Primerjaj Angelino Alfano in Daniel Herman ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Angelino Alfano![]() |
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Daniel Herman |
Wang Yi Meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Angelino Alfano of Italy
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On May 21, 2018 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Minister of Foreig...
Pakistani abortion woman back in Italy (2)
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(ANSA) - Milan, May 24 - A young Pakistani woman and Verona resident who was forced by her family in...
Alfano slams EU Budget Commissioner's comments on Italy
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Rome, May 29 (IANS/AKI) Italy's Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano on Tuesday sharply rebuked European...
Alfano si è molto risentito con Di Maio
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Angelino Alfano ha insultato Luigi Di Maio su Twitter e ha minacciato di denunciarlo per aver messo...
"Ora sciacquati la bocca..." Scontro Alfano-Di Maio Il Giornale
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Angelino Alfano risponde in modo duro a Luigi Di Maio. Scontro tra il capo politico dei grillini e i...
Italy student flies home from Pakistan after forced abortion
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"Farah has finally returned to Italy and is now in a safe place," said Foreign Minister Angelino Alf...
Angelino Alfano da record: quasi 3mila giorni da ministro
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Un record che Alfano infrange proprio oggi, giorno del terzo giro di consultazioni di Sergio Mattare...
China, Italy agree to boost Belt and Road cooperation
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The remarks were made during Wang's meeting with his Italian counterpart Angelino Alfano on the side...
Italy brings Pakistani woman back after forced abortion The Boston ...
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Italy's foreign minister proudly announced the return to Italy on Thursday of a young Pakistani woma...
Italy brings Pakistani woman back after forced abortion Herald-Whig
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Italy's foreign minister has proudly announced the return to Italy of a young Pakistani woman who wa...
“Union in the EU”: Czech Premier criticizes His proposal
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- Gospodarstvo
For example, the Christian democratic Minister of culture Daniel Herman of a “good news for Austria...
Neues Theaterfestival in Prag wird Václav Havel gewidmet
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- Vloga vlade
Kulturminister Daniel Herman (Christdemokraten) erklärte, es sei notwendig, an das Vermächtnis von V...
Šéf ústavu pro totality Herman skončil. Je to politizace, říká Nečas
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- Civil Rights
Předseda Ústavu pro studium totalitních režimů Daniel Herman končí ve funkci. Na středečním jednání...
Czech delegation presents saint Anežka ...
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- Religion
... Saturday to present a statue of Czech patron saint Anežka to the Vatican. The delegation include...
Daniel Herman - ministr kultury
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- Vloga vlade
Daniel Herman je ministrem kultury ve vládě Bohuslava Sobotky.
Minister Herman is Israel's main ally in Czech ...
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- Zunanje zadeve
Prague, Sept 17 (CTK) - Culture Minister Daniel Herman (Christian Democrats, KDU-CSL) is considered...
Plans to remove pigsty on site of former Nazi camp in ...
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- Vloga vlade
... Culture Minister Daniel Herman and Justice Minister Robert Pelikan visited the site earlier this...
Herman D. Farrell Jr., a Fixture of New York Politics, Dies at 86 The ...
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Herman D. Farrell Jr., a perennial New York State Democratic assemblyman from Manhattan and one of t...
TDM Bridge Builder: Daniel Herman, Solar Electric Propulsion System Lead
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When it comes to NASA's Solar Electric Propulsion project, Daniel Herman helps lead the charge. As a...
Russian and American propaganda examined at CWU
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“The war for minds: Russian and American propaganda” was presented by CWU history professor Daniel H...
Michelina 'Mickey' Rogers-Herman, 78
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... step-children, David (Karen) Herman, Dan (Jenny) Herman, Tom (Margaret) Herman and Mary (Dale) B...
Daniel Herman: Novičok? Znám Drábovou a věřím jí. Znám i Zemana, a proto mu nevěřím. Zjednodušme odvolání ...
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ROZHOVOR Miloše Zemana nevolil, protože takhle prapodivný způsob výkonu prezidentské funkce bývalý m...
Vegas expecting improvement from Texas based win projections
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After the Longhorns finished the 2017 season with just seven total wins and placed sixth in the Big...
Brother of far-right party leader running for Christian Democrats
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Prague, May 23 (CTK) - Czech-Japanese Hayato Okamura, older brother of anti-EU far right Freedom and...
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4: Vitor Jordao (M) d. Ben Darby 6-0, 6-0. 5: Olavo Neto (M). d. Daniel Herman 6-0, 6-0. Doubles. 1:...
CR boys tennis team builds on legacy
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ALTAMONTE SPRINGS — The final outcome may have been the same as last year, but members of the Crysta...
Three arrested for trailer theft
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When one truck exited Sjolander Road, Officer Ganey and Deputy Daniel Herman made a traffic stop, an...
Ex-owners of nursing home face felony charges
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The state Attorney General's Office has filed multiple felony counts, including welfare endangerment...
State charges former Focus Otsego operators
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The charges were made against Joseph Zupnik, Daniel Herman and CCRN Operator LLC, doing business as...
Denny Farrell laid to rest
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Herman Daniel “Denny” Farrell Jr., Manhattan native and politician leader, was an important represen...
Former owner, manager of Otsego nursing home accused of ...
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The former owner and former manager of a nursing home in the town of Otsego are both facing several...
HONOR ROLL: Carlin Elementary School, Ravenna
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Fifth grade: Kaitlynne Arus, Taylor Brown, Brooke Bryant, Kenzia Bunch, Destiny Carpenter, Kaysia Cr...
BOLO: Runaway from Summit Academy; Stolen vehicle on Herman Road
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SUMMIT TOWNSHIP, Pa. – State police in Butler have issued 2 BOLO's this morning, or “Be On Look Out”...
HONOR ROLL: Carlin Elementary School, Ravenna
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Fifth grade: Kaitlynne Arus, Taylor Brown, Brooke Bryant, Kenzia Bunch, Destiny Carpenter, Kaysia Cr...
Herman nad první Havlovou lavičkou na Slovensku: Ideály roku 1989 zůstávají platné, i přes současnou smutnou realitu
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Na Slovensku byla ve středu v Košicích odhadlena první lavička Václava Havla. Dosud bylo podobných l...
Nursing home owners face felony charges after quality declines at former county-owned facility
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Operator-owner Joseph Zupnik and Daniel Herman, a top-level manager, were arraigned May 31 on three...
Herman: Že lidovci spolupracovali s KSČ? 12 poslanců ve vězení, 10 v emigraci, 4 mrtví
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„Nezlobte se, ale události staré více, než 75 let, jsou záležitostí pro historiky. Pokud Vás to skut...
Former Otsego Co. nursing home owner, manager charged with ...
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Former owners of a nursing home in Otsego County are accused of endangering residents while in charg...
Texas is a QB away from a 10-win season. As usual.
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The battle, and the injuries and demotions that came with it, defined quite a bit of Herman's first...
Former Otsego County nursing home owner, manager face endangering charges
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Joseph Zupnik, former owner of Focus Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Cooperstown, and Focus' ma...
Focus arrests revive debate about nursing home
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Joseph Zupnik, Daniel Herman and CCRN Operator LLC, doing business as Focus Rehabilitation and Nursi...
Pioneering users of 'exoskeleton' technology share their stories
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Ben Rogers and Daniel Herman, partners at the firm, were among the first solicitors to secure payout...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Dobrý den. Proč nekandidujete na senátora v Praze? A není to trochu divné, že sposta kandidátů z dan...
Ernest Herman Samora, 80
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Ernest was preceded in death by his parents; his sons, Ernest John Samora (infant), Daniel E. Samora...
In Our Opinion: Focus Otsego is a sad story that goes on and on
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The state Attorney General's Office filed multiple felony counts against Joseph Zupnik, Daniel Herma...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Dobrý den, vím, že už nejste ministr, ale 4 roky jste byl a mohl jste se v tom angžovat. Evidentně o...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Jak hodnotíte výrok Merkelové, která řekla, že pro poválečné vyhnání Němců nebylo žádné ospravedlněn...
Honor Roll: Crestwood Middle School
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Sarah Maretka, Maddison Mariani, Natalie Marotta, Daniel Masiello, Alexis McKenzie, Samuel Miller, L...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Protože jako ministr kultůry jste se nízce vykroutil z mého dotazu na zmizelou a i komunisty ctěnou...
Budete pořád vyčítat panu prezidentu Benešovi odsun nácků a fašounů? Zde je odpověď Daniela Hermana čtenáři
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Daniel Herman považuje tuto kapitolu česko-německé historie za uzavřenou, neboť došlo k podepsání Če...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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V roce 1973 dosáhly Československo a SRN dohody o navázání diplomatických styků. Při této příležitos...
Trinity Christian College dean's list
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Several local students were named to the spring dean's list at Trinity Christian College, including:...
Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette area People in Business
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The Greater Baton Rouge Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals has elected Daniel S...
Streamlining and translating basic science discoveries into the clinic
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Daniel Herman, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, has developed a...
Herman, Tecl, Orgoníková i Martinec chtějí senátní křeslo za Chrudim a Brod
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Kvůli svému angažmá v Sobotkově vládě je nejviditelnější laicizovaný katolický kněz a exministr kult...
Put All Nursing-Home
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Focus CEO Joseph Zupnik and Daniel Herman, a partner in the company. The company that operated Focus...
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He will also be missed by two sisters, Darleen (Richard) McCafferty and Bonnie (Alan) Fritz; his che...
SC's booming black market for deadly snakes and exotic turtles puts animals in peril
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... holding ponds, apparently awaiting shipment. On Herman's computer, state natural resources inves...
He imported 220 deadly snakes to SC, where illegal animal trade is growing
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The death last year of a third major dealer, Freddie Lee Herman Jr., has sparked inquiries into peop...
Opoziční smlouva? Vynikající nápad, básní Klaus. Pak se ale ozvali Kalousek, Herman, Pilip a další
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Jeho stranický kolega a bývalý ministr kultury Daniel Herman poznamenal, že se historie opakuje. „M....
Poor care fuels felony charges
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Joseph Zupnik and Daniel Herman, the owner and manager of the Otsego nursing home, were arraigned Ma...
Round 18 NRL team lists
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Knights: 1 Nick Meaney, 2 Ken Sio, 3 Sione Mata'utia, 4 Cory Denniss, 5 Shaun Kenny-Dowall, 6 Connor...
Daniel F. Dreyer of Chester, NY, dies at age 74
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Daniel was a beloved husband, father, and grandfather who put his family above all else. He enjoyed...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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"Nemůžeme do Česka pustit migranty." Babiš po slovech z Německa a Rakouska svolává Bezpečnostní radu...
Seacoast improv troupe Stranger Than Fiction turns 15
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Stranger Than Fiction's current members are Andy Morgan, Chris Klemmer, Connell Altschiller, Daniel...
Obituary: Daniel Louis Steinmann, 69, of Hannibal
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Daniel Louis Steinmann, 69, of Hannibal, passed away at 5:35 p.m. Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at Barnes-J...
Why Texas Will or Won't Make the College Football Playoff in 2018
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The University of Texas and its well-heeled boosters didn't lure Tom Herman to Austin just to see th...
Will Texas be a top-25 team? Here are 3 questions for each Big 12 school leading up to media day
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Ron Baselice/Staff Photographer. Tom Herman,right, head football coach at Texas, talks to the media...
Citadel Advisors Holds Holding in General Dynamics (Put) (GD); Euclidean Technologies Management Raised Stake ...
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Euclidean Technologies Management Llc increased its stake in Miller Herman Inc (MLHR) by 20.47% base...
Bavarian TV: Czech ambassador not greeting Sudeten German meeting
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The first official Czech government representative to address the SL meeting was culture minister Da...
Český velvyslanec vynechal zdravici u sudetských Němců. Kvůli výrokům Merkelové
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Český velvyslanec sice v neděli zavítal na setkání sudetských Němců v bavorském Würzburgu. Jenže pod...
Candidates qualify for ballot
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District 11. Dana Cottrell (DEM). Daniel Webster (REP) *Incumbent. Luis Saldana (WRI). Governor. And...
Herman zaplatil za VIP salonek více než Šlechtová. Ministerstvo to ...
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VIP salonek na ruzyňském letišti využilo při svých zahraničních cestách osm ministrů bývalé koaliční...
Jersey numbers unveiled for Texas newcomers on defense
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He can dip and bend to defeat offensive linemen, and he shows strong instincts. Carson can play seve...
Longhorn Links (July 17): Texas takes stage at Big 12 Media Day
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Herman Kicks Things Off for Texas at Big 12 Media Days — Big 12 Conference Herman and four senior Lo...
Theater Review: You can bet on Tuesday Night Improv for lots of laughs
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The troupe's current members are Andy Morgan, Chris Klemmer, Connell Altschiller, Daniel Gannon, Dav...
Daniel Herman, ten utrácel nejvíc. Fakta lezou ven
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Karlu Šlechtovou kdysi dávno tepaly Lidové noviny za používání VIP salónku na letištích. Nyní jsou k...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Hodně se hovoří o Horákové a dalších popravených v politických procesech za minulého režimu. Jaký ži...
Man accused of driving while intoxicated while leading deputies on chase
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“Daniel Hernandez-Campuzano was arrested and booked into the Harris County Jail, charged with evadin...
Broyles Kelly
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Kristin Ragsdale Kelly and Nathan Allen Broyles were united in marriage on December 16, 2017 at six...
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In the group were Justin Cluck, Kevin Hastings, Johnathan Taylor, Johnathan Nola, Derrick Cowan, Jer...
Luthuli House 'cash-in-transit' man's shady past
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Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba said in a statement earlier that he was shocked to discover that o...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Měly by mít za zpronevěry politiků trestány i jejich děti? ... Např: Politik zpronevěří (čti:ukradne...
Texas offers four-star California ILB
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inside linebacker Daniel Heimuli on Wednesday afternoon. "Honored to receive an ... UT's recruiting...
EXCLUSIVE: One of Cincinnati's largest hospitals getting new leader
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UC Health has hired Lafe Bauer as chief administrative officer of the Daniel Drake Center for Post-A...
Dudley Ray Hendricks
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He was born November 29, 1939 in Muhlenberg County, KY to the late Jesse Herman Hendricks and Mattie...
Dočká se Poliklinika Pod Marjánkou opravy? Čas kvapí
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Proti tomuto rozhodnutí se Praha 6 obratem odvolala a tehdejší ministr kultury Daniel Herman (KDU-ČS...
Russian firm indicted in special counsel probe cites Kavanaugh decision to argue that charges should be dismissed
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A Russian company accused by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III of being part of an online operat...
M. Richard Printy
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Richard is survived by his three children, Cathryn (James) Kadushin of Gilbertsville, Pa., David (Sa...
Crowded RB room could provide biggest boost to Texas ground game
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A multitude of issues kept the offense grounded for long stretches during Herman's debut, but there'...
Aloysius "Al" Kunkel
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... (Rochelle), Thomas (Laurel), Andrew (Debbie), Rosemary (James) Wall, Virginia (Steve) Jesiolowsk...
Daniel y Rosario en Acto del 39 Aniversario de la Revolución (19 de julio de 2018)
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Compañero Daniel Ortega Saavedra, Comandante de la Revolución Sandinista, Presidente Constitucional...
Texas taking hard look at four-star 2020 WR Mims
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A multitude of issues kept the offense grounded for long stretches during Herman's debut, but there'...
Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson: The DC-Before-Superman Panel
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By Mike Sangregorio. What is today known as comics publisher DC began life as National Allied, found...
The 2018 Eisner Award Winners Revealed Comic-Con 2018
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... Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books); Sky Masters of the Spa...
What's Happening: July 22, 2018
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The Last Friday of the Month presentation at the Clemenceau Museum on July 27 will feature father-an...
Bibey, James Daniel
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In addition to his parents, James was preceded in death by one brother, William Herman Bibey. James...
“I think Connor was the best player on the field,”Pearce said.
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... Meaney was fantastic at the back and winger Nathan Ross' contribution to the win was enormous. I...
The 2018 Eisner Award Winners Revealed Comic-Con 2018 ...
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This year's Eisner Awards honored critical darlings like Monstress, Mister Miracle and My Favorite T...
2018 Eisner Awards: The Complete Winners And Losers List
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... Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books); Sky Masters of the Spa...
Herman isn't looking for friends. He's looking for answers.
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There's truth in what Herman said, regardless of how ponderous his delivery was. Texas lost the best...
Majitel budov Transgas v Praze požádal o jejich demolici
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Praha - Majitel souboru budov Transgas na Vinohradské třídě v Praze podal na příslušném úřadě žádost...
Tom Herman suspends Texas LB Demarco Boyd from team activities
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Third-year sophomore Demarco Boyd has been suspended from all team activities, Herman said in a stat...
Herman, Texas hoping for 'quite a bit' of impact from 2018 class
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FRISCO, Texas — The 2018 recruiting cycle proved Tom Herman and the current regime in place to lead...
One critical camp question facing each Texas position group
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A lot of questions will be asked until the time Texas gets back on the field against Maryland, a tea...
Herman Shine, One of the Few to Escape Auschwitz, Dies at 95
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One was Herman Shine. Indeed, Mr. Shine lived to be one of the last surviving escapees from Auschwit...
Duluth eye doctor relies on faith, humor during 30 years on the job
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She's been seeing Essentia Health ophthalmologist Dr. Daniel Skorich for "a lot of years," and it wa...
Divorce Filings
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Herman – Patrick S. and Krista L. Jackson – Laketa Sha Ron and Joram Lawrence. Lamott – Nicole and G...
Krádež foťáku, agent StB. Jak se kvůli pražské památce hádá majitel s úředníkem
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Bývalý ministr kultury Daniel Herman mi potvrdil, že památkaři uvnitř nemají co dělat," podotkl Lipp...
NRL team lists: Each club's round 21 squad
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1 Kalyn Ponga, 2 Ken Sio, 3 Sione Mata'utia, 4 Cory Denniss, 5 Shaun Kenny-Dowall, 6 Connor Watson,...
Deadline for candidates for senators expires, 233 get registered
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In the Chrudim ward, presidential candidate Jiri Hynek (Realists) will fight former culture minister...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Pane Hermane, platí to všeobecně, nebo je to jen nějaké výběrové právo? Když M. Němcová v parlamentě...
Todos Medical, Ltd. Appoints Herman Weiss, MD MBA as New Chief Executive Officer
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- News today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Herman Weiss, MD MBA as...
As Longhorns begin practice, some questions to ponder
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California graduate transfer Tre Watson could help stabilize the running back position, and Herman h...
Texas Fall Camp 5-for-1 Special: Buy 1 month, get 4 months free
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Horns247 is gearing up for fall camp as Year 2 of the Tom Herman era officially begins this week wit...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Takže, pokud Grebeníček hájí slova svého otce, tak je to zločin, ale pokud syn hájí ukradené peníze...
Texas still riding momentum from bowl season as fall camp begins
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Along with who will be the primary man behind center, Herman and Co. also need to see who will emerg...
Programming, casting notes for International Evenings of Dance at Vail Dance Festival
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“Scenario” (an excerpt), Jared Angle, Daniel Applebaum, India Bradley, Preson Chamblee, Jason Collin...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Karel Januška: Žádám, aby se republika stala právním státem. Je třeba přísně dodržovat literu Ústavy...
Cayuga County property transfers: Aug. 5, 2018
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Margaret A. Speno, 176 N. Herman Ave., Auburn, to Christopher J. Yorkey and Kelly A. Yorkey, P.O. Bo...
Nancy J. Fry
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... of Dawn, of Lancaster, Dana M. Lichty, wife of Christopher, of Willow Street, Julie A. Fry, comp...
Top 50 Angel Investors Based On Investment Volume And Successful Exits
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35) Will Herman (55 investments). 36) Scott Belsky (53 investments). 37) Rick Marini (53 investments...
'The only one that matters is the one at the end'
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Coming out of the bowl victory, Herman welcomed back seven starters on offense (among them running b...
Texas freshman safety making the most of his chance
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“He's physical,” Herman said Sunday. “I saw that in the spring. You can't see much here in these las...
Tom Herman is Trying To Return the Texas Longhorns to Prominence
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In his second season in Austin, Texas Longhorn coach Tom Herman is trying to follow in some very lar...
New stage but familiar cast for Tottenham
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By Martyn Herman. LONDON (Reuters) - Off the pitch the furniture at Tottenham Hotspur will have a sh...
Canadian Cirkunov to fight at UFC Fight Night in Moncton
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... to Corey Anderson, snapping a two-fight win streak. In addition to the matchup between Cirkunov...
Texas Football: Ball security a main focus of fall camp
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In the second year for the program under head football coach Tom Herman, Texas football has a few ma...
21-year-old man arrested in connection to infant girl's death
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ROBSTOWN – Robstown city officials say a 21-year-old man, who is connected to an investigation of th...
Amanda Gagnon
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In addition to her parents she is survived by her sister, Alyssa Gagnon; her maternal grandparents,...
Practice Report: Quick takes on offense from practice No. 5
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“We're already thin in that linebacker room, so we felt that he's the closest young guy to being sui...
5 bold predictions for Texas A&M in 2018: Aggies will have a top-20 finish in Year 1 under Jimbo Fisher
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A&M may be in several tight games this season, and having a dependable kicker like Daniel LaCamera c...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Dobrý den. V těchto dnech mámě opět výročí atomových bomb svržených USA na Hirošimu a Nagasaki. Japo...
Fri // Rickmobile World Tour
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... Beth pins, masks, plushies, and more before all the Jerrys (aren't all Rick & Morty die hards Je...
Progress of Texas offense helping create positive practice vibes
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AUSTIN, Texas — Going back to his first spring on the Forty Acres, Tom Herman hasn't been shy about...
Ehlinger, Buechele making progress ahead of first fall scrimmage
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AUSTIN, Texas — Saturday will mark the first fall scrimmage for Texas, an event that could be a pivo...
Longhorns taking toned-down approach after first week of practice, first scrimmage
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Herman indicated that sophomore Daniel Young is one who has a stronger, physical frame. “Daniel's th...
Sports in brief
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Herman denies being source of Smith allegations — Texas coach Tom Herman said Saturday that a report...
History suggests Texas running game will bounce back strong
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Texas head coach Tom Herman spent three seasons as Meyer's offensive coordinator at Ohio State, from...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Pane Hermane, proč není nikde a ani nikým z KDUČSL připomenuto atomové bombardování Hirošimy a Nagas...
China Seeks Influence in Europe, One Business Deal at a Time ...
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A mysterious Chinese company went on a buying binge in the Czech Republic following Xi Jinping's cal...
ZVĚŘINA: Místní či náplava. Do Senátu vždy nepostoupí importované hvězdy
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Nejznámější politik z celorepublikového pohledu je Daniel Herman, bývalý ministr kultury a od května...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Při obhajování sudetských Němců a jejich zločinů na národech Evropy v souvislosti existencí tábora p...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Dobrý den, v dotazech na vás je jasně vidět, jak se komunisté snaží ostatním vnutit svou pravdu a vč...
Longhorn Blitz: Depth chart shaping up as Texas camp winds down
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The tentacles of both situations have reached the Forty Acres with Texas facing Maryland in the seas...
Texas Judge Greenlights Securities Fraud Class Action Against Exxon, Rex Tillerson
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The attorneys for Exxon Mobil include Nina Cortell and Daniel Gold with Haynes & Boone in Dallas, an...
Tom Herman on Texas' tight QB battle: 'We need to have one guy be ahead for more than one day'
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A host of names, including Cal graduate transfer Tre Watson, sophomore Daniel Young, sophomore Tonei...
Exministr Herman čtenářům: Němec není nacista, Rus není bolševik
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I na tuto otázku Daniel Herman odpovídal. „Myslíte, že i dnes projde komunistům u jejich voličů úpln...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Dobrý den, prosím o Váš názor na tato fakta : Pár skutečností k zamyšlení ... Macron, francouzský pr...
Star search: Seven Longhorns are vying to win the starting job as Texas running back
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Six are in the College Football Hall of Fame. More than 40 of them have produced 1,000-yard seasons....
Daniel Nations: 'I'm not what they made me out to be'
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Widespread speculation of Nations' involvement in multiple killings sparked after his arrest in Sept...
Texas Football: Tom Herman says Longhorns “don't have a D'Onta Foreman yet”
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At this point, the Horns look to have a three-headed monster coming out of the backfield between sop...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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říkáte,že nynější komunisté nejsou schopni se distancovat od minulých postojů/viz názor jejich předs...
Texas coach Herman: Sam Ehlinger earns starting QB position for Longhorns
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At running back, Herman mentioned Daniel Young (sophomore, Houston Westfield), Tre Watson (graduate...
Why it's easy to make the case against Texas being ranked in the AP preseason Top 25 ballot
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Herman didn't name a starting running back but noted that sophomore Daniel Young, Cal graduate trans...
Lidé pískali na Babiše kvůli obavám z komunistů, míní opozice
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Pískotem během projevů představitelů hnutí ANO při dnešní pietě za oběti okupace v roce 1968 lidé po...
Texas Longhorns Football: Tom Herman puts Daniel Young, Tre ...
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A competition between seven scholarship running backs on the Texas roster has resulted in three emer...
On the Move: Herman Miller Names Andi Owen President and CEO
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Daniel Piselli has been promoted from senior associate to director of sustainability at FXCollaborat...
Pískot na Babiše. Lidé ukazují, že jim to není jedno, uvedl exministr ...
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ON-LINE/ Pískotem během projevů představitelů hnutí ANO při dnešní pietě za oběti okupace v roce 196...
Focus neglect case to wait until Sept.
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Joseph Zupnik, Daniel Herman and CCRN Operator LLC, doing business as Focus Rehabilitation and Nursi...
Longhorn Links (Aug. 22): Texas named 'surprise team for 2018'
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Each weekday Horns247 puts together Longhorn Links, the staff's daily round up of all news pertainin...
Four-star wide receiver Higgins focused on finalists
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AUSTIN, Texas — Heading into the team's second and most critical scrimmage of the preseason last wee...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Ze zájmem jsem si přečetl vaše memento k srpnu 1968. Jaksi jsem nepostřehl vaše memnto k výše uveden...
Texas RB Daniel Young on perhaps being the go-to choice: 'Of course, you want it to be you'
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Texas coach Tom Herman divvied his seven scholarship running backs into three tiers. Young, graduate...
Daniel Solander: a Linnaean disciple on HMS Endeavour
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Solander and Banks lost three of their party to the infection: Sydney Parkinson, John Reynolds and H...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Dobrý den. Potomky sudetských Němců , o kterých tvrdíte, že se starými Sudeťáky nemají nic společnéh...
Texas' leading rusher won't be a QB this season
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AUSTIN — Daniel Young doesn't want to see Sam Ehlinger atop the list of leading rushers when the 201...
Weiss named chief medical officer; She still plans to continue orthopedic practice
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She's no stranger to the hospital or the medical field. Weiss and all six of her siblings practicall...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Pane Hermane, tak SUDETŠTÍ Němci, kteří se sdružují ve spolku, který stále chce mít co dělat s vyrov...
Texas offense eliminating turnovers, scoring more in preseason
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AUSTIN, Texas — Put the ball in the end zone and don't stumble over yourself trying to cross the goa...
MATTER OF RECORD: Aug. 17 through Aug. 24
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21: Erick Alexis Gavaldon and Jessica Nicole Flores; Adam Daniel Gomez and Abigail Salgado Gavaldon;...
Dr. Robert H. Reitz
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Robert was born on March 14, 1927 in Elmwood, WI to the late Herman and Mary (Hofacker) Reitz. He gr...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Dobrý den, bylo někdy předmětem zkoumání to, oč jde vlastně dnešní KSČM? Proč se nikdy nedistancoval...
Tom Herman puts out the first depth chart. These are the Longhorns' starters
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Last week, Herman announced that Sam Ehlinger beat out Shane Buechele for the starting quarterback j...
Mgr. Daniel Herman
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Tak pozor, pane Hermane! Němce pardonujete jako národ (Už jsou to přeci jiní Němci!). A Rusů jen tu...
Horns247 staff bold predictions for Texas in 2018
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Preseason is the perfect time to make bold statements about what the future holds for the college fo...
SENÁTNÍ SOUBOJ: Na bruslích až do Senátu? Hokejista versus trenér Sáblíkové
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PRAHA Chrudimská soupiska pro senátní volby je nabitá: exministr Daniel Herman, hokejista Vladimír M...
Complete look at Texas' Week 1 two-deep ahead of Maryland
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Texas football has unveiled the 2018 season-opening two-deep as the Longhorns look to redeem themsel...
'Million Dollar Listing' Home at the Center of $3 Million Fraud Lawsuit
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According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Daniel Starr (through his company, South of No N...
Eyes on Texas: Tom Herman is sidestepping all questions about Tim Beck for good reason
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When Tom Herman arrived at Texas, one of his biggest priorities was to stop the revolving door in th...
Texas vs. Maryland odds: 2018 college football picks by proven model on 7-0 run
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The model knows that Texas went 7-6 last year in Tom Herman's first season as head coach, ending in...
Four incumbents are leaving trustee seats in Laramie County
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Candidates in LCSD1 are: Brittany Ashby, Bertel Budd, Paulette Gadlin, Marguerite Herman, Christy Kl...
'The sky is not falling': 5 takeaways from Tom Herman's Monday press conference
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But Texas went away from Ingram in the second half and reverted back to experience with Cal graduate...
TCU defensive back Michael Onyemaobi 'probably' out for season
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"Although the outcome is similar to last year's opener, this one feels much different," Herman said....
Signs of life at last in Newcastle as the Knights come back from the depths
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Their outside backs don't contribute enough in attack or defence, their middle forwards aren't that...
Years Gone By
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Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Daniel, Jr., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Frank Hobson, born...
Herman skulle øvelseskjøre – se hva som dukket opp på gårdsplassen
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De fleste med noe i nærheten av bilinteresse får raskere puls av tanken på å kjøre en ny Porsche på...
Mark Anthony Minter
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He loved attention, staying overnight at his grandparents; Herman and Della Minter, (always kept his...
Texas Football: The hot seat for Tom Herman won't be determined until Week 3
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True freshman J.T. Daniel was solid in Week 1, but it came against the UNLV Rebels. We don't have en...
If past is prologue, uptight Texas will play fast, loose, upbeat vs. No. 22 USC
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Really, really hard, Herman said. Fortunately for him, the Longhorns have shown a serious propensity...
Duke QB Daniel Jones, corner Mark Gilbert undergo surgery, will miss Saturday's game vs. Baylor
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After suffering injuries in Saturday's 21-7 win over Northwestern, Duke (2-0) starting quarterback D...
Calhoun County property transfers
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William Daniel Hair, Meridith F. Hair and Meridith A. Faulling to Edward C. Lee, TMS 096-00-00-019,...
Hayato Okamura odmítá politiku svého bratra. Ptejte se ho, co by prosazoval v Senátu
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Podporu mu vyjádřili i exministr kultury Daniel Herman, kněz Tomáš Halík nebo europoslanec Pavel Svo...
Budování romského památníku se zastavilo
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Bývalý ministr kultury Daniel Herman (KDU-ČSL) loni na podzim oznámil, že vláda po více než dvaceti...
Texas running back Keaontay Ingram listed as 'doubtful' for showdown with USC
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Running back Keaontay Ingram will likely miss this weekend's game against USC, Texas coach Tom Herma...
Joan J. Milaeger
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Joan was born in Sister Bay, WI on September 10, 1927, the daughter of the late Herman and Mayme (ne...
As USC awaits, Tom Herman's Longhorns still seek signature win
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AUSTIN – Sam Ehlinger did not feel relief in the moments after he completed the most important pass...
Focus execs plead guilty in neglect case | Local News | thedailystar ...
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Two executives from Focus Otsego pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in the Town of Otsego Court o...
Focus execs plead to misdemeanor, to pay $1 million | Local News ...
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Two executives from Focus Otsego pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in the Town of Otsego Court o...
Complete look at Texas' depth chart for USC
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But second-year head coach Tom Herman is not overlooking any part of the Trojans' roster, which he b...
Former nursing home officials plead guilty to endangering charges in neglect case
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Joseph Zupnik, former owner of Focus Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Cooperstown, and Focus' ma...
USC-Texas prediction: Can the Longhorns finally claim a signature win under Tom Herman?
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Along comes another pivotal game in the Tom Herman era at Texas, facing a top-25 team at home, one t...
In Our Opinion: Focus case doesn't feel like justice
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Joseph Zupnik, majority owner of CCRN Operator LLC, the corporation that held the ownership certific...
BON Round Table: Can Texas get over the hump against No. 22 USC?
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With all of that in mind, Is it fair to say this may be the most important weekend of Tom Herman's t...
Longhorns take big first step for Herman
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“Although the outcome is similar to last year's opener, this one feels much different,” Herman said...
Daniel Seagren obituary
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Daniel Joseph Seagren, 54, of Elk River, Minnesota, formerly of Onamia, Minn., passed away on Septem...
Duel: Herman mi přelepuje plakáty, stěžuje si Orgoníková. Exministr dupl na firmu
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Kampaň se vede všemi možnými způsoby. Třeba i přelepováním plakátů. O tom se přesvědčila i bývalá ml...
Glenn Herman Foesel; Golf Operations Manager at the Knoll Country Club
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Survivors include his wife Wendy Jennings; his daughter, Carly Sharon; his son, Daniel Glenn; his br...
BON Round Table: Is Texas ready to take its lunch money back from TCU?
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I don't expect that to be the case, as I'm sure Tom Herman has assured his team that TCU is loaded a...
Ouma, Ayodi axed:Homeboyz the biggest winners as Kenya 7s provisional squad is unveiled
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... Shaban Ahmed, Vincent Onyala, Arthur Owira (KCB); Frank Wanyama, Cyprian Kuto, William Ambaka, E...
Late surge pushes Texas past TCU for monumental win
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This time, sophomore running back Daniel Young was stopped on a handoff, then head coach Tom Herman...
May, Rev. Herman
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He is survived by his wife, Julia May, of the residence; children, Herman C. May (Virgie), Ronald C....
Ex-Focus corporation fined $5K for neglect | Local News ...
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The corporation that formerly operated the nursing home in the town of Otsego was fined the maximum...
Tom Herman addresses the media before Kansas State
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With running back Tre Watson continuing to produce enough on the ground and the increased utilizatio...
Who Lost Otsego Manor?
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12, when Focus CEO Joseph Zupnik and his chief financial executive, Daniel Herman, pleaded guilty be...
Johnny English Strikes Again movie review: Daniel Craig's James Bond films are funnier
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Atkinson revives the series every seven-to-eight years, depending on the prevalent cinematic climate...
Shujaa squad sifted to 21 ahead of Africa 7s
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Mark Wandetto, Leonard Mugaisi, Johnstone Olindi, Michael Wanjala, Alvin Otieno, Brian Wandera, Char...
Poutavý souboj v zapadlém obvodě. Exministr Herman se utká s Hynkem nebo Martincem
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Na Chrudimsku a Havlíčkobrodsku o senátorské křeslo usilují hokejová legenda Vladimír Martinec, rych...
Zpochybňování restitucí je čirý populismus, napsal čtenářům exministr Herman
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Do Senátu se chce dostat i bývalý ministr kultury, někdejší šéf Ústavu pro studium totalitních režim...
The Choice: Why More Seniors Prefer Home Care, and Why They May Still Be Frightened
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State Attorney General Barbara Underwood on Wednesday announced the guilty pleas of Joseph Zupnik an...
It's time for Texas to cut RB Keaontay Ingram loose
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It quickly became quite clear why he was worthy of a role in the rotation, as Ingram found the end z...
Marcheta J. Pitts
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... Herman (husband Glenn) of Ivoryton, son Larry Pitts (fiancé Susan) of East Granby, granddaughter...
HealthNow Wants Out Of Hospitals' Benefits Payment Suit
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... John B. Shely and Courtney B. Glaser of Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP, Rebecca D'Arcy O'Reilly and Br...
Newfound offensive formula a blueprint for Texas success vs. OU
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As No. 19 Texas spent the week preparing for No. 7 Oklahoma, Tom Herman didn't want to change much o...
Senátní volby v prvním kole na Vysočině ovládli starostové
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Dva starostové, bývalý ministr a právník. To je čtveřice kandidátů, která na Vysočině postoupila do...
La Crosse County real estate transfers for Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018
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Dawn and Kenneth Neumeister to Twin Springs LLC, N7308 Herman Coulee Road, $99,000. Pamela and Rodne...
BC woman pens open letter to driver after mother killed at Surrey crosswalk
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So far there is no description of the vehicle involved. Daniel Herman, Mitchell's son-in-law says th...
Herman při senátním úspěchu rezignuje na náhradnictví ve Sněmovně
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Pokud místopředseda KDU-ČSL Daniel Herman zvítězí ve druhém kole senátních voleb na Chrudimsku, okam...
Herman (KDU-ČSL): 2. kolo senátních voleb již tento víkend
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... proti politickým byznysmenům zleva i zprava. Nenechte za sebe rozhodovat jiné. Mám důvěru mnoha...
Boj o Senát na Chrudimsku a Havlíčkobrodsku: Daniel Herman (KDU-ČSL) a Jan Tecl (ODS)
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Velmi těsně za sebou skončili v 1. kole senátní volby dva nejúspěšnější kandidáti na Chrudimsku a Ha...
Ex-Focus partners sentenced to $1K fines, community service
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Joseph Zupnik, the majority owner of CCRN Operator LLC, the corporation that held the ownership cert...
Former owner, manager of Otsego nursing home sentenced in endangerment case
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Joseph Zupnik, the former owner and operator, and Daniel Herman, the former high managerial agent, a...
Daniel Herman prohrál, ale jásá: Poprvé v historii je Senát bez komunistů. Demokracie vždycky zvítězí!
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Bývalý ministr kultury Daniel Herman výrazně prohrál senátorské volby v Chrudimi. To mu ale nezvalo...
A v landsmanšaftu zavládlo hrobové ticho... Sítí se šíří výsměch poraženému Hermanovi
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Exministr kultury Daniel Herman (KDU-ČSL) propadl v senátních volbách na Chrudimsku. Porazil jej kan...
Druhý neúspěch v řadě? Důležité sdělení, míní Herman. Bělobrádka v čele KDU-ČSL nahradit nechce
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Místopředseda KDU-ČSL a někdejší ministr kultury Daniel Herman přesvědčil na Chrudimsku pouhých 36 p...
Christian Democrats suffer two major defeats in Senate elections
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Meanwhile, former culture minister Daniel Herman lost in the district of Havlíčkův Brod and Chrudim...
Bud Light Charity Challenge produces familiar winners
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On the men's side, familiar local players Daniel Herman and Bill Mitchem proved worthy of their firs...
Davis, Daniel "Danny" Herman (Cleveland)
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Daniel “Danny” Herman Davis, 56, of Cleveland, Tn., passed away on October 15, 2018, at his residenc...
Daniel Davis
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He was preceded in death by his father, Herman Davis. He leaves behind to cherish his memory his wif...
Daniel Davis
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Daniel “Danny” Herman Davis, 56, of Cleveland, died on Monday, Oct. 15, 2018, at his residence. He w...
What Tom Herman said leading up to Ok. State
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The Longhorns' bye week could not have come at a better time for Tom Herman and his team after Texas...
Gian Villante Takes Contentious Decision Over Ed Herman (UFC Moncton Fight Highlights)
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Dual-division champion Daniel Cormier puts his heavyweight strap on the line opposite Derrick Lewis...
Voice for vets dies at age 94
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Marlin Howze of DAV Post 61 and the Geronimo VFW Post 8456 said Karm, who with former Seguin Mayor E...
Daniel “Dan” Hass,
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Daniel “Dan” Hass, 68, a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, of Algoma, Wisconsin, died on August 27, 20...
Joining passions
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ROCKTON - The Rev. Daniel J. Herman started out his career as a carpenter. "That sounds stereotypica...
Čižinský skončil u lidovců, poslancem zůstává: „O změně neuvažuji“. Herman má smůlu?
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Podáním kandidátky do voleb na pražský magistrát za konkurenční uskupení Praha Sobě zaniklo Janu Čiž...
Ruthless Shujaa in quarters
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Against Apache, Shujaa raced to a 19-0 lead at halftime with tries by Daniel Taabu, Herman Humwa and...
Mugshot Mondays: Will County Jail Nov. 12
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JOLIET, IL - Over the weekend, your police officers who work across Will County were busy making a n...
Indonesia interested in OPEC membership again, but needs to cut its oil imports first
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"We just suspended our membership," Abdurrahman said, adding that many of Indonesia's ties to OPEC m...
Prolhaný hradní spratek Ovčáček překročil všechny meze! Herman, Topolánek, Telička a další se pořádně naštvali
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... může a nemůže dovolit. „Ten prolhaný hradní spratek Ovčáček překročil už všechny meze! Nestál mi...
Twitter reacts to news Hue Jackson is headed back to Cincinnati
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I want someone to tell me how Hue Jackson has another job in the #NFL. Ridiculous. — Daniel Herman (...
Smrt Zemanova lékaře. „Hradní spratek“ Ovčáček zuří po útoku ...
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Tragédie z Číny vyplula na povrch až po několika dnech. Lékař Petr Halata (†66), který měl dbát o zd...
Nancy Lorraine Riggs
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Nancy L. Riggs, 86, Fort Atkinson, passed away on Monday, November 12, 2018, at her home with her fa...
The Rise of 'LOLwear': A Very British Fashion Phenomenon
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Here, we speak with four other Central Saint Martins alumni – Daniel John Sansom, Lily Bling, Edwin...
Toxická ideologie? Pravdoláskaři a jejich odpůrci se střetli u Jílkové
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Odpovědi na tyto otázky se v pořadu Máte slovo Michaely Jílkové pokusili Pavel Kováčík, předseda pos...
Lidé chtějí u politika slušnost, míní Herman. Zopakoval Havlovo heslo
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Lidé začínají chtít, aby existoval soulad mezi osobní slušností a výkonem veřejné funkce, řekl dnes...
Local families celebrate new members, National Adoption Day, with North Haven event
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Robert Herman said he and his wife had gotten to know Mason's biological parents, allowing them to p...
Gerichte müssen erneut Entlassung von Ex-Kulturminister Herman aus Stasi ...
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Die tschechischen Gerichte müssen sich erneut mit der Abberufung von Ex-Kulturminister Daniel Herman...
Daniel Herman na Národní třídě: Pravda a láska musí zvítězit nad lží ...
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Lidé začínají chtít, aby existoval soulad mezi osobní slušností a výkonem veřejné funkce, řekl dnes...
Local families celebrate new members, National Adoption Day, with North Haven event
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Robert Herman said he and his wife had gotten to know Mason's biological parents, allowing them to p...
Good, Bad, Ugly from Longhorns 24-10 win vs. No. 16 Iowa State
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AUSTIN, Texas — In the biggest game in Longhorn Network history, Todd Orlando brought the heat (fina...
Big O Teen Anglers host tournament on Lake O
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The anglers extend thanks to the following boat captains who volunteered their time to take our yout...
Bohls: Texas' Tom Herman deserves a B-plus grade this season — with a chance for extra credit
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Herman gets high marks for his offseason hire of offensive line coach Herb Hand, for maintaining tea...
The 'Widows' Exit Survey
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Alison Herman: You don't have to “transcend” a genre. You don't have to remake a movie that starred...
Dan Neil: It all comes down to Kansas
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Texas went 5-1 at home this season after going 3-3 at DKR in Herman's first year at Texas last seaso...
Faculty senate approves changes to gen-ed
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History professor Daniel Herman said he and the chairs of the College of Arts and Humanities wanted...
Newcastle's balanced roster stacks up, Kalyn Ponga's switch doesn't
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Aidan Guerra, Brodie Jones, Connor Watson, Daniel Saifiti, Danny Levi, Edrick Lee, Herman Ese'ese, J...
Junior W. Wilson
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Preceding him in death were his parents; one daughter Mary Wilson; four brothers, Herman, Carl, Dani...
Murunga calls three debutants for Dubai 7s
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Mwamba's Daniel Taabu, Blakblad's Brian Wahinya and Homeboyz's Johnstone Olindi who shone bright dur...
Horns247 Predictions: Texas vs. Kansas
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... a very limited group of Kansas wide receivers (outside of Steven Sims Jr.) can win on the outsid...
Eye, Bruce Mauzy
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Bruce is survived by Shirley Cunningham Eye of Fredericksburg; his son, David Berlin Eye of New York...
Teen gets grand larceny charge in Black Friday theft
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Patrolman Daniel G. Herman said he responded to the store for a reported shoplifter being combative...
Instagram-stjerna om parodiene: – Verdens mest konfliktsky person
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Jeg trodde jeg skulle bli slått ned. Herman Flesvig var på vei til å spille inn et promoinnslag for...
Early deficit to ranked foe does in Williams College men's ice hockey in home opener
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WILLIAMSTOWN — It certainly wasn't how the Williams College men's hockey team wanted to finish in it...
In Klemmer the Knights have the enforcer they've long desired
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He will relish joining the ranks of a forward pack with Lachlan Fitzgibbon, Herman Ese'ese and the S...
Murder on a Mountain Bike
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The first of them—murder—gained traction eight days after Watkins was found, when police in Woodland...
Kerčská krize: Herman a Jurečka stojí za Ukrajinou. Ale také přišlo silné vyjádření od Okamury...
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Bývalý lidovecký ministr kultury Daniel Herman také nepochybuje o tom, že agresorem v rusko-ukrajins...
Betty S. Holder
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Betty was born in Chattanooga, on June 6, 1950, and was a daughter of the late Herman and Irene Hard...
The Klemmer effect: What star prop can add to Knights pack
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Klemmer's 75 post-contact metres per game was second in the NRL after Jason Taumalolo (75.8m); Newca...
Teñido con añil y adornos navideños checos nominados a la UNESCO
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Como dijera el entonces ministro de Cultura checo, Daniel Herman. “Aunque la tecnología sea la misma...
El teñido con añil en la lista de la UNESCO
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Como dijera el entonces ministro de Cultura checo, Daniel Herman. “Aunque la tecnología sea la misma...
Louisville football players earn district honors
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Oakland-Craig, Bancroft-Rosalie-Lyons-Decatur Northeast, Archbishop Bergan, Louisville, Tekamah-Herm...
Extensive hunt for turnovers needed for Texas to slow down OU
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AUSTIN, Texas — A lot was made about Tom Herman picking the brain of former Kansas head coach David...
Musí být odvolaný ředitel loajální? Soud bude znovu řešit odchod ...
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Nové vedení mu odmítlo nabídnout volný post mluvčího, protože nebyl dost loajální. Soudy to jako dův...
Geschichte weitergeben
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Unter ihnen auch rund 50 Germanistikstudenten aus Tschechien, Rumänien und Polen, sowie als herausra...
Dáma české kultury Soňa Červená vystoupí na vánočních koncertech
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... rukou ministra kultury medaili Artis Bohemiae Amicis a 28. října 2013 ji prezident Miloš Zeman v...
Man arrested after argument behind Tucson Denny's turns deadly
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James Daniel Candelaria, 37, has been booked into Pima County jail on one count of first-degree murd...
Pandy v Praze nebudou, na Hradě zoologické zahradě poradili, ať v čínském pavilonu vystaví dalajlámu
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Pózuje na ní bývalý ministr kultury Daniel Herman s dalajlámou, oba se usmívají a prsty ukazují písm...
Mashaba wants R2m from Parks Tau for calling him 'racist' and 'sexist'
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The Johannesburg mayor, the DA's Herman Mashaba, is taking his predecessor, the ANC's Parks Tau, to...
District 10 All-Region teams: Soccer
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Daniel Hartwell Wilmington 10 F. Alex Hough Wilmington 10 M. Ben Williams Wilmington 11 M. Helon Amo...
Pine Valley Central School Honor and Merit Roll
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12th grade: Brady Andrews, Felicia Bremiller, Matthew Cadle, Sara Carpenter, Dawson Chase, Bayley Fi...
ESPOSITO fired at OEM ... or is he? — AMAZON gold rush sparks proposal for real estate insider trading ban ...
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By email:, and, or on Twitter: @nahmias, and @dlippman. WH...
Herm Schneider to retire as trainer after 40 seasons
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... from the State University of New York in 1975. He and his wife, Janet, have two children, Daniel...
Nino Severino: How the Waghorns are still helping athletes in Ipswich
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The founder of Bio-Synergy, Daniel Herman, very kindly offered to create a product that The Hub coul...
Students On Pine Valley School Honor, Merit Rolls Announced
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12th Grade: Brady Andrews, Felicia Bremiller, Matthew Cadle, Sara Carpenter, Dawson Chase, Bayley Fi...
Pěvecká soutěž Operalia Plácida Dominga se uskuteční v Praze
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Grantová komise na ministerstvu kultury akci odmítla podpořit, tehdejší ministr Daniel Herman (KDU-Č...
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Daniel D. Brown of New Waterford is one of a growing number of Desert Storm veterans who say their u...
Architekt, který se soudil o lampy, chce bránit i „svou“ přístavbu muzea
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V Olomouci hrozí další střet s architektem Janem Šépkou, jenž se v minulosti tvrdě přel s radnicí o...
Kritika Číny se obrátila proti univerzitní profesorce. Otevřený dopis na její podporu podepisují i Češi
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V České republice svůj podpis zatím připojili například sinologové Martin Hála a Olga Lomová, či býv...