Jens Spahn Biography & News
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Vloga vlade
Jens Spahn
Biography & Reputation
Jens Spahn's Votrameter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Jens positive things done and find out if Spahn is worth leading. The Users of Votra thinks Jens is bad and you should not vote him. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from Spahn. He je bil/-a rojen/-a 16 maj 1980 in deluje v Germany, Berlin. Jens Spahn has in total 500 news splited in 497 News, 0 Positive, 3 Negative, 0 Realizacije, 0 Obtožbe and 0 Obsodbe. The most active category is News. Jens Spahn is mostly active in News and Vloga vlade.Novice
2018.05.26 - Vir: 80% - News
Eine klare Botschaft hat Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn senden wollen, als er sein Sofortprogramm gegen den Pflegenotstand vorstellte. 13.000 zusätzliche Pflegekräfte will er einstellen, Ausbildung und Arbeitsverhältnisse verbessern. Dennoch bleiben ...
2018.05.24 - Vir: 75% - News
“Neither the euro zone nor France suffers from too few debts,” sniffed Jens Spahn, the health minister and Mrs Merkel's possible successor. The differences are spilling into civil society. The French media have revived the epithet “Madame Non” for Mr...
2016.09.11 - Vir: 95% - Vloga vlade
Senior CDU member Jens Spahn told Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung he did not understand why the conservative parties were arguing because the CDU had decided ...
2016.09.09 - Vir: 95% - Vloga vlade
Earlier this month German deputy finance minister Jens Spahn declared his support for a German burqa ban. On 19 July, ...
2016.07.12 - Vir: 80% - Zdravstvo, Vloga vlade
Einmal in Fahrt, macht Jens Spahn platt, was ihm in den Weg kommt. Der 32-jährige Abgeordnete steht für die nächste Generation christdemokratischer Politiker: Gerade frech genug, um aufzufallen, gerade angepasst genug, um durchzugehen, fachlich versi...