Primerjaj Andrea Fischer in Agnes Alpers ter se odloči, koga boš volil/-a.
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Agnes Alpers![]() |
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News, Vloga vlade
Področja |
Triclosan Banned In Soap Still In Colgate Toothpaste ...
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- Vloga vlade
... according to FDA spokesperson Andrea Fischer, indicated that the benefit of triclosan in toothpa...
Why a Chemical Banned From Soap Is Still in Your ...
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- Vloga vlade
Toothpastes that contain triclosan have been “demonstrated to be effective at reducing plaque and gi...
New Music, Theatre & Dance School to be built on North Campus
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University Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R) explained it was finally approved because funding had be...
University to start classes before Labor Day in 2020
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Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R) said in an email interview the University changed the schedule so f...
Nursing and Public Health Convocation Celebrates Graduates
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... Lauren DiFabrizio ,Kaliope Diakos, Kelly Donaldson, Setenay Duran, Andrea Felano, Zina Fife, Hop...
Bay Area classical music
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Abigail Leong, cello; Colyn Fischer, violin; Donny Lobree, viola; Margaret Warton and Kay Saito Shaf...
Ildar Abdrazakov, Plácido Domingo & Maria José Siri Lead Teatro Alla Scala's 2018-19 Season
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Ádám Fischer conducts. Performance Dates: July 6 – 19, 2019. Nello Santi conducts Verdi's “Rigoletto...
Former Aspen climber Charlotte Fox, survivor of Mount Everest disaster, dies in home accident, friends say
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"I just looked up to her," Andrea Cutter, a longtime friend and climbing partner, said Tuesday. "She...
Künstler Frank Fischer alias freifrank startet Kunstprojekt „wERDschätzung“ am ...
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Bis zu 2500 Euro bekommt Fischer vom Kreis für „wERDschätzung“. So war Landrätin Andrea Jochner-Weiß...
Helene Fischer, Andrea Berg und die Kelly Family – Die schönsten Auftritte ...
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Wer dabei sein will, muss sich beeilen, denn die Tickets für diese Schlagergiganten sind schneller a...
Bruce Nauman Retrospektive in Basel: Meister der Verstörung
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So wurden hier seit Eröffnung 2003 unter anderen Dieter Roth, die Architekten des Hauses Herzog & de...
Alpengletscher geben uralte Klimadaten preis
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Im Rahmen ihres vom Wissenschaftsfonds FWF geförderten Projekts "Cold Ice" steigen Andrea Fischer un...
Fischer graduates from Colby College
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Alicia B. Fischer of Ladson was one of 482 seniors who graduated from Colby College in Waterville, M...
2018 Packerland Conference Awards
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First Team: Forwards – Kembra Browne, Abbey Czaja, Madison Starr; Midfielders – McKenzie Baumann, Af...
WNC Recognizes 340 Students on Spring Dean's List
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Western Nevada College has named 340 students to the Spring 2018 Dean's List. To earn this recogniti...
Logan Township property sells for $815500 | South Jersey real estate transactions
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-219 Harmony Road, Joseph J. D'Andrea to Richard Sherrer for $192,500. Hopewell Twp. -56 Beebe Run R...
Honor rolls
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9th grade: Sierra Aars, Emily Acord, Emily Alvarado, Kaliegh Andrews, Shaya Beck, Bowen Bell, Mason...
Western Nevada College News & Notes: WNC makes 8 emeritus appointments
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Receiving emeritus status were Deborah Case, Counseling Services director/counselor; Andrea Doran, C...
Kann ich die Behörde auf Schadenersatz einklagen?
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Streng genommen kann eine Sozialhilfebehörde niemanden zwingen, die Altersvorsorge frühzeitig zu bez...
Amy Schumer Shares This Skin-Care Step With Her Dog Tati
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The I Feel Pretty actress made her first red carpet appearance with husband Chris Fischer at Radio C...
Darf der Chef wegen eines Fehlers meinen Lohn kürzen?
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Andrea Fischer beantwortet Ihre Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht, Konsumrecht, Sozialversicherungsrecht und F...
Andrea Berg: Das denkt sie über Helene Fischer FOCUS Online
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Andrea Berg und Helene Fischer sind zwei völlig unterschiedliche Schlagersängerinnen. Doch sehen sic...
Manfred Hahn erneut Vorsitzender des VfB Tannhausen
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Die langjährige Kassiererin Andrea Fischer legte ihren umfangreichen Kassenbericht vor und betonte,...
There's Never a Bad Time With Deandre Ayton
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His mom, Andrea, calls him both a comedian and an entertainer. .... His mother Andrea moved to Phoen...
Gibt es Kindergeld nur für Verheiratete?
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Man muss nicht verheiratet sein, um Kinderzulagen oder eine Kinderrente beziehen zu können. Bild: Pe...
Power Moves: Maternity Care Coalition picked its new CEO from within
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Fray was hired as MCC's senior VP of external affairs in September soon after longtime Executive Dir...
Pueblo West High School -- Second semester honor roll
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... Lydia Fair, Brianna Fischer, Cole Fisher, Camille Fort, Jonathan Fox, Skylar Fuller, Grace Gonza...
Andrea Clark notches 50th career JCWGA tournament win with Medal Play victory
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No, that's not Edward Rooney talking about how many days of school Ferris Bueller has missed, it's t...
Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen
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Im heurigen Winter ist mehr Schnee gefallen als in den Jahren zuvor. Ein extrem warmer Frühling und...
Cranberry High School Honor Roll
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Grade 9 - Zoe Albert, Sara Allaman, Ava Ferringer, Zachary Kiefer, Jenna Reynolds, Sara Uddin, Andre...
Harter Konkurrenzkampf? Das denkt Andrea Berg über Helene Fischer
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Auf die Frage nach ihrem Verhältnis zu Fischer gab Berg der Wochenzeitschrift Superillu jetzt eine u...
The Public Pulse: Separating families at border is abhorrent
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I understand that immigration is a multifaceted issue. I know that it is polarizing. However, I thin...
Valley Sports Weekly: June 17, 2018
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Net: 1, Lori Fischer 31. Holes 10-18 — Gross: 1, James Tafoya 36. Net: 1, Tom Kehm 31. Holes 1-18 —...
Harter Konkurrenzkampf? Das denkt Andrea Berg über Helene Fischer
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Auf die Frage nach ihrem Verhältnis zu Fischer gab Berg der Wochenzeitschrift Superillu jetzt eine u...
Lucile Erwin Middle School second semester honor roll
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... Connor Chapman, Colleen Cherry, Todd Choi, Lauren Coonrod, Mia Delahoussaye, Chloe Doherty, Zoie...
Kassel ist im Tatort-Fieber: So denken die Macher über die Stadt
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... um an der Tatort-Pressekonferenz mit HR-Intendant Manfred Krupp, Fernsehdirektorin Gabriele Holz...
Golf Scoreboard
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Gross — 1, John Unruh, Randy Wegner, 39. T2, Bill Fischer, Brad Larkins, 42. T2, George Mansfield, B...
Seneca High School honor roll
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... Paige Isabelle Carpenter, Jace Alan Casey, Gabrielle Grace Clubb, Andrea Elizabeth Cruise, Gilli...
36 Under 36 – Where Are They Now?
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... of his greatest successes has been helping others prepare for leadership roles. Oh, Baby! He and...
Pink Thermosysteme erhält Supplier Award von Infineon Technologies
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Der Award wurde der Geschäftsführerin Andrea Althaus während einem Besuch bei Infineon in Warstein p...
American Players Theatre's comedy 'As You Like It' makes every word count
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There are also noteworthy performances from Marcus Truschinski as the hilariously foppish, show-stea...
Tait clear about next season's goals
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Other club partners to make the list include payment technology experts Global Payments, wealth mana...
Pink GmbH erhält Innovationspreis Main-Echo
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Die Pink GmbH Thermosysteme ist erneut durch die Infineon Technologies AG ausgezeichnet worden. Wie...
DuPage Foundation presents 36 grants to nonprofits focused on health and human services
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Pictured are Margo Matthew, Manager of Government and Community Relations, Bridge Communities; John...
Unmut wegen Intransparenz – Chefredaktion spricht über Abgangsentschädigungen ...
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«Nach wie vor wissen wir im Moment nicht, wie viele Kolleginnen und Kollegen in nächster Zeit effekt...
Seneca High School announces spring semester honor rolls
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Senior – Colt Aldrich, Raegan Babcock, Bryce Bedeker, Erik Bendt, Cody Bratcher, Dylan Bryant, Taylo...
Eichenprozessionsspinner breitet sich aus Viele Gemeinden betroffen
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Am Freitag werden wir wieder ganz normal öffnen, allerdings bleibt die Wasserrutsche vorerst geschlo...
Current & Coming
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“sun comes up,” framed drawings and installation of large-scale paper forms by Andrea Sulzer, 7 a.m....
University of Michigan to raise in-state tuition by 2.9 percent
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Andrea Fischer Newman was the lone regent voting against the increases. She expressed concerns about...
University of Michigan hikes tuition 2.9 percent for in-state students
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Regent Andrea Fischer Newman was the only member of the board voting in opposition. "There are many...
Columbus East High School honor roll
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... Liza Doughty, Savannah Downey, Carmyn Elkins, Anna Emmert, Maya Federle, Madison Fischer, Madyso...
Namedroppers (June 23, 2018)
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... Amanda Frost, Amina Kovacevic, Amy Crozier, Amy Leupp, Amy Sleath, Amy Wardinski, AnaLisa Odetun...
Marshal releases spring semester dean's list
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... Kristina P. Leonard, Kasey D. Libby, Kasey M. Lobo, William C. Lockwood, Sarah A. Mace, Jenna E....
Ashley Rukes GLBTQ Pride Parade draws fans to downtown Minneapolis
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"This feels pretty good, " said Bob Fischer, left, as his daughter Andrea Fischer, of Eau Claire, ce...
Freude über See währte nur kurz
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Glaziologin Andrea Fischer kennt das Gebiet im hinteren Stubaital genau und weiß, was passiert ist....
Global Electric Violins Strings Market Analysis 2018 – Carl Fischer, BELWIN, Arcolla, Alfred and Bridge
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The research report “Electric Violins Strings Market: Global Industry Analysis 2018 -2023” offers co...
Zeitverzug: ja. Probleme: nein
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„Das ist das größte und teuerste Sportvorhaben außerhalb des Profisports in Sachsen“, hatte die dama...
Kann ich den Hochzeitstag nachträglich einziehen?
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Eine Firma könnte ihren Mitarbeitenden erlauben, nicht bezogene freie Tage für bestimmte Ereignisse...
Kann ich BVG-Beiträge von meinen Arbeitgebern fordern? News ...
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Die Antwort auf eine Leserfrage zum Thema Pensionskasse.
Muss das Haus der Eltern neu geschätzt werden?
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Als unser Vater vor mehr als 20 Jahren starb, ging sein gesamter Nachlass an unsere Mutter. Wir Kind...
MAC's spring 2018 dean's list released
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Fenton – James A. Meenach; Festus – Madison T. Kennedy, Emily N. Stefan, Megan E. Sullivan; Frederic...
Company news: Securian Financial elects two to its board
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YMCA Greater Twin Cities, Minneapolis, elected seven new members to its board of directors: Marcus F...
Schlager-Duell: Andrea Berg und Helene Fischer im Vergleich
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Andrea Berg und Helene Fischer sind wohl die bekanntesten deutschen Schlagersängerinnen. Die beiden...
Real estate records, 07/01/18
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Ehrke, Don & Margaret to Ehrke, Andrea, 5141 N 72nd St., $142,500. Eichorst, Shawn M & Kristin A Joi...
Muchos nombres nuevos
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En cambio, desde el punto de vista del montaje, Andrea Fischer causa un desfavorable hacinamiento de...
Carl Junction High School announces honor rolls
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... Kenley Cook, Dylan Eck, Fischer Endicott, LaRae Fifer, Kacie Ford, Evelyn Gilbreath, Jayden Gree...
Area sports roundup for Tuesday, July 3
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AREA BASEBALL. American Legion. Whitestown Post 10, Ilion Post 0. Ilion;000;00 - 0-1-1. Whitestown;1...
The Whiskey Rebels: How Michter's Revolutionized American Rye and Bourbon
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“If I had gone to Pennsylvania, I don't think that an Andrea Wilson or Pam Heilmann would have joine...
Spring 2018 Dean's List, Honor Roll released
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Bauer, Andrea – Juneau, WI Baughman, Travis – Sheboygan, WI Baumberger, Sophie – Evansville, WI Beat...
Besonderer Tag für Marien-Hospital in Papenburg NOZ
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Fischer hatte seine Frau Andrea sowie die beiden gemeinsamen Kinder Oskar (3) und Maria (2) mitgebra...
Sports Shorts: July 5
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Kratz had tied the game with a two-run double, which scored Nate Soulis and Danny Fischer. Pitcher B...
Current & Coming
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“sun comes up,” framed drawings and installation of large-scale paper forms by Andrea Sulzer, 7 a.m....
Lincoln Co. Middle honor roll
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... Maecey Carrier, Kathryn Charland, Kaysea Clark, Brooklyn Clements, Stephen Coffey, Charles Cole,...
Helene Fischer, Andrea Berg und Co.: DIE bizarren Markenprodukte der Schlagerstars
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Musiker lassen sich nicht selten ihren Namen als Marke sichern. Dabei wird jedoch nicht nur sicherge...
Biedersteiner Park wird zum Pausenhof
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"Jetzt sind auch noch die beiden Turnhallen geschlossen und wir müssen auf andere Schulen in der Nac...
Cody Stampede results
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... Fischer, Ledbetter, Texas, 16.93; Ivy Conrado, Hudson, Colorado, 16.99; Bittanny Pozzi-Tonozzi,...
Fischer graduates from Colby College
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Alicia B. Fischer of Ladson was one of 482 seniors who graduated from Colby College in Waterville, M...
Of local note: Victory in France, Rotterdam and San Francisco
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Despite a two-hour delay due to weather, the United States too the lead in the opening round mixed f...
Helene Fischer, Andrea Berg und Co.: SO bizarre Markenprodukte verkaufen die ...
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Musiker lassen sich nicht selten ihren Namen als Marke sichern. Dabei wird jedoch nicht nur sicherge...
Fantasy, afrikanisch: "Black Panther" mit Riesenlöwen
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Überraschend ist, wie wenig überraschend Tomi Adeyemis Welt ist. In den USA hat es vielen 15-, 16-,...
Amy Schumer takes a bow to soak up the sun on luxury yacht with Jerry Seinfeld in Ibiza
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They spent the day visiting the small island of Formentera off Ibiza, and eating at the exclusive Ju...
Donata Wustlich ist Nummer Zwei
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Damit lässt Donata Wustlich u.a. die aktuelle Weltmeisterin dieser Altersklasse, Gitte Möller (Club...
Students in the News, July 8
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Bemidji: Kelsey Alguire, Alyssa Allen, Joseph Amundson, Jonathan Barcenas, Nicole Breeton, Andrea Bu...
Andrea Verešová v najkrajších šatách, aké kedy mala. Festival vo Varoch skončil veľkolepo
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Ďalší ročník karlovarskej filmovej prehliadky je za nami. Čo po módnej stránke prinieslo jej slávnos...
Krill fishing companies back call to protect Antarctic Ocean
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The accelerating impact of humanity on fragile ocean ecosystems, including from climate change, make...
Darf ich meine erfassten Arbeitszeiten einsehen?
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Um Überstunden geltend machen zu können, müssen Sie zuerst wissen, wie viele Sie angehäuft haben. Sc...
Vital Statistics: July 9, 2018
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Champions crowned during action-packed Cody Stampede
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Tammy Fischer of Ledbetter, Texas took second in 16.93 and Ivy Conrado of Ivy, Colo. was third in 16...
Helene Fischer und Andrea Berg: Fans, Charterfolge, Privatleben: Die Schlager ...
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Wenn man deutschen Schlager mag, kommt man an ihnen nicht vorbei: Helene Fischer und Andrea Berg dom...
Arbeiten im AHV-Alter: Muss ich mich speziell absichern ...
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Die Antwort auf eine Leserfrage zum Thema Pensionierung.and more »
Class Notes
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Anna Fischer of Arlington was named to the dean's list at University of Maine. Emily I. Crabtree of...
„Helene Fischer ist mir ziemlich egal“
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DIETER THOMAS KUHN Der Schlager-Barde über seine Fangemeinde, eigene Songs, BH-Bewurf, Steely Dan un...
Jackson golf notebook: Masters moved to the Grande, JCWGA ...
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We've nearly reached the halfway point of the Jackson area golf season, but there's plenty of action...
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High honors: Madison Boyer, Damanic Brown, Makenzy Brown, Cora Carpenter, Chloe Cichanowski, Jorn Co...
Canada unveils secret weapon: big Mac Fischer, in win over Hong ...
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With the exception of one pinch hit appearance, Mac Fischer sat and watched Team Canada play for alm...
Canada unveils secret weapon: big Mac Fischer, in win over Hong Kong
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With the exception of one pinch hit appearance, Mac Fischer sat and watched Team Canada play for alm...
New Orleans property transfers, July 2-6, 2018
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Jeannette St. 8417-19: $245,000, Detter M. Conway, Detter Williams Conway, Doris M. Williams, Janice...
Germany's Schlager superstars still hitting the right note
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In recent years, the likes of Schlager queen Helene Fischer have further reinvented the genre and so...
Real Estate Transfers
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At 509 Center Road, Deborah E. Billings to Michelle D. and Matthew L. Fischer, one-family residence,...
Real estate records, 07/15/18
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Fischer, Jeremy V & Angela M Christensen to Merrick, Logan, 5803 Baldwin Ave, $190,000. Fletcher, Ar...
Jeder Baum bekommt bis zu 150 Liter Wasser
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Danach erfolgt die Verlängerung die Gießabstände in Abhängigkeit von den natürlichen Niederschlägen,...
Sanierung der 2. Oberschule kann starten
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Kamenz. Noch in den letzten Unterrichtstagen vor den Ferien ist die 2. Oberschule in Kamenz freigezo...
Nicht gerade nett: Das sagt Dieter Thomas Kuhn über Helene Fischer
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Diese Erfolge erscheinen klein im Vergleich zu denen von Helene Fischer. Dennoch erklärte er im Inte...
Australier kommt nach Baiersbronn
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Auch Dauersiegerin Angelika Roesch hat ihre Teilnahme bereits zugesagt, genauso wie die ihre Finalge...
Helene Fischer: Helene versaut Hannover 96 den Bundesliga-Start
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Helene Fischer und Fußball - das verträgt sich mittlerweile wohl nicht mehr. Vier Jahre ist es her,...
Wirbel um Konzert von Andrea Berg: Jugendfußballer sollen unbezahlt beim ...
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Die Schlagersängerin Andrea Berg wird am 19. und 20. Juli in der Arena des Drittligisten SG Sonnenho...
Zurück in die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung?
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Diese Altersgrenze wurde im Jahre 2000 von der damaligen Gesundheitsministerin Andrea Fischer eingef...
Locals selected for Leadership Montana class
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Leadership Montana announced the selection of 44 community, business, education, healthcare, nonprof...
Visitors get farm-to-cone experience on first-ever ice cream trail
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PDA Deputy Secretary Cheryl Cook and DCED Deputy Secretary Carrie Fischer Lepore were on hand to lau...
Zehntausende Besucher und Verkehrschaos erwartet
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Am Sonntag folgt das Konzert von Helene Fischer in der Mercedes-Benz-Arena, für deren Auftritt die S...
Deeds & Deals
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Benjamin Jordan and Nellie Moore bought property on 15 Knickerbocker St. from Andrea Smith for $285,...
Local students named to dean's list for fall 2017
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Plainfield: Brigetta Bernholdt, Hayley Buell, Alexis Castor, Alexandra Cichy, Catherine Collins, Viv...
Real estate transfers, July 22
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Hasanbegovic, Nedim and Andrea to Alford, Christopher and Elizabeth, 18091 Jones St., $335,000. Rote...
Volles Haus am ersten «Klapperlapapp»
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Andrea Fischer Schulthess und Adrian Schulthess verkörpern die beiden Mädchen mit Barbiefiguren, den...
Konzert: Helene Fischer macht ihre Fans in Frankfurt selig |
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23.07.2018 Von MAXIMILIAN STEINER „Sagt mal, spürt ihr das auch, Ihr Lieben?“ – Lichtgestalt Helene...
College news for the week of July 27
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... Mitchell Eckerson, Elise Elstad, Tamara Few, Tracy Few, Matthew Finn, Courtney Fischer, Matthew...
Inside the September 2018 Lion's Roar magazine
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The September 2018 issue of Lion's Roar magazine features Buddhist wisdom to discover your basic wel...
Current & Coming
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“sun comes up,” framed drawings and installation of large-scale paper forms by Andrea Sulzer, 7 a.m....
Deeds: Beaver County
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912 Ohioview Ave., Martha Melnick to Andrea Householder and Emily Tunstall, $54,500. 941 Walnut St.,...
Flint Allan York
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He is survived by his honey, Dora York; his mother, Patricia York; his “Grammie June Bug” June Rober...
„Das war kein Befreiungsschlag“
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Die Ministerin hat mit ihrer bisherigen Arbeit einen guten Auftritt hingelegt, aus unserer Sicht ist...
Erster gesetzter Spieler schon ausgeschieden
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Andrea Fischer, die auf Nummer zwei gesetzt ist, trifft auf Susanne Wischmann, und Stefanie Kolar ,...
Pierz PD gets non-lethal force shotgun
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RPSWD will pay half of the attorneys' fees, which should be minimal, Fischer said, because City Admi...
Mike Pence talks Trump; Ronan Farrow discusses Les Moonves
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The panel will be Matthew Continetti, editor-in-chief, Washington Free Beacon; Eddie Glaude Jr., cha...
OB Zeidler ist künftig Herr der Finanzen
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Für den Personalrat signalisierte die Vorsitzende Andrea Fischer die Zustimmung zur neuen Struktur....
Saturday's TV highlights and weekend talk shows: 'Victoria & Abdul' on HBO
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MediaBuzz Coverage of President Trump and former personal lawyer Michael Cohen; Trump administration...
Real Estate Transfers
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235 Riverside Drive, Adam and Kaitlyn Fischer to Chad Schlomer, $92,500. 248 Tremont Drive, Golden V...
Real estate records, 07/29/18
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Falor, Derek M & Fischer, Julie A to Milburn, Starseed & Amanda, 210 Skyway Rd., $184,500. Ferris, E...
Hometown News: July 29
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Becky Gray Farley JD. Paul A. Fechtmeister BSCS. Danielle Feland JD. Brickre James Fischer BS. Makae...
Titelverteidiger sind nicht zu schlagen
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Die Damen hatten den Vortritt und das Remake des letztjährigen Finales zwischen Angelika Roesch und...
NRHS releases second semester honor roll
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Erickson, Mackenzie Evenson, Nadia Fall, Nathan Fehlen, Alayna Ficociello, Austin Fischer, Maxwell F...
Aufbruch in die Freiheit
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... weiß man sowieso, was die Afefe von den Imole oder Omi unterscheidet. Tomi Adeyemi: „Children of...
Education news — 8.1.18
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... Nick Freyaldenhoven of Knoxville; Darrell Shaw, Brittany Watts, Lauren Clark and Caitlin Kenner,...
Penn brings Philadelphia's rare manuscripts to the world
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Leveraging the University's expertise with technology and rare centuries-old manuscripts, Penn Libra...
„Orgel punkt 12“ startet in der Delitzscher Stadtkirche
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Kantor Jörg Topfstedt erklärte den Enkeln von Andrea Fischer, welche Register er dafür ziehen muss....
Waubonsee students recognized on spring 2018 President's List
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Oswego: Laura Adler, Andrea Allen, Juan Anguiano, Cristen Austgen, Emerson Bella, Joshua Benjamin, C...
88 Zu-, 42-Abgänge und ein Trainer-Promi namens Maxi Nicu
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Die neue Fußball-Kreisliga 2 kann man getrost als Chiemgau-Liga bezeichnen, denn zahlreiche Vereine...
Promi als Trainer-Neuling
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„Das Ziel Bezirksliga ist langfristig angelegt“, betont Abteilungsleiterin Andrea Fischer, die aktue...
Police log: August 2
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Before Andrea J. Book. Cases waived into court: Jesse L. Smith, 45, of the 100 block of Fort Road, U...
Sunday Conversation with Andrea Fischer
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Once Andrea Fischer learned how to run competitively, she never stopped. Fischer got her start as a...
Scoreboard: Rodeo for Tuesday AM
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Haylee Woodward and Tammy Fischer, 17.31, $728; 10. Katie Pascoe, 17.32, $600; 11. Darby Fox, 17.33,...
Dickinson State University Dean's, President's Lists Aug. 5, 2018
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Bismarck — Jackelyn Albrecht, Allison Evanenko, Rachel Fischer, Hayden Gibson, Jacob Nanda, Kassandr...
Deans's Lists
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Windham, N.H.: Mitch Campbell, Danielle Fischer, Jordan Loomis, Peter Yankowski. ... Adrian Francis...
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Chet A. and Jessica S. Fischer to Markisha Smith, 227 Deauville Drive, Maumelle. L315, Country .......
Bei Temperaturen fast wie in Gambia: Zweitägiges Festival in Öhringen
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Dahin fließen sämtliche Einnahmen vom Freitag und Samstag. "Wir unterstützen dort acht Projekte", er...
Monroe County property transfers — Aug. 6, 2018
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1022 E. Azalea Lane, Bloomington; Brian and Marcie Marsh of Saint Charles, Mo., sold to Nathan Fisch...
York High School Announces Second Semester Honor Roll
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... David Drake, Daniel Dunn, Charles Eipert, Sarah Eisouh, Ava Euteneuer, Blair Faber, Audrey Fathe...
Drei Seriensieger und ein Neuling
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Derlei Besonderes konnten Katharina Rath, die Deutsche Meisterin der Jahre 2015 und 2016, und Andrea...
Prien vor Derby unter Druck
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Dagegen werden laut Abteilungsleiterin Andrea Fischer Tobias Scholz (zuletzt eingewechselt) und Stef...
New Federal Water Infrastructure Loans are Rolling Out (WIFIA)
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The national Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program finances critical drink...
Master Gardeners announce tomato contest winners
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Winners in the children's age group were Gracie Grizzard for Heaviest Tomato, Andrea R. Shockley for...
Melges 24 European Championship at Riva del Garda, Italy Day 2
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"The day has been more than positive, almost perfect for Arkanoè by Montura": this is the comment of...
Große Helferschulung mit großer Wirkung
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... Caritas Pflegedienst BGL Ulla Sorré Telefon: +49 8651 7169-17 E-Mail: ulla.sorre@caritasmuenchen...
Master Gardeners announce tomato contest winners
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Winners in the children's age group were Gracie Grizzard for Heaviest Tomato, Andrea R. Shockley for...
OCS welcomes new teachers
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Oconee County Elementary School: Kelly Banks, Angie B. Embry, Jennifer L. Manders, Andrea “Michelle”...
The Friends Of Budapest Festival Orchestra Host Intimate Hamptons Chamber Concert
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... Budapest Festival Orchestra events. Fischer says the Teatro D'Olymbia in Vicenza, the final desi...
Current & Coming
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“sun comes up,” framed drawings and installation of large-scale paper forms by Andrea Sulzer, 7 a.m....
Cerro Gordo County Property Transfers Aug. 6-8
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Kevin E Jacobson, Randy L Jacobson, Andrea D Jacobson to Kevin J Dirksen, Dawn C Dirksen, 1132 N. Il...
2018 Codington County Achievement Days results
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Dog Purples — DeLaney Anderson (3), Chloe Fiedler, Savannah Fiedler (2), Allison Fischer (4), Gavin...
Births: Aug. 10, 2018
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Ryckman-Fischer — To Paige Marie Ryckman and Tyler John Fischer of Yakima, a son, Parker Maverick Fi...
CSU Atmospheric Cyclists win Bike to Work Challenge
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Kyle Hilburn, Rob Nelson, Andrea Jenney, Ezra Levin, Yann Blanchard, Russell Perkins, Tommy Taylor,...
Andrea Berg: Seltene Fotos von Tochter Lena-Maria (20) so schön ist sie
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Was Andrea Berg wirklich über Helene Fischer denkt. „Letzte Woche habe ich Lena wieder in Irland bes...
Un verano abrasador en Europa es señal de los cambios climáticos a largo plazo
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En el norte de Europa, este verano se vive como una versión moderna de las plagas bíblicas. Las vaca...
Wussten Sie, dass sich Andrea Berg einst ausgezogen hat? Fotos noch heute im Netz
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Kleinaspach - Andrea Berg nackt - davon träumen viele Fans. Die Schlagersängerin (52) inszeniert sic...
Ganz schön heiß: Michelle zeigt sich oben ohne!
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Ihr erfahrt top-aktuell alle News zu Stars wie Helene Fischer, Andrea Berg, Andreas Gabalier, Beatri...
"Seerosen" gelingt erster Saisondreier
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"Nervöse, ängstliche Priener verlieren gegen abgezockte Waginger", so das Fazit von TuS-Abteilungsle...
Female Director Scorecard: Warner Bros Lining Up Its Superheroes
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The film, co-produced by Warren Fischer, has a release date of May 17, 2019. This one is ... Andrea...
The Best Debut Movie Performances of All Time — IndieWire Critics Survey
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In the end, I went with a performance I've always been drawn to and that's Katie Jarvis in Andrea Ar...
Mile posts: Items on Amy Rudolph, Andrea Grove-McDonough, Karissa Schweizer,
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Now on to a short WEEKEND UPDATE, where former Drake University and Drake Relays champion Reed Fisch...
Global Electric Violins Strings Market Analysis and Growth 2018 – 2025: AcoustaGrip, Andrea Rosin, Carl Fischer ...
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The study shows the trends in the Electric Violins Strings market as well as the size of each separa...
Lorain's Design Review Board votes to turn old Southview High School into green space
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Board member Andrea Neal said she didn't necessarily understand “the method to the madness” by leavi...
Vanessa Mai: Jetzt packt sie über Schlager-Queen Helene Fischer aus
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In dem Interview wird Vanessa Mai, die Schwiegertochter von Andrea Berg, gefragt, wie ihr Verhältnis...
'Outlaw King,' 'Jeremiah Terminator LeRoy' to Open and Close Toronto Film Festival
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“Outlaw King,” a biopic about Scottish hero Robert the Bruce, and “Jeremiah Terminator LeRoy,” a loo...
Nevada bronc rider takes first victory lap at Caldwell, Parker Breding 2nd in bull riding
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3, Ivy Conrado, Hudson, Colo., 17.31, $1,378. 4, (tie) Andrea busby, Brock, Texas, and Tammy Fischer...
Victorious 'Hamilton' hits the heights this Austin arts season
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Oct. 25: Jimmy Webb. Oct. 26: Acoustic Alchemy. Nov. 9: Jonathan Butler. Nov. 11: Average White Band...
The John B. Castleman and George D. Prentice statues, who or what will replace them?
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When Roger Porter heard about the recent decision by Mayor Greg Fischer to remove the controversial...
Sports For the Record: Aug. 18, 2018
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Andrea Pava 69-66 — 135. Jazz Janewattananond 67-68 — 135. Tom Lewis 67-68 — 135. Sebastien Gros 71-...
Dean's List 8/19/18
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... Christiansen, Alethea Clark, Kyle Denver, Jake Doetkott, Rachel J. Donley, Conor Dougherty, Chri...
Field set for championship round at Caldwell Night Rodeo
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4, Amberleigh Moore, 34.70. 5, (tie) Fischer, and Pozzi Tonozzi, 34.72 each. 7, Darby Fox, King Hill...
Seltener Anblick: Schlagerstar Andrea Berg zeigt sich im Bikini
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Genuss pur, was für ein tolles Meer, habt weiter eine gute Zeit, genieße alles in vollen Zügen“, sch...
Junge Russin siegt bei Leipzig Open Lvz
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Varvara Flink (21) aus Russland hat die Leipzig Open gewonnen. Beim mit 25 000 Euro dotierten Tennis...
Bull riders cut loose to wrap up 75th annual Moses Lake Roundup in style
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Tammy Fischer, 17.26, $1,728; 5. Jessica Lewis, 17.29, $1,440; 6. Cheyenne Allan, 17.30, $1,008; 7....
Brazile, Waguespack among winners at Caldwell Night Rodeo
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7, Andrea Busby, Brock, Texas, 52.26, $827. 8, Lynette Clyde, Heber, Utah, 52.46, $551. 9, Carley Ri...
Studio Theatre Announces If I Forget Casting; The Children to Round Out 40th Season
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Brought together by their elderly father's 75th birthday, the adult children of the Fischer family s...
Scoreboard: Rodeo
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Andrea Busby and Tammy Fischer, 17.37, $1,056; 6. Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi, 17.41, $735; 7. Darby Fox...
Wade Rakes Runs for U of M Board of Regents
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After earning his undergraduate degree at Princeton University, Rakes' career has spanned more than...
Why MSU board race is getting major interest from voters
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At U-M, incumbent Republicans Andrea Fischer Newman and Andrew Richner are running for re-election....
Scoreboard: Rodeo
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Andrea Busby, 17.25, $1,715; 3. Carley Richardson, 17.40, $1,412; 4. Kenna Kaminski and Jessie Telfo...
Toronto agggiunge titoli di Gala e Special Presentations alla sua line-up
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scheda film] - Wolfgang Fischer (Germany/Austria) The Fireflies Are Gone - Sébastien Pilote (Canada)...
„Ein guter Winter kann die Welt nicht retten“
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Glaziologin Andrea Fischer kennt das Gletschergebiet im hinteren Stubaital genau und hat eine Erklär...
Axios Science
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Andrea Dutton, climate scientist at the University of Florida in Gainesville who was not part of thi...
PREP SPORTS ROUNDUP: Wabasso cruises past Sting, 3-0
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It was the first career win for new Dawson-Boyd head coach Andrea Lee. Dawson-Boyd (1-0) travels to...
Political parties pick AG, SOS candidates and more at conventions this weekend
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Two spots are up, and parties will nominate the people running on their tickets this weekend. Republ...
Keller unbrauchbar: Kann ich verlangen, dass der Mietzins sinkt?
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Andrea Fischer beantwortet Ihre Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht, Konsumrecht, Sozialversicherungsrecht und F...
Clement criticized for redistricting decision, still earns Supreme ...
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Supreme Court Justices Beth Clement and Kurtis Wilder were formally nominated by the Michigan Republ...
Leonard, Treder Lang clinch nominations at state GOP convention
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The UM Board of Regents nominees were Andrea Fischer Newman and Andrew Richner; both running unoppos...
GOP, Dems finalize tickets for education board seats
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EAST LANSING — If there was one message that Democratic candidates for Michigan State University's B...
Real estate transfers, 08/26/18
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Hawley, Anthony E & Fischer, Rebecca J to Klein, Mitchell & Marilyn, 909 S 36th St., $177,000. Herre...
Parties pick MSU Board of Trustees candidates amid Nassar scandal
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Republicans nominated Andrea Fischer Newman and Andrew Richner, both incumbents. Wayne State Univers...
Abschied nach 24 Jahren Pfarrdienst
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Der Geistliche bedankte sich beim Chor "Crescendo" unter Leitung von Margarethe Thöne für die außerg...
Busy political weekend as GOP, Dem state conventions pick November nominees
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For the two slots on the University of Michigan Board of Regents, the Republicans nominated Ann Arbo...
Geschäftsführer verlässt Papenburger Krankenhaus wieder NOZ
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Zur offiziellen Begrüßung im Hospital hatte Fischer seine Frau Andrea sowie die beiden gemeinsamen K...
Wilmer: Unabhängige Kontrolleure gegen Vertuschung
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Wilmer habe sich bereits mit der früheren Bundesgesundheitsministerin Andrea Fischer zu einem Gesprä...
Müssen wir für den Arbeitgeber öffentlich auftreten?
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Andrea Fischer beantwortet Ihre Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht, Konsumrecht, Sozialversicherungsrecht und F...
Ist Vermögensverzehr für EL-Bezüger nicht limitiert?
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Andrea Fischer beantwortet Ihre Fragen zum Arbeitsrecht, Konsumrecht, Sozialversicherungsrecht und F...
Frontier Days Rodeo champions crowned on Sunday
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WOMEN'S BARREL RACING — 1, Tracy Nowlin, Nowata, Okla., 17 seconds flat, $3,403; 2, Lexi Burgess, Su...
Carlson HQ to be renovated and open to other tenants
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... the other half of the Carlson Towers, is owned by Canada-based Artis REIT and is not part of the...
Shari Enger
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... and Josh (Laura) Enger, by her grandchildren Justus King, Brady Enger, Gabe Enger, and Ava Enger...
Swimming and diving: Union Herald season preview
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Seniors Hannah Jones and Megan Lidtke and sophomore Emily Pawlaski return after taking fifth place i...
Why this UM regent just returned thousands in campaign donations
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During a recent interview, Andrea Fischer Newman pledged to return thousands of dollars in campaign...
Regent wrapped up in campaign contribution scandal, Free Press ...
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According to a recent Detroit Free Press article, Board of Regents Member Andrea Fischer Newman (R)...
Letter to the Editor: Former Regents support UM Investment Operations
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... whose wisdom and involvement has helped the University enormously. We are proud of our current B...
Lawyer: UM prof in Israel letter flap gets death threats
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"It is disappointing that a faculty member would allow their personal political beliefs to limit the...
University of Michigan regents approve $150M recreation center project
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Regent Andrea Fischer Newman said a new facility has been needed for decades, noting the old recreat...
UM professor in Israel flap seeks 'respect' as furor grows
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After the meeting, Regent Andrea Fischer Newman added that the issue has provoked many in the commun...
Nurses confront University of Michigan leaders as strike looms
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Regents Denise Ilitch, Mark Bernstein and Andrea Fischer Newman among others each addressed the nurs...
UM in the middle of controversy of Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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The University of Michigan has landed in the middle of controversy surrounding the decades-long Isra...
Letters to the editor for Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018 |
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Term and other limitsAs I understand it, the U.S. Supreme Court can “arbitrarily” change the number...
PREP CROSS COUNTRY: Fischer races to second Chile Pepper championship
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Fischer covered the 5,000-meter Agri Park course in 15 minutes, 20.3 seconds, more than 6 seconds fa...
In Conversation: Schlissel talks sexual misconduct ruling, potential investment procedure changes
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... investor Sandy Robertson and businessman Sam Zell. The Free Press also reported Regent Andrea Fi...
PREP CROSS COUNTRY: Fischer races to second Chile Pepper championship
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FAYETTEVILLE -- Camren Fischer had no problems taking an early lead, but he could sense opposing run...
UPDATE: Israel Bias
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U-M Regent Andrea Fischer Newman provided a timeline of events. She said Ingber asked for the letter...
JLL taking on leasing duties at Minnetonka's iconic 701 Carlson
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... Carlson, to deliver a best-in-class environment for their employees, tenants and guests.” RSP is...
Gletsjers Tirol extreem gesmolten door hete zomer
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Gletsjeronderzoekster Andrea Fischer van de Oostenrijks Akademie der Wissenschaften neemt sinds een...
University of Michigan disciplines prof over Israel letter controversy
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The University of Michigan is disciplining the professor who sparked a global controversy after he r...
Mile posts: Items on Stanley Kebenei, Biya Simbassa, Reed Fischer, Brogan Austin, Kevin Lewis, Pasca Myers, Katy ...
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Finishing 12th overall in a new personal-best time of 47:50 was former Drake University and Drake Re...
Scoreboard for Tuesday, Oct. 9
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B, Megan Rising 8, Mikayla Paul 7. Blocks: BC, Dix 3, Elise Fischer 2, Stafford 2, Irons 1. B, Taya...
An overview of what to expect on Nov. 6 as Election Day nears
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The Scribner-Snyder School district similarly has four candidates with voters asked to choose up to...
Lincoln County Property Transfers
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Boothbay Harbor: David A. Fischer and Andrea J. Fischer to Harrison M. Cladis and Lisa H. Cladis; Ma...
Regent candidates discuss academic freedom, tuition costs, Israel letter controversy at forum
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Incumbent Regents Andrea Fischer Newman (R) and Andrew Richner (R) spoke with challengers Jordan Ack...
UM regents candidates pledge ethics, transparency reform in plan ...
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Jordan Acker and Paul Brown, the Democratic nominees in UM's Board of Regents race, unveiled the 10-...
Punishment of UM professor who denied Israel letter cheered, criticized
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During a UM Board of Regents candidate forum Monday, regents Andrea Fischer Newman and Andrew Richne...
Statewide elections
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The eight-year seats up for election are held by Andrea Fischer Newman and Andrew Richner – both Rep...
Carlson Starts HQ Renovation
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JLL Agency Leasing Group's Jon Dahla, Brent Robertson, Sam Maguire and Andrea Fischer will direct th...
Professional institutions caution against sanctions in Israel letter ...
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Two prominent educational and professional institutions — the American Association of University Pro...
Letters to the Editor for Oct. 17, 2018 |
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Vote for HellerJacky Rosen has done nothing – nothing – in Congress but she wants us to award her wi...
Amy Schumer and Husband Chris Fischer Photobombed Another Couple's Engagement Photos
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When you embark on a relationship with someone, it's only natural to invite them to try out your fav...
Formula 1 race draws thousands to Austin rain or shine
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“I think rain makes things a little more intense but yeah no I think it would be the same,” said And...
Amy Schumer announces pregnancy
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Amy Schumer is pregnant with her first child, she announced via her friend, the journalist and autho...
Our Endorsements: For state education boards
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Republican incumbents Andrea Fischer Newman of Ann Arbor and Andrew Richner of Grosse Pointe Park ar...
In Conversation: Andrea Fischer Newman, Incumbent for University ...
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The Michigan Daily Administration News Beat will be conducting interviews with the incumbent and cha...
University board elections: 2 of 8 seats open at 3 public universities
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LANSING, Mich. (WILX) -- Michigan voters will be choosing board members for three public universitie...
Recommendations for the midterm election Detroit News
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The Detroit News is making recommendations in a number of state and local races on the Nov. 6 electi...
Candidate Info: Andrea Fischer Newman, University of Michigan Board of Regents
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WEMU offered the opportunity for any candidate appearing on a ballot in Washtenaw County in the 2018...
Finley: Anti-semitism fight begins on campus Detroit News
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Finley writes: "The University of Michigan staged a teach-in dedicated to the nationwide drive to pr...
Your guide to Michigan Election Day 2018: Key races, poll times, more
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The incumbents are Andrea Fischer Newman, who retired recently from her position as Delta Air Lines'...
From The Daily: Acker, Brown for Regents | The Michigan Daily
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The University of Michigan Board of Regents, a group of eight state-elected members who have general...
October property transfers
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Boothbay Harbor: Squillante, Emma J. to Squillante, Anthony and Squillante, Beverly; Fischer, David...
Petoskey grad seeks position on University of Michigan board
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Others seeking University of Michigan regent seats in Tuesday's election include Democrat Jordan Ack...
Here's what you need to know for the midterm election
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The incumbents are Andrea Fischer Newman, who retired recently from her position as Delta Air Lines'...
GOP seizing early leads in university races
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Voters Tuesday were choosing two new members of the Michigan State University Board of Trustees in t...
ELECTION RESULTS 14 of 16 precincts reporting
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Andrea Fischer Newman (R) 4,419. Andrew Richner (R) 3,967. Jordan Acker (D) 3,389. Paul Brown (D) 3,...
UM board incumbents ousted, Democrats take 2 board seats
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The Democratic wave — along with a push for more transparency — pushed out two longtime University o...
Incumbent Newman concedes in UM regent race
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LANSING, Mich. (AP) – Incumbent Andrea Fischer Newman has conceded in a close University of Michigan...
Longtime UM trustee Fischer Newman ousted as Democrats sweep education board races
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Democrats are poised to win all eight statewide education board seats, with longtime University of M...
Michigan Democrats make big gains on Election Day
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And Democrats dominated on school and university-related boards, sweeping out Republican incumbents...
The Latest: University regent to lead Whitmer transition
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Incumbent Andrea Fischer Newman has conceded in a close University of Michigan Regent race. Newman t...
Split decisions on Michigan board of education, university boards bolster Democrat control
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Three of the four races for the statewide education boards saw one Democrat and one Republican each...
Home-cooked travel tips for Thanksgiving that aren't turkeys
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I have had nothing but really, really bad experiences there,” University of Michigan Regent Andrea F...
Governor General meets dignitaries, visits Yukon College on first official visit
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The guard's patrol commander, Sgt. Andrea Fischer, said the best thing about the Rangers is being ou...
Tu ni vsebine. Prijavi se in prispevaj vsebino.