Primerjaj Maria Böhmer in Andrea Nahles ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Maria Böhmer![]() |
VS |
Andrea Nahles![]() |
Die integrative Staatsministerin
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
Das Integrationsressort war nicht ihr Traumziel. Doch inzwischen geht Staatsministerin Maria Böhmer...
Botswana: Minister of State Böhmer Visits Botswana ...
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- Zunanje zadeve, Vloga vlade
Press Release - Professor Maria Böhmer, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, will visit...
SPD-Generalsekretärin bringt Tochter zur Welt
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- Zdravstvo
Die SPD-Politikerin Andrea Nahles ist von einer gesunden Tochter entbunden worden. Es ist das erste...
Tensions rise in Germany's Turkish diaspora, mirroring ...
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- Imigracija
But Labour and Social Affairs Minister Andrea Nahles told Reuters after meeting Turkish groups in Be...
Working conditions worsen in Germany - World Socialist Web ...
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- Vloga vlade
Stress and pressure on the job are on the increase, according to a report of the Federal Employment...