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Denis Naughten Biography & News

- Wealth & Score

Denis Naughten

Denis Naughten

Rojstni datum:
23 jun 1973
Fine Gael, Indepen...
Zunanje povezave:

Denis Naughten

Rojstni datum:
23 jun 1973
Fine Gael, Indepen...
Zunanje povezave:

Biography & Reputation

There are not many informations about Naughten yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Denis.
He je bil/-a rojen/-a 23 jun 1973 in deluje v Ireland, Contae Bhaile Átha Cliath.
Denis Naughten has in total 10 news splited in 10 News, 0 Positive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizacije, 0 Obtožbe and 0 Obsodbe. The most active category is News. Denis Naughten is mostly active in News.


2018.05.31 - Vir: 95% - News
Denis Naughten T.D., Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, said: "Transport is a critical part of our economy. It is also a significant driver of Ireland's emissions profile. Currently, commercial and public transport vehicles...

2018.05.31 - Vir: 85% - News
Climate Change Minister Denis Naughten will meanwhile co-ordinate a €500m fund for initiatives that will help achieve Ireland's energy targets. Asked by the Irish Independent what assurances were in place to ensure ministers didn't approve projects f...

2018.05.30 - Vir: 95% - News
The launch of the fund is a “significant milestone” in how the Irish State tackles climate change, according to the Minister for Climate Action, Denis Naughten TD. A recent European Commission analysis found that Ireland has made limited progress in ...

2018.05.26 - Vir: 90% - News
Facebook admitted to communications minister Denis Naughten at a meeting last month that it should have advised the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) of “continuing breaches” related to Cambridge Analytica in 2015. The social network ....

2018.05.25 - Vir: 75% - News
Responding to a European Commission report, which this week warned of the consequences of missing the targets on decarbonisation and adopting renewable energy, Denis Naughten said Ireland faced uniquely challenging circumstances. Based on ...and more...

2018.05.23 - Vir: 80% - News
Denis Naughten has accused members of the Oireachtas Environment Committee of “greenwashing” after it voted down his controversial amendment on introducing a national deposit-and-return scheme on plastic bottles and aluminium cans. In a blog posted ....

2018.05.22 - Vir: 95% - News
The 14 undeclared TDs include senior ministers Michael Ring and Denis Naughten as well as former Taoiseach Enda Kenny and former finance minister Michael Noonan. Mr Naughten, the Independent Communications Minister, said he agreed with ...

2018.05.11 - Vir: 95% - News
There will be no compulsory post office closures due to a landmark deal with An Post, according to a minister. Minister for Communications Denis Naughten welcomed an agreement between the postal service and the Irish Postmasters' Union. The deal ...a...

2018.05.06 - Vir: 75% - News
The government has conceded that political campaigns on social media should be regulated amid growing concerns that “dark ads” could influence the abortion referendum. Denis Naughten, the communications minister, warned last year that a Fianna Fáil ....

More Info

Premoženje & Plača

We don't have the wealth for Denis yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Denis's past. We don't have the saraly for Denis Naughten yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Denis Naughten has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Denis Naughten is Fine Gael and Independent from Ireland.
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