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Deb Fischer vs Alfred Peza

Primerjaj Deb Fischer in Alfred Peza ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Deb Fischer

Deb Fischer

Alfred Peza

Alfred Peza
Deb Fischer
Alfred Peza
Washington United States
Tirana Albania
Rojstni datum
Labor, News
US Senator Deb Fischer optimistic about passage of 2018 Farm Bill
2018.05.31 - Vir :75% - News
STANTON - “Get it done.” Those are words from U.S. Senator Deb Fischer on the currently stalled 2018...

Sen. Deb Fischer wins Nebraska GOP primary
2018.05.16 - Vir :85% - News
Sen. Deb Fischer of Nebraska has won the Republican nomination in her bid for a second term in offic...

FCC Commissioner, Sen. Deb Fischer looks into rural Nebraska broadband business
2018.05.29 - Vir :95% - News
It was a big day for leaders in the broadband world in Nebraska. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr and S...

Farmers join Senate challenger Jane Raybould in criticizing Deb Fischer on tariffs
2018.05.07 - Vir :75% - News
Senate challenger Jane Raybould aimed a pair of Nebraska farmers at Sen. Deb Fischer on Monday over...

Nebraska primary elections 2018: Deb Fischer defends her Senate seat while Democrats target House pickup
2018.05.15 - Vir :80% - News
In the Nebraska primary election on Tuesday, voters will pick their candidates for what is expected...

In Nebraska's Senate race, Jane Raybould may aim for center as Deb Fischer banks right
2018.05.27 - Vir :90% - News
One problem: Fischer has already beaten Kerrey. She did so in 2012 by following a modern GOP playboo...

Fischer welcomes announcement of new guidance on Hours of Service Rules for livestock and ag haulers
2018.06.03 - Vir :85% - News
LINCOLN — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration released clarifying guidance on hours of s...

Don Walton: Democratic nominees face financial challenges
2018.06.03 - Vir :90% - News
Ricketts, Krist, Raybould, Fischer. Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts (clockwise from top left) will be...

Fischer points to performance as she seeks re-election
2018.06.01 - Vir :75% - News
Sen. Deb Fischer is focused on a re-election campaign message of performance, accessibility and expe...

Trump on Twitter (May 16): Lou Barletta, Deb Fischer, Gina Haspel ...
2018.05.16 - Vir :95% - News
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump...

Samo sodelujoči - Incompatibilitate
2016.09.07 - Vir :99% - Labor

Temporary Prosecutor General Arta Marku Suspends Two Prosecutors Exit
2018.05.14 - Vir :85% - News
Former MP Alfred Peza, who operates the news portal Alpenews.al, published a three-part series of ar...