the Govern...

Who is Robyn Crittenden, Georgia's new secretary of state?
2018.11.08 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal appointed Crittenden on Thursday after Secretary of State Brian Kemp resigned, saying he...

UPDATE: Brian Kemp steps down as Secretary of State as Gov. Deal welcomes him to office
2018.11.08 - Source :90% - News
Watch LIVE here. Gov. Nathan Deal and Brian Kemp held a news conference on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 10 a...

WATCH: Gov. Deal and Brian Kemp hold news conference
2018.11.08 - Source :80% - News
WATCH: Gov. Deal and Brian Kemp hold news conference. November 08 2018 9:46 AM. Gov. Nathan Deal and...

Georgia governor calls lawmakers back to Atlanta for special session
2018.11.09 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal on Friday formally called on lawmakers to return to Atlanta next week for a special...

Governor Deal appoints Robyn Crittenden as Secretary of State ...
2018.11.09 - Source :75% - News
Governor Nathan Deal has selected an interim Secretary of State following Brian Kemp's resignation T...

Special session starts Tuesday
2018.11.11 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal issued an executive order July 30 suspending the jet fuel tax. “In order to remain the N...

Georgia legislators set to begin work on hurricane recovery package
2018.11.13 - Source :95% - News
State lawmakers return to the Capitol on Tuesday — several for the last session of their careers — t...

Read Gov. Nathan Deal's pitch letter to Jeff Bezos
2018.11.13 - Source :85% - News
Among other things, Deal highlighted Georgia's skilled and growing talent pool and "a variety of com...

Deal proposes hurricane recovery money, tax break for tree replanting
2018.11.13 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal proposed $200 million worth of income tax credits Tuesday for landowners in southwe...

Georgia leaders react to Amazon's decision not to open HQ in Atlanta
2018.11.13 - Source :75% - News
ATLANTA — With Atlanta is out of the running as home to an Amazon headquarters, Georgia governor Nat...

Ga. House Rules Committee Chairman John Meadows dies following cancer battle
2018.11.13 - Source :85% - News
Georgia state Representative John Meadows (R-5th Dist., Calhoun) passed away on Tuesday, according t...

Gov. Deal on Kemp-Abrams race: 'It should be over'
2018.11.14 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA - Gov. Nathan Deal isn't holding back his thoughts about the ongoing saga involving the race...

$470M in hurricane relief heading to vote in Georgia House
2018.11.14 - Source :75% - News
The Georgia House is expected to vote Thursday on proposals for $470 million in relief for damage fr...

Committee passes Deal's budget amendments including removal of Mercer expansion
2018.11.15 - Source :80% - News
He told committee members debris removal alone in South Georgia will cost about $82 million. Deal al...

Governor tees up $200 million for south Georgia growers
2018.11.15 - Source :80% - News
Nathan Deal has also recommended adding about $270 million to the state's budget, including $55 mill...

Georgia 2017 SEC football championship rings also went to Gov ...
2018.11.15 - Source :85% - News
ATHENS — On road trips and for home games, Georgia senior linebacker Juwan Taylor makes sure he puts...

Georgia House approves $470M to fund hurricane relief
2018.11.15 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal passed the House on the third day of a special session called after the storm inflicted...

Deal breaks down the numbers in $26 billion South Georgia spending plan
2018.11.15 - Source :85% - News
ATLANTA, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – As Governor Nathan Deal's emergency session continues, lawmakers are...

Deal tees up $200 million for growers
2018.11.15 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal has also recommended adding about $270 million to the state's budget, including $55 mill...

The Latest: House gives jet fuel tax break another chance
2018.11.15 - Source :85% - News
The House voted 157-2 Thursday to approve the tax credit sought by Gov. Nathan Deal during a special...

Georgia lawmakers preparing to end special session Saturday
2018.11.16 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal told the Senate Appropriations Committee on Friday. "I can assure you that if you comple...

Paulding aviation academy plans encounter turbulence
2018.11.16 - Source :75% - News
A developer seeking to commercialize Paulding County's airport has filed a lawsuit against the Pauld...

UPDATE: Gov. Nathan Deal approves $270M in hurricane aid
2018.11.17 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal today signed legislation following the special session of the Georgia General Assem...

Georgia legislature passes hurricane aid, $40M airline perk
2018.11.17 - Source :85% - News
The measures were sent to Gov. Nathan Deal, who quickly signed them into law. Saturday marked the fi...

Brian Kemp makes history in his win as Georgia's next governor
2018.11.19 - Source :90% - News
Kemp's own website suggests that he intends to continue the push from Governor Nathan Deal's term to...

Public invited to celebrate Chanukah at Buckhead's Governor's Mansion
2018.11.18 - Source :95% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal and first lady Sandra Deal invite residents throughout metro Atlanta to join them i...

Deal signs $270 million hurricane relief spending plan for South Georgia
2018.11.19 - Source :90% - News
ATLANTA, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Governor Nathan Deal's special session came to an end on Saturday wi...

Bill filed to name new Georgia court complex after outgoing Gov. Nathan Deal
2018.11.20 - Source :85% - News
House Speaker David Ralston didn't wait until the upcoming General Assembly session to file legislat...

Gov. Deal appoints Shaw to PSC
2018.11.20 - Source :85% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal has appointed state Rep. Jason Shaw to fill the position of outgoing Public Service...

Proponents of jet fuel tax exemption hope it means lower prices for fliers
2018.11.21 - Source :75% - News
SAVANNAH, GA (WTOC) - Proponents of a new tax break hope cheaper airfare is on the way for folks fly...

Mac Collins, pioneering rural Georgia Republican, dies at 74
2018.11.22 - Source :95% - News
Republican Gov. Nathan Deal ordered flags at the state Capitol and in Butts County to fly at half-st...

Flags to fly at half-staff at Georgia State Capitol, in Butts County for former congressman
2018.11.23 - Source :95% - News
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has ordered flags at the State Capitol and across Butts County to fly h...

Gov. Nathan Deal reflects on 3 highlights of his administration
2018.11.26 - Source :90% - News
Gov. Nathan Deal returned to his roots Monday, speaking to the Gainesville Rotary Club about his eig...

As governor transition approaches, Georgia focuses on services
2018.11.27 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal set to leave office in January, the state's chief information officer says he's focusing...

South Korean company to make batteries in Georgia
2018.11.28 - Source :85% - News
Nathan Deal said in a news release Tuesday that SK Innovation plans to spend up to $1.7 billion on a...

The Jolt: That 'darn good political trick' that helped Deal's first big win
2018.11.27 - Source :85% - News
In the waning days of Gov. Nathan Deal's political career, it's time to look back at his earliest da...

Gov. Nathan Deal's new bill to give $270M to Ga. farmers in need of hurricane relief
2018.11.28 - Source :75% - News
UGA Agriculture Extension Pecan Specialist Lenny Wells has your pecan fact of the day. "Georgia is t...

South Korean company to make batteries in Georgia
2018.11.29 - Source :75% - News
Nathan Deal said in a news release Tuesday that SK Innovation plans to spend up to $1.7 billion on a...

Holiday drop-in, installation ceremony set for Dec. 11-12
2018.11.28 - Source :95% - News
CONYERS – Rockdale County has two big events planned next week, a holiday drop-in on Dec. 11 and the...

Gov. Deal says new Wayfair agreement will create 1000 new jobs in Savannah
2018.11.29 - Source :90% - News
On Thursday, Gov. Nathan Deal announced that Wayfair Inc., one of the world's largest online destina...

Parental Accountability Court opens
2018.11.29 - Source :95% - News
Nathan Deal was in Woodbine on Wednesday to announce the start of the Parental Accountability Court...

DICK YARBROUGH: Nathan Deal proof that nice guys can finish first ...
2018.12.01 - Source :90% - News
I dropped by Gov. Nathan Deal's office recently for a visit. In little over a month-and-a-half, our...

Sandra Deal completes 1000th statewide school visit in Hall
2018.11.30 - Source :80% - News
“My goal is to encourage students to enjoy reading so that they will be prepared for a lifetime of l...

Rescheduled chamber/Deal dinner set for Tuesday
2018.12.01 - Source :75% - News
ALBANY — Albany Area Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Barbara Rivera Holmes acknowledged that the l...

First Lady Deal completes 1000th school visit
2018.12.01 - Source :95% - News
... Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) Commissioner Amy M....

President Bush's Death Draws Georgia Tributes
2018.12.02 - Source :90% - News
Nathan Deal has ordered flags to be flown at half-mast in the wake of former President George H.W. B...

Ga. to open $90 million rail hub tying Gainesville to Savannah port
2018.12.03 - Source :90% - News
State officials unveiled plans Monday to build a $90 million inland port — on land connected to one...

Gov. Nathan Deal announces Check Mate Industries to Thomasville's old Caterpillar plant
2018.12.04 - Source :95% - News
(WCTV) -- Tuesday afternoon, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal was in Thomasville delivering some huge ec...

Nathan Deal proves that nice guys can finish first
2018.12.05 - Source :95% - News
I dropped by Gov. Nathan Deal's office recently for a visit. In little over a month-and-a-half, our...

Deal touts eight years of accomplishments during chamber's Governor's Dinner
2018.12.05 - Source :95% - News
ALBANY — The last time Gov. Nathan Deal scheduled a visit to Albany, it was postponed by a state of...

Momentum building toward Red Sox-Eovaldi deal
2018.12.06 - Source :75% - News
BOSTON -- Two days after Red Sox president of baseball operations Dave Dombrowski said of Nathan Eov...