Compare Boris Kollár et Peter Pellegrini pour savour pour qui voter.
Boris Kollár![]() |
VS |
Peter Pellegrini![]() |
Boris Kollár: Kiska nám zoberie možno percento, do exekutívy nepôjdem ani po voľbách 2020
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Za posledné tri mesiace sa v politike zmenilo veľa. Zavraždili Jána Kuciaka a Martinu Kušnírovú, hro...
Smer wants retirement age capped at 64 years
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... the extra retirement years are considered years worked, so their pension for retiring earlier is...
It would make no sense for Kiska to enter party politics
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Boris Kollar even said he already had a candidate from within the party. It is likely that some part...
Poll: There is no politician whom the majority of people would trust
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... the TASR newswire wrote. Meanwhile, none of the politicians enjoy the trust of more than 50 perc...
Kollár má problém, namiesto parlamentu si mal užívať na dovolenke. Danko žiada odpoveď!
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Má čo vysvetľovať! Predseda opozičnej strany Sme rodina Boris Kollár (52) sa nezúčastnil na minulotý...
Poslanec Kollár chýbal na odvolávaní Matečnej: Nepoprel, že bol na dovolenke
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Opozícia iniciovala návrh na zvolanie mimoriadnej schôdze pred vyše týždňom. Podpísalo sa podeň 44 p...
Boris Kollár chce podporiť návrh na strop odchodu do dôchodku, navrhuje 64 rokov
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Opozičné hnutie Sme rodina je ochotné podporiť návrh na zastropovanie veku odchodu do dôchodku v Úst...
Boris Kollár sľubuje pomoc ľuďom s exekúciami
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Hnutie Sme rodina Borisa Kollára sa aj po tretí raz pokúsi v parlamente presadiť svoj návrh exekučne...
Ministerka Saková urobila rozumné rozhodnutie, Lučanský nie je podľa Krajniaka riadený oligarchom
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Sprava: Podpredseda hnutia Milan Krajniak a predseda hnutia Boris Kollár počas tlačovej besedy v rám...
Kandidáta na prezidenta predstavil už aj Kollár: Do boja ide posledný križiak
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Hnutie Sme rodina predstavilo svojho prezidentského kandidáta. Je ním poslanec NR SR a podpredseda h...
Slovakia deepens cooperation with Int'l Investment Bank ...
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Slovak Vice-Premier for Investments and Informatisation Peter Pellegrini and International Investmen...
PM Pellegrini announces investment in health care
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini announced the biggest investment ever in the University Hospital in...
Slovakia will invite Vietnamese ambassador
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Slovakia did not participate in the abduction of Vietnamese businessman Trinh Xuan Thanha of Germany...
Justice Minister Gál wants more efficient courts and registers
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Changes to the map of courts, their specialisation and digitisation are among the priorities of Gábo...
Rajtar: Pellegrini Shows Lack of Trust in Interior Minister
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Bratislava, May 28 (TASR) – Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) has expressed his lack of conf...
Pellegrini očakáva, že Saková v utorok alebo v stredu predstaví kandidáta na policajného prezidenta
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BRATISLAVA. Premiér Peter Pellegrini čaká, že v utorok alebo v stredu ministerka vnútra Denisa Sakov...
USSK remains in Kosice for now- Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini
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Spectator SME reported that steelmaker US Steel Košice is not ending its production in Slovakia and...
Czech and Slovak prime ministers say common state was beneficial
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The birth of Czechoslovakia in 1918 as well as its break-up in 1993 benefitted the Czech and Slovak...
Slovakia to mark the centenary of its independence with one-off state holiday
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Slovakia will celebrate the centenary of its independence with a one-off state holiday on October 30...
Babiš at Globsec: Immigration quotas will not protect our continent
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During the panel discussion with Slovak PM Peter Pellegrini, he discussed the priorities of central-...
Re:publika festival opens in Brno
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The opening will be attended by the Czech and Slovak prime ministers, Andrej Babiš and Peter Pellegr...
Raubritter-Konkurse Strafverfolger warnen vor Lockerung des Aktienrechts
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... der für Wirtschaftsdelikte zuständige Leitende Staatsanwalt, Peter Pellegrini, auf Anfrage. Die...
Slovaks mourn Pinoy beaten to death in street
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Several Slovak politicians have also condemned the attack, including leftist Prime Minister Peter Pe...
AFP: Slovaks mourn Filipino expat beaten to death in street
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Several Slovak politicians have also condemned the attack, including leftist Prime Minister Peter Pe...
Slovaks mourn Pinoy expat beaten to death
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... to post a white Ku Klux Klan robe captioned: “Ku Klux Klan outfit not bad.” He also posted a pho...
Slovaks mourn slain Pinoy expat
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Several Slovak politicians have also condemned the attack, including leftist Prime Minister Peter Pe...
A World Run by Millennials Would Look Like Europe
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Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is 31, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and his Estonian colleag...
Magyarországon tárgyal kedden a szlovák miniszterelnök
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Peter Pellegrini, Szlovákia miniszterelnöke hivatalos látogatásra Budapestre érkezik kedden – tájéko...
The Latest: Hungary welcomes Italy's rejection of migrants
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Speaking Tuesday after a meeting with his Slovak counterpart, Peter Pellegrini, Orban said that Ital...
Premier: Economic Interests Can't Come Before Protection of Nature
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In this regard, Pellegrini welcomes an amendment to the Nature Conservation Act that is being drawn...
Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini pricestoval na oficiálnu návštevu Maďarska
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Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini pricestoval v utorok do Budapešti na jednodňovú oficiálnu návštev...
Pellegrini: Ekonomické záujmy nesmú byť nadradené ochrane prírody
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V súvislosti s ochranou lesov na Slovensku očakáva premiér jasnú odpoveď, či chce krajina ochraňovať... | Peter Pellegrini kormányfő hivatalos látogatást tesz ...
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Peter Pellegrini kormányfő kedden hivatalos látogatást tesz Budapesten - tájékoztat Havasi Bertalan,...
Italy summons French ambassador over 'hypocritical' criticism on migrants
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said Hungary's anti-immigration Prime Minister Viktor Orban said at a meeting with his Slovak counte...
Hungarian, Slovakian leaders praise Italy for refusing migrant ship to dock
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BUDAPEST, June 12 (Xinhua) -- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Slovakia's counterpart P...
'Europe's moral compass lost': Uncertainty over Aquarius refugees
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Viktor Orban, the virulently anti-migrant prime minister, praised the Italian government's decision...
Pellegrini in Budapest Visits Bielik's Exhibition on 1968 Occupation
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Budapest, June 12 (TASR) – At the end of his one-day official visit to Budapest on Tuesday, Slovak P...
Pellegrini in Budapest Visits Bielik's Exhibition on 1968 Occupation ...
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Budapest, June 12 (TASR) – At the end of his one-day official visit to Budapest on Tuesday, Slovak P...
Pellegrini: Treba urobiť ešte veľa vecí. A mám pocit, že to sa z pozície prezidenta nedá
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Myslím, že mám pred sebou ešte obrovský kus práce, a ak chcem pre túto krajinu ešte niečo spraviť a...
Rescue ship highlights Europe's divisions on migration policy
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Speaking Tuesday after a meeting with his Slovak counterpart, Peter Pellegrini, Orban said that Ital...
Italy demands apology for France's 'hypocritical' criticism on migrants
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said Hungary's anti-immigration Prime Minister Viktor Orban said at a meeting with his Slovak counte...
Slovak government will provide special treatment for Volkswagen Slovakia
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini informed about the package of planned measures after meeting the Vol...
Premier: Slovak Gov't to Prepare Special Measures for Volkswagen Slovakia
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In this regard, Pellegrini said that the measures will surely include the simplification of issuing...
Hungary's Orban Praises Italian Decision To Refuse Migrant Ship – “Finally!”
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Speaking Tuesday after a meeting with his Slovak counterpart, Peter Pellegrini, Orban said that Ital...
Japanese company to start production near Košice
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini deems the investment “good news for Košice and the whole of S...
Waze founder now offers app to navigate VAT refund process
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... several European countries, the statement said, starting with Slovakia — which was also the firs...
Slovakia Becomes Home To A New Japanese Automotive Production Site
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Since the opening, Slovakia's Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini has also commented on the build to TAS...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini tvrdí, že predmetom rekonštrukcie kaštieľa v Rusovciahc bude len stavba.
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„Samotnému vybaveniu sa budeme venovať až následne, preto prosím pokoj, kľud, to, čo sme videli na t...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini povedal, že sa nenechá tlačiť do rýchleho rozhodnutia o stíhačkách.
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Pellegrini povedal, že sa musia odstrániť všetky pochybnosti, vrátane toho, či Švédi ponúkli Slovens...
V4-Austria Summit to Be Held in Budapest
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A summit will be held on Thursday in Budapest with the prime ministers of the Visegrad Group (V4) an...
Premiér požiadal Matečnú, aby začala rokovať s farmármi
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Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) požiadal podpredsedníčku vlády a šéfku Ministerstva pôd...
Protesting farmers refuse to leave Bratislava before meeting PM
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Earlier, farmers gave an ultimatum to Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (of the ruling Smer party), wa...
Slovakia delays decision to replace Russian fighter jets
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The defense ministry was originally expected to submit an analysis of the two options by June 29 for...
Slovakia Delays Decision On Replacing Russian MiG-29 Jets
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Slovakia says it is postponing a decision on whether to buy U.S.-made F-16s or Swedish Gripen fighte...
Premiér Pellegrini v Budapešti prevezme od Orbána predsedníctvo V4, témou bude aj migrácia
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... prevezme od Orbána predsedníctvo V4, témou bude aj migrácia. BRATISLAVA 21. júna (
Pellegrini: Pri stíhačkách sa nenechám tlačiť do unáhlených rozhodnutí
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BRATISLAVA / Rozhodnutie o budúcnosti nadzvukového letectva do začiatku letných prázdnin nepadne. Pr...
Visegrad-Staaten beraten mit Kurz über Flüchtlingspolitik
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Budapest (dpa) - Die Regierungschefs der Visegrad-Vier-Staaten, Viktor Orban (Ungarn), Mateusz Moraw...
Pellegrini Officially Takes over V4 Presidency from Orban in Budapest
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Budapest, June 21 (TASR correspondent) – Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) officially...
Orbán Highlights EU Border Protection in V4-plus-Austria Summit
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said protection of the EU's external borders was crucial, and...
V4 PMs to skip EU migration mini-summit: Hungary's Orban
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Poland's Mateusz Morawiecki, Hungary's Orban, the Czech Republic's Andrej Babiš and Slovakia's Peter...
EU draft accord dropped amid migrant policy row
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Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz...
Slovak farmers on tractors join anti-government protesters
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They accused the leftist populist government of Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of “failing to resto...
Farmers join anti-government protests in Slovakia's Bratislava
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They accused the leftist populist government of Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of "failing to resto...
Schengen sa ešte nerúca, verí Peter Pellegrini
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Pellegrini potvrdil, že SR neopustí svoj zásadný odmietavý postoj k snahám prerozdeľovať migrantov....
Peter Pellegrini na Kališti: O úcte k hrdinom nestačí len rozprávať, ale treba ju prejaviť aj skutkami
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V areáli Národnej kultúrnej pamiatky Kalište sa v sobotu uskutočnil 13. ročník spomienkového podujat...
Orbán warns Slovakia against George Soros on a TV talk show
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He was speaking on the June 24 show V Politike / In Politics, shown by the private TV broadcaster TA...
Orbán: V4 Success Behind 'Brussels Attacks'
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“Some of the criticisms are levelled at me not because of Hungary, but because of the V4,” Viktor Or...
Pellegrini: Mali by sme vytvárať väčší tlak na tých, ktorí sa zamestnať nechcú
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Naznačil to premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) po odchode z rokovania Hospodárskej a sociálnej rady,...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini ide na návštevu ministerstva hospodárstva,
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Pellegrini to povedal v Exprese s tým, že chce o tom hovoriť aj s Hodnotou za peniaze a Kažimírom. P...
Swiss investor to bring 500 jobs to the Hungry Valley in northern Slovakia
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Thomas Muhr, owner of the Swiss company Mubea, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, Economy Minister Pet...
Designer offers to adjust Orban's suit for free
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The picture, posted online by Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, was taken last week during...
Newsfilter: Peter Pellegrini si vyskúšal, aké je byť zlostným Robertom Ficom
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Po mesiacoch, keď sa s Petrom Pellegrinim dalo nesúhlasiť, ale napriek tomu stále predstavoval ľudsk...
Peter Pellegrini: Budujeme efektívny štát
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Peter Pellegrini: Budujeme efektívny štát. Bratislava 26. júna 2018 (HSP/Foto:TASR-Marko Erd). Preds...
The Council of Europe is not a "menu à la carte" where we choose what we want
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On the contrary, it is necessary to honour and respect its obligations and to implement consistently...
Hungary Hands V4 Presidency to Slovakia
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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has officially handed over the presidency of the Visegrád Grou...
Premiér Pellegrini bude zasadať na summite v Bruseli, témami bude migrácia i americké clá
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Pellegrini zdôraznil, že na bode o lepšej ochrane vonkajších hraníc je pomerne široký konsenzus. Vys...
Premiér Pellegrini Rade Európy daruje bustu Dubčeka, v Štrasburgu ...
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BRATISLAVA 27. júna ( – Premiér Peter Pellegrini má v stredu program v Rade Európy (RE)...
Pellegrini sľubuje druhú vlnu antibyrokratických opatrení
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Pre rok 2019 je v príprave druhá vlna antibyrokratických opatrení v rámci prístupu „jedenkrát a dosť...
PM Pellegrini: lack of dialogue and tolerance threatens multilateralism
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Protecting human rights, peace, and democracy, these are the goals for which the Council of Europe w...
Road Transport Act shall be amended to suit new trends
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said at the beginning of this week that once people start to like an...
EU leaders meet for 'make or break' migration talks
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BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU leaders meet in Brussels for two days of talks on migration that German Chan...
Pellegrini in Strasbourg: We Can Only Face Current Challenges Jointly
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Strasbourg, June 27 (TASR correspondent) – Slovakia needs the Council of Europe in the current turbu...
Kostlivci v Pellegriniho skrini: úsmevy aj zastrašovanie SIS-kou
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Počas jeho kritiky Kisku v Kališti stál iba kúsok od Pellegriniho Peter Gogola, bývalý primátor Bans...
Premiér Pellegrini podpísal historicky najvyššie zvýšenie platov verejnej a štátnej správy
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BRATISLAVA 28. júna ( – Premiér Peter Pellegrini, viceprezidentka Konfederácie odborový...
Pellegrini už má informácie k nákupu stíhačiek
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Minister obrany Peter Gajdoš (SNS) v stredu po zasadnutí vlády uviedol, že vláda by o investícii za...
Pellegrini: We Agreed on Highest-ever Salary Hike in Public Sector
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Bratislava, June 28 (TASR) – Salaries for public servants should increase by 10 percent on average a...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini po príchode na summit
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Všetky práva vyhradené. Publikovanie alebo ďalšie šírenie správ, fotografií a dát je bez predchádzaj...
Slovakia Backs Hungary on Migrant Crisis: 'We Are Not Prepared to Suffer for the Mistakes of Others'
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini backed the stance of his Hungarian counterpart, Viktor Orbán,...
Leaders commemorate Czechoslovakia's centenary in Paris
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The country peacefully separated into two independent Republics in 1993 after the fall of communism...
Hardline eastern EU members crow victory over migrant deal
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini struck a more moderate tone on Friday saying that "when it co...
Pellegrini: No Migrants Will Come to Slovakia without Our Consent
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... migrants to assist neighbouring countries that find themselves in need; however, no migrants wil...
Slovakia Backs Hungary on Migrant Crisis: 'We Are Not Prepared to Suffer for the Mistakes of Others'
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Slovak prime minister Peter Pellegrini backed the stance of his Hungarian counterpart, Viktor Orbán,...
Photo Advisory First, Photos released upto 4 pm
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demonstrate their skill. (A) Dodge City: Lightning dwarfs city lights as a distant. thunder storm pa...
Peter Pellegrini a Emmanuel Macron rokovali v Paríži
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„Macronovi som mal česť vyjadriť, ako veľmi si ceníme podporu Francúzska, no i priateľské a konštruk...
PM Pellegrini: Slovakia will accept migrants but nobody will come here without our consent
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"Slovakia can accept as many as 1,200 migrants to assist neighbouring countries that find themselves...
Summit opens new chapter of EU cooperation, Babiš tells Macron
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... migration deals reached by the EU summit on Friday is "a new chapter of European cooperation," C...
Visegrad Four claim EU migration summit as their own success
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“I appreciate that the discussion has moved from the level of enforcing relocation and mandatory quo...
Acting Police President Lučanský will not leave his post until next year
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Prime Minsiter Peter Pellegrini admitted, according to Sme, that the coalition has not concluded thi...
In 'surprise' move, Slovakia says cultural mission to open in Jerusalem
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The decision, made by Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, came after Knesset Speaker Yuli Ede...
Peter Pellegrini exkluzívne pre PLUS 7 dní: S kým trávi voľný čas a chodieva na vínko?
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Myslíte vy, Martin Glváč, Peter Žiga a Peter Kažimír? Áno, to vzniklo len na základe toho, že si rad...
Pellegrini tvrdí, že sa chcel stretnúť s farmármi
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Premiér SR Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) tvrdí, že sa chcel stretnúť s farmármi pred utorkovým výjazdov...
Young Slovaks want to study abroad
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Young people should return from abroad, which is something the three top constitutional representati...
Surprise Development: Slovakia moves to Open Embassy in Jerusalem
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Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini's decision was reached after Speaker of the Israeli Knesse...
Slovakia declares it will move its embassy to Jerusalem
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The decision, made by Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, came after Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelst...
Archbishop: Our society longs for the truth
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Thousands of believers gathered for the traditional pilgrimage marking the St Cyril and Methodius Da...
Pellegrini: Positives Lacking in Archbishop's Sermon at Pilgrimage
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Nitra, July 5 (TASR) – Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD), who attended the National Pilgrima...
Slovakia declares it will move its embassy to Jerusalem Jewish ...
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"Slovakia is on its way to relocating its embassy to Jerusalem," head of the Slovak National Council...
China, Slovakia agree to enhance cooperation on regional ...
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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met here Friday with his Slovak counterpart, Peter Pellegrini, and the tw...
Policajné kontroly na hraniciach s Rakúskom nás obťažujú – odkázal susedom premiér Peter Pellegrini
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„Otvorene som mu (rakúskemu kancelárovi Sebastianovi Kurtzovi, pozn.redakcie) povedal, že nevidím dô...
Slovak PM: CEEC-China 16+1 Summits Not Designed to Disrupt EU's Unity
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... and Eastern Europe with China aren't designed to disrupt the unity of the European Union, but th...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini sa zúčastnil na slávnostnej svätej omši pri príležitosti Levočskej púte. Omšu celebroval ...
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini sa zúčastnil na slávnostnej svätej omši pri príležitosti Levočskej púte. Om...
Half a million people attended the Levoča pilgrimage at the weekend
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The main mass for the pilgrimage (July 1-8) on Sunday, July 8, celebrated by Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig...
Li Keqiang Meets with Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of Slovakia
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On the afternoon of July 6, 2018 local time, Premier Li Keqiang met at the hotel where he stayed in...
Pellegrini: Slovakia wants to extend broad-gauge track to Bratislava
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Slovakia wants to play a strategic role in transport in the future, Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pell...
Automotive suppliers will invest further millions in Slovakia.
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In return, they are asking the state for almost €40 million in investment stimuli. The cabinet of Pe...
Plans for the restoration of Rusovce manor house draw criticism
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After the wave of the criticism, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini promised that this part of the proj...
Slovakia to launch new Mochovce nuclear power unit in Q2 2019 -PM
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BRATISLAVA, July 10 (Reuters) - Slovak utility Slovenske Elektrarne plans to put its new unit 3 at t...
Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini navštívi elektráreň v Mochovciach
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V utorok 10. júla 2018 predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini navštívil Slovenské elektrárne v Mochovcia...
Is the completion of Mochovce nuclear plant close?
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The third block of the Mochovce nuclear power plant should definitely be completed in the second qua...
Cabinet approved purchase of 14 US F-16s
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Slovakia will purchase 14 US F-16 Block 70/72 tactical fighter jets and will sign the relevant contr...
Slovakia to buy 14 US-made F-16 jet fighters
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BRATISLAVA: The Slovak government today it had approved the purchase of 14 cutting-edge US-made F-16...
Czech Republic may help Slovakia protect its airspace
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said on Wednesday that Slovakia would analyse whether it would be re...
Slovakia Picks US Fighter Planes to Replace Russian-Made Jets ...
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BRATISLAVA—Slovakia has agreed a $1.9 billion deal to buy 14 U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to replace...
Slovakia to buy F-16 fighter jets. What is wrong with the ministry's analysis?
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PM Peter Pellegrini originally suggested that he was not going to be pressed into making a quick dec...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini požiadal lekárske fakulty v Martine, Košiciach a Bratislave, aby od septembra prijali o 185 ...
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SaS: Zvýšenie výdavkov na obranu na 2 percentá HDP sa dá dosiahnuť aj v budúcom volebnom období. „Ab...
Pellegrini žiada tri lekárske fakulty, aby dodatočne prijali študentov
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Lekárske fakulty v Bratislave, Martine a Košiciach by mali dodatočne prijať radovo 185 nových študen...
Pellegrini: Systém financovania zdravotníctva by sa mohol zmeniť
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Premiér chce zapojiť do financovania štát. Systém financovania zdravotníctva by sa mohol zmeniť, o z...
Health Ministry plans thorough reform of hospitals
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New plans for hospitals will be realised over the next 12 years, announced Health Minister Andrea Ka...
Peter Pellegrini: Mariánska hora miesto našich duchovných tradícií
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Treba si ctiť naše tradície, a preto som hrdý, že toľko Slovákov sem počas víkendu prišlo," povedal...
Pellegrini chce viac medikov. Reakcie sú protichodné
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Predseda vlády Peter Pellegrini pred niekoľkými dňami vyzval lekárske fakulty v Martine, Bratislave...
Pro-Putin Bikers Set up 'European Branch' in Slovakia
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The development triggered concern in the leftist populist government of Slovak Prime Minister Peter...
Petition urges public officials to take action against the Night Wolves
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More than two hundred public figures have urged President Andrej Kiska, Speaker of Parliament Andrej...
Finance Minister headed for the central bank, insiders claim
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In Smer, Kažimír has the closest ties with Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and the head of the parli...
Roma organisations outraged by attack in Žilina
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He thus called on General Prosecutor Jaromír Čižnár, PM Peter Pellegrini and Interior Minister Denis...
Was a Slovak plane used to abduct a Vietnamese citizen?
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This information was already published by German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung several mo...
OLaNO Suspects Government Office of Clientelism in Legal Services
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Bratislava, July 30 (TASR) – The Opposition OLaNO party on Monday pointed out that the Government Of...
Pellegrini kritizoval Kisku za vyjadrenie o Nočných vlkoch domov ...
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BRATISLAVA. Slovenský premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer) v súvislosti s činnosťou Nočných vlkov na Slov...
Pellegrini skritizoval vyjadrenia Kisku o Nočných vlkoch, ktorý ich označil za riziko pre Slovensko
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Peter Pellegrini, Andrej Kiska. 1. Otvoriť Foto TU. Otvoriť galériu. Zľava: Premiér Peter Pellegrini...
Pellegrini je problém, nebezpečne sa hrá na Hlavu XXII
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Slovensko vyzerá byť bezbranné. A jeho premiér je podstatnou súčasťou problému. Hoci je Peter Pelleg...
Scientists to protest against current situation at SAV
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It expects that PM Peter Pellegrini, Speaker of Parliament Andrej Danko, and President Andrej Kiska...
Premiér Pellegrini posiela ministerku Sakovú do Nemecka pre podozrenia z únosu Vietnamca
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BRATISLAVA 3. augusta ( – Premiér Peter Pellegrini požiadal ministerku vnútra Denisu Sa...
Komentár Petra Bárdyho: Položí únos Pellegriniho vládu?
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Fico, líder strany, bude dnes s Andrejom Dankom (SNS) a Bélom Bugárom (Most-Híd) dohadovať, čo ďalej...
Medzinárodný škandál únosu Vietnamca vrcholí! Mimoriadne rokovanie koalície, Pellegrini reaguje
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K prípadu sa vyjadril aj premiér Peter Pellegrini. - Denník N zverejnil v spolupráci s nemeckým Allg...
OĽANO: Pellegrini by mal pre únos podať demisiu
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BRATISLAVA. Je neprijateľné, že slovenská vláda sa priamo podieľala na únose cudzieho štátneho prísl...
Biker gang and Crimea visit put focus on Slovakia's ties to Russia
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Several of Europe's leaders have criticised EU sanctions imposed on Russia for its aggression agains...
Slovakia Probes Reports of Role in Kidnap of Vietnamese Ex-Executive
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BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia said on Friday it would send its interior minister and police chief...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini (42) si začína zariaďovať svoj nový luxusný byt: Sám si kúpim, sám si urobím
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Hoci v posledných dňoch rezonovalo najmä sťahovanie Márie Troškovej, rovnaké problémy rieši v týchto...
Opposition Demands Cabinet's Resignation and Kalinak's Prosecution
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... Solidarity (SaS) and Ordinary People (OLaNO) demand the prosecution of MP and ex-interior minist...
Slovak petition urges action on Russian 'Night Wolves'
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More than 200 Slovak celebrities have signed a petition demanding prime minister Peter Pellegrini ta...
Press Freedom Is Still Under Attack in Slovakia
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They included swapping long-term Prime Minister Robert Fico for the more technocratic Peter Pellegri...
Slovakia probes reports of role in kidnap of Vietnamese ex-executive
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... year and smuggled back to Vietnam. He was subsequently tried and jailed for life. Prime Minister...
Premiér Pellegrini o kauze únosu Vietnamca: Rázny odkaz ministerke vnútra
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Vyhlásil to v pondelok predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) pred stretnutím troch najvyšších...
MP Marček's trip to Crimea has no results
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In one photo, Cibula is seen labelled “advisor of Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini”. The Gover...
Nový konflikt v Smere: Kvôli kauze únosu to vrie, Pellegrini narazil ...
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BRATISLAVA - Zdá sa, že situácia je napätá nielen medzi vládnymi stranami, ale aj v samotnom jadre n...
Premiér Pellegrini mal na úrade vlády vzácnu návštevu: FOTO Toto je moja rodinka
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Poukazoval som im zrkadlovú sálu, reprezentačné priestory - salóniky a samozrejme moju pracovňu a zá...
Pellegrini kritizuje aj prezidenta Andreja Kisku za jeho výroky o celej kauze.
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„U mňa už pohár trpezlivosti preteká. Pán prezident neustále rozpráva, že sme mafiánsky štát. Pán pr...
Pellegrini hádže vinu za únos na Nemcov a Čechov. Oni však neponúkli vládny špeciál
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V piatok to vravel riaditeľ Slovenskej informačnej služby Anton Šafárik, v sobotu podpredseda parlam...
Pellegrini hovoril o únose s Kaliňákom. Prezradil detaily rozhovoru
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Kauza únosu vietnamského občana Trinh Xuan Thanha, na ktorom sa malo podieľať aj Slovensko naďalej m...
Pellegrini akkor szerzett tudomást a vietnami vállalkozó elrablásáról, amikor Fico helyére került
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Peter Pellegrini azt követően szerzett tudomást a vietnami vállalkozó elrablásának ügyéről, illetve...
Premiér chce mimoriadne zasadnutie Rady vlády: Zaoberať sa majú transformáciou SAV
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O zvolanie zasadnutia jej predsedu Richarda Rašiho (Smer-SD) požiadal predseda vlády SR Peter Pelleg...
Kritika z Kiskovho paláca: Premiér môže ukázať, že nie je bábkou
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Peter Pellegrini čelí najnovšie kritike od prezidenta Andreja Kisku pre kauzu únosu Vietnamca. Premi...
Pellegrinimu bude radiť skúsený diplomat
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Hoci Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) nastúpil do kresla predsedu vlády takmer už pred šiestimi mesiacmi,...
Kiska a Pellegrini poslali do Talianska sústrastné telegramy
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Predseda vlády SR Pellegrini zaslal sústrastný telegram svojmu talianskemu kolegovi predsedovi vlády...
Genovai hídomlás: Részvéttáviratot küldött Pellegrini és Kiska
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Andrej Kiska államfő és Peter Pellegrini miniszterelnök részvéttáviratokat küldtek Olaszországba a g...
Protest pointing to stalemate in SAV takes place at Cabinet Office
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... chairman of the governmental Council for Science, Technology and Innovations, announced at the r...
Kiska és Pellegrini részvéttáviratokat küldtek Olaszországba ...
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Andrej Kiska államfő és Peter Pellegrini miniszterelnök részvéttáviratokat küldtek Olaszországba a g...
Foto: Na otvorení Agrokomplexu 2018 hodnotil Pellegrini žatvu, Matečná hovorila o plánovaných investíciách
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Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini na otvorení výstavy hodnotil tohtoročnú žatvu. Ako uviedol, ani v...
Pellegrini chce riešiť SAV. Pluska
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Transformáciou Slovenskej akadémie vied (SAV) sa bude na svojom mimoriadnom zasadnutí zaoberať Rada...
PM Pellegrini Opens Agrokomplex, Talking about Optimistic Crop Expectations
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Slovak farmers cannot speak about favourable weather this year, said Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini...
EXKLIZÍVNE VIDEO Neuveríte, na čom sa dnes vozil premiér Pellegrini! TOTO musíte vidieť
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zhodli sa premiér Peter Pellegrini (42) a ministerka Gabriela Matečná (53). V posledných dňoch sa ve...
Pellegrini az oktatási tárcára bízta a nagyszarvai szlovák osztályok ügyét
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A problémával a novemberi helyhatósági választások után megalakuló új képviselő-testület fog tovább...
Pellegrini na Agrokomplexe hodil starosti za hlavu: VIDEO Tančeky s Matečnou či čapovanie piva
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BRATISLAVA/NITRA - Peter Pellegrini sa vo štvrtok zúčastnil 45. ročníka výstavy v nitrianskom Agroko...
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West Ham manager Manuel Pellegrini urged fans to "trust" the team after the Hammers threw away a lea...
Former police president now working as adviser at Interior Ministry
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The Interior Minister at the time, Tomáš Drucker (a Smer nominee, who later resigned) did not sack h...
Liberáli upozornili na vtipnú momentku: FOTO Matečná, Pellegrini a Sulíkové mäsové výrobky
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Fotografiu na svoj profil pridala v sobotu večer podpredsedníčka SaS a parlamentu Lucia Ďuriš Nichol...
Pellegrini méltányosnak tartja az 520 eurós minimálbért
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Peter Pellegrini kormányfő szerint méltányos a javaslat, melynek értelmében a minimálbért 520 euróra...
Premiér Pellegrini o auguste 1968 | Nový Čas
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Udalosti z augusta 1968 sú dramatickým príbehom o nádeji malého národa postaviť sa vtedajším pravidl...
Pellegrini: Srpen 1968 byl snahou postavit se rozdělení světa Týden
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Události ze srpna 1968 jsou dramatickým příběhem o naději malého národa postavit se tehdejším pravid...
Pellegrini vyzval na obranu slobody, pozýva na výstavu fotografií
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Peter Pellegrini.(Zdroj: SITA). Písmo:A-|A+ 16 0. BRATISLAVA. Snažme sa o svet, v ktorom sa národy m...
Busting immigration myths
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He has allies in Hungary's Viktor Orban, Italy's Matteo Salvini, Poland's Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Austri...
Vo vláde sa hádame pre peniaze, povedal Pellegrini deťom domov ...
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Na Hodine otázok sa deti pýtali na plat premiéra, cestovanie zadarmo aj na hádky vo vláde.
Pellegrini: Dalo by sa diskutovať o tom, či má byť 21. august pamätným dňom
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V prípade, že by vznikla spoločenská objednávka, aby bol 21. august pamätným dňom, premiér Peter Pel...
Vláda zrejme zatiaľ nerozhodne o výbere policajného prezidenta
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Pred rokovaním to povedal premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD). „Javí sa, že okolo návrhu je ešte veľa...
Očistenie polície po vražde Kuciaka sa odkladá: Veľké plánované ...
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BRATISLAVA - Vláda dnes mala rozhodnúť o návrhu nového spôsobu voľby prezidenta policajného zboru. Z...
Aktualizované: Pellegriniho vláda schválila zmeny vo voľbe ...
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BRATISLAVA 22. augusta ( – Vláda SR schválila návrh zmien pri voľbe ústavných sudcov, k...
Kiska byl při výročí srpnové okupace u moře ve Španělsku, tvrdí média
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini se zdržel komentáře, nevyjádřil se ani předseda parlamentu Andrej Danko. Pe...
Máme rebríček najsexi politikov sveta. Pellegrini poriadne zabodoval!
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JD and Kate Industries sú spoluautormi knihy Hottest heads of state. Najnovšie spísali zoznam zástup...
Premiér Pellegrini sa ocitol na 12. mieste najsexi politikov sveta: Čím tromfol Fica?!
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Z hľadiska osobnostného si myslím, že Peter Pellegrini je vyzretejšia osobnosť ako jeho predchodca F...
Premiér Pellegrini: Mierumilovný slovenský národ sa vie postaviť za kľúčové hodnoty
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Pri príležitosti krajských osláv 74. výročia Slovenského národného povstania (SNP) to v sobotu pri p...
Pellegrini a világ legvonzóbb politikai vezetői közt, simán lekörözte Ficót
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Peter Pellegrini - szlovák kormányfő. 15. Alexis Tsipras - görög kormányfő. 29. Alexander Lukašenko...
All-ability competitors join iFLY Australia Indoor Skydiving Championships
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iFLY Australia's first all-ability sponsored athlete Pete Pellegrini is confirmed to compete in a 4...
Peter Pellegrini vyjadril sústrasť bulharskému premiérovi Hlavné ...
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Bratislava 26. augusta 2018 (SITA/HSP/Foto:SITA-Diana Černáková). Autobusová nehoda neďaleko hlavnéh...
Premiér Pellegrini (42) si vyhodil z kopýtka. Na koncerte s dvomi ženami!
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Tajný program! Predseda vlády Peter Pellegrini (42) odložil pracovné povinnosti bokom a vybral sa za...
Peter Pellegrini dnes o 14.00 položí veniec k pamätníku na Námestí SNP v Bratislave v rámci spomienkového ...
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Časť Progresívneho Slovenska je proti splynutiu strany s novým projektom prezidenta Andreja Kisku, p...
Priamy prenos: Pellegrini si pripomína výročie SNP
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini položí veniec k pamätníku na Námestí SNP v Bratislave v rámci spomienkového...
Pellegrini: Naši predkovia neprijali svoj osud pasívne, ale postavili sa na odpor jednej z najlepších armád sveta
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Naši predkovia neprijali svoj osud pasívne ako pri viacerých iných zlomových momentoch, ale postavil...
Aktualizované: Dovoz pracovníkov zo zahraničia by sa mal zjednodušiť, Pellegrini chce zamestnať aj Rómov
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... byť na Slovensko niekoľko mesiacov. Podľa premiéra sa treba zaoberať aj podporou zamestnávania R...
Pellegrini: Kvôli stropu na dôchodok nie je v koalícii pnutie
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BRATISLAVA. Pnutie v koalícii kvôli návrhu na ústavné zastropovanie dôchodkového veku na Slovensku n...
Pellegrini: Pozsony máig hű a szlovák nemzeti felkelés üzenetéhez
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A szlovák nemzeti felkelés (SNP) idején a férfiak azért keltek fel, mert az eszük és a szívük ezt di...
Cabinet to allocate €2.8 million for Bratislava railway station renovation
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The government will reserve €2.8 million for the renovation of Bratislava's main railway station, Pr...
Peter Pellegrini el tudja képzelni a képviselők mentelmi jogának szűkítését
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Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) kormányfő el tudja képzelni, hogy szűkítenék a képviselők kijelentéseire...
Premiér a podpredseda Smeru Peter Pellegrini mal na oslavách SNP najemotívnejší prejav. Hovoril o tom, že má ...
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Premiér a podpredseda Smeru Peter Pellegrini mal na oslavách SNP najemotívnejší prejav. Hovoril o to...
Pellegrini odmieta tvrdenia o koaličnom spore pre dôchodkové stropy
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Pnutie v koalícii kvôli návrhu na ústavné zastropovanie dôchodkového veku na Slovensku nie je. Koali...
Kiska: SNP should not be celebrated only once a year
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PM Peter Pellegrini (Smer) expressed regret that people who experienced SNP still have to witness at...
Pellegrini: People Challenging SNP Belong to Dung Heap of History
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Banska Bystrica, August 29 (TASR) – Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, speaking at a commemorative eve...
Špičky štátu chcú viac trestať extrémizmus na internete
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... predseda Národnej rady (NR) SR Andrej Danko (SNS) a predseda vlády Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) s...
Amir greets President of Slovak Republic on National Day
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... of his country's National Day. Prime Minister and Interior Minister H E Sheikh Abdullah bin Nass...
Premiér Pellegrini označil priamych účastníkov SNP za skutočných hrdinov
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Prítomní boli najvyšší ústavní činitelia – prezident Andrej Kiska, predseda Národnej rady SR Andrej...
Roundup: Slovakia to deal with shortage of labour by employing foreigners
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The situation in Slovakia is rather critical at the moment," announced Slovak Prime Minister Peter P...
Premiér Pellegrini v Bystrici: FOTO Poslal Kotlebu na smetisko dejín a potom vystál rad na zmrzlinu
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini v stredu na 74, výročie absolvoval cestu do Banskej Bystrice, kde sa spolu...
Amir sends greetings to Slovak president
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HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani sent a s...
Novú ústavu nám netreba, tvrdí premiér Pellegrini
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Vyhlásil to v Deň Ústavy SR premiér Peter Pellegrini. „Deň Ústavy je pre nás výnimočný deň, 1. septe...
Podľa premiéra nám novú ústavu netreba: Sprevádza nás 25 rokov, ale je moderná
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Tiež sa ale netreba báť jej zmien, pokiaľ sú na prospech veci. Vyhlásil to v Deň Ústavy SR premiér P...
Pellegrini: Ústava je moderný dokument, zmien sa však netreba báť
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Je to dokument, ktorý nás sprevádza už 25 rokov a už na tú dobu bol pokrokový," povedal Pellegrini,...
Pellegrini Nagyszarvára megy aggódni a szlovák iskoláért
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A “kék” közösségi hálón terjed a hír, miszerint Peter Pellegrini szlovák kormányfő szeptember 3-án,...
Iran's VP felicitates Slovakia on 'Day of Constitution' Mehr News Agency
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In a message to his Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini on Sunday, Es'hagh Jahangiri felicitat...
Peter Pellegrini otvoril nový školský rok na základnej škole v Slovenskom Grobe
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Pellegrini otváral školský rok. Upozorňoval na to, že za stav školstva nie je zodpovedná len vláda....
Peter Pellegrini: Starostovia a primátori by si mali uvedomiť Denník N
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že školstvo je len spolovice v rukách štátu a vlády, druhú polovicu majú na starosti oni z vlastných...
Pellegrini: Emelni kell a pedagógusok kezdő fizetését
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Ezenkívül azon kell gondolkodni, hogy „hogyan lehetne hatékonyan megemelni a kezdő tanárok fizetését...
Peter Pellegrini: Kandidatúru na prezidenta som nikdy nezvažoval
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Vyšetrí sa kauza únosu Vietnamca, ktorému napomohol exminister vnútra Robert Kaliňák? Prečo ani sede...
Pellegrini netrvá na sedemročnom mandáte nového policajného prezidenta
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"Ak niekoho irituje sedemročné obdobie, pokojne budem preferovať jeho skrátenie s možnosťou uchádzať...
Pellegrini nebude tolerovať, aby sa deti nemohli vzdelávať v slovenskom jazyku
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BRATISLAVA. Premiér Peter Pellegrini nebude tolerovať, aby sa deti nemohli vzdelávať v rodnom sloven...
Pellegrini netrvá na sedemročnom mandáte nového prezidenta polície
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V relácii Braňo Závodský Naživo rádia Expres to pripustil predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini (Smer-S...
Slovakia to pay more for its ultra-modern national stadium
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Bratislava will soon have one of the most modern football stadiums in Europe, Prime Minister Peter P...
Holocaust remembrance divided over several days
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and Culture Minister Ľubica Laššáková will participate in this event...
No need to celebrate the Constitution; it's a remnant of Mečiar's era
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Smer party paid tribute to Constitutional Day there, too. The...
Pellegrini chce podporili vznik veľkého cyklistického centra
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BRATISLAVA. Po hokeji, tenise a futbale by malo prísť aj k výraznej štátnej podpore pre cyklistiku....
VIDEO Pellegrini navštívil národný štadión: Budeme mať jeden z najmodernejších štadiónov v Európe
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... čoskoro jeden z najmodernejších, a v niektorých ohľadoch dokonca úplne najmodernejší futbalový š...
Peter Pellegrini v Banskej Bystrici: SMER- SD podporí Jána Noska na primátora
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V stredu po rokovaní vlády zavítal do rodnej Banskej Bystrice slovenský premiér Peter Pellegrini. Pr...
Pellegrini is nagyon érzi, mennyire fontos az alkotmánybíró-választás
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Az alkotmánybírók kiválasztása befolyásolja, hogy a következő években milyen lesz Szlovákiában a hag...
Peter Pellegrini v Banskej Bystrici: SMER- SD podporí Jána Noska na primátora
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V stredu po rokovaní vlády zavítal do rodnej Banskej Bystrice slovenský premiér Peter Pellegrini. Pr...
Nagyra értékelik Pellegrini látogatását a nagyszarvai szlovák szülők
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az érintett szülők nagyra értékelik, hogy a kormányfő talált időt a nagyszarvai polgármesterrel való...
Foto: Pellegrini a Laššáková otvorili expozíciu Múzea holokaustu o fungovaní pracovného tábora
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... expozície zveľaďovať, my musíme vytvoriť miesto, kde vieme dostať ľudí, mladú generáciu, aby si...
Siska-Streit kommt vor Gericht
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Die Zürcher Staatsanwaltschaft III für qualifizierte Wirtschaftskriminalität hat im Fall Günter Heub...
Premiér kladie dôraz na výber policajného prezidenta: Potrebujeme dobrého a morálneho človeka
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V diskusnej relácii TA3 V politike to uviedol predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) s tým, že...
Folk costume Day in central Slovakia draws thousands
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I hope that Folk Costume Day will become a wonderful tradition .... enabling us to remember the wond...
BREAKING NEWS Klaus Iohannis Peter Pellegrini, premierul Slovaciei, întâlnire la Cotroceni
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Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis îl primeşte, marţi, la Palatul Cotroceni, pe premierul Slovaciei, Peter...
Pellegrini chváli výmenu lôžok v nemocniciach: Je dôležité, aby sme urobili všetko pre komfort pacienta
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer) pri tejto príležitosti uviedol, že je dôležité „robiť všetko pre kom...
Vláda by pri zmene výberu policajného prezidenta nemala určiť funkčné obdobie, tvrdí Pellegrini
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BRATISLAVA 9. septembra ( – Pokiaľ ide o novelu zákona zavádzajúcu zmeny vo výbere Prez...
Pellegrini o colných podvodoch: Nebudeme vyvodzovať personálnu zodpovednosť na základe jedného dňa
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Pri zisteniach Európskeho úradu pre boj proti podvodom (OLAF) o colných podvodoch v EÚ, ktoré sa mal...
Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini, starts today an official visit to Romania
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Prime Minister Viorica Dancila will welcome on Tuesday, at the Victoria Palace, Prime Minister of th...
Presidential survey: Researcher Mistrík leading so far but coalition politicians will score well, too
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The poll was conducted at a time when many key candidates are not known yet: the ruling Smer party h...
Barrack no. 3 shows how people lived in the concentration camp in Sereď
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“We must warn everyone who is trying to distort history, who is trying to downplay the suffering of...
Average gross wage is over the €1000 threshold in Slovakia
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He attributes the lower increase in wages in Slovakia to the way Robert Fico, and now Peter Pellegri...
Premierul Slovaciei, Peter Pellegrini, sa întâlnit cu Viorica Dăncilă UPDATE
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... o atenţie prioritară avansării negocierilor cu privire la viitorul cadru financiar multianual 20...
Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis îl va primi marţi pe premierul Slovaciei ...
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Presedintele Klaus Iohannis il va primi marti pe prim-ministrul Republicii Slovace, Peter Pellegrini...
Podporujeme vstup Rumunska do Schengenu i OECD, vylásil Pellegrini
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Slovensko plne podporuje vstup Rumunska do schengenského priestoru i Organizácie pre hospodársku spo...
Iohannis welcomed visiting Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini
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The head of state welcomed visiting Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini on Tuesday. "We discussed...
Romania to place new EU budget negotiations as priority during its presidency
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... value for the advancement of the Union and a concrete one that generates definitely added value...
AKO Poll: Mistrik and Pellegrini Would Meet in Presidential Election Round 2
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Bratislava, September 11 (TASR) – If a presidential election had taken place late in August or at th...
Liviu Dragnea Peter Pellegrini, întâlnire într-un moment cheie
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Vizita lui Peter Pellegrini, prim-ministrul Republicii Slovace, are loc într-un context simbolic put...
Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences continue to clash
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President Andrej Kiska, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and the General Prosecutor's Office have als...
EU budget CRISIS: Brexit will force members to 'INCREASE' funds, warns Romanian president
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The UK withdrawal from the European Union will trigger a series of hefty consequences for the EU27,...
Najdôveryhodnejšími politikmi sú Andrej Kiska a Peter Pellegrini
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Prezident SR Andrej Kiska je najdôveryhodnejším z vybraných politických lídrov, dôveruje mu 62 perce...
Agrofert's Duslo Šaľa launches new ammonia production plant with a price tag of €310 million
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Duslo Šaľa officially opened a new ammonia production plant on September 12, with the investment in...
Bungling MEPs head to Malta and Slovakia for EU investigation forgetting one vital thing
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MEPs are summoning Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Slovakian leader Peter Pellegrini to inv...
Premiér Pellegrini sľubuje: Platy začínajúcich učiteľov porastú
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Povedal to na parlamentnej Hodine otázok predseda vlády Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) s tým, že ministe...
EU summit prevents 'rule of law' MEPs from meeting Muscat
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But while according to a draft programme for the visit, they will be meeting the countries' prime mi...
Busy week of travel ahead for MEPs
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Despite the apparent hiccup in scheduling, the source said that, in Slovakia, the MEPs still plan to...
Pellegrini poděkoval za péči o krajany. V nadsázce zmínil Babiše
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Vztahy mezi Českou republikou a Slovenskem je potřeba nadále rozvíjet, nelze spoléhat pouze na minul...
MEPs to check rule of law in Slovakia and Malta
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In Slovakia, MEPs are scheduled to meet President Andrej Kiska, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and...
Pellegrini: Spoluprácou s ČR prispievame k stabilite strednej Európy
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Povedal na margo vzťahov medzi Slovenskou a Českou republikou počas pondelkového spoločného rokovani...
EU Should Focus on Member State Border Forces, Not Frontex, Say Czech, Slovak PMs
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PRAGUE (Reuters) - The European Union should steer funds to individual member countries to help them...
Pellegrini and Babis Want to Boost Mutual Co-operation in Army Weaponry
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... Czech Republic should intensify their co-operation in the defence sector by providing their armi...
Slovak Authorities Identify Possible Witness in Journalist's Murder
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The cabinet was reshuffled with Fico's deputy Peter Pellegrini taking over as prime minister but the...
Słowacja i Czechy nie chcą wzmacniać Frontexu
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Podczas wspólnego poniedziałkowego posiedzenia rządów Słowacji i Czech w słowackich Koszycach premie...
MEP delegation uneasy about Kaliňák's alleged involvement in scandals
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In their opinion, new Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer), who replaced Robert Fico in the spring...
Construction of Slovak-Polish gas pipeline link launched
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The construction of a gas pipeline link between Slovakia and Poland was ceremonially launched at the...
Czech Republic, Slovakia eye joint armored vehicle, howitzer acquisitions
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WARSAW, Poland — Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and his Slovak counterpart, Peter Pellegrini, hav...
May appeals to EU leaders but no sign of Brexit deal
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SALZBURG, Austria (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May appealed directly to fellow European Union...
No progress seen after May speech on Brexit Lithuania, Slovakia
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VIENNA (Reuters) - There has been no progress on Brexit and the Irish border, leaders of Lithuania a...
PM faces mounting Tory mutiny as former ally brands her 'deluded' and says her Chequers plan for Brexit is 'dead as ...
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Slovak PM Peter Pellegrini said: 'There has been no progress' and Lithuanian president Dalia Grybaus...
BREXIT BATTLE: Sebastian Kurz urges EU leaders to 'BUDGE' position to seal UK deal
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... sides attempt to strike a deal. After last night's dinner meeting, Lithuanian president Dalia Gr...
Lucia Žitňanská leaves Most-Híd party and its parliamentary caucus
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Žitňanská writes that half a year into the government of Peter Pellegrini, none of the problems bede...
Construction begins on Poland-Slovakia gas pipeline | World ...
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An official ceremony has marked the start of construction on the gas pipeline connecting Poland and...
EU, UK fail to achieve significant progress on Brexit talks
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini added: “On the border issue, there has been no progress. We'l...
Czechs and Slovaks to pursue joint procurement
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Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and his Slovak counterpart, Peter Pellegrini, agreed to focus on j...
Construction begins on Poland-Slovakia gas pipeline
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The event was attended by Peter Pellegrini, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Peter Žiga, Minis...
Slovakia and Poland begin construction of new gas pipeline
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Slovakia is hoping to boost energy security via a new gas pipeline linking the country with Poland....
Pellegrini navštívil Vojenské spravodajstvo, rokoval aj o prioritách služby
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini navštívil Vojenské spravodajstvo (VS). Počas stretnutia s jeho riaditeľom J...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini povedal, že nemieni kandidovať na prezidenta
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini povedal, že nemieni kandidovať na prezidenta. Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Sme...
O kauze únosu Vietnamca Pellegrini povedal, že to nie je kauza tejto vlády a vyšetrovatelia sa s ňou vysporadúvajú.
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“To nie je fér voči tým policajtom, oni najlepšie vedia, kde sa vo vyšetrovaní nachádzajú.” Pellegri...
Koncom týždňa podľa neho ministerka zdravotníctva Andrea Kalavská predstaví sumu, o akú sa zvýšia platy sestrám ...
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Pellegrini menuje viacero zmien, ktoré jeho vláda prijala. Ak máte pripomienku alebo ste našli chybu...
Premiér Pellegrini nebude kandidovať za prezidenta
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) nemieni kandidovať na prezidenta SR v budúcoročných voľbách. Svoj...
Officials: Suspects in Slovak slain journalist case arrested
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BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) — Police in Slovakia have arrested suspects in the slayings of an investig...
Slovak police detain suspects over journalist murder: media, lawyer
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However, Fico's three-party government coalition remained in power under Prime Minister Peter Pelleg...
UPDATED: Police detain suspects of Kuciak and Kušnírová murders
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Fico's government was replaced by the one led by Peter Pellegrini. The police and the prosecutor's o...
Slovak police detain suspects in journalist murder: lawyer
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His successor and close ally Peter Pellegrini on Thursday wrote on Facebook: "I was pleased to hear...
Pellegrini: I Don't Intend to Run for President, I Won't Change My Mind
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Bratislava, September 26 (TASR) – Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) does not intend to run f...
Peter Pellegrini nem indul a köztársaságielnök-választáson
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„A kormányzásom során eddig nem kerültem olyan helyzetbe, hogy nem tehettem volna meg azt, amit meg...
Suspects Are Arrested in Killing of Slovak Journalist and His Fiancée
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He was replaced by Peter Pellegrini, who issued a statement Thursday vowing to continue to hunt for...
Slovak police detain suspects over murder of reporter and his fiancee
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“The investigation and punishment of those guilty of this murder is one of the priorities of my gove...
The world in brief
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said on Facebook that he was happy to receive news "that police arre...
Suspects in Slovak slain journalist case arrested
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Police in Slovakia have arrested suspects in the slayings of an investigative journalist and his fia...
Three charged with murder of Slovak journalist Jan Kuciak
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However, Mr Fico's three-party coalition has remained in power under prime minister Peter Pellegrini...
Jan Kuciak murder: Three people charged with journalist's killing
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... ($1.2m) reward in return for information. Mr Fico, however, was brought down by the killing afte...
Pellegrini o Imreczem: Konal správne, keď odstúpil
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BRATISLAVA. Keď dnes už bývalý prezident Finančnej správy František Imrecze nečakane zo svojej funkc...
Pellegrini o odchode do dôchodku: Slováci sa narobia ako kone, nemôžu ísť z práce rovno na cintorín
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Hovoril to premiér Peter Pellegrini v diskusnej relácii RTVS Sobotné dialógy, kde opätovne obhajoval...
Peter Pellegrini nem tud Robert Fico alkotmánybírói ambícióiról
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Peter Pellegrini kormányfő nem tud arról, hogy a Smer elnöke, Robert Fico alkotmánybíró akar lenni -...
Four Charged With Slovak Reporter's Murder Ordered Held Pending Trial
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Weeks of public protests in March eventually forced the departure of the long-serving Fico but his t...
Premiér Pellegrini kontruje Babišovi: Päťdesiat sýrskych sirôt môžeme prijať
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Ale nemôžeme sa o ne postarať v zariadeniach pre utečencov. Ak máme prijať zúbožené deti - siroty, t...
Pellegrini: We can take Syrian orphans
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer) stated this during the political talk show Sobotné Dialógy (S...
Peter Pellegrini: SR a ČR majú nielen podobné úspechy, ale aj podobné problémy
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Slovenská republika a Česká republika majú nielen podobné úspechy, ale aj podobné problémy. Povedal...
Slovakia's finance minister eyes central bank governorship
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BRATISLAVA, Oct 4 (Reuters) - Slovakia's finance minister is interested in becoming governor of the...
Swedbank says its anti-money laundering procedures not being investigated
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Slovakia's finance minister is interested in becoming governor of the country's central bank if the...
Pellegrini: Neither I nor Smer-SD Have Information from Investigation File
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... prime minister have no specific information from the investigation file related to the murders o...
Pellegrini pripustil výmenu na poste ministra financií, Kažimír má záujem o pozíciu šéfa NBS
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BRATISLAVA 4. októbra ( – Minister financií Peter Kažimír (Smer-SD) má záujem o pozíciu...
Pellegrini a Gajdoš si na Dukle uctili padlých hrdinov: Premiér si neodpustil veľavravnú poznámka
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O to viac, keď v dnešnej spoločnosti badáme akoby pokusy o reinkarnovanie podobných režimov, ako bol...
Prieskum Focusu: Najdôveryhodnejšieho Kisku dobieha Pellegrini
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Najdôveryhodnejším politikom zostáva prezident Andrej Kiska, premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer) sa však...
Opozičné strany žiadajú odvolanie Sakovej: Pellegrini má pre nich rozhodné slová
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"Opozičné strany sa už opäť hrajú na vyšetrovateľov, prokurátorov i sudcov v jednej osobe. Počkajme...
Delegates descend on mountain retreat for annual Tatra Summit
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This year's guests include senior officials from Central Europe and beyond, such as Slovakia's Prime...
Slovakia may take in Syrian orphans, in break with neighbours: Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini
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Slovakia may accept several dozen orphaned Syrian children, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said on...
Slovak PM says 'deeds not words' needed to restore trust after reporter's murder
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STRBSKE PLESO, Slovakia: Slovakia must produce deeds not words to stamp out corruption and mafia-sty...
INTERVIEW-Slovak PM says "deeds not words" needed to restore trust after reporter's murder
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said the killing in February of 27-year-old reporter Jan Kuciak, who...
Slovak PM says there is good chance of Brexit deal, but EU freedoms cannot be split
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... is a better than 50 percent chance that the European Union reaches an agreement this month with...
Slovensko by mohlo přijmout desítky syrských sirotků, prohlásil Pellegrini
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Slovensko by mohlo přijmout několik desítek syrských sirotků, uvedl slovenský premiér Peter Pellegri...
Rázne vyjadrenie Pellegriniho: Mafiu tolerovať nebudeme | Nový Čas
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Dôveru Slovákov vo vládu, ktorou otriasla tento rok v zime vražda investigatívneho novinára Jána Kuc...
Journalist murder tarnished Slovakia's image, PM admits
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The murder of 27-year-old reporter Jan Kuciak in February tarnished Slovakia's image, prime minister...
Does the new state budget address Slovakia's most pressing problems?
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After months of non-committal answers, his interest in the position was also confirmed by Prime Mini...
Slovakia may accept Syrian orphans
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Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini told Reuters that his country may accept several dozen Syr...
Nech je témou financovanie, nie zriaďovateľ národnostných divadiel, tvrdí premiér Peter Pellegrini
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Pellegrini v tejto súvislosti pripomenul, že výnos z podielových daní majú samosprávy použiť na fina...
Pellegrini: Culture Minister Lassakova is Person in Right Place
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Bratislava, October 8 (TASR) – Culture Minister Lubica Lassakova has managed to face many uneasy cir...
SaS prišla s tvrdou podmienkou: Rázne ultimátum pre premiéra Pellegriniho
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To sú podľa SaS dôvody, prečo musí Pellegrini konať. "Ak Peter Pellegrini nezačne v tejto veci konať...
Government proposes 2019 budget with a record low deficit, but without any crucial reforms
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Peter Pellegrini's (Smer) cabinet approved on Wednesday, October 10, the draft state budget for next...
Pellegrini: Slovakia Is pro-EU and pro-NATO, But Has a Right to its Own View
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Bratislava, October 10 (TASR) – Slovakia is a clearly pro-European and pro-NATO country that at the...
Slovakia is patching up holes in the labour market
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The aim of the draft labour force mobility strategy is not to import cheap labour from abroad that w...
Martin neveril, že pozerá na Pellegriniho! Premiér prichytený pri zvláštnej činnosti: Hľadá si zadné vrátka?
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Zdroj: TASR. Premiér Peter Pellegrini (43) je na čele slovenskej vlády len pol roka, no zdá sa, že p...
Russia interested in nuclear power plant construction projects in Slovakia — minister
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... on completion of Mochovce nuclear power plant (NPP) extension and poissble construction of new p...
Secretary General Jagland on official visit to Slovakia
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Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland is making an official visit to the Slovak Repu...
Proti envirokriminalite treba zasahovať prísnejšie, tvrdí Pellegrini
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Proti envirokriminalite musí štát zasahovať podstatne prísnejšie ako doteraz. Uviedol to premiér Pet...
Slovak PM: Foreign hackers targeted foreign ministry
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Peter Pellegrini said the attack was "very sophisticated," and called the hackers "a multinational,...
Slovenské ministerstvo zahraničí čelí kybernetickému útoku, uvedl Pellegrini
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Počítačová síť slovenského ministerstva zahraničí se stala terčem kybernetického útoku ze zahraničí,...
Slovakia investigating suspected hack into Foreign Ministry
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Slovakia is investigating a suspected case of hacking targeting its foreign ministry, Prime Minister...
Where Things Stand As European Leaders Try To Reach An Agreement On Brexit
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini captured the dire - or dour mood, as it were, the best, sayin...
Czech Republic Factors To Watch on Oct 18
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HACK: Slovakia is investigating a suspected case of hacking targeting its foreign ministry, Prime Mi...
'Very good progress' on Brexit, May says at Brussels summit
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Peter Pellegrini, Slovakia's prime minister, said: “I am an optimistic person but not so today … We...
Čoho sa bojí Peter Pellegrini a Theresa May nie?
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Medzi britskou a slovenskou Hodinou otázok existujú dva základné rozdiely. Prvý spočíva v tom, že v...
Polish prime minister meets Singaporean PM
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Earlier on the same day, the head of Polish government had a meeting with his Japanese counterpart S...
Pellegrini o sankciách EÚ voči Maďarsku a Poľsku: Slovensko preferuje niečo iné
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Pevne verím, že aj pri Maďarsku treba ísť touto cestou a nie sa hneď vyhrážať použitím toho najkrajn...
Pellegrini predstavil nových poradcov
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BRATISLAVA. Premiér Peter Pellegrini predstavil svojich nových poradcov. Radu múdrych, ako ich spolo...
Premiér Pellegrini nevylúčil, že kybernetický útok na ministerstvo zahraničných vecí smeroval z Ruska
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Tajné ani citlivé dokumenty hackeri neukradli. „Také dôkazy nemáme,“ vyhlásil v nedeľu Peter Pellegr...
Koho by ľudia chceli za premiéra? Pellegrini v prieskume rozmetal Fica
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Pomerne podobné čísla dosiahol Peter Pellegrini pri mužských aj ženských respondentov/respondentiek....
Slovak PM says anti-Russian sanctions have done serious harm to country's economy
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TASS, October 21. The European Union's anti-Russian sanctions have caused serious harm to Slovakia's...
Peter Pellegrini predstavil svoju "Radu múdrych"
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) predstavil na profile na sociálnej sieti svojich piatich poradcov...
Pellegrini verzus Fico: Voliči si vybrali, koho by chceli v kresle ...
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"Keby ste mali povedať, kto bol/ je lepším premiérom, koho by ste vybrali?" Znela otázka v prieskume...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini potvrdil, že mal dopravnú nehodu
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) potvrdil, že mal cestou na utorkové výjazdové rokovanie vlády dop...
Slovenský premiér Pellegrini měl autonehodu
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Slovenský premiér Peter Pellegrini měl dopravní nehodu. Vládní limuzíně, v níž se za doprovodu ochra...
Peter Pellegrini po dopravnej nehode skončil v nemocnici: Ako je na tom premiér?
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Iné zranenia CT neodhalilo," povedal Pellegrini. Doplnil, že počas jazdy on ani vodič nestihli zareg...
Pellegrini enyhe gerincrándulást szenvedett el
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Köszönöm Istennek, hogy a szarvast nem egy pillanattal később ütöttük el, amikor már a motorháztetőr...
Sondaggio: Peter Pellegrini preferito all'ex premier Robert Fico
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Un sondaggio condotto a settembre dall'agenzia Focus per TV Markíza mostra che l'attuale premier slo...
French President Macron visiting Slovakia on Friday
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French President Emmanuel Macron will pay a working visit to Slovakia on Friday, October 26, the TAS...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini pochválil Roberta Fica za zásluhy na príchode Jaguaru do Nitry. Investíciu dohodli na konci ...
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini pochválil Roberta Fica za zásluhy na príchode Jaguaru do Nitry. Investíciu...
Leaders gather to mark centenary of Czechoslovakia's creation
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On Sunday, Zeman and Babis will meet their Slovak counterparts Andrej Kiska and Peter Pellegrini, re...
Totálny prešľap premiéra Pellegriniho počas návštevy Levoče: Nepoznal meno slovenského velikána?!
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A práve vedomosti o ňom potrápili nášho premiéra Pellegriniho. Pred pár dňami absolvoval premiér Pet...
Jaguar Land Rover opens Slovakia factory as Brexit looms
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini added that Bratislava was “happy to have persuaded JLR to bui...
Československo byl dobrý a úspěšný projekt, říká slovenský premiér Pellegrini
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Vznik Československa byl obdivuhodný a unikátní projekt v čele s Masarykem či Štefánikem. A to umožn...
Centenary celebrations taking place around the country
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In the afternoon President Zeman, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pelleg...
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French President Emmanuel Macron takes part in a European Citizens meeting with Prime Minister Peter...
Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer) označil prezidentovu interpretácie správy SIS za nekorektné a podľa neho by mal ...
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Tie isté firmy, ktoré médiám posielajú maily o ich spoločenskej zodpovednosti, si veselo najímajú fa...
Pellegrini: Asi si vyžiadam správu SIS o pozemkovej mafii pod Tatrami
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V diskusnej relácii RTVS Sobotné dialógy, v súvislosti s prezidentovou interpretáciou správy Slovens...
Czech marks centenary of Czechoslovakia's establishment
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Czech President Milos Zeman, Slovak President Andrej Kiska, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, Slova...
Babiš lituje rozpadu Československa, s Pellegrinim se neshodl na euru
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Ke komu má z dvojice Maďarsko a Německo předseda slovenské vlády Peter Pellegrini blíž se mu těžko v...
Displays of fireworks, firepower cap Czechoslovak centenary celebrations
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... to those who had laid down their lives for the former Czechoslovakia, earlier took part in a wre...
Premiér Pellegrini o oslavách vzniku ČSR v Martine
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Premiér Pellegrini o oslavách vzniku ČSR v Martine. Martin bol nespochybniteľným kultúrnym i politic...
Pellegrini: Foundations of Independent Slovakia Laid in Martin
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... to enjoy their independent statehood and take responsibility for their own future, said Prime Mi...
Pellegrini necíti ako premiér ľútosť, ale výzvu meniť Slovensko: Prestaňme už nariekať
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Peter Pellegrini nastúpil na post premiéra po mimoriadne tragických udalostiach, po ktorých Slovensk...
Slovaks celebrated the centenary of the Declaration of Slovak Nation – with Czechs
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... Speaker of the Czech Chamber of Deputies (i.e. parliament) Radek Vondráček, Speaker of Czech Par...
Premiér Pellegrini reaguje na Kollára: Ako je to s prijímaním migrantov?
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Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) ubezpečuje občanov SR, že Slovensko nijako nemení svoju...
Premiér Pellegrini odpovedal na výzvu hnutia Sme Rodina ku Globálnemu paktu o migrácii
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BRATISLAVA 5. novembra ( – Pozícia Slovenska sa v otázke migrácie či povinných kvót nem...
Minimum wage to exceed €500
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“With this step, we will continue the dynamic increase in the minimum wage, with the aim of raising...
Peter Pellegrini Kazahsztánban is fellendíti a perspektívát...
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Peter Pellegrini kormányfő november 15-16. között hivatalos látogatáson vesz részt Kazahsztánban. Az...
Pellegrini: Príchod dočasnej vlády do Skalice je významný míľnik národa
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini odcestuje na budúci týždeň na návštevu Azerbajdžanu a Kazachstanu. Obe návš...
Pellegrini podpísal zvýšenie minimálnej mzdy
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BRATISLAVA. Minimálna mzda v budúcom roku dosiahne 520 eur. Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer) už podpí...
Premiér reaguje na hystériu okolo migrantov: Odmietame strašenie ľudí
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"Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini ubezpečuje občanov SR, že Slovensko nijako nemení svoju pozíciu...
Pellegrini: Szlovákia nem változtat a migrációval kapcsolatos álláspontján
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Peter Pellegrini az ellenzéki párt felszólítására a TASR szlovák közszolgálati hírügynökségnek adott...
No Brexit Deal, No Transition Without Irish Backstop: EU's Barnier
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Speaking at a joint news conference with Slovakia's Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, Michel Barnier...
'We need to leave NOW!' Furious Briton demands May be like Thatcher in Brexit negotiations
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... proposals to break the Irish border deadlock. Speaking alongside Slovakian prime minister Peter...
'Protect what Britons voted for!' Tory MP demands Theresa May have NO DEAL Brexit courage
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Speaking alongside Slovakian prime minister Peter Pellegrini on his so-called 'tour des capitales',...
Slovakia should prepare for hard Brexit
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The Brexit deal is not completely prepared since the question of the Irish borders has not been reso...
Brexit SHOCK: David Davis reveals how UK can get BETTER deal from EU
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Speaking alongside Slovakian prime minister Peter Pellegrini on his so-called 'tour des capitales',...
Premiéra Petra Pellegriniho čaká návšteva Azerbajdžanu a Kazachstanu
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BRATISLAVA 8. novembra ( – Premiér Peter Pellegrini odcestuje na budúci týždeň na návšt...
Peter Pellegrini na oslavách 40. výročia založenia svojej bystrickej ...
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V zaplnenej univerzitnej aule Beliana sa v piatok večer konala dvojhodinová slávnostná akadémia Zákl...
Želá si vyššiu účasť než v minulosti: Premiér Pellegrini už odvolil v Bystrici
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... nepodcenili komunálne voľby. Možno nie vždy si uvedomujú, že starosta či primátor má často väčší...
Pellegrini is szavazott már, reméli, nem fog csökkenni a részvétel
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Fontos, hogy a szlovák állampolgárok ne becsüljék alá az önkormányzati választások jelentőségét. Tal...
Pellegrini: I Hope for Downward Trend in Election Turnout to Stop
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... November 10 (TASR) – It's important for people in Slovakia not to underestimate the municipal el...
Predseda vlády Peter Pellegrini rešpektuje výsledky komunálnych volieb a úspešným kandidátom na primátorov ...
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Minúta po minúte. Predseda vlády Peter Pellegrini rešpektuje výsledky komunálnych volieb a úspešným...
Slovak PM to pay official visit to Astana
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ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Prime Minister of Slovakia Peter Pellegrini will make an official visit to Astan...
Pellegrini bude v Azerbajdžane a Kazachstane rokovať o obchodnej spolupráci
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BRATISLAVA. Premiér Peter Pellegrini (Smer) odcestoval na oficiálnu návštevu Azerbajdžanu a Kazachst...
Movers and Shakers | 12 November 2018
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EU chief negotiator Michel BARNIER visited Slovakia on 6 November where he met with the European Com...
Slovak PM Peter Pellegrini arrives in Azerbaijan for official visit
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Baku, November 12, AZERTAC. Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini has embarked on a...
Slovak PM pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani martyrs
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Baku, November 13, AZERTAC. A delegation led by Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegri...
PM: Slovakia eyes to open embassy in Azerbaijan (UPDATE)
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Details added (first version posted on 15:21). Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 13. By Huseyn Valiyev - Trend:...
Pellegrini: Inovatívne slovenské firmy môžu Azerbajdžanu veľa ponúknuť
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Máme firmy aj v oblasti biomedicíny, nanotechnológií či zbrojárskeho priemyslu," konštatoval Pellegr...
PM: Slovakia eyes to open embassy in Azerbaijan
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Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 13. Trend: Slovakia intends to open an embassy in Azerbaijan, Slovak Prime Mi...
President Ilham Aliyev, Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini held one-on-one meeting VIDEO
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The head of state congratulated Peter Pellegrini on his appointment as the Prime Minister of Slovaki...
President Ilham Aliyev, Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini held one-on-one meeting
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The head of state congratulated Peter Pellegrini on his appointment as the Prime Minister of Slovaki...
President Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister of Slovakia Peter Pellegrini held expanded meeting VIDEO
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President Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister of Slovakia Peter Pellegrini held expanded meeting VIDEO. Aze...
Azerbaijani-Slovak business forum held in capital
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Being on his official visit to Baku who attended the forum, Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini e...
Azerbaijani president, Slovakian PM hold expanded meeting
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Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 14. Trend: Following a one-on-one meeting, President of the Republic of Azerb...
Azerbaijani, Slovak Prime Ministers have joint working dinner
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Baku, November 14, AZERTAC. Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Novruz Mammadov and Prime M...
Slovak PM Peter Pellegrini completes official visit to Azerbaijan
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Baku, November 14, AZERTAC. Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini has today ended h...
Kazakhstan, Slovakia to boost trade turnover PM Sagintayev
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ASTANA. KAZINFORM Prime ministers of Kazakhstan and Slovakia - Bakytzhan Sagintayev and Peter Pelleg...
Kazakhstan and Slovakia hold business forum in Astana
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ASTANA (TCA) — On November 15, the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini arrived in...
Crowds Protest Against Former Slovak PM's Attack on Media
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BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Thousands took to the streets of Slovakia on Friday demanding former prime mi...
Slovak Prime Minister visits Kazakhstan, attends business forum
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ASTANA – Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini discussed...
Slovensko bude na klimatickej konferencii presadzovať pozíciu Únie
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Delegáciu povedie predseda vlády Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) prípadne niektorý zo zástupcov, ktorých...
Zmena plánu. Pellegrini prekvapil, Slovensko bude mať vyrovnaný rozpočet už o rok
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Premiér Peter Pellegrini na brífingu po rokovaní vlády oznámil, že Slovensko bude mať vyrovnaný rozp...
Poland to snub UN migration pact, Slovakia has reservations
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... and Bulgaria have already rejected the pact, and Austria has said it does not plan to adopt it e...
Pellegrini: 2019 General Government Budget Will Be Balanced
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Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) – The 2019 general government budget will be balanced and this will b...
Italy Factors to watch on Nov. 22
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Rome, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte receives Slovak counterpart Peter Pellegrini (1230 GMT), Preside...
Peter Pellegrini első hivatalos olaszországi útján vesz részt
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Pellegrini első hivatalos látogatása abban az évben valósul meg, amikor a két ország a diplomáciai k...
More and More Countries Are Rejecting UN's Migration Package
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Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said he was concerned his country might be required to rec...
Pellegrini sa zúčastní na summite lídrov Európskej únie, mali by odobriť dohodu o brexite
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... texte dohody o vystúpení Spojeného kráľovstva z EÚ a o návrhu politickej deklarácie k rámcu budú...
Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini na mimoriadnom zasadnutí Európskej rady o brexite
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Predseda vlády SR Peter Pellegrini na mimoriadnom zasadnutí Európskej rady o brexite. 25.11.2018 5:5...
Slovakia will not support UN migration pact: prime minister
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PRAGUE (Reuters) - Slovakia will not support the United Nations pact on the treatment of migrants wo...
Peter Pellegrini: Slovačka neće podržati UN-ov migracijski sporazum
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Slovačka neće podržati sporazum Ujedinjenih naroda o odnosu prema migrantima diljem svijeta, rekao j...
Peter Pellegrini: "Słowacja nie poprze paktu imigracyjnego ONZ w żadnych okolicznościach"
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Peter Pellegrini ogłosił na dzisiejszym szczycie UE, że jego rząd nie poprze Światowego Paktu Imigra...
Slovakia Is Latest EU Nation to Follow Trump's US Out Of 'Harmful, Dangerous' UN Migration Pact
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Slovakia is to be the latest nation to follow U.S. President Donald Trump's lead in withdrawing from...
Slovak officials: We need to stand by Ukraine
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President Andrej Kiska considers the increasing tensions in the annexed Crimea and in the Sea of Azo...
Slovakia will not introduce special measures on Ukrainian border for now
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... to identify any threats. Meanwhile, a special meeting of the National Security and Analytic Cent...
Peter Pellegrini: Či niekto pôjde do Marakéša alebo nie, je irelevantné
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Slovenská republika podľa premiéra Petra Pellegriniho nebude viazaná Marakéšskym protokolom. „Pokiaľ...
PM: Slovakia is ready to respond to situation in Ukraine
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No immediate incidents are expected for now on the border with Ukraine, but Slovakia is ready to res...
The Latest: Slovakia mulls opting out of UN migrant compact
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini indicated that his coalition government will not adopt it but Foreig...
Giambattista, Mary P.
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She was the beloved wife of the late Anthony Giambattista. She was predeceased by her son Anthony, J...
Poorer EU states could spend more on post-Brexit budget: Slovak PM
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"We are willing to contribute more to the budget because we think that the EU should continue financ...
Slovakia is set to become the latest country to opt out of UN migration agreement joining nations such as ...
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Slovak leaders are divided over the pact, with Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini making it clear last...
Tiltakozás Peter Pellegrini Szlovákia magyar nemzetiségű polgárait sértő szavai ellen
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A Kétnyelvű Dél-Szlovákia mozgalom megdöbbenéssel értesült arról, hogy Peter Pellegrini minisztereln...
Slovak government clashes over largest-ever arms purchase
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Hours later, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini issued a statement saying that the contracts were inval...
Slovakia signs deal to replace Russian-made fighter jets with US planes
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But relations in the three-party governing coalition have since become more tense and Prime Minister...
Slovak court orders detained Greenpeace activists to stay in custody
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A Slovak court ordered 12 Greenpeace activists, who were detained after protesting against a coal mi...
Slovakia signs deal to replace Russian-made fighter jets with US F-16 planes
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But relations in the three-party governing coalition have since become more tense and Prime Minister...
The ministry reportedly signed a contract to purchase F16s but later corrected the statement
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We are not talking about the purchase of socks here,” Pellegrini said in a political talk show broad...
Slovak government clashes over largest-ever arms purchase
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Hours later, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini issued a statement saying that the contracts were inval...
Pellegrini: Slovakia Ready for Winter in Terms of Gas Supplies
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Bratislava, December 3 (TASR) – Slovakia is well prepared for the winter period in terms of gas supp...
Hundreds protest detention of Greenpeace activists in Slovakia
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His words were echoed by populist left Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini. “We should really consider w...
Slovakia expels Russian diplomat, says Prime Minister
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He was declared persona non grata for engaging in intelligence activities against Slovakia and NATO,...
President will not decide on Lajčák's resignation for now
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After the government session, he will meet with PM Peter Pellegrini and Lajčák in the Presidential P...
Slovak court saw threat in Greenpeace activists
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“These decisions are only logical if everybody who is obviously dangerous and who commits crimes is...
Zo Slovenska vyhostili ruského diplomata: Potvrdil to premiér Peter Pellegrini
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Zo Slovenska vyhostili ruského diplomata: Potvrdil to premiér Peter Pellegrini. Vyhostenie ruského d...
Slovakia has expelled Russian diplomat for espionage
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini announced that a Russian diplomat was expelled on November 22, follo...
Slovakia won't send anyone to Marrakesh
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Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini stated this as a final decision, given that the cabinet approved the...
The Latest: Austrian police stop van with 22 Iraqis, Syrians
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini says his government will send its objections to the deal by d...
The Latest: Slovakia to stay out of UN migration pact
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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini says his government will send its objections to the deal by d...
Slovak President not confirming FM's resignation yet
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BRATISLAVA, Dec.5 (Xinhua) -- Slovak President Andrej Kiska hasn't yet decided whether he'll accept...