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Bambang Brodjonegoro vs Bedri Hoxha

Primerjaj Bambang Brodjonegoro in Bedri Hoxha ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.

Bambang Brodjonegoro

Bambang Brodjonegoro

Bedri Hoxha

Bedri Hoxha
Bambang Brodjonegoro
Bedri Hoxha
Džakarta Indonesia
Tirana Albania
Rojstni datum
Democratic Party
Govt invites businesses to explore potential in poor areas
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... the number of people living below the bread line was 26.58 million in September last year, or 10...

2018 won't see repeat of 2015 haze crisis: Indonesian Minister
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SINGAPORE - Singapore looks set to see a third straight year with no haze, due in part to Indonesia'...

Talks begin on how South East Asia can achieve green growth
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Indonesian Minister of National Development Planning Dr Bambang Brodjonegoro said that maintaining '...

Blue Book 2018: EU-Indonesia Development Cooperation
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Openness in global trade is 'very critical' to worldwide growth: Indonesian minister
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As the U.S. and China sit down for a round of talks to discuss recent trade disputes between the two...

Indonesia drafts low-cost financing scheme for green energy
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Bappenas head and National Development Planning Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said in Jakarta on Tue...

What's Next: May 18, 2018
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... climate change and how to encourage green growth, among other topics. Key speakers include Minis...

Retailers project 20% sales boost during Asian Games
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“About 80 percent of the spending will come from the spectators of the games, 4.67 percent from athl...

Indonesia committed to green development
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During the 5th Singapore Dialogue on Sustainable World Resources on Friday, the National Development...

Komodo Airport to be Developed as International Airport
2018.05.10 - Vir :80% - News
Other than Hiramsyah, attending the meeting were National Development Planning (Bappenas) Minister B...