Primerjaj Mike Duggan in José Fortunati ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Mike Duggan![]() |
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José Fortunati![]() |
Jacques and Finley: Two challenges still haunt Duggan
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Mackinac Island — Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan is pleased with the overall progress the city has made i...
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan Answers Questions About How Detroit's Doing
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Mayor Mike Duggan ran a campaign for reelection on the tangible changes residents could see in the c...
L. Brooks Patterson says he won't run again, calls Duggan 'a creep'
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L. Brooks Patterson is ready to give up his longtime reign as Oakland County executive at the end of...
L. Brooks Patterson calls Mike Duggan a creep, slams Detroit over transit millage proposal
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OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. - In an interview with Charlie LeDuff for Deadline Detroit, Oakland County Exe...
Mayor Duggan appoints Arthur Jemison as city's Chief of Services and Infrastructure
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Jemison has led the city's Housing & Revitalization Department (HRD) as its director since he was re...
Detroit offered $4 billion for Amazon HQ2, state says
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Bedrock consented to releasing the tax incentives, said Christin Armstrong, associate general counse...
Duggan hunts for new Detroit taxpayers as census clock ticks
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With less than two years until the 2020 census, Detroit is in a proverbial race against time to grow...
Duggan's school bus loop approved by ed board
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Detroit — A school transit system pitched by Mayor Mike Duggan to create a united school bus loop fo...
Program to help Detroit drivers eliminate responsibility fees, get licenses back months ahead of schedule
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Mayor Mike Duggan announced Tuesday that the 76,000 Detroiters who owe an average of $1,600 in fees...
For every action: how cities are using new tools to drive climate action
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Climate change was not on the agenda for Mayor Mike Duggan when he first took office. He was dealing...
Justiça bloqueia bens de Fortunati, e ex-prefeito classifica medida de “absurda e irresponsável”
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O ex-prefeito de Porto Alegre José Fortunati (PSB) confirmou à reportagem de GaúchaZH, nesta sexta-f...
Fortunati tem bens bloqueados após delação de Basegio. 'Absurdo', diz ex-prefeito
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O ex-prefeito de Porto Alegre José Fortunati, hoje no PSB, partido pelo qual deve concorrer ao Senad...
Fortunati sobre suspeito de desviar dinheiro da Carris: "Não passou por mim"
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O ex-prefeito de Porto Alegre José Fortunati (PSB) disse que não conhecia o ex-funcionário da Carris...
Governador Sartori sobre candidatura à reeleição: Não vou fugir da raia
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A sigla, no entanto, tem dois pré-candidatos ao senado: Beto Albuquerque e o ex-prefeito da capital...
Porto Alegre: TCE-RS suspende pagamento de gratificação a servidores da Prefeitura
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A decisão, emitida pelo conselheiro Cezar Miola, originou-se da Tomada de Contas Especial instaurada...
Corrente do PSB lança pré-candidatura de Hermes Zaneti ao Piratini
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Deputado constituinte e ex-presidente do Cpers, Zaneti tem como um de seus principais apoiadores den...
Brazilian Teams Win All 8 Pool Titles at Miguel Pereira One Star
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3 Fortunati Lia/Camila Bausero (Uruguay) in straight sets en route to a quarterfinal berth. The Pool...
Grupo do PSB lança Hermes Zaneti como candidato ao governo gaúcho
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Ao lado de José Fortunati, o deputado constituinte Hermes Zaneti foi lançado pré-candidato ao govern...
"Sou tão vítima quanto a Carris", diz ex-diretor que autorizou pagamentos em setor com fraude de R$ 1,7 mi
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Abreu foi colocado na Carris pelo então prefeito José Fortunati (na época, filiado ao PDT; hoje, no...
Em evento em Porto Alegre, embaixador palestino critica posição dos EUA sobre Jerusalém
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Em visita a Porto Alegre, o embaixador palestino no Brasil, Ibrahim Alzeben, criticou o posicionamen...