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Dilip Patel vs Prasanna Kumar Patasani

Primerjaj Dilip Patel in Prasanna Kumar Patasani ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Dilip Patel

Dilip Patel

Prasanna Kumar Patasani

Prasanna Kumar Patasani
Dilip Patel
Prasanna Kumar Patasani
Fairfield India
New Delhi India
Rojstni datum
Bharatiya Janata Party
New Havering mayor the first British Asian man to hold post
2018.05.30 - Vir :75% - News
On Wednesday, May 23, at the first full council meeting following local elections, a new Havering ma...

Evansville City Council OK's tax incentive for old Schnucks store; tables noise ordinance
2018.05.08 - Vir :95% - News
The seven-year phase-in on property taxes was approved 9-0, and it's worth about $425,000 to Washing...

New leader of Havering Council appointed last night at annual meeting
2018.05.24 - Vir :90% - News
Conservative Cllr Dilip Patel, who represents Mawneys Ward, was named as Mayor of Havering- he serve...

Gujarat HC upholds sentences of 19 people in Ode riots case
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The convicts who were acquitted are Dilip Patel, Lalji Patel and Natubhai Patel. The high court also...

Hindu Heritage Day celebration a grand success
2018.05.24 - Vir :85% - News
These dignitaries and other distinguished guests/respected community members including Dinesh Tanna,...

'Akhand jyot' reinstalled at Sardar Patel's House
2018.05.19 - Vir :75% - News
On Saturday, a group of councillors of Karamsad Nagarpalika along with senior citizens from the town...

Conservative Damian White elected as Havering Council leader
2018.05.23 - Vir :75% - News
As expected, Dilip Patel was installed as mayor for the next year. Three residents councillors voted...

ITHS Today's Teen Krishna Patel
2018.05.07 - Vir :85% - News
Parents: Dilip and Alpa Patel, Pleasant Prairie. Most memorable high school moment: "My most memorab...

Havering election: Who won in your ward? See the full list of last night's winners and losers
2018.05.04 - Vir :85% - News
Dilip Patel – Conservative – 2,276. Carol Smith – Conservative – 2,227. Linda Trew – Havering Reside...

Fast for Karamsad's special status ends after BJP assurance
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The town residents had begun the fast under the aegis of Sardar Hitrakshak Samiti on Sunday to seek...

Huge Mahanadi rally held at Narasinghpur
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Health and Family Welfare Minister Pratap Jena, State Cashew Corporation Chairman Muna Khan, MP Bhar...

Naveen Patnaik launches anti-child labour campaign
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Labour Minister Sushanta Singh, construction workers welfare board chairman Subash Singh, Bhubaneswa...

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今天(5月14日)上午,印度国会“官方语言委员会”议员帕萨纳•库马尔教授(Prasanna Kumar Patasani)、拉克...

2018.05.29 - Vir :85% - News
2018年5月28日,印度“中国之友协会”(Friends of China Society, FOCS)在新德里举办庆祝中印建交68周年活...