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Marco Rubio Biography & News

- Wealth & Score

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio

Rojstni datum:
28 maj 1971
Zunanje povezave:

Marco Rubio

Rojstni datum:
28 maj 1971
Republican, Republ...
Zunanje povezave:

Biography & Reputation

There are not many informations about Rubio yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Marco.
He je bil/-a rojen/-a 28 maj 1971 in deluje v United States, Washington.
Marco Rubio has in total 396 news splited in 396 News, 0 Positive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizacije, 0 Obtožbe and 0 Obsodbe. The most active category is News. Marco Rubio is mostly active in News and Izobraževanje.


2018.06.25 - Vir: 85% - News
Donald Trump and Marco Rubio were once arch nemeses: in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries, Trump dubbed the Florida senator "Lil Marco" and ...

2018.06.25 - Vir: 85% - News
Towards the end of last week, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., scored a win when the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, on which he sits, passed bills with ...and more »

2018.06.23 - Vir: 95% - News
The big story involving the first lady this week should have been her visit to South Texas in order to visit one of the facilities where young children who were brought along by their parents when they crossed illegally into the United States are bei...

2018.06.22 - Vir: 90% - News
Here's Marco Rubio getting blasted by hecklers outside a Florida immigration detention facility. Posted By Colin Wolf on Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 4:24 PM. Sen. Marco Rubio at the Homestead facility, talking to media.... a couple hecklers here too, callin...

2018.06.22 - Vir: 90% - News
U.S. officials provided a glimpse Friday into a South Florida facility housing more than 1,000 teen-age migrants, seeking to dispel any suggestions that children are being mistreated. Private contractors who run the center for unaccompanied minors in...

2018.06.22 - Vir: 85% - News
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Texas, on Friday defended first lady Melania Trump from the “vicious treatment” she received from the public and media for a jacket she wore when boarding an airplane to meet with migrant children. “I know for a FACT that @FLOTUS ...

2018.06.22 - Vir: 95% - News
"I think you have to separate the politics from the public policy making, and that's become increasingly hard," Rubio told David Axelrod on a televised edition of "The Axe Files," airing Saturday at 7 p.m. ET. The episode was taped before Trump signe...

2018.06.21 - Vir: 75% - News
Rubio will discuss President Trump, trade, the Parkland disaster and the 2016 election on “The Axe Files.” David Axelrod hosts the program at 7 p.m. Saturday on CNN. Jacob Soboroff's reporting on life along the U.S.-Mexico border will be showcased in...

2018.06.20 - Vir: 90% - News
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) says he is opposed to President Trump's policy of separating immigrant families. He is not, however, opposed to indefinitely detaining toddlers and babies. On Wednesday morning, Rubio coined a #DetainandMaintain hashtag meant ...

More Info

Premoženje & Plača

We don't have the wealth for Marco yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Marco's past. We don't have the saraly for Marco Rubio yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Marco Rubio has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Marco Rubio is Republican from United States.
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