Primerjaj Michael Glos in Franz Josef Jung ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Michael Glos![]() |
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Franz Josef Jung![]() |
Merkel und Seehofer akzeptieren Glos-Rücktritt
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Am Montag will Wirtschaftsminister Glos seinen Rücktritt bei der Kanzlerin einreichen - CSU-Chef See...
German economics minister resigns
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Michael Glos, the German economics minister, said he will hand in his resignation on Monday, leaving...
Wirtschaftsminister Michael Glos bietet Rücktritt an
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Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos hat seinen Rücktritt angeboten. Ein Sprecher des CSU-Minister...
Northern Ireland boss Michael O'Neill backs England to beat Panama in World Cup
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Michael O'Neill saw England's World Cup opponents Panama draw 0-0 with his Northern Ireland team and...
Airport donated £4000 to Ian Paisley's constituency association
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A council statement said: “Council received an invitation to a North Antrim Annual Business and Comm...
Review of national parks launched by Michael Gove
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A new wave of national parks could be created after Environment Secretary Michael Gove announced pla...
Tetbury's latest news
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Armando who a virtuoso of political evisceration, with its mix of savage one-liners, lacerating dial...
Als Deutschland dichtmachte
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Wer dies tut, fördert Fremdenfeindlichkeit«, befand der CSU-Politiker Michael Glos in der erwähnten...
Forgiveness plays central and necessary part in reconciliation – Irish president
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Michael D Higgins reflected on the challenges of forgiving as he delivered a lecture in Belfast to m...
Royal British Legion will be charitable partner at South Glos Expo
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Organisers of the second annual South Glos Expo have announced their charitable partner for the even...
Robbie Williams' underground swimming pool plans objected to by Jimmy Page
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Angels singer Williams bought Woodland House – a former home of the late film director Michael Winne...
Digi-Doro und viel CSU-Prominenz beim Drei-Franken-Treffen
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Der damalige Bundesminister Michael Glos hatte diese Veranstaltung im Jahre 2000 aus der Taufe gehob...
Woman who died with son in Grenfell Tower was pregnant with third child
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In a poignant video message, Simon Michael, 10, said he wished he had been in Grenfell Tower on the...
Comedian Michael McIntyre admits it had been 'touch and go' whether to perform
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Comedian Michael McIntyre has thanked his “amazingly supportive” fans during his first show since be...
Bundestag: Untersuchungsausschuss
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Sie zitierte den damaligen CSU-Landesgruppenchef Michael Glos, der die illegale Migration „einen Put...
Woman denies incitement in 'love triangle' murder case
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A woman alleged to have been at the centre of a love triangle which ended in murder has appeared in...
Mitt Romney predicts second term for Trump
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Dignitaries on the guest list feature included House Speaker Paul Ryan, billionaire former New York...
Nabil Fekir close to Liverpool move
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Liverpool hope to finalise a deal for Lyon midfielder Nabil Fekir in the next 48 hours. Press Associ...
Australia start their new era with a win at Sussex
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Ashton Agar was run out on 21, while Michael Neser edged behind off Chris Jordan. Stoinis finally de...
Gloucester Warrior Queen LIVE: Viking longboat and Aethelflaed take city back 1100 years
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12:00 Procession GLOS DOCKS. 12:30 – 14:30 Facepainting + childrens activities ST. MICHAEL'S TOWER....
Michael Cheika knows Ireland have plenty to give in three-match series
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Michael Cheika expects an improved Ireland effort as they look to bounce back from their first defea...
Prichsenstadt lohnt sich
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... die fränkische Weinkönigin Klara Zehnder aus Randersacker, Bürgermeister René Schlehr und Verans...
Toto Wolff demands improvements from Mercedes after Lewis Hamilton struggles
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Vettel claimed the Scuderia's first victory in Canada since Michael Schumacher triumphed here 14 yea...
Grenfell lawyer Michael Mansfield: Empathising key focus of work
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Prominent QC Michael Mansfield has described how his daughter's suicide reaffirmed belief in “the ne...
Ken Loach backs Barnsley venue's £5m bid to become world-class arts venue
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Loach, whose 1969 film Kes was based on the novel A Kestrel for a Knave by Barnsley-born author Barr...
'Tree champion' appointed to boost planting and curb urban felling
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Environment Secretary Michael Gove has appointed a “tree champion” to boost planting rates and preve...
Die Anti-Merkel-Strategie der CSU
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Hinter Waigel versammelte sich der liberale Flügel der CSU: Alois Glück und Michael Glos, Kurt Faltl...
Phil Neville hopes nobody made an England scapegoat at World Cup
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“I remember Michael Owen tapping me on the shoulder and saying 'I hope you're okay'. Gaz (Gary Nevil...
Morgan and Root lead England towards victory
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Jason Roy was removed before England had put runs on the board, with Alex Hales trapped leg before b...
Die Anti-Merkel-Strategie der CSU
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Hinter Waigel versammelte sich der liberale Flügel der CSU: Alois Glück und Michael Glos, Kurt Faltl...
The World's Most Wanted Pinot Noirs
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Joe Wagner (of Belle Glos – see #6) built production up to 700,000 cases before selling to the brand...
Trump's personal attorney wants Stormy Daniels' lawyer gagged
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In a court filing in Los Angeles, an attorney for Michael Cohen — the president's personal lawyer —...
McDonald's rolls out paper straws to all UK and Ireland restaurants
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The move in the UK and Ireland has been supported by Environment Secretary Michael Gove, who said it...
Fight star McGregor tells of regret over New York melee
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Mixed martial arts star Conor McGregor has told of his regret for a backstage melee at a New York ar...
We've found a new path to shared prosperity and security, Charles tells Ireland
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The Prince of Wales has said the good relations the UK and Ireland have enjoyed in recent years will...
Merkel fordert mehr Verantwortung von der Digitalwirtschaft
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BerlinWenn die Soziale Marktwirtschaft zum 70-jährigen Jubiläum geehrt wird, kommen sie alle: die eh...
Tory MP blocks law to give police dogs and horses extra protections from attack
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Speaking prior to the debate Environment Secretary Michael Gove had offered his full support. He sai...
Dieta postna – sprawdź, na czym polega jej sukces!
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Michael Mosley ma z pewnością największy tytuł do tego, żeby czuć się głównym sprawcą tej mody. Ten...
Łukasz Fabiański: Dobry bramkarz dobrze tańczy
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Podnosi pan głos? Nie krzyczę. Milczę. Potrafię mieć ciche dni i to jest chyba najgorsze, bo moja żo...
Australia coach Michael Cheika unhappy with Cian Healy role in Will Genia injury
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Sorry for the intrusion. Please be aware we use cookies and similar technologies to help our site wo...
Sajid Javid: My phone was stolen by moped thieves
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Mr Javid spoke about the incident after Michael McIntyre was robbed of his watch by moped-riding thi...
Ukraińska babcia stała się bohaterką popularnej w USA książki dla dzieci
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Książka ukazała się w maju 2018 roku, poinformował "Głos Ameryki". W książce kobieta jest trenerem ....
Zwierzęta mają swój głos
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DA: Jako filmowiec i biolog mogę odpowiedzieć tak: zwierzęta mają swój głos. Często błędnie interpre...
Melania Trump i Laura Bush: Przestańmy odbierać dzieci imigrantom!
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Choć Melania Trump rzadko zabiera głos w sprawie decyzji męża i jego administracji, tym razem najwyr...
Invesco LTD Stake in Globus Med (GMED) Has Lowered by $712754 as Shares Rose; Rockwell Automation (ROK ...
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fortress™ radiopaque bone cement (fortre | K172269 | 03/27/2018 |; 21/05/2018 – GLOBUS SPIRITS LTD G...
Książki w Kurierze: Prezentujemy nowości na lato
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W końcu dziewczynka na głos wyraża to, co sobie dopowiedziała, i skazuje w konsekwencji niewinnego c...
E.ON to raise cost of standard variable tariff by average 4.8%
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It said the cost of policies such as the Renewables Obligation, Electricity Market Reform (EMR) and...
9 nowych filmów Star Wars to tylko wierzchołek góry lodowej. Sprawdzamy, co czeka fanów
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... na temat kolejnych gwiezdnowojennych produkcji. Pora to jakoś uporządkować, bo jeśli wierzyć ost...
All-star cast announced for new play at The Barn Theatre
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... Abbey and Coronation Street's Stephen Omer, alongside Gary Richards, Angela Phinnimore, Hadley B...
Milliarden für Daimler und Co.
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Die verantwortlichen Ressortminister hießen damals Michael Glos und Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (beid...
Landkreis Haßberge: Grüne Dächer aus Königsberg
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Bei einer Betriebsbesichtigung der Firma Benkert in Königsberg haben sich Landrat Wilhelm Schneider...
Godshalk Welsh Capital Management Has Decreased Stake in Globus Medical (GMED) by $350497; As 3M Co (MMM ...
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sp-fix® spinous process fixation plate, | K180156 | 03/07/2018 |; 21/05/2018 – GLOBUS SPIRITS LTD GL...
Bunt. Postępowi teologowie i… politycy, wciąż chcą kapłaństwa kobiet
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Abp Luis Ladaria zabrał głos, jak sam napisał, wobec wątpliwości szerzonych wokół święceń kobiet „w...
W Assassin's Creed Odyssey usłyszymy greckich aktorów
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W pierwszym przypadku usłyszymy głos greckiej aktorki Melissanthi Mahut. W protagonistę wcielił się...
Po poruszającym nagraniu płaczących dzieci odebranych imigrantom w USA wzbiera oburzenie na politykę Trumpa
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Pośród płaczu słychać głos strażnika granicznego: – Mamy tu orkiestrę. Brakuje tylko dyrygenta ... o...
News des Tages: Wie sich die CSU als regierende Oppositionspartei inszeniert
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Der Mann hieß Michael Glos und attackierte die Grünen, die zwar im Bund mitregierten, aber den Wider...
Juncker to visit Dublin amid Irish border differences post-Brexit
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Advances have been made in a number of areas, such as customs, VAT and nuclear waste regulation, EU...
„Brände von höchster Qualität“
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Winfried Glos, Nordheim (Zwetschgenbrand-Bühler/Gold und Silber, Walnussgeist/Gold, Apfelbrand-Golde...
Schoolboy killer Christopher Kerr absconds in Belfast
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A man serving a life sentence for the murder of a Catholic schoolboy has absconded. Police warned th...
Eoin Morgan in awe of England's batting against Australia
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Morgan refused to compare Australia's batting, however, with England's at the last World Cup in 2015...
Friend jailed for failing to alert police of 'imminent' terror attack
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In mitigation, Michael Mansfield QC said Barghouthi came to Britain at the age of 11 from Tunisia kn...
All smiles as Jean-Claude Juncker meets Irish president in Dublin
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Jean-Claude Juncker has met President Michael D Higgins on the second day of his visit to Ireland. T...
Roy Hodgson likens Ruben Loftus-Cheek to Michael Ballack and Jack Wilshere
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Sorry for the intrusion. Please be aware we use cookies and similar technologies to help our site wo...
Murder probe launched after boy, 15, stabbed following party at community centre
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Response Team Inspector Michael O'Donoghue, from the Met's East Area, added: “Officers have been out...
"Brexit nie działa". Tłumy zwolenników Unii na ulicach Londynu
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Video: tvn24 Przeciwnicy brexitu na ulicach Londynu23.06 | Około 100 tysięcy osób w centrum Londynu...
GOLF: Cirencester B share the spoils with Stinchcombe Hill
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Examples of the golfing quality that the home side was up against included Alan Hughes & David Micha...
William recreates Kate photo in Jordan
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And he was able to see for himself the beautifully preserved first century Roman city of Jerash wher...
Wielki Test o Wrocławiu. Przygotuj się! Sprawdź, czy znasz te miejsca? [ZAPISZ SIĘ]
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Dzwon wyszedł bez skazy, a mistrz Michael przed egzekucją usłyszał jego głos. Potężny, odbijający si...
Żydowscy prawnicy przesłali do TK opinię ws. nowelizacji ustawy o IPN
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Zabieramy dziś głos w roli przyjaciela sądu, bo głęboko wierzymy, że Trybunał Konstytucyjny uzna tę...
Joachim Car ist Ehrenvorsitzender
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Als Vorsitzender fungiert Alfred Glos (TSV Gernach), Sportwart wurde Reiner Hülbig (TV Haßfurt), die...
Globus Maritime Limited (GLBS) Reaches $0.53 52 Week Low; Permit Capital Has Upped Gamestop New (GME) Stake ...
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Some Historical GME News: 28/03/2018 – GameStop 4Q Loss $105.9M; 11/05/2018 – GAMESTOP CEO MICHAEL K...
Glos: Bruch zwischen CDU und CSU wäre katastrophal
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Michael Glos war gerade als Neuling in den Bundestag gewählt worden, als CSU-Chef Franz Josef Strauß...
Pair given football banning orders over anti-Semitic song sung at World Cup
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Two men have been handed three-year football banning orders after a video appearing to show England...
Which? reveals some online travel agents 'ramp up' costs on bargain holidays
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John-Michael Clow found a flight to India that was almost £200 cheaper than anywhere else from Gotog...
Full evacuation of Grenfell Tower in early stages impossible, says firefighter
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A full evacuation of Grenfell Tower during the opening stages of the inferno would have been “imposs...
Wisdom of the Heathrow expansion plan
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Sir, Contrary to your leading article (“Third Runway”, June 26), Heathrow is the best option for exp...
Michael Gove pledges high environmental standards post-Brexit
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Sorry for the intrusion. Please be aware we use cookies and similar technologies to help our site wo...
Queen misses St Paul's service due to summer cold
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The Queen is suffering from a summer cold, forcing her to pull out of a service at St Paul's Cathedr...
Jackson family 'in pain' following Joe Jackson's death at 89
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The father of Michael, Janet and their eight siblings had been battling cancer for some time before...
Firefighter weeps as Grenfell inquiry shown images of arrival at blaze flat
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One of the first firefighters to enter the Grenfell Tower inferno broke down in tears as footage of...
Planned auction of Boris Becker trophies put on hold ahead of High Court case
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They said it also includes a certificate commemorating his men's doubles gold medal win, with Michae...
Truss comments mocking Cabinet colleagues were humorous, says No 10
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Downing Street has sought to counter reports of rifts within the Government by insisting that a Trea...
Michael Ende: człowiek z baśniową wyobraźnią
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Wizerunkowo Ende przypominał typowego "pana od bajek" odciągniętego od zapisanej kartki – spokojna t...
Michael Ende: trauma nazizmu, baśniowa wyobraźnia i niechęć do filmowej wersji "Niekończącej się opowieści"
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Niedługo później, podczas wizyty u wujka w 1943 roku, Michael był świadkiem bombardowania Hamburga,...
Colombia in focus ahead of World Cup clash with England
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Goalkeeper Rene Higuita stole the show in their next match in 1995, again at Wembley, when his famou...
Nagroda Templetona dla króla Jordanii Abdullaha II
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W podobnym duchu głos zabrał lider krajowej wspólnoty żydowskiej Michael Schudrich, naczelny rabin P...
Drake nagrał niepublikowaną piosenkę Michaela Jacksona
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Michael Jackson pod tytułem piosenki, jednak nie wiadomo jeszcze w jakiej formie głos – uznawanego p...
Za co Michael Jackson kochał Polskę?
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Inwestycja została jednak storpedowana przez Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych, które miało decydujący...
Tai Woffinden zaczyna odjeżdżać rywalom w Grand Prix
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Patryk Dudek (Polska) 6 (0,2,1,0,3), 11. Matej Zagar (Słowenia) 5 (0,0,3,0,2), 12. Maciej Janowski (...
More Tours!: Ozzy Osbourne Relacja
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26.06. 2018 roku w krakowskiej Tauron Arenie w ramach trasy No More Tours 2 zagościł John Michael Os...
Bowlers set-up a great win for Malmesbury
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The Malmesbury bowler ripped out the heart of the opposition innings by taking opener Stuart Windsor...
Northleach and Minety go down to Fairford seconds
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Northleach and Minety managed to take more wickets to leave Fairford on 150-6 but a great partnershi...
Basis of stay-put advice 'failed half an hour after Grenfell blaze began'
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One of the first firefighters into Grenfell Tower believed the basis of stay-put advice to residents...
Bundestag billigte Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Somalia
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Unions-Fraktionsvize Michael Glos, SPD-Fraktionschef Hans-Ulrich Klose, Außenminister Klaus Kinkel u...
Merkels alter Gegner kehrt zurück
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Stoiber war zwischendurch als Außenminister gehandelt worden, dann als Wirtschaftsminister. Er selbs...
Ein Fest für Nachbarn und solche, die es werden wollen
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Juli: 10.50 Uhr Tänze vom Kindergarten St. Michael; 11Uhr: Begrüßung durch Astrid Glos und Walter Vi...
Co dzieje się z finalistami pierwszej edycji "Idola"?
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W programie wystąpili: Ania Dąbrowska, Ewelina Flinta, Alicja Janosz, Tomasz Makowiecki, Paweł Nowak...
Corsham captain Tom Foley not fazed by Dumbleton defeat in WEPL Premier Two Glos/Wilts
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CORSHAM skipper Tom Foley was far from disgraced at his side's efforts against Dumbleton, despite sl...
Bp Michael Yeung Ming-cheung z Hongkongu: nie rywalizujemy z władzą, jesteśmy z najsłabszymi
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Kościół nie chce rywalizować z władzą, ale musi być blisko najsłabszych. Musimy zabierać głos, kiedy...
Oto autor przeboju „Rooftop”. Nico Santos w rozmowie z Radiem ZET [WYWIAD]
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Byłem w studiu nagraniowym z moimi dobrymi kumplami. Siedzieliśmy i zastanawialiśmy się jak stworzyć...
CRICKET: Klinger back to lead Gloucestershire
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Michael Klinger is back to lead Gloucestershire into their Vitality Blast campaign, starting at Taun...
Tearful Grenfell firefighter recalls seeing whole side of building in flames
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A firefighter burst into tears at the Grenfell Tower Inquiry as he was asked to recall the first tim...
Aussie star Klinger back to lead Gloucestershire tonight
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MICHAEL Klinger is back to lead Gloucestershire into their Vitality Blast campaign, starting at Taun...
England's previous record in World Cup quarter-finals
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Michael Owen had given the Three Lions the lead midway through the first half only for Rivaldo to le...
Gloucestershire go down to rivals Somerset
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The late blast took Gloucestershire to a reasonable total, having been 158 for five at the end of th...
How to respond to the dying of the light
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Sir, No one has to die “covered in tubes . . . and medicated in order to postpone death” (“We should...
Marek Sierocki o Whitney Houston: Myślę, że źródłem jej tragedii są doświadczenia z dzieciństwa
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Michael Jackson i właśnie Whitney Houston stali się pierwszymi artystami, którzy docenili medium tel...
Rows of empty seats in Samara Arena as England head to semis
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Rows of seats were left empty in the stadium where England blasted into their first World Cup semi-f...
May to say her plan is 'right Brexit' for Britain as she faces Tory backlash
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Brexiteer Cabinet minister Michael Gove admitted the plan was not everything he had hoped for, but h...
What needs to happen to trigger a Tory leadership race?
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A contest to select a new leader of the Conservative Party takes place if the current leader resigns...
Michael Jackson był "chemicznie wykastrowany"?! Miał to zlecić jego ojciec, Joe Jackson
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Nie do opisania jest okrucieństwo, którego doświadczał Michael z jego strony. Joe wykastrował Michae...
Fenomenálny Sagan vyhral druhú etapu. Oblečie si žltý dres
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Saganovi pomohol hromadný pád dva kilometre pred cieľom, v ktorom skončil napríklad víťaz úvodnej et...
Alte Sporthalle wird abgerissen
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Mit 15 zu neun Stimmen zugestimmt hat der Stadtrat dem Antrag von Integrationsreferentin Astrid Glos...
Michael D Higgins to seek second term as Irish president
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Ireland's President Michael D Higgins has confirmed he will seek a second term as head of state. Mr...
Tory fury over lack of protections for NI veterans
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Closing the debate, Sir Michael welcomed Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson's earlier announcement t...
Boris Johnson latest minister to quit since snap election
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Prime Minister Theresa May has faced a series of Cabinet members leaving their positions since the s...
30 Jahre Freundeskreis für das Bayerische Kammerorchester Bad Brückenau
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Gründungsmitglieder Peter Brust, Helmut Stretz, Herbert Eichelmann, Herbert Deppisch, Dr. Heinz Kais...
Starbucks rolling out 5p disposable coffee cup charge to all stores in Britain
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Earlier this year, Environment Secretary Michael Gove said the Government would consider a 25p “latt...
Michael D Higgins claims public backing as he seeks second term
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Ireland's president has said encouragement from fellow citizens helped convince him to run for a sec...
Football is definitely coming home, says Harry
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As Harry and Meghan posed for a picture with President Michael D Higgins and his wife Sabina, the du...
Football rumours from the media
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Also in south-west London, Fulham are reportedly leading the chase for Jean Michael Seri, according...
Terrible jail conditions seen as 'the normal', watchdog warns
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Michael Spurr, chief executive of Her Majesty's Prison & Probation Service, said: “Many prisons have...
Freundeskreis für das Bayerische Kammerorchester Bad Brückenau
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Gründungsmitglieder Peter Brust, Helmut Stretz, Herbert Eichelmann, Herbert Deppisch, Dr. Heinz Kais...
Harry and Meghan charm young and old during Dublin visit
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex wowed young and old at some of Dublin's most famous landmarks on a wh...
Trump pardons ranchers whose arson case sparked land debate
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But US district judge Michael R Hogan said such a lengthy sentence “would not meet any idea I have o...
Russia joins the best of the best World Cups
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In the knockout phase drama unfolded in St Etienne where an epic clash between England and Argentina...
Michael Jackson został wykastrowany?! Mocne słowa lekarza
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"Świadczy o tym choćby fakt, że został chemicznie wykastrowany, by utrzymać swój wysoki głos" - cytu...
Nieznane fakty z przeszłości Whitney Houston. Matka artystki zabrała głos
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W najnowszym dokumencie poświęconym Whitney Houston pojawia się informacja, że artystka w dzieciństw...
Globus Medical (GMED) Valuation Rose While Godshalk Welsh Capital Management Has Lowered Holding by ...
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... 30/05/2018 – Globus Medical Rises for 11 Days: Longest Streak Since IPO; 05/04/2018 – Globus Med...
Mixed master Jamie Murray relishing chance of more Wimbledon glory
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Similar success in the men's doubles at Wimbledon has proved elusive and his crack at a maiden title...
Matrix Capital Management Company LP Increased Activision Blizzard (ATVI) Stake; 6 Analysts Bullish Globus Medical ...
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Morhaime Michael also sold $14.62M worth of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATVI) on Tuesday, Febr...
CSU: Streit-Hammel oder Mahner mit Weitblick?
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Und die CSU schickt nicht immer ihre Besten.2005 musste Merkel Michael Glos zum Wirtschaftsminister...
Piąty Element – Ciekawostki
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Tekst Bruce'a Willisa: “Look lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English” był improwiz...
Official Brexiteer campaign group Vote Leave fined for breaking electoral law
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The official Brexiteer campaign organisation at the 2016 referendum has been fined and senior figure...
Brexit group which campaigned under the slogan 'Take Back Control'
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Vote Leave was the officially designated lead campaign for the Brexit side in the 2016 EU referendum...
Trump backs off siding with Russia over US intelligence amid bipartisan anger
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By dusk, hundreds of activists, led by attorney Michael Avenatti and actress Alyssa Milano, staged a...
Nowy Xbox trafi na rynek przed PlayStation 5, twierdzi znany analityk
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Chyba nie będzie przesadą, jeśli napiszemy, że Michael Pachter, to najbardziej znany analityk wypowi...
Iwan Rheon mówi po polsku w oficjalnym zwiastunie filmu „303. Bitwa o Anglię”
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... się kilka scen, w których Jan Zumbach komunikuje się z innymi polskimi lotnikami w rodzimym języ...
Kto nowym kapitanem Manchesteru United? Mourinho odpowiada
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Jose Mourinho przed meczem z Club America zabrał głos na temat tego, kto będzie kapitanem Manchester...
[SDCC 2018] Dobry omen – McDormand w obsadzie, wideo z planu i nowe informacje
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Nie zobaczymy jej jednak, a usłyszymy, bo zdobywczyni Oscara podłoży głos pod narratora, którym będz...
Pratt i Saldana murem za Jamesem Gunnem. Michael Rooker kasuje nawet Twittera
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I choć studio twardo stoi przy swoim, coraz więcej gwiazd krytykuje tę decyzję – po Bautiście i Sean...
Ogolona na zapałkę licealistka przeżyła strzelaninę w szkole w walentynki. Od tamtej pory mówi władzy: gów** prawda
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... przez rówieśników oraz wpływie gier komputerowych na umysły młodych ludzi. Michael Moore nakręci...
NBA: Harden skomentował zamiary Anthony'ego
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Lada dzień powinniśmy poznać ostateczną decyzję Carmelo Anthony'ego w sprawie swojej przyszłości. Za...
Isabelle Huppert z honorową nagrodą 13. Rzymskiego Festiwalu Filmowego
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Zrealizowana w 2001 roku na podstawie powieści austriackiej noblistki Elfriede Jelinek "Pianistka" t...
Midfielder seals Swindon Town return
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Michael Doughty has signed a two year deal at Swindon. Picture: Swindon Town. 0 comments. Swindon To...
"Jedyną rzeczą, jakiej chciał...". Szokujące doniesienia na temat śmierci George'a Michaela
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Teraz głos w sprawie postanowił zabrać partner piosenkarza Fadi Fawaz, który wysłał maila do magazyn...
SV Windhagen ist Amtspokalsieger in der VG Asbach NR-Kurier
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Der SV Windhagen I erreichte durch einen 3:1 Sieg (Tore: Endrit Baftija, Stephan Krist, Adrian Glos)...
St Michael's Park in Cirencester receives Green Flag Award
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Sorry for the intrusion. Please be aware we use cookies and similar technologies to help our site wo...
Round Up and Reactions Day 4 SpecSavers County Championship Division 2 July 25th
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Durham - Cameron Steel, Tom Latham, Will Smith, Graham Clark, Ben Stokes, Michael Richardson, Stuart...
England captain Root backed Rashid's Test recall – Smith
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England captain Joe Root is fully behind the controversial decision to recall Adil Rashid to the Tes...
A guide to this weekend's pre-season Football
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CIRENCESTER TOWN will host National League South side Gloucester City at the Corinium Stadium on Sat...
Trump Claims Credit for an Economy He Calls the 'Envy of the Entire World'
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... posts for evidence that he obstructed justice; The Wall Street Journal reported that the chief f...
Vitality Blast: Yorkshire back on track with Bears win
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... Gloucestershire are edging their way to the Blast knockout stages. A convincing win over heavy-h...
Angry scenes as man appears in court on murder charge
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Daniel Carroll appeared at Newry Magistrates' Court charged with the murder of Brian Phelan (Michael...
"Maczuga razismu" uderza w Niemcy. Afera Özila cieszy Erdoğana i niemieckich populistów
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Michael Wolffsohn, wieloletni działacz instytucji żydowskich w Niemczech i były wykładowca historii...
Veľká bitka do konca: Thomas vyhrá preteky, Sagan už o zelené tričko nepríde!
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V tom čase dlho viedol Austrálčan Michael Hepburn, ktorému v cieli namerali 42:15 min. í ½í²š @petos...
Zagłębie Sosnowiec
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Michael Heinloth w miejsce Cristovao. 62'. Sebastian Milewski melduje się na murawie. 60'. Centra z...
Mocni „Meistersingerzy”
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Co do solistów, charyzmatyczny był Michael Volle (11 lat temu podziwiałam go jako Oniegina w Monachi...
Gove pledges support for farmers amid drought concerns
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Environment Secretary Michael Gove has promised to support farmers in the future, as they warned of...
Nowości Showmax na sierpień 2018. Pełna lista nowych filmów i seriali
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Christopher Lloyd i Michael J. Fox zadziwili dyspozycją – na scenie prezentowali się wybornie. ... O...
Vitality Blast: Gloucestershire go top with dominant win
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38 years of age and Michael Klinger is still producing the magic. On the run with one stump to aim a...
Forest Green Rovers v Grimsby Town match and season preview
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When Grimsby beat Forest Green early in December last season they were 11th and comfortable but then...
Grassroot Tories and the idea of Boris as PM
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Beachley, Glos. Sir, Paul Goodman's article drifted inevitably into Brexit and the challenges this w...
Michał Urbaniak: Słuchajmy Tomka Stańki
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A do pana mogą przyjść ludzie tak z ulicy, zaprezentować swoje umiejętności, spróbować z panem pogra...
Kora. Z nią przeżyliśmy coś, o czym nie wiedzą nawet najbliżsi. Byliśmy przy niej wolni
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Ale zarazem każdy z fanów pamięta bardzo konkretne, ulotne, intymne wręcz momenty, w których towarzy...
Letters: we need less waste, not more food
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Looking across the “Irish” border, as I do, to Donegal, I was intrigued to read Michael Hughes's art...
Trump zabrał głos ws. spotkania jego syna z Rosjanami w 2016 roku
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Według telewizji CNN, powołującej się na anonimowe źródła, wieloletni adwokat Trumpa Michael Cohen p...
Trump i sportowcy znów mają ze sobą na pieńku. Prezydent obraził LeBrona Jamesa
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Po komentarzu Donalda Trumpa na temat gwiazdora Los Angeles Lakers głos zabrał Michael Jordan....
Dudek skorzystał z szansy i został królem ekstraligi
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Maciej Janowski (Sparta Wrocław) 6 (1,1,w,1,3), 13. Krzysztof Kasprzak (Stal Gorzów) 5 (1,0,3,d,1),...
Falubaz może mieć problemy? Jepsen Jensen kontuzjowany? Duńczyk zabrał głos!
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Chcę trochę odsapnąć i być przygotowanym w stu procentach na wtorkowy mecz szwedzkiej Elitserien, ja...
Man due in court charged over midwife murder
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A man is due to appear in court charged with the murder of midwife Samantha Eastwood. Michael Stirli...
Swindon Town Flier: Lessons need to be learned
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If you watched Town for the next 50 years it is most improbable that you would see such a “great esc...
HIV self-testing kits available on the high street
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HIV self-testing kits are to be available to buy on the high street for the first time, a retailer h...
What the papers say – August 9
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Boris Johnson's controversial comments about burkas continue to top the headlines on Thursday. The D...
Pound continues slide as Britain stares into Brexit abyss
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The pound continued its downward slide on Thursday as fears of a no-deal Brexit continued o pile pre...
Ian Paisley recall petition opens in Co Antrim
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A petition which could unseat North Antrim MP Ian Paisley has opened. The senior Democratic Unionist...
Dawson pays tribute to in-form Miles Hammond
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“Michael made it clear in the dressing room after our last game against Kent how much he appreciated...
Gloucestershire score highest T20 total against Middlesex
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Ian Cockbain's first century helped Gloucestershire breeze past Middlesex in the Vitality Blast with...
Family's new tribute for tragic midwife Samantha Eastwood
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The family of tragic midwife Samantha Eastwood have released a new photograph of the 28-year-old, th...
Man who brandished knife got car stuck fleeing Cotswolds police
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Benjamin Wyman, of Apsley Road, Cirencester, was so belligerent when police tried to arrest him that...
Marathon Asset Management Llp Has Lowered Globus Medical A (GMED) Stake By $5.35 Million; Steadfast Capital ...
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fortress™ radiopaque bone cement (fortre | K172269 | 03/27/2018 |; 21/05/2018 – Globus Medical Annou...
Rees-Mogg denounces Tory 'show trial' of Boris Johnson
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A Conservative Party investigation into allegedly Islamophobic comments by Boris Johnson has been de...
Lincoln City 1-4 Swindon Town report
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SWINDON Town suffered their first league defeat of the season after they were thumped by Lincoln Cit...
Omagh victims faced uphill battle for justice
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Police officers and firefighters inspect the damage caused by the bomb explosion in Market Street, O...
Freedom of speech and the right to provoke
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Sir, The views expressed by Dr Taj Hargey (letter, Aug 9) are controversial and at odds with mainstr...
Festival Players return to the Cotswolds
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The theatre company from Gloucestershire, which has been touring professional outdoor Shakespeare pr...
The GB European stars best equipped to challenge for glory on the world stage
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Great Britain's athletes showed their star quality at the European Championships in Berlin and toppe...
Wielka nadzieja Brytanii. Hat-trick Diny Asher-Smith
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Wielka Brytania ma nową królową lekkoatletyki. Dina-Asher Smith została pierwszą kobietą od 28 lat,...
Szef niemieckich sędziów wytknął błąd arbitrowi meczu Eintracht Bayern. Powinna być "czerwień"
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W poniedziałek głos w sprawie pracy Marco Fritza zabrał Lutz Michael Froehlich, szef niemieckich sęd...
Swindon Town 0-1 Forest Green Report
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Swindon Town lost their third consecutive game as the crashed out the Carabao Cup at home to Forest...
Superfast broadband roll-out reaches 900000 premises
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More than 900,000 premises in Scotland can now access superfast broadband, project bosses have annou...
President of Ireland calls for 'culture of peace' on anniversary of Omagh bomb
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President Michael D Higgins said: “As we recall with deep sadness the deaths and the injuries at Oma...
Stokes added to England's third Test squad after not-guilty verdict
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Former England captain Michael Vaughan was among the first to react to Stokes' acquittal. Before the...
Menedżer Michaela Schumachera zabrała głos. "Rodzina nie planuje przeprowadzki"
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Mogę potwierdzić, że Michael Schumacher trafił do naszego miasta - twierdziła burmistrz kurortu Andr...
Proportion of A-levels awarded A or A* reaches six-year high
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More than one in four A-levels were awarded an A or A* this year – the highest proportion for six ye...
Zestresowany tata 6 dzieci wyszedł na scenę i zaczął śpiewać. Jego głos oczarował wszystkich
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Kiedy Michael wyszedł na scenę, wydawał się być bardzo nieśmiały i zdenerwowany. Po chwili mężczyzna...
Obsada filmu "Powrót do przyszłości" znowu razem!
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Michael J. Fox (Marty McFly), Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown), Thomas Wilson (Biff Tannen), and Lea Th...
Kent through to Vitality Blast quarter-finals with thrilling win over Somerset
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Kent Spitfires edged a South Group nail-biter with Somerset to book their Vitality Blast quarter-fin...
New ferries hit by further delays
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Ferries being built on the Clyde have been hit by further delays, the Transport Minister has confirm...
Nigel Farage wraca do brytyjskiej polityki, aby "zwalczyć plan Theresy May" ws. Brexitu
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W sprawie powrotu byłego lidera UKIP głos zabrał James McGrory wspierający kampanię People's Vote: „...
News from Northleach
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Michael Dixey and son Tommy from Fossebridge are shown a 4 1/2 inch scale agricuktural engine by own...
Coveney: Annan was voice for international peace
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The Irish Government has hailed former UN secretary general Kofi Annan as a voice for a more peacefu...
Neil Etheridge penalty save earns Cardiff draw with Newcastle
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... It was only the second time that twins had...
October trial for husband who denies murdering wife
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Christopher Kerrell, 35, of Whitton, near Knighton, Powys, is accused of killing mother-of-three Hol...
Gove backs plans for tougher sentences over harming of service animals
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Michael Gove has backed plans for tough new sentences against criminals who harm service animals, as...
Crystal Palace boss Roy Hodgson fumes about Liverpool penalty
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Referee Michael Oliver's decision to award the penalty seemed generous and Hodgson was strong in his...
House of Fraser on London's Oxford Street saved from closure
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House of Fraser's flagship store on London's Oxford Street has been saved from closure, it has been...
Pope's child abuse intervention too little too late – campaigner
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The Pope's latest intervention on child abuse days before his visit to Ireland is too little too lat...
Jennifer Lopez, Kylie Jenner and Ariana Grande wow on VMAs red carpet
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Lopez, 49, was honoured with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award for her music and film career....
Mourinho remains United's man as Pogba's agent hits out at Scholes
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Under-fire Jose Mourinho retains Manchester United's full backing, but the post-Brighton fallout con...
Cohen, Manafort, and what their troubles mean for Donald Trump
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A tough day in court for former associates of Donald Trump could spell some hard days ahead for the...
What the papers say – August 22
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Allegations Donald Trump ordered payments to hush up mistresses on the campaign trail, a call to inc...
Ban on pet shop kitten and puppy sales backed by Government
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Environment Secretary Michae...
Hunt to meet top Trump officials as porn star payments storm hits Washington
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The Foreign Secretary is due to meet secretary of state Mike Pompeo in Washington the day after Dona...
RSPCA gets official warning over 'six-figure' pay-out to former boss
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The RSPCA has been given an official warning by the charity watchdog after a reported six-figure pay...
Buttler brilliance only delays inevitable for England
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England face almost certain defeat after Jos Buttler's maiden Test century helped to delay the inevi...
Trump's ex-lawyer 'in talks to strike plea deal in fraud case'
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Lawyers for Michael Cohen – Donald Trump's former personal attorney who is being investigated for fi...
Speeding motorist killed teenager in 'act of grotesque selfishness'
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A speeding motorist killed a teenage spectator at an unofficial “car cruise” in an “act of grotesque...
Danny Boyle quits new Bond film due to creative differences
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Michael G. Wilson, Barbara Broccoli and Da...
LIVE: GCSE results day 2018 and how schools in Bristol region did
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Thousands of pupils across Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset's secondary schools wil...
Trump attacks former lawyer Cohen after guilty plea
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Donald Trump has criticised his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, a day after his former “fixer”...
What the papers say – August 23
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Troubles for Donald Trump, concerns over rising cases of diabetes and calls from Jeremy Corbyn to re...
Fox announces China dairy products deal
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Environment Secretary Michael Gove added: “Our world-class dairy producers already export £1.7 billi...
Donald Trump's lawyer on Scottish golf trip as president faces legal threats
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It comes as Mr Trump accused his former lawyer Michael Cohen of lying under pressure of prosecution...
Man sentenced for carrying knuckle duster made on 3D printer
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Grey admitted possession of a controlled drug, but was set for a trial at Merthyr Crown Court on the...
Disgraced ex-Trump lawyer Cohen crowdfunding legal bills
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Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen is asking the public for help paying his legal b...
Why is Pope Francis visiting Ireland?
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Why is the Pope visiting Ireland? The World Meeting of Families is being held in Dublin this year. I...
National Enquirer 'kept damaging Trump stories in safe'
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The detail comes as several media outlets reported federal prosecutors have granted immunity to Nati...
Will Grigg's Wigan form earns Northern Ireland recall
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The Wigan striker, who has scored three goals in four games this season, has not played for his coun...
Jonny Bairstow to hand gloves to Jos Buttler for fourth Test
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Jonny Bairstow will hand England's wicketkeeping gloves to Jos Buttler next week – but the more diff...
Francis arrives in Ireland for first papal visit in almost 40 years
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The Pope has arrived in Ireland for a historic two-day visit. The pontiff's flight from Rome touched...
Bid to re-green Africa on Irish President's agenda for meeting with Pope
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A bid to plant a million trees as part of the re-greening of one of Africa's most parched regions wa...
Trump Organisation finance chief 'given immunity' in Cohen probe
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Donald Trump's bookkeeper for his personal and business affai...
Hodgson hopes Harry the Hornet bee-haves himself
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Roy Hodgson hopes no one at Watford will “provoke the crowd” to reignite last season's storm of divi...
Trump escalates feud with attorney general
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Mr Trump's anger with Mr Sessions boiled over in an interview with Fox News in which the president a...
Volunteers expect 'hectic few days' as final preparations for Pope visit begin
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Michael Fleming from Co Antrim will be part of flexible team of volunteers in Croke Park and Phoenix...
Schoolchildren greet Pope as he touches down in west Ireland
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Pope Francis has arrived in Co Mayo for the second day of his visit to Ireland. The papal delegation...
Forest Green 1-1 Swindon Town report
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awards ... Michael Dou...
Worcestershire defeat Gloucestershire to reach T20 Finals Day for first time
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Worcestershire ended 15 years of T20 heartache after beating Gloucestershire by five wickets in a te...
What the papers say – August 26
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A variety of news makes the front pages on Sunday – from a health “scandal” to the latest on Brexit....
Konta confident of making US Open after illness
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Johanna Konta is confident of fully recovering from illness in time for her first-round clash with C...
Bournemouth and Everton share points after Cherries complete comeback
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Goals from Theo Walcott and Michael Keane...
Bernard Guasch sets his sights on more trophies with Catalans Dragons
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Catalans Dragons chairman Bernard Guasch is hoping Saturday's historic Challenge Cup triumph will sp...
Michael Keane out for up to four weeks with fractured skull
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Everton defender Michael Keane sustained a small hairline fracture of his skull during Saturday's ma...
Fantastic old photo of champion 1950s Fairford football team
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Geoff Ockwell, Andrew Piggott, Doug Hughes, Stan Howse, Ted Rowe, Graham Amer, Michael Peyman, John...
Mitrovic continues to impress Fulham boss Jokanovic
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Jeff Hendrick had cancelled...
5 things we learned from an eventful Belgian Grand Prix
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... littered with mistakes, but the Ferrari driver went some way to answering his critics with the 5...
Owen admission draws criticism from Alan Shearer
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Alan Shearer has criticised Michael Owen for revealing he “couldn't wait to retire” during the last...
5 things we learned from an eventful weekend in the Ladbrokes Premiership
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Hearts remain the only team in the Ladbrokes Premiership with a 100 per cent record following their...
Michael Cohen's lawyer walks back claim Trump knew of Russia meeting
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The lawyer of Donald Trump's former “fixer” is walking back claims his client can confirm the US pre...
Michael Gove accused of 'turnaround' on electric shock collars for pets
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Michael Gove has been accused of making a “complete 180” after letters from his department suggested...
Media spotlight – six of the best football press conferences
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Not only did he give a rendition of “Louis van Gaal's army” but he also forgot the name of defender...
Date for Irish presidential election confirmed
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Ireland's presidential election is to be held on October 26, it has been confirmed. Housing Minister...
Sean Gallagher announces second bid for presidency
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Sean Gallagher has announced he will run for president of Ireland for a second time. The businessman...
Facade of landmark Belfast building inspected after blaze
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Firefighters and engineers are inspecting the charred facade of a landmark Belfast building followin...
Minety man admits to downloading child pornography
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Reco...
Endurance swimmer Lewis Pugh set to complete Channel swim
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Endurance swimmer Lewis Pugh is set to complete his 330-mile swim along the length of the English Ch...
Major fire guts Primark store in historic Belfast building
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A senior fire officer has described the fire that gutted a Primark store in Belfast as one of the bi...
Championship strugglers Norwich sink lacklustre Cardiff in Carabao Cup
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... It took 38 minutes for Cardiff's first corner to arrive, and...
Temperatures rise in New York as Federer and Djokovic book second round places
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The conditions were the hot topic of conversation at the US Open on Tuesday. Four men were unable to...
French fishermen accused of endangering British mariners in scallop clash
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Sheryll Murray, MP for South East Cornwall...
Former teacher appointed as Bishop of Truro
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He is currently the executive leader of the Church Mission Society having been ordained in 1988, and...
Men and women who switched sports
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Olympic champion Usain Bolt is set to play his first match for Australian football club Central Coas...
Queensferry Crossing improves journey reliability in first year – analysis
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Transport Secretary Michael Matheson said: “The recent Audit Scotland report recognised the Queensfe...
Test cricket's 500 club
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James Anderson has Glenn McGrath's record of 563 Test wickets by a fast bowler in his sights, having...
Chris Hughton wary of big-spending Fulham
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Chris Hughton believes keeping Brighton in the Premier League will be more difficult than last seaso...
Election candidates who reject salary demean office of president – minister
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The Derry-born Dragons' Den investor became the 11th potential candidate to challenge President Mich...
Families condemn arrest of journalists over Loughinisland documentary
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Families of a notorious massacre during the Northern Ireland troubles have condemned the arrest of t...
All square between Hannover and Dortmund
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... the visitor's penalty a...
Old Firm gallery: A selection of past Celtic-Rangers showdowns in pictures
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Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awa...
Mitrovic made an unlucky mistake, insists Fulham boss Jokanovic
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The Cottagers looked like joining Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Leicester in that exclusiv...
David Wagner not panicking despite Huddersfield's slow start
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David Wagner insists he was not alarmed by Huddersfield's inauspicious start to the season after the...
Greg Eden scores hat-trick as Castleford hammer Catalans on Luke Gale's return
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... And they had to wait 15...
Benzema at the double in Real Madrid's win over Leganes
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Karim Benzema scored twice as Real Madrid eased to a third LaLiga win of the season with a 4-1 victo...
New portrait of Queen to feature on Australian coins
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ARM national director Michael Cooney suggested the latest design overhaul in fact helped their cause...
Lewis Hamilton: It's an honour to be mentioned in same sentence as Schumacher
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Lewis Hamilton said it is an honour to be mentioned in the same breath as Michael Schumacher after w...
Two-thirds satisfied with public transport – survey
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Two thirds of people are satisfied with public transport despite a slight drop in approval, a survey...
No confidence motion against Belfast UUP councillor withdrawn
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A motion of no confidence against Belfast UUP councillor Jim Rodgers in his chairing of a key city c...
Nasser Hussain leads tributes to 'remarkable cricketer' Alastair Cook
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Record-breaking Alastair Cook was hailed as a “hero” and a “great person as well as a great crickete...
Borders Railway development considered as it marks third anniversary
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ScotRail said more than four million journeys have been made on the line with year-on-year increases...
Natural gas supplier Firmus set to hike prices by 12%
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... in 10 towns. Announcing the price rise, Fi...
Szef Twittera przyznaje: Ograniczaliśmy widoczność kont kongresmenów
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... szef Twittera. Zaprzeczył jednak, jakoby Twitter celowo cenzurował konserwatystów, o co zapytał...
Sąd Najwyższy, jedna z najpotężniejszych instytucji w USA, przechodzi w orbitę konserwatystów
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Jego głos w podzielonym politycznie i ideowo dziewięcioosobowym składzie często bywał decydujący. Uc...
Independent lawyer 'should filter police material after journalists raid'
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An independent lawyer or retired judge should be appointed to filter out journalistic material unnec...
Attackenfrei durch das Kreisbürgerfest
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Ortsverbands-Vorsitzender Uwe Matheus freute sich, den ehemaligen Bundesminister Michael Glos, den U...
The Baseballs: Nowi królowie coverów zagrają w Poznaniu
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Jak brzmiałyby piosenki Eda Sheerana, Justina Biebera czy Rihanny, gdyby śpiewali je w latach pięćdz...
B jak Brzęczek, czyli alfabet selekcjonera biało-czerwonych. Poznajcie wszystkie sekrety trenera
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Znów usłyszeli znajomy głos: – Wypieprzać! Już! Spojrzeli po sobie, zabrali bluzy i ruszyli w kierun...
Crooked celebrity art dealer from Poulton has assets stripped
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Judge Michael Cullum formally ordered Poole to pay the £2,500 within three months or he will have to...
Swindling art dealer to the stars faces more jail time
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Even that small sum is not immediately available to compensate Jonathan Poole's victims because it i...
O'Neill takes plenty of positives from Northern Ireland's loss to Bosnia
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Once Northern Ireland manager Michael O'Neill had shaken off the bitter feeling of defeat he was abl...
Crooked Poulton art dealer cheated the rich and famous
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Judge Michael Cullum formally ordered Poole to pay the £2,500 within three months or he will have to...
Super commuter completes bizarre route to work for final time
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A so-called super commuter whose journey to work featured two ferry crossings and three bike rides a...
Sat. 1st Sept. WEPL Wilts and Glos Prem 2 Div Westbury 108 all out Biddestone 109-5
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Westbury made two changes from last week's away defeat against relegation rivals Trowbridge, with Sa...
Sat. 25th Aug. WEPL Wilts & Glos. Prem 2 Div Trowbridge 222 all out Westbury 158-9
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Westbury made two changes from the last week's home defeat against fellow strugglers Rockhampton, wi...
Finch among five uncapped players in Australia's Test squad to face Pakistan
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He is joined in a 15-man squad by Michael Neser, Brendan Doggett, Mamus Labuschange and Travis Head....
"Fahrenheit 11/9": Michael Moore porównuje Trumpa do Hitlera. "Jesteśmy na wojnie, żeby odzyskać nasz kraj"
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W filmie "Fahrenheit 11/9" reżyser Michael Moore podłożył głos prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych, Dona...
Business leaders call for same-sex marriage to be introduced in Northern Ireland
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Several major international companies operating in Northern Ireland have called for same-sex marriag...
Future is bright thanks to Northern Ireland youngsters, says Jonny Evans
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Jonny Evans is optimistic about Northern Ireland's future thanks to the young players who have begun...
County Championship: Taylor-made lead for Gloucestershire at Glamorgan
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Michael Hogan bowled Ryan Higgins for 18 to provide Glamorgan's only success. Play was restricted to...
Worcester News editor Michael Purton signing copies of crime novel Flickering Lights
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Michael is also the editor of the Malvern Gazette, Ledbury Reporter, Evesham Journal and Cotswold Jo...
Gavin Whyte's mother misses his dream Northern Ireland debut
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Michael O'Neill said in the build-up to the game how impresse...
Swindon Robins win semi-final first leg by six points
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... The Robins initially moved into a 21-15 lead courtesy of 5-1s...
Collingwood announces retirement after 23-year career
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Durham captain and former England all-rounder Paul Collingwood has announced he will end his 23-year...
Crowdfunding for cancer 'quackery' must be stopped, experts warn
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... The society's project director, Michael Marshall, said: “We a...
McGuigan wants more boxing on free-to-air television ahead of Martin Bakole bout
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... Promotions host an impressive line-up at London's York Hall on October 13. Scottish-based Congol...
Fall in police complaints masks discrepancies in how forces handle them – watchdog
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... IOPC director-general Michael Lockwood said: “The handling of...
Norwegian hits back after Ryanair claims it will 'go bust' this winter
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Low-cost airline Norwegian has hit back at Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary after he claimed it will “go...
RUC 'did not investigate after receiving information about alleged child abuse'
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The Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) had information about alleged abuse of children a decade before...
15-minute wait to look for Westminster Bridge victim in Thames, inquest hears
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A tourist has described how he almost jumped in the Thames in his frantic search for his girlfriend...
Gang convicted of acid attack on brain-damaged boxer Michael Watson
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Three violent carjackers have been found guilty of launching acid attacks on unsuspecting road users...
Clan Buchanan has chief for first time since 1681
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The Clan Buchanan has its first chief in more than 337 years following over a decade of genealogical...
PM should seal Brexit deal, then hand torch to new generation – ex-policy chief
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Theresa May should stand down after next year's Brexit day and pave the way for a “new generation le...
Ailing killer whale declared dead off US coast, but search continues
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Michael Milstein, a spokesman for NOAA Fis...
It looked like Armageddon – Deadly blasts destroy homes in Boston
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Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awa...
Alleged abuse victim: Sinn Fein leader's statement is woeful and cowardly
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On Friday Police Ombudsman Dr Michael Maguire delivered a scathing critique into police failings, an...
What the papers say – September 15
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Saturday's papers present a mixed bag, with Brexit making the front pages alongside advice on the us...
Man interviewed by police over paint attack on homeless person
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Michael Cash, 32, was found dead at Eston Cemetery on Wednesday. Police said that his death was not...
Ariana Grande po raz pierwszy o śmierci byłego partnera
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Ariana Grande, była partnerka Mac Millera, tydzień po jego śmierci po raz pierwszy zabrała głos. "Ta...
Surviving carjacking tougher than any fight, says former boxer Michael Watson
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Former boxer Michael Watson has told how rebuilding his life after a violent carjacking has been tou...
Sinn Fein to select candidate for Irish presidential election
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Sinn Fein will later unveil its candidate in the Irish presidential election. The party's ruling cou...
Chequers Brexit plan right one for now, Gove says
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Theresa May's Brexit plan is the “right one for now” and could be altered by a future prime minster,...
Payne extends contract at Gloucestershire until 2021
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His contribution with the ball has come across all formats, with the dismissal of Michael Hogan in l...
Town Flier: Indifferent performance from Swindon
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... True that both Kyle Knoyle and Michael Dou...
What the papers say – September 17
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Brexit makes headlines on Monday, along with reports on Chris Evans's successor on the Radio 2 break...
Leaders Ascot ground Fairford
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Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awa...
Who are the five candidates vying for Ireland's presidency?
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Five candidates are in the mix for next month's presidential election in Ireland. Liadh Ni Riada: Li...
Brexit will be total write-off unless PM changes course, Boris Johnson claims
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Environment Secretary Michae...
Mike Russell criticises Westminster over 'chaotic, blind Brexit'
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Mike Russell has insisted Westminster is “incapable” of working in Scotland's interests as he warned...
Barnier to update EU ministers on Brexit progress
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Michel Barnier will update representatives of the EU27 on the remaining issues that need to be resol...
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel wins big at the Emmys
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Amazon's The Marvelous Mrs Maisel won big at the Emmys, scooping four prizes in quick succession aft...
Drop in vaccine uptake among children in England – report
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A declining number of children in England are being vaccinated against potentially deadly diseases,...
In pictures: Stars dazzle for 2018 Emmys
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British actors Michelle Dockery, Millie Bobby Brown, c and Matt Smith were among the stars from both...
Man who shot dead council official in front of TV cameras in 1991 has died
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A killer who shot dead a planning officer in full view of TV cameras to protect an illegally-built b...
Artist Kevin Sharkey withdraws from race to be Ireland's next president
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Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awa...
Engagement of Lady Gabriella Windsor announced by Buckingham Palace
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Lady Gabriella Windsor has got engaged to her boyfriend Thomas Kingston, Buckingham Palace has annou...
Ploughing championship a welcome relief after tough year for Ireland's farmers
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Dark looming clouds and torrential rainfall have failed to dampen the spirits of thousands of people...
Who are the six candidates vying for Ireland's presidency?
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awards · Letters · E-e...
Ireland's President signs law repealing constitutional ban on abortion
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The bill repealing the Eighth Amendment, amending Ireland's abortion laws was signed on Tuesday by t...
Mourinho urges United to channel Federer versatility on Bern pitch
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Jose Mourinho wants Manchester United's players to follow tennis great Roger Federer's lead and show...
TV presenter and scriptwriter Denis Norden found it was alright on the night
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Denis Norden was best known as the host of long-running out-takes show It'll Be Alright On The Night...
Chris Packham unveils raft of proposals to save Britain's declining wildlife
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All primary schools should be “twinned” with a farm to help children understand how food is produced...
Ireland's President calls for dignity on campaign trail ahead of election
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President Michael D Higgins has said he wants the presidential election campaign to address “real is...
Court told of medical conditions afflicting bus driver after crash
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Neuropsychiatrist Michael Kopelman told th...
Delivery driver jailed for seriously injuring South Cerney couple
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Judge Michael Cullum said th...
Creed 2 to koniec serii czy nie? Michael B. Jordan zabiera głos
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Creed kilka lat temu wskrzesił markę Rocky'ego, sprawiając że amerykańscy bokserzy ponownie stali si...
Lady Gabriella Windsor to marry
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Lady Gabriella, 37, who...
Head of prisons service asked to stand down amid concern over violence and drugs
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The head of the prison and probation system in England and Wales has been asked to stand down, amid...
Thousands still without power after Storm Ali
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Transport Secretary Michael Matheson told BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme: “In...
Almost 30% of Ryanair shareholders vote against chairman's re-election
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Almost 30% of Ryanair's shareholders have voted against the chairman's re-election. The budget airli...
The crying game – five sports stars who could not hold back the tears
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Cristiano Ronaldo left the pitch in tears after being sent off in Juventus' Champions League game ag...
Storm Ali batters Scotland with 100mph gusts
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Scotland was battered by winds of more than 100mph as Storm Ali swept in and left about 70,000 homes...
Pilots urge Ryanair shareholders to replace chairman and chief executive
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Ryanair shareholders are being urged to replace the airline's chief executive and chairman at the co...
Carjackers jailed after former boxer Michael Watson left traumatised by attack
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Former boxer Michael Watson was left suffering flashbacks and seizures after a violent carjacking fo...
Former Trump lawyer Cohen providing 'critical information' in Russia probe
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Donald Trump's former personal lawyer says he is providing “critical information” in Robert Mueller'...
Grenfell fire commander feared residents would die if evacuated
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Andrew Walton, a station manager from King...
The Roots of Modern Art
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Jobs · Homes · Motors · News · Jobs · Sport · Awards · Letters...
Peek inside a Cotswold property worth nearly £2M
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There are many places to visit and sites to enjoy, including the Corinium Museum (home to the Visito...
Trump promises to rid Justice Department of 'lingering stench'
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US President Donald Trump has issued an ominous warning about the Justice Department and the FBI, pr...
Stuttgart still waiting for first win
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Argentinian forward Nicolas Gonzalez misse...
England newcomers all bring something different to the table
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... He and his then opening part...
'Snapchat queen' who shared clip of dying boyfriend jailed
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A “Snapchat queen” who posted a video of her boyfriend dying in a pool of blood has been jailed for...
Varadkar questions timing of president's office costs review
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Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has raised concerns over plans by an Oireachtas committee to examine the cost...
Train reliability in first quarter hits worst level in two decades
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Reliability on ScotRail trains over April to June was the worst it had been for over two decades, ne...
MANOVRA E POLITICA/ Gli errori che portano M5s alla sconfitta
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Avevo una certa dimestichezza con Michael Glos, che sarebbe stato ministro dell'Economia sino al 200...
The greatest comeback of all time! – Golf stars praise Tiger Woods after victory
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The world of sport has laid on the praise after Tiger Woods secured his first tournament victory for...
US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faces fresh allegation
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Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing porn actress Stormy Daniels in her legal fight with Presid...
Top three's encounters could be decisive, says Gundogan
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Manchester City midfielder Ilkay Gundogan has predicted the games between the main title contenders...
Michael Kors renames to Capri as it scoops Versace for £1.6bn
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Michael Kors has confirmed its acquisition of Italian fashion house Versace for 2.1 billion US dolla...
Michael Gove calls for third of world's oceans to be protected
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Our Facebook feedsLike Wilts&Glos Standard on FacebookAdd Malmesbury Standard on Facebook. Our Twitt...
US deputy attorney general Rosenstein 'expecting to be fired'
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Mr Trump had previously floated the idea of firing Mr Rosenstein in April after FBI raids of the off...
Trump backs Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh amid fresh allegation
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Donald Trump has staunchly defended his embattled Supreme Court nominee against a new allegation of...
Why is Michael Kors buying Versace?
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Michael Kors is buying Italian fashion brand Versace, and renaming itself Capri Holdings. What is th...
Klinger to return to Gloucestershire next summer
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Australian batsman Michael Klinger will return to Gloucestershire for a seventh season in 2019 after...
Nominations close for Irish presidential contest
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Nominations for Ireland's presidential election have officially closed. There are six candidates in...
Sean Gallagher hits out at RTE over debate schedule
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Businessman and Irish presidential candidate Sean Gallagher has criticised the state broadcaster aft...
Man charged with assault of homeless man sprayed with paint
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A 33-year-old has been charged with assaulting a homeless man who was sprayed with paint as he sat o...
Jeremy Corbyn addresses the Labour Party conference: All you need to know
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Jeremy Corbyn will deliver his keynote address to the Labour Party conference later. Here is all you...
Sinn Fein leader's Mairia Cahill comments dubbed 'outrageous'
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Earlier this month, Police Ombudsman Dr Michael Maguire delivered a scathing critique into police fa...
Tooth decay hospital admissions rise in five to nine-year-olds
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Professor Michael Escudier, dean of the faculty of dental surgery at RCS, said: “It is disappointing...
Lancs relegated after failure to reach batting point minimum at Hampshire
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Lancashire will be spending next summer in Division Two of the Specsavers County Championship after...
Judge me on my values, says Michael D Higgins
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Michael D Higgins has urged voters in the Irish presidential election to judge him on his values. Th...
Brett Kavanaugh and accuser to testify at Senate hearing
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Her lawyer, Michael Ave...
Presidential spending 'showboating' condemned by Irish government ministers
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Health Minister Simon Harris said he believed there was an attempt by some who were not supporting P...
Contrasting fortunes as Collingwood and Trott bow out
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard .... REACTION// Skipper Michael Hogan was relieved Glamorgan secu...
Mourinho and Pogba share tense-looking training exchange in front of TV cameras
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign ... is not well. The 25-year-old was seen shaking...
Surveillance equipment found in van of murdered dissident republican, family claim
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More details about the family's complaint to Ombudsman Dr Michael Maguire were revealed to Coroner P...
Flights could be grounded in wake of no-deal Brexit, Irish aviation boss warns
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Michael McGrail, the chair of the Irish Av...
South Glos Council told to apologise to elderly couple
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The couple, who live in South Gloucestershire transferred money to their daughter and son-in-law to...
Frustration after Ryanair cancels around 250 flights amid strikes
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Frustrated passengers were grounded on Friday after striking staff forced Ryanair to cancel around 2...
Bloody Sunday shooting victim awarded £193000 in compensation
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Michael Quinn, from Derry, was an A-level...
Ireland's presidential campaign kicks off
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Other candidate President Michael D Higgins was unable to att...
Inquest into girl's death after eating Pret baguette must be 'watershed moment'
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The family of a teenager who died after suffering a fatal allergic reaction to a Pret A Manger sandw...
Ryanair uziemił 250 lotów. W Polsce znacznie więcej niż początkowo podawano
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Przekonała się o tym pewna poznanianka, której historię opisał "Głos Wielkopolski". Jej czerwcowy po...
Christian Bale najlepszym Batmanem w historii kina! Kto na kolejnych miejscach?
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... Rycerz” i „Mroczny Rycerz Powstaje”, otrzymał aż 70% Waszych głosów, pozostawiając swoich konkur...
Gloucestershire's NHS heroes hailed at awards night
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Michael was the first paramedic in Gloucestershire, working for the ambulance service for 38 years b...
Wasps edge out Falcons in thriller
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A late Lima Sopoaga penalty snatched a 23-22 victory for Wasps at Newcastle. The Falcons led 15-13 a...
Joe Masteroff, story writer for musical Cabaret, dies aged 98
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Joe Masteroff, the Tony Award-winning story writer of musicals Cabaret and She Loves Me has died at...
Prime Minister backs bid to bring World Cup to UK and Ireland in 2030
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Theresa May has backed moves to bring the World Cup to the UK and Ireland in 2030. The Prime Ministe...
Johnson refuses to rule out May challenge in pre-conference Chequers plan attack
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Mr Johnson also refused to rule out voting against a deal based on Chequers in Parliament even if it...
One in three voters say May has what it takes to be PM – poll
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Of other potential Tory leaders, Ruth Davidson, the leader of the party in Scotland, came out top am...
FBI contacts Kavanaugh Yale classmate in its investigation
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard .... Ms Swetnick's lawyer,...
Gylfi Sigurdsson brace helps Everton to comfortable victory
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Sessegnon raced onto a low c...
Exeter run goes on against Worcester
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Exeter continued their impressive start to the season with a fifth successive win as Worcester becam...
Record-breaker Rea clinches fourth successive world title
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Jonathan Rea became the first rider to win four successive World Superbike championships following a...
Tory conference app security flaws revealed on Twitter
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign ... Images posted to Twitter on Saturday afternoo...
Europe regain Ryder Cup – Twitter reacts
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Europe regained the Ryder Cup with an emphatic victory over the United States at Le Golf National in...
Ryanair warns on profits as strikes and oil prices take their toll
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Ryanair has issued a profit warning after suffering the effects of recent crew strikes and rising fu...
Internet giants making us ignorant, stupid and unhappy – Michael Buerk
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Veteran broadcaster Michael Buerk has accused internet giants Facebook, Google and Twitter of having...
Malmesbury competition celebrates 'excellent' emerging artists
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Ross, also from St Joseph's School, won in the 8-year-old category with Freya Morris and Michael Pit...
OPINION: Sun shines on Gloucestershire and Forest Green | Wilts ...
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September sun shone on Gloucestershire cricket last week. A hard fought game against Derbyshire was...
Families of two Bloody Sunday victims awarded damages by MoD – solicitor
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The families of two men shot dead on Bloody Sunday have been awarded a total of £700,000 in damages,...
Michael Gove and leadership of the Tories
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Sir, Clare Foges rightly draws attention to the pace and value of Michael Gove's reforms as educatio...
Practice makes perfect for Gunn
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Southampton goalkeeper Angus Gunn has revealed his preparation paid off as he helped his side defeat...
US honeymooner killed in NI crash was 'kind and loving', family says
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Relatives of a US honeymooner killed in a road crash near a popular tourist destination in Northern...
Bourton runners star at Chedworth fun run
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Jake's brother Michael, age nine, is another young runner with massive potential for the future with...
Silva's goal came at perfect time to ease City frustrations, says Sane
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Leroy Sane was denied what looked a clear penalty in Manchester City's win over Hoffenheim (Michael...
Higgins condemns 'outrageous' claims over presidential allowance
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Irish President Michael D Higgins has said he was “hurt” over allegations he used his 317,000-euro p...
Pret a Manger announces full ingredient labelling after death of teenager
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Prime Minister Theresa May has said the Government will look at companies' responsibilities on food...
Grenfell Inquiry: What have we learned from firefighters' evidence?
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London Fire Brigade staff have been giving evidence for 42 days of the Grenfell Tower public inquiry...
Planning Department Weekly List
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Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awa...
Lewis Hamilton surprised by 'dream' run of races
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Lewis Hamilton revealed he has surprised himself by the run of “dream” drives which leave him standi...
Kent's Joe Denly scoops multiple PCA awards
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Michael Gough picked up the Harold Goldblatt Award for the PC...
Higgins 'stopped being wonderful' years ago, opponent claims
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Irish presidential hopeful Peter Casey has said he does not give incumbent president Michael D Higgi...
Forest Green v Newport County preview
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Michael Flynn: "He'll (Charlie Cooper) miss out and it's a shame because I thought in the second hal...
FOOTBALL: Bennett inspires Cirencester
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It was in the last minute that the game was finally 'put to bed' after a mix up between Marine left...
Man in court charged with murder of midwife found in shallow grave
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Michael Stirling, the brother-in-law of Miss Eastwood's ex-fi...
Wigan and Wane heading to Old Trafford once again
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Castleford, urged on by a vociferous following of 4,500 fans, had their moments, particularly throug...
Court: Medics fear life imprisonment over restrictive NI abortion laws
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Northern Ireland's restrictive abortion laws have left medics fearing life imprisonment, a court hea...
Michael D Higgins lauds courage of civil rights protesters
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The Irish president has said the reconciling vision and courage of Northern Ireland's civil rights l...
UK announces extra £6m to protect endangered wildlife
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Britain will provide an additional £6 million to counter the poaching trade threatening some of the...
Bake Off star Prue Leith urges Government to teach children to love food
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TV chef Prue Leith has called on the Government to teach children to love cooking or the obesity pro...
Kommentar: Junge Union, junge Merkel
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Der Beiname „Mutti“, der als attributiver Tag- und Nachtschatten an Angela Merkel haftet, soll auf d...
FOOTBALL: Fairford come from 3-0 down to win 5-4
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... on the clock before Tobias London doubled the Ardley advantage with a powerful effort on 21 minu...
5 things we learned from the Japanese Grand Prix
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He has 12 more pole positions than any driver in history, is now just 20 wins off Michael Schumacher...
5 things you might not know about John Terry
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Terr...
New commission to advise on £7bn infrastructure spending
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Infrastructure Secretary Michael Matheson said: “We have already committed to increasing Scotland's...
Woman to be sentenced over text to man who then committed murder
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The defendant, of Langdale Road, Darlington, sent former partner David Saunders, 33, a picture of he...
Every player has their price, but nobody leaves on the cheap – Steven Gerrard
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Steven Gerrard insists the days of Rangers selling on the cheap are over. Brighton have been linked...
High-profile victim of major cancer-screening scandal in Ireland dies aged 37
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A high-profile victim of a major cancer-screening scandal in Ireland has died aged 37. Emma Mhic Mha...
Poznań: Widowisko "Thriller Live!". Przeboje Michaela Jacksona w Sali Ziemi
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Gdyby żył, Michael Jackson świętowałby w tym roku swoje 60. urodziny. Niestety, ta niezwykła postać...
Emergency orders in Florida as 'monstrous storm' nears
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A tropical weather system has rapidly strengthened into Hurricane Michael and is likely to keep grow...
Urkunden und Nadeln verteilt
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Ein besonderes Geschenk für 20, 25 und 40 Jahre Mitgliedschaft gab es mit einem Marmorherz mit Gravu...
Nationalists told to wait til 'time is right' for IndyRef2
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Nationalists who are pressing for Nicola Sturgeon to call a second referendum on independence have b...
Rubber-stamped Budget to be unveiled today
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Ireland's Government is to unveil a Budget today following last-minute talks to rubber stamp next ye...
Union chief: Prisons are crumbling, violent and understaffed
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... She will also spring to...
Call for tougher water leak targets with three billion litres lost every day
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MPs are calling for tougher targets for cutting water leaks, after figures showed a “shocking” three...
UK to beat 2020 tourism target this year, says VisitBritain
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The UK will beat a major tourism target two years early, VisitBritain has claimed. Forty million ann...
Business leaders: Reaching Brexit deal critically important for NI
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Useful discussions with the EU Task force 50 at their invitation. Gives us a much better understandi...
Frank Lampard backs John Terry to succeed if he chooses career in coaching
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In addition to Lampard, the successful Chelsea team Terry thrived in and led also had, among others,...
'Monstrous' Hurricane Michael heads towards Florida
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A fast and furious Hurricane Michael sped towards Florida on Tuesday night with 120mph winds and a p...
Michael Jepsen Jensen ma zostać w Falubazie. Klub w tym tygodniu zabierze głos
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Myślę, że Michael w ostatnich meczach pokazał się ze świetnej strony. Bardzo lubię go jako człowieka...
EasyJet boss predicts more airline failures following Primera Air collapse
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More airlines are likely to fail due to rising fuel costs, the boss of easyJet has warned. Chief exe...
Hairdressers warn of jobs threat posed by hike in VAT rates
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A hairdresser in north Dublin has said the government's VAT hike will discourage others from opening...
In Pictures: A look back at the weddings of the Queen's grandchildren
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Princess Eugenie will be the fifth of the Queen's eight grandchildren to wed. With a range of offici...
Man killed as Hurricane Michael slams into Florida
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At least one person has died after Hurricane Michael slammed into the Florida Panhandle with terrify...
Any way back for Lafferty? Talking points ahead of Northern Ireland v Austria
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Northern Ireland return to Nations League action in Vienna on Friday when they face Austria in the f...
Huragan Michael uderzył we Florydę. Są ofiary śmiertelne. Jak wygląda huragan z kosmosu? NASA publikuje zdjęcia i ...
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Huragan Michael jeszcze w środę po południu miał moc 4 na pięciostopniowej skali Saffira-Simpsona. H...
Paddy McNair happy to switch to right-back if needed for Northern Ireland
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... McNair fears not having a re...
'Nothing left' after Hurricane Michael's rampage on Florida Panhandle
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Hurricane Michael's pounding waves and winds have obliterated row after row of beachfront homes afte...
High Street suffering 'worst year on record' – figures
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Sophie Michael, head of retail and wholesale at BDO, said: “2018 has been an incredibly challenging...
Sports Direct buys Glasgow's Frasers building in £95m deal
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Sports Direct has vowed to create the “Harrods of the North” after clinching a £95 million deal to b...
Minister under fire after ScotRail's contract compliance waived
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A trade union has called on the Transport Secretary to resign after it emerged the Scottish Governme...
May briefs ministers ahead of crunch Brexit talks
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A number of ministers, including Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, Envir...
Hurricane Michael causes 'unimaginable destruction'
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More than 900,000 homes and businesses in Florida, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas are without po...
Michael Carrick enthused by Gareth Southgate's happy England camp
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Michael Carrick is happy to see England players enjoying themselves under Gareth Southgate after exp...
Germany boss Joachim Low brushes off Michael Ballack criticism
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Joachim Low says he does not care about criticism from Michael Ballack following Germany's dismal Wo...
Michael O'Neill calls for Northern Ireland to show more self-belief
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Michael O'Neill wants his Northern Ireland players to show more self-belief on the international sta...
Michael D Higgins vows more transparency in expenses during campaign debate
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The first debate involving all six Irish presidential candidates has taken place. The event, broadca...
Talking points for Bosnia and Herzegovina v Northern Ireland
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Northern Ireland face Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo on Monday in the second of two back-to-back...
Win tickets to Thriller Live at Everyman Theatre
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Expect nothing less than a showstopping performance on Monday 22 October 2018 paying homage to one o...
Michael O'Neill hoping Northern Ireland find away form against Bosnia
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Northern Ireland need to find a cutting edge away from home when they take on Bosnia and Herzegovina...
#RoyalBaby: The funniest social media reactions as pregnancy announced
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Jour...
Royal Baby: Who are the Markles?
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's baby will have a host of relatives he or she is unlikely to see muc...
Families search for missing people in wake of Hurricane Michael
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Five days after Hurricane Michael slammed into the Florida Panhandle, people are struggling to locat...
Michael O'Neill impressed with Gavin Whyte despite glaring miss in Bosnia
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Gavin Whyte may have been guilty of an incredible miss but Northern Ireland manager Michael O'Neill...
Judge throws out Stormy Daniels' defamation action against Donald Trump
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A US federal judge has dismissed Stormy Daniels' defamation action against President Donald Trump. J...
Take responsibility and be constructive in Brexit talks, Germany urges May
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Germany has urged Theresa May to “take responsibility” for Brexit, as a crunch summit approaches wit...
Namhafte Mitglieder verlassen Verein wegen dessen AfD-Nähe
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Der Verein war 2003 durch Helmut Kohl, Michael Glos, Stephan Hilsberg, Giovanni di Lorenzo, Lutz Rat...
Irish presidency candidate says Travellers camp on someone else's land
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A candidate to become the next Irish president has said Travellers are simply people camping on some...
Motor racing legends pay tribute to inspirational charity boss
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... at Gloucester Cathedral paying tribute to Hope for Tomorrow founder Christine Mills OBE were Bri...
Whatever will be, will be – the history of Wembley
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Fulham owner Shahid Khan has withdrawn his offer to buy Wembley Stadium. The Football Association sa...
Six presidential candidates go head to head in first televised debate
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The first televised Irish presidential debate featuring all six candidates was held on Wednesday nig...
William welcomes new GCHQ puzzle book
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The Duke of Cambridge has emphasised the importance of keeping “mentally fit” as he welcomed a new c...
Prison scans all incoming mail in drugs crackdown
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A prison is electronically scanning all incoming mail to combat attempts to smuggle drugs in on card...
Varadkar references IRA border bombing to emphasise journey to peace
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Four customs officials were...
Building work begins at Fairford's Pre and Primary School
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport · Awards · Letters · E-e...
Delta announces new Boston route from Edinburgh
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Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, also welcomed th...
Women may experience more chemotherapy side-effects than men
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Dr Michael Davidson, clinical research fellow at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Our...
John Light reflects on the perfect Cotswold Christmas
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A warm tribute to the Drillmans Arms at Stratton was made by Michael Beresford and an alternative li...
Two men appear in court charged with murder in Battersea
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Two men have appeared in court charged with the murder of a 46-year-old man in south-west London. Mi...
Police dispute Irish president's security claims during Belfast trip
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Police in Northern Ireland have disputed the Irish President's claim that he had to travel to Belfas...
Readers flock to comment on John Light's Brexit views
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A warm tribute to the Drillmans Arms at Stratton was made by Michael Beresford and an alternative li...
IRA bomb victims demand justice on 25th anniversary
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Victims of one of the most notorious IRA bombings of the Northern Ireland conflict have said they ar...
Ryanair profits knocked by higher fuel costs and strikes
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Chief executive Michael O'Leary said: “As recently guided, first half average fares fell by 3%. Whil...
Plastic straws could be banned in a year
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Plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds could be banned in a year's time. Environment Secretary Mic...
Julia Louis-Dreyfus receives top comedy award
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Later Keegan-Michael Key came onstage, dressed as Mark Twain himself and proceeded to roast many of...
Michael D Higgins says he used private jet following security advice from office
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Irish President Michael D Higgins has claimed that he had to travel to Belfast by private jet follow...
Downton Abbey star to narrate 11th hour Cirencester concert
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Michael Hicks Beach (then Viscount Quenington), was an adjutant in the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars...
What the papers say – October 23
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Theresa May's Brexit stand in the Commons, plastic pollution in human bodies and a “love triangle” m...
Irish President shares concerns over hard border violence risk
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Irish President Michael D Higgins has said he shares the concerns of the country's premier Leo Varad...
Midwife Samantha Eastwood murdered in 'rage' over affair, court told
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#Breaking Stoke-on-Trent man Michael Stirling, 32, has today pleaded guilty to the murder of midwife...
Tory MP shows his naked ambition with nude bike ride around London park
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A Tory MP has filmed himself cycling nude around a London park to promote the creation of an annual...
Presidential candidates clash over use of government jet
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... Irish presidential cand...
Deliveroo to revamp menus to include allergy advice
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... This week, her parents met Environment Sec...
Road casualties reach lowest recorded level in 2017
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The number of people killed or injured on Scotland's roads has reached the lowest level since record...
Presidential candidates in fiery exchanges during final TV debate
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Fiery words have been exchanged between the Irish presidential candidates and the hosts of the final...
Islanders begin voting in Irish presidential election
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Voting is under way on a number of islands in Ireland's presidential election. Ballot boxes were del...
Statement on electronic tagging to be made in Holyrood
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He was stabbed to death in July 2017 by James Wright, who was at the time “unlawfully at large” whil...
Timeline: The rise and decline of high street giant Debenhams
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Debenhams, long a staple of the British high street, has a history stretching back more than two cen...
UK Government: Fisheries Bill will create 'sustainable, profitable' industry
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Michael Gove described the B...
Adil Rashid: English cricket needs to accept there will be T20 specialists
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It was, though, just three months ago that his former Yorkshire team-mate, and Ashes-winning England...
Three men charged after pedestrians hit by car outside London mosque
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Three men will appear in court after a number of pedestrians were hit by a car outside a mosque. Thr...
Family restaurant with a myriad of flavours
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Opening in September 1977 their obsession for only the finest ingredients led to appearances on Gord...
Scottish Government pledges £200m for Tay Cities Region Deal
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The Scottish Government has confirmed it will invest £200 million in the Tay Cities Region Deal, cal...
Voters go to polls in Irish presidential election
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Voting has begun in Ireland to elect the country's next president. Polling stations across the count...
5 classic Clasico encounters between Barcelona and Real Madrid
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The hosts' victory was inspired by former Barca forward Michael Laudrup, who had left Catalonia for...
Cardiff's Bobby Reid excited to face boyhood club
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But he grew up idolising Liverpool pair Michael Owen and Steven Gerrard. “I saw Gerrard's last game...
Mourinho criticises 'unprofessional' handling of United players on national duty
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Asked if he felt better to keep giving him the chance or give him a break, Mourinho said: “Well, aga...
Fianna Fail announces first candidate to stand in a Northern Ireland election
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... “Michael Martin made the commitments in 20...
First votes cast in presidential election as islanders have their say
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They are incumbent President Michael D Higgins, Senator Joan Freeman, Sinn Fein MEP Liadh Ni Riada,...
Michael D Higgins on course to win Irish presidential election, exit polls show
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President Michael D Higgins is on course for a landslide victory in the Irish presidential election...
5 classic Clasico encounters between Barcelona and Real Madrid
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Barcelona and Real Madrid approach the first El Clasico of the LaLiga season with different pressing...
Low water levels causing problems in Germany
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A hot, dry summer has left German rivers and lakes at record low water levels, causing issues for th...
'I believe in our squad': Marco Silva always had faith Everton would find form
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Everton manager Marco Silva's faith in his players and their capacity to improve has kept him level-...
Polls close as Ireland elects president
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Incumbent president Michael D Higgins attended a polling station in St Mary's Hospital, Phoenix Park...
In Pictures: Fantasy fans descend on London Comic Con
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Let's hope The Joker and Harley Quinn don't run into Batman and Robin at the event (Kirsty O'Connor/...
Peter Casey dismisses Travellers comment as reason for vote surge
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On his idea to relocate Travellers, he said: “If I am successful, I was going to suggest we invite a...
Varadkar hails 'historic victory' for Michael D Higgins
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Ireland's premier Leo Varadkar has hailed the presidential election as an “historic victory” as Mich...
Sean Gallagher fails to gain ground with disappointing result
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“It is clear President Michael D Higgins will be re-elected for a second term and I congratulate him...
First World War timeline
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(Centre to right) First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Lord-Lieutenant of Orkney Bill Spence, former prim...
Synagogue gunman said Jews were committing genocide, police reveal
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The suspect in the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue told officers that Jews were committing g...
Charges filed against suspected synagogue gunman
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The man suspected of killing 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh has been charged with obstructin...
Casey 'kidding himself' over election votes, says Traveller
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A Traveller woman has said that Peter Casey is “kidding himself” after he rejected claims his suppor...
Sinn Fein blames 'personalised' campaign for poor showing
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The party effectively triggered the election but did not name its candidate, Liadh Ni Riada, until S...
Callum Wilson helps Cherries crush floundering Fulham
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They started with confidence, needing only until the fourth minute to almost take the lead when Jean...
Ryanair shareholders call for chairman to be replaced
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LAPFF chairman Ian Greenwood wrote to Michael Cawley, chairman of Ryanair's nomination committee, ea...
'Content and happy' Hamilton celebrating fifth title with dogs and friends
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Lewis Hamilton will celebrate winning the world championship with his dogs in Los Angeles, the trium...
Wollseifer wird neuer Schirmherr der Inter-Schuh-Service ISS 2019
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... Hans Peter Wollseifer, hat die Schirmherrschaft der ISS 2019 übernommen. Damit folgt Wollseifer...
Actress tells court she heard Geoffrey Rush's career was over
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Award-winning actress Judy Davis has told a court that she had heard comments in the film industry t...
David Beckham and Prince Of Wales to honour courage at Pride Of Britain Awards
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Ellie Goulding, Michael Sheen, Amanda Holden, the cast of Strictly Come Dancing and members of the E...
Ben Morgan climbing the ladder on and off the field
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Ben Morgan has launched a successful scaffolding business knowing from personal experience that his...
Cool response from Fianna Fail over Peter Casey's general election ambitions
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His support, which had been hovering around 1% in some opinion polls prior to the contentious remark...
Lewis Hamilton: Michael Schumacher still the GOAT
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Lewis Hamilton secured a fifth world title only days after the death of his grandfather, but the Bri...
Morgan climbing the ladder on and off the field
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Ben Morgan has launched a successful scaffolding business knowing from personal experience that his...
US bomb suspect set for Florida court appearance
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Bomb squads have been called to a post office in Atlanta about a suspicious parcel, just hours befor...
Inter-Schuh-Service ISS 2019: Handwerkspräsident Schirmherr bei Schuhmachern
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(St. Augustin) - Hans Peter Wollseifer, Präsident des Zentralverbandes des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH)...
Mike Brown dropped by England ahead of South Africa Test
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England have dropped Mike Brown for the first time in the Eddie Jones era after he was omitted from...
Klopp keen to learn from touring Kiwis
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Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp says he was happy to take some tips from the touring New Zealand rugb...
Probe into Robert McCartney murder was comprehensive, says ombudsman
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Police carried out a “comprehensive” investigation into the murder of Robert McCartney in Belfast, a...
Cook books Bournemouth's Carabao Cup quarter-finals spot
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Steve Cook scored a second-half winner as Bournemouth scraped into the Carabao Cup quarter-finals wi...
Neurology review sparked by concerns over consultant costs £1m so far
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A neurology review sparked by concerns about a consultant's work has cost around £1 million so far,...
Abschied vom Dirigenten im Sommer
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Weitere, in der Versammlung nicht anwesende, Gründungsmitglieder waren Annemarie Thees, Peter Vansel...
Leading start-up figures to support budding industry stars
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Help includes practical guidance from Skyscanner's renowned legal team, advice on digital investment...
No definitive date for Aberdeen bypass opening – Transport Secretary
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Scotland's transport secretary has told parliament he is unable to give a definitive date for the Ab...
Young people more likely to go online for mental health support, poll suggests
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Young people say they are more likely to turn to online platforms for mental health support than med...
Gunman kills two and himself at Florida yoga studio
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A gunman killed two people and wounded five others at a yoga studio in Florida before killing himsel...
Irish president urges inauguration delay to accommodate Armistice events
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Irish President Michael D Higgins has written to the country's premier requesting his inauguration b...
Gloucester man stabbed in the leg with his own knife during confrontation
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A 20 year old Londoner has admitted seriously wounding a Gloucester man by stabbing him in the leg d...
Police search for motive in Florida yoga studio killings
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Police in Florida have named the gunman who shot two people to death and wounded five others at a yo...
Probe after children hurt in slide collapse at fireworks display
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The collapse of an inflatable slide at a fireworks funfair that resulted in eight children being tak...
Friedrich Merz und die CSU: Eine Geschichte von Bündnis und Verrat
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Unter anderem CSU-Landesgruppenchef Michael Glos habe im "Gewimmel" nach dem Schäuble-Rücktritt "die...
Gatland glad to have kicked off autumn series against Scotland
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Warren Gatland believes that Wales “would have struggled” had they opened their autumn Test series a...
Premier League pays tribute to Leicester owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha
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Tributes were paid to Leicester owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha during an emotional game at Cardiff,...
Sizzling City put six past sorry Southampton
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Sergio Aguero scored his 150th Premier League goal as champions Manchester City powered back to the...
Patrick Mahomes impresses as Kansas City Chiefs beat Cleveland Browns
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Patrick Mahomes threw three touchdown passes as AFC West leaders the Kansas City Chiefs beat the Cle...
Boxer Mike Towell 'advised not to fight by doctors' before fatal bout
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Boxer Mike Towell suffered a number of suspected seizures in the years before his death and was advi...
Norwegian boss warns airline must cut costs despite 8% passenger growth
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The boss of low-cost carrier Norwegian has warned it must cut costs despite recording an 8% growth i...
Horst Seehofer kämpft um seinen letzten kleinen Triumph
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Der starke Mann der CSU in Berlin, Michael Glos, schenkte ihr eine Flasche „Jägermeister“ und rief a...
What to watch as America delivers verdict on Trump presidency
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Turnout in midterm elections is typically near 40%, much lower than presidential elections, where tu...
Targeting stem cells early could be key to bowel cancer prevention
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Treating pre-cancerous stem cells at an early stage could be key to preventing bowel cancer in peopl...
Weinstein lawyers try again to get sex assault case thrown out
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Harvey Weinstein's lawyers have asked to question in court the former lead detective in his sexual a...
Extent of Church of England work to support local communities revealed
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Thousands of churches now run or support foodbanks, giving food parcels to hundreds of people every...
May under pressure over Brexit plan legal advice
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But Brexiteers, including Environment Secretary Michael Gove, want to see the full legal advice sett...
Ben Foakes the latest to get a century on debut for England
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Ben Foakes became the 20th Englishman to score a century on debut against Sri Lanka. The wicketkeepe...
Ben Foakes impresses with bat and gloves on England Test debut
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Ben Foakes has enjoyed a memorable start to life as a Test cricketer in Galle. Here, Press Associati...
May hopes backstop review mechanism could break Brexit deadlock
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The Government is drawing up new proposals for a “review mechanism” in the Brexit withdrawal agreeme...
Bourton Juniors compete in race league
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The u11 girls race started with Grace Barrington-Cramp, 9, and Bella Harrison, 7, flying the flag fo...
Restaurant review: Grange may be 10 years old, but it doesn't feel dated
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The chef who opened Grange, Michael Tuohy, went on to prominence as the former food and beverage gen...
Health Secretary dismisses need to publish Brexit advice amid mounting pressure
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Theresa May's minority Government allies the DUP and Brexiteer MPs, including Environment Secretary...
Wayne Rooney 'set for late cameo on England return'
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Wayne Rooney is expected to make a late substitute appearance in the England friendly named in honou...
You're fired! Notable departures from Donald Trump's White House
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With US attorney general Jeff Sessions announcing he is standing down at the request of Donald Trump...
Matthew Whitaker: Who is the new acting US attorney general?
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs .... After starting his career i...
These Miami restaurants are cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Let's all be thankful for this
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Maybe you can't cook to save your life. Maybe you just don't feel like spending the day slaving away...
Lafferty back in Northern Ireland fold
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Rangers striker Kyle Lafferty has been recalled to the Northern Ireland squad for the matches agains...
Wayne Rooney and Callum Wilson named in England squad
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard Poppy · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Everton defender Micha...
Downing Street plays down reports of imminent Brexit breakthrough
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard Poppy ... Brexiteer MPs, including Environment Secretary Michael...
Conflict over whether theft of Loughinisland document was reported to police
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Durham's chief constable has insisted Northern Ireland's Police Ombudsman did report the theft of a...
Letter bomb sent to London bitcoin firm over password snub
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A Swedish man has been jailed for sending a “potentially lethal” letter bomb to a London bitcoin com...
Mercedes boss Wolff shrugs off 'Special One' tag
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In their pomp, McLaren and Red Bull both won four team titles on the trot, but only the combination...
Predator jailed for posing as woman to trick straight men into blindfolded sex
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Passing sentence at Kingston Crown Court on Friday, Vice-Judge Advocate General Michael Hunter said:...
Car transporter driver jailed
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In 25 minutes, from the time the former soldier set off from Bristol's Royal Portbury Dock until the...
Enniskillen Armistice commemorations start before dawn
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Commemorations for the centenary of Armistice Day started in Co Fermanagh before dawn on Sunday, wit...
Prince of Wales leads tributes on centenary of Armistice
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The Prince of Wales has led the Royal Family's tributes to the nation's war dead on the centenary of...
Gatland prepared to endure nervous finish for long-awaited win over Wallabies
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Warren Gatland hailed his Wales players for digging deep after they ended their long losing run agai...
Michael D Higgins pledges to be president for all people of Ireland
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Michael D Higgins has pledged to be a president for all the Irish people as he was sworn in to lead...
'Trolleyman' hailed over actions following Melbourne stabbing
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard Poppy · Register Sign in ... Michael Rogers emerged from a crowd...
Australia strawberry tampering suspect 'motivated by spite or revenge'
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A former strawberry farm supervisor retaliated over a workplace grievance by putting needles into th...
Wayne Bennett says England are on the right track
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Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard Poppy · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport...
Roger Federer's bid for 100th singles title stalls at ATP Finals
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in .... Britain's Jamie Murray and Brazilian part...
Pep Guardiola v Jose Mourinho – in focus
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Pep Guardiola's Manchester City comfortably got the better of Jose Mourinho and Manchester United in...
Former England midfielder Joe Cole hangs up his boots
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Former England, West Ham and Chelsea midfielder Joe Cole has announced his retirement. Cole, who tur...
May to face ministers after warning EU Brexit talks are reaching 'end game'
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Half a dozen Brexiteer ministers including Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and Environment Secretary M...
May set for Cabinet showdown over Brexit deal
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Theresa May is facing a crunch showdown with Brexit-backing ministers as she seeks to persuade her C...
Coroner expresses concern British soldiers could boycott Ballymurphy inquest
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A coroner has warned the court has the power to issue subpoenas to witnesses who refuse to cooperate...
Leitch says Japan will not bow down to England at Twickenham
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Michael Leitch has insisted Japan will not bow down to England or ex-coach Eddie Jones at Twickenham...
Inflation steady as lower food and clothing prices offset energy hikes
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Economists had been expecting inflation to rise to 2.5%. The ONS' head of inflation Michael Hardie s...
Cautious welcome for Brexit deal from Scottish Secretary
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... On his way into the JMC...
Claudio Ranieri sets sights high after replacing Slavisa Jokanovic at Fulham
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Claudio Ranieri has his sights set higher than mere Premier League survival following his return to...
Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti arrested on domestic violence charge
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Michael Avenatti, a chief critic of US president Donald Trump and the lawyer for porn actress Stormy...
Northern Ireland boss O'Neill expects close match against Republic of Ireland
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Northern Ireland manager Michael O'Neill i...
Brexit deal can include special terms for Scotland, insists Holyrood minister
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There is no reason why Theresa May's proposed Brexit deal cannot include special arrangements for Sc...
Ranieri aiming high after replacing Jokanovic at Fulham
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Fulham were among the Premier League's highest spenders in the summer following promotion from the C...
Who has quit the Government since the 2017 general election?
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Michael Fallon resigned as defence secretary on November 1 last year after being caught up in Westmi...
Michael Obafemi commits to Republic of Ireland
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Southampton striker Michael Obafemi has committed himself to the Republic of Ireland amid speculatio...
Brexit Live: Gove to stay as Environment Secretary as PM quizzed by public
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Michael Gove will be not be resigning from the Cabinet, sources have said, as the Prime Minister too...
Pound steadies after biggest sell-off since 2016
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The pound has steadied after enduring its biggest one-day decline for more than two years amid Thurs...
Rooney says goodbye but England say hello to future
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Michael Keane and Dunk had looked assured,...
Cokanasiga is 'something special' – England head coach Jones
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The team has regenerated – there are only five or six players left from the team that I coached and...
Pit stop: Luxury hotel built in disused mine due to open in China
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A luxury hotel opening in China is offering guests with deep pockets the chance of a very deep sleep...
Man injured in knife attack
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He is receiving treatment at Glasgow's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital where his condition is de...
Goals will flow for Northern Ireland, as soon as we get one, says Smith
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Northern Ireland defender Michael Smith believes one goal could break open the floodgates for Michae...
Ranieri hopes to turn Fulham players into fighters with burgers as rewards
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Claudio Ranieri is confident of securing Premier League survival with Fulham by turning his players...
England fight back to avoid upset against Japan
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England survived an almighty scare as Japan threatened another giant slaying before Joe Cokanasiga's...
Gary Anderson denies farting during darts in bizarre post-match interview
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs · Sport ... Gary Anderson during...
Northampton inflict more misery on Wasps
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Wasps' miserable run of form continued as they crashed to another defeat after being beaten 36-17 by...
Michael O'Neill urges Northern Ireland to forget the Nations League
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Michael O'Neill is keen to forget all about the Nations League after Northern Ireland's frustrating...
Johnson uses Olympic mindset to help recovery from stroke
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Michael Johnson has spoken of his initial anger after discovering he had suffered a stroke but insis...
O'Neill angrily defends his handling of Declan Rice situation
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Martin O'Neill has dismissed as “lunacy” suggestions he should have capped teenager Declan Rice in a...
Competition launched to find Northern Ireland's next police ombudsman
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A recruitment competition has been launched to find Northern Ireland's next Police Ombudsman. Dr Mic...
Van Barneveld to quit playing darts at end of 2019 season
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Five-time world champion Raymond Van Barneveld will quit darts at the end of 2019, saying he has los...
Philadelphia Eagles suffer crushing 48-7 defeat against New Orleans Saints
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... But it was one-way traffic after that: Tre'Quan Smith found t...
Jones ready to renew acquaintances with Cheika in Wallabies showdown
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Eddie Jones is eager to renew his rivalry with “street-fighter” Michael Cheika when England and Aust...
Michael Obafemi targets long international career after making Ireland debut
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A thrilled Michael Obafemi has set his sights on a long international career after becoming the firs...
Police appealing against Barrymore wrongful arrest payout ruling
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A police force is challenging a finding that entertainer Michael Barrymore is entitled to “more than...
Davis looks to positive future after terrible run of luck in Nations League
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Steven Davis reckons he has never known a run of bad luck like that experienced by Northern Ireland...
Success for Cirencester at Gower Ultra and Broadway marathon
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60 Rupert Chesmore 5.00.52 108 finished. Castle Combe Chilly 10km, road. On the road, in a trio of W...
Brexit: Key challenges facing Theresa May
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Michael Gove – who last week turned down the job of Brexit Secretary following the resignation of Do...
Who missed out on blue plaque tributes?
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English Heritage turned down roughly three blue plaque nominations for every ceramic they erected du...
The painter, the poet and the gay policeman – the stories behind the nominations
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Register Sign in · Register Sign in · Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... The lovers – who were a...
Police urge leading judges to overturn Michael Barrymore payout ruling
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Entertainer Michael Barrymore should receive only “nominal” damages over the wrongful arrest he says...
Glo's leadership recognised globally — Commissioner
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Welcoming guests to the occasion, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Globacom, Mr. Michael Toluhi, stat...
Samu served rugby apprenticeship during single season in Cornwall
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Rising Australia star Pete Samu has revealed his true rugby apprenticeship as a season spent in Corn...
Man challenges Australian prosecutors after suffering life-changing injuries
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A Belfast man who suffered life-changing brain injuries during a one-punch attack in Australia has c...
Michael Gove reveals which Game of Thrones character he would be
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Michael Gove has left Twitter users incredulous after sharing results from an online quiz about TV s...
Russian military intelligence chief Igor Korobov dies
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The head of Russian military intelligence, which stands accused over the fatal Salisbury Novichok at...
14 of the best things to do in Cirencester and beyond
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Walk costs £5. Booking essential 01453 834793 [email protected]. Saturday, November 24. Bear...
Consuming sugary drinks while working late shift 'could increase diabetes risk'
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... The sweetened drink study, by St Michael's Hospital in Toront...
5 talking points ahead of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard .... It was confirmed earlier this week that Mick Schumacher, the...
In Pictures: US celebrates Thanksgiving Day
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Frigid temperatures and blustery winds were no match for holiday cheer as the United States paused t...
5 talking points ahead of England's autumn international against Australia
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England conclude their 2018 autumn series when Australia visit Twickenham on Saturday. Here, Press A...
10 things we learned from the 2018 Formula One season
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Formula One makes its final stop of the year in Abu Dhabi for the 21st and concluding race of the se...
First Minister fears 'another Tory sellout of Scottish fishermen' post-Brexit
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Theresa May is lining up Scotland's fishing sector to be used as a “bargaining chip” in negotiations...
Leading Brexiteer Michael Gove visits Royal Agricultural University
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Leading Brexiteer Michael Gove visits Royal Agricultural University. By John Wilson JohnWilsonNQ Edi...
Scotland's top performing state secondaries revealed in new guide
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in · News · Jobs ... Under Michael Carslaw's assu...
Alonso hails Schumacher as greatest rival ahead of F1 exit
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Fernando Alonso said Michael Schumacher was the greatest rival of his career as the Spaniard prepare...
CelebraeStory 'We're going on a bear hunt'
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Jobs · Homes · Motors ... Tetbury fire-fighter Dave will be rea...
Paco Alcacer makes permanent move to Borussia Dortmund
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Paco Alcacer insists joining Borussia Dortmund is the “right decision” after signing with the Bundes...
Eddie Jones v Michael Cheika in focus
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England completed their autumn international campaign with a 37-18 victory over Australia at Twicken...
Ranieri begins Fulham reign with victory over Southampton
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Aleksandar Mitrovic scored twice as Claudio Ranieri won his first match as Fulham boss to pile press...
On-shelf labels to remind shoppers of foodbanks
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On-shelf labels reminding shoppers about items needed by food banks are to be introduced in a major...
Jones defends Farrell tackle technique after England beat Australia
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard ... The Wallabies were overrun 37-18 in the climax to the Quilter...
Monchengladbach hit back to beat Hannover and move second
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Thorgan Hazard fired them level in the seventh minute and Michael Lang put them in front just before...
Jack Leach stars as England complete series whitewash of Sri Lanka
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Jack Leach ensured England kept their nerve in Colombo to turn their series win over Sri Lanka into...
Chinese scientist claims he created world's first genetically edited babies
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A Chinese researcher claims he helped make the world's first genetically edited babies — twin girls...
May's Brexit deal is worst of all worlds and doomed to fail – Sir Michael Fallon
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Theresa May's Brexit deal has been attacked as the “worst of all worlds” by one of her staunchest al...
Joe Root beaming as England prove themselves overseas
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Joe Root believes England's triumphant Test tour of Sri Lanka proves they are no “one-trick pony” an...
Gangland feud led to 'stone cold murder' of underworld duo
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A gangland feud led to the double murder of an underworld “Mr Big” and a mob “fixer” a court heard t...
FTSE 100 slips; retail sales improve in November, says CBI in cautious update
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Michael Hewson, chief market analyst at CMC Markets UK commented: “The decision to cut the dividend...
Verstappen will push me hard in 2019, predicts F1 champion Lewis Hamilton
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Lewis Hamilton says he expects Max Verstappen to be in the thick of next season's Formula One champi...
TOWN FLIER: Pryce is on the money for Town
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Michael Doughty, Kyle Knowle, and Ellis Iandolo in particular, had excellent games. The visitors' pr...
Leicester edge past Southampton on penalties
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Southampton manager Mark Hughes made five changes from the team that lost at Fulham at the weekend a...
Bevan frustrated after Fairford loss
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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard · Register Sign in ... Fairford boss Jody Bevan rang the changes...
Judge rejects Turkey's extradition request against media tycoon over coup bid
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A prominent critic of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has had the “politically motivated” ext...
Judd Trump not satisfied despite 6-0 win in UK Championship opener
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The in-form Judd Trump blew away first-round opponent David Lilley at the UK Championship in York bu...
Michael Sheen reveals how Brexit and Trump caused split with Sarah Silverman
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Michael Sheen has told how Brexit sparked the end of his relationship with comedian Sarah Silverman....
Winson resident new chairman of life-saving helipad charity
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Michael Henriques, has been a trustee of the charity for the last eight years. The County Air Ambula...
UFC star Conor McGregor banned from driving for speeding
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Irish UFC fighter Conor McGregor has been disqualified from driving for six months after he was caug...
New Navy frigate to be named HMS Edinburgh, Defence Secretary announces
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Britain's latest warship will be named HMS Edinburgh, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has announc...
French President Emmanuel Macron 'speechless with rage' at Brexit fishing deal
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French President Emmanuel Macron was “speechless with rage” over agreements between the EU and UK on...
Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen admits lying to Congress
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Michael Cohen, US President Donald Trump's former lawyer, has made a surprise appearance before a fe...
Man charged with dangerous driving over fatal crash
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A 34-year-old man has been charged with dangerous driving causing the death of a married father in C...
Cirencester boss wants Forest Green and Swindon fans to cheer his side on
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Town boast a raft of former Forest Green players, including Michael Pook, who has also played for th...
Side issues loom over G20 summit as world leaders arrive in Buenos Aires
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World leaders have arrived in the Argentine capital for the G20 summit of the globe's largest econom...
Quarter of trainee doctors report burnout to a high or very high degree
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A quarter of trainee doctors report feeling burnt out to a high or very high degree, with two in fiv...
Ireland's native sports of hurling and camogie added to Unesco list
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Ireland's native sports of hurling and camogie have been added to Unesco's list of protected cultura...
Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen does not deserve prison, judge told
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Lawyers for US president Donald Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, say he should be spar...
Mourinho says United can no longer tempt the best players from their rivals
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Mourinho pointed to the example of United paying large sums to Tottenham for Michael Carrick and Dim...
Theresa May hit by new Brexit resignation
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Theresa May's hopes of winning backing for her Brexit deal have suffered a fresh blow as universitie...
Stop fishing and catch Loughinisland killers, police told
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Police who arrested two film-makers who produced a documentary on the Loughinisland massacre must st...
David Wagner unhappy with referee Michael Oliver
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Huddersfield boss David Wagner was furious with referee Michael Oliver following his 10-man side's 2...
Christmas classic falls foul of #MeToo concerns
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A Cleveland radio station says it has stopped playing Baby, It's Cold Outside after some listeners s...
United come from two down to draw at Southampton
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Romelu Lukaku and Ander Herrera's goals snatched slapdash Manchester United a 2-2 Premier League dra...
FULL-TIME: Cirencester Town 4 Fleet Town 0 Ciren sink Fleet to underpin promotion hopes
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Father-of-two planned to take family on Christmas trip days before death
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A father-of-two who was killed in a car incident has been described as man who was “so life-giving”...
The sporting weekend in pictures
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The sporting weekend featured a controversial draw between Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder for the WBC...
Gove says Government can win vote on Theresa May's Brexit deal
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The Environment Secretary Michael Gove, who acknowledged it would be 'challenging' to get the deal t...
Kosovo prepare to welcome England for “biggest ever” match
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England's visit to Kosovo in the Euro 2020 qualifiers will be “the biggest event in the history of f...
Ackerman calls for full 80-minute performance from Gloucester
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Worcester's scrum-half Michael Heaney who made his first start in the Premiership in the absence of...
Lawyers for Trump seek to punish Stormy Daniels with court fees
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Mr Harder had not put a dollar figure on sanctions he was seeking before the hearing, and Ms Daniels...
Studieren auf dem Land
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Mit Landtagspräsidentin a.D. Barbara Stamm und Bundesminister a.D. Michael Glos standen prominente P...
Michael Gove urged to make changes to Fisheries Bill by Scottish Minister
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Fisheries Secretary Fergus Ewing has written to Michael Gove calling for changes to the UK Fisheries...
Tributes paid to former professional motorcyclist killed in crash
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The family of a former professional motorcyclist killed in a crash has paid tribute to him, saying h...
Ex-Trump aide should be spared jail after Russia probe cooperation – prosecutors
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Donald Trump's former national security adviser provided so much information to a probe into alleged...
Government found in contempt of Parliament in historic vote
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Some 26 Tory MPs – including former ministers Sir Michael Fallon, Damian Green and Sir Oliver Letwin...
Environment Secretary rejects move to reintroduce lynx to Britain
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Environment Secretary Michael Gove has written to the trust informing it he has accepted Government...
Macht Merz Schäuble zum Kanzler?
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Eine Überraschung ist es nicht, dass Schäuble für Friedrich Merz eintritt. Von den dreien, die er in...
George HW Bush arrives home for Texas burial
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George HW Bush, who shaped history as 41st president and patriarch of a family that occupied the Whi...
Claudio Ranieri and Fulham denied by Leicester leveller
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Claudio Ranieri was denied a memorable victory over Leicester when his former team recovered from a...
Thames Water confirms talks with Government amid Brexit threat to clean water
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Thames Water has warned of a no-deal Brexit threat to clean water and confirmed talks with the Gover...
Opinion: Germanys Afghan Job Still Important, Still Dangerous
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Almost 2,000 German soldiers will move from Kabul to northern Afghanistan, leaving 500 in the capita...
Protecting EU external border becomes "priority" for ...
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Franz Josef Jung, deputy group leader of the CDU/CSU party alliance in the German parliament, said t...
German minister Franz Josef Jung resigns over raid
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German minister Franz Josef Jung resigns over raid
Die BAMF-Affäre ist auch für die Kanzlerin brandgefährlich
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Die Rückendeckung Merkels sollte Seehofer aber vor allem eine Warnung sein. Die Liste der politisch...
Tudi politikom je lahko v gospodarstvu mehko postlano
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Nekdanji nemški obrambni minister Franz-Josef Jung je od maja lani član nadzornega sveta oboroževals...
Wirklich alles olle Kamellen?
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September 2009 der damalige Verteidigungsminister Franz-Josef Jung (CDU) in Oberndorf auch Heckler u...
Liebe Mama, was hat dir an der RAF gefallen?
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Jede historische Figur – von Helmut Schmidt über Franz Josef Strauß bis Heinrich Böll – darf in alte...
Por qué Alemania, la gran potencia europea, tiene un ejército cuyo armamento es una "catástrofe"
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... de un oficial de inteligencia alemán que había alertado de la presencia de guerrilleros talibane...