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Cristian Popescu Piedone vs Radu Mazăre

Primerjaj Cristian Popescu Piedone in Radu Mazăre ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Cristian Popescu Piedone

Cristian Popescu Piedone

Radu Mazăre

Radu Mazăre
Cristian Popescu Piedone
Radu Mazăre
Former Mayor
Former Mayor
Bukarešta Romania
Bukarešta Romania
Rojstni datum
National Union for the Progress of Romania
Social Democratic Party
News, Vloga vlade, Izobraževanje, Obramba, Pravosodni sistem, Gospodarstvo
News, Gradnje stanovanj, Vloga vlade, Civil Rights, Pravosodni sistem
RESULTS ELECTION district 4:Piedone, a new warrant at the town hall | Romania Libera
2012.06.10 - Vir :85% - Vloga vlade
RESULTS ELECTION district 4:Piedone, a new warrant at the town hall | Romania Libera

Cristian Popescu-Piedone: my Intention for 2012 is to run under the UNPR
2011.11.03 - Vir :75% - Vloga vlade
Cristian Popescu-Piedone: my Intention for 2012 is to run under the UNPR

Cristian Popescu Piedone was reunited with the bosses PC: To no longer comment as I'm running from I don't know what city Hall has...
2011.10.03 - Vir :80% - Izobraževanje, Vloga vlade
Cristian Popescu Piedone was reunited with the bosses PC: To no longer comment as I'm running from I...

Elena Udrea announced that Popescu Piedone will be the coordinator of the campaign the PDL-UNPR in the elections of November 2012...
2011.12.13 - Vir :95% - Izobraževanje
Elena Udrea announced that Popescu Piedone will be the coordinator of the campaign the PDL-UNPR in t...

Cristian Popescu-Piedone announce his decision to join the national interest and will run from TUESDAY, all at the...
2015.09.01 - Vir :95% - Izobraževanje
Cristian Popescu-Piedone announce his decision to join the national interest and will run from TUESD...

Radu Peas has sent a letter of apology to jewish organisations
2009.07.21 - Vir :90% - Vloga vlade, Civil Rights
The mayor of Constanta, Radu Peas, sent, Wednesday, a letter of apology and explanation of his move...