Compare Albana Vokshi and Thomas Händel to find out who to vote.
Albana Vokshi![]() |
VS |
Thomas Händel![]() |
PD Files Lawsuit Against PM, Education, and Health Ministers over Data Collection Exit
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The two Democrat MPs who filed the lawsuit, Albana Vokshi and Bardh Spahiu, explained that Prime Min...
Thomas Händel
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- Role of Government, Economy, Civil Rights
In the richest period of the European history of inequality, poverty and exclusion are growing. We n...
Concerts at Saint Thomas Presents A Program of Organ Duets on ...
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Concerts at Saint Thomas closes their 2017-18 season with “Four Hands, Four Feet: Daniel Hyde and Be...
KMAland Athletes of the Week: Alexis Handel & Seth Young
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April 23rd-28th: Chase Mullenix, Atlantic & Janette Schraft, East Mills/Darby Thomas, Abraham Lincol...
What Song Is Playing As Meghan Markle Walks Down The Aisle? It's A Traditional Choice
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Handel's song "Eternal Song of Light Divine" is an especially famous one; it's also known as the "Od...
Georgia Primary Election Results
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The Sixth District has not been represented by a Democrat since 1979, but in a special election last...
Montana places 3 on all-Big Sky tennis teams
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(Editor's note: University of Montana media release). MISSOULA – The Montana men's tennis team put t...
UC Davis chorus director retires in style after 22 years
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Thomas' post-retirement projects include publishing his book Handel's Messiah: A Life of Its Own, le...
Christophers's Handel Survey Continues
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Handel and Haydn Society's first complete Hercules ran this past weekend at Symphony Hall to conside...
A selective guide to US summer classical music festivals
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... built for the festival in 1878. Conductors Juanjo Mena and Eun Sun Kim will preside over choral...
Ron Thomas, SAG-AFTRA Executive, Dies at 46
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Ron Thomas, SAG-AFTRA's senior manager of national member education and outreach, died May 3 at his...
PHOTOS: Memorial Day 2018 in Needham
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Needham held it's annual Memorial Day celebrations on Monday, May 28, featuring services at the poli...
Classical music and dance listings
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Christoph Tietze Organ. Works by Bach, Handel, Dupre. 4 p.m. Sun., June 17. St. Mary's Cathedral, 11...
The marriage of Meghan and Harry: Music led the way
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Spanning English classics with modern nods, selections ran from Bach and Handel to Elgar and Vaughan...
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Guest speaker will be Thomas Welsh, author of “A History of Jewish Youngstown and the Steel Valley.”...
Millionenbetrug mit Luxuswagen aus Fake-Autohäusern
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Eine deutschlandweit aktive Bande von Internetbetrügern soll mit einer hochprofessionellen Masche ei...
KMAland Softball Recap: Friday, June 8th
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H-10/MRC: Glenwood 16 Thomas Jefferson 6. Sydney Biermann and ... Alexis Handel hit her fifth home r...
The Lively Arts: Marriage of Meghan and Harry — Music led the way
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Spanning English classics with modern nods, selections ran from Bach and Handel to Elgar and Vaughan...
Routt County real estate transactions: June 1 to 7, 2018
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Seller: Thomas and Joanna O'Connor. Buyer: Pamela Roy Guettler. Date: June 4, 2018. Price: $520,000...
Verkehrssünder können sich von Fahrverboten freikaufen
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Es ist offenbar eine rechtliche Grauzone, die den Handel möglich macht - indem sich der Punkteempfän...
BWW Preview: Summertime and the Music is Easy, in the Northeast
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It covers the gamut from Handel to Puccini, from serial podcasts to light opera, from dramma serio t...
Shopping zur WM: Cyberkriminelle nutzen beliebten Online-Handel als Fake-Shops
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Cyberkriminelle nutzen das, indem sie die Markenbekanntheit vieler Online-Anbieter rund um die WM au...
Concerts | Joan Jett plans show at Rocksino
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2 show booked at the EJ Thomas Hall in Akron. Tickets to see the unique show that includes stand-up,...
Juan Diego Flórez, Renée Fleming & Cecilia Bartoli Highlight Palau de La Musica 2018-19 Season
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Handel's “Messiah” gets a performance in time for the holiday season with soloists Martina Janková,...
KMAland Athletes of the Week: Alissa Pomrenke & Garret Reisz
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(KMAland) -- Each Monday morning at 7:20 on KMA Radio (960 AM, 99.1 FM), we announce our KMAland Mal...
TV-Handel boomt: Doppelt so viele Geräte verkauft
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„Wer das nötige Kleingeld für solch eine Neuanschaffung nicht besitzt, kann sich auch ein Gerät miet...
College news for the week of June 15
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University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, spring dean's list, from Burnsville – Eunice Carrasco, Alexandra...
Wolfach 50 Firmen für Standortampel befragt
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Das elfköpfige Team leitete in drei Workshops die Maßnahmen aus der Analyse der "Standortampel Einze...
Handel: Neues Hermes-Logistik-Center in Ketzin offiziell eröffnet
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Die Zahl der Sendungen sei in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich nach oben geschnellt, sagte Thomas Wir...
KMAland Softball Recap: Thursday, June 14th
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Baylee Newell had three hits and two RBI in the opener while Alexis Handel doubled among two hits an...
Opera reviews: Agrippina, Giulio Cesare and Lohengrin
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IN THE second year at its home in Hampshire the Grange Festival has produced another baroque hit. Ha...
Technik per Mausklick
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Das Angebot genau nach dem persönlichen Bedarf bestellen zu können, macht den Shop besonders für Pri...
KMAland Athletes of the Week: TJ Stoaks & Kyle Owens
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(KMAland) -- Each Monday morning at 7:20 on KMA Radio (960 AM, 99.1 FM), we announce our KMAland Mal...
50 Firmen für Ampel befragt
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Der Projektverantwortliche Thomas Kaiser von der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Südlicher Oberrh...
New York Classical Review » Blog Archive » June 19
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Orchestra of St. Luke's Chamber Music Festival Beethoven (arr. Stein): Symphony No. 2. Brahms: Seren...
Dieren achtergelaten bij omstreden hondenfokkerij, want 'hond is handel'
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En met de honden waar aantoonbaar niks mis mee is, mag je de 'handel' niet weghalen. Als je bij een...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: ROUNDUP/Aktien Frankfurt Eröffnung: Zaghafte ...
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Panik gebe es derzeit nicht, aber doch eine ordentliche Portion Verunsicherung, sagte Portfolio-Mana...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: ROUNDUP: CDU und CSU weiter auf Kollisionskurs ...
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Der CDU-Vizevorsitzende Thomas Strobl forderte die CSU auf, sich im Ton zu mäßigen. "Jegliches Sperr...
MSU Music kicks off new season 2018-2019
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MSU Music will present A Jazzy Little Christmas in December and a new program, Peace, Joy & Songs of...
Stadt Landau in der Pfalz: 70 Jahre Postleb: Fachgeschäft in der Landauer ...
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70 Jahre innerstädtischer Handel: Oberbürgermeister Thomas Hirsch (l.) gratuliert dem Sportgeschäft...
Steuerdeals bei Immobilienkäufen werden eingedämmt
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Die Finanzminister der Länder beschlossen am Mittwoch eine Reform bei den sogenannten Share Deals, w...
CVMS choirs present Spring Concert
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Carson Arfaras then performed a violin solo of “Minuet in G Minor” by J.S. Bach, followed by Anthony...
RMS names graduates, doles out awards
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Colin DeRidder. Vincent DeVito. Jacob DiGiovanni. Catherine Dolan. Shelby Dorf. Kate Ducoff. Oliver...
Martin Blog: KMAland Softball Leaders
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Yep, it's Alexis Handel. 1 – Alexis Handel, Atlantic (10). 2 – Sarah Heilesen, Denison-Schleswig (7)...
Christ Church, Windermere names summer director of music-in-residence
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He will orchestrate a Harbour Symphony, involve guest musicians at the 10:30 am dock service, and la...
In Tense Meeting, Trump Officials Debate How to Process Migrant Families
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Last month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent 35 prosecutors to the southwestern border to help ha...
Börse Frankfurt-News: Politik gibt den Takt vor (Handel mit Anleihen)
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Auf dem jetzigen Stand hätten die zusätzlichen Zölle nicht das Potenzial, die Volkswirtschaften und...
Rihab Chaieb, Elsa Dreisig & Jakub Józef Orliński Headline Opera Orchestre National De Montpelier's 2018-19 Season
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Britten's “Midsummer Night Dream” stars James Hall, Florie Valiquette, Richard Wiegold, Polly Leech,...
Summer symphony promises Broadway-style songs in Joplin
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Pettit is an accomplished choreographer who works closely with many area schools, while Ensor has su...
„Duitse vroege aardappelen stuiten op evenwichtige handel zonder prijsdruk"
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"Als de Duitse vroege aardappeltelers de komende oogst doordacht op de markt brengen, stuiten ze op...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: Mehr Frauen, aber weniger Ausländer in ...
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Der Frauenanteil in den Aufsichtsräten der größten deutschen Konzerne ist nach den Hauptversammlunge...
Thomas Hochreutener: Handel ist Wandel
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Der Schweizer Detailhandel verändert sich rasant: Während die klassischen Läden in der Krise stecken...
Deutsche Börse stellt Handel mit Cannabis-Aktien ein
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Wie die Deutsche Börse am Montag dem Handelsblatt bestätigte, wird ihre Tochter Clearstream den Akti...
KMAland Athletes of the Week: Sydni Huisman & Cade Van Ness
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(KMAland) -- Each Monday morning at 7:20 on KMA Radio (960 AM, 99.1 FM), we announce our KMAland Mal...
De tar över Oscar Jacobson
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Tillsammans med bolagets erfarna ledning vill Mellby Gård fortsätta att expandera i bolagets huvudma...
Handel im Wandel: Durch die Woche mit Thomas Faschian von Flaconi.
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Heute eröffnet der Flaconi Concept Store in Berlin. „Wir freuen uns sehr, das Tuteur-Haus zum alten...
KMAland Softball Recap: Tuesday, June 26th
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Alexis Handel drove in two runs with a late a double to make up the difference in the win. H-10: Den...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: Was Garantien bei Lebensversicherungen wert sind
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„Dafür haben die Versicherer eine Zinszusatzreserve aufgebaut, ihre Kapitalanlagepolitik geändert, P...
World Cup 2018: Jamie Vardy set to start for England v Belgium – live!
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“Good morning Michael, or should I say good evening,” emails Thomas Partridge. “I'm an Englishman li...
London museums: The weird and wonderful you have to visit
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Dating from 1822, Europe's oldest operating theatre in London, has been turned into a museum. Head t...
Snape Maltings 2018-19 season announced
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The English Touring Opera will perform Handel's Radamisto, as well as Purcell's Dido & Aeneas, Caris...
Kulmbach: Einmaliger Kuh-Handel in der Kulmbacher Blaich
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Namens der Bürgergemeinschaft erinnerte Thomas Lange an die lange Leidensgeschichte der Kuh, bis sie...
San Francisco Conservatory Of Music Announces 2018-19 Season
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Also on February 11, two master classes, chamber music with the Ying Quartet and historical performa...
Hoffen auf Befreiungsschlag Thyssenkrupp will Stahlfusion besiegeln
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"Man hat jetzt die Chance, zum großen Wurf anzusetzen", sagte Thomas Hechtfischer von der Deutschen...
Legislature hopefuls emerge as petitioning begins
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In Coxsackie, incumbent Legislators Charles Martinez and Thomas Hobart will seek re-election, Bogard...
Time for me to fly: Harmar bald eagles graduate
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Their first successful flight marks another successful nesting season, Handel said. "The new web cam...
Roundup: TJ ties softball season win mark
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Thomas Jefferson's softball team tied a school record on Friday, beating Underwood 10-9 to win its 1...
American Choreographer Mark Morris on Relationship Between Classical Music and Dance
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Everybody always jokes—they cite a different conductor, it's always [Thomas] Beecham or somebody ask...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: ROUNDUP 2: Stahlfusion mit Tata ebnet Weg für ...
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"Hiesinger sitzt jetzt wieder deutlich fester im Sattel", stellte Thomas Hechtfischer von der Deutsc...
Amazon har förberett Postnord "Kontaktat oss"
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Att Amazon sonderar terrängen i Sverige är ingen hemlighet längre. Med den digitala infrastrukturen...
Readington Middle School announces honor roll for end of the year
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... Kate Ducoff, Oliver Duryee, Ryan Facinelli, Thomas Ferreira, Haley Fitzgerald, Connor Forestiere...
„Wir wollen ein abgestimmtes Handeln in Europa“
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Stuttgart - Mancher Umgangston der vergangenen Tage habe nicht gerade stilbildend gewirkt, meint der...
Tendence: Impulse für konkurrenzfähigen Handel | ...
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Der Anteil des Online-Handels am Gesamtumsatz soll sich Prognosen zufolge bis 2025 verdoppeln. Für d...
Political dance party in Lexington: 5 things to do
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Members of the Masterworks Chorale sing Handel's “Messiah” in Cary Memorial Hall in Lexington in 201...
Classical music is awash with virtue-signalling
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Handel has been subjected to similar treatment. Gary C. Thomas, writing in the anthology Queering th...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: SPD attackiert Seehofer: Schlecht vorbereitet ...
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Schon bei der jüngsten Innenministerkonferenz hat er gegenüber seinem Vorgänger Thomas de Maizière e...
Storms zap power to Harmar eagle webcam | TribLIVE
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The Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania has pulled the plug on the live Harmar bald eagle webcam...
Political dance party in Lexington: 5 things to do
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Members of the Masterworks Chorale sing Handel's “Messiah” in Cary Memorial Hall in Lexington in 201...
“Der Teufel steckt im Detail”: Ex-stern-Chef Thomas Osterkorn über seinen ...
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... Thomas Osterkorn Gruner + Jahr den Rücken gekehrt und ein neues Leben als Selfmade-Verleger bego...
Classical CDs Weekly: Handel, Holloway, Korngold, Nielsen
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List Robin Holloway's students and you assemble an impressive roster of the great and the good in co...
Political dance party in Lexington: 5 things to do
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Members of the Masterworks Chorale sing Handel's “Messiah” in Cary Memorial Hall in Lexington in 201...
Maestro re-signs with JSO: Blachly OKs 3-year renewal of contract
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The Johnstown Symphony Orchestra will continue to be led by the baton of Maestro James Blachly. The...
Fredagens rygtebørs: United vil bryde ind i Ronaldo-handel
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Sandsynlighed: Under middel. Kilde: Tuttomercatoweb. Raphael Guerreiro fra Dortmund til PSG Note: De...
Segelschiffe setzen auf nachhaltigen Handel
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Trotzdem: Mehr als eine Nische werden die Frachtsegler nicht bedienen können, wie der Nautik-Profess...
Preservation rally to save Rock Island County courthouse
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"There's been a lot of misinformation passed around," Handel said. ... "Unfortunately, there are peo...
Merkel und Seehofer sprechen über Brexit-Brief
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Nach dem Brexit-Brief des Innenministers an die EU-Kommission zur Sicherheitszusammenarbeit mit Groß...
West Edge Opera: No Suit, No Tie, No Problem
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The production history ranges from Monteverdi's rarely mounted Il Ritorno d'Ulisse in Patria (1639)...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: ROUNDUP: Sedran wird neuer Chef der VW ...
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Volkswagen -Strategiechef Thomas Sedran soll künftig die Nutzfahrzeug-Tochter des Konzerns leiten. D...
DAX: Kurse im XETRA-Handel am 10.07.2018 um 13:05 Uhr FAZ
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Thomas Huber liest Geoffrey Hill Video-Seite öffnen. Frankfurter Anthologie : Thomas Huber liest Geo...
Dax tritt auf der Stelle Zollstreit stimmt vorsichtig
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Dax und EuroStoxx50 notierten nahezu unverändert bei 12.551 beziehungsweise 3463 Zählern. "Der schwe...
ANALYSE-FLASH: SocGen hebt Wacker Chemie auf 'Buy' Ziel 150 Euro
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Seiner Ansicht nach überschätze der Markt die Auswirkungen des erneuten Preisdrucks bei Polysilizium...
Concerts at Saint Thomas Reveals 2018-19 Season Line-up
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Performed by The Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys, with the Orchestra of St Luke's, and with Benja...
White House applauds Kavanaugh nomination by only quoting white, male lawmakers
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Karen Handel (R-GA), Ann Wagner (R-Mo.), Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), Diane Black (R-Tenn.), Mia Love (R...
Hellmut Fritzsche, experimental physicist who explored materials that led to flat-screen displays, 1927-2018
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He took enormous pride in being able to solve experimental problems ingeniously,” said Thomas Rosenb...
Candidates for Charles Sargent's vacant house seat raise most money for seat since 2000
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FRANKLIN –– House District 61 candidates running for the newly vacant seat have collected just under...
ROUNDUP: Entgiftung der Textilproduktion: Greenpeace sieht große Fortschritte
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Thomas Rasch vom Deutschen Modeverband Germanfashion räumt ein, vor der Detox-Kampagne habe das Haup...
Pick of the 2018 BBC Proms: women composers first and last, blockbuster Bernstein
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If the music alone isn't persuasion enough (and from “Angels ever bright and fair” to exquisite duet...
DAX: Kurse im XETRA-Handel am 12.07.2018 um 13:05 Uhr FAZ
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Thomas Huber liest Geoffrey Hill Video-Seite öffnen. Frankfurter Anthologie : Thomas Huber liest Geo...
Bechtle will Online-IT-Handel mit Übernahme stärken
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"Als europäisches Unternehmen gewinnen wir mit Inmac Wstore weitere Marktanteile und übernehmen in e...
Top Five Operas To See This Weekend – International (7/13-15)
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Handel's masterpiece gets a showcase on Friday and Sunday at the festival in the famed production by...
Jannik Vestergaard bliver Danmarks dyreste i giga-handel
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Dermed overhaler Jannik Vestergaard landsholdskammeraten Thomas Delaney, som før VM blev den dyreste...
Carmel Bach Festival kicks off this weekend
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Tuesday night's “A Night at the Opera” features the orchestra, professional chorale, chorus and retu...
Birgit Bohle wird Telekom-Personalvorständin
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Die bisherige Fernverkehrs-Chefin der Deutschen Bahn, Birgit Bohle, wechselt zur Telekom. Sie wird d...
Movers and Shakers | 16 July 2018
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Today's Movers & Shakers are about: the latest appointments in the European Commission, the European...
Gastbeitrag von Thomas Jäger: Vier Gründe, warum sich US-Präsident alles ...
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Mit dem Iran werden nur noch diejenigen Handel treiben können, die auf den amerikanischen Markt und...
Die hilflosen Exporthelfer des Bundes
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Es knistert und kriselt im globalen Handel: Zwischen den USA und China droht ein Wirtschaftskrieg. ....
New Ohio Ice Cream Trail features 15 of the state's best parlors; is your favorite included?
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In addition to Mitchell's, Sweet Moses and Hartzler, the list includes: Aglamesis Brothers in Cincin...
Seeing Pros and Cons in “Digitization” of Real Estate
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It is difficult to find the middle ground between viral anxiety and tech evangelism, said Thomas Met...
AROUND TOWN: Cobb mulls new homeless shelter; Weatherford says Ott helping opponent is in poor taste
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HEARING REPORTS that Cobb Chairman Mike Boyce squirreled away funding in his proposed fiscal '19 bud...
ROUNDUP/'Hauen und Stechen' bei Thyssenkrupp: Aufsichtsratschef schmeißt hin
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"Die neue Spitze im Aufsichtsrat muss die Richtung vorgeben. Man muss sich zügig über die Strategie...
DEMS DEMAND ACTION FROM GOP ON RUSSIA -- Pompeo to testify on Trump summits -- SÁNCHEZ ENTERS ...
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Karen Handel (R-Ga.). She was previously communications director for Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) a...
Was Georgia's Election System Hacked in 2016?
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... if anyone other than Lamb had breached them prior to the 2016 presidential election or a special...
5 Classical Music Concerts to See in NYC This Weekend
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... N.Y. (July 22, 4 p.m.). Handel's opera is brought to life by Nicholas McGegan, San Francisco's P...
KSU students cited for academic achievement
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Avery McGuire (part-time), Erik Miller, Bridget Neal, Thomas Niepsuj, Melanie Phillips, LaFond Ralst...
Deutschland-Chef von Easyjet zu Flugausfällen – „Wir können nicht alles ...
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Das traf auch Thomas Haagensen. Der Deutschland-Chef der britischen Fluggesellschaft Eaysjet sitzt m...
G20-Finanzminister beraten über Arbeit und Handel
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«Wir befürchten, dass der Handelsstreit weiter eskaliert», sagte der Präsident der Schweizerischen N...
G20-Treffen Finanzminister Scholz wirbt für freien Handel
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... Christine Lagarde, Weltbankchef Jim Yong Kim und OECD-Generalsekretär José Ángel Gurría teil. „W...
Werben für den freien Handel weltweit
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Eigentlich stehen bei dem Treffen der wichtigsten Industrie- und Schwellenländer (G20) in Buenos Air...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: Aktien Frankfurt: Anleger lassen Vorsicht walten
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"Dass sich die G20-Finanzminister auf eine gemeinsame Abschlusserklärung einigen konnten, ist ein gu...
ROUNDUP/Aktien Frankfurt Eröffnung: Konjunkturängste trüben Wochenstart
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Der Dax sank im frühen Handel um 0,26 Prozent auf 12 528,51 Punkte, nachdem er am Freitag um rund 1...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: Diesel-Verbote in Stuttgart: Kennzeichnung am ...
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Eine blaue Umweltplakette, die der Bund jedoch abgelehnt hatte, hätte vieles leichter gemacht, beton...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: Devisen: Eurokurs gesunken Türkische Lira ...
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"Die frohe Botschaft ist: Der fortgesetzte Handelsstreit scheint die Unternehmen in den Sommermonate...
Gambrill, Ehrhart victorious in Cobb; McBath to challenge Handel in November
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In the Republican race for Georgia House District 36, Ginny Ehrhart wins with 3,465 votes or 51.43%...
Gambrill, Ehrhart victorious in Cobb; McBath to challenge Handel in ...
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11:20 p.m.: In Cobb, with 100% of precincts in, challenger Keli Gambrill wins the runoff for Distric...
Democratic women swept key House primary runoffs in Georgia
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Karen Handel, the candidate who beat Ossoff by less than 4 percentage points, this fall. A rise in w...
19 SWI girls receive ICGA all-state softball honors
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Of the 19, seven earned first-team recognition: Denison-Schleswig's Sarah Heilesen in Class 4-A; Atl...
Annual Island Music Festival, Baroque on Beaver, Begins Friday
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This year, the celebration of the music of Baroque composers such as Handel, Vivaldi and Telemann wi...
La Jolla Symphony & Chorus sets 2018-19 program: 64th season to musically explore 'lineage'
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Other season highlights include the rarely-heard Mozart scoring of Handel's "Messiah" (Christmas por...
Greene County Legislature election picture sharpens into focus
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In Coxsackie, incumbent Legislators Charles Martinez and Thomas Hobart will seek re-election, Bogard...
Wagner Gets the Blues: The Week in Classical Music
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Her portrayal of the witch in Handel's “Teseo” in a production by the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra...
Trinity professor and driving force behind the modern St James's Hospital
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Prof Thomas Mitchell, who succeeded Howie as St James's chairman, paid tribute in the 2002 annual re...
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Karen Handel in the suburban Atlanta-based 6th District. And Democratic candidates in at least three...
Wise and Beard in concert in Oxford Sunday
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OXFORD — The Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford, presents Melissa Wise Slacum and Thomas Beard in co...
Stage reviews: BBC Proms No 15, Saul and more
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I have been listening to, and loving, Beethoven's Emperor Piano Concerto for more years than I care...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: Internationale Pressestimmen zu Tour de France
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Der 32 Jahre alte Geraint Thomas siegt zum ersten Mal bei der Tour de France, nach einem Rennen von...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: 'Sunday Times': Thomas Cook ...
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Der Touristikkonzern Thomas Cook denkt laut einem Bericht über einen Teilverkauf seiner Fluggesellsc...
10 facts about Emily Brontë
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Thomas Bewick's A History of British Birds (1797) – the book that Jane reads from when sat in a wind...
Overlook Medical Center Sole NJ Institution Named to '100 Great Community Hospitals' List
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KENILWORTH, NJ — A little more than three months since being arrested on charges of lewdness, public...
Classical Music in New York City This Week July 29-August 5
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The first half of the program features selections from Handel's Ariodante and Alicnia followed by Mo...
Gesetzesänderungen bedrohen Online-Handel
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Aber die geplanten umsatzsteuerlichen Pflichten treffen ausnahmslos alle Akteure im Online-Handel in...
Opera Philadelphia Presents World Premiere Of GLASS HANDEL
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Glass Handel is one of two innovative and thought-provoking world premiere productions that highligh...
Kampf gegen Steuerbetrug im Online-Handel
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Ja, Hessens Finanzminister Thomas Schäfer von der CDU betont: "Es ist ein wichtiger Schritt im Kampf...
neues deutschland: Europapolitiker Händel: Soziales Europa nur "in ganz dünnen ...
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Berlin (ots) - Die EU-Kommission liefert in Sachen Soziales Europa nur "in ganz dünnen Scheibchen"....
ROUNDUP: Siemens verdient operativ mehr und blickt auf volle Auftragsbücher
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Für das vierte Quartal erwartet Finanzvorstand Ralf Thomas höhere Kosten - unter anderem für die lau...
Thomas prepares for 'insane' life post Tour heroics
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Being described as Wales's top sports star is some accolade for Thomas, the one-time shy schoolboy f...
Classical music and dance listings
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American Bach Soloists Jeffrey Thomas conducts “Mass in B Minor.” American Bach Choir, and Academy F...
2018-19 season preview: Classical Music in Tallahassee
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"Our final concert, Tribute!, will be Dr. Thomas' last with us. We're performing Handel's coronation...
Eisteddfod Cardiff: Sir Bryn Terfel's Paul Robeson tribute
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Opera star Sir Bryn Terfel is opening the Eisteddfod 2018 in Cardiff Bay with sell-out concerts over...
ARTS AND HUMANITIES: Aiken Symphony Orchestra sets 2018-19 season
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“There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it,” once wrote Thomas Sowell. By u...
Thomas Cook leiht sich Riesen-Airbus für Mittelmeer-Flüge
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Weil zur Urlaubszeit in Europa kaum noch Mietflugzeuge zu haben waren, hat der Reiseveranstalter Tho...
No shortage of interest to fill police station advisory committee
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... Jon Cazarez, Jonathan Wiemann, Kris Ronchetti, Gabriel Raphael, Sally Seven, John Jocelyn, Chris...
Exultate Deo Chamber Choir to perform in Midland, Caro
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... My Splendor" and "Hallelujah Amen" by G. F. Handel (1685-1759), "Come, Holy Ghost" and "TeachMe,...
Gli appuntamenti di sabato 4 agosto a Bologna e dintorni: Teatri di Vita
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L'arpista Mojca Zlobko Vajgl è la star dell'Emilia Romagna Festival nella particolare location di Va...
Estero High elevates assistant Darren Nelson to head football coach
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Nelson, who turns 41 next week, has extensive college coaching experience in Minnesota, at his alma...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: GESAMT-ROUNDUP: Durchhänger im Juni deutsche ...
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Chefvolkswirt Thomas Gitzel von der VP Bank sieht eine mögliche Ursache für den Dämpfer in der Furch...
Thomas Voss zieht Bilanz: Der Überlebenskampf im Handel wird härter
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Nach 34 Jahren hat der Inhaber des Modehauses Schlichting in Lage seinen Vorsitz im Einzelhandelsver...
American Bach Soloists tackle the vivid charms of Handel's 'Semele ...
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All of Handel's operas and oratorios are packed full of melodic invention and psychological characte...
Anthony Roth Costanzo leads World Premiere of 'Glass Handel'
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Per a press release from Opera Philadelphia '”Glass Handel' is one of two innovative and thought-pro...
New “Worst For Women” Campaign Targets 15 Members of CongressNew “Worst For Women” Campaign Targets 15 ...
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The members of Congress named as the “Worst for Women” include: Rep. Don Bacon (NE-2); Rep. Dave Bra...
Rita Handel
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Left to cherish her memory are her husband, Milton; her children: Terry (Ingrid ) Miller, Deono (Lon...
Congrats to These Congressmen Ranked 'Worst for Women'
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DeSantis has also voted against equal pay protections opposed reauthorizing the Violence Against Wom...
Handel's 'Semele' needs a wake-up call in SF performance
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Those included vigorous, even revelatory accounts of Purcell's “King Arthur,” Handel's “Parnasso in...
Aspiring Musicians Show Their Stuff in an Inspired Semele
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Jeffrey Thomas conducts the American Bach Soloists Academy Orchestra rehearsing for a performance of...
Police reports for Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 11-12, 2018
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Thomas E. Ulve, 40, of Sterling; 4:53 a.m. Saturday at Walmart, Whiteside County warrant for failure...
EU mit schwacher Sozialpolitik
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Berlin. Die Europäische Sozialpolitik bleibt weit hinter den Notwendigkeiten in diesem Bereich zurüc...
The Ticket: What's happening in the local arts world
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BT/ALC BIG BAND Trombonist Brian Thomas and trumpeter Alex Lee-Clark's ensemble, a boisterous bunch...
Worst-case scenario for House GOP is 70-seat wipeout
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That wasn't enough, and Handel won the race. In a multi-candidate Texas special election earlier thi...
American Bach Soloists Perform Handel's SEMELE
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In the current American Bach Soloists concert performances of Handel's Semele, Thursday, August 9, a...
ProMusica celebrates its 40th anniversary with Beethoven
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Religious-themed works will include Handel's “Messiah” (Nov. 9-10, Ohio Theatre) and Mozart's “Requi...
2018-19 Critic's Choice
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Opera Lafayette and Heartbeat Opera co-produce this performance at the Kennedy Center Terrace Theate...
Tallahassee Community Chorus begins rehearsals for new season
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Something old, something new; something borrowed, something blue. That's what's going on for the Tal...
August 24
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Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 25. Brahms: Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel, Op. 24 8 p.m. Bar...
For great ice cream in Pittsburgh, visit these shops
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The Edwards family started this small soda fountain and chocolate shop in Lawrenceville in 1914 and...
Hollywood Walk of Fame map – a list of the stars lining Hollywood Boulevard
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Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson attend his Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony in 1992 (Picture: Ron...
Critic Picks for 2018-19 season
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Haymarket Opera has gone from strength to strength in its recent productions of Ariane et Bachus and...
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The group has scheduled the following activities: Saturday, road trip to Sharon Speedway for races,...
Bayerischer Kreuzerlass ist für den Handel kein Segen
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Andere Kreuzhändler verzeichneten nach eigenen Angaben kaum oder überhaupt keine Käufer, die infolge...
Eldercare Network of Lincoln County to celebrate 20th anniversary
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Chip Teel, Eldercare Network of Lincoln County founder and board chair, Andrea Handel, ECN director,...
Tales of Royal Romance and a Demon Barber to Grace the Stage
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“Hadrian,” Canadian Opera Company. Opens Oct. 13. This world premiere, composed by the pop star Rufu...
McOmber, W. Gordon
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Former Lt. Governor, W. Gordon McOmber, (98) died Friday, August 24, 2018 in Great Falls, MT of natu...
Fall 2018 Arts Preview: Classical
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San Francisco Symphony Opening Gala: Violinist Itzhak Perlman joins Michael Tilson Thomas and the or...
Guest Artist Jiaze Ma, Cellist, to Present Recital
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He studied for his Master of Music degree under Belgian cellist Thomas Landschoot at Arizona State U...
Lullaby Project helps moms bond with their children through songs
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Composer John Tanner took on the project warily, but was pleasantly shocked during the creation sess...
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EU's immediate past envoy to Zimbabwe, Philippe van Damme, would not comment, saying he had complete...
Even copies of Tiffany lamps can fetch big money
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Philip Julius Handel made lamps in Meriden, Connecticut, from 1893 to 1933, and his reverse-painted...
Haftstrafe für Handel mit Doktortiteln
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Vorsitzender Richter Thomas Striegl bezog sich in der Urteilsbegründung besonders auf die Unterschri...
The week ahead in SoCal classical music, Sept. 2-9: Lyris Quartet at Boston Court and more
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John Williams: Maestro of the Movies — 40th Anniversary Celebration! The composer-conductor joins th...
Charlotte Arts '18-19: Music
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... Saxophone Quartet plays Bach, Shaffer, Lago, Riojas, Pollock and folk music from around the worl...
EU 'encourage but not involved' in GNU talks to run full race after Zanu PF false start
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Nevertheless, we encourage inclusive dialogue," said EU embassy official, Thomas van Handel. The EU...
Critic's Choice for 2018-19 season
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Houston's Baroque ensemble presented a graceful performance of Handel's masque Acis and Galatea in 2...
Werbung für fairen Handel
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Günter Nagels, Sonja Thomas und Uwe Schubert unterhielten sich mit Moderatorin Kerstin Werner über d...
Woodmen heARTbeat: A summer escape at the Glen Eyrie Castle
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The Chamber Orchestra of the Springs, under the polished direction of Thomas Wilson, sparkled Sunday...
Thomas de Maizière übernimmt Vorsitz der Telekom-Stiftung
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Der frühere Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) wird neuer Vorsitzender der Telekom-Stiftun...
Age-positive symposium upcoming
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The first panel will focus on transforming perspectives on aging and inventing the future through re...
Painted glass shade lamps can sell for thousands of dollars
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Philip Julius Handel made lamps in Meriden, Connecticut, from 1893 to 1933, and his reverse-painted...
Philip Julius Handel's reverse-painted shade lamps are now selling for up to $8000
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Philip Julius Handel made lamps in Meriden, Connecticut, from 1893 to 1933, and his reverse-painted...
5 can't-miss classical music performances in Dallas-Fort Worth this fall
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Dallas Symphony Orchestra: Thomas Heywood, organ recital. With his ebullient personality and plummy...
Matthias Bouten wins Prix St. Georges in Ising am Chiemsee
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The Prix St. Georges was won by the German rider Matthias Bouten and Bodyguard (Burlington) with a s...
Zukunftschmiede für Digitalisierung im Handel Tips
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Wir machen den Schritt in die Praxis und stärken den Standort“, meint LH Thomas Stelzer. „Die Digita...
Classical music sounds across South Florida in 2018-2019
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March 3: Symphony of the Americas: A Musical Bond — Thomas Pandolfi, pianist. March 12: South Florid...
Theodora, BBC Proms review: though immaculately performed, Handel's sanctimonious oratorio was faintly tedious
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Handel's Theodora, composed in 1749 to a blunt text by the Revd Thomas Morell, certainly needs somet...
Last Night of the Proms 2018 review: An anti-Brexit evening with singalongs
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The late prom which followed saw the Tallis Scholars singing music by Part, Hildegard of Bingen, and...
Light shed on Tiffany lamps
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Philip Julius Handel made lamps in Meriden, Conn., from 1893 to 1933, and his reverse-painted shade...
Kovel's antiques: Julius Handel lamps
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Grant Wood, Thomas Hart Benton and other well-known artists were hired and paid $200 for a picture....
Mozart's Attic Thursday September 13th at 10:00 pm
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We begin this week with some arias by Giuseppe Verdi in recordings both new and more than a century...
Aurubis ernennt mit Thomas Bünger neues Vorstandsmitglied
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Wie der MDAX-Konzern mitteilte, hat der Aufsichtsrat den Metallurgen Thomas Bünger zum 1. Oktober fü...
Bach bash shakes up the classics
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Director John Thomas Dodson will present the “Concert Notes” before each performance. Tickets for th...
MasterVoices Announces 2018-19 Season
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The upcoming season will be framed by two major musical events, the New York premiere of a multi-med...
NAU Roundup: Volleyball heads south on for Sparky Classic
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Led by Big Sky Most Valuable Player Tim Handel, the Lumberjacks posted a 9-2 conference record, earn...
Classical Fall Preview: Debuts, Premieres, a New Philharmonic Maestro
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OPERA PHILADELPHIA This company has been one of American opera's success stories, recently reorienti...
Fall Arts 2018: Concert halls filled with classical music options
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For its 2018 tour, the Collegium features British soprano Joanne Lunn in works by Francesco Conti an...
Often baffling but ultimately entertaining: Britten's Paul Bunyan reviewed
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... at the centre of the show: Pierce's Tiny sweet and unsullied; William Morgan charismatic as cowb...
Euronics erweitert die Geschäftsführung
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Thomas Jacob war zuletzt Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter der Gruppe Expert Bening mit 27 Märkten....
The Interlochen Collection: Organ Dedications
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On this edition of The Interlochen Collection, we'll hear organ music from various Interlochen dedic...
The Ticket: What's happening in the local arts world
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Thomas Chambers's “Lake George and the Village of Caldwell” is part of “Poetry of Nature: Hudson Riv...
AREA COLLEGES: Cougs remain perfect, beat WKU
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27, Thomas Weakland 25:41. 31, Jonny Handel 26:03. 34, Karl Lundgren 26:12. 40, Dylan Johnson 26:34....
Early music, fresh start: A new leader for Washington Bach Consort
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Born to a violinist father (Peter Marsh, founder of the Lenox Quartet) and a music teacher mother, h...
Fall classical music and dance preview 2018: A wide array of opera, chamber music, and the Baroque
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10-18); Handel's Messiah (Dec. 1-3); "Christmas on Sugarloaf Mountain (Dec. 7-14); Biber's Mystery S...
A Royal Celebration with the choir of St. Thomas's Church, Salisburyy
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The choir will sing music from Queen Elizabeth's coronation including Hubert Parry's I Was Glad and...
Arts Watch: Sept. 16, 2018
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The fund was created by Otto and Donna Ray, with a check from Ray Wealth Management for $1,000, at a...
Royal Opera House unveils first season in redesigned Linbury Theatre
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Thomas directs a new staging of Handel's Berenice, which is being produced in March for the first ti...
Kate Molleson: 27 classical concerts not to miss
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Kate Molleson: 27 classical concerts not to miss. Kate Molleson. Thomas Sondergard. Picture: Martin...
What Lawmakers From My State Are Doing About Equal Pay, From Georgia To Montana
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Tom Graves (R). Rep. Graves did not respond. Rep. Karen Handel (R). Rep. Handel did not respond. Rep...
Ladies of Quality and Distinction, Foundling Museum, review 21 selfless women restored to their rightful place in ...
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... Thomas Coram (1668-1751), for one, along with his friends, the painter William Hogarth, who enco...
Happenings -- what's coming up in Northeast Ohio starting Sept. 21
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27; Dr. Jun Iwashita with Charlie Christopherson, Tom Vail, Kendall Stauffer, Sept. 27; Bandew Dream...
2019 London Handel Festival will focus on 'divas'
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The 2019 London Handel Festival will explore the lives of these women, who were amazing role models...
Anthony Roth Costanzo
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Anthony Roth Costanzo is a feisty performer who knows a thing or two about busting down barriers in...
Is It Possible to Reinvent Opera? This Group Is Trying
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To that end, Costanzo, a star of both the traditional opera circuit and the new music scene, is prod...
Ncube sweats over funding
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Thomas von Handel, the chargé d'affaires at the EU Delegation, told the Independent that Brussels wa...
Review: Handel in London: The Making of a Genius by Jane Glover — the immigrant who made Britain sing
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Yet this was the man who helped to set up a “Fund for Decay'd Musicians” and who donated the score a...
September 21
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Handel: Sonata for Violin and Keyboard No. 4, HWV 371. Mozart: Sonata for Violin and Piano, K. 301....
Mthuli Ncube sweats over funding
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Thomas von Handel, the chargé d'affaires at the EU Delegation, told the Independent that Brussels wa...
John Frayne | Los Angeles Master Chorale singers captivated their audience
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The Los Angeles Master Chorale, with Grant Gershon as artistic director, came to Foellinger Great Ha...
Organist Thomas Heywood made the Meyerson organ thunder, burble and purr
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The program included arrangements of some little-known pieces: an overture from one of Handel's Chan...
Thomas Baekdal: Fokusera rätt inom e-handel – och konvertera mera
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Din målgrupp vill inte se fler annonser, de vill ha riktig nytta inom e-handel. Varför gör många med...
The Fall Classical Music Schedule is Packed With Something for Everyone
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Akron's Tuesday Musical will present Montreal's Les Violons du Roy with countertenor Anthony Ross Co...
The Jolt: Evidence of a revolt among older, women voters in metro ...
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Post updated at 12:55 p.m.. The time has come to take you into the wild realm of raw, unweighted po...
Tempus Choral Society enjoys musical trek through Europe
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Oakville's Tempus Choral Society is still walking on air after a whirlwind summer singing tour of Ge...
Even wonder who Coram Street in Taunton is named for?
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The U.K. is celebrating the 350th birthday of philanthropic Taunton shipbuilder Capt. Thomas Coram....
UK celebrates 350th birthday of philanthropic Taunton shipbuilder
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According to former St. Thomas Clerk of the Vestry Fremont Prescott, Coram was “penniless” in his ol...
Opera Philadelphia's Festival O18 Review: Arias and Alzheimer's
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From the moment that Brenda Rae, as a teenage Lucia, came bounding over the (slightly precarious) sn...
Mezzo DeShong lights up Vocal Arts DC with rarely heard music
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The American mezzo-soprano has gone on to perform in major opera houses all over the world, includin...
READ: “Volusia County tax bills show 15 or more assessments for county, city, authorities and districts.”
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In noting aspects of our turbulent society which belong on the positive side of the ledger, we can a...
Fine arts and theater notes, Sept. 30
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... SoRelle Fitzgerald, Barbara Fluty, Diane Goldschmidt, Jeanne Kleinschmidt, Linda Littlechild, Ju...
Georgia high school football player injured in game dies
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News outlets report Pike County High School student Dylan Thomas was hurt during a game Friday night...
Local candidate endorsed by national equality campaign
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Another Heritage Foundation analyst believes the ERA will not fix the U.S. In an article printed in...
Oratorio Society Of New York Marks Centenary Of Polish Independence & Armistice
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The Oratorio Society's four-concert Carnegie Hall season - expanded this year from three - continues...
Sounds of Stow marking 40 years
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The year begins with a performance of Handel's dramatic oratorio “Samson.” The composition explores...
EU partners BCC in EU film festival
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The selection of movies this year is an even more befitting illustration of European cinema and its...
First Baptist Church of Guymon choirs invited to perform Handel's Messiah at Carnegie Hall
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Distinguished Concerts International New York City (DCINY) announced today that director Tom Hugghin...
opera 'music video' by maurizio cattelan & pierpaolo ferrari is as wild as you'd imagine
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above the sounds of vivi tiranno by G.F. handel, maurizio cattelan and pierpaolo ferrari have create...
Mea culpas by Catholic bishops at 'Repentance' service for abuse victims
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Called in response to the latest clerical sex abuse crisis in the Church, it featured meditation mus...
EU Film Festival returns to Bulawayo
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Thomas von Handel, Chargé d' Affairs of the European Union Delegation to Zimbabwe, said: “We're thri...
Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra's new season begins!
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... new season of Sunday afternoon concerts at Brighton Dome when they will be joined by an array of...
Barbara Bedell: Shoppers help raise funds for children's hospital
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John Hauschild, fire coordinator, gathered information and suggestions for next year's program from...
Rochester premieres recovered landmark opera
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When Handel died in 1759, Arne suddenly moved into the spotlight, commanding attention with the very...
Apollo's Fire Kicks Off Its Season and the Rest of the Classical Music to Catch This Week in Cleveland
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Not the famous Three B's, but B's nonetheless will be featured on Friday, October 12 at 7:30 pm as T...
Valley Public Radio's Holiday Specials 2018
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Celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas and the arrival of 2019 with a diverse collection of holiday special p...
British early music ensemble Stile Antico performs at the Williams Center in Easton
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The concert features works by Thomas Tallis, William Byrd, John Dowland, Thomas Weelkes, Orlande de...
8 Classical Music Concerts to See in NYC This Weekend
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On Saturday, the period-instrument players of Juilliard415 are joined by the Yale Schola Cantorum an...
Community Buzz: Silver Hill opens new admissions building; Impact Fairfield County hosts fall events
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Boys junior varisty winners: Eric Degter and Thomas King, King School; finalists: Byron Hart and Jos...
Community Soundings: Exhibition focuses on Depression-era artist; Tennis tourney benefits youth nonprofit
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Boys junior varisty winners: Eric Degter and Thomas King, King School; finalists: Byron Hart and Jos...
Community Channel: The Flying Ivories to perform at Hadassah Fall Fundraiser; Dionne named to university board of ...
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Boys junior varisty winners: Eric Degter and Thomas King, King School; finalists: Byron Hart and Jos...
Community Postings: McMullen joins Shepherds board of directors; Plastic surgery center hosts Ladies Night Out
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Tennis tourney benefits youth nonprofit. The 11th annual Autumn Classic Tennis Tournament benefittin...
NAU Roundup: Soccer qualifies for third straight Big Sky tourney after win
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In singles, Handel was able to go 4-1 before losing in the the quarterfinals. Fisher went 3-2 and bo...
Subaru-Handel: Zufrieden, aber nicht sorgenfrei
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Und der Handel verdient dabei Geld: Laut dem Beiratsvorsitzenden Thomas Knauber liegt die durchschni...
EU observers in poll U-turn
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During yesterday's meeting, a member of the EU Delegation to Zimbabwe, Mr Thomas von Handel, sounded...
1717: A year in music
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Opera had long since ceased to be the preserve of European court audiences, as the December opening...
Shapeshifter – Horror mit Josh Stewart und Thomas Kretschmann bald im Handel
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Bex Taylor-Klaus, Josh Stewart und Thomas Kretschmann können es einfach nicht lassen. Für Regisseur...
Ex-Rep. Tom Price donates thousands to aid Georgia GOP allies
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A donor caught our eye as we skimmed through U.S. Rep. Karen Handel's latest campaign finance filing...
The Jolt: On paper, Brian Kemp doesn't know how brother-in-law makes a living
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Karen Handel's latest campaign finance filings: one Thomas Edmunds Price. A political action committ...
Parthenia Viol Consort Presents MUSIC WITH HER SILVER SOUND
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... motets and polychoral masterpieces from Italy and England by William Byrd, Peter Phillips, John...
Happenings — what's coming up in Northeast Ohio starting Oct. 19
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8. Call 440-245-2323 or visit Wolstein Center: 2000 Prospect Ave., presents “L...
Going places with a love for music
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The invitees will spend five days and four nights in New York in preparation for their concert, whic...
Warrimoo Chorale on a sentimental musical journey
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Excitement is building as the Warrimoo Chorale prepares to take the stage in an afternoon concert at...
Triumph of Time and Truth, Higginbottom, Kings Place review – time well spent, despite the words
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Conductor Edward Higginbottom chose the final, 1757 iteration with those intermittently woeful lyric...
Dritte Folge von #keineausreden Thomas Lippmann – politischer Neuling, der ...
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Doch nicht nur das: Thomas Lippmann ist auch leidenschaftlicher Sänger im Chor – "meist Tenor, eigen...
Volleyball: Gazelles Split Pair In Rapid City
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Hailey Handel added 19 digs in the loss. Avon will travel to Gayville-Volin on Tuesday, while Menno...
Haydn's 'The Creation' tops season
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He has performed a host of oratorio and orchestra works including: Mozart's Requiem, Rossini's Petit...
October 21
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Monteverdi/Handel/Offenbach/Daniel Schlossberg: Dragus Maximus: a homersexual opera odyssey. Jamilyn...
Unternehmen fleischlos: Neuburger, vegetarisch
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... sagt Neuburgers Sohn Thomas. Der 30-jährige Betriebswirt ist vor drei Jahren ins Unternehmen ein...
The Triumph of Time and Truth @ King's Place, London
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This did, not, however, stop him from revising or recycling things he had already written and in thi...
October 22
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Handel: Allemande from Suite in E Major Rameau: Courante from Suite in A minor. Couperin: L'Atalante...
High school: Saturday's sports results
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DIVISION 2. RIVER FALLS 25, KAUKAUNA 21. RIVER FALLS - Jared Creen's 54-yard touchdown run with 5:19...
Opinion: Breaking the glass ceiling of concert halls
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Ask a classical music lover to name his or her favorite composers and a lot of familiar names will a...
Open Day at All Saints Church in Frances Road will have a Thomas Hardy theme
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Admission to the open day is free. At 7.30pm that evening there will be a concert of music for flute...
BRCC To Present Lino Rivera Brevard NC
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The Blue Ridge Community College Concert Series will present pianist Lino Rivera on Tuesday, Oct. 30...
Conductor announces marriage split
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Our social affairs correspondent reports that Ariane Matiakh, newly appointed GMD of Handel's town H...
Die neuen Arbeiter in der Grauzone
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„Die Mitgliedsstaaten sind offensichtlich sehr unterschiedlich in der Lage oder willens, hier für Be...
The Jolt: Atlanta-centric questions for those who would be governor
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The Covington News surprised us today with news that, last Friday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Claren...
Property Transactions: Oct. 24
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Thomas W. Schmidt to AKJ LLC, warranty deed, District 1, Toqua Point, lot 1, block 11, $1,500. • Coo...
The Foundling Museum puts women in their rightful place
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This is precisely the disruptive effect that is achieved by 'Ladies of Quality and Distinction', a g...
Best bets for entertainment this week
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Chatham Chorale will start its 48th season with two “Mystery and Majesty” concerts featuring composi...
'An unworldly experience'
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The London Handel Players performed Tuesday. The group consisted of England's leading ... They are a...
Tilda Swinton & Sandro Kopp Present an Opera Music Video Starring Their Dogs
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Swinton and Kopp are continually blessing us with projects that remind us that there is still deliri...
Prince Harry chose music for wife Meghan's walk down the aisle
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As the Prince of Wales accompanied Meghan towards the altar, where Harry was waiting, as Handel's Et...
Concerts at Saint Thomas To Feature Three Holiday Concerts
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Concerts at Saint Thomas is set to celebrate the holiday season with Handel's Messiah and other trad...
Prince Harry Chose Meghan Markle's Procession Song for the Royal Wedding
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... Prince Harry for that. The Duke of Sussex picked the angelic operatic composition, "Eternal Sour...
Game of Thrones concert delights at 2018 Brighton Early Music Festival
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Meghan (American but a Welsh name!) began her procession from the West Door towards the altar rail,...
Eine gute Woche für den fairen Handel
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Das Land Oberösterreich ist sich seiner Verantwortung gegenüber benachteiligten Ländern bewusst und...
Deutsche Außenhandelskammer in Kuba
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Deutschlands Wirtschaft hat ab Dienstag eine offizielle Anlaufstelle in Kuba: In der Hauptstadt Hava...
Things to do: Get ready for oysters and opera
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It features works by Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann and Handel. Tickets are $38 adults, $15 students. Call...
St. Mary's Cathedral Choir to Present A Choral Christmas Celebration
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In two concerts on Friday 14 December St Mary's Cathedral will resound with exquisite Christmas musi...
Community News For The West Hartford Edition
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The event will be held in the Ernest St. Jacques Auditorium, 1st floor, from noon to 2 p.m. The gues...
ARTS NEWS: Life and legacy of Margaret Tait to be celebrated, Chorus celebrates 175 years, Kassabova honoured
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- News THE county's oldest continuously operational vocal ensemble celebrates its...
Happenings — what's coming up in Northeast Ohio starting Nov. 2
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8. Call 440-245-2323 or visit Wolstein Center: 2000 Prospect Ave., presents “L...
Experte zum Vintage-Trend: Second-Hand-Markt bleibt Nische
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"Es gibt fast nichts, für das es nicht auch einen Wiederverkaufsmarkt gibt", sagt Thomas Ahlmann, Sp...
Oratorio Society Of New York Presents Handel's MESSIAH At Carnegie Hall this December
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The Oratorio Society of New York has the distinction of having performed Handel's Messiah every Chri...
Sounds of Stow to perform to 'Samson'
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18, the Sounds of Stow Chorus and Orchestra will perform George Frideric Handel's oratorio “Samson,”...
Megatrend Second Hand? Der Handel mit Gebrauchtwaren
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„Es gibt fast nichts, für das es nicht auch einen Wiederverkaufsmarkt gibt”, sagt Thomas Ahlmann, Sp...
AREA COLLEGES: Warriors sweep Frontier meet
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... the Bears by 14, logging their first title since 2014. All-conference runner Cole Olsen ended th...
Reformationstag und Brückentag bescheren dem Bielefelder Einzelhandel starke ...
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Der neue Feiertag für die Niedersachsen sorgt für große Freude bei Bielefelds Kaufleuten. „Wir haben...
Music by Request playlist for November 3, 2018
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George Frideric Handel - Dank sei dir, Herr; Jessye Norman, soprano/Geoffrey Parsons, piano. Giusepp...
Wird Second Hand zum Megatrend?
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„Es gibt fast nichts, für das es nicht auch einen Wiederverkaufsmarkt gibt“, sagt Thomas Ahlmann, Sp...
Online-Handel mit Weihnachtsgeschenken wächst rasant
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... und können sich ein immer größeres Stück vom Kuchen sichern – zulasten des stationären Handels,...
Wirtschaft, Handel & Finanzen: Aktien Frankfurt: Anleger warten nach starker ...
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Laut Marktbeobachter Thomas Altmann von QC Partners glauben die Investoren noch nicht vollständig an...
Nach Trennung von Maaßen: Seehofer bleibt in der Kritik
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Deshalb sei eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit nicht mehr möglich. Maaßens bisheriger Stellvertrete...
Ruhiger Handel vor den US-Kongresswahlen – Anleger machen bei Infineon Kasse
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Laut Marktbeobachter Thomas Altmann von QC Partners sind die Investoren angesichts der volatilen Nac...
EuGH stärkt Recht auf Urlaub
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Urlaub dient dem Schutz der Sicherheit und der Gesundheit der Arbeitnehmer und darf ihnen nicht durc...
2018 Greene County election results
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*The following are the state and local election results: X-indicates projected winner. If there is n...
LIVE UPDATES: Kemp leads Abrams; Several key races too close to call
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ATLANTA - Voters cast their ballots Tuesday in the highly anticipated midterm elections. Perhaps the...
Election Day Selfies And Stories From Across Texas
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One voter who shared a selfie was Houston pastor Jezer Ureña who voted at Thomas Gray Elementary. "T...
Democrats Win the House Seats They Need to Seal Majority
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Update, 12:23 a.m.: Democrats have picked up more than the 23 seats they need to take control of the...
Homecoming Recap: What Is Experience?
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In the last episode, everything was out on the table: Heidi knows what happened. Colin knows that He...
From 'Messiah' onward, a cornucopia of holiday music around the bay
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Music Director Jeffrey Thomas leads Handel's “Messiah” with soprano Mary Wilson, countertenor Eric J...
Detailed results from 22 key House battleground districts
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The maps below show 2018 election results in competitive U.S. House districts, as well as how parts...
Here are races that are still too close to call
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Senate races in Florida and Arizona were too close to call Wednesday, raising the possibility of Pre...
GOP picks up 4 Greene County Legislature seats
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Republicans Charles A. Martinez and Thomas M. Hobart were each elected to another three-year term. M...
Tallahassee Community Chorus brings out the trumpet for fall concert
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Featuring Bach's Magnificat, the first part (the Christmas portion) of Handel's Messiah, with additi...
Moscow On Stage
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It's the very first oratorio by Baroque composer George Handel, dated 1707, before it was expanded i...
Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Observed Remembrance Day Alongside Kate Middleton & Prince William — PHOTOS
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As for the song Markle walked down the aisle to, George Frideric Handel's "Eternal Source of Light D...
Tom Tailor rutscht nach Sommer-Malheur in die roten Zahlen
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Der Modekette Tom Tailor ist der heiße Sommer und die schleppend voran kommende Sanierung der Marke...
Holidays 2018: Find festivals, Thanksgiving meals, Christmas pageants in Corpus Christi
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What: First United Methodist Church presents its annual performance of Handel's beloved seasonal mas...
NY Premiere Of Multimedia Version Of Handel's ISRAEL IN EGYPT Comes to Carnegie Hall
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MasterVoices and its 150 choristers opens its 77th season on Wednesday, November 28 at 8 pm at Carne...
The Salzburg Festival is Planning a Mythic Summer
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With the “Idomeneo,” Mr. Hinterhäuser is reuniting Mr. Sellars once more with the daring conductor T...
Börse straft Tom Tailor ab FAZ
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„Mit Blick auf die Finanzkennzahlen auf Konzernebene können wir für das abgelaufene Quartal nicht zu...
Buckle Up, Betsy DeVos: House Democrats Take the Helm
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Some are wondering why DeVos would even want to stick around just to handle a flood of subpoenas. "H...
Things to do: Watch out for 'Widows' and theater galore
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ELI'S COMIN': Legendary Tallahassee band Eli brings its ever-updated, always thrilling mix of covers...
Various beautiful voices, still one community
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Hildegard von Bingen's “O Virtus Sapientae”, George Frideric Handel's “In quel bosco” & “Camminando...
Wolfgang Zuckermann, whose DIY kit fueled a harpsichord revival, dies at 96
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The Baroque composers J.S. Bach, George Frideric Handel and Domenico Scarlatti all wrote sonatas, su...
Chattanooga Bach Choir Presents The Spirit Soars Saturday And Sunday
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The Spirit Soars features sacred music from the 16th through the 20th centuries, including works by...
Anna Netrebko, Cecilia Bartoli & Placido Domingo Headline 2019 Salzburg Festival
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Teodor Currentzis and Peter Sellars team up again after “La Clemenza di Tito” with a cast that inclu...
Voices of Omaha prepare for 50th annual Handel's 'Messiah' performance
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Taber remembers various artistic directors and their quips, such as Thomas Brantigan (who also is a...
In most expensive midterm elections in history, the biggest spender didn't always win
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Last year, it was one of the most expensive House races in history ($55 million) when Democrat Jon O...
Blue wave wipes out Republicans
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Incumbents Karen Handel, Fran Millar and Meagan Hanson all lost their bids for reelection while Mich...
Getting into the Christmas spirit, with Bach
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The GHO has performed sacred music at St. Thomas Church for more than two centuries, resulting in a...
Of hurricanes and holiday memories | Music Roundup
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My dad, even after he left journalism to work in the court system in Marianna, was an inveterate chr...
Preview: Spitalfields Festival
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Called Unknown, Remembered and billed as 'an immersive hybrid of opera, theatre and art installation...
Area Community News for Nov. 17, 2018
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The 75-member Mohawk Valley Choral Society, under the direction of Randy Davis, who is celebrating 3...
Erie County Real Estate Transactions
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9 Spicebush Lane, Richard M. Handel; Roberta F. Handel to Charles P. Bridge, $270,000. ... 100 Cotto...
List of holiday events in the Lower Hudson Valley
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2, 3 p.m. The New Choral Society opens its 25th anniversary season performing Handel's “Messiah.” 91...
A Night of Variations from Musician's Musician Inon Barnatan
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Thus, Handel' s “Allemande” from his Suite in E Major, Rameau's “Courante” from his Suite in A Minor...
Experts: It is indeed a women's wave, but is it a 'blue wave'?
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Karen Handel for her Georgia congressional seat. Women's wave. Some experts have dubbed the latest w...
Singers and instrumentalists perform selections from Handel's "Messiah" and other choral favorites
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Michigan State University's College of Music will bring a beloved holiday tradition to St. Thomas Aq...
Church bulletins for Nov. 22, 2018
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NOV. 22. BLESSING OF THE HOUNDS. Grace Episcopal Church will hold its 90th “Blessing of the Hounds”...
'Nutcracker' set for this weekend
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And like the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel's Messiah, it means Christmas. South Georgia ... “Our T...
2018's top holiday events in and around Annapolis
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It should be no challenge to find holiday-related events in Anne Arundel County. The season is rife...
Holiday concerts, Moye Chen on Piano, Christa Rakich on organ
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True Concord Voices & Orchestra Presents Handel's Messiah — DesertView Performing Arts Center, 39900...
Southeast Michigan entertainment Nov. 23-29
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John Butler Trio, Dustin Thomas: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 27, Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor,...
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A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS CAROL The annual musical event by Pittsburgh CLO for the first time features Ric...
Opéra de Lille 2018-19 Review: Rodelinda
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The psycho-sexual and underlying political power play in “Rodelinda” were reduced to the triviality...
November 24
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Handel: Messiah 3 p.m. Rockefeller Chapel December 3. Lyric Opera of Chicag...
Festival orchestra and chorus present Handel's finest in Thame
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The concert will feature soprano Claire Doran, alto Joanne Thomas, tenor Paul Badley and baritone Ed...
'Messiah' performances radiate throughout communities
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Sir Thomas Beecham, one of the finest English conductors, wrote in his memoirs about Handel's music:...
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To publish church-related holiday events, contact Tom Jones at [email protected] or call 336-5...
Ringing in the season: Holiday events around the SouthCoast
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The Sippican Choral Society's Christmas 2018 concert marks its 54th consecutive year of singing in t...
The week ahead in SoCal classical music, Nov. 25-Dec. 2: Gloria Cheng, Michael Tilson Thomas and more
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MTT and Tchaikovsky 6 Guest conductor Michael Tilson Thomas leads the LA Phil in Tchaikovsky's Symph...
Baton Rouge-area religion bulletins for week of Nov. 24
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Anniversary: 7 a.m., New Jerusalem Baptist Church, 1627 Thomas H. Delpit Drive. ... Christmas Concer...
Joyful Noises
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Of note this year is a preponderance of John Williams music, cementing his place in the canon of Chr...
Temple Symphony Orchestra annual Holiday Concert set Saturday
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The concert will feature George Frideric Handel's “Messiah,” with the Temple College Chorale led by...
High school: Saturday's sports results
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Erickson also had eight rebounds and Van Handel had seven rebounds for the Lightning. Appleton North...
Holiday Classical 2018: A-caroling we go!
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Bay Area classical and choral musicians offer holiday concerts galore, with classic carols, sing-alo...
The List for Nov. 29-Dec. 7.
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True Concord Voices & Orchestra Presents Handel's Messiah — DesertView Performing Arts Center, 39900...
Holiday events abound this week with tree lighting, parades, Handel's 'Messiah'
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The chorus and the Choral Society Orchestra are joined by soprano Carla Connors, mezzo-soprano Monik...
Christmas on the Prairie Concert Dec. 2
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Narrator Tom Roberts and his wife live in Sioux Falls, is originally from the Ipswich/Aberdeen area....
Central Jersey Daily Rundown, Monday, Nov. 26
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Music at Saint Mary's presents Handel's Messiah!A Music at Saint Mary's Advent-Christmas tradition a...
Thomas-Cook-Aktie bricht ein – Gewinn schrumpft, Dividende gestrichen
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LondonDas schwache Fernreisegeschäft während des heißen Sommers hat den Gewinn von Thomas Cook im ab...
49th Festival of Choirs scheduled for Sunday
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First Presbyterian Church choir, directed by Joni Brown and accompanied by Hamilton Stoddard on pian...
12 Days of Classical Music Makes Houston's Holiday Season Very Merry
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We've got an Afro-Cuban jazz ensemble, whale sounds, an a cappella chorus, a showcase by rising oper...
Glover leads MOB in a meticulous and exuberant “Christmas Oratorio”
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Never mind that Handel designed his oratorio for Easter, while Bach's work is explicitly intended fo...
Area boys basketball: Whitewater, Elkhorn win season openers
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3-point goals—Elkhorn 2 (Johnson 1, V. Umnus 1), Verona 8 (Bekx 3, Handel 2, Slawek 1, McCorkle 1)....
Demand for Philly warehouse space prompts developers to start building without tenants in hand
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"Companies are willing to make the speculative investment because, unless they have a building permi...
Live Music Calendar Nov. 28-Dec. 5
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1: The John Butler Trio's Home Tour, with Justin Thomas, 7 p.m. Sold out. CHARLES & MYRTLE'S COFFEEH...
High school: Tuesday's boys results
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Appleton North: Blom 12, Hammen 1, Nelson 3, Mischler 3, Van Handel 4, Zuck 3, Kritzer 1, Popp 2. .....
Deck the campus: Christmas events begin at Liberty this week
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3: “Selections from Handel's “Messiah” features the Liberty University Symphony Orchestra and combin...
UAPB Vesper Choir to perform Handel's Messiah Dec. 2
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Members of the orchestra will include: Judy Warner, adjunct instructor in the UAPB Music Department;...
MSU College of Music Presents Holiday Classics
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EAST LANSING – Michigan State University's College of Music will bring a holiday tradition to St. Th...
Intermezzo: Holiday concerts popping up all over
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On the bill this year are beautiful dances set to Schubert's “Ave Maria,” Bach's triumphant “Magnifi...
Mebane Community Choir presents 'Messiah'
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MEBANE — The Mebane Community Choir will present the Christmas portions of George Frideric Handel's...
Top 10 holiday choral concerts in Sonoma County
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American Bach Soloists: Based in San Francisco, the American Bach soloists under Jeffrey Thomas retu...
UA Choirs Offer Campus the Sounds of the Season
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6, 7:30 p.m. — The Schola Cantorum presents its annual "A Child's Christmas in Wales," in which musi...
Royal soprano Elin Manahan Thomas to sing in Hay
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Swansea-born Elin Manahan Thomas, who was heard by millions singing Handel's 'Eternal Source of Ligh...
It's a week chock full of tunes in the Big Bend | Music roundup
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Nine vocal ensembles totaling 400-plus voices will perform works by Bach, Handel, Andre Thomas and m...
7 Classical Music Concerts to See in NYC This Weekend
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'MESSIAH' at St. Thomas Church (Dec. 4, 6, 7:30 p.m.). Yes, it's that time of year again, as the “Me...
Festive & Contemplative: Classical Music for the Holidays
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Choral pieces including works by Thomas Tallis, Orlande de Lassus, J. S. Bach, and Cornell grad Jose...
The Ticket: What's happening in the local arts world
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Boston Baroque will perform Handel's “Messiah” at Jordan Hall Dec. ... BOSTON BAROQUE Handel's “Mess...
The week ahead in SoCal classical music, Dec. 2-9, 2018: Michael Tilson Thomas with the LA Phil and more
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Camerata Pacifica Chamber music by Arensky, Beethoven and Mendelssohn; with special guests the Calde...
10 best concerts to mark the holidays in choir-crazed Minnesota
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It's been a year since the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra first teamed up with Twin Cities choir the Sin...
'Messiah' and other Boulder-area events Dec. 1, 2018
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Pro Musica Colorado is teaming up with the Boulder Chamber Chorale, as well as four local soloists —...
For the Love of Music
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An abiding love of music has led Thomas Dawkins to perform in productions from Boston Baroque concer...
Red Sox fans not plentiful as in past but they still travel well for their spring training tix
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Emy Belliard and Andre Thomas hung out with friends. They stayed strong until they fell asleep aroun...
Coincidences make delightfully interesting stories
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(Now before you grab your pen to write a letter to my editor, I am in no way comparing Handel, compo...
Florence Price's lost concerto, Handel's 'Messiah,' and world premiere will be La Jolla Symphony & Chorus' triple treat
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Adventure comes with the world premiere of the 2018 Thomas Nee Commission, “Between Clouds and Strea...
Georgia delegation congressional voting
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YEAS: Bishop D-GA (2nd), Allen R-GA (12th), Scott, Austin R-GA (8th), Collins R-GA (9th), Scott, Dav...
'Messiah' performance is tradition
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Someone recently came up to Mary Lou Kapfhammer and told her they were helped so much by the Goodfel...
12 Reasons you should be listening to Handel's Messiah
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I was always drawn toward Handel's Messiah, but it was the frenetic energy of the Les Musiciens du L...
Investor will im Oberharz Baumhäuser bauen
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Das alles und mehr geht aus den ersten Erläuterungen von Ingenieur Thomas Händel hervor. Der Ilsenbu...
Warum bei Thomas Cook nicht alles schlecht ist
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FrankfurtDie Zahlen sind ernüchternd, ja Furcht einflößend. Rund 80 Prozent hat die Aktie des britis...
`A Christmas Carol,' `The Nutcracker,' Handel's `Messiah,' and other holiday shows around the Philadelphia region
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More than 300 performers take to the stage for A Philly POPS Christmas, including Hamilton's Mandy G...
How Handel's Messiah Handles Theology
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Handel was not without controversy as his opera “Esther” caused outrage from the Bishop of London wh...
The Erie Philharmonic Gets a Handel on the Holiday Season
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... small part to its instantly recognizable "Hallelujah Chorus." The show will be led by conductor...
Hallelujah! It's a triple dose of Handel's Messiah
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Hallelujah! Music fans in and around Hamilton, your triple dose of Handel's "Messiah" is coming righ...
Oxford Civic Chorus Will Perform Handel's Messiah in Their Annual Winter Concert December 9
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Oxford Civic Chorus (OCC) celebrates the holiday season with its winter concert, the Christmas porti...
Church bulletins for Dec. 6, 2018
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St. Thomas Episcopal Church will hold its annual community singing of Handel's “Messiah” Sunday, Dec...