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Nikola Špirić vs Gordon Brown

Compare Nikola Špirić and Gordon Brown to find out who to vote.

Nikola Špirić

Nikola Špirić

Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown
Nikola Špirić
Gordon Brown
Former Prime Minister
Former Prime Minister
Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
Alliance of Independent Social Democrats
News, Role of Government
Špirić ponovo tražio raspravu o bezbjednosnoj situaciji
2018.05.30 - Source :90% - News
SARAJEVO - Poslanik SNSD-a u Predstavničkom domu parlamenta BiH Nikola Špirić pitao je danas predsje...

Nikola Špirić o Erdoganovom mitingu: Sve što ne može u Evropi, može u BiH
2018.05.20 - Source :75% - News
Poslanik SNSD-a u Predstavničkom domu Parlamentarne skupštine BiH Nikola Špirić izjavio je danas da...

Dudaković and the others released from custody
2018.04.30 - Source :95% - News
The Alliance of the Independent Social Democrats's (SNSD) vice president, Nikola Špirić, demanded an...

Migrantska kriza ponovo posvađala političare
2018.05.29 - Source :80% - News
Radi se o nekompetentnom čovjeku i ucijenjenom ministru”, odgovorio je Nikola Špirić, poslanik u Pre...

Svake godine 150.000 državljana napusti BiH, još malo pa ćemo svi biti u EU
2018.05.30 - Source :85% - News
Nikola Špirić, poslanik SNSD-a, pitao je poslanike „ima li parlamentarne većine“. Istovremeno je odg...

Špirić: Savjet ministara krši poslovnik o radu
2018.05.21 - Source :90% - News
SARAJEVO - Nekadašnji predsjedavajući Savjeta ministara, Nikola Špirić, izjavio je Srni da aktuelni...

Špirić: Sve što ne može u Evropi, može u BiH
2018.05.20 - Source :80% - News
BANJALUKA - Poslanik SNSD-a u Predstavničkom domu Parlamentarne skupštine BiH Nikola Špirić izjavio...

Špirić: Nepostizanje dogovora o Izbornom zakonu BiH jedina šansa za SzP
2018.05.04 - Source :85% - News
SARAJEVO - Nepostizanje dogovora u Federaciji BiH /FBiH/ o izmjenama Izbornog zakona jedina je šansa...

Никола Шпирић о посети Ердогана Сарајеву: Све што не може у Европи, може у БиХ
2018.05.20 - Source :75% - News
БАЊАЛУКА - Посланик СНСД-а у Представничком дому Парламентарне скупштине БиХ Никола Шпирић изјавио ј...

Komentar / Špirić: Erdoganov dolazak govori da sve što ne može u Europi može u BiH
2018.05.20 - Source :90% - News
... ali teško da će doprinijeti integraciji ove sve podjeljenije zemlje kakve god one bile", rekao j...

Gordon Browns speech, to United Nations Ambassadors, New York, 20 April 2006
2012.10.07 - Source :80% - Role of Government
Let me start by saying what a privilege it is to be here today: to speak to such a distinguished aud...

Extended interview with Gordon Brown
2018.05.30 - Source :95% - News
Some economists have said it is eerily similar to the start of the 1999 Asian crash. Western Asset M...

Brexit News: Now failed PM Gordon Brown calls for second Brexit referendum
2018.05.27 - Source :85% - News
Mr Brown, who wrote a book on Brexit called Britain: Leading Not Leaving, is to appear at an event a...

Gordon Brown launches $10bn global funding for schools
2018.05.11 - Source :75% - News
Gordon Brown is launching a $10bn (£7.4bn) scheme to widen access to education in some of the world'...

Gordon Brown to re-enter Brexit debate to join demands for a second referendum
2018.05.27 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown will wade back into the Brexit debate this week to demand a second referendum on the fi...

Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Combating Global Illiteracy
2018.05.11 - Source :80% - News
Former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown discusses his funding plan to combat global illiteracy with...

Stocks Advance, Bonds Slide as Italy Concerns Fade: Markets Wrap
2018.05.30 - Source :85% - News
“Ultimately we think Italy stays in the club,” said Gordon Brown, London-based co-head of global por...

Maintaining the Momentum Toward Universal Education
2018.05.13 - Source :95% - News
By 2030 – the year when the world has promised to provide universal primary and secondary education...

Gordon Brown launches $10bn access-to-education scheme for world's poorest countries
2018.05.11 - Source :75% - News
Gordon Brown is launching a $10bn (£7.4m) scheme to tackle what he believes to be the “civil rights...

260 million children aren't in school. This $10bn plan could fix that
2018.05.11 - Source :85% - News
We must become the first generation in history where every child goes to school, and in doing so we...

Don't be so quick to judge Hammond for selling off RBS shares at 'no profit' to the taxpayer – it's not that simple
2018.05.29 - Source :80% - News
Well, it certainly isn't going to a good one, at least for UK taxpayers, though then prime minister...

It's not too late to fix 'Brexit power grab mess', says Gordon Brown
2018.06.09 - Source :80% - News
Brexit has thrown up so many constitutional challenges that it is easy to overlook what would otherw...

Brexit latest: Defeat in crunch vote could oust Theresa May, Gordon ...
2018.06.10 - Source :90% - News
Theresa May could be ousted as prime minister if the Government loses a crunch vote this week on Bre...

Jeremy Corbyn's grip on Labour is just a phase, says Gordon Brown
2018.06.10 - Source :80% - News
Gordon Brown has described Jeremy Corbyn's helm at the Labour party as a phase. The former New Labou...

Gordon Brown warns Jeremy Corbyn is a 'phase' and 'nobody goes on forever'
2018.06.10 - Source :75% - News
Mr Brown told BBC1's The Andrew Marr Show: “Jeremy is a phenomenon and he is reflecting people's con...

Sunday Shows Round-Up: Brexit, Gordon Brown, Goldmines And Meltdowns
2018.06.10 - Source :75% - News
EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier rejected key elements of the UK's “backstop” proposals to guarant...

Theresa May could be forced out if she loses key Brexit vote, Gordon ...
2018.06.10 - Source :85% - News
Theresa May could be forced out if the government loses a crunch vote this week on its Brexit legisl...

From the archive Gordon Brown plans housing market reform as part of bid to join the euro
2018.06.11 - Source :95% - News
25 years ago. Twenty-five years ago, councils were bracing themselves for the introduction of new co...

Gordon Brown says Jeremy Corbyn's popularity is 'just a phase ...
2018.06.10 - Source :90% - News
The former PM said the Labour leader is a 'phenomenon', but warned that his ratings will start to di...

Short-lived PM Gordon Brown has labelled Jeremy Corbyn a “phase” will have a “short shelf life.”
2018.06.11 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown was PM from 2007-2010 and served a Chancellor for Tony Blair for ten years. After waiti...

Gordon Brown: Independence would leave Scotland facing austerity til doomsday
2018.06.15 - Source :75% - News
Scotland would face “austerity until doomsday” if the country became independent, former prime minis...

Gordon Brown: Independence would leave Scotland facing austerity ...
2018.06.15 - Source :85% - News
The former prime minister issued the warning at a rally in Glasgow.

Gordon Brown: Independent Scotland brings 'austerity until doomsday'
2018.06.15 - Source :80% - News
Mr Brown said under the Tories in Westminster and the SNP at Holyrood, the NHS had seen its worst de...

Here are the best Twitter responses to Gordon Brown's latest indy doomsday warning
2018.06.16 - Source :85% - News
Perhaps disappointed by the lack of interest in his independence doomsday warning yesterday, Gordon...

Gordon Brown: 'Nationalist myth about social justice destroyed by report'
2018.06.17 - Source :80% - News
Gordon Brown yesterday claimed the SNP's independence blueprint had abandoned social justice and had...

Gordon Brown could be the one to give Labour and politics kickstart they need
2018.06.17 - Source :75% - News
Brown popped up again, as he has done infrequently since leaving office, with an ad hoc speech – thi...

Cricketer Gordon Brown loses cancer battle two years after on-pitch ...
2018.06.20 - Source :90% - News
The late president of Carrickfergus Cricket Club has been described as a.

'Gordon Brown ROBBED my pension!' Alastair Campbell mocked by ANGRY audience member
2018.06.23 - Source :95% - News
Speaking to an audience on BBC Any Questions the ex-Labour spokesman had to contend with a very nois...

Gordon Brown
2018.06.26 - Source :85% - News
Professor Gordon Brown's primary research area is innate immunity, with particular emphasis on C-typ...

When Gordon Brown had to leave Portland in a hurry
2018.06.26 - Source :85% - News
LET'S cast our minds back to 11 years ago tomorrow - to June 27, 2007 when Gordon Brown became Prime...

When Gordon Brown had to leave Portland in a hurry
2018.06.27 - Source :95% - News
Sorry for the intrusion. Please be aware we use cookies and similar technologies to help our site wo...

Childcare really works, says Labour hopeful Huw Irranca-Davies
2018.06.29 - Source :95% - News
Huw Irranca-Davies set out a vision for tackling poverty as he launches his bid for the Welsh Labour...

Gordon Brown: NHS would be in trauma if Scotland was ...
2018.07.02 - Source :80% - News
Former prime minister Gordon Brown says the NHS would be “in trauma” in ten years' time if Scotland...

Twitter reacts to Gordon Brown's sudden reappearance
2018.07.02 - Source :95% - News
Simon Morris #FBPE

Gordon Brown's Scottish independence NHS claim is 'nonsense'
2018.07.03 - Source :95% - News
GORDON Brown has warned that nurses will have to take part in charity fun runs to pay for the NHS in...

How a blog by Gordon Brown's sister-in-law helped bring down the Malaysian prime minister
2018.07.03 - Source :75% - News
As Najib Razak, Malaysia's former prime minister, sits in his jail cell awaiting questions over the...

'Greetings from the bunker' – Gordon Brown's major speech after independence
2018.07.04 - Source :80% - News
'Greetings from the bunker' – Gordon Brown's major speech after independence. Kevin McKenna. Brown w...

Latest Gordon Broontervention hits the Private Frazer barrier | The ...
2018.07.04 - Source :95% - News
THERE'S been a Broontervention. Gordon Brown looms on the front page of Scottish newspapers like a c...

Gordon Brown: The NHS is our greatest invention. Let us not forget Bevan's bravery
2018.07.05 - Source :80% - News
70 years old this week, the NHS is Britain's greatest invention and the best symbol of what we stand...

Kenny MacAskill: Gordon Brown is a figure to be pitied as much as censured
2018.07.06 - Source :75% - News
SYMPATHY isn't the prevailing sentiment within the nationalist community towards Gordon Brown, it's...

Celebrities join Sarah Brown on Scottish charity hike
2018.07.09 - Source :90% - News
Charity campaigner Sarah Brown will be joined by celebrities on a 117-mile hike to raise money for g...

Balaclava-clad raiders burgle mansion of one of the UK's richest men stealing £1million jewellery collection quietly ...
2018.07.12 - Source :80% - News
In March of that year, he was appointed by Gordon Brown to the UK Stem Cell Initiative. He has a wif...

Gordon Brown: Fife owes huge debt to its dedicated health staff
2018.07.13 - Source :75% - News
Former Kirkcaldy MP and Prime Minister Gordon Brown writes on how the NHS was created in Fife – and...

Nicola Sturgeon and Gordon Brown pay tribute in new edition of Tom Johnston book
2018.07.14 - Source :80% - News
WHAT may well be a unique tribute has been paid to one of the greatest politicians of 20th-century S...

BENEFITS SCANDAL: Disabled people UNDERPAID benefits in INEPT scheme introduced by Labour
2018.07.17 - Source :95% - News
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has been attacked in a scathing Commons report over its h...

Corbyn draws up plans for Labour to take power after snap election and claims Gordon Brown is helping Labour prepare
2018.07.19 - Source :85% - News
The Guardian claimed Gordon Brown has been talking regularly to Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell to...

Labour drawing up draft Queen's Speech in preparation for a snap general election win
2018.07.20 - Source :85% - News
“We don't want to repeat the mistake [Gordon] Brown made where he was only prepared for the first 10...

Litigation expert promoted to role of partner at North East law firm
2018.07.23 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown Law Firm (GBLF) has promoted property litigation specialist James Godden to the role of...

What's next for Josh Gordon and the Browns? Orange and Brown Talk podcast
2018.07.23 - Source :80% - News
BEREA, Ohio -- Josh Gordon announced on Twitter on Monday that he will not be present for the beginn...

Gordon Brown appoints new partner
2018.07.25 - Source :75% - News
Gordon Brown Law Firm (GBLF) has promoted a property litigation lawyer to partner. James Godden join...

Which ex-PM would Britain rather have in charge?
2018.07.25 - Source :75% - News
This inspired us at YouGov to ask the nation which, if any, of the four still-living former prime mi...

Urgent plea to help Kirkcaldy Foodbank
2018.07.26 - Source :80% - News
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has made an urgent plea to the public to support the town's foodb...

New Rules for the New Global Economy
2018.07.27 - Source :85% - News
... not only the democracies. The G20 has existed for a while, but it really came to the fore only i...

Smart-meter pioneer admits he has abandoned his own
2018.07.27 - Source :95% - News
The man behind an £11 billion project to put a smart meter in every home has admitted that he got ri...

What I've learnt: Ed Balls
2018.07.27 - Source :85% - News
Former Labour MP Ed Balls, 51, was secretary of state for children, schools and families in Gordon B...

Ian Austin: Labour MP faces action in Labour anti-Semitism row
2018.07.29 - Source :75% - News
Mr Austin, who is a former adviser to Gordon Brown, reportedly told Labour's chair, Ian Lavery, that...

Celebrities set off on 117-mile hike for children's charity
2018.07.30 - Source :85% - News
Mrs Brown, wife of former prime minister Gordon Brown, said: "Theirworld is a super charity that's b...

Garden Bridge backers 'may have breached legal duties'
2018.07.31 - Source :90% - News
As well as Lumley and Lord Mervyn Davies, a banker and junior minister under Gordon Brown, the trust...

Celebrity pals embark on 117-mile charity coastal walk
2018.07.31 - Source :90% - News
The idea came from Sarah, wife of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, with the aim of raising £20,00...

Gordon leads WVU women's soccer team into new season
2018.08.01 - Source :85% - News
MORGANTOWN — Consider Nikki Izzo-Brown as a coach somewhere between hope and hype. Two seasons remov...

Could the Browns flip Josh Gordon for OBJ next off-season?
2018.07.31 - Source :75% - News
Tyrod Taylor organized a throwing session in Los Angeles earlier this month that included several of...

Josh Gordon, Hue Jackson, and Tyrod Taylor: Browns Training Camp Story-lines
2018.08.01 - Source :90% - News
I don't want to get into trying to guess what's happening out there in Josh Gordon's world, so I'll...

Those were the days 1943: James Maxton, crusading MP who "delighted in being a rebel"
2018.08.02 - Source :80% - News
THE Glasgow Bridgeton MP James Maxton, seen here just three years before his death, was, as Gordon B...

Fake news, from Labour 'mess' to the Brexit vote
2018.08.01 - Source :75% - News
“The mess that Labour left” was the Tory call throughout and often since, in spite of the fact that...

Union Jack a 'flag of convenience' for parts of DUP leadership, says Lord Adonis
2018.08.02 - Source :90% - News
Lord Adonis has been a member of the House of Lords since 2005 and served in the governments of Tony...

Love Island's Tina Stinnes cuddles up to Matthew Mawhinney as she links arms with the son of politician Baroness ...
2018.08.01 - Source :90% - News
Matthew is the son of Patricia Scotland, who was the Attorney General under the then-Prime Minister...

Are Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell the new Blair and Brown?
2018.08.02 - Source :75% - News
And just as generals have a tendency to “fight the last war”, clinging to outmoded tactics and strat...

Interest rate rise: Cheap credit became too big a risk
2018.08.02 - Source :95% - News
In July 5, 2007, with Gordon Brown newly installed as prime minister, the Bank of England base rate...

I feel guilty that I can't help Labour: Ed Balls tells of his fears for the future
2018.08.03 - Source :85% - News
But they insist. “No, you've definitely changed. I used to hate you.” What they mean is they hated L...

The Celtics' most interesting lineup options for next season
2018.08.03 - Source :85% - News
Not only do they have a number of established stars in Kyrie Irving, Gordon Hayward, and Al Horford,...

Ricky Gervais has saved a blind puppy
2018.08.03 - Source :90% - News
The 57-year-old comedian - who has been an animal rights activist for years - has helped a German Sh...

RBS dividend is not end of the story
2018.08.03 - Source :90% - News
Philip Hammond wouldn't want to rival Gordon Brown's mistimed sale of the gold reserves and dispose...

Letters: Left's takeover of Labour has kept the SNP in power
2018.08.04 - Source :90% - News
The facts are the SNP took power after the demise of Gordon Brown and the takeover of the Labour Par...

Two Injured From Cocktail at Gordon Ramsay's Vegas Restaurant
2018.08.04 - Source :75% - News
The drink in question is a flaming tiki-style cocktail called Rum Donkey with ingredients such as Cr...

Why the Concourse shopping centre will always hold a special place in my heart
2018.08.04 - Source :95% - News
The heart of Skelmersdale, that holds a special place in my heart. I've seen it through all the ups...

Dr Ghazna Khalid wants to serve motherland
2018.08.03 - Source :85% - News
She has worked in the Maternal Mortality Campaign in the UK headed by Gordon Brown, the then prime m...

'NBA 2K19' Player Ratings: Jaylen Brown And Josh Richardson Ratings Revealed
2018.08.03 - Source :90% - News
When you consider we've yet to see what Kyrie Irving, Gordon Hayward and/or Al Horford's rating–and...

Josh Gordon is 'in good spirits' says Browns receiver Rashard ...
2018.08.04 - Source :85% - News
Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon (12) turns to the end zone after a reception during manda...

'Unfair' electricity prices lowered in Sark after review
2018.08.04 - Source :80% - News
But David Gordon-Brown, the company's director, said the forced drop in prices would lead to "negati...

Josh Gordon won't be back by Tuesday, but Browns won't let it hurt his free-agency status
2018.08.05 - Source :80% - News
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Receiver Josh Gordon won't be back by Tuesday's deadline to be eligible to receiv...

Chargers' Jatavis Brown, Kyzir White show out in Blue-White scrimmage
2018.08.05 - Source :90% - News
In yesterday's Blue-White scrimmage, both players showed their physicality and how much they want to...

AP source: Browns agree to trade WR Corey Coleman to Bills
2018.08.06 - Source :75% - News
Coleman caught 56 passes for 718 yards and five touchdowns with the Browns, who are still in the mar...

YP Letters: De we need extra layer of government?
2018.08.06 - Source :95% - News
I REMAIN sceptical of the logic of creating an autonomous Yorkshire region (The Yorkshire Post, Augu...

Former 'Doctor Who' David Tennant Attacks Trump on 'Behalf of the Scottish Nation'
2018.08.06 - Source :75% - News
Tennant remains an ardent supporter of the hard-left British Labour Party and has repeatedly appeare...

Political Climate Influences Perception of Crime: UK Study
2018.08.07 - Source :95% - News
People who grew up during the Tony Blair and James Gordon Brown governments (from the late 1990s to...

Councillor says closure of Ketton surgery "disappointing"
2018.08.07 - Source :80% - News
A Rutland County Councillor has expressed his disappointment at the announcement that Uppingham Surg...

Domesticating Technology is the Key to Simplifying Human Life: Umesh Sachdev
2018.08.07 - Source :75% - News
TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Nandan...

Former BBC chairman and Gordon Brown advisor to open Scottish boutique hotel this month
2018.08.08 - Source :75% - News
Davies is a former chairman of the BBC and currently chairman of Fulcrum Asset Management, a foundin...

Does rudeness have a legitimate place in politics? The case for and against
2018.08.08 - Source :90% - News
... in 2015) to outright mockery (“If the prime minister is going to have pre-prepared jokes, I thin...

The Six Top Contenders to Fix the World's Oldest Phone Company
2018.08.08 - Source :75% - News
Background: Carter, 54, has been CEO of Informa Plc since 2013, former minister and adviser to Labou...

How the politicians of your youth affect your fears about crime
2018.08.08 - Source :80% - News
... as being widely discussed in the media. Anti-social behaviour, such as vandalism, loitering teen...

Virgin isn't looking to take a penny out of the NHS
2018.08.07 - Source :80% - News
Virgin first became involved in Virgin Care when the then prime minister, Gordon Brown, asked Richar...

How Canary Wharf Group is going to become world's first 'plastic free' commercial centre
2018.08.08 - Source :90% - News
“Who knows in 10 years' time we might be shredding up our plastic packaging and adding it to our sti...

Bean: Come up with whatever lineup you want; the Celtics are still going to be stacked
2018.08.07 - Source :90% - News
Here's what it should be: A starting five of Kyrie Irving, Jaylen Brown, Gordon Hayward, Jayson Tatu...

Writers humiliated by visa demands, Edinburgh book festival boss claims
2018.08.09 - Source :80% - News
... the book festival this year include Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former US president Bill Cl...

What Adam Smith can tell us about failing markets today
2018.08.09 - Source :90% - News
When Gordon Brown invited Alan Greenspan to Kirkcaldy, where Smith was born and Brown educated, Gree...

Fundraising blow for Kirkcaldy family centre after Rag Bag bin sabotaged
2018.08.09 - Source :80% - News
The Cottage Family Centre in the town's Templehall area, which has been visited by television presen...

Breaking: Former PM Gordon Brown weighs in on BiFab contracts row
2018.08.10 - Source :95% - News
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown speaking at a Scottish Labour rally for the NHS ahead of its 70th...

Community Watch
2018.08.10 - Source :75% - News

Gordon Wood to get no compensation from NSW over Caroline Byrne murder case
2018.08.10 - Source :75% - News
Victims' advocate Howard Brown praised Mr Tedeschi's professionalism, despite Justice Fullerton's re...

Could the financial crash happen again?
2018.08.10 - Source :80% - News
Gordon Brown had taken over as Prime Minister in June 2007 after a decade as Chancellor of the Exche...

Ex-Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy launches scathing attack on Jeremy Corbyn
2018.08.10 - Source :80% - News
Mr Murphy held several cabinet positions under the premiership of both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown....

Authors' visa struggles undermine book festival, says Sturgeon
2018.08.09 - Source :85% - News
... clearance requirements is publicly available on Each case is assessed on its individual...

Former PM Gordon Brown presses case for BiFab to benefit from offshore contracts
2018.08.11 - Source :75% - News
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has told those behind plans for a huge offshore windfarm off the...

Former PM Gordon Brown weighs in on BiFab contracts row
2018.08.11 - Source :90% - News
Former British prime minister Gordon Brown weighed in on the BiFab contracts row yesterday, writing...

Boston Celtics news: Charles Barkley reveals Kyrie Irving, Gordon Hayward returns concern
2018.08.10 - Source :75% - News
They ultimately came up short against LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers, but they had to cont...

Corbyn accused of 'arrogance' over anti-Semitism row by former Labour minister
2018.08.10 - Source :85% - News
Mr Murphy, who was a minister under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and led Scottish Labour from 2014-15...

2018.08.12 - Source :95% - News
As its recent annual meeting, the Bruce Museum Inc. gave out its awards for service and elected new...

Ex-Scottish Labour leader slams Corbyn's 'inept' handling of anti-Semitism row
2018.08.11 - Source :90% - News
Mr Murphy, who was a minister under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and led Scottish Labour from 2014-15...

How to Become Britain's Richest Person
2018.08.13 - Source :90% - News
In 2010, he uprooted key staff and decamped to a village near Geneva when the Labour prime minister...

Gordon Brown to attack Britain's failure to tackle child poverty ...
2018.08.14 - Source :95% - News
Ex-PM will warn problem may reach 'epidemic proportions' during speech at Edinburgh international bo...

The united Ireland campaign can learn a lot from Scotland
2018.08.14 - Source :85% - News
As debates about Irish unity gain momentum, attention will inevitably turn to Scotland, which held a...

CITY DIARY: Informa boss Lord Carter could become the next chief executive of BT
2018.08.14 - Source :75% - News
Someone is generously talking up Lord Carter as the next chief executive of BT. The Informa boss, sa...

Chargers' Melvin Gordon keeps getting confused for Todd Gurley
2018.08.15 - Source :80% - News
They play the same position, the play in the same town, they have a similar hairstyle, and now one i...

Olympic canoe coach seeks support from Prince Charles for campaign
2018.08.15 - Source :75% - News
A FORMER Olympic canoe coach who is using his love of the water to raise awareness of climate change...

Gordon Brown says Jeremy Corbyn 'has to change'
2018.08.15 - Source :80% - News
Gordon Brown says Jeremy Corbyn "has to change" to address concerns about anti-Semitism in the Labou...

Labour Leave voters abandoning support for Brexit, claims former prime minister Gordon Brown
2018.08.15 - Source :95% - News
Labour leave voters are changing their minds on Brexit and feel "betrayed" by the current options on...

Jeremy Corbyn wreath row: Now Gordon Brown lashes out at Labour leader
2018.08.15 - Source :95% - News
The former Prime Minister would not be drawn on whether Mr Corbyn is fit to occupy Number 10 but he...

Gordon Brown's selective praise | Coffee House
2018.08.15 - Source :75% - News
Gordon Brown's selective praise on Coffee House | Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown is at the Edinb...

Boston Celtics news: Jaylen Brown sent bench role warning ahead of Irving, Hayward returns
2018.08.15 - Source :95% - News
“We are overlooking the meshing of the parts of how Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown, after getting a s...

Gordon Brown: Corbyn 'has got to change' to address anti-Semitism concerns
2018.08.16 - Source :85% - News
Mr Brown told the book festival audience: “Jeremy Corbyn has got to change. “He cannot sustain parti...

Edinburgh Book Festival: Gordon Brown urges action on child poverty
2018.08.16 - Source :90% - News
There's a lot to be said for old-fashioned politicians – you remember the kind: civic-minded, ideali...

Kofi Annan 1938-2018: his 2016 interview with Gordon Brown
2018.08.18 - Source :85% - News
The EU was built from the rubble of two world wars and has ensured peace and prosperity for a genera...

Kofi Annan a leader of leaders, says Gordon Brown
2018.08.18 - Source :80% - News
Kofi Annan a leader of leaders, says Gordon Brown. Gordon Brown has paid tribute to the former UN se...

'Unique' Annan was 'a leader of leaders' Gordon Brown
2018.08.18 - Source :95% - News
'Unique' Annan was 'a leader of leaders' - Gordon Brown. 20:31, UK, Saturday 18 August 2018. 2:46. N...

Kofi Annan was 'determined to advance world peace, to tackle poverty and injustice wherever he saw it' says Gordon ...
2018.08.18 - Source :95% - News
Former prime minister Gordon Brown has paid tribute to Kofi Annan, who has died aged 80. The former...

Greg Moodie: Gordon Brown eats Runrig
2018.08.20 - Source :90% - News
This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Edit...

A Man for All Diplomatic Seasons
2018.08.21 - Source :95% - News
A Man for All Diplomatic Seasons. Aug 21, 2018 Gordon Brown. Kofi Annan's journey is over. But the l...

The Slorance Sketch ... Gordon Brown promotes his new book
2018.08.20 - Source :85% - News
This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Edit...

Gordon Brown
2018.08.22 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown, former prime minister and chancellor of the exchequer of the United Kingdom, is United...

Gordon Brown is well suited to role as harbinger of the apocalypse
2018.08.29 - Source :80% - News
Yes, Yes, I know they didn't exactly say that we'd need to send for the bluecaps but in my defence I...

How will Gordon Hayward's return affect Jaylen Brown?
2018.08.29 - Source :85% - News
BOSTON – After a solid rookie season, Jaylen Brown's second season was even better. He was a starter...

First 16-year-olds to benefit from child trust funds come of age – if the government can find them
2018.09.01 - Source :90% - News
Alongside the 16th birthday cards and heartfelt gifts, the first of six million children will today...

Gordon Brown calls on Labour to adopt IHRA antisemitism code
2018.09.02 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown has called on Labour to support the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's defi...

Gordon Brown to Jewish Labour: You will never walk alone
2018.09.02 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown to Jewish Labour: You will never walk alone. Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown address...

Gordon Brown to deliver keynote address at JLM one day conference
2018.09.01 - Source :90% - News
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Gordon Brown will deliver a keynote address at the Jewish Labour...

Gordon Brown: Jeremy Corbyn must remove the “stain” of anti-Semitism from Labour
2018.09.02 - Source :85% - News
Labour must adopt the full International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism...

Labour must adopt IHRA definition of antisemitism immediately, says Gordon Brown – video
2018.09.02 - Source :75% - News
Former prime minister says Labour, as the party of conscience, must remedy the injustice of antisemi...

Gordon Brown: Labour must adopt internationally agreed definition of anti-semitism
2018.09.02 - Source :80% - News
Gordon Brown has called for the Labour Party to "unanimously, unequivocally and immediately" adopt t...

Video: Anti-Semitism: 'this wrong must and can be righted' says Gordon Brown
2018.09.02 - Source :80% - News
Video: Anti-Semitism: 'this wrong must and can be righted' says Gordon Brown. The former Prime Minis...

Limerick footballer Gordon Brown among thousands to graduate from UL
2018.09.04 - Source :90% - News
SENIOR county footballer Gordon Brown is celebrating as one of thousands of graduates from the Unive...

Tropical Storm Gordon Path Update: 'Brown Ocean' Phenomena Possible (Deep Thunder Weather Forecast Model)
2018.09.03 - Source :90% - News
Tropical Storm Gordon has formed, moving on a forecast track to hit Louisiana or Mississippi late Tu...

Letters: Stop paying attention to nearly man Gordon Brown
2018.09.05 - Source :90% - News
COMPARE and contrast the reputation of the late Sir James Mirrlees – the subject of Michael Fry's en...

Trump's Assault on Refugees
2018.09.07 - Source :80% - News
The consequences of the Trump administration's decision to stop funding to the United Nations Relief...

Gordon Brown | OUR: Service charges apply even with no water
2018.09.08 - Source :80% - News
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries. You can also visit our website...

'Busted flush!' Labour humiliation after defeat in Scotland council election
2018.09.08 - Source :90% - News
“It also means Gordon Brown has two Conservative councillors to call on now for any local issues he...

ANALYSIS: Like Gordon Brown, Theresa May is benefiting from having useless enemies
2018.09.12 - Source :90% - News
ANALYSIS: Like Gordon Brown, Theresa May is benefiting from having useless enemies. Written by: Kevi...

Gordon Brown says world could be 'sleepwalking' into financial crisis, 10 years on from Lehman Bros
2018.09.13 - Source :90% - News
Mr Brown, speaking to The Guardian, said a crisis could start “in Asia because of the amount of lend...

'The world is sleepwalking into a financial crisis' – Gordon Brown
2018.09.13 - Source :80% - News
A leaderless world is sleepwalking towards a repeat of its near meltdown in late 2008 and early 2009...

Gordon Brown: 'We're sleepwalking into the next crisis'
2018.09.13 - Source :90% - News
Former prime minister Gordon Brown has told the BBC the world is not ready to deal with another fina...

Gordon Brown warns of new global economic crisis to rival 2008
2018.09.12 - Source :90% - News
The world is in danger of sleepwalking into a repeat of the near financial meltdown of 2008, Gordon...

How Gordon Brown contributed to Tory austerity policy
2018.09.14 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown is right to lambast the architects of fiscal austerity for killing off the recovery bro...

Gordon Brown is wrong to say British banking is still a free-for-all
2018.09.15 - Source :75% - News
Although hedge funds remain largely unregulated in the UK, and Brown is right to raise the spectre o...

Corbyn makes Gordon Brown look like Scrooge. His Marxist manifesto would bankrupt Britain
2018.09.14 - Source :75% - News
Ten years ago the financial system crashed, sending shockwaves around the world and causing lasting...

Josh Gordon's tumultuous Browns tenure comes to an abrupt end
2018.09.15 - Source :75% - News
The Cleveland Browns were patient with wide receiver Josh Gordon for as long as they could be, and w...

Letters: No-one should take Gordon Brown's word on anything
2018.09.17 - Source :75% - News
The first, and more ridiculous, is the space being given to Gordon Brown to offer his “expert” judgm...

The taxing problem of how to avoid another financial crisis
2018.09.17 - Source :80% - News
This month, 10 years after the financial crash of 2008, the former British prime minister Gordon Bro...

Europe's Refugee Scandal
2018.09.18 - Source :80% - News
Long-term educational and employment needs have historically been severely undervalued in humanitari...

Troy Brown: Gordon trade shows Pats' level of desperation
2018.09.18 - Source :95% - News
Troy Brown: Gordon trade shows Pats' level of desperation. Troy Brown explains why he thinks the Pat...

Gordon Brown 1936 – 2018
2018.09.19 - Source :95% - News
PIERRE, SD – Gordon Brown passed away September 17, 2018. A Memorial Celebration of Life will be at...

Jeremy Corbyn declares war on 'greed is good' capitalism and criticises politicians who brought it back from the dead
2018.09.25 - Source :75% - News
... while pledging to pump billions of pounds of public money into green industries. The leader will...

Gordon Brown: Sam Morshead touched the lives of so many
2018.09.27 - Source :85% - News
By Gordon Brown. Even in such a sad time it's hard to think of Sam Morshead without raising a smile....

'Gordon Brown drew a willy on my book when he was 8,' reveals new memoir
2018.09.27 - Source :90% - News
The latest book to be published by a former junior school classmate of Gordon Brown has revealed mor...

ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: My weird dreams about Gordon Brown
2018.09.29 - Source :80% - News
In the second part of our exclusive serialisation of Alastair Campell's diaries, it's 2008 and Gordo...

Theresa May channelled Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to save herself – for a week or two
2018.10.03 - Source :80% - News
This was the very model of a leader's speech to party conference: well-written and confidently deliv...

Question Time audience in HYSTERICS as Emily Thornberry says Gordon Brown SAVED economy
2018.10.05 - Source :75% - News
Referring to the 2008 financial crisis Ms Thornberry said: “It was a world crash, an international c...

'Call Diane Abbott for right numbers' BBC QT audience in stitches after BRUTAL response
2018.10.05 - Source :75% - News
In a heated debate on BBC Question Time, the Shadow Foreign Secretary argued Britain should be thank...

Halt universal credit or face summer of discontent, Gordon Brown tells PM
2018.10.09 - Source :85% - News
Britain is on course for a summer of discontent and poll tax-style chaos unless Theresa May scraps p...

Gordon Brown predicts second Brexit referendum | The Independent
2018.10.10 - Source :95% - News
There will be a future referendum on Brexit, former prime minister Gordon Brown has predicted. The f...

Gordon Brown: We need a Budget for children
2018.10.10 - Source :80% - News
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown calls for a "Budget for children" to alleviate child poverty. Mr...

Gordon Brown says second Brexit vote is 'only way to sort out the problem'
2018.10.11 - Source :95% - News
Former prime minister Gordon Brown has predicted a future referendum on Brexit. He said the SNP, Lab...

Politics update: Barnier says Brexit deal 'within reach' if May agrees to a customs union
2018.10.11 - Source :80% - News
Former-prime minister Gordon Brown has predicted that there will be another referendum on Brexit, an...

Gordon Brown 'pretty convinced' People's Vote will happen to give voters final say on Brexit
2018.10.12 - Source :85% - News
GORDON Brown has predicted that there will be another referendum on Brexit because the people will d...

Exclusive: Gordon Brown speaks to The Student
2018.10.13 - Source :90% - News
Following his thought-provoking talk in memory of motor-neurone disease campaigner and University of...

Gordon Aikman Lecture Theatre officially opened with memorial lecture by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown
2018.10.14 - Source :80% - News
The newly renamed Gordon Aikman Lecture Theatre was officially opened on Wednesday 10 October, by fo...

China could cause 'chaos' in the UK by using 5G to hack key services
2018.10.14 - Source :95% - News
Admiral Lord West, an ex-First Sea Lord who served as security minister under Gordon Brown, told the...

Universal credit is an ill-conceived shambles
2018.10.14 - Source :85% - News
It is no coincidence that Gordon Brown (Tory benefit cuts will spark poll tax-style chaos, claims Br...

Tory spin can't hide it: universal credit will leave millions poorer
2018.10.16 - Source :90% - News
It is government ministers who have lit this fire and are fanning the flames. Instead of being firef...

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown join hundreds at Tessa Jowell memorial service
2018.10.18 - Source :80% - News
Former prime ministers Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron were among hundreds of people to r...

Rivals Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron unite for tribute to Tessa Jowell
2018.10.18 - Source :90% - News
Three former prime ministers were among more than 1,000 mourners at a memorial service for Tessa Jow...

Nick Clegg's second act is a tragic loss of face
2018.10.21 - Source :75% - News
Ye shall know them by their post-politics careers: while Gordon Brown focused his energy on supporti...

BRIGHT Magazine
2018.10.23 - Source :80% - News
By Gordon Brown. Prerna Girls School in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Photographs by Johann Roussel...

Alastair Campbell's account of the end of the New Labour era shows how things might have been different
2018.10.25 - Source :95% - News
Gordon Brown's premiership ended only eight years ago, but it seems longer. Since the dramas recorde...

When the shadows closed in on the end of Tony Blair's government
2018.10.25 - Source :75% - News
There was the scene when Brown, asked by Blair if he was threatening him, said: “You've done far wor...

Boston Celtics roll Detroit Pistons: Jaylen Brown gets hot, Gordon Hayward keeps adding, plus 10 things we learned
2018.10.28 - Source :75% - News
The Celtics led by 22 points at halftime and only got 15 points combined from Jayson Tatum (more on...

Budget 2018: Your essential trivia guide
2018.10.28 - Source :95% - News
William Hague, who as Conservative leader of the opposition had to respond to the Budget, once label...

Tony Blair recalls 'Gordon Brown debate' with Sir Alex Ferguson: 'Get rid of him!'
2018.10.30 - Source :80% - News
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown endured a troublesome relationship. The pair famously reached a deal in...

Budget 2018 'If only Gordon Brown hadn't sold the GOLD' Hammond's BRILLIANT budget point
2018.10.29 - Source :80% - News
Parliament erupted into laughter during the Budget speech when the Chancellor ripped into former Pri...

Even George Osborne has forgotten what his time at the Treasury was really like
2018.10.31 - Source :90% - News
Gordon Brown wanted to establish himself both as a prudent Chancellor and as Tony Blair's conscience...

AP Sportlight
2018.11.01 - Source :90% - News
1985 — Gordon Brown has 214 yards and quarterback Steve Gage has 206 to become the first teammates t...

Gordon Brown-led inquiry wants law changes to protect children in war
2018.11.02 - Source :80% - News
A major inquiry led by former prime minister Gordon Brown has called for international law changes t...

Brown, Gordon J. 1955-2018
2018.11.02 - Source :90% - News
Gordon James Brown, 63, of the Kickapoo Reservation, passed away at his home on Tuesday evening, Oct...

Need for Change to Protect Children in Armed Conflict
2018.11.02 - Source :80% - News
[This essay by Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Shaheed Fatima QC is the opening of an online mini fo...

“I don't believe it! Former celebrity hairdresser opens Norwich salon
2018.11.04 - Source :80% - News
“Some days when Gordon Brown came in he would talk and I would talk but when he grunted you knew not...

Prime ministers lead tributes to former Civil Service chief Sir Jeremy Heywood
2018.11.04 - Source :85% - News
Senior figures from across the political spectrum have paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood, the forme...

Boston Celtics vs. Indiana Pacers: Jaylen Brown available, Gordon Hayward's minutes, plus pre-game notes
2018.11.03 - Source :90% - News
INDIANAPOLIS -- Boston Celtics wing Jaylen Brown will be available for Saturday's game against the I...

Children need greater protection in war zones, says Gordon Brown
2018.11.04 - Source :90% - News
Schools in war zones should have the same legal protection as hospitals, an English QC says as part...

“Protecting Children”: A Welcome Addition to Efforts to Redress Wartime Harms
2018.11.06 - Source :90% - News
[This essay is the second in an online mini forum that Just Security is hosting on the new book, Pro...

Gordon Brown is finally more popular than his old rival Tony Blair
2018.11.07 - Source :85% - News
The bitter feud between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown that rumbled on throughout the New Labour years...

Troy Brown says Josh Gordon is 'still far from football shape'; can Mike Vrabel pull off upset?
2018.11.07 - Source :75% - News
Tom E. Curran talks with Troy Brown about what he thinks about Mike Vrabel as a head coach, and how...

Gordon Brown praises renovation of Adam Smith's Panmure House home in Edinburgh
2018.11.08 - Source :85% - News
Gordon Brown said: "This fine renovation in honour of Adam Smith is not just an investment in bricks...

Gordon Brown sparks FURY as he promises second Brexit referendum during Remainer sermon
2018.11.12 - Source :90% - News
The former Labour leader claimed that at the end of Brexit negotiations the “situation” since the 20...

Gordon Brown predicts new UK referendum on EU
2018.11.12 - Source :90% - News
The British people "have got a right to have the final say" on the UK's relations with the EU, forme...

Brexit live: Downing Street reveals details of 2.45am talks in scramble to secure deal
2018.11.12 - Source :80% - News
Brexit talks in Brussels continued well into the early hours of Monday morning, Downing Street, as T...

Gordon Brown: Jeremy Corbyn must back Labour conference vote on second Brexit referendum
2018.11.12 - Source :95% - News
Mr Brown today weighed in, saying that when he was was prime minister, Mr Corbyn would be “the first...

Video: Gordon Brown calls for a royal commission to unite the nation
2018.11.12 - Source :85% - News
Video: Gordon Brown calls for a royal commission to unite the nation. Gordon Brown says a royal comm...

Gordon Brown on Brexit: a grownup among a sea of idiots
2018.11.12 - Source :90% - News
Ten years ago, Gordon Brown was a prime minister adrift. Indecisive, insecure, at times borderline s...

Gordon Brown wants 'public view heard' on Brexit
2018.11.12 - Source :95% - News
Video: Former prime minister Gordon Brown thinks the Brexit debate should be "taken out of Westminst...

Gordon Brown thinks a second referendum on Brexit is a good idea. He must be dreaming
2018.11.12 - Source :95% - News
Watching Gordon Brown this afternoon, as he gave a speech in London about Brexit, I began to wonder....

Devolution 'at risk' amid Brexit power grab, warns Gordon Brown
2018.11.13 - Source :85% - News
Former prime minister Gordon Brown has warned devolution is “at risk” as a result of the UK Governme...

Gordon Brown warns Corbyn to respect Labour policy and keep Brexit vote on the table
2018.11.12 - Source :85% - News
Gordon Brown warned Jeremy Corbyn to respect Labourpolicy today, after the party leader claimed: “We...

Gordon Brown: Give the people a voice on Brexit
2018.11.12 - Source :75% - News
Gordon Brown: Give the people a voice on Brexit. Sky video 12 November 2018. The former prime minist...

Letters: Has Gordon Brown finally had a brilliant idea?
2018.11.13 - Source :85% - News
READ MORE: Gordon Brown: Scotland could bypass Westminster to work with the EU​. WHILST you gave hea...

Gordon Brown shows why Brexit process should have been left to the adults
2018.11.16 - Source :95% - News
Sturgeon found an unlikely ally in Gordon Brown, the man who saved the world (2008), the Union (2014...

Brexit bitterness could fester for years, warns former Prime Minister Gordon Brown
2018.11.17 - Source :75% - News
But he also appeared to rule out the idea of a second referendum, instead stressing the importance o...

Brexit: the big decision we didn't even think about
2018.11.18 - Source :90% - News
It was Gordon Brown who put his finger on the essence of the humiliating mess into which a dreadful...

Bombshell claims Gordon Brown snubbed slain Scots hostage's rescue over bungled op would wreck election chances
2018.11.18 - Source :80% - News
GORDON Brown snubbed a slain Scots hostage's rescue over fears a bungled op would wreck his election...

Gordon Brown: How this nation divided by Brexit can still be healed
2018.11.21 - Source :85% - News
Britain is now more divided than at any time in my lifetime. More split down the middle than during...

Gordon Brown: Use X Factor votes to break Brexit deadlock
2018.11.22 - Source :80% - News
An X Factor-style series of public votes could end the Brexit deadlock, according to Gordon Brown. T...

REVEALED: How Tony Blair BETRAYED Gordon Brown over key Labour tax policy
2018.11.26 - Source :85% - News
Lobbying is a serious, hidden feature of British politics as thousands of lobbyists take it upon the...

After the fall: Kiwi haunted by act of casual cruelty NZ Herald
2018.11.25 - Source :95% - News
It wasn't so much the fall that left former Otago Daily Times subeditor Gordon Brown traumatised, se...

Mustafa Kurtuldu: How we set up vInspired
2018.11.28 - Source :85% - News
Gordon Brown, the then chancellor, wanted to look at ways we could make charitable activities more a...

Sark electricity crisis: Chief Pleas plan power firm buy-out
2018.11.29 - Source :75% - News
However, its owner David Gordon-Brown said he would still switch off the power supply at midnight on...

Gordon Brown calls for review of the future of the NHS in Scotland
2018.12.01 - Source :85% - News
Former prime minister Gordon Brown has called for an independent review into the long-term future of...

SNP hits back at Gordon Brown 'hypocrisy' in NHS funding row
2018.12.01 - Source :90% - News
Gordon Brown, the former prime minister, has called for an independent review into the long-term fut...

A Bit Of Economics That Gordon Brown Actually Understood
2018.12.02 - Source :75% - News
Yes, obviously, we all fall back in amazement as we contemplate the idea that Gordon Brown understoo...

The Courier's Impact 100 of area's top personalities
2018.12.02 - Source :80% - News
Murray further cemented his links to this area by opening his five-star Dunblane hotel, Cromlix Hous...