Compare Ángel Jesús Acebes Paniagua and Jorge Fernández Díaz to find out who to vote.
Ángel Jesús Acebes Paniagua![]() |
VS |
Jorge Fernández Díaz![]() |
Former Catalan Minister gives evidence to the Supreme Court of Spain
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- Elections
The Court is investigating the informal independence consultation of 2014. Francesc Homs, who was a...
Prison For Jihadist vandal who decapitated San Bartolomé in Navarra
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- Defense
The exact circumstances of the death of San Bartolomé in the first century AD are not certain, with...
Former Catalan Minister gives evidence to the Supreme Court of Spain
- Source
- Elections
The Court is investigating the informal independence consultation of 2014. Francesc Homs, who was a...
Juan José Millás y Jorge Fernández Díaz integrarán el jurado de la nueva edición del Premio Alfaguara de Novela
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- News
También integra el jurado el escritor y periodista Jorge Fernández Díaz. "Es un honor para mí formar...
Las querellas a periodistas en España atentan contra la libertad de información
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- News
Las investigaciones de Público pusieron en entredicho el papel del exministro de interior de España,...