Primerjaj Angela Merkel in Philip Hammond ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
Angela Merkel![]() |
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Philip Hammond![]() |
Angela Merkel fractures pelvis in ski fall
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- Zdravstvo, Vloga vlade
Angela Merkel fractures pelvis in ski fall
Bundesverdienstkreuz für Merkel
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- Civil Rights
Bundesverdienstkreuz für Merkel
President Peres awards Germanys Merkel Medal of Distinction
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- Zunanje zadeve
President Peres awards Germanys Merkel Medal of Distinction
Merkel Dott.ssa Angela
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- Civil Rights
Ritter Großkreuz des Verdienstordens der Italienischen Republik
Kanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschl...
Russell among 15 Presidential Medal of Freedom honorees
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- Civil Rights
President Barack Obama will present the awards to the 15 honorees early next year, the White House a...
Honorary Doctorates
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- Civil Rights
Honorary Doctorates
Doktorat honoris causa für Merkel
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- Gospodarstvo
Doktorat honoris causa für Merkel - Technischen Universität Wroclaw
Angela Merkel received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Babes-Bolyai University
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- Gospodarstvo
Angela Merkel received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Babes-Bolyai University
German chancellor, Angela Merkel, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the babeș-BOLYAI university Cluj
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- Gospodarstvo
German chancellor, Angela Merkel, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the babeș-BOLYAI uni...
Angela Merkel awarded the Charlemagne Prize
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- Civil Rights
Angela Merkel awarded the Charlemagne Prize
Bnai Brith Europe grants Award of Merit to Dr. Angela Merkel
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- Civil Rights
Bnai Brith Europe grants Award of Merit to Dr. Angela Merkel
The 100 Most Powerful Women: #1 Angela Merkel
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- Zdravstvo
The 100 Most Powerful Women: #1 Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel – 50 People Who Matter 2010
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- Zdravstvo
Angela Merkel – 50 People Who Matter 2010
Chancellor Angela Merkel Receives Global Leadership Award
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Chancellor Angela Merkel Receives Global Leadership Award
LBI Presents Leo Baeck Medal to Chancellor Angela Merkel
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- Civil Rights
LBI Presents Leo Baeck Medal to Chancellor Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel Receives Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
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- Civil Rights
Angela Merkel Receives Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
The new iron chancellor
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The new iron chancellor
Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award
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- Civil Rights
Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award
Merkel defends Muhammad cartoonist, condemns Koran-burning
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- Civil Rights
Merkel defends Muhammad cartoonist, condemns Koran-burning
Merkels affront to Muslims
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- Imigracija, Religion
Merkels affront to Muslims
Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning
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- Civil Rights
Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning
Ehrung des Mohammed-Karikaturisten: Angela Merkels Risiko
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- Civil Rights
Ehrung des Mohammed-Karikaturisten: Angela Merkels Risiko
Merkel: Sarrazin spaltet Gesellschaft
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- Civil Rights
Merkel: Sarrazin spaltet Gesellschaft
German Chancellor Merkel Defends Work of Intelligence Agencies
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- Civil Rights
German Chancellor Merkel Defends Work of Intelligence Agencies
Germanys Merkel rejects NSA-Stasi comparison
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- Zunanje zadeve
Germanys Merkel rejects NSA-Stasi comparison
Merkel beim Besuch von Obama: Das Netz lacht über Merkels Internet-Neuland
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- Zunanje zadeve
Merkel beim Besuch von Obama: Das Netz lacht über Merkels Internet-Neuland
Merkel beim Besuch von Obama: Das Netz lacht über Merkels Internet-Neuland
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- Zunanje zadeve
Merkel beim Besuch von Obama: Das Netz lacht über Merkels Internet-Neuland
Germanys vice-chancellor backs federalization in Ukraine
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- Zunanje zadeve
Germanys vice-chancellor backs federalization in Ukraine
Merkel splits conservative bloc with green light to refugees
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- Imigracija
Merkel splits conservative bloc with green light to refugees
Merkel allies urge change of course on refugee crisis
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- Imigracija
A senior member of Angela Merkel’s sister party says he hopes and expects she will change course on...
Merkel’s CDU suffers defeat in Berlin
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- Izobraževanje
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party was reeling on Monday after another stinging poll loss, as a...
Klitschko, Merkel discuss prospects for signing EU-Ukraine association agreement
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- Zunanje zadeve
Germany wants to see Ukraine in the European family and hopes that the Ukrainian government will ful...
Angela Merkel defends refugee policy after loss on her ...
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- Izobraževanje
Berlin: Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union suffered an embarrassing drubbing in h...
Angela Merkel's Party Has Worst Result Ever In Berlin
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- Izobraževanje
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives suffer another electoral blow after Berlin elections...
Will Angela Merkel suffer yet another election battering ...
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- Izobraževanje
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party is headed for another hammering at the ballot box at the...
Angela Merkel Says Germany Won't Stop Accepting Refugees
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- Vloga vlade, Pravosodni sistem
German Chancellor Angela Merkel reacted to her party's latest electoral loss by sticking to her migr...
Angela Merkel damaged as German far-Right surges in Berlin ...
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- Izobraževanje
Angela Merkel suffered damaging losses at the hands of Germany's resurgent far-Right in regional ele...
Angela Merkel Says Accepts Share Of Responsibility For ...
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BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday she accepted her share of responsibility for...
Weakness at home hobbles once-powerful Angela Merkel in ...
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Weakness at home hobbles once-powerful Angela Merkel in Europe It is hard to think of what more Ange...
Bundesbank adds to Merkel's misery
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Angela Merkel's CDU party has suffered its second electoral blow in two weeks. As Laura Frykberg rep...
European Refugee Crisis: Merkel regrets her refugee stance ...
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After the worst performance in the history by her party, Christian Democratic Union (CDU), in the st...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffers drubbing in Berlin ...
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BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives suffered their second electoral blow in...
Angela Merkel Isn't Backing Down - Bloomberg View
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Angela Merkel Isn't Backing Down. Leonid Bershidsky is a Bloomberg View columnist. He was the foundi...
Angela Merkel's Party Has Worst Result Ever In Berlin
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The Christian Democratic Union, the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, have had their worst e...
Angela Merkel's party suffers rout in Berlin polls after ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's party has suffered a historic loss in Berlin state elections, with...
Voters Desert Merkel In Berlin State Poll
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffered a fresh setback on Sunday as voters flocked to an insurgent...
Angela Merkels party crushed in Hamburg poll
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Christian Democrats lose control of Germany's second city to SPD, whose 48.3% of vote dwarfs CDU's 2...
Spotlight: Berlin vote results put Merkel under heavier ...
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BERLIN, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party was hit by a second electo...
In a rare show of regret, Angela Merkel admits she lost ...
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Angela Merkel’s contrite comments came after her party suffered dismal results in state elections th...
Why Angela Merkel's Party Will Bounce Back in 2017
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- Izobraževanje, Vloga vlade
Why Angela Merkel's Party Will Bounce Back in 2017 German political history suggests Merkel shouldn'...
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel braces for populist ...
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BERLIN (AFP) - Berlin residents voted in state elections on Sunday (Sept 18) in which German Chancel...
Berlin's voters back nationalists, deal Angela Merkel's ...
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Chancellor Angela Merkel's party suffered the latest in a string of defeats in German state election...
Voters angry with refugee policy thrash Merkel; extreme ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's party has suffered a historic loss in Berlin state elections, with...
Angela Merkel wants Germany to get refugees into workforce ...
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Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that Germany needed viable solutions to integrate refugees...
Angela Merkel drops the ‘we can do it’ slogan – POLITICO
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Saturday she will no longer use her famous migration crisis ral...
‘I wish I could turn back time’ Merkel finally admits she ...
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GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted she regrets opening Germany’s doors to more than a mill...
Angela Merkel takes partial blame for poor election result ...
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GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken partial responsibility for her party's worst-ever performa...
Berlin Election Deals Angela Merkel’s Party Another Blow ...
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People waited to cast their votes in the city-state election in Berlin on Sunday. Chancellor Angela...
A Trans-Atlantic Show of Friendship: Obama Praises His Friend Chancellor Merkel
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- Zunanje zadeve, Vloga vlade
During German Chancellor Angela Merkel's White House visit on Friday, one thing topped the agenda: a...
Angela Merkel told to limit refugee numbers or lose ...
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- Izobraževanje, Vloga vlade
GETTY. Angela Merkel has been told to put limit refugee numbers of face a loss of support in electio...
Germany's Angela Merkel admits immigration policy hurt ...
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Chancellor Angela Merkel admits immigration policy hurt her party in local elections over the weeken...
Angela Merkel's position under threat after anti-immigrant ...
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- Izobraževanje
ANGELA Merkel's CDU party suffered its second electoral blow in two weeks on Sunday, slumping to its...
Who could replace Angela Merkel? -
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- Vloga vlade
Sir, – Derek Scally traces German chancellor Angela Merkel’s slump in popularity to her “fateful dec...
Angela Merkel's party loses support in Berlin state ...
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- Izobraževanje
The Social Democrats and chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Party have emerged from Ber...
Angela Merkel braces for populist gains in Berlin ...
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- Vloga vlade
Angela Merkel braces for populist gains in Berlin elections Polls opened at 0600 GMT under clear blu...
Angela Merkel’s refugee policy must succeed — for Europe’s ...
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- Vloga vlade, Civil Rights
Angela Merkel’s refugee policy must succeed — for Europe’s sake. The German chancellor may be changi...
Angela Merkel party trumped in Berlin polls
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- Izobraževanje
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s centre-right party suffered a historic loss in Berlin state elections on...
After Disastrous Berlin Election, Angela Merkel Admits ...
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- Imigracija
After Disastrous Berlin Election, Angela Merkel Admits "Mistakes Were Made" With Refugees: George So...
Allah's Willing Executioners: Angela Merkel’s Party Has ...
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The Christian Democratic Union, the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, have had their worst e...
Angela Merkel urges her party to counter populist 'lies ...
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Angela Merkel urges her party to counter populist 'lies spread on social media' as she refuses chang...
Business: Washington Post Business Page, Business News
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- Imigracija
(Bloomberg) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered a mea culpa on Monday, distancing herself fro...
Bundesbank adds to Merkel's misery |
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- Vloga vlade
Angela Merkel's CDU party has suffered its second electoral blow in two weeks. As Laura Frykberg rep...
The German chancellor's Polish roots
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- Civil Rights
The family tree of German Chancellor Angela Merkel has caused excitement in Poland. Her grandfather...
Angela Merkel’s CDU suffers defeat in Berlin elections ...
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- Izobraževanje
Angela Merkel’s troubles keep mounting. Outside of Germany, the European Union is imploding, with th...
Angela Merkel's party suffers rout in Berlin in migrant ...
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- Izobraževanje
BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party suffered its second electoral blow in two weeks...
Angela Merkel warns 27 member EU of post Brexit future
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- Izobraževanje, Zunanje zadeve
BRATISLAVA: (APP) German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Friday that the EU faces a “critical sit...
Business: Washington Post Business Page, Business News
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- Izobraževanje, Obramba
(Bloomberg) -- Another week, another election defeat for Angela Merkel, and a familiar round of call...
Business: Washington Post Business Page, Business News
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- Izobraževanje, Zunanje zadeve
(Bloomberg) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel told her parliamentary caucus that a damaging coaliti...
Angela Merkel's party suffers slump in Berlin election ...
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Berlin is likely to get the first leftwing triple-coalition government in its history, after Angela...
German opposition hits 11-year high in polls
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Chancellor Angela Merkel is the head of government for Germany. Research and learn about Germany on...
Angela Merkel Sort of Apologized for Her Refugee Policy ...
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Hence a speech that sounded conciliatory, but which ultimately gave nothing away in terms of policy....
Angela Merkel’s party suffers major loss in Berlin ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats party has suffered its worst-ever result in lo...
German elections: Angela Merkel’s party suffers 25-year ...
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The Social Democrats and chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Party have emerged from Ber...
Angela Merkel faces another electoral blow in Berlin due ...
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Angela Merkel. (Source: Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives look set to suffer...
Angela Merkel faces another electoral blow in Berlin due ...
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Angela Merkel. (Source: Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives look set to suffer...
Angela Merkel's European influence wanes as domestic woes ...
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It is hard to think of what more Angela Merkel could have done over the past weeks to nudge fellow E...
Defeat for Angela Merkel as far-right sees big gains ...
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
Defeat for Angela Merkel as far-right sees big gains Berlin turns to far-right after immigration pol...
Press: Berlin Election About Defeat for Merkel - And More ...
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Many newspapers see Chancellor Angela Merkel and her conservatives as the big losers in Sunday's Ber...
PM, Merkel disagree openly on settlements
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Citing ‘PaliLeaks,’ Netanyahu says PA stirred crisis over Jerusalem neighborhood it had conceded to...
TIME Person of the Year 2015: Angela Merkel
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TIME Person of the Year 2015: Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel admits she regrets open-door migrant policy ...
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Angela Merkel. Commenting on a recent poll showing 82 percent of voters wanted a change in her migra...
Voters shun Merkel as migrant policy goes awry
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party was hit by a second electoral blow in two weeks in the B...
Angela Merkel Accepts Responsibility for Party’s Losses in ...
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Chancellor Angela Merkel at a meeting of her Christian Democrats in Berlin on Monday, a day after th...
Angela Merkel pronunciation: how to pronounce Angela Merkel in German, English
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Pronunciation guide: learn how to pronounce Angela Merkel in German, English with native pronunciati...
Das diskrete Gluck
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Standesamt Berlin-Mitte, 30. Dezember 1998: In aller Heimlichkeit heiraten die CDU-Generalsekretärin...
Angela Merkel takes some blame for poor Berlin election ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel took partial responsibility for her party’s worst-ever performance i...
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ohne fertige Antworten in Templin
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Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ohne fertige Antworten in Templin
Angela Merkel's party slumps as far-right surges in Berlin ...
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
Angela Merkel's CDU knocked out of ruling Berlin coalition; Big gains for anti-immigrant party AfD ;...
Angela Merkel: We were unprepared for refugee influx in ...
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged Monday that there would be no repeat of last year's "chaotic" borde...
Angela Merkel sets off for China to forge new economic ties
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- Zunanje zadeve, Vloga vlade
Angela Merkel will be travelling to China with an entourage of German business leaders seeking great...
Photo Gallery: Merkel Wishes Israel Happy 60th
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Photo Gallery: Merkel Wishes Israel Happy 60th
Angela Merkel’s Approval Rating Plummets After Terror Attacks
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Chancellor Merkel plummeted in the polls following terror attacks in Germany, with two-thirds of Ger...
Angela Merkel’s party suffers humiliating losses in ...
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
ANGELA Merkel’s party has suffered a raft of humiliating losses in Germany’s regional elections as v...
Germany's Merkel admits migrant policy cost votes
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
Germany's Merkel admits migrant policy cost votes . German Chancellor Angela Merkel said her refugee...
Angela Merkel Not Slowing Immigration ... -
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Sunday was not a happy day for the Chancellor of Germany’s political party. Angela Merkel’s Christia...
Berlin election: Merkel links migrant crisis to CDU defeat ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has accepted responsibility for her Christian Democratic party's "bi...
The German chancellors Polish roots
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The family tree of German Chancellor Angela Merkel has caused excitement in Poland. Her grandfather...
German Chancellor Merkel's party suffers losses in Berlin ...
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- Imigracija, Vloga vlade
(Vatican Radio) The party of Chancellor Angela Merkel has suffered historic losses in Berlin state e...
GERMANY'S SCREWED: Look At What Angela Merkel NOW 'Regrets ...
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GERMANY’S SCREWED: Look At What Angela Merkel NOW ‘Regrets’ – Send This To HILLARY Voters
Angela Merkel, After Defeat in Berlin: “We Have ...
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The following remarks by German Chancellor Angela Merkel were referred to here yesterday. Mrs. Merke...
Drogenwahn auf der Dauerbaustelle
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Angela Merkel als Trümmerfrau: Vor 35 Jahren starteten Studenten in Leipzig ein spektakuläres Baupro...
Angela Merkel's party suffers big losses in Berlin | Radio ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats party has suffered a historic defeat in state...
Angela Merkel's party suffers big losses in state election ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party has suffered big losses in Berlin state elections, exit...
Why Netanyahu Is No Angela Merkel -
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I AM not the envious type, but I envy the Germans. I envy them for Angela Merkel. Merkel did somethi...
Samo sodelujoči - Merkel, Hollande vow EU 'success' despite Brexit
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- Zunanje zadeve
Samo sodelujoči - Merkel and Hollande meet in Paris about EU's future ...
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- Zunanje zadeve, Vloga vlade
Angela Merkel warns of xenophobic violence in Germany
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Chancellor Angela Merkel has sounded the alarm over growing intolerance and violence towards asylum...
Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel met wives of jailed lawyers during China visit
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BEIJING (AFP) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel met the wives of two detained Chinese human rights l...
Germany's Merkel laments fraying of multilateral order
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“They learned from that terrible experience not to embed emnity but that you had to try and build fr...
Angela Merkel visited innovative Shenzhen on her China trip. Will she stop in Hong Kong next time?
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Not many in Hong Kong seemed to pay much attention last week to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's wh...
Italian debt crisis places Merkel in the hot seat once again
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Will German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the protector-in-chief of the euro zone and the effective boss...
Angela Merkel, Europe's saviour, may lose her magic touch
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Angela Merkel floats over the European Union like an angel of mercy. When the EU and the countries w...
Merkel ally defends authoritarian Hungarian PM who says he has 'ended liberal democracy'
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Angela Merkel's top ally in Brussels has leapt to the defence of Hungary's authoritarian prime minis...
Germany's Angela Merkel Stresses Dialogue on Trade, Tech and Human Rights in China
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(BEIJING) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday stressed the importance of dialogue with Chi...
Angela Merkel calls for better data security cooperation with China
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At the end of her two-day visit to China, German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday called for bette...
Angela Merkel's party accused of taking bribes from German gunmaker H&K
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Politicians from Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and her former coalit...
The Art of the Possible: Angela Merkel is the best in business
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has finally come up with a specific answer to French President Emman...
'EU will be called into question' Angela Merkel wades into Europe immigration row
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Jean-Claude Juncker's European Commission has vowed to show “solidarity” with refugees arriving in E...
Merkel loves Markle: German Chancellor reveals she was enthralled by Royal Wedding
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The revelation came at the start of a bilateral meeting between Theresa May and the German Chancello...
100 things to know ahead of the 2018 World Cup in Russia
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Even for someone like Angela Merkel, a World Cup provides a bigger, happier stage than is available...
Merkel proposes trade dispute body as G7 summit begins
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is proposing to create a forum to defuse escalating trade tensions w...
The G-7 summit, summed up in one photo
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In the photo, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stands behind a long, narrow table, both hands pressed...
A Single Photo Captured President Trump's Approach to the G7 Summit
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This is not the first time an image of German Chancellor Angela Merkel literally talking down to an...
Photo shared by Angela Merkel hints at tension at G7
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Prior to the summit Mrs May had called the tariffs "unjustified and deeply disappointing". There was...
German Chancellor Merkel's stare down photo sums up Trump's time at G-7
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WASHINGTON — If a picture is worth 1,000 words, Angela Merkel has some thoughts. The German chancell...
Russia requires implementation of Minsk Agreements to rejoin G7: Angela Merkel
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday said, Russia cannot return to the Group of Seven (G7) ti...
Angela Merkel's photo sums up Donalad Trump's G7 summit
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OF the hundreds of images taken at the Group of Seven summit in Quebec City this weekend, the one re...
Angela Merkel's done for one British PM. Next . . .
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Having contributed to the downfall of one British prime minister, the German chancellor, Angela Merk...
Angela Merkel warns Trump that Europe 'won't be had' again
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German chancellor Angela Merkel has described as “sobering and a bit depressing” US president Donald...
G7 summit with Donald Trump a 'depressing' experience: Angela Merkel
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FRANKFURT – German Chancellor Angela Merkel found the contentious Group of Seven summit with U.S. Pr...
Donald Trump G7 tweets 'sobering and depressing': Angela Merkel
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US President Donald Trump's revocation of support for a joint communique with other leaders at the G...
Angela Merkel calls US retraction of support 'sobering and somewhat depressing'
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Merkel, whose office over the weekend released a photo of her leaning over a table before a seated T...
Angela Merkel Gets Tough on Trade, 'Ocean's 8' Tops the Box Office, and the Fortune MPW International Summit ...
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Good morning, Broadsheet readers! This is Grace, filling in for Kristen and Claire. Angela Merkel is...
Derek Scally: Germany's difficulty could be Ireland's opportunity
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German chancellor Angela Merkel attends a news conference after an EU summit n Bratislava, Slovakia...
Angela Merkel's Statement About Trump Backing Out Of The G7 Agreement Is Harsh
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President Donald Trump is not that great at making friends, which probably isn't news to anyone. But...
Two Faces of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Seen Through the ...
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Angela Merkel, who has been German chancellor for more than a dozen years now, is a complex public f...
Merkel calls for stricter immigration rules and faster deportation
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... all the refugees that are here, when something like this happens". Iraq extradited Bashar to Ger...
Angela Merkel accuses US of running trade surplus if trade calculations are updated
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday struck back at US President Donald Trump's repeated compl...
Angela Merkel faces power struggle as she moves to block policy to ...
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Angela Merkel was facing a possible government crisis on Tuesday as a deep rift opened with one of h...
That Trump G7 Photo With Angela Merkel Was Analyzed In This ...
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The current reaction to world politics seems to be "laughing to keep from crying," so it's not super...
German migration policy feuding continues between Angela Merkel and interior minister
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Chancellor Angela Merkel and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer remain at loggerheads over Germany's m...
On Trade, Merkel Joins Trump on the Low Road
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“Trade surpluses are still calculated in a relatively old-fashioned way, based only on goods,” Merke...
Angela Merkel accused of raping and killing German teen
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The Germans are enraged after an Iraqi refugee raped and murdered a 14-year-old girl. Many accuse Ch...
German Migration Drama Could Spell The End For Angela Merkel
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Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and his Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) are trying to upend M...
Trump G7 Photo Triggers Meme Explosion in China
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A G7 photo of a stern-looking Angela Merkel staring at a seated Donald Trump with crossed arms has t...
A Battle Over Migration Is Threatening to Topple Angela Merkel
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The CSU, a center-right party in the German state of Bavaria and a sister party of Merkel's, sparked...
Angela Merkel stands firm as Germany's refugee row intensifies
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Angela Merkel has stood firm against unilateral moves to turn refugees back from Germany's borders a...
Angela Merkel Switches to "Bad Cop" Mode With Trump Amid Trade Row
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has alluded to an “exchange” of restrictions with the US and stresse...
Donald Trump blames 'fake news' for photos suggesting disagreement at G7 meeting
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He commented: "I have a great relationship with Angela Merkel of Germany, but the Fake News Media on...
Now, Trump Tweets G7 Pictures to Prove All is Well Between Him and World Leaders
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"I have a great relationship with Angela Merkel of Germany, but the Fake News Media only shows the b...
Angela Merkel calls for special EU summit on refugees: report
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Angela Merkel is pushing for a special summit on refugee policy ahead of this month's European Counc...
Merkel Wants to Hold Urgent Summit With EU States on Migration Issues Reports
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MOSCOW (Sputnik) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to hold an urgent summit dedicated to the m...
Immigration fight has handed Germany's Merkel her 'worst crisis' in more than a decade
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Chancellor Angela Merkel is at a defining point in her fourth term as German leader amid opposition...
Donald Trump tweets alternative Angela Merkel G7 photo
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Mr Trump tweeted on Saturday morning that the “Fake News Media” were only sharing unflattering image...
A nasty immigration fight could cost German Chancellor Angela Merkel her job
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The debate over immigration raged on Monday in both the US and Germany. President Donald Trump came...
Germany's Angela Merkel has a big immigrant problem and only 2 ...
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel bought herself two weeks to reach a deal with other European countri...
On immigration, Angela Merkel is Trump's greatest foil.
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The following February, he told the French conservative magazine Valeurs Actuelles that he thought “...
Theresa May and Angela Merkel can't wait for a break from their warring parties
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The Merkel and May Show sounds a bit like a missing sketch from Tracey Breaks the News. But quirks o...
Donald Trump attacks Angela Merkel over open-door immigration policy
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President Trump launched an extraordinary attack on Angela Merkel yesterday, saying that Germans wer...
What Angela Merkel's Uncertain Political Future Means for Greece's Debt Woes
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Germany has long remained a key component of Greece's debt situation. As Germany's Chancellor Angela...
Angela Merkel approaches a moment of reckoning
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These are uncomfortable times for Angela Merkel. On the big issues of the day — eurozone reform and...
Angela Merkel faces fresh battle with hardline rivals, over eurozone budget
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Berlin — Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative allies on Wednesday took aim at her backing for a n...
Threatened by coalition partner, Merkel seeks to break migration deadlock
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet some of her European Union peers on Sunday to try break a...
To Help Iran, Angela Merkel Tries to Pull a Fast One With Swift
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As the U.S. moves to reimpose sanctions on Iran, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is working behind t...
'That's rubbish!' WATCH German MEP's LIVID reaction as he's told 'Merkel's time is UP'
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In a fiery debate on France24 News, the German MEP grew visibly furious as German journalist Roland...
Trump Flung Starbursts At Angela Merkel & Declared "Don't Say I Never Give You Anything" — REPORT
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During the G7 Summit in the first week of June, things supposedly got weirder than you could've imag...
Angela Merkel to Donald Trump: thank you for making me great again
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Dear President Trump,. Lieber Donald,. It was great — if rather unexpected — to hear about Germany f...
Germany's Angela Merkel accused of 'buying' deal on asylum with Emmanuel Macron
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World Refugee Day could barely have come at a more delicate moment for Angela Merkel and Horst Seeho...
FT COMMENT: Angela Merkel approaches a moment of reckoning
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We have several subscription options to help you enjoy the best of our content every day, including...
MERKEL CAVES IN: Germany 'to offer to scrap EU tax on cars' in Trump victory
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ANGELA Merkel appears to have caved in to Donald Trump with Germany considering scrapping the Europe...
'She's Finished': Farage Says Merkel Ruined Career With 'Open Door' Migrant Policies
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Fox News contributor Nigel Farage said German Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruined her political care...
Trump's bashing of Angela Merkel might help her keep a grip on power in Germany
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“It could well help Merkel in this situation that Trump has attacked her at home,” said Thomas Jaege...
Potential EU-Albania asylum deal could help keep Germany′s ...
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Albania is reportedly open to hosting reception centers for individuals seeking asylum in the EU. Th...
Angela Merkel begs Italy's PM Giuseppe Conte to attend migrant summit
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The Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, yesterday threatened to pull out of an emergency Europea...
Trump Had 'Starburst Outburst' With Merkel at G7 Summit NYMag
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It was only taken 11 days ago, but the picture of Donald Trump sitting at the G7 summit, his arms cr...
Potential EU-Albania asylum deal could help keep Germany's Angela Merkel in power
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A possible deal with Albania could help ease tensions between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Se...
Hariri to The Daily Star: Meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel was 'excellent'
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We invite all our readers to share with us their views and comments about this article. Disclaimer:...
Trump Could Accidentally Help Save Angela Merkel
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Donald Trump and his friends really don't like German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She's the leader of...
Germany's Angela Merkel keeps Turkey at arm's length
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When Angela Merkel was first elected German chancellor in 2005, German-Turkish relations were still...
Trump Reportedly Threw Starbursts At Angela Merkel After The Infamous G7 Photo
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Now, weeks later, another wrinkle to that relationship has been added: During the meeting the photo...
World Cup 2018: Joachim Low is as important as Angela Merkel and he can still save Germany
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“He's become a real personality,” says Fredi Bobic when talking about his friend and former coach Jo...
EU leaders' migration summit offers lifeline to embattled Merkel
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The informal “mini-summit”in Brussels is being seen as a lifeline for the German chancellor, Angela...
Angela Merkel news: German chancellor faces own 'German ...
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GERMANY faces a “German Brexit” if Chancellor Angela Merkel buckles to demand from her interior mini...
Germany to cause 'chain reaction across EU': Austria fires warning as Merkel on brink
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Heinz-Christian Strache yesterday cautioned frazzled Angela Merkel, who is desperately battling to m...
It's Not the Economy, Stupid: Tough Times for Angela Merkel
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During this, the most difficult period in her 13 years as leader of Germany, Chancellor Angela Merke...
Chancellor Angela Merkel advocates bilateral, trilateral deals over migrants to EU
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At an emergency meeting of various European leaders on Sunday German Chancellor Angela Merkel downpl...
Angela Merkel could be gone in WEEKS over German immigration row, Nigel Farage warns
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Nigel Farage warned Angela Merkel is at serious risk of losing power if she doesn't change tack on i...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives back continued European talks on migration
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BERLIN (REUTERS) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday (June 25) won the strong backing of her...
Merkel ally backs ITALY in migrant row as he warns country could WALK AWAY from EU
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Merkel ally backs ITALY in migrant row as he warns country could WALK AWAY from EU ... And the Frenc...
Can EU summit help Merkel survive her domestic battle over migration?
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Sunday's mini-summit in Brussels on asylum policies that convened at the behest of beleaguered Germa...
A tale of two photos: Trump and Merkel's very different stances on immigration
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And then, about 5,800 miles away last Friday, there was conservative German Chancellor Angela Merkel...
MERKEL SLAPDOWN: Putin turns on Merkel saying 'she's on the edge of an abyss'
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"Angela Merkel is struggling to retain leadership in the EU and to maintain the status quo within Ge...
EU REFORMS: Merkel and Macron's plot to bring hated Tobin Tax back
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The plan, mainly advocated by the French President, was endorsed last week by German Chancellor Ange...
The Latest: Merkel wishes Germany good luck but won't attend
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MOSCOW (AP) — The Latest on the World Cup (all times local):. 2:15 p.m.. Chancellor Angela Merkel is...
Angela Merkel's government in fresh doubt as German coalition crisis talks fail to resolve migrant dispute
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The row is over plans drawn up by Mrs Merkel's interior minister Horst Seehofer, the head of Bavaria...
Austria conducts anti-migrant border exercise in show of defiance against Angela Merkel
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In response, Mr Seehofer threatened to take unilateral action if Mrs Merkel fails to find a European...
As Merkel's Power Drains, the Threat to Europe Grows
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From her seventh-floor office in Berlin, Angela Merkel is surrounded by uncomfortable relics of Germ...
'Don't leave Italy ALONE' Salvini's WARNING to Macron and Merkel ahead of major EU summit
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The issue has also caused huge divisions in Angela Merkel's German government, with one Grand Coalit...
Germany should raise minimum wage to €9.35 in 2020, commission says
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Chancellor Angela Merkel's government, which introduced a national minimum wage of €8.50 for more th...
Angela Merkel's bad week could still get a lot worse
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Now, Seehofer is threatening to break Merkel's coalition government, unless she can secure a better...
Struggling to strike EU deals while sinking at home: Angela Merkel is the new Theresa May
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Pity the poor prime minister trying to negotiate key EU deals in Brussels while dependent at home on...
WATCH: Bizarre moment AI ROBOT comforts Merkel over World Cup shock in English
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She spoke to robot Sophia who was quick to raise the issue of football. Speaking in English, Sophia...
Chancellor Angela Merkel distraught as Germany mourns shock World Cup exit
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His dismay was shared by Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, who said that “this evening we're all...
Merkel's future under threat as crisis talks on immigration fail
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The row is over plans drawn up by Ms Merkel's Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, the head of Bavaria'...
EU Reaches Deal on Migration at Summit, but Details Sketchy
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BRUSSELS — European Union leaders, after marathon talks overnight, announced early Friday that they...
Angela Merkel Is Losing to the Orban-Trump-Netanyahu Camp
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Standing beside him, Chancellor Angela Merkel looked even more mournful than usual. Netanyahu had hi...
Angela Merkel faces a make-or-break moment of her own making
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Angela Merkel had a message for her parliamentary colleagues on Thursday: the future of the EU rests...
Angela Merkel warns EU fate hangs in balance
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Angela Merkel warns EU fate hangs in balance. The German chancellor said migration could 'decide the...
Analysis Angela Merkel Is Losing to the Orban-Trump-Netanyahu Camp
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One of the implications, he said, could be another wave of Syrian refugees arriving in Europe. “And...
Angela Merkel: Once-dominant figure is exhausted and out of step
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Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, knows that feeling very well. After a Brussels summit overshad...
Chancellor Merkel confirms bilateral migrant agreements with Spain and Greece
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Spain and Greece have agreed to take back asylum seekers already registered in those countries who a...
Theresa May to visit Angela Merkel for Brexit talks
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LONDON — U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May will visit Angela Merkel in Berlin next month, the German c...
Desperate Merkel admits migrant crisis ISN'T OVER and thanks UK for 'EUROPEAN SPIRIT'
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Angela Merkel said she was pleased to bring EU member states together and even went so far as to tha...
German chancellor Angela Merkel secures asylum seeker return deals with 14 EU countries
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Angela Merkel has reportedly secured agreements with 14 European Union countries to rapidly return s...
US could remove troops from Germany
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As tensions between President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel heat up, U.S. military actio...
'Wrong!' Merkel rejects claim EU spent 5 MINUTES on Brexit 'it was actually 15 MINUTES'
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However, after rumours that the Brexit debate lasted only five minutes compared to the ten hours on...
EU CRISIS: Varoufakis calls migrant deal 'complete failure' and accuses Merkel of 'LYING'
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FORMER Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has branded the European Council migration agreement...
Merkel Seemed to Get a Reprieve in Germany Over Migrants. It Didn't Last.
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BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany thought she had fended off a mutiny within her own cons...
Will the latest migration crisis bring down Angela Merkel?
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Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany thought she had fended off a mutiny within her own conservative...
Merkel's allies reject EU immigration deal, threatening her coalition
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's interior minister rejected a deal on Sunday that she had clinched...
Angela Merkel's governing alliance is increasingly frayed. Here's why.
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Triggered by Interior Minister (and CSU leader) Horst Seehofer's proposal to deny entry to asylum se...
Donald Trump 'losing patience' with Nato allies as he DEMANDS they increase spending
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Most of the content sent to the various leaders was similar, but the New York Times reported that th...
Germany's economy is dangerously unbalanced and may topple Merkel
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Angela Merkel may or may not have patched together a deal on immigration that will keep her fragile...
Angela Merkel secures migration deal with Bavarian allies
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives settled a row over migration that threatened to topp...
She lied and is hanging on for dear life! Yanis Varoufakis' SCATHING assessment of Merkel
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He said: “Governments in Germany, always headed by Angela Merkel, since 2010, have said to their mem...
Angela Merkel, Interior Minister reach immigration deal
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German Chancellor and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer prior to a meeting on migration in Berlin, Ge...
Germany's Merkel Faces Leadership Challenge, Sparked By Migrant Issue
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Conservatives in German Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition are threatening government stability. N...
Trump Keeps His Friends Distant and His Enemies Closer
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Despite his justified reputation for unpredictability, Donald Trump's foreign-policy pronouncements...
Angela Merkel: US auto tariffs could start trade war
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LONDON (CNNMoney) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned the Trump administration that hitting...
'It's NOT Italy's fault' Salvini LASHES OUT at Merkel over 'OUT OF CONTROL' migrant crisis
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And referring to the political crisis in Germany, which is linked to Mrs Merkel's controversial open...
Angela Merkel warns Donald Trump against trade war over car tariffs threat
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BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday warned US President Donald Trump against unleas...
"Angela Merkel takes refuge in Fortress Europe"
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These are the major plans that Angela Merkel negotiated with her European colleagues last week and w...
Germany's Angela Merkel strikes conciliatory note on migrants in Bundestag speech
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But the atmosphere in the German parliament was particularly contentious on Wednesday after a disagr...
Germany's Angela Merkel warns of worldwide financial crisis
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BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel raised the specter of a new global financial crisis as she...
Brexit: Theresa May flies out to win Angela Merkel's support for customs plan, despite 'smugglers paradise' fears
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Theresa May is flying to Berlin in a last-gasp bid to win Angela Merkel's support for her new “third...
'Hungary won't budge till Austria agrees' FURY as Germany DECIDES migration rules for bloc
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Angela Merkel and her Christian Social Union ally Mr Seehofer managed to reach a compromise after th...
Where German politicians stand on Brexit as May and Merkel meet
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Speaking in Dublin in March, Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "Access to the single market can only be...
Why Angela Merkel is no longer the 'refugee chancellor'
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(CNN) In late summer 2015, as tens of thousands of refugees were arriving on Europe's shores and tre...
Brexit News Theresa May Angela Merkel
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'Time is running out' Angela Merkel fires Brexit warning at Theresa May in Berlin. ANGELA Merkel war...
Angela Merkel NIGHTMARE as Germany warned economy 'TOXIC ...
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GERMANY'S massive trade surplus has become a “toxic” problem for Chancellor Angel Merkel with the co...
Germany's Angela Merkel taps brakes on EU/US car tariff talks
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Chancellor Angela Merkel put the brakes on a discussion between the US and German car makers to take...
Brexit: Theresa May meets Merkel ahead of cabinet summit
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Theresa May has said she hopes her cabinet will be able to "discuss and decide on a substantive way...
Is This the End of Angela Merkel? Germany's Migration Deal Leaves Chancellor Exposed
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Earlier this week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to a new deal on migration into the Europe...
Hatch, Elder Uchtdorf meet with Angela Merkel, lay wreath at ...
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Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch and Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf met Friday with Angela Merkel at the German Feder...
NATO Wants 'Sensible' Relations With Russia Merkel
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"We need NATO as a guarantor of our security, including as of a transatlantic alliance, in the 21st...
Germany's Merkel and Hungary's Orban get testy in public over how to handle refugees
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“The viewpoint of Hungary and Germany is quite different,” when it comes to the treatment of migrant...
Stammtisch Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer: A relationship of convenience?
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After a rocky few weeks over migration policy, have German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Interior Min...
Germany's Angela Merkel at a crossroads as anti-immigrant ... ABC
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Despite falling migration figures, many Germans believe their Chancellor is putting Europe ahead of...
Angela Merkel: NATO must refocus on Russia threat
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BERLIN — NATO must focus on setting up a presence at the alliance's Eastern flank to defend itself f...
Horst Seehofer: Migration feud with Angela Merkel is over
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Merkel struck a deal on Thursday with the third party in the coalition, the social democrats, to aut...
Germany's Angela Merkel at a crossroads as anti-immigrant sentiment grows
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is trying to keep the European Union together, but in doing so, she'...
Germany′s Angela Merkel talks up NATO role and military ... DW
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Speaking ahead of a NATO summit in Brussels next week, Chancellor Angela Merkel used her weekly podc...
India Knight: Anthony Bourdain had it. And so does Angela Merkel. So what is Big Dick Energy?
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Today's column is about Big Dick Energy. What is Big Dick Energy? You already know, even if you thin...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel Meets the Fashion Council Germany
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MERKEL À LA MODE: For the three-year old Fashion Council Germany, it was a much-longed-for first: an...
German interior minister says dispute with Angela Merkel is history
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BERLIN—Germany's interior minister says his bitter dispute with Chancellor Angela Merkel over migrat...
Trump and Merkel: An explosion-in-waiting
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Trump often saves his harshest words for Germany and its leader Angela Merkel — and their feud could...
Don't Cry for Angela Merkel
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Trump shouldn't openly mock Merkel or suggest that Germany has failed to pay its annual dues to NATO...
Angela Merkel won't pay the price to truly lead Europe
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Angela Merkel is, her supporters like to gloat, the leader of the free world. Just don't ask her to...
West Balkan leaders, Chancellor Angela Merkel to attend London summit
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Most notably, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel is scheduled to make an appearance and give a speec...
Letters: Civil War, Thailand, Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Vladimir ...
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Arguing Lincoln's legacyRe: 'Of the people, by the people, for the people' — Lincoln pleaded at Gett...
Merkel, Not Trump 'Europe's Problem' Danish Historian
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"The recent years have revealed European leaders' total lack of due diligence, with a confused Angel...
Angela Merkel sees 'progress' in May's Brexit struggles
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LONDON — Angela Merkel welcomed Theresa May's new Brexit proposals, saying there had been “progress”...
Angela Merkel welcomes Theresa May's Brexit plan and says there has been 'progress' in negotiations
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ANGELA Merkel yesterday welcomed Theresa May's controversial Brexit proposals, saying there had been...
Angela Merkel hits back at Donald Trump at Nato summit
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Angela Merkel pushed back against Donald Trump's extraordinary tirade against Germany on the first d...
Angela Merkel's dismay at Brexit chaos: 'Time is running OUT'
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Her fear is that, following the reshuffle of the Cabinet, it will be more difficult than ever to agr...
Angela Merkel to visit Ghana in August
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The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, will pay a day's working visit to Ghana in August, at the...
NATO goes to emergency session after Trump reportedly gets undiplomatic with Merkel
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During the summit, Trump reportedly broke diplomatic protocol by calling German Chancellor Angela Me...
Trump Goes Full “No Puppet, You're the Puppet” on Angela Merkel
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Since taking office more than 18 months ago, Donald Trump has treated Russian President Vladimir Put...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says there was 'clear commitment to NATO' by all in alliance's emergency session
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BRUSSELS (AP) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel says there was 'clear commitment to NATO' by all in...
Rich Lowry: Don't cry for Angela Merkel
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Angela Merkel is, her supporters like to gloat, the leader of the free world. Just don't ask her to...
Oprah Winfrey Empire, Angela Merkel, Paternity Leave: Broadsheet July 12th
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Angela's answer. German Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed back against President Donald Trump's claim...
Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder calls for term limits, floats Angela Merkel successors in interview
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Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder chimed in on the debate in an interview with German news m...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel Says There Was 'Clear Commitment to NATO' By All
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Brussels (AP) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel says there was 'clear commitment to NATO' by all in...
President Trump meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel after harsh comments
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US President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have met after the US leader publicly...
Stop appeasing Donald Trump, Angela Merkel's former foreign minister warns
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Europe must stop appeasing Donald Trump and stand up to him and his policies, Angela Merkel's former...
Did Angela Merkel approve Theresa May's Brexit plan in advance?
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When Theresa May presented her government summary for Brexit at Chequers last Friday, she is reporte...
Angela Merkel Fast Facts | Q2 | Continuous News ...
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Here's a look at the life of the first female chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel.
'It's HORRIBLE thing Germany is doing' Angela Merkel trashed in brutal Trump tirade
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The US President in an explosive press conference with Theresa May hailed Brexit a "blessing" and de...
Merkel's ex-foreign minister says Trump wants “regime change” in Germany
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Unlike the mutual respect and affection that marked the relationship between former US president Bar...
In Dissing Angela Merkel and NATO, What Was Trump Telling Putin?
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This in itself was a wild claim, given that Trump's only evidence of Germany's subjugation was that...
Germany stands with Pakistan in fight against terrorism: Angela Merkel
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BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday, condemned the suicide attack on a political ral...
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Birth name: Angela Dorothea Kasner. — Father: Horst Kasner, a Lutheran minister. — Mother: Herlind K...
Rahul Gandhi to meet German chancellor Angela Merkel in August during 4-day Europe tour
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Congress president will also spend two days in the UK as part of party's efforts to reach out to NRI...
Germany: We Can't Trust the Whack Job in the White House
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Angela Merkel held Trump's hand and attempted to explain complex concepts in a way she thought his s...
'She was unbeatable': Trump says Angela Merkel is no longer a 'superstar' because of Germany's immigration policies
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President Trump said in an interview set to be broadcast Tuesday that German Chancellor Angela Merke...
Happy Birthday, Angela! Surprising Facts About German Chancellor Merkel
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One of the world's most influential women, Angela Merkel, is turning 64 on July 17. Over the years s...
PM Borissov: Bulgaria does not have an agreement with Chancellor Angela Merkel on transportation of migrants
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Sofia. Bulgaria does not have an agreement with Chancellor Angela Merkel on transportation of migran...
'Cash for kids' poll row hits Angela Merkel's CSU allies
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The CSU's attempt to appeal to voters by demanding tougher immigration measures, which almost caused...
Angela Merkel 'cancels summer walking holiday' for first time in a ...
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German political circles have been plunged into speculation by reports that Angela Merkel is not goi...
Angela Merkel rejects Donald Trump's definition of EU as 'foe'
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In her yearly meet-the-press session before her summer vacation, Angela Merkel put forward the Europ...
Angela Merkel makes good on personal campaign pledges
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The first stop during Angela Merkel's week of campaign pledges was the St. Johannisstift nursing hom...
Warning for Merkel: Germany RUNNING SCARED of a no-deal Brexit, say think tank
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Leopold Traugott made his remarks after a spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested th...
Seehofer facing BULLYING CAMPAIGN after demand for Merkel to shake up EU policy
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Mr Seehofer, the leader of Mrs Merkel's conservative Bavarian allies, was behind a dramatic push to...
Angela Merkel welcomes Trump's invitation to Putin to meet in US
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday welcomed US President Donald Trump's invitation to Russian...
Angela Merkel 'TAKES NO NOTICE' of Trump attacks calls leader 'important' partner
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Merkel faced questions about Trump's accusations of her being “totally controlled” by Russia at her...
Merkel's Biggest German Ally Could One Day Be Her Biggest Threat
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With his pro-European convictions and even-keeled presence, the Social Democrat gained stature durin...
End of Angela? Merkel admits leadership in CRISIS over migration
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The embattled leader was quizzed on a number of topics, from Donald Trump to trade, during her annua...
Exclusive: German intelligence contradicts Merkel on Iran's nuclear drive
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A new German intelligence report from the city-state of Hamburg on Thursday said Iran's regime conti...
Angela Merkel 'respects' Mesut Ozil's decision to retire from international football
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Germany chancellor Angela Merkel respects Mesut Ozil's decision to retire from international footbal...
Merkel hopes for trade deal amid Trump's tariffs threat
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Not every foreign leader is eager to play hardball with Trump. The Germans, in particular, are much...
Around 25000 protest immigration stance of Merkel's Bavarian allies
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MUNICH (Reuters) - Around 25,000 people braved the rain in Munich on Sunday to protest the hardline...
Chancellor Angela Merkel has ALREADY lost power, warns political expert
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Heinrich Oberreuter believes Ms Merkel's authority has been permanently damaged after a rift with th...
Germany's falling behind on tech, and Merkel knows it
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ne of the first things Angela Merkel told a group of experts in artificial intelligence during a clo...
Angela Merkel: Europe can't rely on US to impose world order
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Speaking on the state of world affairs, Chancellor Angela Merkel took a shot at President Trump lead...
German chancellor Angela Merkel goes glam to attend Richard Wagner festival in Bavaria with her elusive opera ...
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Angela Merkel seen wearing a dashing two-piece green suit to attend the Richard Wagner festival in B...
Theresa May offered Brexit lifeline by Angela Merkel who insists EU leaders give PM 'one last chance' to sell ...
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THERESA May has been offered a Brexit lifeline by Angela Merkel who is trying to broker a meeting fo...
Hungary PM Viktor Orban: 'I would be out of a job' with Merkel's migration policy
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Orban was referring to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who in 2015 opened up Germany's borders as E...
Angela Merkel ally backs second Brexit vote as he lashes out at Leave campaign 'lies'
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Elmar Brok, an MEP and close ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel, told German newspaper FAZ that a seco...
Move over Özil, it's Merkel next for smiling Erdoğan
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... Mesut Özil reignited a divisive debate over the place of ethnic Turks in German society, it emer...
WARNING TO MERKEL: Change Barnier's mind on Brexit or Germany will SUFFER Jeremy Hunt
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He said the UK leaving Brussels without a deal risked chaos on both sides of the Channel and EU busi...
MERKEL'S NIGHTMARE: Trump forges alliance AGAINST Germany by cozying up to Italy PM
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Their cosy relationship will send alarm bells ringing in Berlin as German Chancellor Angela Merkel p...
Angela Merkel to Visit Georgia
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The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angela Merkel will pay an official visit to Georg...
UK takes heart at Angela Merkel's rethink on Brexit | Financial Times
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All good Brussels diplomats have their ears attuned to one particular thing: the sound of Angela Mer...
MERKEL ON THE ROPES: Angry Germans plan HUGE protest to demand 'Merkel MUST GO!'
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Angela Merkel's popularity has taken a battering after her open door policy saw more than one millio...
Where is Angela Merkel? Mystery of chancellor's whereabouts as husband holidays without her
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It's just that nobody seems to know where Mrs Merkel is or how she's spending her time off. She is n...
Brexit: EU will not soften strong opposition to Theresa May's plan, Michel Barnier insists
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The EU has insisted it will not soften its strong opposition to Theresa May's Brexit plan, amid clai...
Iran is trying to bring home terror cash from Germany, but Angela ...
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If Germany prevents Iran from acquiring nearly $400 million in U.S.-currency reserves held on its te...
'Brexit is NOT Germany's priority' No deal MORE LIKELY as Merkel focuses on issues at home
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In a scathing attack on the “UK's political class”, Dr Helene von Bismarck said hopes that Ms Merkel...
Horst Seehofer demands Angela Merkel push for more 'anchor' centers
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In a 20-minute interview with German public broadcaster ARD, Seehofer, a member of the conservative...
Merkel holiday mystery preoccupies much of German media
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Angela Merkel is a creature of habit, even in her summer break. And in the last decade she has effec...
Merkel's party debates merits of German national service
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BERLIN (AP) — Seven years after Germany scrapped military conscription, Chancellor Angela Merkel's p...
Angela Merkel's political heir 'may bring back national service'
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There were calls for a referendum in Germany after Angela Merkel's likely successor said that she wa...
Angela Merkel is making a big mistake with Trump
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Remember Donald Trump's fist bump with Recep Tayyip Erdogan? The attempt at playful banter with Vlad...
Turkey's president to meet Merkel in Germany next month
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BERLIN — Germany's government says Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet Turkey's president when he mak...
German Seals Migration Accord With Spain Ahead of Merkel Visit
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A coalition clash over migration brought Merkel to the brink of losing her parliamentary majority in...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel Strikes Deal With Spain to Return Migrants
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Angela Merkel has reached a deal with Spain on the return of migrants who arrive in Germany. Berlin'...
Merkel CLINGS to her job: Spain accepts German deal to take back FIVE migrants a day
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Mrs Merkel has been forced to secure a number of bilateral deals with European Union colleagues to s...
Angela Merkel sacrifices her principles to make a migration deal
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There was a time not too long ago – less than three years to be exact – when German Chancellor Angel...
Chancellor Angela Merkel in Spain for talks on refugees, migrants
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Speaking in southern Spain after a working lunch on Saturday, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish P...
Merkel 'carries her own shopping bags,' says supermarket boss
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BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel gets “no special treatment” when she shops at her local sto...
Prime Minister of Montenegro in Germany, Invited by Chancellor Angela Merkel
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11 August 2018 - Prime Minister Duško Marković will pay an official visit to the Federal Republic of...
European Championships: Angela Merkel draws athletes′ ire for ...
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Several athletes have criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel's absence from the athletics championships...
Melilla's merchants seek the help of Angela Merkel as Morocco closes commercial borders
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Since August the 1st, borders used for commercial purposes with Melilla have been closed, affecting...
Merkel eyes reform of 'dysfunctional' EU migration agreement
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Chancellor Angela Merkel has returned from her summer holiday, picking up where she left off: demand...
Angela Merkel: No Balkan border changes – POLITICO
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday rejected any changes to borders in the Balkans, after lead...
From refugees to Russia: Angela Merkel's foreign policy problems
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Hardly is Angela Merkel's vacation over, and fresh headaches are approaching. She began the late sum...
Germany wants to see Turkey prosper, Merkel says
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Chancellor Angela Merkel says that Germany wants to see Turkey prosper economically and is stressing...
'EU will be brushed aside' Italy promises to EJECT Merkel's EPP from European Parliament
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Speaking to Italian daily Corriere della Sera, the Italian eurosceptic claimed Angela Merkel's party...
War and fuel: Angela Merkel′s headaches in Russia talks ... DW
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Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin clearly have a lot to talk about. For the second time in three mont...
Madame Tussauds Now Features Trump Actor Punching German ...
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BERLIN (Reuters) - Madame Tussauds in Berlin unveiled its latest attraction on Tuesday - a posturing...
Of course, Angela Merkel wants a Brexit deal — but on her terms
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British leaders can get quite worked up about wooing Mrs Merkel. David Cameron once hosted a group o...
The Latest: Merkel says still much Brexit work to do
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The Latest on Brexit negotiations (all times local):. 5:15 p.m.. German Chancellor Angela Merkel say...
EU demands MORE cash from Germany: Merkel faces £10BN to plug BREXIT BLACKHOLE
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Mr Oettinger is planning on reminding Mr Scholz and Chancellor Angela Merkel “of the exact wording o...
With Stakes Rising, Merkel Enters the Fray to Calm Turkey Turmoil
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Germany wants Turkey to avoid a financial meltdown and can't allow the country to descend into chaos...
Germany's Angela Merkel confronts far-right critics in AfD country
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One of the lessons Angela Merkel drew from her conservative party's disappointment in last year's el...
REVEALED: Angela Merkel has one HUGE motivation to help save Erdogan's Turkish Lira...
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Speaking by phone to the Turkish leader on Wednesday, Mrs Merkel agreed on a meeting between both co...
Putin to have talks with Angela Merkel in Germany
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin are due to meet for their first...
MERKEL CLINGS ON: Germany strikes deal with Greece to send back migrants within 48 HOURS
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A pact with Italy would provide the biggest breakthrough yet in Angela Merkel's struggle to get a st...
Angela Merkel to attend Crystal Endeavor keel-laying
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is scheduled to attend the keel-laying for Crystal Endeavor—Crystal...
Germany's Merkel Set To Visit Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel plans to visit the Caucasus states of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaij...
Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin tackle tough global topics
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Chancellor Angela Merkel said Saturday she expected "no special" outcomes from her largely private "...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel felicitates Imran Khan
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ISLAMABAD: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has congratulated Imran Khan on assuming office as 22nd P...
Germany CRISIS LOOMING: Turkey lira disaster could spark chaos, admits Merkel's government
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The Turkish currency has lost nearly 40 percent of its value against the dollar this year, hit a wor...
Merkel 'sees no need for special German aid for Turkey'
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel told her Christian Democrats (CDU) at a meeting that she saw no urge...
Angela Merkel attends keel-laying of 'game-changing' Crystal expedition yacht
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Angela Merkel attends keel-laying of 'game-changing' Crystal expedition yacht. Crystal Cruises has l...
Merkel meets Putin | Euronews Answers
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Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin outlined the main topics they would be discussing ahead of their me...
Turkey lira crisis: Merkel RULES OUT financial aid package for Turkey
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However, an article carried on the German edition of the Business Insider website cited Annegret Kra...
Merkel bows to Trump demand on Nazi guard
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The deportation comes at a time of deep tension between Berlin and Washington over a range of issues...
Angela Merkel slaps down her OWN minister for attacking Donald Trump in shock rant
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Germany's Chancellor was left furious after Heiko Maas called for the EU to be more forceful in reje...
Merkel reportedly wants a German for the EU's top job
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Chancellor Angela Merkel won't push for a German to be the next president of the European Central Ba...
Angela Merkel eyes Azeri gas after Trump attack on Russia ties
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BERLIN — Castigated by US President Donald Trump as relying too much on Russian gas supplies, German...
Angela Merkel to designate Georgia as safe for migrant returns
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Following a rise in migrant arrivals from Georgia, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that Ge...
Angela Merkel wants a German to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as European Commission boss
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ANGELA Merkel is plotting to strengthen Berlin's iron grip on the EU by shoehorning in her own man a...
Angela Merkel stresses importance of press freedom in PEGIDA rally debate
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When asked about the scandal during her trip to Georgia, Merkel said that the right to free assembly...
Merkel under pressure: Seehofer's new immigration law come under fire for being too soft
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Horst Seehofer was at the centre of a migration row with the German Chancellor that threatened her f...
Visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Armenia in photos
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Visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Armenia in photos. Read inTelegram. Chancellor...
Angela Merkel to visit Nigeria on Friday
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German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, will on Wednesday tour three West African countries, paying visits...
The Complex Calculations Behind Angela Merkel's ECB Strategy
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Yet Weber, a member of Merkel's Bavarian sister party, isn't a shoo-in, according to the people, who...
TROUBLE AHEAD: Merkel admits EU faces BATTLE against populism in 2019 elections
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Mrs Merkel predicts the elections will be between pro-European and Eurosceptic ideologies, warning E...
Ilham Aliyev, Angela Merkel hold joint press conference in Baku
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Ilham Aliyev, Angela Merkel hold joint press conference in Baku. 25 August 2018 13:47 (UTC+04:00). 2...
Merkel Visits Genocide Memorial In Armenia
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the Armenian Genocide memorial complex in Yerevan commemorat...
Angela Merkel visits Alley of Martyrs in Baku [PHOTO]
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Trend: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has visited the Alley of Martyrs to pay respect to Azerbaijan...
Angela Merkel in Azerbaijan calls for peace with Armenia
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Saturday that Berlin could help mediate between Azerbaijan and...
Angela Merkel in Azerbaijan: unfulfilled expectations
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid an official visit to Azerbaijan on 25 August as part of her tou...
Angela Merkel warns against erosion of democracy
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel emphasized the importance of press freedom, protections for minoriti...
Merkel rejects call for CONSCRIPTION to help refugees integrate into German society
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The policy was put forward by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, secretary-general of Merkel's governing Ch...
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel to visit Nigeria this week
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German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, will on Wednesday , tour three West African countries, paying visi...
Jenni Murray: Why Angela Merkel is the person I'd most like to interview on Woman's Hour
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Support for Angela Merkel's government has slumped to a record low in Germany this month, but for BB...
Merkel EU TAKEOVER: Weber wins support as Berlin plots to parachute German into top job
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The European Parliament's European People' Party leader earned the support of the EU's budget chief...
Germany migrants: Merkel condemns 'vigilantes' after Chemnitz murder
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said "vigilante justice" will not be tolerated after far-right u...
3 Reasons why Angela Merkel and Theresa May are visiting Nigeria
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Nigeria will be welcoming British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel thi...
Trump, Merkel support US-EU trade talks in phone conversation: White House
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke by telephone with German Chancellor Angela...
EU lashes out at Angela Merkel over Balkans borders issue in ...
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THE EUROPEAN Commission has lashed out at Angela Merkel's stance over the West Balkan borders, endor...
Business and migration to shape Merkel's trip to West Africa
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For Chancellor Angela Merkel, the past weeks have been Africa weeks. She first hosted leaders from N...
'Hate in the streets' has no place in Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel
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BERLIN: Chancellor Angela Merkel today condemned violent far-right protests that degenerated into at...
Migration expected to top Merkel's agenda on West Africa tour
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to begin a tour of three West African countries, Senegal, Gha...
Will Angela Merkel Bail Out Erdogan? Germany May Save Turkey's Economy to Protect Europe
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German officials are so worried about Turkey's economic troubles spilling into Europe that Berlin is...
High hopes ahead of Merkel's Nigeria visit
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When German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives in Nigeria's capital Abuja on Friday, nagging issues su...
Merkel backs Bavarian ally as center-right's EU Commission candidate: media
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Merkel, who as leader of the EU's most populous and wealthiest country would have considerable influ...
Buhari receives German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, at Aso Rock
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President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday received the vising German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, at the Pr...
Merkel and Macron seek INDEPENDENCE for Europe as rift with Trump DEEPENS
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The leaders of the so-called Franco-German motor of the EU have called on their European allies to e...
Angela Merkel in Nigeria: Migration in focus at end of Africa trip
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A delegation of business leaders and potential investors accompanied the chancellor during her to tr...
Germany's inexorable drift to the right after Angela Merkel's migration mistake
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The images of neo-Nazis rampaging through the streets of Chemnitz show the migrant crisis will haunt...
Power dressing: Fashion of three of the most popular women leaders
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Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel and Theresa May. Every person desires to feel good and tend to expres...
Opinion: Angela Merkel in Africa — A transparent tour
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This week, Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Senegal, Ghana and Nigeria. Meanwhile, German Developmen...
Germany protest: Thousands of supporters, opponents of Angela Merkel's immigration policy demonstrate in Chemnitz ...
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Chemnitz (Germany): Thousands of opponents and supporters of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's immig...
Africa: Angela Merkel in Africa a Transparent Tour
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Thanks to her migration policy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a popular figure in Africa. But h...
Angela Merkel should become the president of the European Commission
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Whatever happens on Brexit this time next year, Europe will have a new leadership. New MEPs, a new p...
Angela Merkel's foreign minister attacks Germans for being 'lazy' against racism
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In a rare attack on German voters, Heiko Maas urged people of all ages to stand up for vital rights,...
Trump brands Merkel 'RIDICULOUS': US president predicts EU capitulation in trade standoff
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The EU has previously criticised the US for blocking of the appointment of WTO judges, which has cre...
QUEEN OF EUROPE: Angela Merkel should be given TOP JOB at EU insists ex-Labour MP
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He said: “Might Angela Merkel herself seek to be the first woman president of the commission? “She h...
Angela Merkel backs EU plot to ABOLISH daylight saving time
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Jean-Claude Juncker announced that he wanted to overturn the time change in the EU between winter an...
About 50000 attend Chemnitz anti-racism concert as Angela Merkel urges Germans to speak out
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Tens of thousands of people thronged an anti-racism concert on Monday in protest against xenophobic...
Italy's Salvini: Merkel has underestimated the challenges of migration
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Angela Merkel is proposing a redistribution inside Europe, and I can agree even with this position i...
TRUMP WARNING: Germany could cosy up with RUSSIA AND CHINA in anger at US
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His relationship with Germany and in particular Chancellor Angela Merkel has become increasingly str...
Angela Merkel admits collapse of Brexit talks cannot be ruled out
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Angela Merkel has warned her country's business leaders that the Brexit negotiations are in danger o...
Angela Merkel: I can't rule out Brexit talks breakdown
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A breakdown of the Brexit talks cannot be ruled out, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told financial...
PDP reports Buhari to Theresa May, Angela Merkel, lists 'President's sins'
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“Your intervention, at this time, will help Nigeria and indeed Africa to avert a looming crisis that...
Merkel EU TAKEOVER: Germany's MEP Weber to announce candidacy for EU TOP JOB
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It is no secret the Bavarian's candidacy will be well received in Germany but a government source cl...
'Merkel failed, Macron FAILING!' Farage delivers HILARIOUS quip in quick-fire interview
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During an interview with Euronews, for their political show, Raw Politics, Nigel Farage was put thro...
The Failure of the Center-Right
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But even though Weber has, as the leader of the EPP, played a pivotal role in allowing Orbán to dest...
Angela Merkel 'SCREWED UP': German Mayor says 'GENEROSITY' led to right-wing extremists
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Cottbus Mayor Holger Kelch is a member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and he has...
Angela Merkel to meet with Macron rival who said she 'LACKED CHARISMA'
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“It is not for nothing that Angela Merkel has agreed to the meeting,” the source said, adding that t...
Pound soars as Angela Merkel opens the door to a Brexit deal by backing down on Europe's red lines
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ANGELA Merkel tonight opened to the door to a Brexit fudge by suggesting the final deal could be sho...
Angela Merkel's top ally in Brussels launches campaign to replace Jean-Claude Juncker as EU president
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The most senior Brussels politician from Angela Merkel's political alliance has launched a bid to be...
Merkel's BREXIT WARNING: Chancellor backs Frankfurt push to SNATCH London's euro clearing
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Mrs Merkel said: “Our ability for financial services in a comprehensive sense can certainly grow.” R...
'Migration is the BIGGEST problem' Germany crisis as Merkel attacked by her OWN minister
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Horst Seehofer yesterday urged Mrs Merkel to take a firmer stance on migration in his latest attack...
Merkel: Germany backs constructive solution to Gulf crisis
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At the opening of a Qatar-Germany business forum in Berlin Friday alongside Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Ha...
German intelligence chief at odds with Angela Merkel as he says no evidence foreigners were attacked in Chemnitz
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But Mrs Merkel's main coalition partners, the centre-Left Social Democrats (SPD) reacted furiously....
Germany's Merkel in Macedonia before referendum on name deal
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev observe the national...
Merkel Says Germany Will Cut Debt and Raise Investment Next Year
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said her government will use its 2019 budget to cut debt and raise s...
BLOW for Merkel: Support for Chancellor's government hits NEW LOW but AfD support steady
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The survey, published by pollster Emnid, makes for troubling reading for the country's leader, as it...
Angela Merkel backs 'Macedonia' renaming referendum
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Merkel made the first ever official visit by a German chancellor to Macedonia on Saturday, describin...
Angela Merkel approval rating at all-time LOW amid migration row ...
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ANGELA Merkel's approval rating has dropped to an all-time low amid the ongoing row over migration p...
Germany can't look away if Syria uses chemical weapons: Angela Merkel
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Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday Germany could not simply look away if chemical attacks to...
Is Angela Merkel's political star fading?
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is used to getting herself out of jams and surviving for another day...
Angela Merkel: Germany can't look away when chemical attacks take place
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Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday Germany could not simply look away if chemical attacks to...
Angela Merkel REJECTS AfD claims she ENDANGERED German citizens following mass riots
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AfD leader Alexander Gauland attacked Ms Merkel and the federal government for endangering the lives...
Migrant debate 'no excuse' for far-right violence, says Angela Merkel
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BERLIN—German Chancellor Angela Merkel assured parliament Wednesday that she takes seriously Germans...
Merkel: Germany must respond to chemical weapon use | Fox News
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Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested Wednesday that Germany must be prepared to respond if chemical we...
Angela Merkel faces suspicion in Baltics
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"The Lithuanians have fallen on hard luck again. The Estonians are hosting the British, for Latvians...
'They will let in migrants' Hungary furious at Merkel as EU takes control of borders
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... were numbered. He also criticised German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after she appealed to EU stat...
Berlin: No comment on reports Merkel has lost confidence in top spy
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Merkel's Social Democrat coalition partners want to fire domestic intelligence chief Hans-Georg Maas...
Angela Merkel rules out lifting EU Russia sanctions
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday that the European Union would maintain sanctions agai...
German spy scandal exposes deep divisions in Angela Merkel government
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A scandal over migrants being chased through the streets has exposed a rift between Angela Merkel an...
German troops face Russian 'hybrid war' in Lithuania: Merkel
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Friday Berlin was boosting military cyber capabilities to respo...
Merkel wants EU to have 'CLOSE' relationship with UK after Brexit
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Ms Merkel said: "We want good, reliable ties with Britain - we want close cooperation in the fields...
Merkel coalition in crisis once again over intelligence chief as more far-Right protests planned
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Mrs Merkel may have hoped she had put the threat to her government behind her when she bested Mr See...
Brexit breakthrough? Merkel 'will urge' Barnier to back down to avoid 'EU catastrophe'
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Germany is desperately triyng to avoid a no deal Brexit since this scenario "would hurt Europe as mu...
Germany's Angela Merkel backs Austria on stronger EU borders
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz appeared to put aside th...
Angela Merkel announces new bid to tackle migration alongside Austria's anti-immigration chancellor as she continues ...
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Mrs Merkel, who has faced a backlash since she allowed a million refugees into Germany in 2015, agre...
Merkel in Algeria: Migration likely to influence trade talks
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Officially, the main purpose of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Algeria is to strengthen...
Oktoberfest from hell for Merkel's Bavarian allies
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The CSU is the smallest of the three parties that form Germany's grand coalition, alongside Angela M...
German government declines comment on report Merkel has decided top spy must go
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BERLIN: Chancellor Angela Merkel has decided Germany's domestic intelligence agency chief must go be...
Angela Merkel to decide on spy chief's fate after far-right row
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government is set to decide whether to fire the domestic spy chief...
'UK must SUFFER!' Angela Merkel makes shocking Brexit attack
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Mr Watt said: “The mood music is much better from Michel Barnier and EU leaders. “The bottom line is...
Angela Merkel and Bavaria: What Germany's regional election means for the chancellor
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You might think that the looming electoral debacle in Bavaria would be bad news for conservative Cha...
Germany, Algeria to work more closely on deportations, Merkel says
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Merkel later on Monday met President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Algerian state TV said, showing footage o...
Merkel takes a gamble with new immigration law
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BERLIN: Chancellor Angela Merkel hopes a new immigration law will make it easier for foreign workers...
Angela Merkel removes German spy chief to quell racism row which threatened her leadership
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Mrs Merkel's junior coalition partners, the Social Democrats, had demanded Mr Maassen be removed, wh...
Angela Merkel on collision course with voters on plan to boost immigration from OUTSIDE EU
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Many in government will see this as a game-changer in the global race for talent, since other countr...
Angela Merkel faces BIG BUSINESS WALKOUT as Trump LURES German companies
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Germany's business leaders are on the warpath as shocking data show a large number of German compani...
Angela Merkel ousts her domestic spy chief over suspected right-wing sympathies
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Berlin | Germany's government said it would replace the head of its domestic intelligence agency who...
Merkel Risks More Political Gridlock as German Coalition Creaks
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As Merkel seeks to focus on global issues from trade conflict with the U.S. to the war in Syria, she...
German domestic intelligence chief loses job after spat with Chancellor Angela Merkel over anti-migrant violence
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German domestic intelligence chief loses job after spat with Chancellor Angela Merkel over anti-migr...
As the Far Right Gains in Germany, Merkel Weakens
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BERLIN — For nearly two weeks Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to find a way to fire her own domestic...
Angela Merkel wants EU migrant deals with North African nations DW
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The German chancellor views the EU-Turkey migrant deal as a model for working with North African cou...
Right-wing AfD second only to Angela Merkel′s weakening ... DW
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Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has overtaken the co-ruling Social Democrats...
Angela Merkel's fate may rest on SPD solidarity
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The Social Democrats (SPD) tried and failed to defeat Angela Merkel in four elections over 12 years....
Merkel and Macron Sound Gloomy on Brexit as UK Disappointed
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But the Germans were also dissatisfied with May's presentation, according to a person familiar with...
Angela Merkel wants to defuse coalition crisis over spymaster this weekend
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BERLIN (REUTERS) - Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday (Sept 21) the leaders of her coalition pa...
German coalition at stake as parties wrangle over spymaster affair
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Berlin: The fate of Chancellor Angela Merkel's unwieldy six-month-old government hangs in the balanc...
Angela Merkel admits mistakes in row over spy chief
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Angela Merkel conceded that the coalition's decision to remove ex-intelligence chief Hans-Georg Maas...
Angela Merkel apologises over Maassen's controversial promotion
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Angela Merkel said she "regrets" her handling of a political scandal involving the country's top spy...
Next Question for Merkel: Will the Latest Coalition Truce Hold?
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With poll numbers for the governing parties at historic lows and the anti-immigration Alternative fo...
Merkel admits mistakes in case of domestic intelligence chief
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BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday admitted she made mistakes in handling the firing...
'I was WRONG' Merkel's grovelling apology as Germany coalition rocked by crisis
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Mrs Merkel's government was plunged into crisis over allegations Hans-Georg Maassen, from Berlin's s...
Angela Merkel says still unclear what Britain wants in Brexit talks
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday that Britain had still not expressed a clear position o...
Merkel's fate may hang in the balance as her coalition squabbles
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Angela Merkel has been gentle with her prickly Bavarian allies, knowing a bad election result could...
Merkel 'Beginning of the END': German chancellor defeated by HUGE UPRISING
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Niema Movassat of The Left Party said: “This is the beginning of the end for Merkel. Her authority i...
Merkel loses key ally in conservative rebellion
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“I'm looking forward to working with Angela Merkel,” Brinkhaus said after his election. “It's going...
Angela Merkel warns EU and UK are still a long way from deal as she says 'we still don't know what Britain really wants'
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ANGELA Merkel today claimed the EU still does not know "what Britain really wants" from the long-run...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel rejects May's Chequers proposal
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Angela Merkel has urged Britain to come to the negotiating table with a “different, sensible” Brexit...
Pound to euro exchange rate: Pound surges as Brexit deal confidence grows
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The pound has shown positive growth today as the exchange rate creeps over £1.120. The surge comes a...
Angela Merkel's Ugly Romance With the Iranian Regime
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According to Dr. Josef Schuster, Angela Merkel's flourishing trade with a regime in Tehran that is b...
This really is the beginning of the end for Merkel but it will be a slow and painful departure for the 'Queen of ...
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Angela Merkel, the woman who has dominated Europe for more than a decade is wounded, perhaps fatally...
'Angela Merkel is LAME DUCK' German Chancellor's authority SLIPS AWAY amid UPRISING
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After 18 years of being at the helm of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Mrs Merkel faced an “up...
MERKEL ON BRINK: Chancellor under pressure as German business leaders demand ACTION
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The appeals for action come after a shock poll revealed Germans are rapidly losing faith in Mrs Merk...
Erdogan comes back begging: Turkey leader meets Merkel for tense talks amid lira crisis
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He previously called on Angela Merkel to join forces with Turkey and other “responsible” states in l...
Opinion: Time nearly up for Angela Merkel to cement legacy
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The speech divided the members of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives in parliament. Sup...
Angela Merkel's CDU wins over migrant voters in Germany
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Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative bloc has become most popular party among German citizens wit...
Angela Merkel loses key ally Volker Kauder in party rebel...
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Angela Merkel loses key ally Volker Kauder in party rebel... CNBC Videos • September 25, 2018. Conte...
Viewpoint: The end of Angela Merkel is nigh
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Angela Merkel is facing a struggle to hold onto power after a rebellion where she least expected it...
Brexit news latest: 'Angela Merkel out to stop us getting good deal,' David Davis says
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is leading moves in the European Union to stop Britain being “seen t...
Merkel a 'figure of RIDICULE': Calls for German chief to QUIT but she still has one EU fan
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Angela Merkel's popularity has taken a battering after her open door policy saw more than one millio...
The demise of Angela Merkel signals the end of consensus politics
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Angela Merkel's own MPs rebelled and voted down her choice for chief whip - chairman of their parlia...
Why Angela Merkel needs to welcome her awkward guest, President Erdogan
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However much Angela Merkel and her circle may dislike Mr Erdogan's autocratic tendencies, his flirta...
Merkel talks human rights with Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan
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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan faced criticism over press freedom in his country as he met G...
Germany's Angela Merkel 'categorically' rules out coalition with far-right AfD
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BERLIN (REUTERS) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday (Sept 27) her centre-right Chris...
Angela Merkel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan hold final talks ahead of Turkish leader's Cologne visit
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan for a working breakfast in Berl...
Merkel and Erdogan Clash in Berlin Over Turkish Reporter
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Rule-of-law issues, including Merkel's demand to free German citizens imprisoned in Turkey, dominate...
Merkel urges understanding for eastern Germans
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper on Saturday that although G...
Angela Merkel wants to stop Britain thriving after Brexit, David Davis blasts
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ANGELA Merkel wants to stop Britain thriving after Brexit and Theresa May must not see her as the UK...
Merkel wants car giants to pick up 100% of diesel refit bill
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"The fastest and best way for the environment is to replace the old fleet with a new one, but to com...
Angela Merkel warns Donald Trump against 'destroying' the UN
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FRANKFURT AM MAIN,. German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday warned US President Donald Trump again...
Turkey's Recep Erdogan meets Angela Merkel to boost ties, offends many Germans
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Though not holding back her criticism, Merkel was visibly uncomfortable with a joint appearance that...
Angela Merkel's coalition reaches deal on diesel crisis
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The compromise followed six hours of deliberations in Berlin, as members of Chancellor Angela Merkel...
Merkel Is Wobbling. Europe's Future Rests on Her Successors.
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For all 13 years of Angela Merkel's run as chancellor of Germany, she has relied upon Volker Kauder...
World prefers Angela Merkel to Donald Trump: PEW study
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel came out top of a new PEW survey with 52 percent of respondents expr...
Angela Merkel doubles arms sales to Saudi Arabia
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Angela Merkel's coalition has been accused of “moral bankruptcy” after it emerged that arms exports...
The Decline (and Fall?) of Angela Merkel Is a Warning Sign for Immigration Apologists Everywhere
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Ever since German Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed her country to be inundated with over a million r...
Will Angela Merkel cancel her Israel visit if Khan al-Ahmar is evacuated?
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... beyond the 1967 lines during the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden, and – aware of sharp Germ...
Angela Merkel EMBARRASSMENT: Germany's new warship delayed for ANOTHER year
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The ship's launch has been pushed back another year to give enough time to iron out technical issues...
Erdogan Gets Something for Nothing in Germany
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They agreed that her economy minister, Peter Altmaier, will soon lead a large business delegation on...
Report: Angela Merkel will cancel Israel visit if Khan al-Ahmar evacuated
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel will cancel her visit to Israel if the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ah...
Merkel Heads to Israel Amid Calls to Prevent Demolition of Contested West Bank Village
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel will land Wednesday evening in Israel for a traditional bilateral ca...
Merkel visits Israel amid deep disagreements over Palestinians, Iran
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to land in Israel Wednesday evening for a two-day visit cente...
Angela Merkel embarrassment: German leader suffers SHARP REBUKE ahead of Israel visit
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Chancellor Merkel arrived in Israel late on Wednesday night, and is due to hold talks with Prime Min...
Businessman to challenge Angela Merkel for party leadership
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BERLIN — At least two candidates plan to challenge Angela Merkel for the leadership of her party at...
Hessischer Unternehmer will gegen Angela Merkel antreten
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Kürzlich hatte bereits ein Berliner Jura-Student angekündigt, Merkel beim Parteitag herauszufordern....
Angela Merkel's Whirlwind Summer Holidays
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Put them alongside the flurry of visits Chancellor Angela Merkel made to countries across the Middle...
German businessman to challenge Angela Merkel for party leadership in sign of building threat to Chancellor
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But there are already whisperings Mrs Merkel could face a more serious rebellion at the party confer...
Germany's Angela Merkel in Israel amid deep divisions
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday that Germ...
Farage warns Merkel, Juncker and Barnier ALL facing Brexit uprising from German industry
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On Thursday the President of the European Council Donald Tusk tweeted suggesting a “Canada+++ deal”...
Hambach forest: Letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel
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Dear Chancellor Merkel,. The world is watching as the conflict around the Hambach forest, neighbouri...
Merkel, Juncker & Barnier ALL facing Brexit uprising from German industry, claims Farage
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On Thursday the President of the European Council Donald Tusk tweeted suggesting a “Canada+++ deal”...
Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union at lowest ebb in polls
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Angela Merkel's party has been challenged to block making any electoral bargains with the far right...
Shock poll predicts Merkel's Bavarian sister party CSU could lose power for first time since Second World War
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What is clear from the poll's findings is the dissatisfaction with Mrs Merkel's current coaltion, wi...
Merkel's allies face up to historic power shift
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The findings will send shockwaves through Ms Merkel's already fragile coalition. But for once it is...
Angela Merkel admits DIVISION leading to Germany chaos | World ...
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CHANCELLOR Angela Merkel has admitted her Christian Democrats Union (CDU) has caused a mass divide a...
Merkel photo with all-male group of Israeli entrepreneurs draws ire
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A publicity photo of German Chancellor Angela Merkel surrounded by Israeli male business innovators,...
German conservatives back Merkel bid for party leadership
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BERLIN (Reuters) - Senior German conservatives on Sunday backed Chancellor Angela Merkel's bid for r...
Hitler's descendant calls Donald Trump a 'liar', says he'd vote for Angela Merkel
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One of the oldest descendants of Adolf Hitler has broken a decades-long silence – saying he doesn't...
Angela Merkel: German Chancellor tries to cling to power amid calls ...
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ANGELA Merkel is desperately clinging to power and has hit back at calls from fellow ministers to li...
Germany's Angela Merkel no longer leading the charge on climate change
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No expense was spared on Monday at the German Environment Ministry in Berlin. The room was packed. T...
Merkel Urges Europe Mergers to Develop 'Global Players' in Tech
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“European competition law is sometimes very much oriented on competition between companies,” Merkel...
Merkel and All the Men
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Just as the presence of one Angela Merkel doesn't excuse the absence of other women, so the integrat...
Why Bavaria is the next big stumbling block for Angela Merkel
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Regional elections are being held in Bavaria in Germany this coming weekend and the results could me...
These Are the Challenges Angela Merkel Must Navigate This Fall
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Even Merkel's critics aren't predicting a quick exit. Instead, the buzz in Berlin is about which sig...
Germany election: Death knell for Angela Merkel rings as Bavaria heads for the polls
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CSU leaders have been openly critical of Mrs Merkel's migrant policy and fear handing yet more of th...
Merkel affirms support for two-state solution in call with Abbas
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in a telephone co...
Alarm bells for German Chancellor Angela Merkel as Bavarian allies face election slump
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BERLIN/MUNICH (REUTERS) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's Bavarian allies are heading for their worst sho...
Israel's tech women send picture to Angela Merkel Globes
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The photograph followed the German Chancellor's critical comments about the Israel-German high-tech...
Israel's tech women send picture to Angela Merkel
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Yesterday evening a group of some 70 senior female high-tech executives and entrepreneurs gathered i...
The long goodbye: Who can replace Angela Merkel?
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has seen her grip on power wane following an inconclusive election a...
Angela Merkel Could Save Europe. Why Won't She?
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BERLIN — Campaigning in the spring of 2017, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany declared at a packed...
This German state can make or break Merkel
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a big test in Bavaria's upcoming election, as her sister p...
German lion emerges from Merkel's sunset
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If ever a simple truth accurately portrayed the situation German Chancellor Angela Merkel finds hers...
'Islam Belongs to Merkel, But She Doesn't Belong to Germany' – AfD MP
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Alternative for Germany is a right-wing party that has been opposing Angela Merkel's open door polic...
Bavarians vote in election that may spell doom for Merkel CNN
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Deggendorf, Germany (CNN) Voters in the southern German state of Bavaria go to the polls on Sunday i...
Angela Merkel's Conservative Allies Lose Ground in Bavarian Election, Signaling Possible Turbulence
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(BERLIN) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative allies lost their absolute majority in Bav...
It might be time for Angela Merkel to go
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Not so for Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. The catastrophic election results for the Chris...
Rees-Mogg ATTACKS 'declining' Merkel for forcing 'undemocratic EU' on German people
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Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative allies in Bavaria have had their worst election performance...
Merkel's Bavarian allies lose absolute majority in regional election
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Chancellor Angela Merkel's Bavarian allies suffered their worst state election result in more than 6...
German leader Angela Merkel was just dealt a major political blow ...
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Voters in the German state of Bavaria went to the polls this weekend and dealt a serious setback to...
Rumours of Angela Merkel's political demise gather steam
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Another Advent option: Angela Merkel headlining at the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party conven...
Angela Merkel's Bavarian allies lose majority
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CNN's Atika Shubert looks at the southern German state Bavaria, whose vote that cost the ruling Chri...
Angela Merkel: Brexit deal looking 'more difficult'
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Angela Merkel has spoken of growing difficulties in striking a Brexit deal as the European council p...
Who is Angela Merkel?
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Angela Merkel is the long-standing Chancellor of Germany, dubbed by some as the de facto leader of t...
Angela Merkel's UK-EU customs union fears 'a barrier to Brexit deal'
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Angela Merkel's fears that the British economy could gain a competitive advantage through even a tem...
Exclusive: Angela Merkel Put Heat On Automakers To Electrify ...
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October 18th, 2018 by Zachary Shahan. There has been a little bit of a positive surprise in the past...
Angela Merkel says Brexit deal still possible
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BERLIN – German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she still believes there is a chance the EU and U.K. w...
Macron and Merkel go out for a beer together after telling Theresa May they'll scrap crunch Brexit summit
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EU leaders have proposed a longer transition, leaving Britain tied to the bloc until the end of 2021...
Merkel 'pretty certain' a Brexit deal can be secured BUT it will rely on TWO key points
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Angela Merkel “is pretty certain” that a Brexit deal can be agreed as long as there is “enough polit...
Angela Merkel's coalition is in trouble. That means Europe is, too
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That is a consequence, most analysts agree, of deciding in March to enter into a second “grand coali...
Merkel 'unequivocally' supports Ireland over Brexit Govt source
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A Government source has said Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has held a number of conversations with German C...
'Britain NEEDS to find an answer!' Angela Merkel demands UK find solution Brexit deadlock
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Angela Merkel said on Wednesday she believes a Brexit deal is still possible as she highlighted Germ...
WATCH: Merkel just responded to Trump's trade threat over post-Brexit financial services
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Angela Merkel told the US President to remain patient after Wilbur Ross, the US commerce secretary,...
Support for Merkel and coalition partners falls to lowest ever level, as Greens gain in polls
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Support for Mrs Merkel's party and her coalition partners fell to their lowest ever levels in a clea...
Why neither Angela Merkel nor any other EU leader will rescue Theresa May from this Brexit quagmire
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... its captains of industry demanding a decent deal or its pragmatic chancellor taming European Com...
Angela Merkel defies Trump, defends free trade at EU-Asia meeting
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended free trade at a summit of European and Asian leaders in Bru...
Angela Merkel and Other European Leaders Press for Facts About Jamal Khashoggi's Death
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel led a chorus of European leaders pressing Saudi Arabia to come clean...
Merkel 'could RESIGN' and run against Salvini in SHOCK contest to replace EU chief Juncker
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"There are rumours in Brussels right now that she could go for the head of Commission next year to r...
Angela Merkel to halt Saudi arms sales after Jamal Khashoggi's death
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Britain was outflanked by Germany yesterday after Angela Merkel called for a halt to arms sales to S...
Angela Merkel puts on hold arms sales to Saudi Arabia
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday that Germany would put arms exports to the kingdom on...
Angela Merkel aims to ward off diesel car ban in Germany
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However, Merkel's proposed legislation would enshrine in law that diesel car bans are disproportiona...
No arms for Saudi Arabia while Khashoggi questions remain: Germany's Angela Merkel
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No arms for Saudi Arabia while Khashoggi questions remain: Germany's Angela Merkel. Germany will not...
Merkel moves to open up Germany to US gas imports after Trump's push: report
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Merkel told a group of lawmakers over breakfast in October that her government will co-finance a $57...
Angela Merkel news: Chancellor calls voters in DESPERATE plea ...
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The German leader made the unusual step to directly phone voters in a desperate bid to persuade them...
Merkel: No German arms exports to Saudi until killing cleared up
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ORTENBERG, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday called the killing of journ...
Merkel UNDER FIRE: Germans FURIOUS at Chancellor over botched diesel policy
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But a survey conducted by YouGov Deutschland of 2,043 people from October 17-19 has revealed Germans...
Angela Merkel fights for future as mood turns ugly
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Like thousands of other Frankfurters, they're preparing to give Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian...
There's a Diesel Cloud Hanging Over Angela Merkel
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With her support of the Paris climate accord and decision to shutter Germany's nuclear power plants,...
MERKEL ON BRINK: Nervy Chancellor DENIES crunch vote could see her axed
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Voters head to the polls in the German state of Hesse on October 28 as the embattled Mrs Merkel face...
We asked Germans what they really felt after Angela Merkel opened the borders to refugees in 2015
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German chancellor Angela Merkel's decision in 2015 to keep her country's borders open and give shelt...
Angela Merkel pleads for stability. But is she destabilizing Germany?
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Seventy-five years later, to the day, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was in a rebuilt Kassel to mak...
Migrant's son challenges Angela Merkel from left field as Greens poised for upset in Germany's financial capital
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Tarek al-Wazir is not an obvious figure to be the man who brings down Angela Merkel. The son of a Ye...
Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Emmanuel Macron clash over Saudi weapons
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French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel clashed on Friday over the futu...
African growth key to stemming migrant flows –Merkel
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Czech premier Andrej Babis agreed Friday to focus on economic de...
As Angela Merkel's star dims, Europe is facing perhaps its biggest challenge since 1930s
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Angela Merkel's political obituary has been written many times since last year's bruising federal el...
Syria summit: Chancellor Angela Merkel calls for free elections alongside Russia, Turkey, France
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with the leaders of Turkey, Russia and France in Istanbul on Sat...
Germany Election in Hesse Deals Another Setback to Merkel
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BERLIN — Voters in one of Germany's most prosperous states punished Chancellor Angela Merkel's conse...
Angela Merkel says she won't run after term ends in 2021: Report
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Angela Merkel says she won't run after term ends in 2021: Report. 22 Mins Ago. The "Squawk Box" team...
Euro drops, recovers as reports say German Chancellor Angela Merkel will step down as party leader
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The European single currency was in the spotlight on Monday — dropping sharply, then recovering— aft...
Angela Merkel will not run for CDU party chair again party sources
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Sources in the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) have said that Chancellor Angela Merkel is prepared...
Germany Without Angela Merkel: Unthinkable? Think Again, She Says
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BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel has been a seemingly invincible figure in German politics. In offi...
Angela Merkel, Anti-Semitism, Russia: Your Tuesday Briefing
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Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, above, is stepping down as leader of her conservative party and...
Angela Merkel will not seek re-election
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced she does not plan to seek another term as chairwoman f...
Merkel's exit will be Europe's loss in these polarised times
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And so there will be a generation of Germans who struggle to get their heads around the idea of poli...
Race to succeed Angela Merkel under way
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The race has begun to succeed Germany's Angela Merkel as chair of her centre-right Christian Democra...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's career, in pictures
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Germany's Angela Merkel says she plans to give up leadership of her party in December but will remai...
Angela Merkel prepares to exit politics.
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She became head of Christian Democratic Union in 2000 and chancellor in 2005. During this period, sh...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel Announces She Won't Seek Another Term
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And in Bavaria, they - I mean, it's also really shaken up the Bavarian allies of Mrs. Merkel, which...
Euro drifts lower on news of Angela Merkel exit
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The Euro remained pinned below the 1.14 mark against the US Dollar on Tuesday morning, weighed down...
Angela Merkel stepping down as party leader, won't run for Chancellor again
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Germany's Angela Merkel is stepping down from leadership of her CDU party and won't run for Chancell...
As Merkel Eyes Exit, Nervous EU Wonders Who'll Take the Stage
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BRUSSELS — The European stage Angela Merkel commanded for so long and so effectively may be cracking...
Angela Merkel's Departure
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Re “Merkel to Exit, Jolting Nation and the Globe” (front page, Oct. 30):. It has been almost 75 year...
How Angela Merkel greeted Abiy Ahmed and his entourage
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borkena. October 30,2018. That is how German Chancellor Angela Merkel greeted Abiy Ahmed and his ent...
Chancellor Angela Merkel holds Berlin summit for Compact with Africa project
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The impact of the G20 "Compact with Africa" can already be felt on the continent, German Chancellor...
2 Views of Angela Merkel's Legacy: Stoic Leadership, and Economic Malpractice
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LONDON — In the political obituaries chronicling the departure of Chancellor Angela Merkel of German...
Angela Merkel's plan to lead Germany until 2021 may not be up to her
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Angela Merkel's sudden announcement this week that she would step aside as leader of the Christian D...
Angela Merkel will step down as CDU party leader in December
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In December Mrs Merkel will step down as head of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU),...
Angela Merkel's potential successors: What is their foreign policy?
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It's been a long time since the 1,000 or so delegates of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union...
Angela Merkel and Polish counterpart meet amid growing tensions
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Merkel is believed to be particularly keen on this increase insupply as Germany tries to disengage i...
Merkel visits Ukraine, says anti-Russian sanctions will stay
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits the memorial for Maidan activists who were killed during anti...
Angela Merkel's legacy: has she saved or destroyed Europe?
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The dignified, matter-of-fact announcement of her coming departure, however, was Merkel all over, as...
Angela Merkel: The uncrowned Queen of Europe
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This week, the Chancellor said results of two regional elections were a “clear signal things can't g...
Polish officials call for Germany to pay billions in compensation for WWII as Angela Merkel visits
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Ms Merkel visited Warsaw to meet with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki for a series of discu...
A rocky 2019 and Angela Merkel
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Angela Merkel's decision to step down from the leadership of the largest party in the European Union...
Weakened Merkel leaves the EU even less capable of bold decisions but is there a final sting in her tail?
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At home, the failure to control the arrival of nearly a million migrants in the space of a year spli...
Angela Merkel did not save the euro, she just bandaged it up
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On the day before the opening of the London Olympics in July, 2012, Mario Draghi, the newish preside...
Angela Merkel's tragedy
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BERLIN — What we care about most is often our undoing. So it was for Angela Merkel, who recently ann...
Mrs Merkel's failure of vision has hurt Germany
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... were responsible for substantial achievements. Mrs Merkel is the supreme civil servant, and the...
Old German rival returns to haunt Angela Merkel
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By winning elections and thus strengthening the CDU's hold on power in Germany, Merkel managed to ke...
Eoghan Harris: 'Angela Merkel will be sorely missed by the European Union'
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Hearing the news she was stepping down, I thought of what a man in the crowd said watching the corte...
'Don't criticise DEMOCRATIC choices!' JHB savages political elite in furious rant
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Ms Hartley-Brewer ridiculed the decision of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who, in 2015, declared...
Green party close to overtaking Angela Merkel's conservatives in polls
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A surge in support for the German Green party has put them in second place, trailing Angela Merkel's...
Emmanuel Macron shoulders a heavy burden as Angela Merkel bows out
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Now, with Angela Merkel's decision to stand down as CDU chairman next month and as chancellor at the...
Angela Merkel EXPOSED? Bizarre New World Order conspiracy revealed
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Bilderbergers comprise the world's most exclusive club. Only the Group's Steering Committee decides...
Chancellor Angela Merkel: German center is split
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Pointing to the motto hanging behind her, which proclaimed her party's place in "the center," Merkel...
Angela Merkel news: Party plummets to huge new low even after ...
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ANGELA Merkel has been dealt another huge blow after support for her CDU party plummeted to a massiv...
What Angela Merkel and the DUP have in common New Statesman
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The DUP revel in bearing bad news for the government, and so it is today. As attempts to find a comp...
One Legacy of Merkel? Angry East German Men Fueling the Far Right
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The emergence of Eastern Man as a disruptive political force stands as a prime legacy of Chancellor...
Angela Merkel's rightwing rival Horst Seehofer could quit
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Horst Seehofer, the longtime conservative rival of Angela Merkel, could be ready to stand down as le...
German Conservatives Face Off Over Their Party's Soul
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The contest to replace Chancellor Angela Merkel as leader of the Christian Democratic Union when she...
Angela Merkel accused of adopting 'Germany First' strategy in backing Nord Stream 2 Russian gas project
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Angela Merkel has been accused of pursuing a “Germany First” policy in the mould of President Trump...
'No one is listening!' EU chief Barnier IGNORED during speech and EVEN Merkel 'walks off'
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel even “walked off” during the European Union chief Brexit negotiator'...
Merkel condemns resurgence of anti-Semitism on 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht
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In her speech, Merkel said Germany must draw lessons from its history and must not tolerate anti-Sem...
Kristallnacht anniversary: Angela Merkel addresses remembrance service at Berlin synagogue
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Angela Merkel addressed a remembrance ceremony at a synagogue in Berlin to mark the 80th anniversary...
Angela Merkel and Theresa May should head for retirement
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Is Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, responsible for Brexit? In a way yes, she is because at the...
Angela Merkel's departure could quell the populists who forced her out
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It looked like a major victory for populists and a blow for traditional liberals. But Angela Merkel'...
Macron and Merkel unveil commemorative First World War plaque at Armistice site
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French president Emmanuel Macron and German chancellor Angela Merkel have marked the centenary of th...
Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel — an entente très cordiale in the haunted forest
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It was an extraordinary spectacle: President Emmanuel Macron, 40, sporting a cornflower — the French...
Macron and Merkel mark armistice centenary at Compiègne
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President Emmanuel Macron of France Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on Saturday unveiled a plaqu...
Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel join hands at First World War armistice site
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Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel have visited the site where the First World War finally came to an...
Germany's Angela Merkel Fears the World Is Regressing on Human Rights Issues
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(Bloomberg) — Angela Merkel offered a bleak take on global affairs on the centennial of the pact tha...
Ukraine separatist elections 'illegal and illegitimate': Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel in joint statement
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Paris: French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel branded leadership elect...
Angela Merkel warns of modern racism on 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht
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Chancellor Angela Merkel and Germany's main Jewish leader have warned against tolerating modern-day...
Politics and science need more women, says Angela Merkel
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The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has said that her role as the most powerful woman in Germany s...
Angela Merkel's rival Horst Seehofer to quit as CSU party leader
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Horst Seehofer, a longtime bitter rival of Angela Merkel, has confirmed he will step down as leader...
Woman Made the Honest Mistake of Thinking Angela Merkel Was Emmanuel Macron's Wife
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Evidently the woman did not have anything to say to these statements, besides exclaiming: “it's fant...
101-year-old confuses Angela Merkel with Brigitte Macron
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101-year-old confuses Angela Merkel with Brigitte Macron. Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel meet wit...
No mercy from Merkel
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MEPs will hear from the de-facto leader of Europe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She may be stepp...
'Angela is NO angel!' Rees-Mogg's TRASHES Merkel in HILARIOUS radio interview
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The Tory MP for North East Somerset said “Angela is no angel” after radio caller John claimed she is...
'PREPARE FOR D-DAY' Merkel's allies warn coalition will not last a YEAR
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The Chancellor's fragile alliance with the SPD has been marred by disputes about immigration and the...
Passionate Embrace of World Leaders Fools 101-Year-Old Woman
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On Saturday, world leaders gathered in Paris to solemnly observe the 100th anniversary of the ending...
Germany's Angela Merkel calls for a European Union military
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STRASBOURG (REUTERS) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Tuesday (Nov 13) for an integrated...
Macron 2.0: Meet Angela Merkel's Likely Replacement
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that her time in politics is about to come to an end....
Angela Merkel heads for the exit amid echoes of the Weimar Republic
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It was the first time a German head of state had taken part in the annual commemoration and was a to...
Merkel applauded and booed after calling for 'real, true' European army
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Video: German chancellor Angela Merkel was applauded and booed in the European parliament after call...
Fighting talk: Merkel calls for the creation of a 'real, true' European army... as Trump says 'they were learning ...
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Angela Merkel called for the creation of a 'real, true' European army during a speech to EU minister...
Merkel's time is running out. Now Germany's 'mini-Merkel' is stepping up to save the chancellor's legacy.
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SAARBRÜCKEN, Germany — She is the successor of Angela Merkel's dreams, one who must remind the Germa...
Brexit BETRAYAL: Angela Merkel played KEY role in David Cameron calling EU referendum
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Prime Minister Theresa May has risked infuriating Brexiteers by allowing customs union membership to...
Majority of Germans want Chancellor Angela Merkel to complete term
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German voters feel Chancellor Angela Merkel should continue in office even after relinquishing her p...
'NO NEGOTIATION!' Merkel says its THIS Brexit deal or NOTHING EU has conceded ENOUGH
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Speaking after a cabinet meeting in Potsdam, Germany, Angela Merkel said: "We have a document on the...
Majority Germans want Chancellor Angela Merkel to complete term
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German voters feel Chancellor Angela Merkel should continue in office even after relinquishing her p...
Exclusive: Merkel urged Romanian president to not move embassy to Jerusalem
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A spokesperson for the Romanian ministry of foreign affairs wrote the Post on Friday by email that “...
'I'm really enjoying this!' A more relaxed Angela Merkel rediscovers her voice
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As her potential successors jockey for position before the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party co...
The long, slow goodbye to Angela Merkel
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“The end of Angela Merkel's era is nigh,” various Germany-watchers kept saying. “She'll have to resi...
Macron critic blasts EU army plans: 'Angela Merkel will decide who dies for their country'
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Nicolas Dupont-Aignan poured scorn on the idea after French President Mr Macron said Europe needed t...
Angela Merkel's protégé considers quotas to get more women in parliament
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The woman campaigning to succeed Angela Merkel as head of Germany's Christian Democrats (CDU) says s...
Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron unite amid Brexit chaos
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The Franco-German budget proposals, which will be presented to European finance ministers on Monday,...
Watch: 101-year-old mistook Germany's Angela Merkel for French President Emmanuel Macron's wife
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A 101-year-old woman's honest mistake of confusing German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the first la...
Angela Merkel drops her guard: As the battle to replace her heats up, the German chancellor is finally speaking her mind
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Mrs Merkel has spent the past year remorselessly deadbatting all Emmanuel Macron's proposals for Eur...
An Ex-Rival and a Protégée Vie to Replace Merkel as German Conservatives' Leader
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BERLIN — With three weeks until German conservatives vote on a new party leader, a race that has lon...
Why global investors' eyes are on Germany as Angela Merkel steps down
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Angela Merkel has been an impressive national leader, but her imminent departure has not only left a...
What will Angela Merkel's resignation as CDU leader mean for Germany?
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LATE LAST month Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor, said that she would step down as leader of the...
Migration key in race to succeed Angela Merkel as CDU leader
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German businessman Friedrich Merz, one of the three contenders, said in a televised debate on Sunday...
These Politicians Are Vying To Succeed Germany's Angela Merkel
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After 13 years as Germany's chancellor and 18 years as leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU...
Macron and Merkel make the world worse
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Regarded by many elites — including themselves — as the solitary guarantors of the global liberal or...
Angela Merkel just released a statement on May's Brexit deal that may infuriate you
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Germany will back an agreement on Sunday on Britain's withdrawal from the European Union, and hopes...
Angela Merkel defends policy in Bundestag debate
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Chancellor Angela Merkel vehemently defended her economic record and her current policies in her fir...
Author Martin Walser on why he finds Angela Merkel beautiful
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Now aged 91, Martin Walser still sees writing as his "food." "Writing replaced talking early on in m...
Angela Merkel targets Trump, opponents, legacy in feisty turn
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Angela Merkel completely, utterly mismanaged the eurocrisis, then she completely, utterly mismanaged...
Germany: Leadership race for Angela Merkel's replacement
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In Germany, the race to replace Angela Merkel as leader of the Christian Democratic Union is gatheri...
Brexit latest: Angela Merkel 'threatens to boycott summit if deal not reached first'
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The upcoming Brexit summit is at risk of not going ahead after Angela Merkel reportedly threatened t...
Angela Merkel defends UN migration pact, rejects 'nationalism in its purest form'
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended a United Nations agreement on migration in a passionate spe...
Brexit: German Chancellor Angela Merkel says 'a lot of discussion still needed' on Britain's divorce agreement
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Berlin: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday that Britain's divorce agreement with the EU w...
Angela Merkel vows to prevent `disorderly withdrawal´ of UK from EU
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Mrs Merkel said at a Berlin conference of Germany's main employers' organisation that “Britain's wit...
Angela Merkel elbowed him out. Will he get his revenge and succeed her as German chancellor?
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Now, as Angela Merkel's run as German chancellor hits its twilight, Friedrich Merz is back. The 63-y...
'Give up SOVEREIGNTY to EU' Merkel's swipe at UK amid threat to DERAIL Brexit
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Mrs Merkel, who last month announced she was controversially stepping down as leader of her party bu...
A lesson in Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn's downfall, for Angela Merkel and other long-serving leaders: leave when ...
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And an obvious parallel can be drawn between Ghosn and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Even busines...
'Absolutely Outrageous': Gorka Slams Merkel's 'Nationalism' Remarks on Migration
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Former White House adviser Dr. Sebastian Gorka slammed German Chancellor Angela Merkel's remarks on...
Angela Merkel describes Brexit deal as a 'diplomatic piece of art'
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Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the Brexit deal brokered between the European Union and...
After Angela: the race to succeed Merkel
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Halle is the fourth stop in an eight-city tour by the three candidates to succeed Angela Merkel as l...
Angela Merkel's legacy in the Middle East
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In a brief speech at the end of last month, Angela Merkel announced she would not seek reelection as...
Pretender pulls ahead in crucial hustings to decide Angela Merkel's successor
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Wednesday's hustings in Düsseldorf was make-or-break for Mr Merz, who retired from politics in 2009...
Brexit BETRAYAL: How Angela Merkel's 'lie' COST Britain in EU negotiation
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Pressure is growing on Theresa May with just days to go ahead of a crucial House of Commons vote tha...
Angela Merkel opens Germany-Ukraine forum amid Russia row
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There is "no military solution" tothe conflict between Russia and Ukraine, German Chancellor Angela...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel warns 'no military solution' to Ukraine conflict
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Berlin: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday there is "no military solution" to the Ukra...
Merkel encourages Thai PM to lead his country to democracy
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BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel is encouraging Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha to lea...
Angela Merkel's plane makes emergency stop en route to G20, tech issues reported
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BERLIN – A German news agency says a plane carrying German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the Group of...
Plane carrying Angela Merkel forced to make unscheduled landing
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A plane carrying German chancellor Angela Merkel to the G20 summit in Argentina has been forced to m...
Angela Merkel's plane forced to make EMERGENCY landing as German Chancellor due at G20
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The government plane was carrying the German leader as well as diplomats, officials and a pool of jo...
Angela Merkel sidesteps military aid to Ukraine
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Angela Merkel has reiterated Germany's support for Ukraine in the ongoing standoff between Russia an...
G20 summit: Angela Merkel's plane 'makes emergency landing' on way to Argentina
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German chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to address the situation, which has seen Ukraine impleme...
Angela Merkel left stranded after serious plane malfunction
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With a 14-hour delay, a mini-delegation and no husband, German chancellor Angela Merkel left for Bue...
Our best years may be over, warn rivals for Angela Merkel's crown
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Germany's years of prosperity may be coming to an end, the two strongest candidates to replace Angel...
Angela Merkel: Without George HW Bush, I wouldn't be here
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German chancellor pays tribute to late US president. 12/1/18, 4:57 PM CET. A president with a poet's...
Angela Merkel's embarrassing cheat sheet on Scott Morrison
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Germany and France have sought to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, and Ms Merkel spokesman Steffe...
Merkel's glowering look of contempt for Trump: German chancellor glares at the US President as they sit for tense ...
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This is the moment Angela Merkel appeared to scowl at Donald Trump during a tense meeting at the G20...
Putin, Merkel Discuss Sea Of Azov Crisis At G20 Summit
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged "freedom of shipping into the Sea of Azov" in a private ta...
Angela Merkel's 'PM crib sheet' amuses Australia
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As Australia's fifth prime minister since 2013, Scott Morrison could probably forgive German Chancel...
Poor Angela Merkel at Christmas time we all know the awkward horror of forgetting a colleague's name
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You know how it is. There you are in Buenos Aires at a G20 summit of world leaders, all milling abou...
Angela Merkel's apparent successor questions Nato spending targets
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Friedrich Merz, who polls suggest will become the next leader of Mrs Merkel's Christian Democratic U...
MINI MERKEL: Merkel tribute act poised to become the most powerful woman in Europe
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... nearly seven years, leads the polls of party supporters but Mr Merz, who is returning to politic...
Argentinian business class passenger gets a shock after Angela Merkel sits next to him on commercial flight before ...
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Twenty-eight-year-old Agustin Aguero had just settled into his business class seat on board Iberia f...
Scott Morrison Got Low-Key Dragged By World Leaders Who Had No Idea Who He Was
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One of those people was Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, who was snapped checking out a pie...
Angela Merkel uses cheat sheet about new Australian PM at G20
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On one side was the German chancellor, fresh from stage-managing her planned departure after 13 year...
Merkel urged EU countries not to move embassies to Jerusalem
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The founding director of the European Coalition for Israel in Brussels, Tomas Sandell, announced in...
Who will replace Angela Merkel as chancellor of Germany?
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Angela Merkel has chaired the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) for 18 years. Germany is...
Angela Merkel's 'cheat sheet' on new Australian PM sparks ridicule
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Discussing the fact Mrs Merkel had to resort to a cheat sheet, David Crowe, the Sydney Morning Heral...
Angela Merkel needs cheat sheet to recognize Australian PM
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel needed illustrated assistance to identify Australia's prime minister...
Four Ways Merkel's Rule Could End
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After shaking up German politics by announcing her departure as Christian Democratic Union leader in...
Man Finds Himself Sat Next To Angela Merkel In Iberia Business Class
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We all know how flying business class can sometimes feel like a bit of a luxury. For a moment we an...
Angela Merkel tops Forbes' list of 100 most powerful women of 2018
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The Forbes ranking of the 100 most powerful women in the world for 2018 has been announced, with Ger...
Germany could be about to find out who will replace Merkel as leader
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Germany's largest and dominant political party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), is holding a c...
Germany's Merkel Urged EU Countries Not to Move Embassies to Jerusalem
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German chancellor Angela Merkel waged a campaign to stop European Union nations from following the l...
Some Words Defy Translation. Angela Merkel Showed Why.
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BERLIN — Some words can't be translated easily. But they can cross national borders, lose their orig...
Prince Charles, Angela Merkel among foreign dignitaries attending Bush's funeral
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Here are some of the prominent people expected to attend President George H.W. Bush's state funeral...
Exclusive: Philip Hammond says EU has rejected Brexiteers' 'max fac' Brexit customs plan
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LONDON — The European Union has objections "in principle" to the customs proposal being pushed by th...
The UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer tells us that Brexit poses huge challenges, but it could mean huge opportunity ...
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In an interview with Business Insider, Philip Hammond, the UK's chancellor of the exchequer, talked...
Sajid Javid tees up confrontation with Philip Hammond over police funding
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Sajid Javid tees up confrontation with Philip Hammond over police funding. Written by: Liz Bates. Po...
Tories must reform capitalism to win back young voters, Philip Hammond to argue
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The Conservative Party must reform Thatcherite capitalism to win over millennials who have flocked t...
Philip Hammond will make the City a 'rule taker' from Brussels, Bank of England fears
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Philip Hammond will make the City a 'rule taker' from Brussels, Bank of England fears. Philip Hammon...
Michael Gove attacks Philip Hammond over Brexit legislation defeats
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Gove, a senior Brexiter who has been seeking to rebuild his political career after failing to secure...
Philip Hammond: Shake up capitalism to stop young people backing Jeremy Corbyn
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A source close to Mr Hammond told the paper: "Philip believes it is up to the Conservative Party to...
May faces fresh Tory criticism over her handling of Brexit negotiations
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Theresa May has been hit with fresh Conservative attacks on her leadership as she attempts to steer...
Philip Hammond WARNS Britain will defy EU over Galileo row by building UK's OWN system
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The stark warning was issued by Chancellor Philip Hammond the day after an EU official told the UK t...
BLACK DOG: Philip Hammond... a very unlikely royal Cupid
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Chancellor Philip Hammond has known Prince Harry since long before he met his US bride Meghan, holdi...