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Edgar Savisaar vs Cristian Popescu Piedone

Primerjaj Edgar Savisaar in Cristian Popescu Piedone ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Edgar Savisaar

Edgar Savisaar

Cristian Popescu Piedone

Cristian Popescu Piedone
Edgar Savisaar
Cristian Popescu Piedone
Former Mayor
Former Mayor
Talin Estonia
Bukarešta Romania
Rojstni datum
Communist Party , Popular Front , Centre Party
National Union for the Progress of Romania
News, Vloga vlade, Izobraževanje, Obramba, Pravosodni sistem, Gospodarstvo
RESULTS ELECTION district 4:Piedone, a new warrant at the town hall | Romania Libera
2012.06.10 - Vir :85% - Vloga vlade
RESULTS ELECTION district 4:Piedone, a new warrant at the town hall | Romania Libera

Cristian Popescu-Piedone: my Intention for 2012 is to run under the UNPR
2011.11.03 - Vir :75% - Vloga vlade
Cristian Popescu-Piedone: my Intention for 2012 is to run under the UNPR

Cristian Popescu Piedone was reunited with the bosses PC: To no longer comment as I'm running from I don't know what city Hall has...
2011.10.03 - Vir :80% - Izobraževanje, Vloga vlade
Cristian Popescu Piedone was reunited with the bosses PC: To no longer comment as I'm running from I...

Elena Udrea announced that Popescu Piedone will be the coordinator of the campaign the PDL-UNPR in the elections of November 2012...
2011.12.13 - Vir :95% - Izobraževanje
Elena Udrea announced that Popescu Piedone will be the coordinator of the campaign the PDL-UNPR in t...

Cristian Popescu-Piedone announce his decision to join the national interest and will run from TUESDAY, all at the...
2015.09.01 - Vir :95% - Izobraževanje
Cristian Popescu-Piedone announce his decision to join the national interest and will run from TUESD...