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Corina Crețu Biography & News

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Corina Crețu

Corina Crețu

Former European...
Rojstni datum:
24 jun 1967
Zunanje povezave:
Vloga vlade
Pravosodni sistem

Corina Crețu

Former European...
Rojstni datum:
24 jun 1967
Zunanje povezave:

Biography & Reputation

Corina Crețu's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Corina. Check anyway Crețu news. The Users opinion about Corina is positive so most people think you can vote her. Read anyway what and if Corina did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
She is born on 24 jun 1967 and active in Romania, Bukarešta as former european commissioner for enterprise and industry.
Corina Crețu has in total 244 news splited in 238 News, 5 Positive, 1 Negative, 0 Realizacije, 0 Obtožbe and 0 Obsodbe. The most active category is News. Corina Crețu is mostly active in News and Vloga vlade.


2018.11.02 - Vir: 95% - News
The European Commissioner for Regional Development, Social Democrat Corina Cretu, disagreed with with EU Funds minister Rovana Plumb on the cost of the feasibility studies for the three planned regional hospitals. While Rovana Plumb said that the ...

2018.11.01 - Vir: 90% - News
Comisarul european Corina Crețu a demontat joi manipularea venită din partea PSD cu privirea la prețul spitalelor regionale din Cluj, Iași și Craiova. Într-o postare pe Facebook, Crețu a scris că, potrivit Băncii Europene de Investiții (BEI), care .....

2018.10.31 - Vir: 95% - News
Romania will benefit from a EUR 7 billion increase in cohesion funds allotted to it in the 2021-2027 financial period compared to the current one, which stands for EUR 300 per capita, Corina Cretu, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy said o...

2018.10.31 - Vir: 95% - News
Acesta este, practic, un răspuns pentru comisarul european, Corina Crețu, care se întreba dacă mai există intenție din partea Guvernului pentru accesarea fondurilor europene. Citește și: Săptămâna nebună. Jumătate din Guvernul Dăncilă pleacă.and more...

2018.10.31 - Vir: 85% - News
The platform for coal regions helps to funnel funding specifically where each region needs it most, said Corina Crețu, the regional policy commissioner, from Romania. Of the five pilot projects underway so far, one is in Poland's Silesia region, wher...

2018.10.30 - Vir: 80% - News
Sigur, ea a fost inventată la presiunea UK, atunci când s-au închis minele în Irlanda și ei au propus înființarea unui fond”, a declarat Corina Crețu la conferința „O politică de coeziune inclusivă pentru o Uniune mai apropiată de cetățeni”, care are...

2018.10.30 - Vir: 95% - News
O explicație ar putea fi conflictul dintre Corina Crețu și Liviu Dragnea. Comisiarul european a avut mai multe luări de poziție, în ultima perioadă, fiind critică la adresa guvernării pe subiecte precum atragerea insuficientă a fondurilor europene .....

2018.10.30 - Vir: 75% - News
European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said on Monday that for the rest of her term in office she aims to maintain a permanent dialogue with the Romanian Government, in order to be able to contribute to the improvement of certain thin...

2018.10.30 - Vir: 95% - News
According to Corina Cretu, a Romanian politician and the incumbent European commissioner, it is indeed a "priority" for the European Commission (EC) to complete Romania's international transport network, including the link between the Republic of ...

More Info

Premoženje & Plača

We don't have the wealth for Corina yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Corina's past. We don't have the saraly for Corina Crețu yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Corina Crețu has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Corina Crețu is PSD from Romania. Corina is active as Former European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry.
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