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Håkan Juholt vs Andrew Lansley

Compară Håkan Juholt si Andrew Lansley pentru a afla cine să votezi.

Håkan Juholt

Håkan Juholt

Andrew Lansley

Andrew Lansley
Håkan Juholt
score Andrew Lansley
Former Leader
Former Leader
Dearborn Sweden
Londra United Kingdom
Data nașterii
Social Democrats
Partid politic
Social Democrats , Conservative
Per Gudmundson: Kom tillbaka Juholt, allt är förlåtet
2018.05.24 - Sursă :85% - News
På den breda vägen hägrar radikalism, plakatpolitik och den sortens vänsterpopulism som Håkan Juholt...

Den enda (S)anna glädjen
2018.05.30 - Sursă :80% - News
”Juholt-nivå” utropade var och varannan rubrik. Och det är i princip korrekt, även om det dröjde til...

Värsta väljarkriserna för S – en faktor går igen
2018.05.21 - Sursă :75% - News
Håkan Juholt tvingades avgå efter bara tio månader som S-ledare, efter opinionsras och hård intern k...

Armlös staty utan arm i 13 år
2018.05.08 - Sursă :85% - News
Och dokumentation, det kan även Håkan Juholt bistå med. – Jag har en bok hemma om Källströms konst d...

Jeremy Hunt becomes longest serving health secretary in NHS ...
2018.06.03 - Sursă :95% - News
Jeremy Hunt is now the UK's longest serving health secretary, as Monday marks five years and 274 day...

The NHS is suffering from repetitive change injury
2018.05.23 - Sursă :75% - News
In 2012, the then health minister, Andrew Lansley, announced a massive reform of the NHS. He hoped d...

Labour calls for NHS reforms apology from Tories
2018.05.27 - Sursă :95% - News
Mr Ashworth said the controversial Health and Social Care Act 2012, brought in by then Health Secret...

Labour consults on plan for major NHS restructuring | Society | The ...
2018.06.02 - Sursă :85% - News
Shadow health secretary says party will examine how to banish privatisation and restore universal pu...

Hunt criticises health reforms under Lansley
2018.05.23 - Sursă :80% - News
Andrew, now Lord, Lansley's Health and Social Care Act 2012 created hundreds of clinical commissioni...

PMQs review: Corbyn returns to safe ground to grill the PM on the NHS
2018.05.23 - Sursă :85% - News
After a two week winning streak, Corbyn was back on firm terrority for Labour at today's PMQs: the N...

Revealed: GP representation on CCGs being eroded
2018.05.25 - Sursă :90% - News
CCGs were established as part of Andrew Lansley's Health and Social Care Act in 2012, with the then-...

A tax rise is the only way to save the NHS – but will Philip Hammond be convinced the risk is worth it?
2018.05.25 - Sursă :75% - News
Hunt has admitted that he would not have introduced the sweeping structural changes brought in by hi...

Labour launches rare bid to dock Chris Grayling's wages by £2400
2018.05.22 - Sursă :80% - News
The move follows reports that the government is considering overturning parts of the shake-up of the...

Facing legal challenge, Tories hint about scrapping some NHS reforms – but remain wedded to privatising 'solutions'
2018.05.25 - Sursă :85% - News
Along with legislative efforts to reinstate statutory responsibility for the health of people across...