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Adolfo Suárez Biography & News

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Adolfo Suárez

Adolfo Suárez

Volt miniszterel...
23 márc 2014
Politikai párt:
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Kormányzati szerep

Adolfo Suárez

Volt miniszterel...
23 márc 2014
Politikai párt:
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Biography & Reputation

Adolfo Suárez's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Adolfo. Check anyway Suárez news. The Users opinion about Adolfo is positive so most people think you can vote him. Read anyway what and if Adolfo did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
He is born on 23 márc 2014 and active in Spain, Madrid as volt miniszterelnök.
Adolfo Suárez has in total 387 news splited in 380 News, 4 Pozitív, 1 Negatív, 2 Megvalósitás, 0 Vádak and 0 Ítéletek. The most active category is News. Adolfo Suárez is mostly active in News and Kormányzati szerep.


2016.09.22 - Forrás: 85% - Választások, Kormányzati szerep
The Full municipal of the City of Madrid has agreed this Thursday unanimously to appoint the former president of the Government Adolfo Suárez as the Adoptive Son of...

2016.09.22 - Forrás: 75% - Kormányzati szerep, Munkaügy, Igazságszolgáltatási rendszer
Adolfo Suárez, Prince of Asturias award for his contribution to the concordia democratic . The former president of the Spanish Government Adolfo Suárez was awarded yesterday with the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord by the "transcendence of his p...

2016.09.22 - Forrás: 90% - Egészségügy
Traces the life of Adolfo Suárez as a reference of the Spanish democracy with THE COUNTRY.

2016.09.22 - Forrás: 80% - Választások
Award of the Gold Medal from Madrid to Adolfo Suarez

2016.09.22 - Forrás: 90% - Kormányzati szerep
Gold medal of Madrid to Adolfo Suarez, Teresa Berganza, Pedro Laín Entralgo, and Joaquín Garrigues

2016.09.22 - Forrás: 75% - Kormányzati szerep
Adolfo Suárez Illana received the June 9, 2005 and in the name of his father, already ill, the Gold Medal of the City and the Title of Adoptive Son, which were granted in 1981 - Diary of Avila

2016.09.22 - Forrás: 80% - Munkaügy
Suárez Illana explains, on the verge of tears, thanks to the King that he became the leader that it was during the Transition

2014.03.23 - Forrás: 95% - Választások, Munkaügy, Szállítás
The Ministry of Development, on the proposal of the president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, has approved a ministerial order amending the official designation of the airport

Died Adolfo Suarez, the president of the Transition
2014.03.22 - Forrás: 80% - Kormányzati szerep
The former president of the Government Adolfo Suárez, 81 years old, has died in the clínica Cemtro of Madrid, where he had been admitted since last Monday because of an infection resp

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Vagyon & Fizetés

We don't have the wealth for Adolfo yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Adolfo's past. We don't have the saraly for Adolfo Suárez yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Adolfo Suárez has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Adolfo Suárez is CDS from Spain. Adolfo is active as Volt miniszterelnök.
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