Compare Alejandro García Padilla and Loretta Lynch to find out who to vote.
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Loretta Lynch![]() |
Thousands of Puerto Ricans Still Without Power as New Hurricane Season Looms
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... researchers explicitly pinned the high mortality rate on “interruption of medical care [...] in...
Bond insurer challenges new Puerto Rico fiscal plan
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“Beginning under the administration of former Governor [Alejandro] García Padilla, and continuing un...
Punto por Punto: Alejandro García Padilla "Me sigue valiendo"
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El exgobernador de Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla habló Punto por Punto con Metro sobre su ro...
Alcalde truena contra la "descabellada" decisión de vender los Baños de Coamo
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La administración de Alejandro García Padilla lo logró recuperar para conservarlo como un patrimonio...
East High graduates 228
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Calyx Marie Warren, Trevor Lee Pacheco, Marcus Gene Lucero, Faizah Eshe Chinue Howard, Brielle There...
Adiós a un icono de Las Marías
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... del desarrollo económico de su municipio. Puertorriqueñista, jíbaro orgulloso de serlo, gran ser...
Con este emotivo mensaje, García Padilla celebra los 16 años de su hija
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La familia del exgobernador, Alejandro García Padilla hoy está de fiesta por el cumpleaños de la may...
Escalera y Acevedo se quedan en sus cargos
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Respecto a la OIG, en enero de este año, Rosselló estableció por ley un proceso de reclutamiento par...
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to Speak at Gary NAACP 53rd Annual Life Membership Banquet
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The NAACP Gary Chapter is dedicated to ensuring equal rights for all people. The upcoming banquet se...
Loretta Lynch Fast Facts
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Birth name: Loretta Elizabeth Lynch. Father: Lorenzo Lynch, Baptist minister. Mother: Lorine (Harris...
Byron York: When did Trump-Russia probe begin? Investigators focus on mystery months
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But then-Director James Comey and number-two Andrew McCabe personally briefed Attorney General Loret...
Judge Jeanine: Loretta Lynch Must Have Played Role in FBI Spying On Trump
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Despite having mockingly dismissed such claims for the past year, the liberal media recently admitte...
Letter to the editor: Bias on investigation of the FBI
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His successor, Loretta Lynch, met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac just before the disposition of the...
Judge Pirro: AG Loretta Lynch herself would have had to sign off on any informant in Trump campaign
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Conservative firebrand Judge Jeanine Pirro dropped the hammer of justice on former Attorney General...
Felix Sater: the business partner Donald Trump wants nothing to do with
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Recently unsealed court documents co-signed by former President Barack Obama's attorney-general Lore...
Mueller has no room for mistakes
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But the fodder for those supposed conspiracies was planted and fertilized by the likes of Hillary an...
What The Long-Awaited DOJ IG Report On 2016 Will Cover
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The Justice Department's Inspector General is expected, any day now, to release his much anticipated...
Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton: IG reports Are 'Both Coverups and Exposés at the Same Time'
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"I don't know what's going to be in it. My experience with IG reports is that they're both cover-ups...