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Miguel Arias Cañete vs Tibor Navracsics

Compară Miguel Arias Cañete si Tibor Navracsics pentru a afla cine să votezi.

Miguel Arias Cañete

Miguel Arias Cañete

Tibor Navracsics

Tibor Navracsics
Miguel Arias Cañete
score Tibor Navracsics
Former European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry
Former European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry
Madrid Spain
Budapesta Hungary
Data nașterii
Partido Popular
Partid politic
News, Energie, Mediu inconjurator, Rol guvernamental, Alegeri, Afaceri externe, Muncă
News, Educaţie, Rol guvernamental, Muncă, Afaceri externe
Spanish EU climate commissioner grilled over oil interests.
2014.10.01 - Sursă :90% - Rol guvernamental
European Parliament could still veto choice of ex-Popular Party minister Miguel Arias Cañete

Arias Cañete: neither I Nor my family we have a relationship with these companies.
2014.10.01 - Sursă :80% - Mediu inconjurator, Energie, Rol guvernamental
The candidate commissioner for Climate and Energy states that neither his wife nor his son have conn...

Miguel Arias Canete: culoare negociator
2015.02.18 - Sursă :85% - Alegeri, Afaceri externe
Profil de comisarul European pentru politici climatice și energie.

Fostul ulei mogul a confirmat ca UE privind clima și energia comisarul
2014.10.08 - Sursă :90% - Mediu inconjurator, Muncă
Ecologiștii de indignat ca și conservator spaniol Miguel Arias Cañete, este dat de sus energiei cura...

Pactul Primarilor pentru schimbări Climatice și Energie (CoM pentru Clima ...
2016.09.14 - Sursă :75% - Mediu inconjurator, Energie
Anunțat ca "lumea e mai mare urban climatice și energie inițiativă" de Miguel Arias Cañete, Comisaru...

Succes cooperarea în domeniul energiei pentru europa Centrală și de Sud ...
2016.09.12 - Sursă :95% - Energie
* Vicepreședintele Comisiei Europene, Maroš Šef?ovi?, Comisarul pentru politici Climatice și Energie...

Energie: Succes cooperarea în domeniul energiei pentru europa Centrală și de ...
2016.09.09 - Sursă :85% - Energie
Vicepreședintele Comisiei europene, Maroš Šefčovič, Comisar pentru politici Climatice și Energie, Mi...

Multe relații de afaceri de Comisar desemnat, Miguel Arias Canete.
2016.09.22 - Sursă :80% - Alegeri
Miguel Arias Cañete, spaniolă nominalizat pentru politici Climatice și Energie, dle Comisar, a avut...

Iran says Europe's support for nuclear deal not enough
2018.05.20 - Sursă :90% - News
Miguel Arias Canete, European Commissioner for energy and climate, said Tehran wanted the 28-nation...

CALENDRIER du 28 mai au 03 juin 2018
2018.05.25 - Sursă :80% - News
Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell. Mr Karmenu Vella receives regional...

Trump's new strategies will further isolate US: Iranian FM
2018.05.27 - Sursă :85% - News
In a meeting with the European Commissioner for Energy and Climate Miguel Arias Cañete and his accom...

Europe Reassures Commitment to Nuclear Deal Minus US
2018.05.19 - Sursă :80% - News
... to Nuclear Deal Minus US. “We have sent a message to our Iranian friends that as long as they ar...

Dutch government appeals against court ruling over emissions cuts
2018.05.28 - Sursă :85% - News
In a sign of increased urgency in Brussels, the EU's climate commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete, call...

EU's top energy official due in Tehran on May 19 Mehr News Agency
2018.05.17 - Sursă :90% - News
According to Spain's major newspaper El País, European Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete will...

CALENDRIER du 21 mai au 27 mai 2018
2018.05.18 - Sursă :95% - News
Mr Johannes Hahn in Kyiv, Ukraine: on official visit. Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr José Bogas...

No individual positions among EU on Iran nuclear deal Mehr News Agency
2018.05.30 - Sursă :80% - News
That's why Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, came to Iran with a grou...

Minister Vows to Prevent Plunge in Iran's Oil Exports
2018.05.30 - Sursă :75% - News
During a visit by EU Commissioner for Energy and Climate Miguel Arias Canete to Iran earlier this mo...

After Trump's withdrawal from nuclear pact, EU energy chief courts Iran
2018.05.18 - Sursă :85% - News
TEHRAN: Europe's energy chief will seek to reassure Iran's top ministers on Saturday that the Europe...

EU Wants US to Exempt European Firms from Sanctions on Iran
2018.06.07 - Sursă :85% - News
“The cascade of decisions by EU companies to end their activities in Iran makes things much more com...

Arrival and doorstep European Commissioner (Cañete)
2018.06.11 - Sursă :80% - News
Arrival and doorstep by Miguel Arias CAÑETE, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, at...

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy), 3623-3th meeting: joint press conference by Miguel ...
2018.06.12 - Sursă :90% - News
Type: Complete press conference Reference: I-156765 Date: 11/06/2018 Duration: 22:30. Personalities:...

EU closes in on clean energy package, with Spain, Italy joining push for higher targets
2018.06.11 - Sursă :75% - News
“It is clear some countries are moving towards more ambitious figures,” said EU climate commissioner...

Bulgarian Presidency Enables Member States to Agree on an Updated Role for the EU Agency for the Cooperation of ...
2018.06.12 - Sursă :75% - News
With Bulgarian Minister for Energy Temenuzhka Petkova chairing the meeting, EU Member States today a...

The EU needs to update its climate ambition here's how
2018.06.12 - Sursă :80% - News
The bloc needs to have a political debate on raising climate targets, develop green financial polici...

Romania's clean energy: Obstacles and ways the industry could overcome them
2018.06.13 - Sursă :80% - News
Acknowledging the concerns, EU Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said Bruss...

Europe leads the global clean energy transition: Commission welcomes ambitious agreement on further renewable ...
2018.06.14 - Sursă :90% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said: "Renewables are good for Europe...

EU lawmakers likely to set clean energy goals above 30% -Arias Canete
2018.06.13 - Sursă :95% - News
EU lawmakers are on course to set 2030 renewables and energy efficiency goals of above 30% later tod...

Boost for European solar as EU raises 2030 renewables target
2018.06.14 - Sursă :80% - News
"This deal is a hard-won victory in our efforts to unlock the true potential of Europe's clean energ...

Ökostrom-Quote soll auf 32 Prozent steigen
2018.06.14 - Sursă :85% - News
EU-Klimakommissar Miguel Arias Canete lobte die Vereinbarung auf Twitter. „Erneuerbare sind gut für...

Engie tax ruling, ECB cuts QE, Juncker the “brutal killer”
2018.06.15 - Sursă :95% - News
... expressed desire to make the EU the world number one in renewables. “This deal is a hard-won vic...

Europe leads the global clean energy transition
2018.06.16 - Sursă :75% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said: “Renewables are good for Europe...

Association disappointed with EU Energy Efficiency deal
2018.06.18 - Sursă :85% - News
Despite this, co-legislators failed to agree on a revised EED. Unless an agreement is found in in a...

EU backs 32.5% energy efficiency target for 2030
2018.06.20 - Sursă :80% - News
EU negotiators informally agreed on a non-binding 32.5% energy efficiency target for 2030, with a 20...

An EU-China-Canada Climate Summit Tomorrow Will Shut America Out
2018.06.19 - Sursă :95% - News
China's Special Representative on Climate Change Xie Zhenhua will join Canadian Environment and Clim...

The ice beneath the EU-China climate bonhomie
2018.06.19 - Sursă :80% - News
Xie and EU climate commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete will join Canada's environment minister Catherin...

Opening remarks by Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at the Second Ministerial on ...
2018.06.20 - Sursă :75% - News
Excellencies, colleagues, let me start by welcoming you all to Brussels and thanking Minister McKenn...

EU, Canada and China join forces against climate change
2018.06.21 - Sursă :85% - News
Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete, Canadian Environment and Climate Change...

Conflict, climate change choke efforts to cure poverty, inequality: UN
2018.06.21 - Sursă :80% - News
However, following the approval of a series of new measures, the EU could now be in a position to cu...

Why European firms are unlikely to protect their business interests in Iran
2018.06.20 - Sursă :95% - News
EU Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete even visited Tehran on Saturday to present plans for cont...

Canada focusing on existing climate plan, has no current plan to raise targets
2018.06.21 - Sursă :75% - News
During the meeting, European Union energy commissioner Miguel Arias Canete called on the rest of the...

Eight EU countries signal openness to increased Paris climate pledge
2018.06.21 - Sursă :75% - News
Thank you! On Wednesday, the EU's climate chief Miguel Arias Cañete told the Moca meeting the union...

New documents on TAP, IGB to be signed in Bulgaria
2018.06.22 - Sursă :85% - News
The Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič,...

Climate Weekly: Cogs turn for ambition
2018.06.22 - Sursă :80% - News
“Ambition can emerge from the bottom up: if we strengthen our policies, renewables and energy effici...

Burning Wood as Renewable Energy Threatens Europe's Climate Goals
2018.06.22 - Sursă :80% - News
The EU's climate commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete, told a meeting of environment leaders from Europ...

Getting a grip on the grid
2018.06.25 - Sursă :85% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action, said the IRENA report “con...

14 European countries call for stronger EU climate action
2018.06.26 - Sursă :90% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, the EU's Climate Action and Energy Commissioner, said this means the bloc is no...

Catorce países de la UE llaman a ser ambiciosos contra el cambio climático
2018.06.25 - Sursă :95% - News
El comisario europeo de Acción para el Clima, Miguel Arias Cañete, estimó que el bloque podría aumen...

Ministerial on Climate Action Looks Towards Completing Negotiations on Paris Agreement Work Programme at COP 24
2018.06.26 - Sursă :85% - News
The three convening Ministers – EU Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete, China...

ICAO endorses scheme tackling carbon dioxide emissions in aviation
2018.06.28 - Sursă :95% - News
In a joint statement, European Commissioners Violeta Bulc and Miguel Arias Cañete welcomed the endor...

The European Commission supports BRUA pipeline in spite of Hungary's FGSZ statements
2018.06.29 - Sursă :80% - News
BRUA gas pipeline is still supported by the European Commission, not matter what the Hungarians have...

European solidarity on Energy: Synchronisation of the Baltic States' electricity network with the European system ...
2018.06.28 - Sursă :95% - News
... for the speedy progress of the preparatory work, conducted by Ministers of Energy of the respect...

Comisarul european pentru energie, despre BRUA: Sper ca problemele cu Ungaria să se rezolve / Ministrul Energiei ...
2018.06.29 - Sursă :85% - News
La rândul său, comisarul european responsabil pentru Politicie Climatice și Energie Miguel Arias Can...

Temenuzhka Petkova: CESEC is an Indisputable Example of Successful Regional co-operation
2018.06.29 - Sursă :85% - News
In the annual meeting in the capital, Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, EU Commissioner for Cl...

EU increases 2030 renewables target to 32 percent after German opposition
2018.06.30 - Sursă :80% - News
“This deal is a hard-won victory in our efforts to unlock the true potential of Europe's clean energ...

The IGB pipeline will be totally functional in 2020
2018.07.02 - Sursă :85% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, EU Energy Commissioner, welcomed the launch of this project, noting that it is...

Ambitious on Environment: Brussels Targets 30% Renewables by 2030
2018.07.02 - Sursă :80% - News
“This deal is a hard-won victory in our efforts to unlock the true potential of Europe's clean energ...

Movers and Shakers | 3 July 2018
2018.07.03 - Sursă :90% - News
Cabinet of Miguel ARIAS CAÑETE: Alexandra MARTEN GONZÁLEZ-CARRASCOSA joined the team as member. She...

CO2 target requires “8.3 million new EV charging stations”
2018.07.05 - Sursă :75% - News
Proposals to cut CO2 emissions in the EU by 50% by 2030 are unrealistic, warns ACEA. It would requir...

CALENDRIER du 09 juillet au 15 juillet 2018
2018.07.06 - Sursă :85% - News
Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in Madrid, Spain: delivers a speech at XII Graduation Ceremony at Escuela Uni...

Daily News 06 / 07 / 2018
2018.07.06 - Sursă :90% - News
Hosted by Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete, speakers will include Comm...

European Commission welcomes agreement on new renewable energy target
2018.07.06 - Sursă :75% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said: “Renewables are good for Europe...

European Commission Aims To Enhance ACER's Mandate And The Powers Of Its Director
2018.07.05 - Sursă :75% - News
“The Agency's achievements in only seven years have been impressive” completed Commissioner for Clim...

EU Pushes China As Competitor, Not “Developing Country”
2018.07.05 - Sursă :90% - News
Xie and EU climate commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete will join Canada's environment minister Catherin...

US Department of State News: Assistant Secretary Fannon Travels to Jeddah, Zagreb, and Brussels
2018.07.06 - Sursă :85% - News
... Energy Council along with their European Union (EU) counterparts, including High Representative/...

EU cities and regions call for new governance to tackle climate change
2018.07.06 - Sursă :80% - News
EU Climate and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete reminded that the Multi-level Climate and Ene...

Forget Trump: Europe Plans to Push for More Ambition on Climate
2018.07.08 - Sursă :95% - News
“It is now time to look at the longer-term perspective and to set out a strategy for where EU climat...

EU will not let Donald Trump derail its climate efforts
2018.07.09 - Sursă :75% - News
"It is now time to look at the longer-term perspective and to set out a strategy for where EU climat...

EU and China to join forces on clean energy transition
2018.07.09 - Sursă :85% - News
The signatories of the joint statement, EU energy commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and the director...

Forget Trump: Europe plans to push for more ambition on climate
2018.07.08 - Sursă :95% - News
"It is now time to look at the longer-term perspective and to set out a strategy for where EU climat...

New Spanish Government to Prioritise Climate Change Policy
2018.07.10 - Sursă :95% - News
This created a strange dynamic, given that the EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel...

2018.07.09 - Sursă :95% - News
The letter, addressed to the Commission's Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič & climate chief Miguel Arias...

Europa chce bardziej ambitnej polityki klimatycznej
2018.07.11 - Sursă :75% - News
„Teraz nadszedł czas, aby spojrzeć w perspektywie długoterminowej i określić strategię w ramach któr...

Soil 'completely underestimated' in EU climate strategy
2018.07.12 - Sursă :95% - News
During his opening addresses on Wednesday (10 July), Miguel Arias Cañete, the European Commissioner...

EU's next top model could unlock Paris Agreement
2018.07.13 - Sursă :95% - News
During a kick-off event for the public consultation on Tuesday, EU climate chief Miguel Arias Cañete...

UK seeks post-Brexit climate tie-up with EU
2018.07.12 - Sursă :85% - News
Convincing reluctant eastern states to increase their action would be made harder if the EU were to...

EU and US hold energy council meeting focusing on infrastructure, innovation and tranition
2018.07.12 - Sursă :80% - News
... Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Energy Union, Maroš Š...

On climate change, 'red alert is on', says COP21 president Laurent Fabius
2018.07.12 - Sursă :90% - News
EU Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said in his closing remarks that Europe is ready to face...

Spanish Socialists face a coal vs. climate dilemma
2018.07.13 - Sursă :80% - News
European Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action Miguel Arias Cañete, from the Spanish Popular Pa...

Low-Carbon Economy By 2050: EU's Vision Of A Modern, Clean And Competitive Economy
2018.07.16 - Sursă :95% - News
Among the speakers, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete, Commission Vice-...

La energía solar se hace una tendencia
2018.07.16 - Sursă :95% - News
“Estas nuevas ambiciones nos ayudarán a alcanzar el acuerdo parisino”, según Miguel Arias Cañete, co...

España, rezagada en el despliegue de puntos de recarga para el coche eléctrico
2018.07.17 - Sursă :80% - News
Durante un desayuno informativo en Madrid, Miguel Arias Cañete dijo que de los 83.000 puntos de reca...

CALENDRIER du 23 juillet au 29 juillet 2018
2018.07.20 - Sursă :80% - News
Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology of Hunga...

Austrian ambassador says Austria not out of BRUA gas pipeline
2018.07.20 - Sursă :75% - News
"The problems with the Hungarian side must be solved in a smarter way, as there is a need for co-ope...

Florentino Pérez recibió al presidente de la Comisión Europea
2018.07.21 - Sursă :95% - News
También asistió Miguel Arias Cañete, comisario europeo de Acción por el Clima y Energía, en una visi...

Se dispara la búsqueda de coches usados de gasolina en España
2018.07.23 - Sursă :90% - News
MADRID (Reuters) - Las búsquedas de vehículos usados de gasolina en España se han disparado un 65 po...

EU finds evidence carmakers are manipulating results | Financial ...
2018.07.24 - Sursă :95% - News
The European Commission has found evidence that carmakers are already manipulating emissions for new...

Car manufacturers may be 'cheating' new emissions tests to 'manipulate' future targets
2018.07.25 - Sursă :90% - News
Car manufacturers may be attempting to 'cheat' new vehicle emissions tests in a bid to 'manipulate'...

Commission discovers car industry's attempt to game emission targets
2018.07.26 - Sursă :90% - News
“We don't like tricks,” EU climate boss Miguel Arias Cañete told the Financial Times, and added: “We...

Devil in the detail of Europe's 2050 transport model
2018.07.26 - Sursă :75% - News
Three years ago, EU climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete was delighted with the outcome of the P...

Emissions Test Cheating Has Reached New Low With European Automakers
2018.07.25 - Sursă :95% - News
Well, one suggestion from Climate and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete and Industry Commissio...

Carmakers Are Cheating Again But This Time They're Inflating ...
2018.07.26 - Sursă :95% - News
The next Dieselgate could be around the corner, as the European Commission uncovers evidence that Eu...

France, Spain and Portugal eye gas as they diversify energy
2018.07.27 - Sursă :75% - News
EU Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete, French President Emmanuel Macron, Spa...

EU energy chief pushes for tougher emissions targets
2018.07.30 - Sursă :90% - News
The EU's energy chief is pushing for member states to adopt a more aggressive carbon reduction targe...

Reports: EU climate chief steps up calls for bolder carbon targets
2018.07.30 - Sursă :95% - News
The debate about the future of the EU's energy and climate policy is set to move up a gear after rep...

Climate change driven by humans made heatwave 'twice as likely'
2018.07.30 - Sursă :75% - News
EU energy commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete is pushing for member states to formally adopt a new set...

Lidl 'plans to lead the development of more that 3000 homes'
2018.07.30 - Sursă :80% - News
... a more aggressive carbon reduction target ahead of UN climate talks later this year". The paper...

European solidarity on Energy: Better integration of Iberian Peninsula into #EUEnergyMarket
2018.07.31 - Sursă :75% - News
Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said: “This summit will showcase the commitment of the Juncker Comm...

Diesel cars fall out of fashion in Spanish green drive
2018.08.01 - Sursă :85% - News
Such has been the volume of criticism that European Commissioner for Climate and Energy Miguel Arias...

Spain upgrades power connections with France in €578m interconnector deal Energy Live News
2018.08.05 - Sursă :80% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete and the Vice-President of the Europea...

Di Maio's interconnector threat: Commission unaware of any disruption
2018.08.05 - Sursă :90% - News
In the Commission's reply this week, Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said: "The objective to...

Klimamålet kan bli oppjustert
2018.08.05 - Sursă :90% - News
I dag har EU og Norge begge et mål om å kutte utslippene av klimagasser med minst 40 prosent fra 199...

EU's Baltic member states to synchronise energy grids by 2025
2018.08.07 - Sursă :85% - News
At LitPol's inauguration ceremony, Commissioner for Energy Miguel Arias Cañete, said: “In a true 'En...

The drive to net zero emissions should be the next space race
2018.08.07 - Sursă :90% - News
Meanwhile, the EU could soon become the first major economic bloc to raise its climate targets under...

Miguel Arias Cañete o Porozumieniu paryskim, polskiej energetyce węglowej i dywersyfikacji dostaw gazu
2018.08.07 - Sursă :80% - News
Chcemy utrzymać wiodącą rolę i konstruktywnie współpracować, by osiągnąć ustalone w Paryżu cele i po...

Commission hardens its stance against carmakers ensuring emissions reductions targets
2018.08.08 - Sursă :95% - News
This method is against to what the EC stands for as the protection of air quality is set a high prio...

EU-US Joint Statement of 25 July: European Union imports of US Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) are on the rise
2018.08.09 - Sursă :95% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, said: "Diversification is an import...

Daily News 09 / 08 / 2018
2018.08.09 - Sursă :90% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, said: "Diversification is an import...

Trump administration and EU build momentum toward hashing out a trade deal
2018.08.09 - Sursă :80% - News
"Diversification is an important element for ensuring the security of gas supply in the EU," said Co...

EU imports of US LNG rise
2018.08.10 - Sursă :75% - News
Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete stressed that diversification is an impor...

Cheniere CEO Sees No Impact in LNG Exports to China
2018.08.09 - Sursă :90% - News
EC's Miguel Arias Canete, who works on climate change issues, said increasing U.S. imports of “compe...

Daily on Energy: China backs away from oil tariffs against the US
2018.08.09 - Sursă :95% - News
Climate change: Miguel Arias Canete, a European commissioner for climate change, welcomed increased...

14 lobbyist meetings with Oettinger and Canete went unminuted
2018.08.13 - Sursă :90% - News
EUobserver requested (in two separate applications) documents related to seven meetings held by EU c...

Germany's coal task force can change things for Europe
2018.08.13 - Sursă :75% - News
In both practical and symbolic terms, the elimination of coal in Germany would transform the energy...

Revealed: ExxonMobil's private dinner with Cyprus' top EU brass
2018.08.14 - Sursă :85% - News
But the ones who are – commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic, and commissioner Miguel Arias Canet...

Europe mulls stripping carbon from the skies
2018.08.15 - Sursă :85% - News
“As well as reducing emissions, we must also look at how to absorb emissions in order to get to zero...

European Commission wishes to increase 2030 climate targets
2018.08.21 - Sursă :80% - News
The European Commissioner for Climate, Miguel Arias Cañete, explained to DPA, the German news agency...

Confederation of German Industry warns against more ambitious EU climate policy goals
2018.08.21 - Sursă :80% - News
The comments by the industry representative were made in response to an announcement by EU climate c...

Kommission will Klimaziel für 2030 hochschrauben
2018.08.21 - Sursă :90% - News
Für 2030 soll die EU international eine Senkung der Treibhausgase um 45 Prozent zusagen - statt bish...

EU asked to investigate Irish subsidy for biomass burning with peat
2018.08.21 - Sursă :85% - News
In letters to the European Commissioner for Climate Action, Miguel Arias Cañete, and Agriculture Com...

WindEnergy Hamburg to focus on dynamic global markets
2018.08.20 - Sursă :85% - News
From September 25 to 28, the world's biggest wind industry meeting will take place at the Hamburg ex...

Gut gesetzter Vorstoß
2018.08.21 - Sursă :75% - News
Der Hitzesommer 2018 scheint auch auf die Klimapolitik der Europäischen Union zu wirken: Klimakommis...

EU says it is supporting Cyprus in face of climate change
2018.08.21 - Sursă :90% - News
The EU is supporting Cyprus in a number of ways to tackle the impact of climate change, EU Commissio...

Ist ein ambitionierteres Klimaziel in Europa realistisch?
2018.08.21 - Sursă :95% - News
EU-Kommissar Miguel Arias Cañete fordert: Die EU-Staaten sollen 45 statt 40 Prozent weniger Treibhau...

Brüssel setzt sich neue Klimaziele
2018.08.21 - Sursă :90% - News
Beim Klimaschutz drückt die EU aufs Tempo. Bis 2030 sollen die Treibhausgase deutlich stärker reduzi...

EU-Klimaziele steigen bald automatisch
2018.08.21 - Sursă :85% - News
„Es ist meine Absicht, diese Frage demnächst den Mitgliedstaaten vorzulegen“, sagte EU-Klimakommissa...

CP Daily: Wednesday August 22, 2018
2018.08.23 - Sursă :80% - News
Ambition snub – EU climate commissioner Miguel Arias Canete's suggestion to raise the EU's 2030 GHG...

Germany's Angela Merkel opposes new, ambitious EU emissions target for 2030
2018.08.27 - Sursă :85% - News
German chancellor Angela Merkel is making clear that she opposes setting new, more ambitious Europea...

Merkel: EU should meet existing emissions aims
2018.08.27 - Sursă :75% - News
But Merkel said such calls, most recently from the European Commission's climate chief Miguel Arias...

EU-Kommissar plant ehrgeizigere Klimaziele
2018.08.27 - Sursă :95% - News
Der EU-Kommissar für Klimaschutz und Energie, Miguel Arias Cañete, will den Klimaschutz rascher vora...

Merkel Pushing Back Against Higher EU Climate Change Target
2018.08.27 - Sursă :90% - News
Now, some of those countries say new data and Europe's alarming heat wave this summer mean that targ...

Nord Stream 2 project can become collision point in transatlantic relations Rinkevics
2018.08.28 - Sursă :85% - News
In March this year, the parliament speakers of the Baltic states and Poland warned in a joint letter...

CP Daily: Monday August 27, 2018
2018.08.27 - Sursă :80% - News
BITE-SIZED UPDATES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Meeting goals – German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticised...

French environment minister quits, in blow to Macron's green reputation
2018.08.28 - Sursă :90% - News
In a further blow to European climate ambitions on Sunday, German chancellor Angela Merkel poured co...

COMMENT: What next for the EU ETS?
2018.08.29 - Sursă :90% - News
The European Commission has already started the process to identify long-term climate strategies to...

Cañete faces opposition to higher target
2018.08.29 - Sursă :80% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, Brussels' energy commissioner, said this month that he would put forward the pr...

Renewables: Germany hits domestic solar energy milestone – with batteries
2018.08.30 - Sursă :95% - News
In June, EU energy ministers agreed to aim for a renewable energy-use target of 32 percent by 2030....

Overcoming the EU-Indonesia Palm Oil Challenge
2018.08.29 - Sursă :90% - News
On September 4, for instance, Indonesia's ambassador in Brussels, Yuri Thamrin, along with other col...

Klimaschutz konkret: Wie der Verkehr seine CO2-Emissionen senken kann
2018.08.30 - Sursă :85% - News
Es war geschickt getimt: Nach einem Sommer mit Rekordtemperaturen in Mittel- und Nordeuropa und imme...

Progress towards the Paris Agreement climate targets
2018.08.31 - Sursă :75% - News
SciTech Europa carries the comments of the European Climate Action Commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete...

EU hails California legislation to boost clean energy transition
2018.09.01 - Sursă :95% - News
Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said he is pleased to see California comm...

Germany shows little appetite for raising EU climate target
2018.08.31 - Sursă :75% - News
This justified raising the climate target higher as the other two developments would make the goal e...

Truck makers push back against EU's first ever CO2 limits
2018.08.31 - Sursă :90% - News
“All sectors must contribute to meet our climate commitments under the Paris Agreement,” Climate Com...

Hungary set to begin buying Croatian LNG from 2019
2018.09.04 - Sursă :90% - News
“Today's signature shows that the Energy Union is a reality on the ground: we are building missing e...

Governments standing in way of $26 trillion green bonus, global commission finds
2018.09.05 - Sursă :80% - News
... temperature well below 2C. In June, EU climate chief Miguel Arias Cañete indicated Europe might...

Greener Growth Could Add $26 Trillion to World Economy
2018.09.05 - Sursă :75% - News
On the Paris Agreement, the commission stressed that national climate change pledges fall short of w...

'Chicken and egg' electric cars spark debate about battery charging
2018.09.07 - Sursă :85% - News
... would have had to provide a set number of chargers for parking spaces. But amendments from MEPs...

Una marcha multitudinaria precede la cumbre por el clima en San Francisco
2018.09.09 - Sursă :75% - News
En cuanto a la representación del mundo hispanohablante, en la cumbre participarán el comisario de A...

Biomass in the EU: has the latest energy directive done enough to calm fears?
2018.09.10 - Sursă :95% - News
“Renewables are good for Europe, and today, Europe is good at renewables,” said Commissioner for Cli...

Baltic energy systems make the EU switch
2018.09.10 - Sursă :75% - News
Today we are taking a significant step forward in bringing more security of supply for electricity c...

Lighting the way efficiently across the EU
2018.09.11 - Sursă :80% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy stated: “Europe is by far the larges...

Italy's ENI ramps up production at Egypt's massive Zohr gas field
2018.09.10 - Sursă :80% - News
During his stay in Egypt in April, EU Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete vis...

Strict electric vehicle targets proposed by EU
2018.09.11 - Sursă :95% - News
El?bieta Bie?kowska, the EU commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, a...

EU President Demands Higher Emissions Reduction Target In Final State Of The Union
2018.09.12 - Sursă :85% - News
... far less new European action against climate change than speeches of the past. In fact, it didn'...

EU eager to invest in Iran's CO2-free energy projects
2018.09.12 - Sursă :85% - News
“The European Commissioner for Energy said the EU was ready to participate in Iran's CO2-free renewa...

Iran to enhance energy co-op with ECO, EU nations – official
2018.09.12 - Sursă :85% - News
Referring to a meeting with the European Commissioner for Energy and Climate Miguel Arias Canete, he...

Spain's foreign minister in bid to improve nation's standing in Catalan conflict
2018.09.11 - Sursă :90% - News
The minister is meeting members of the European Commission, including First VP Frans Timmermans – wh...

Michael R. Bloomberg, Commissioner Arias Cañete join hands to step up Europe's clean energy ambitions
2018.09.13 - Sursă :75% - News
... UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Bloomberg Philanthropies founder Michael R. Bloomberg an...

Arias Cañete asegura que la UE cumple sus obligaciones con Acuerdo París
2018.09.13 - Sursă :80% - News
San Francisco (EE.UU.), 13 sep (EFE).- El comisario de Energía y Acción por el Clima de la Unión Eur...

Commission took no minutes at Juncker speech seminar
2018.09.13 - Sursă :90% - News
She said at the time, when commenting about meetings held by commissioners Guenther Oettinger (budge...

California News: Governor Brown Reaffirms Commitment to Paris Agreement Goals with America's Pledge Co-Founder ...
2018.09.13 - Sursă :80% - News
Also today, Governor Brown and European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañe...

CP Daily: Thursday September 13, 2018
2018.09.14 - Sursă :95% - News
Separately, former NYC mayor and UN Special Envoy for Climate Action Michael Bloomberg and EU climat...

EU Climate Commissioner Canete on Climate Change
2018.09.14 - Sursă :80% - News
Sep.14 -- EU Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete says the European Union has diversified its ga...

Brown Reaffirms 'America's Pledge' to Paris Climate Goals
2018.09.14 - Sursă :85% - News
Also Thursday, Brown and European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete rei...

California and the EU Cement Their Climate Alliance, Bypassing Washington
2018.09.17 - Sursă :90% - News
... Houston and Durban, the governors of Washington and Connecticut, the Canadian energy minister, t...

EU and California to step up carbon market cooperation
2018.09.16 - Sursă :95% - News
EU Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and California Governor Jerry Brown announced the agreement at t...

Lack of climate action ambition from governments balanced by pivotal non-state actors
2018.09.17 - Sursă :80% - News
The summit also included UN special envoy for climate action and former mayor of New-York City Micha...

Tussle in Brussels: Contenders limber up for Commission prize fight
2018.09.18 - Sursă :95% - News
And while Šefčovič is nominally more senior than the commissioner for energy and climate action, Mig...

Global Climate Action Summit: Lack of government climate ambition balanced by non-state action
2018.09.18 - Sursă :95% - News
The summit also included UN special envoy for climate action and former mayor of New-York City Micha...

Angela Merkel says EU should meet existing emissions aims, not set new ones
2018.09.18 - Sursă :75% - News
But Merkel said such calls, most recently from the European commission's climate chief Miguel Arias...

Tech companies unclear over stance on potential new EU climate targets
2018.09.18 - Sursă :75% - News
EU energy chief, Miguel Arias Cañete, said in August that the commission was weighing up whether or...

European nations plan to use more hydrogen for energy needs
2018.09.18 - Sursă :80% - News
The European Union's top climate and energy official said hydrogen could help the bloc meet its obli...

World's first hydrogen train leaves station in Germany
2018.09.18 - Sursă :95% - News
The Commission warmly welcomes the Hydrogen Initiative as it will further harness the innovative dri...

Daily News 19 / 09 / 2018
2018.09.19 - Sursă :90% - News
College meeting: EU steps up its strategy for connecting Europe and Asia. The European Commission an...

European nations plan to use more hydrogen for energy needs
2018.09.19 - Sursă :80% - News
The European Union's top climate and energy official said hydrogen could help the bloc meet its obli...

The Drilldown: Waste lagoons overflow in Florence's wake
2018.09.19 - Sursă :95% - News
Heavy rains from Hurricane Florence are breaching hog waste lagoons in North Carolina, releasing dam...

EU on track to agree new power market rules by end-2018: Canete
2018.09.21 - Sursă :80% - News
... want to agree new common rules on power market design, including emission limits for power plant...

Vice-President Šefčovič at the Citizens' Energy Forum
2018.09.21 - Sursă :75% - News
My colleague Miguel Arias Cañete yesterday described the new energy landscape – where we stand on th...

CALENDRIER du 24 septembre au 30 septembre 2018
2018.09.21 - Sursă :90% - News
Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in Hamburg, Germany: gives an opening speech at the Global Wind Summit. Mr Vy...

Europe to use more hydrogen for energy
2018.09.20 - Sursă :90% - News
The European Union's top climate and energy official said hydrogen could help the bloc meet its obli...

Polish households' electricity price will not change energy ministry
2018.09.21 - Sursă :95% - News
WARSAW, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Electricity prices for households in Poland will not change despite risi...

WindEnergy Hamburg opens next week with more than 1400 exhibitors
2018.09.20 - Sursă :75% - News
On Tuesday September, 25th, the world's leading expo for wind energy opens its doors. More than 1,40...

European Union & California Step Up Carbon Market Cooperation
2018.09.21 - Sursă :85% - News
The announcement was made at the Global Climate Action Summit held in San Francisco, California, las...

The Southern Gas Corridor: Solving Europe's energy dilemma
2018.09.24 - Sursă :95% - News
Speaking during this announcement in December 2017, European Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said:...

Spain U-turns on coal power subsidies
2018.09.23 - Sursă :85% - News
The EU's energy ministers want to agree to common rules on power market design by the end of this ye...

WindEnergy Hamburg day one briefing
2018.09.25 - Sursă :85% - News
This morning's opening session includes IEA executive director Fatih Birol and the EC's commissioner...

Brown Opens Climate Week NYC with Heads of State, UN Officials
2018.09.24 - Sursă :75% - News
... advance a framework for ambitious climate action across North America; and participated in a min...

European Union Announces Legal Entity To Allow Trading With Iran While Evading US Sanctions
2018.09.25 - Sursă :90% - News
During a meeting with the visiting EU's Energy Chief Miguel Arias Canete, Zarif said that the Europe...

EU to discuss future of global wind energy in Hamburg
2018.09.24 - Sursă :85% - News
The European Union is seeing an increased role for wind energy as the bloc's tries to lead efforts t...

Carbon Markets Update: ETS Reforms, Carbon Markets Alignments and Blockchain for Carbon Impact
2018.09.24 - Sursă :80% - News
During the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit, held in San Francisco from 12-14 September, European C...

Governor Brown Opens Climate Week NYC with Heads of State, UNFCCC Executive Secretary
2018.09.25 - Sursă :75% - News
... advance a framework for ambitious climate action across North America; and participated in a min...

Speech by Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete at the Global Wind Summit
2018.09.25 - Sursă :85% - News
Distinguished guests,. Ladies and Gentlemen,. It is a pleasure to be with you here in Hamburg for wh...

World's biggest wind energy event kicks off in Hamburg
2018.09.25 - Sursă :80% - News
The world's biggest wind energy event, the Global Wind Summit, begins today in Hamburg. The event wi...

'Flexibility – wind power's next big challenge'
2018.09.25 - Sursă :85% - News
European Commissioner for energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, and Birol both stressed that the energy trans...

"Este nevoie de predictibilitate pentru atragerea investiţiilor necesare regenerabilelor"
2018.09.25 - Sursă :85% - News
Prezent la conferinţa Wind Europe 2018, care se desfăşoară la Hamburg, în perioada 24-26 septembrie,...

Net zero emissions feasible by 2050 if EU economy goes cross-sectoral, new report says
2018.09.27 - Sursă :85% - News
At an event as part of the public consultation last July, EU climate chief Miguel Arias Cañete confi...

Brown at Summit: 'Climate Change Does Not Recognize Sovereignty'
2018.09.26 - Sursă :95% - News
... of state and international climate leaders, including European Commissioner for Climate Action a...

Commission 'non-paper' on car CO2 levels backfires
2018.09.26 - Sursă :80% - News
The document also follows criticism directed at the EU's climate commissioner, Miguel Arias Canete....

Energy efficiency: 'Tough legislation means tough enforcement'
2018.09.28 - Sursă :75% - News
At a high-level dinner debate in the European Parliament on Wednesday (26 September), the architects...

Kigali surpasses 50 mark with EU, Mexico ratifications
2018.09.28 - Sursă :80% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, EU commissioner for climate action and energy. share on: "We encourage all Part...

EU gibt sich kein strengeres Klimaziel
2018.09.28 - Sursă :80% - News
Nach Widerstand in Deutschland und anderen Ländern hat EU-Kommissar Miguel Arias Cañete den Plan auf...

EU signs Kigali Amendment
2018.09.28 - Sursă :85% - News
EUROPE: Following its ratification of the Kigali Amendment, yesterday, The EU has called on all Part...

Hamburg highlights wind energy role in fighting climate change
2018.09.28 - Sursă :95% - News
European Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete told the Global Wind Summit dele...

TSOs call on Brussels to spur investment in clean gas
2018.10.01 - Sursă :80% - News
Grid operators from Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium presented an action p...

Creating a greener, cleaner and more sustainable economy across Europe
2018.10.02 - Sursă :80% - News
European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete is at the centre of efforts...

European Commission abandons plans to raise climate ambition
2018.10.02 - Sursă :95% - News
But since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 and the EU has nearly finalised 2016's Clean Energy...

La petrolera de la familia de Cañete reorganiza su accionariado tras el conflicto con Hacienda
2018.10.02 - Sursă :80% - News
La compañía petrolífera de la familia de Miguel Arias Cañete reorganiza su capital tras un conflicto...

Estonian PM addresses MEPs
2018.10.02 - Sursă :85% - News
Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete says the new targets, to apply after 2020, are "essential" f...

Global Wind Industry delivers fresh power for global energy transition
2018.10.04 - Sursă :95% - News
And we had top-level speakers such as EU Climate & Energy Commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete, and IEA...

CALENDRIER du 8 octobre au 14 octobre 2018
2018.10.05 - Sursă :95% - News
Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives representatives of the European Steel Association (EUROFER). Mr Migu...

Healthy living in Europe's suburbs is a pipe dream and EU legislators need to wake up fast
2018.10.05 - Sursă :90% - News
Fortunately, there are signs that legislators might soon wake up to the challenge, especially if the...

Oil companies IGNORE EU to side with Donald Trump on Iran to 'think of shareholders first'
2018.10.05 - Sursă :80% - News
Miguel Arias Canete delivered the message on a visit to Tehran and also claimed the 28 EU nations, w...

Behind-the-curtain of the EU's 2050 climate plan
2018.10.08 - Sursă :85% - News
Commission bigwigs like President Jean-Claude Juncker and climate chief Miguel Arias Cañete both sup...

Don't Put All your Eggs in One Basket, Urges IPCC
2018.10.08 - Sursă :90% - News
EU research commissioner Carlos Moedas and his energy/climate change colleague Miguel Arias Canete j...

Brussels welcomes UN climate change report
2018.10.09 - Sursă :85% - News
In a joint statement, European Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete for Climate Action and Energy and Co...

EU agrees 35 percent cut to car emissions by 2030 in wake of UN climate report
2018.10.10 - Sursă :85% - News
"We saw a really complicated discussion," Europe's Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete said of...

Environment Council, 3640th meeting: joint press conference by Elisabeth Köstinger and Miguel Arias Cañete
2018.10.10 - Sursă :85% - News
Type: Complete press conference Reference: I-161389 Date: 09/10/2018 Duration: 23:24. Personalities:...

EU lawmakers support 55% emission cuts as IPCC spectre lurks
2018.10.11 - Sursă :75% - News
EU Climate Action Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete has made no secret of the fact that recently revi...

CALENDRIER du 15 octobre au 21 octobre 2018
2018.10.12 - Sursă :80% - News
Mr Miguel Arias Cañete gives a keynote speech at the Entso-e Power Coordination Europe Conference, i...

CALENDRIER du 22 octobre au 28 octobre 2018
2018.10.19 - Sursă :95% - News
Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in Kraków, Poland: participates in the preparatory meeting ahead of COP24 (24...

Daily News 23 / 10 / 2018
2018.10.23 - Sursă :75% - News
Ahead of the next UN climate conference (COP24), Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias...

LIFE Programme: Member States to benefit from quarter of a billion euros of investments in environment, nature and ...
2018.10.25 - Sursă :95% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete said: "These innovative projects sho...

Nissan to Expand EV Charging Network in Spain
2018.10.26 - Sursă :75% - News
Nissan's effort appears modest in light of a forecast by Miguel Arias Canete, the European Commissio...

Net Zero: MEPs back 2050 net zero emissions target
2018.10.26 - Sursă :85% - News
MEPs backed a 2050 net zero emissions target yesterday, in a vote which presses EU member states to...

LIFE Programme: Member States to benefit from quarter of a billion euros of investments in environment, nature and ...
2018.10.26 - Sursă :75% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete said: “These innovative projects sho...

Friction with Brussels over Crete power linkup
2018.10.27 - Sursă :85% - News
... Borchardt, who has been handling the issue for Brussels, informed the Energy Ministry in Athens...

Impasse between Athens and Brussels over Crete power linkup
2018.10.27 - Sursă :80% - News
... Borchardt, who has been handling the issue for Brussels, informed the Energy Ministry in Athens...

Fromme Wünsche für eine „dekarbonisierte“ Verkehrszukunft
2018.10.31 - Sursă :75% - News
EU-Klimaschutzkommissar Miguel Arias Canete bezeichnete die Reduktion von Treibhausgasen und die For...

Reflections from WindEnergy Hamburg 2018
2018.11.01 - Sursă :90% - News
Or they could have been working on their arguments to undermine the proposal by Miguel Arias Cañete,...

The Franco-Spanish ghost gas pipeline
2018.11.06 - Sursă :90% - News
There is also pressure to move while European Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Ca...

Cañete dice que el diseño del nuevo mercado eléctrico está siendo complejo
2018.11.06 - Sursă :75% - News
Madrid, 6 nov (EFE).- El comisario de Energía y Clima, Miguel Arias Cañete, ha dicho hoy que el dise...

Row threatens to delay end to energy isolation of Crete, Cyprus
2018.11.08 - Sursă :75% - News
A long-awaited EU project that could put an end to the energy isolation of Cyprus and the Greek isla...

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete in #China to meet climate negotiators
2018.11.09 - Sursă :95% - News
Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete (pictured) is in Beijing, China today (9...

China-EU strengthen collaboration ahead of climate talks
2018.11.12 - Sursă :80% - News
In a bid to build a consensus, Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Ene...

Commission welcomes European Parliament adoption of key files of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package
2018.11.13 - Sursă :85% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete added: "Four out of eight proposals o...

Reports: EU pushing for green targets in any Brexit 'backstop' deal
2018.11.13 - Sursă :95% - News
His comments were echoed by Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete, who said...

UPDATE 1-EU lawmakers back at least 35 pct CO2 cut from trucks by 2030
2018.11.14 - Sursă :75% - News
"We need to act to tackle the growing CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles," Europe's climate comm...

Iran, Europe to continue nuclear cooperation
2018.11.13 - Sursă :80% - News
Ali Akbar Salehi, director of the AEOI, and European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Migu...

EU Parliament approves energy efficiency, renewable targets Energy Live News
2018.11.14 - Sursă :85% - News
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said: “Four out of eight proposals of...

EU approves more ambitious renewables target, commits to palm oil phase-out
2018.11.15 - Sursă :80% - News
Summing up the results of the vote, climate action and energy commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said:...

EU's 'just transition fund' gesture muddies budget waters
2018.11.15 - Sursă :75% - News
Following decisions by the European Council and Parliament, one of those pathways must be a net-zero...

China emerges as powerbroker in global climate talks
2018.11.16 - Sursă :80% - News
Delegations from both the US and EU, including Miguel Arias Cañete, the EU's energy and climate comm...

EU agrees 35 percent cut in car emissions by 2030 in wake of UN report
2018.11.15 - Sursă :95% - News
“We saw a really complicated discussion,” Europe's Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete said of...

Commission welcomes European Parliament adoption of key files of #CleanEnergyForAllEuropeans package
2018.11.16 - Sursă :85% - News
Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete added: “Four out of eight proposals of th...

EIDTORIAL: Cyprus and Crete at the mercy of electricity greed
2018.11.17 - Sursă :75% - News
Crete faces a similar dilemma as its diesel-fired power stations must be decommissioned by the end o...

EU agrees 35 percent cut in car emissions by 2030 in wake of UN report
2018.11.17 - Sursă :85% - News
“We saw a really complicated discussion,” Europe's Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete said of...

Algeria, EU Seek to Revive Partnership
2018.11.19 - Sursă :85% - News
EU climate and energy commissioner Miguel Arias Canete will visit Algeria November 20 for high level...

Algeria, EU hold high-level annual meeting on energy Tuesday in Algiers
2018.11.19 - Sursă :90% - News
Co-chaired by Energy Minister Mustapha Guitouni and European Commissioner for Climate Action and Ene...

Daily News 19 / 11 / 2018
2018.11.19 - Sursă :95% - News
Le Commissaire européen à l'Action pour le Climat et l'Energie, M. Miguel Arias Cañete, se rendra en...

Politisches Hickhack um „Geisterpipeline“
2018.11.19 - Sursă :95% - News
Unweit von Barcelona erstreckt sich unterirdisch über rund 80 Kilometer eine Gaspipeline, die ins ni...

Delivering on clean energy research and innovation
2018.11.20 - Sursă :95% - News
Launched in 2007, the SET Plan now stands at an important junction, writes Miguel Arias Cañete. Migu...

Delivering results on clean energy
2018.11.20 - Sursă :90% - News
By Miguel Arias Canete. THE transition towards a low-carbon economy, as we tackle climate change, is...

10 countries demand net-zero emission goal in new EU climate strategy
2018.11.20 - Sursă :95% - News
Energy and environment ministers from Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,...

Komisarz Miguel Arias Cañete: gospodarka niskoemisyjna to największa szansa naszych czasów
2018.11.20 - Sursă :95% - News
Moim celem jako komisarza ds. działań w dziedzinie klimatu i energii jest przyspieszenie przejścia n...

Clean energy research and innovation Miguel Arias Cañete
2018.11.21 - Sursă :85% - News
The transition towards a low-carbon economy, as we tackle climate change, is one of the biggest oppo...

Algeria targets European power market
2018.11.20 - Sursă :85% - News
Guitouni made the remarks at a press conference held jointly with visiting European Commissioner for...

EU Strengthens Energy Partnership with Algeria
2018.11.21 - Sursă :85% - News
The European Commissioner for Climate and Energy, Miguel Arias Canete, began a visit to Algiers on T...

Aramco Proposes 50 Investment Opportunities at IKTVA Forum
2018.11.21 - Sursă :85% - News
The European Commissioner for Climate and Energy, Miguel Arias Canete, began a visit to Algiers on T...

Komisarz Miguel Arias Cañete: gospodarka niskoemisyjna to największa szansa naszych czasów
2018.11.20 - Sursă :90% - News
Moim celem jako komisarza ds. działań w dziedzinie klimatu i energii jest przyspieszenie przejścia n...

EU-Algeria on Verge of Energy Partnership Handshake
2018.11.21 - Sursă :85% - News
The European Commissioner for Climate and Energy, Miguel Arias Canete, began a visit to Algiers on T...

UK and EU agree on future relations after Brexit
2018.11.22 - Sursă :85% - News
European Union chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, center, speaks with EU Commissioner for Energ...

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete welcomes the political agreement on a proposal to improve the EU's risk ...
2018.11.22 - Sursă :80% - News
Today's deal means that five out of the eight legislative proposals of the 2016 Clean Energy for All...

Belene nuclear power plant will need new EU approval
2018.11.23 - Sursă :80% - News
The European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, has said that the comm...

UK's May sees Brexit deal soon as future ties text agreed
2018.11.22 - Sursă :90% - News
... center, speaks with EU Commissioner for Energy Miguel Arias Canete, left, and EU Commissioner fo...

Climate Weekly: Hungary breaks ranks on coal
2018.11.23 - Sursă :85% - News
Ten member states wrote to commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete, urging him to include a “credible and d...

Big business backs EU climate neutrality goal
2018.11.26 - Sursă :90% - News
CEOs of companies like food giant Unilever, financial powerhouse Allianz SE and power providers Engi...

Iran nuclear chief warns of ominous fallout if deal breaks down
2018.11.26 - Sursă :80% - News
Iran's nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi attends a joint news conference with EU Energy Commissioner Mi...

Israel to build “Nord stream” in 2026?
2018.11.25 - Sursă :80% - News
... pipeline to Europe was signed by the energy Ministers of Israel, Cyprus and Greece and also the...

EU faces uphill battle to circumvent US sanctions on Iran
2018.11.26 - Sursă :75% - News
"This is a hugely complex and unique undertaking, technical work has been advancing," Europe's Clima...

PREVIEW-Political divisions cloud Poland climate talks
2018.11.27 - Sursă :75% - News
In the European Union, European Commission climate chief Miguel Arias Canete's call for more ambitio...

Moedas moots future as MEP
2018.11.27 - Sursă :90% - News
Incumbent commissioners Mariya Gabriel, Corina Crețu, Marianne Thyssen, Miguel Arias Cañete, and Cec...

Greece, Cyprus, Italy agree on pipeline to procure gas from Israel
2018.11.26 - Sursă :95% - News
... significance." The energy ministers of Israel, Cyprus and Greece and the Italian ambassador to C...

Miguel Arias Cañete: EU's climate caterpillar looks to seal legacy
2018.11.27 - Sursă :75% - News
This summer, Miguel Arias Cañete sneakily circumvented a stand off over the EU's climate policy by s...

Report: EU aims for bloc to go carbon neutral by 2050
2018.11.28 - Sursă :75% - News
BERLIN (AP) — The European Union's executive branch is reportedly proposing that the bloc should red...

Iran Pleads With EU to Set SPV Deadline
2018.11.28 - Sursă :95% - News
"We hope that before time runs out, something tangible is achieved so that the agreement remains int...

EU reiterates commitment to Iran nuclear deal in talks with Zarif EU
2018.11.28 - Sursă :95% - News
EU Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete and Iran's nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi hold. EU Energy...

Wall Street Breakfast: Powell's Most Significant Speech Yet
2018.11.28 - Sursă :80% - News
It will require lots of effort, but it is doable," declared EU climate commissioner Miguel Arias Cañ...

The Ukraine test
2018.11.28 - Sursă :80% - News
Say what you like about Vladimir Putin, but he has often shown a knack for good timing. Planned or n...

Miguel Arias Cañete: EU's climate caterpillar looks to seal legacy
2018.11.29 - Sursă :80% - News
This summer, Miguel Arias Cañete sneakily circumvented a stand off over the EU's climate policy by s...

Finnish politicians welcome stricter EU climate goal
2018.11.28 - Sursă :85% - News
Miguel Arias Canete, the EU climate commissioner, told Finnish national broadcaster, Yle in Brussels...

ANALYSIS-Pressure mounts to bury carbon emissions, but who will pay?
2018.11.29 - Sursă :95% - News
"For sure, we have to improve carbon capture and storage and we have to invest," EU climate chief Mi...

Influential and interesting in 2018 -- Miguel Arias Cañete
2018.11.30 - Sursă :80% - News
Leading from the front on renewables uptake. At 3.32am on 14 June, an exhausted Cañete posed for pho...

EU's Cañete warns gas pipelines risk becoming 'stranded assets'
2018.11.30 - Sursă :90% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, the EU commissioner for climate action and energy, had an unpleasant message fo...

5 factors that will make or break the COP24 climate summit
2018.12.03 - Sursă :90% - News
“I think it's very positive for the EU to be a first mover,” said Miguel Arias Cañete, the European...

EU Aims for Net-Zero Emissions in Ambitious New Plan on Climate Change
2018.12.03 - Sursă :80% - News
EU Climate and Energy Commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete of Spain, announced last week the EU's ambit...

Katowice climate power list
2018.12.03 - Sursă :80% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete has been EU commissioner for climate action and energy since 2015. Initially boo...

Commission presents ways to further strengthen the euro's global role
2018.12.05 - Sursă :90% - News
Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, said: "The EU is the world's larges...

New EU rules on renewable energy, energy efficiency and governance
2018.12.04 - Sursă :95% - News
... for emissions reduction, today's adoption sends a further strong signal to climate talks in Kato...

The EU Just Made A Push To Dislodge The Dollar From Energy Transactions
2018.12.05 - Sursă :85% - News
“The European Union is the world's largest energy importer: around 90% of the oil it needs and aroun...

SolarPower Europe swings to aid manufacturing in EU after MIP victory
2018.12.06 - Sursă :90% - News
However, success or failure, after previous attempts headed by then head of Fraunhofer ISE, Dr. Eick...

"Der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments, Martin Schulz (SPD), hat heftige Kritik an der Haltung ..."
2016.09.15 - Sursă :90% - Educaţie
aktiencheck.de schreibt dazu weiter: Bad Marienberg - Bildungskommissar Tibor Navracsics und OECD-Ge...

Numai Belgia și Țările de Jos să îndeplinească obiectivele de dezvoltare durabilă în învățământ Autori: U. Neumann
2016.09.14 - Sursă :80% - Educaţie
Acest lucru este evident din această joi, de prezentat Comisarul UE pentru Educație Tibor Navracsics...

Revoluția română din leagăn să fie UE capitala culturii 2021
2016.09.16 - Sursă :75% - Rol guvernamental
... da de vizitatori din Europa și peste tot în lume posibilitatea de a descoperi orașul și a bunuri...

Deputații resping pe Navracsics pentru top UE cultură
2014.10.07 - Sursă :85% - Muncă
Parlamentul European respinge comisarul european desemnat Ungaria ca fiind nepotrivit pentru educați...

Timisoara numit Capitala Europeană a Culturii 2021
2016.09.16 - Sursă :95% - Afaceri externe
Tibor Navracsics, comisarul european pentru Educație, Cultură, Tineret Și Sport, a declarat că speră...

EU budget: Commission proposes to double funding for Erasmus programme
2018.05.30 - Sursă :80% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: "I am very proud that...

EU budget: Reinforcing Europe's cultural and creative sectors
2018.05.30 - Sursă :75% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: "Culture has always be...

CALENDRIER du 28 mai au 03 juin 2018
2018.05.25 - Sursă :85% - News
Mr Tibor Navracsics in Vienna, Austria: delivers a speech at the high-level conference on European v...

Building a stronger Europe: new initiatives to further boost role of youth, education and culture policies
2018.05.22 - Sursă :90% - News
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, said: "Education, culture an...

CALENDRIER du 21 mai au 27 mai 2018
2018.05.18 - Sursă :95% - News
Mr Tibor Navracsics opens the ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the European Union Prize for...

European Year of Cultural Heritage: 29 projects receive €5 million
2018.05.25 - Sursă :85% - News
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, said: “These transnational p...

29 Winners Announced for 2018 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards
2018.05.26 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, commented on the wi...

#EuropeanYearOfCulturalHeritage: 29 co-operation projects receive €5 million
2018.05.29 - Sursă :90% - News
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics said: “These transnational project...

EU Commission plans new European student ID
2018.05.23 - Sursă :85% - News
The European Commission wants to make it easier for young people to study abroad with a new EU stude...

EU launches new measures to support European Education Area plan
2018.05.22 - Sursă :80% - News
The European Commission has introduced a new package of measures aiming to bolster implementation of...

Tibor Navracsics: 'Ceea ce ne identifică e cultura, nu geografia ...
2018.06.07 - Sursă :75% - News
Comisarul european pentru cultură, Tibor Navracsics, a vorbit joi la Târgu-Mureș despre vocația cult...

DiscoverEU: 15000 travel passes up for grabs to explore the EU this summer
2018.06.11 - Sursă :75% - News
DiscoverEU will enable them to better understand Europe's diversity, enjoy its cultural richness, ma...

Daily News 11 / 06 / 2018
2018.06.11 - Sursă :85% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “With this proposal, t...

EU to award 15000 travel tickets to 18-year-olds starting Tuesday
2018.06.11 - Sursă :75% - News
"I am confident that this experience will make a positive change - for the young people participatin...

European Solidarity Corps to invest €1.26bn in young people
2018.06.11 - Sursă :75% - News
The European Solidarity Corps will receive €1.26bn in the next multiannual financial framework, to s...

EU to issue15,000 summer Interrail passes to European 18-year-olds
2018.06.12 - Sursă :90% - News
What we are launching tomorrow is an opportunity for 15,000 unforgettable European stories to be fol...

EU to award 15000 travel tickets to 18-year-olds starting Tuesday
2018.06.11 - Sursă :85% - News
"I am confident that this experience will make a positive change - for the young people participatin...

Brussels proposes €1.26bn to boost the European Solidarity Corps
2018.06.12 - Sursă :75% - News
In turn, Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said the proposal c...

EU to give free Interrail pass — but only if you can handle this quiz ...
2018.06.12 - Sursă :85% - News
The European Commission has set aside a sum of cash to give young Europeans turning 18 this year a f...

Dual quality of food: European Commission releases common testing methodology
2018.06.14 - Sursă :95% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, responsible for the Joint R...

EC releases common testing methodology to address dual quality of food issue
2018.06.14 - Sursă :95% - News
The European Commission has released today a new common methodology for comparing the quality of foo...

Navracsics Tibor: a menekültek a társadalom hasznos tagjaivá válhatnak
2018.06.16 - Sursă :85% - News
A 444 szúrta ki azt a kérdés-válasz kört, ami az InfoRádió Aréna című műsorában hangzott el. A műsor...

Cohesion Policy beyond 2020: Commission renews 'Stairway to Excellence' initiative
2018.06.19 - Sursă :80% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “Under this initiative...

The Week Ahead in the European Parliament – June 15, 2018
2018.06.19 - Sursă :85% - News
Next week is a Committee week in the European Parliament (“EP”). The week will see many votes, debat...

New World Atlas of Desertification shows unprecedented pressure on planet's resources
2018.06.21 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the Joint Re...

Crop yields set to drop by tenth as nearly all Earth's land area is degraded within coming decades, report warns
2018.06.22 - Sursă :75% - News
Tibor Navracsics, European commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the...

The Bulgarian Presidency Drives the Debate on the Need to Further Promote Inclusive Education in Europe
2018.06.22 - Sursă :95% - News
Ms Denitsa Sacheva, Bulgarian Deputy Minister for Education and Science, opened the conference on be...

Last chance to win one of 15000 free EU travel passes
2018.06.22 - Sursă :90% - News
The closing date for entries is Tuesday, June 26, 2018 (12noon CEST). Commissioner for Education, Cu...

20 years of #Copernicus, the EU's leading provider of Earth observation data across the globe
2018.06.22 - Sursă :90% - News
Commissioners Bieńkowska and Navracsics will then visit the Ispra site of the JRC, which supports th...

Europa Nostra 2018: Greek Church Wins Grand Prix Prize for Cultural Heritage
2018.06.24 - Sursă :80% - News
During the ceremony, the awards were presented to the 29 winners from 17 countries taking part in th...

#CulturalHeritageInEurope – High-level conference on 26 June
2018.06.25 - Sursă :95% - News
Press conference at 15h30. Tajani and Commissioner Tibor Navracsics will give a joint press conferen...

New interactive #StoryMaps make Europe's cultural heritage more accessible
2018.06.26 - Sursă :90% - News
Speaking at the European Cultural Heritage Summit in Berlin, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Com...

Daily News 26 / 06 / 2018
2018.06.26 - Sursă :80% - News
This afternoon, President Jean-Claude Juncker and Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Spo...

Strengthening the European Solidarity Corps: Joint statement by Commissioners Navracsics, Oettinger and Thyssen
2018.06.27 - Sursă :80% - News
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Budget and...

Daily News 27 / 06 / 2018
2018.06.27 - Sursă :95% - News
With investments in innovation and through responsible ocean management, integrating environmental,...

€566 billion and growing: the EU blue economy is thriving
2018.06.28 - Sursă :95% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the JRC, sai...

More than 2500 Irish young people applied for 140 free Inter Rail passes
2018.06.28 - Sursă :75% - News
EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navracsics added: "The interest in thi...

Kaunas, the 2022 European Capital of Culture: from temporary to contemporary
2018.06.28 - Sursă :75% - News
Tibor Navracsics, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, wants the ECoC...

€566 billion and growing: the EU blue economy is thriving
2018.06.29 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the JRC, sai...

CALENDRIER du 02 juillet au 08 juillet 2018
2018.06.29 - Sursă :85% - News
Mr Tibor Navracsics in Budapest, Hungary: participates in the first EU-Japan Policy Dialogue on Educ...

Weaving profits in Azerbaijan Modern Diplomacy
2018.07.01 - Sursă :85% - News
Although Azerbaijan is located on the ancient trading route known as the Silk Road, many artisans, e...

World Atlas of Desertification Rethinking land degradation and ...
2018.07.09 - Sursă :80% - News
New World Atlas of Desertification shows unprecedented pressure on the planet's natural resources. O...

Beijing joining the ranks of the world's most liveable cities
2018.07.12 - Sursă :75% - News
DiscoverEU will enable them to better understand Europe's diversity, enjoy its cultural richness, ma...

Promoting “creative business”: Commission's proposal for the next ...
2018.07.12 - Sursă :85% - News
For the next long-term 2021-27 EU budget, the European Commission is proposing to increase funding f...

Valér Palkovits named Hungary's new consul general in Toronto
2018.07.13 - Sursă :85% - News
We also know that in practice the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was turned on its head, first under Ti...

Palkovics nem kommentál, Navracsics nem foglal egyértelműen állást
2018.07.14 - Sursă :75% - News
Nem foglalt állást egyértelműen az Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (MTA) kutatási pénzeinek átcsoportosít...

EU-Japan Summit Joint Statement
2018.07.18 - Sursă :75% - News
We also welcome that the first EU-Japan Policy Dialogue on Education, Culture and Sport between Dr....

EU Commissioner: Role of Education, Culture Growing in EU
2018.07.20 - Sursă :75% - News
Education and culture are gaining in importance in European Union decision making, Tibor Navracsics,...

Navracsics: Az oktatás és a kultúra egyre nagyobb hangsúlyt kap az ...
2018.07.20 - Sursă :80% - News
Egyre nagyobb szerephez jut az oktatás és a kultúra az Európai Unió döntéshozatalainál – mondta Navr...

Il 75% del suolo globale è degradato
2018.07.24 - Sursă :85% - News
“Negli ultimi vent'anni, dopo la pubblicazione dell'ultima edizione dell'Atlante mondiale della dese...

EIT Awards 2018 – innovation across Europe
2018.07.25 - Sursă :75% - News
Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport responsible for the...

3 Hungarians nominated for EIT Awards
2018.07.26 - Sursă :85% - News
EC Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport Tibor Navracsics, who is also responsible f...

Ayia Napa aims to be 2030 European cultural capital
2018.07.27 - Sursă :85% - News
Paphos, which was the European capital of culture in 2017, was hailed as a good example of the title...

Egy hétig Navracsics Tibor lesz Európa ura
2018.08.01 - Sursă :90% - News
A rotációs rendszernek köszönhetően viszont lesz egy hét, amikor Navracsics Tibor lesz az Európai Un...

Climate Week to New York City
2018.08.08 - Sursă :90% - News
DiscoverEU will enable them to better understand Europe's diversity, enjoy its cultural richness, ma...

IFEX members call on EU leaders to support media freedom in Hungary
2018.08.08 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner, European Commission Antonio Tajani, President, European Parliament T...

Vorläufiges Medienprogramm: Informelle Tagung der Jugendministerinnen und ...
2018.08.09 - Sursă :85% - News
Wien (OTS) - Am Montag, den 03. September 2018 findet die informelle Tagung der Jugendministerinnen...

Još šest milijuna EURA Bosni i Hercegovini kao pomoć EU-a u upravljanju migrantskim tokovima
2018.08.12 - Sursă :95% - News
2020. mladima želimo dati više prilika za sudjelovanje, među ostalim, dajući im mogućnost da se orga...

Ezen a héten Navracsics Tibor lesz az Európai Unió ura
2018.08.13 - Sursă :95% - News
A Politico napi hírösszefoglalója szerint ezen a héten Navracsics Tibor lesz az Európai Unió ura: az...

Navracsics lesz a héten az EU ura, ezekben az ügyekben kell helytállnia
2018.08.14 - Sursă :75% - News
Brüsszel — Hétfőtől egy teljes héten át Navracsics Tibor (52) irányítja az Európai Unió egyik legfőb...

Huszárcsíny Brüsszelben?
2018.08.14 - Sursă :75% - News
„Ezen a héten miénk az Európai Unió, ugyanis Navracsics Tibor viszi az ügyeket, amíg az Európai Bizo...

Marić se u Bruxellesu sastao s povjerenikom EK Navracsicsem
2018.08.17 - Sursă :80% - News
Povjerenik Europske komisije za kulturu, obrazovanje i mlade Tibor Navracsics, sastao se u Bruxelles...

Changement climatique : les déserts s'étendent, et voici pourquoi c'est grave
2018.08.18 - Sursă :95% - News
Le bilan n'est pas brillant : "durant les vingt dernières années, la pression sur les terres et les...

Hungary's plan to ban gender studies sparks international backlash ...
2018.08.22 - Sursă :85% - News
Universities and academies in Europe and the US are urging the Hungarian government to withdraw prop...

Navracsics Tibor meglepően nyilatkozott a gender szakokról
2018.08.23 - Sursă :75% - News
Navracsics Tibor uniós oktatási biztos nyilatkozott belga Sciense Business portálnak arról, hogy sze...

Unia Europejska to wspólnota wartości czy interesów?
2018.08.23 - Sursă :80% - News
Będą także inni członkowie rządu tego kraju oraz szef MSZ Łotwy Edgars Rinkēvičs, węgierski komisarz...

L'Italia ha già deciso quale poltrona vuole nella prossima Commissione Ue AGI
2018.08.27 - Sursă :90% - News
Ma l'ostilità di Orban nei confronti dell'Ue e le sue politiche populiste ebbero molto più peso dell...

European Heritage Days 2018: Celebrating the Art of Sharing
2018.08.28 - Sursă :75% - News
Through this, I hope people come to realise that there is more that unites us than divides us", said...

Cultura: Giornate europee del patrimonio. Navracsics (Commissione ...
2018.08.28 - Sursă :95% - News
(Bruxelles) Il programma delle Giornate europee del patrimonio si svolgerà dalla fine di agosto fino...

AVISO: Bürgerdialog mit EU-Kommissar Navracsics und Ministerin Bogner-Strauß
2018.08.29 - Sursă :90% - News
Wien (OTS) - Die Vertretung der Kommission in Österreich lädt zu einem Bürgerdialog mit Juliane Bogn...

Medienprogramm: Informelle Tagung der Jugendministerinnen und -minister und ...
2018.08.29 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, EU-Kommissar für Bildung, Kultur, Jugend und Sport Sprachen: DE, EN, FR mit Simult...

Hungary to end gender studies funding
2018.08.30 - Sursă :75% - News
However, EU education commissioner Tibor Navracsics, a member of the Hungarian ruling party Fidesz,...

Tempo di Tocatì e tante novità
2018.08.31 - Sursă :80% - News
... eventi anche fuori dal centro storico; la partecipazione, per la prima volta, del,Commissario Eu...

Bogner-Strauß: "Mehr auf die Jugend hören"
2018.08.31 - Sursă :80% - News
Sie freue sich auf die Teilnahme von EU-Kommissar Tibor Navracsics, von "einigen Jugendministerinnen...

Grupul EPP: DiscoverEU, un succes pentru educația europeană
2018.08.31 - Sursă :80% - News
Conform comisarului european pentru Educație, cultură, tineret și sport, Tibor Navracsics, „este imp...

2018.08.31 - Sursă :90% - News
12:45 Pressekonferenz mit BM Dr. Juliane Bogner-Strauß und EU-Kommissar für Bildung, Kultur, Jugend...

Il 16° "Tocatì" per la prima volta anche nei quartieri. Sboarina: "Un simbolo di Verona"
2018.09.01 - Sursă :85% - News
... eventi anche fuori dal centro storico; la partecipazione, per la prima volta, del,Commissario Eu...

Parte il Corpo europeo di solidarietà, occasioni di volontariato e ...
2018.09.02 - Sursă :75% - News
ROMA- Parte ufficialmente il Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà, il nuovo programma promosso dalla Commiss...

EU-Jugendstrategie 2019: Gespräche starten im Austria Center Wien
2018.09.02 - Sursă :80% - News
Geleitet wird das Treffen von EU-Kommissar Tibor Navracsics, der im Anschluss an die Beratungen geme...

Daily News 03 / 09 / 2018
2018.09.03 - Sursă :90% - News
Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for...

Creative voices connect ideas
2018.09.03 - Sursă :90% - News
This guarantee agreement helps to bridge the financing gap faced by these sectors and will have impo...

EU's Kosovo-Serbia talks restart This WEEK
2018.09.03 - Sursă :75% - News
Juncker's commissioners will also begin travelling around Europe, with one of them, Hungary's Tibor...

Doppeltes Budget für neues Erasmus-Programm
2018.09.03 - Sursă :80% - News
EU-Jugendkommissar Tibor Navracsics sieht "starken Rückhalt" für die Pläne der EU-Kommission, Ausgab...

Juncker Plan earmarks €300 million for Italian SMEs involved in creative and cultural sectors
2018.09.04 - Sursă :85% - News
The EU's Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel and Tibor Navracsics, the Commi...

Navracsics: Erasmus als Mittel gegen "Isolation und Atomisierung"
2018.09.04 - Sursă :80% - News
EU-Jugendkommissar Tibor Navracsics möchte die sozialen Pfeiler des EU-Bildungsprogramms Erasmus aus...

Tibor Navracsics beim Bürgerdialog im Haus der EU
2018.09.04 - Sursă :90% - News
Im Anschluss an das Ministertreffen stellte sich EU-Kommissar für Bildung, Kultur, Jugend und Sport...

Daily News 05 / 09 / 2018
2018.09.05 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport, and Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Co...

2018 edition of #EuropeanHeritageDays under way
2018.09.05 - Sursă :85% - News
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics (pictured) said: “Cultural heritag...

State control over academic freedom in Hungary threatens all universities
2018.09.06 - Sursă :75% - News
Alarmingly, the European commissioner for education, Tibor Navracsics – himself Hungarian and a memb...

Hungary's government needs to change its tune
2018.09.07 - Sursă :80% - News
Recently, the EU Commissioner for Education Tibor Navracsics, who is also a member of the Hungarian...

MEPs debate EU lending to Greece
2018.09.10 - Sursă :80% - News
Education Commissioner Tibor Navracsics tells MEPs the European Commission's scheme has supported re...

Tocatì, i giochi di strada invadono la città. Le modifiche alla viabilità
2018.09.12 - Sursă :90% - News
Ospite d'eccezione dell'incontro sarà Tibor Navracsics, commissario europeo all'educazione, cultura,...

Il Tocatì si apre con una partita ai birilli tra il Sindaco e il commissario Ue
2018.09.13 - Sursă :80% - News
“I giochi tradizionali sono uno strumento per creare una comunità, renderla coesa e farla dialogare...

Ue, Navracsics a Verona: giochi tradizionali contribuiscono a creare un'identità comune
2018.09.14 - Sursă :95% - News
“L'Europa ha una grande diversità di sport e giochi tradizionali che riflettono identità culturali s...

Navracsics: EU call for healthier lifestyle is progressing, but more efforts are needed
2018.09.17 - Sursă :75% - News
The European Commission launched the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle a year ago, mostly to addres...

The Brief – Three Seas, two leaders
2018.09.17 - Sursă :95% - News
The EU's call for a healthier lifestyle is progressing, but more efforts are needed, says Commission...

Daily News 18 / 09 / 2018
2018.09.18 - Sursă :80% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport, will travel to Kroměříž tom...

Komisarz Navracsics: Apelujemy o zdrowszy styl życia
2018.09.18 - Sursă :85% - News
Powoli osiągamy już pierwsze rezultaty” – podkreślił Tibor Navracsics. „W nadchodzących miesiącach i...

Increased prevention efforts needed to curb the growing risk of future wildfires
2018.09.20 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the Joint Re...

More prevention efforts needed to curb the growing risk of future wildfires
2018.09.20 - Sursă :85% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the Joint Re...

European week of sport: EU Commission doubling up on its commitment to sport
2018.09.24 - Sursă :95% - News
Sport is not the answer to all of society's problems, but it can make an important contribution to a...

Multisectoral action to promote physical activity has increased in the EU
2018.09.24 - Sursă :75% - News
At the launch event in Brussels, Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, You...

#EuropeanDayOfLanguages – Celebrating languages as cultural heritage
2018.09.27 - Sursă :90% - News
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics (pictured) said: “Languages ​​are...

INEDIT Ioana Bran, ministrul Sportului, a jucat fotbal cu comisarul european pentru sport, Tibor Navracsics FOTO
2018.09.29 - Sursă :85% - News
Ioana Bran, ministrul Tineretului și Sportului a participat joi, la Belgrad, la un important evenime...

Daily News 03 / 10 / 2018
2018.10.03 - Sursă :75% - News
Major EU investments in infrastructure help write a new chapter in Greece. This week, Commissioner f...

Europe's future is connected to its power to innovate!
2018.10.04 - Sursă :95% - News
The high-level conference takes place in Budapest with the participation of European Commissioner fo...

Happy birthday, EIT
2018.10.04 - Sursă :75% - News
Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport responsible for the...

EU-Sportkommissar kennt Hirscher nicht!
2018.10.04 - Sursă :85% - News
Sportkommissar Tibor Navracsics hat ambitionierte Pläne, will Übergewicht und Inaktivität bekämpfen,...

Navracsics: I am 'deeply interested' in keeping the CEU in Hungary ...
2018.10.05 - Sursă :90% - News
Viktor Orbán's offensive against the Central European University is at the core of the worsening rel...

EIT marks 10 years of European innovation
2018.10.05 - Sursă :85% - News
Apart from the innovators and entrepreneurs, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth...

The Brief – Too much sabre-rattling
2018.10.05 - Sursă :90% - News
No way, the German Federal Constitutional Court has repeatedly ruled. Viktor Orbán's offensive again...

EIT Awards go to innovation in cancer, Alzheimer's research and ...
2018.10.05 - Sursă :95% - News
Share On Facebook · Tweet It. EIT Innovation Awards. The European Institute of Innovation & Technolo...

Navracsics „sehr interessiert“ daran, Soros-Universität in Ungarn zu halten
2018.10.08 - Sursă :80% - News
Viktor Orbáns Kampf gegen die Central European University (CEU) in Budapest steht im Zentrum des Kon...

The science behind EU policy: the JRC art exhibition
2018.10.09 - Sursă :90% - News
The art exhibition will focus on the scientific evidence behind EU policies. Tibor Navracsics, the C...

#EuropeanSolidarityCorps – Wide array of new projects can officially start up
2018.10.09 - Sursă :75% - News
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics (pictured) said: “I am very please...

#JointResearchCentre launches new exhibition to highlight science behind EU policy
2018.10.10 - Sursă :95% - News
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commissioner Tibor Navracsics (pictured), responsible for the Jo...

A silver lining in 'illiberal' Hungary
2018.10.11 - Sursă :85% - News
European leaders, the Trump Administration, Nobel prize winners and even the commissioner for Educat...

Daily News 11 / 10 / 2018
2018.10.11 - Sursă :75% - News
Tibor Navracsics, commissaire chargé de l'éducation, de la culture, de la jeunesse et des sports, a...

Europe's religious patrimony in crisis
2018.10.15 - Sursă :85% - News
... from a decline in religious practice and cuts in government expenditure. As an indication of his...

European Commission PRESS RELEASES Press release ...
2018.10.16 - Sursă :75% - News
The 2018 edition of the European Commission's Education and Training Monitor, published today, finds...

#ESP2018: The programme is published!
2018.10.16 - Sursă :80% - News
Szabolcs Horváth, Expert, Member of Cabinet of Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education...

DiscoverEU: 12000 additional free tickets available for 18-year-olds to discover Europe
2018.10.17 - Sursă :75% - News
Commissioner Tibor Navracsics,responsible for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “This summe...

Daily News 17 / 10 / 2018
2018.10.17 - Sursă :85% - News
Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, responsible for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “This summ...

Digital single market: a directory of European films to facilitate on-line access
2018.10.18 - Sursă :95% - News
Commissioner for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Tibor Navracsics added: “European cultural heri...

Commissioners Navracsics and Creţu in #Bulgaria for annual forum of #DanubeStrategy
2018.10.18 - Sursă :95% - News
Commissioner Navracsics, also responsible for the Joint Research Centre, said: “The 2018 European Ye...

Free European Inter Rail tickets available for 18-year-olds next month
2018.10.17 - Sursă :90% - News
EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, who is responsible for culture and youth said about 15,000 18-year...

EU to give 12000 more free Interrail tickets to 18-year-olds
2018.10.18 - Sursă :95% - News
“They experienced first-hand what it feels like to be European. They got the opportunity to discover...

Free Inter Rail tickets for Waterford 18-year-olds to discover Europe available next month
2018.10.18 - Sursă :85% - News
Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, responsible for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “This summ...

Commission launches online tool to measure how well Europe and Asia are connected
2018.10.19 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the Joint Re...

Hungary escalating tensions with Ukraine, playing along with Russia – media
2018.10.18 - Sursă :90% - News
That's exactly what Ukrainian MP Laszlo Brenzovych claimed on October 11 in Brussels at a meeting wi...

Education: Europe looks forward
2018.10.22 - Sursă :95% - News
On the occasion of the release of the 2018 Education and Training Monitor, European Commissioner for...

Daily News 24 / 10 / 2018
2018.10.24 - Sursă :90% - News
Tibor Navracsics, commissaire chargé de l'éducation, de la culture, de la jeunesse et du sport, a dé...

Europee, Navracsics (UE) a Trieste: “Giovani italiani avranno un ruolo molto importante”
2018.10.25 - Sursă :75% - News
Nell'occasione, speciale interesse ha rivestito l'intervento del Commissario dell'Unione Europea per...

Commission launches new tool to support digital teaching and learning in schools
2018.10.26 - Sursă :90% - News
Before launching SELFIE at IX High School Klementyna Hoffmanowa, a secondary school in Warsaw, Polan...

€187m Erasmus+ funding boost for the UK
2018.10.29 - Sursă :90% - News
In a statement, commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navracsics said the EC is...

#SELFIE_EU – Commission launches new tool to support #DigitalTeaching and learning in schools
2018.10.31 - Sursă :80% - News
Before launching SELFIE at IX High School Klementyna Hoffmanowa, a secondary school in Warsaw, Polan...

Digital skills in teaching and education: Commission's initiative and SDGs
2018.11.05 - Sursă :90% - News
At the end of October, Commissioner for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, unvei...

Lengold and Pârvulescu win EUPL short fiction prize
2018.11.07 - Sursă :80% - News
... Public Prize, Professional Prize, MEPs Prize and Special Mention for Cultural Heritage - with th...

Bulgaria's Sasha Bezuhanova appointed to board of European Institute of Innovation and Technology
2018.11.09 - Sursă :80% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, responsible for the EIT, sai...

Kereszténydemokrácia a 21. században – Beer Miklós és Navracsics Tibor tartott előadást Budapesten
2018.11.10 - Sursă :80% - News
Beer Miklós váci megyéspüspök és Navracsics Tibor, az Európai Bizottság kulturális, oktatási, ifjúsá...

Unity in Diversity Conference in Florence: Kotor is Montenegrin Capital of Culture
2018.11.11 - Sursă :80% - News
The opening of this year's Conference was attended by Italian Minister of Culture Alberto Bonisoli,...

#EIT – Commission welcomes three new members to governing board of European Institute Of Innovation And ...
2018.11.13 - Sursă :85% - News
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Commmissioner Tibor Navracsics (pictured), responsible for the E...

European Commissioner for Education in Malta
2018.11.15 - Sursă :80% - News
Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, is in Malta on Thur...

Daily News 16 / 11 / 2018
2018.11.16 - Sursă :85% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: "We encourage students...

Kashmir's plural ethos and communal harmony
2018.11.17 - Sursă :95% - News
Speaking at the European Cultural Heritage Summit in Berlin today, Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner fo...

UEFA president Ceferin insists a European Super League will not happen
2018.11.20 - Sursă :75% - News
Ceferin and Agnelli will meet European Commissioner for Sport Tibor Navracsics in Brussels on Tuesda...

Uefa president Ceferin: European Super League 'will not happen'
2018.11.20 - Sursă :95% - News
“Fans can rest assured that if we put our hands to making a new product it's because we want to make...

L'UEFA et l'ECA remettent une déclaration d'intention au commissaire européen au sport
2018.11.20 - Sursă :85% - News
Le président de l'UEFA, Aleksander Čeferin, et le président de l'Association des clubs européens (EC...

UEFA y ECA presentan una carta de intención al Comisario de la UE
2018.11.20 - Sursă :95% - News
El Presidente de la UEFA, Aleksander Čeferin, y el presidente de la Asociación de Clubes Europeos (E...

European Super League is a 'fiction', say Uefa boss & clubs chief
2018.11.20 - Sursă :85% - News
Ceferin and Agnelli will travel to Brussels on Tuesday to meet the European Commissioner for Sport,...

Lettera di intenti UEFA ed ECA per il Commissario UE
2018.11.20 - Sursă :95% - News
Il presidente UEFA Aleksander Čeferin e il presidente ECA (European Club Association) Andrea Agnelli...

«Die Superliga ist eine Fiktion» sagen die Uefa und die ECA
2018.11.20 - Sursă :95% - News
An dieser Pressekonferenz nahmen auch der EU-Kommissar für Sport, Tibor Navracsics teil. Ceferin ern...

Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council, 3653th meeting: common press conference, with the participation of ...
2018.11.27 - Sursă :85% - News
Press conference opening remarks by Juliane BOGNER-STRAUSS, Austrian Federal Minister for Women, Fam...

Navracsics Tibor: "Nincs szerepem a CEU-ügyben"
2018.11.26 - Sursă :75% - News
Természetesen megvan a személyes véleményem, de biztosként nem kommentálhatom ezt" - mondta Navracsi...

Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council, 3653th meeting: common press conference, with the participation of ...
2018.11.28 - Sursă :75% - News
Press conference opening remarks by Heinz-Christian STRACHE, Austrian Vice-Chancellor and Federal Mi...

Commission launches Knowledge Centre to fight malnutrition
2018.11.28 - Sursă :85% - News
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, who is responsible for the J...

Daily News 28 / 11 / 2018
2018.11.28 - Sursă :85% - News
Commissioner for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport, Tibor Navracsics said: "To end hunger and figh...

European Commission PRESS RELEASES Press release ...
2018.11.29 - Sursă :95% - News
The European Commission is launching a second DiscoverEU competition. From today (12:00 CET) until T...

UEFA and European Committee of the Regions promote EU regional sport investment
2018.11.30 - Sursă :90% - News
"Sport has a unique potential to help us tackle the big challenges facing our societies and to boost...

Daily News 03 / 12 / 2018
2018.12.03 - Sursă :95% - News
Tomorrow, 4 December, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Maria...

Breda wins 2019 Access City Award for making the city more accessible to citizens with disabilities
2018.12.04 - Sursă :85% - News
When handing out the trophies, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsic...

See who are the winners of #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards
2018.12.03 - Sursă :80% - News
The European Commission #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards recognise organisations using the power of spor...