Samuel Bodman Biography & News
- Corruption & Score
Samuel Bodman
Former U.S. Secr...
26 Nov 1938
Republican, Republic...
Biography & Reputation
Samuel Bodman is a politician with to less informations to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Samuel. He is born on 26 Nov 1938 and active in United States, Limestone as former u.s. secretary. Samuel Bodman has in total 3 news splited in 3 News, 0 Positive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizations, 0 Accuses and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Samuel Bodman is mostly active in News.News
2018.06.02 - Source: 80% - News
Northeast;000;000;0;--;0;3;5. Clinton;100;600;x;--;7;7;1. Camden Pennock, Aiden Lubs (7). Samuel Moraetes, Connor Bodman (5). WP -- Camden Pennock. LP -- Samuel Moraetes. Two or more hits -- Clinton, Max Holy. RBI -- Clinton, Jared Simpson, Ricky ......
2018.05.29 - Source: 80% - News
Science in America is under attack. We are seeing the dumbification of our country, just so a few Trump bootlickers can make some extra bread to buy another fur-lined yacht or diamond tipped backscratcher or mahogany and ivory swastika. Let's list ju...
2018.05.17 - Source: 85% - News
Where: Veterans Park, the adjacent Bryant block, and downtown Bodman Street, Bement. More info: .... Led by Samuel Araya, BGCE plays a variety of music written and arranged for multiple cellos and performs throughout the academic year. When: 3 to 4 ....
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Wealth & Salary
The wealth for Samuel is at the moment unknown. Try to find a Biography to get more info about Samuel's wealth and complete it here. Samuel Bodman salary is not exactly listed yet here. Maybe you find in a CV the salaray of Samuel Bodman.Prison, Corruption & Trust
Samuel Bodman has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.Political Party
The political party of Samuel Bodman is Republican from United States. Samuel is active as Former U.S. Secretary.Related People
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