Primerjaj Nebojša Radmanović in Mustafa Dzhemilev ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Nebojša Radmanović![]() |
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Mustafa Dzhemilev![]() |
Dodik: Izmjene Izbornog zakona BiH nemoguće bez Srpske
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"Nebojša Radmanović je to učinio sedam puta i navikao muslimane i Hrvate da ga ne preglasavaju. Mlad...
Radmanović: Savjet ministara četiri godine nije obratio pažnju na Izborni zakon
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BANJALUKA - Potpredsjednik SNSD-a Nebojša Radmanović istakao je da se u posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci...
Radmanović: Strance treba isključiti iz procesa izmjena Izbornog zakona, nisu dobronamjerni
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Delegat SNSD-a u Domu naroda BiH Nebojša Radmanović danas je na konferenciji za medije kazao da je S...
“Glas” slavi 75. rođendan
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Predsjednik Organizacionog odbora je Nebojša Radmanović, a članovi su Ljiljana Labović, Nada Puvačić...
Ukraine Claims Moscow Brought 1 Million Russians Into Crimea
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Russia has relocated up to 1 million people to the annexed Ukrainian region of Crimea, according to...
Mustafa Dzhemilev, the Ukrainian president's commissioner for the Crimean Tatar people
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In parallel, the Kremlin continues to intensify the militarization of the Ukrainian Crimea, turning...
Ukraine Charges Moscow Has Brought Up To 1 Million Russians Into Crimea
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Russia has relocated up to 1 million people to the annexed Ukrainian region of Crimea, according to... Russia busts Crimean Tatar 'extremist group' in occupied peninsula
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Russia’s federal security service, the FSB, discovered and ceased the activity of the so-called â€...
Shifting Loyalty: Moscow Accused Of Reshaping Annexed Crimea's ...
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A Crimean Tatar leader raised eyebrows recently by asserting that Moscow had imported up to 1 millio...
Russia's FSB accuses Crimean Tatars of 'extremist' plot – media
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The FSB said in a May 21 statement that an alleged group of plotters was led by Erol Veliyev, a parl...
Ukrainian socialists in the diaspora: lessons on Cold War solidarity from another era
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... a political orientation in favour of protecting the Soviet Union's ruling class from the alleged...
Russia secretly relocated up to million people to Crimea, Dzhemilev
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However, according to Dzhemilev's data received from the testimony of the Crimean citizens, the issu...
President's permanent representative to Crimea: Kremlin 'orders' campaign to discredit Mejlis
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As reported, the Russian media published the statement of the Federal Security Service of the Russia...
Ukraine honors victims of genocide against Crimean Tatar people
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Russia, in turn, banned the entry of Crimean Tatar leaders Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov. As...