Primerjaj Hamzah Haz in Nelson Rockefeller ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
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Kerap Diisukan PDIP-PKI, Karimun Usman : 85 Persen Pemilih PDIP Itu Muslim
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Dia mencontohkan, saat Ketua Umum PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, menjabat sebagai presiden yang jadi...
Pantun Kode PPP untuk Jokowi soal Cawapres
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Pada pantun kedua, Baidowi menyinggung soal Hamzah Haz, yang pernah menjabat Wapres di era Megawati...
Beri Contoh Sikap Negarawan, Said Didu: Habibie Mengundurkan Diri sebagai Capres saat Ditolak MPR
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Rapat itu dihadiri tokoh-tokoh Golkar seperti Ginandjar Kartasasmita, Akbar Tandjung, Marzuki Darusm...
18 Mei 1998: Ketua MPR Desak Soeharto Mundur
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Agar bisa segera memproses pengunduran diri Soeharto, Harmoko akan mengadakan rapat pimpinan fraksi....
Presiden Jokowi Dan Sejumlah Menteri Kabinet Kerja Hadiri Resepsi Pernikahan Cucu Soeharto
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Hadir juga tokoh-tokoh nasional seperti Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia Ke-9 Hamzah Haz, Presiden...
20 Tahun Era Reformasi Korupsi Makin Menjadi-jadi
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Sekarang, jadi pejabat dulu baru jadi napi. Diakui atau tidak, para politisi dan pemimpin sekarang i...
Konagi: Publik Juga Berharap Ada Poros Baru
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“Coba amati serta perhatikan tokoh-tokoh nasional asal daerah seperti Adam Malik dari Sumatera Utara...
Selain Jokowi-JK, SBY-Budiono dan Sejumlah Ulama Hadiri Akad Nikah Putri Oesman Sapta
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... semua yang hadir mengamininya. Di antara mereka yang hadir ada juga tokoh-tokoh nasional, sepert...
The Life and Strangely Sexual Death of Nelson Rockefeller
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Brobdingnagian, a word penned by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels, comes closest to describing p...
The accidental president who wore power lightly reminds us that normality isn't a bad thing
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Had Ford been assassinated, his vice president, Nelson Rockefeller, would have become president. Tod...
George F. Will: President Ford's Welcome, Steady Calm
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Had Ford been assassinated, his vice president, Nelson Rockefeller (also confirmed by Congress under...
Rockefeller's great-grandson selling luxe NJ home for $3.4M (PHOTOS)
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The home, owned by Nelson Rockefeller Jr. and his wife, Amy Taylor, is described as a "spectacular"...
Fore! Calder's Portrait of John D. Rockefeller Golfing Heads to Auction
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The wire and wood sculpture, which is dated to about 1927, was given by the artist to Nelson A. Rock...
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College is conducting an Upper Valley housing survey
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You can take the survey, which was shared on the listerve by Ronald G. Shaiko, at this link: https:/...
RE McKenna's New Book "The Little Boy from SoHo" Recounts the Harrowing Case of a Young Boy's Disappearance ...
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... and former US vice-president Nelson A. Rockefeller's personal bodyguard, has completed his new b...
DA to hold meetings on legal weed, rethink policies
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In the 1960s, drug addiction was treated as a medical problem in New York, and Nelson Rockefeller, t...
See which NJ celebs' homes were in foreclosure, sold or listed for sale this spring
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Those on the market ranged from Nelson Rockefeller's great-grandson's glitzy Montclair mansion to a...
Massive Rockefeller estate auction could fetch $1 billion
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It's one of 47 works bought in 1968 by a syndicate that included David Rockefeller, his brother, New...