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Élie Aboud vs Nicolas Bay

Primerjaj Élie Aboud in Nicolas Bay ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Élie Aboud

Élie Aboud

Nicolas Bay

Nicolas Bay
Élie Aboud
Nicolas Bay
Pariz France
Pariz France
Rojstni datum
Union for a Popular Movement
Front National, Europe of Nations and Freedom Group
Fin de vie : Droit ou Devoir ?
2018.05.02 - Vir :75% - News
A l'initiative du Dr. Elie Aboud, ancien député de l'Hérault, actuellement en mission au Pays du Cèd...

Fin de vie, « un désespoir plus grand que l'amour de la vie »
2018.05.22 - Vir :90% - News
(https://libnanews.com/fin-de-vie-droit-ou-devoir-ethanasie-elie-aboud/). La mort, et ses tabous… Un...

Emmanuel Macron promises 'Spiderman of Paris' French citizenship
2018.05.28 - Vir :80% - News
The far-right party's vice president, Nicolas Bay, tweeted “those who demand the regularization of #...

Champagne populists? Far-right MEPs face inquiry into expenses
2018.05.25 - Vir :80% - News
The ENF's co-chair, the Front National MEP Nicolas Bay, has rejected the allegations, saying the gro...

Populist plan for 2019 election puts EU in crosshairs
2018.06.04 - Vir :80% - News
Nicolas Bay, a member of Marine Le Pen's National Front party from France and co-leader of the Europ...

Nicolas Bay (FN) s'oppose à la régularisation du héros Mamadou Gassama, sauf si...
2018.05.28 - Vir :75% - News
Au lendemain de l'acte de bravoure de Mamadou Gassama, qui a escaladé un immeuble parisien pour sauv...

234 bottles of champagne? Right-wing MEPs asked to explain expenses
2018.05.29 - Vir :95% - News
Co-chair of the ENF Group, Nicolas Bay, rejected the allegations. The FN politician said his group d...

Two Bay Area bars named among the country's best
2018.05.30 - Vir :95% - News
Meanwhile, True Laurel, the Mission District bar from Lazy Bear's chef/owner David Barzelay and part...

Mark Zuckerberg apologizes to EU officials for Cambridge Analytica scandal: live blog
2018.05.22 - Vir :95% - News
Nicolas Bay of France, head of Europe of Nations and Freedom party, said that Facebook holds "a mono...

Élections européennes : "si les nationaux sont rassemblés, ils peuvent arriver devant La République en marche ...
2018.05.31 - Vir :90% - News
Invité de franceinfo jeudi 31 mai, le vice-président du Front national Nicolas Bay a assuré que les...

The Mali 'Spider-Man' Was Offered French Citizenship. What About the Muslim Migrants Who Aren't Superheroes?
2018.05.30 - Vir :80% - News
The vice president of the National Front party, Nicolas Bay, declared that Gassama had “undeniably”...

Nicolas Bay présentera le nouveau chef de file du Front National 43
2018.05.31 - Vir :75% - News
Nicolas Bay a été le porte-parole de la campagne présidentielle de 2012 de Marine Le Pen. Proche de...