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Tudor Chiuariu vs Domingo Felipe Cavallo

Primerjaj Tudor Chiuariu in Domingo Felipe Cavallo ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Tudor Chiuariu

Tudor Chiuariu

Domingo Felipe Cavallo

Domingo Felipe Cavallo
Tudor Chiuariu
Domingo Felipe Cavallo
Former Minister
Former Minister
Bukarešta Romania
Buenos Aires Argentina
Rojstni datum
National Liberal Party
Justicialist Party
News, Pravosodni sistem, Izobraževanje, Obramba, Volitve
News, Vloga vlade, Davki, Pravosodni sistem
The minister of Justice resign in a scandal tied to a land
2007.12.10 - Vir :85% - Pravosodni sistem
The minister of Justice resign in a scandal tied to a land

The minister of Justice: I Quit, but I'll be back
2007.12.10 - Vir :85% - Pravosodni sistem
The minister of Justice: I Quit, but I'll be back

Chiuariu the MRS in the folder Mail
2008.02.16 - Vir :85% - Pravosodni sistem
Chiuariu the MRS in the folder Mail

Tudor Chiuariu resigned from the post of chairman of the legal Commission of the Senate
2014.01.28 - Vir :95% - Pravosodni sistem
Tudor Chiuariu resigned from the post of chairman of the legal Commission of the Senate

Senator Tudor Chiuariu, expelled from the PNL
2015.01.23 - Vir :85% - Izobraževanje
Senator Tudor Chiuariu, expelled from the PNL

Ordered investigate whether Cavallo should return 17,000 million dollars
2011.09.15 - Vir :80% - Davki
Ordered investigate whether Cavallo should return 17,000 million dollars | Would be the compensation...

Condemned Menem and Cavallo for the payment of bonuses
2016.10.22 - Vir :75% - Pravosodni sistem
The Tribunal Oral Federal N° 4 sentenced the former president to 4 years and 6 months of prison and...