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Charlie Hales vs Betsy Price

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Charlie Hales

Charlie Hales

Betsy Price

Betsy Price
Charlie Hales
Betsy Price
Washington United States
Fort Worth United States
Portland's Residential Infill Project should RIP: Letter to the editor
2018.05.07 - Source :85% - News
Former Portland Mayor Charlie Hales' developer giveaway and neighborhood-busting debacle known as th...

Big Pay Gaps Are Bad for Business
2018.05.30 - Source :90% - News
Charlie Hales, Portland's mayor when the law was passed in late 2016, argued that it made good busin...

Portland activist sentenced to probation after sex abuse conviction
2018.05.30 - Source :90% - News
Rhodes spoke at a press conference in November 2016 at City Hall with then-Mayor Charlie Hales and t...

It Is Now a Violation of Portland City Code For Drive-Thru Windows to Refuse to Serve People Who Pedal or Walk to ...
2018.05.30 - Source :85% - News
Related: Former Mayor Charlie Hales had the big idea of removing drive-thrus from Portland's low-car...

Portland parks director leaving
2018.05.07 - Source :80% - News
She praised Abbate's service under previous parks commissioner Nick Fish and former Mayor Charlie Ha...

Portland Bureau of Transportation director to resign
2018.05.14 - Source :75% - News
Novick added that Treat "should get none of the blame for the stumbles" that befell the Bureau of Tr...

Portland City Budget Director Andrew Scott Is Leaving for Metro
2018.05.15 - Source :75% - News
Scott is the first person to run the city's Budget Office, set up under Mayor Charlie Hales to provi...

Rebuilding faith in police oversight board: Editorial peak
2018.05.23 - Source :85% - News
Former Portland Police Chief Larry O'Dea, pictured here in this 2015 photo next to former Mayor Char...

Nell Nolan: Rex Pro Bono, Great Lady/Gentleman, Newcomb Art Gallery, Networking
2018.06.04 - Source :75% - News
The Pro Bono Publico Foundation of the School of Design, the Rex Organization, held its 11th annual...

Cramped, cluttered and green goo. Is it time for a new Fort Worth City Hall?
2018.05.07 - Source :80% - News
Four years ago, the U.S. Postal Service backed away from its deal to sell the city of Fort Worth its...

Cowtown is Boomtown, Now 15th Largest in US
2018.05.25 - Source :85% - News
Cowtown's population is now 874,168 – barely behind Columbus, Ohio. The city could hit the million m...

Fort Worth voters overwhelmingly approve 6 bond proposals to fix streets, parks
2018.05.06 - Source :80% - News
"Fort Worth's future got brighter with the passing of our 2018 program," Mayor Betsy Price said. "Ov...

Mayor helped save Colonial. Now, can she bring back the caddie races?
2018.05.27 - Source :80% - News
With multiple representatives from future Colonial title sponsor Charles Schwab in attendance, the f...

Ask the Expert: The Research and Development Tax Credit is more than meets the eye
2018.06.04 - Source :75% - News
ASK ANY business owner if they would be interested in reducing or eliminating their federal and stat...

Fort Worth Mayor, City Leaders, Get Racial Sensitivity Training
2018.05.29 - Source :95% - News
Mayor Betsy Price said the training is helpful. "It's about making the city a better place,” she sai...

Welcome to Boomtown. Fort Worth is now the 15th largest in the country, census says
2018.05.24 - Source :85% - News
And with its rapid rate of growth, Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price believes Fort Worth could climb even...

Affordable Full Day Summer Camp Options
2018.05.14 - Source :90% - News
“They are very affordable programs and often times there are scholarships to underwrite the costs to...

This year's Colonial will feature merchandise that even non-golf fans will want
2018.05.21 - Source :75% - News
Colonial Country Club's thank you to Fort Worth mayor Betsy Price and city leaders for their efforts...

Here's what the new TEXRail train to DFW Airport will look like
2018.05.22 - Source :95% - News
People crowded in Fort Worth this morning at TEXRail's new Equipment Maintenance Facility. It was th...