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Necmettin Erbakan vs Ahmet Davutoğlu

Primerjaj Necmettin Erbakan in Ahmet Davutoğlu ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Necmettin Erbakan

Necmettin Erbakan

Ahmet Davutoğlu

Ahmet Davutoğlu
Necmettin Erbakan
Ahmet Davutoğlu
Former Prime Minister
Former Prime Minister
Ankara Turkey
Ankara Turkey
Rojstni datum
National Order Party , National Salvation Party , Welfare Party , Virtue Party , Felicity Party
Justice and Development Party
Turkey's opposition scents success against Erdogan
2018.05.31 - Vir :75% - News
The sight of the CHP, a secularist party, in cahoots with the SP, an Islamist one, probably has thei...

Necmettin Erbakan'ın oğlu parti kuruyor: 2019 seçimlerine gireceğiz ...
2018.06.03 - Vir :75% - News
Yeni parti kuracağını açıklayan Necmettin Erbakan'ın oğlu Fatih Erbakan, 2019'daki yerel seçimlere g...

Is Turkish secularism under threat?
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When the country's first pro-Islamic prime minister, Necmettin Erbakan, was deemed to have veered to...

Dust settles after lira slide, shifting ballot boxes a growing concern -Turkish media weekly
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The headline compared the manifesto to the February 28 1997 military memorandum, a move by secularis...

Turkey's Elections: Who are the presidential candidates?
2018.05.31 - Vir :80% - News
When he was 22, he became the head of the Istanbul youth branch of Necmettin Erbakan's conservative...

Necmettin Erbakan'ın eniştesi Osman Çataklı vefat etti
2018.05.29 - Vir :80% - News
Giriş Tarihi: 29.5.2018 16:33 Güncelleme Tarihi: 29.5.2018 16:33. Necmettin Erbakan'ın eniştesi Osma...

Necmettin Erbakan'ın oğlu 'Milli Görüşçü'leri uyardı!
2018.05.30 - Vir :85% - News

CHP'nin adayı Muharrem İnce'den Erdoğan'a Necmettin Erbakan'lı yanıt
2018.05.30 - Vir :90% - News
İşte İnce'nin konuşmalarından satır başları... Diploma vatandaştan istenmez, üniversiteye git! FETÖ...

Prof. Dr. Eyice ile Merhum Necmettin Erbakan'ın Eniştesi Son Yolculuğuna Uğurlandı
2018.05.30 - Vir :75% - News
Dr. Semavi Eyice ile merhum Necmettin Erbakan'ın eniştesi Osman Nuri Çataklı son yolculuklarına uğur...

Erbakan Yeni Partinin Kurulacağı Tarihi Açıkladı
2018.06.03 - Vir :75% - News
Erbakan Yeni Partinin Kurulacağı Tarihi Açıkladı. 03 Haziran 2018 Pazar 18:07. Necmettin Erbakan'ın...

Turkey's Elections: Who are the presidential candidates?
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Ahmet Davutoglu, who previously served as foreign minister, was elected as head of the AK Party and...

Babacan, Davutoğlu, Kahraman on way out
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Among 22 Justice and Development Party (AKP) parliamentarians not standing for re-election are a for...

Impossible to stand behind Erdoğan, says former PM advisor
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An advisor to former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who previously stated that Turkish President Re...

Nasuhi Güngör 'fitnecilikle' suçlanmıştı
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2013 yılının Aralık ayında TRT Haber Dairesi Başkanı olarak atanan Nasuhi Güngör, Ahmet Davutoğlu'nu...

Turkey-Israel Tension: What Does President Erdogan Want to Achieve?
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These seemingly inconsistent attitude makes sense in the new Turkish foreign policy orientation, whi...

AKP'nin aday listesinde Ahmet Davutoğlu'na büyük şok!
2018.05.22 - Vir :90% - News
AKP'nin 24 Haziran seçimleri için açıkladığı milletvekili aday listesi açıklandı. Eski Başbakan Ahme...

The Varieties of Islamism and Turkey's Islamists
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To give an example from Turkey, Ahmet Davutoğlu, the former Turkish prime minister, is a typical fol...

Turkish opposition leader defies media embargo on her presidential campaign
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1, 2015 elections, TRT and 12 national TV channels aired then-AKP Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu for 310 h...

Turkish born economist to help Armenian government
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Turkish born economist Daron Acemoglu has accepted an invitation by the Armenian government to help...

Abdullah Gül ve Ahmet Davutoğlu'na şok tehdit; 'FETÖ'cülükle suçlar, hapse atarız'
2018.05.18 - Vir :80% - News
Uzun yıllar 11. Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün basın danışmanlığını yapan Ahmet Sever'in, görev süres...