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Santiago Carrillo vs Albert Rivera Díaz

Primerjaj Santiago Carrillo in Albert Rivera Díaz ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Santiago Carrillo

Santiago Carrillo

Albert Rivera Díaz

Albert Rivera Díaz
Santiago Carrillo
Albert Rivera Díaz
Former Communist Party
Madrid Spain
Madrid Spain
Rojstni datum
Communist Party of Spain
Citizens , People's Party
News, Izobraževanje, Vloga vlade
Tributes paid to Santiago Carrillo, a key figure in the democratic transition
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He “chose coexistence and reconciliation” over party interests, says Socialist leader Rubalcaba. Dep...

A tough policy, interview with Santiago Carrillo. The Country
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A resistant policy. Preserves the lucidity and irony that made him famous. Santiago Carrillo is abou...

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Ve švýcarském Curychu působící mezinárodně respektovaný architekt, sochař a malíř Santiago Calatrava...

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From tech unicorns to clean energy these are the young Africans changing the world in 2018
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Miroslava Duma (F) is the Founder of Fashion Tech Lab, Russian Federation. She is an entrepreneur wh...

From Football to Rocket Science: Meet the Young People Changing the World in 2018
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Albert Rivera Díaz (M) is President of Ciudadanos – Partido de la Ciudadanía, Spain. A Spanish attor...

Messages of solidarity with Cuba continue to arrive
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The President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel, highlighted national and in...

Thursday May 10, 2018
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Albert Rivera Díaz (M) is President of Ciudadanos - Partido de la Ciudadanía, Spain. A Spanish attor...

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Imagen: Vivy Yusof, Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, Heba Aly, Jagmeet Singh, Priyanka Chopra, Faisal Abbas, Nico...

La solidaridad con nuestro país no se detiene
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El propio Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y Ministros, Miguel Díaz-Canel, destacó la solidarida...

Un mundo que ofrece sus palabras de apoyo
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Las muestras de condolencias al pueblo cubano y, en especial, a las víctimas del accidente de aviaci...

¿Qué pasa hoy en Venezuela?
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El líder de Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, aseguró en Argentina que las “supuestas elecciones” presidenc...