Primerjaj Damian Green in Enrico Zanetti ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Damian Green![]() |
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Enrico Zanetti![]() |
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Pipe down, Jacob Rees-Mogg, your noises off are making Britain look weak, writes DAMIAN GREEN
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Amid the cacophony of claims and rival claims over our departure from the EU, there's one fact we ca...
If Rudd, Green and Greening really want to soften Brexit, they'll need a better plan
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Today's Times reports that Amber Rudd, Justine Greening and Damian Green met the prime minister yest...
Damian Green: Pensioners should draw on property equity to fund social care
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Older people would be required to set aside some equity from their homes to help tackle the social c...
Senior Tory plans raid on pensioners' homes to solve care crisis
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Damian Green, who served as work and pensions minister and Theresa May's unofficial deputy, suggeste...
Pensioners who own properties without mortgages should draw down money to fund social care
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Damian Green, the former First Secretary of State, said that the key to tackling the social care cri...
Daily Mail to pay Kate Maltby £11000 costs over negative article
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The Daily Mail has agreed to pay £11,000 towards legal costs and remove a negative article about Kat...
Sacked ministers secretly lobby Theresa May in bid to unite Tories around 'sensible Brexit'
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THREE top Tories have been personally lobbying Theresa May for a "sensible Brexit" that Remain and L...
Theresa May's former deputy Damian Green says PM's favoured customs plan will not happen
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Damian Green said that a so-called 'maximum facilitation' arrangement with Brussels was the "most li...
MP Damian Green gets involved in fight to stamp out horse neglect in Ashford
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Will Sajid Javid force Theresa May's hand on immigration?
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So what about the “tens of thousands” target for net immigration, blurted out one day by Damian Gree...
Vi spiego pregi, difetti e incognite della Flat Tax di Salvini e Di Maio. Parla Enrico Zanetti
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Prof, magistrati e dirigenti: tornano i tecnici nel governo "lampo" di Cottarelli
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Enrico Giovannini, ex ministro nel governo di Enrico Letta, ex presidente dell' Istat, potrebbe anda...
Calcio. Azionariato popolare in Italia, ad Enna si fa sul serio
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Fra loro c'è anche la schermitrice Valentina Vezzali e l'ex viceministro Enrico Zanetti. Anche Furin...
Maldini, Zanetti e Totti con Cassano: Genova in festa per la Partita del Cuore
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Flat tax: la riforma del fisco giallo-verde avvantaggia soprattutto i ricchi
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Secondo i calcoli degli esperti tutta l'operazione comporterebbe un fabbisogno molto elevato. Si tra...
Viterbese-SüdTirol, vigilia carica di attese: Zanetti piomba sui playoff!
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VIDEO | Es geht los: Was ist für den FCS in Viterbo drin?
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Deshalb hat Zanetti leichte Anpassungen an seiner Startelf vorgenommen. Anstatt der hängenden Spitze...
Partita del Cuore con Antonella Clerici e Carlo Conti nel ricordo di Fabrizio Frizzi
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