Compare Alexander Karlin et Gramoz Ruçi pour savour pour qui voter.
Alexander Karlin |
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Gramoz Ruçi![]() |
Russia's Latest Governor Reshuffle: What You Need to Know
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Two more governors handed in their resignations on Wednesday — Alexander Kozlov from the Amur region...
New president new governors
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... Communications (APEС) Mikhail Neizhmakov, some federal politicians have long been interested in...
Buchanan: What is America's cause in the world today?
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And when Vladimir Putin and Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko are standing up for traditional values aga...
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Report submitted by Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Washington County. Eucha: May 25. Elevat...
Northeast Oklahoma Fishing Report May 30, 2018
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Blue, channel and flathead catfish good on chicken liver, shad, stinkbait and worms along channels,...
Pat Buchanan What is America's cause in the world today?
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And when Vladimir Putin and Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko are standing up for traditional values aga...
What is America Fighting For?
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After being sworn in for a fourth term, Vladimir Putin departed the Kremlin for Annunciation Cathedr...
1601 students named to Fort Hays State's Deans Honor Roll
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FHSU University Relations. Deans at Fort Hays State University have named 1,601 students to the Dean...
Missing 'Hamilton'? Here are 15 books about America's most popular Founding Father
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SALT LAKE CITY — Although Lin Manuel Miranda's Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical "Hamilt...
Swampscott Middle School announces second-trimester honor roll
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... Noelle Diehl, Lauryn Fahey, Mia Flavin, Jolie Frary, Ella Friedman, Matthew Fukuda, Kira Garipov...
Black Sea group calls for unity for regional peace
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We need to encourage dialogue,” Gramoz Ruci, PABSEC president and speaker of the parliament of the R...
25th anniversary summit of PABSEC Parliament Speakers held in Istanbul
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PABSEC Secretary General Asaf Hajiyev, Chairman of the BSEC Parliamentary Assembly, Speaker of the P...
EU negotiations: German MP to visit Albania tomorrow
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Hahn is expected to hold official meetings in Tirana with the Albanian president, Ilir Meta, PM Edi...
Gramoz Ruçi replica allo scetticismo olandese: la droga e la prostituzione non sono state inventate dagli albanesi
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Il Presidente del Parlamento Albanese, Gramoz Ruçi, ha rilasciato dichiarazioni ai giornalisti ieri...
Albania: accordo con Osce per migliorare funzionamento del parlamento
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"L'obiettivo dell'intesa è quello di sostenere il parlamento a migliorare le proprie funzioni legisl...
KEİPA 25. Yıldönümü: Meclis Başkanları Zirvesi İSTANBUL
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KEİPA 25. Yıldönümü: Meclis Başkanları Zirvesi'nden detaylar - KEİPA ve Arnavutluk Cumhuriyeti Parla...
Tăriceanu: România va pleda în continuare pentru un rol mai puternic al UE în regiunea Mării Negre
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Şeful Senatului, a avut întrevederi bilaterale cu dl Gramoz Ruçi, preşedintele Parlamentului Republi...