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Olena Sotnyk Biography & News

- Wealth & Score

Olena Sotnyk

Olena Sotnyk

21 déc. 1982
Parti politique:
Self Relia...
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Olena Sotnyk

21 déc. 1982
Parti politique:
Self Relia...
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Biography & Reputation

There are not many informations about Sotnyk yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Olena.
She né(e) le 21 déc. 1982 et est actif(ve) en Ukraine, Kiev.
Olena Sotnyk has in total 6 news splited in 6 News, 0 Postif, 0 Négatif, 0 Réussites, 0 Accusations and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Olena Sotnyk is mostly active in News.


2018.06.02 - Source: 85% - News
The delegation, which is led by Olena Sotnyk (Ukraine, ALDE) and consists of Nicole Duranton (France EPP/CD), Maryvonne Blondin (France, SOC), Lord David Blencathra (United Kingdom, EC), Nikolaj Villumsen (Denmark, UEL), Adele Gambaro (Italy, ...

2018.06.01 - Source: 75% - News
Eine sieben Mitglieder umfassende PACE-Delegation des Europarats unter der Leitung von Olena Sotnyk reiste im Rahmen einer Wahlbeobachtungsmission in die Türkei, um sich ein Bild über das politische Klima während des Wahlkampfs zu machen.

2018.05.31 - Source: 95% - News
Σύμφωνα με σχετική ανακοίνωση, μια αντιπροσωπεία της Συνέλευσης επισκέφτηκε ήδη την Άγκυρα, υπό την Ουκρανή βουλευτή Olena Sotnyk, όπου είχε διήμερες επαφές με αρμόδιους φορείς, περιλαμβανομένου του γραφείου του ΟΑΣΕ, μέλη του διπλωματικού ...

2018.05.31 - Source: 90% - News
Σύμφωνα με σχετική ανακοίνωση, μια αντιπροσωπεία της Συνέλευσης επισκέφτηκε ήδη την Άγκυρα, υπό την Ουκρανή βουλευτή Olena Sotnyk, όπου είχε διήμερες επαφές με αρμόδιους φορείς, περιλαμβανομένου του γραφείου του ΟΑΣΕ, μέλη του διπλωματικού ...and mor...

2018.05.28 - Source: 85% - News
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), led by the Ukrainian delegation of PACE and vice-chairwoman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Olena Sotnyk, will conduct a pre-electoral assessment today and ...

2018.05.28 - Source: 75% - News
Ukraynalı parlamenter Olena Sotnyk başkanlığındaki 7 kişilik AKPM parlamenter heyeti, 29-30 Mayıs tarihlerinde erken genel seçim ve cumhurbaşkanlığı seçim kampanyalarında inceleme yapmak üzere Türkiye'de çeşitli temaslarda bulunacak. AKPM heyeti ...

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Richesse & Salaire

We don't have the wealth for Olena yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Olena's past. We don't have the saraly for Olena Sotnyk yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Olena Sotnyk has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Olena Sotnyk is Self Reliance from Ukraine.
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