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Muharrem İnce vs Özcan Purçu

Primerjaj Muharrem İnce in Özcan Purçu ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Muharrem İnce

Muharrem İnce

Özcan Purçu

Özcan Purçu
Muharrem İnce
Özcan Purçu
Former Parliamentary group leader; Republican People's Party
Ankara Turkey
Ankara Turkey
Rojstni datum
Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party
CHP presidential candidate Muharrem İnce pledges 'free education'
2018.05.28 - Vir :85% - News
Muharrem İnce, the presidential candidate of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), ha...

Opposition presidential hopeful Muharrem İnce vows to halt division of universities
2018.05.25 - Vir :75% - News
Muharrem İnce, the presidential candidate from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP),...

Main opposition candidate challenges Erdoğan to live television debate
2018.06.03 - Vir :80% - News
Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) presidential candidate Muharrem İnce has ch...

Muharrem İnce donates 500 liras each to rival presidential candidates
2018.05.23 - Vir :95% - News
Muharrem İnce, the presidential candidate of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), ha...

Muharrem İnce's anti-Westernism
2018.05.31 - Vir :85% - News
The strongest competition Erdoğan faces in the presidential race is the main opposition party CHP's...

CHP presidential candidate Muharrem İnce vows to ensure Central Bank independence if elected
2018.05.17 - Vir :90% - News
Muharrem İnce, the presidential candidate of the main opposition Republican People's Party's (CHP),...

Turkish opposition candidate holds rally in Greece
2018.05.31 - Vir :95% - News
Turkish opposition Republican People's Party presidential candidate Muharrem İnce held a rally on Th...

Turkish Presidential Candidate Muharrem İnce Visits Kardzhali, Bulgaria
2018.06.01 - Vir :75% - News
The candidate for Turkey's presidency, Muharrem İnce, was received by several thousand people in the...

CHP presidential candidate Muharrem İnce vows to 'bring peace to Turkey' if elected
2018.05.14 - Vir :85% - News
Muharrem İnce, the presidential candidate of the Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party...

CHP's Ince slams Merkel over Erdoğan invitation claims
2018.05.30 - Vir :95% - News
Muharrem Ince, the presidential candidate of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), sl...

A Syrian refugee MP in Turkey?
2018.05.03 - Vir :85% - News
Roma people have got a voice in parliament through main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) d...

Bereket sofrası Roman mahallesinde kuruldu
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İzmir milletvekili adayları kimler? 2018 (AK Parti CHP, MHP, HDP, İYİ Parti)
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Konak'ta iftar sofralarına devam
2018.05.22 - Vir :90% - News
Konak Belediye Başkanı Sema Pekdaş'ın ev sahipliği yaptığı iftar sofralarının sonuncusu 26 Ağustos v...

CHP İstanbul adayları 2018 | 27. dönem milletvekili secimleri CHP İstanbul adayları
2018.05.21 - Vir :85% - News
Mevcut milletvekilleri Tuncay Özkan, Mustafa Balbay, Kamil Okyay Sındır, Atila Sertel, Özcan Purçu i...

Romantik yarış!
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CHP'de adaylık başvuruları için son gün
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2018 İzmir milletvekili aday listesi | 24 haziran seçimleri
2018.05.22 - Vir :90% - News
Partilerin 2018 İzmir milletvekili listesi belli oldu. 24 Haziran seçimlerinde AK Parti, MHP, CHP, S...