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Codruţ Şereş vs Ioan Avram Mureșan

Primerjaj Codruţ Şereş in Ioan Avram Mureșan ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Codruţ Şereş

Codruţ Şereş

Ioan Avram Mureșan

Ioan Avram Mureșan
Codruţ Şereş
Ioan Avram Mureșan
Former Minister
Former Minister
Bukarešta Romania
Târgu Mureș Romania
Rojstni datum
Conservative Party
Pravosodni sistem, Vloga vlade, Labor, Obramba, News
Obramba, News
Codrut Seres, the president of Antena 1 and Intact Production
2010.06.23 - Vir :95% - Labor
Codrut Seres, the president of Antena 1 and Intact Production

PC comes out of the government, the minister of Economy resigns
2006.12.03 - Vir :95% - Vloga vlade
PC comes out of the government, the minister of Economy resigns

File Espionage in ministries: the Traitor had been paying maintenance of the spy
2006.11.26 - Vir :80% - Vloga vlade
File Espionage in ministries: the Traitor had been paying maintenance of the spy

Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, brought to justice in the folder privatisations
2009.03.30 - Vir :95% - Pravosodni sistem
Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, brought to justice in the folder privatisations

The former minister Codrut Seres was sentenced to 6 years in prison in the case in which is accused of treason
2013.12.03 - Vir :90% - Pravosodni sistem
The former minister Codrut Seres was sentenced to 6 years in prison in the case in which is accused...

Former ministers Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, incarcerated at the Rahova Penitentiary after they have been sentenced to...
2015.01.27 - Vir :85% - Pravosodni sistem
Former ministers Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, incarcerated at the Rahova Penitentiary after they hav...

The former Economy minister, Codrut Seres, sentenced to 4 years in state prison
2016.02.29 - Vir :90% - Pravosodni sistem
The former Economy minister, Codrut Seres, sentenced to 4 years in state prison

2016.08.30 - Vir :90% - Obramba
Procurorii susțin că foștii miniștri ai Economiei şi Comunicaţiilor le-ar fi furnizat informaţii con...

Codruta Kovesi gestiona protocoale cu MAI înainte de 2008
2018.05.21 - Vir :90% - News
Este vorba despre cazurile de spionaj "Stamen Stancev-Codruţ Şereş", "ALRO Slatina", "Nuclearelectri...

2016.08.30 - Vir :100% - Obramba
Decebal Traian Remes a primit produse alimentare (carnati si palinca) in valoare de 1.500 lei si sum...

2016.09.09 - Vir :100% - Obramba
A fost acuzat de deturnare de fonduri.

EXCLUSIV Remus Borza, după achitarea lui Tăriceanu: Veritabilă declarație de independență video
2018.05.26 - Vir :80% - News
... aminte de celebrul dosar "Caltaboșul", instrumentat de DNA în 2007, în care ministrul de atunci...

Blestemul lui Iuliu Maniu și al lui Ion Mihalache. Telegramele CIA care îl confirmă
2018.05.22 - Vir :75% - News
Tinerii parlamentari țărăniști de la acea vreme, enumerați în 1994 de Coposu ca speranțe ale partidu...