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Santiago Carrillo vs Antonio Ramón María Trevín Lombán

Primerjaj Santiago Carrillo in Antonio Ramón María Trevín Lombán ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Santiago Carrillo

Santiago Carrillo

Antonio Ramón María Trevín Lombán

Antonio Ramón María Trevín Lombán
Santiago Carrillo
Antonio Ramón María Trevín Lombán
Former Communist Party
Former President
Madrid Spain
Asturja Spain
Rojstni datum
Communist Party of Spain
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
News, Izobraževanje, Vloga vlade
Tributes paid to Santiago Carrillo, a key figure in the democratic transition
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He “chose coexistence and reconciliation” over party interests, says Socialist leader Rubalcaba. Dep...

A tough policy, interview with Santiago Carrillo. The Country
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A resistant policy. Preserves the lucidity and irony that made him famous. Santiago Carrillo is abou...

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