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Stephan Weil vs Winfried Kretschmann

Primerjaj Stephan Weil in Winfried Kretschmann ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Stephan Weil

Stephan Weil

Winfried Kretschmann

Winfried Kretschmann
Stephan Weil
Winfried Kretschmann
Minister President
Minister President
Spodnja Saška Germany
Baden-Württemberg Germany
Rojstni datum
Social Democratic Party of Germany
Alliance '90/Greens
News, Vloga vlade, Izobraževanje
News, Vloga vlade, Zunanje zadeve, Civil Rights
Stephan Weil takes reigns of center-left coalition in Lower Saxony
2013.02.18 - Vir :95% - Izobraževanje, Vloga vlade
Stephan Weil, the outgoing mayor of Hanover, has been officially elected the premier of Lower Saxony...

Merkel's Party Set For Fresh Setback In Local... | Morningstar
2016.09.09 - Vir :95% - Vloga vlade
I know that the AfD will also gain voters in Lower Saxony," said Lower Saxony state premier and Soci...

Amal Clooney delivers damning speech to the UN over ...
2016.09.19 - Vir :85% - Civil Rights
Premier of federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg Winfried Kretschmann (L) meets with Yezidi woman Nadia M...

Iraqi Woman Kidnapped By IS And Served As A Sex Slave ...
2016.09.14 - Vir :80% - Vloga vlade
Nadia, now 21, managed to escape from the hands of IS and met Mrs. Clooney and regional Prime Minist...

2016.09.22 - Vir :85% - Vloga vlade
Biographie: Kretschmann, Winfried; deutscher Politiker; Ministerpräsident von Baden-Württemberg; BÜN...

German elections: the candidates who backed Merkels refugee stance – and won
2016.03.13 - Vir :75% - Vloga vlade
Malu Dreyer and Winfried Kretschmann have been so supportive of chancellor’s policy they were called...

Amal Clooney says Theresa May needs to get Britain to take ...
2016.09.20 - Vir :80% - Vloga vlade
Premier of federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg Winfried Kretschmann (L) meets with Yezidi woman Nadia M...