Compară Sandro Gozi si Cecile Kyenge pentru a afla cine să votezi.
Sandro Gozi![]() |
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Cecile Kyenge![]() |
Lega leader's call for fresh election takes gloss off Italian recovery
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Speaking to CNBC on Wednesday, Sandro Gozi, Democratic Party member and deputy secretary of state fo...
Windrush bodes ill for citizens' post-Brexit rights, says Italy
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In the future, our nationals could be in exactly the same position,” Sandro Gozi said. The treatment...
Eurosceptic Italian government is on course for enormous 'CLASH' with EU, minister claims
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Mr Gozi issued his warning as the Five Star Movement and The League announced little-known law profe...
'A serious headache for Brussels' Italian new 'anti-European' leadership puts EU on edge
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Sandro Gozi said the only thing standing between a new eurosceptic government in Italy and a referen...
Bank chief WARNS Italy 'sends note of caution' to EU as eurozone faces political turmoil
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On Tuesday, Italian Europe Minister Sandro Gozi warned that the incoming populist coalition governme...
EU Is Ready to Fight Back Against China's Growing Trade Dominance
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Italy is among those pushing for tighter screening “because we believe that trade must be fair and i...
Sandro Gozi: «Je suis très inquiet pour l'Italie et l'Europe»
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Sandro Gozi: «Je suis très inquiet pour l'Italie et l'Europe». Par Frédéric Rivière. Diffusion : mer...
Une coalition anti-européenne au pouvoir en Italie serait «une catastrophe» selon Sandro Gozi
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Sandro Gozi, secrétaire d'Etat italien chargé des affaires étrangères, était l'invité de Jean-Pierre...
Sandro Gozi, secrétaire d'Etat italien en charge des Affaires européennes
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Sandro Gozi, secrétaire d'Etat italien en charge des Affaires européennes et dirigeant du Parti démo...
Open letter to the citizens and political leaders of the EU
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... former prime minister, former president of the reflection group on the future of Europe (Europea...
Italy's first black minister fears far-right party's government influence
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Cécile Kyenge, who has been a regular target of racial abuse, said the League's position as a coalit...
Cécile Kyenge diventa attrice: un suo cameo nel film "Indovina chi ti ...
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Cécile Kyenge si dà al cinema. L'ex ministro dell'integrazione del governo Letta presterà infatti il...
The Agony Of Being Black Minister In Italy
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Since Cécile Kyenge became Italy's first black minister of integration, she has openly been insulted...
Cécile Kyenge: "Le racisme, c'est une tentative de nier les droits fondamentaux aux personnes"
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Cécile Kyenge est la première et unique personne d'origine africaine à avoir été ministre en Italie....
Diasporas et développement: Cécile Kyenge, députée européenne à l'atelier de l'OMI
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Dynamique, active, agissante et résistante, Cecile Kyenge est la première noire nommée ministre en I...
Italy draws its battle lines with Europe
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"Many members of the League accept that they are racists," said Cecile Kyenge, a Congolese-born Ital...
Le donne, il motore della crescita: Cécile Kyenge presenta EuropAfrica
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È da questo concetto che prende vita il workshop “EuropAfrica”, organizzato dall'eurodeputata Cécile...
Weekend persicetano: tanti eventi, incontro con Cecile Kyenge
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Sabato 12 e domenica 13 maggio a Persiceto si terranno tanti appuntamenti interessanti: dall'incontr...
Cècile Kyenge oltre il ridicolo: attrice nel film sugli immigrati, quanto soldi (tuoi) si intascano
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La nuova vita di Cècile Kyenge: il cinema. L'ex ministro per l'Integrazione del governo di Enrico Le...
La Kyenge al "Guardian": "Preoccupata dalla Lega, ci sono razzisti"
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Il motivo? Sempre lo stesso: " Molti membri della Lega - dice la Kyenge - accettano di essere razzis...