Compare Günther Oettinger and Corina Crețu to find out who to vote.
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Corina Crețu![]() |
European Commission plans free wi-fi in public spaces ...
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- Role of Government
"Europe has the ambition to lead on the deployment of 5G," said Gunther Oettinger. "It is time to mo...
EU aims to help animated films take on US giants ...
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- Education
“We would like to concentrate on the European animation sector,” EU Commissioner Guenther Oettinger...
Horse stealing in Warsaw, Budapest and Brussels | Brussels ...
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- Role of Government
The EU’s digital chief Gunther Oettinger explained why they will propose giving newspapers rights fo...
Nominee for European Digital Job Explains Positions in Hearing
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- Role of Government
Günther Oettinger, the nominee to be the European Union’s next digital economy commissioner, emphasi...
After a controversial Eulogy to Filbinger: Merkel, Oettinger criticises.
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- Role of Government - the first address for news and Information: 365 days in the year, around the clock u...
German EU insiders urge fiscal discipline ahead of 'Club ...
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- Role of Government
Guenther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, speaks during the welcome...
EC Unveils Draft Laws Covering Copyrights, Connectivity ...
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- Economy
... works which right holders have identified and agreed with the platforms either to authorize or r...
VW lobbyist met German EU commissioner
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- Role of Government
Germany's EU commissioner Guenther Oettinger had a meeting last January with Volkswagen Group about...
Russia, Ukraine Close In on Deal to Resolve Gas Dispute
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- Energy
Ukraine and Russia moved closer to a deal under which Kiev would pay Moscow $3.1 billion amid a disp...
FNE TV: Silvia Costa Chair EU Parliament Culture and ...
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- Role of Government
Click HERE to see Commissioner Gunther Oettinger thank MEP Costa for her parliamentary work and the...
How Oettinger surprised Brussels –
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- Role of Government
Gunther Oettinger has faced ridicule for his handling of EU tech policy since he took the job two ye...
Oettinger apologizes after Italy remarks spark storm
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European Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger apologized on Tuesday after facing criticism for sugg...
Italy news: Gunther Oettinger said financial crisis will teach voters not to support populists
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“I can only hope that this will play a role in the election campaign, in the sense of sending a sign...
Italian stop-gap premier presents cabinet as League hits out at EU
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In an interview with DW, EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger said: "My concerns and expectation...
Theresa May ridiculed as 'weak' by Germany's EU commissioner Günther Oettinger
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“Madame May is weak and Boris Johnson has the same hairdo as Trump. That says everything,” said Günt...
Eurocrat warns Brexit is a 'GAME CHANGER' for EU spending as he calls for budget support
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Under the European Commission's current proposals, member states would be expected to make up the di...
Oettinger: Criticism of EU budget plan means I'm right
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EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger said Thursday that widespread criticism of his long-term fi...
Barkindo meets EU Commissioner, Günther Oettinger
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HE Günther Oettinger, the European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, and the former Europ...
Günther Oettinger erntet mit Wahlempfehlung heftige Kritik
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"Wir haben Vertrauen in den Präsidenten Italiens, der Koalitionspartner möglicher Regierungen auf ih...
Italiens Populisten sauer über Oettingers Wahlempfehlung
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Lega-Chef Matteo Salvini hat mit scharfer Kritik auf Aussagen von EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oett...
Günther Oettinger: Bald weniger Geld für Osteuropa
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... künftigen EU-Haushalt weniger Geld für die Kohäsionspolitik vorgesehen, „weil sie wettbewerbsstä...
All eyes on Denmark after Sweden awards Nord Stream 2 permit
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... launched in November 2011, but in a different political climate, in the presence of German Chanc...
UK pharma cheers EU science announcement
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Earlier this week the EU's budget commissioner Günther Oettinger suggested at a conference in Brusse...
EU Commissioner Gunther Oettinger: Countries like Bulgaria are on the right track – Cohesion Policy has been and ...
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Sofia. Countries like Bulgaria are on the right track – Cohesion Policy has been and remains the mos...
Brussels lines up state aid post-Brexit
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In the clearest sign yet from Brussels that the European Union could be willing to strongly support...
Participants at Sofia Conference Confirm the Role of Cohesion Policy as a Key Investment Instrument in Europe
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The Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Günther Oettinger, ministers from the Member States,...
Günther Oettinger kommt als Prediger nach Biberach
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) predigt am Sonntag, 17. Juni, ab 11 Uhr beim ökumenischen Gotte...
EU to hike migration spending in development aid overhaul
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With EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger proposing cuts to both the Common Agriculture Policy a...
Günther Oettinger predigt morgen in Biberach
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger wird morgen als Prediger in Biberach erwartet. Beim ökumenischen Gott...
Eurokomisár pre rozpočet navštívi Slovensko
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Pracovné turné má za cieľ zhromažďovať názory na budúcnosť financovania EÚ a na podobu sedemročného...
Freudenstadt EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger: "Europa muss erwachsen werden"
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Die beiden Schirmherren der politischen Gesprächsrunde waren gleichzeitig die Referenten: Der intern...
EU's proposed tax on burning plastic waste is counter-productive
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The European Commission's Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, has announced plans to introduce a...
Upload-Filter passieren Rechtsausschuss des EU-Parlaments
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Im Digitalressort von Kommissar Günther Oettinger war man auf die Idee gekommen, in der Regulation a...
Arrival and doorstep European Commissioner (Oettinger)
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Arrival and doorstep by Günther OETTINGER, European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, at...
Oettinger warnt Seehofer vor eigenmächtiger Zurückweisung von Flüchtlingen
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BrüsselHinter ihm steht eine übermannsgroße blaue Europaflagge, vor ihm eine Flasche Württemberger L...
Günther zu Asylstreit: CSU will Union nach rechts rücken FAZ
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Auch EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) warnte Seehofer vor dem Treffen am Sonntag vor ei...
Oettinger warnt die CSU im Asylstreit – „Handlungsfähigkeit Deutschlands wird ...
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BrüsselHinter ihm steht eine übermannsgroße blaue Europaflagge, vor ihm eine Flasche Württemberger L...
Horst Seehofer warns Angela Merkel against dismissing him amid migration spat
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EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger has also called on Seehofer not to go it alone with regards...
Günther Oettinger szerint lekerülhet a napirendről a kötelező kvóta ...
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Lekerülhet az Európai Unióban (EU) folytatott viták napirendjéről a menekültek tagállamok közötti el...
Oettinger bittet bei der CSU um Zeit für Merkel
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In dieser schwierigen Gemengelage fordert nun EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) mehr Zeit für die...
Tajani fordert Milliarden zur Schließung der Mittelmeerroute
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EU-Parlamentspräsident Antonio Tajani hat die Europäische Union aufgefordert, deutlich mehr Geld ber...
Oettinger appeals to CSU to ease pressure on Merkel
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Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger, an ally of beleaguered German Chancellor Angela Merkel from h...
Eurocrat warns UK it isn't 'smart' to refuse £39bn Brexit bill | UK ...
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EUROPEAN UNION budget chief Gunther Oettinger has warned Britain “it would be smart” not to perform...
Günther Oettinger will Migranten in Afrika versorgen
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Als Partner kämen laut Oettinger eine Regierung, eine Region oder eine örtliche Verwaltung in nordaf...
Oettinger's Italy gaffe under the microscope
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The EU's budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, triggered a wave of outrage last month after report...
Migration set to overshadow eurozone reform debate at EU summit
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Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger, an ally of beleaguered German Chancellor Angela Merkel from h...
EU migration deal gets wary welcome from Germany and Italy
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Günther Oettinger, the European commissioner for budget and human resources, described the outcome o...
"Es zeigt sich, europäische Lösungen sind möglich"
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günter Oettinger hat die Einigung beim EU-Gipfel zur Migrationspolitik als "ec...
EU-Haushaltskommissar Oettinger verkündet beim Wirtschaftskonzil in Konstanz ...
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) will nach Ablauf seiner Amtszeit Ende 2019 in die Priv...
Günther Oettinger strebt Abkommen mit Sahelstaaten an
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"Das erfordert Partnerschaftsabkommen mit Ländern im Norden Afrikas, die entweder direkt am Mittelme...
Oettinger: CDU steht voll hinter Angela Merkel
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Stuttgart - Die CDU hat sich nach Angaben von EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger in der Krisensitzung am...
Oettinger "nicht überzeugt" von Asylplan der Union
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... Nachrichtenagentur) - EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) hat sich "nicht überzeugt" vom Asylpl...
Graph shows how Italy's debt turmoil MORE WORRYING than Greece, bankruptcy 'IMMINENT'
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Gefira claims the ECB is unwilling to get involved with Italy's populist leadership and quoted EU bu...
"Es kommt zu einem Handelskrieg"
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger erwartet einen Handelskrieg. In der amerikanischen Wirtschaft und der...
Oettinger „nicht überzeugt“ vom Asyl-Kompromiss FAZ FAZ
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Die Einigung zwischen CDU und CSU werfe viele Fragen auf, findet EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger. Lux...
GAWAIN TOWLER: The significant shift which has taken place in Brussels
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Also there was Günther Oettinger, European commissioner for budgets, former home secretary Amber Rud...
Viorica Dăncilă sa întâlnit cu Günther Oettinger, comisarul european pentru buget
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Premierul Viorica Dăncilă a avut marți o întrevedere cu Günther Oettinger, comisarul european pentru...
European Parliament Rejects Copyright Law Proposal
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Europe's newly proposed copyright law was put on hold following a vote from the European Parliament...
PM Dancila to meet with Jean-Claude Juncker today in Brussels
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Dancila will hold talks with Corina Cretu, EU commissioner for regional policy, Phil Hogan, EU commi...
Wichtige politische Themenschwerpunkte und eine Weinprobe EU-Kommissar ...
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Getreu dem Motto „Politik, die Menschen bewegt“ besuchte Günther Oettinger, EU-Kommissar für Haushal...
Deutsche Agrarminister treffen Hogan und Oettinger
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Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerin Klöckner und ihre Länderkollegen wollen mit Agrarkommissar Phil Hoga...
Günther Oettinger zu Gast Bad Krozingen Badische Zeitung
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BAD KROZINGEN (BZ). Getreu dem Motto "Politik, die Menschen bewegt" besuchte Günther Oettinger, EU-K...
EC president to Romanian PM: Return to a normal political discourse in the country
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In Brussels, prime minister Dancila also met with Günther Oettinger, the European Commissioner for B...
„Trump äußert sich falsch und irreführend“
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Der deutsche EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger hat die jüngsten Angriffe von US-Präsident Donald Trump...
Nato will Afghanistan noch auf Jahre stützen
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger sprang Merkel bei und nannte Trumps Vorwürfe unberechtigt. «Wir kaufe...
Oettinger warnt vor En-Marche-Bewegung in Deutschland
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Der deutsche EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) hat an die Bundesregierung appelliert, sich mehr u...
EU budget review 'needed to focus more on value added'
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On 2 May, when the bloc published the documents and spending review, the commissioner for budget and...
Serbian president calls for accelerated European integration
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He made the remarks while meeting with visiting European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources...
Greece starts bailing out Germany on refugees
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Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger, an ally of beleaguered German Chancellor Angela Merkel from h...
Oberwolfach Europapolitiker besucht Oberwolfach
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Kamen ins Gespräch: Gemeinderatsmitglied Erna Armbruster (von links) sowie Oberwolfachs Bürgermeiste...
Trump meets Putin, France wins the World Cup and a life is saved
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Hairy moment Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission president, ruffles the hair of Günther Oetting...
EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger spricht im Roxy
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Wiedererstarkender Nationalismus, Rechtspopulismus, Flüchtlingskrise und die Zukunft der jungen Gene...
Trump defends trade strategy ahead of EU chief visit
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... unfairly on Trade negotiates a fair deal, or it gets hit with tariffs," Trump tweeted. European...
EU commissioner suggests broad cuts to tariffs with US
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Speaking before an EU delegation travels to Washington for talks on Wednesday on a long-term trade d...
Günther Oettinger: Donald Trump will die EU unterminieren | STERN ...
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger hat US-Präsident Donald Trump vorgeworfen, sich im Handelsst...
Oettinger: Trump megpróbálkozik az "Oszd meg és uralkodj ...
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Meg lehetne próbálkozni az Európai Unió és az Egyesült Államok közötti szabadkereskedelmi tárgyaláso...
Trump defends trade strategy ahead of EU chief's visit
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European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker ruffles the hair of EU Commissioner of Digital Eco...
Jean-Claude Juncker will die Eskalation verhindern
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Vor dem Besuch von EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker bei US-Präsident Donald Trump hat sic...
As Juncker meets with Trump, remember Europe needs America more than America needs Europe
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But I was intrigued by some comments yesterday by Gunther Oettinger, the EU's budget commissioner. H...
Selmayr summons EU's UK diplomats back to Brussels to receive their marching orders
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His letter explains that human resources commissioner Gunther Oettinger insists British nations can...
British EU diplomats to be recalled to Brussels in 2019
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... British nationality. Likewise, U.K. nationals will no longer be recruited to EU embassies. The n...
„Europa darf kein Eliten-Projekt sein“
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Angesichts der vielen Probleme sieht EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger den wirtschaftlichen Wo...
Unternehmen: Preis: Innovative Partnerschaft aus Forschung und Wirtschaft
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... wie die Herrenknecht AG am Freitag mitteilte. Zur Jury gehören neben anderen Altbundeskanzler Ge...
"Das machen unsere Freunde nicht noch mal mit"
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Oettinger: Es sind nicht nur Parteien auf der Rechten, sondern auch auf der Linken, die mit Populism...
Europawahl 2019: Wer wird Spitzenkandidat für die EVP? Oettinger ...
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Die Konservativen im Europaparlament wollen erst im November die Kandidatenfrage klären. EU-Haushalt...
US-Sanktionen: Oettinger sieht bei Sparkassen Potenzial für Iran-Geschäfte
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BerlinSparkassen und Volksbanken könnten nach Ansicht von EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger fü...
Trump droht, Daimler folgt
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Der jüngste Vorschlag von EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger dürfte die Misere kaum lindern. Er...
Német EU-biztos: Orbán bizonyos tételeivel már most elszigetelődött az Európai Néppártban
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Günther Oettinger szerint Orbán bizonyos tételeivel már most elszigetelődött az Európai Néppártban,...
vs. Brussels
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European Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger was at the last meeting, with the next scheduled for...
Daily News 10 / 08 / 2018
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Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, Günther H. Oettinger, said: "With the launch of this ne...
Commission calls for European Solidarity Corps proposals
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Speaking at the launch in Brussels on Friday, European budget and human resources Commissioner Günth...
Günther Oettinger: Reform bei Kindergeld kaum Chancen
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger hält einen weiteren Vorstoß für neue Regeln für Kindergeldza...
„Die Gefahr ist allen bewusst“
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger spricht im Interview über den Populismus-Alarm vor der Europ...
Was Oettinger über den deutschen Beitrag zum EU-Haushalt denkt
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14:28 Uhr. Günther Oettinger : „Die Gefahr ist allen bewusst“. Albrecht Meier. Finanzminister Olaf S...
Günther Oettinger: Sistemul alocaţiilor copiilor imigranţilor din ţările UE nu se modifică
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"Există o tendinţă clară în rândul statelor membre UE de a nu modifica actualele reglementări europe...
Oettinger verteidigt gleiches Kindergeld für alle
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger lehnt eine Anpassung des Kindergeldes für im EU-Ausland lebe...
Klöckner und Oettinger im Oktober in Münster
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Mit Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerin Julia Klöckner und EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger ist d...
Günter Oettinger fordert von Deutschland mehr Geld für EU
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BerlinDie Bundesregierung soll nach Worten von EU-Haushaltskommissar Günter Oettinger ihr Angebot fü...
Summer scorecard #2: Is Europe dangerously fragmented or joyously diverse?
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... was lining up with the European Parliament “to spike the move by the other half of the commissio...
BREXIT LIVE: May 'to SELL OUT UK' with SHOCK watered down EU freedom of movement
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EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger urged Germany to step up its financial efforts and help the...
Oettinger dismisses claims EU to blame for Italian bridge collapse
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Still, it's good to look at the facts,” Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger said on his Twitter ac...
Brussels rejects Italy's claim bridge collapse linked to EU spending rules
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Responding to the latest salvo, the EU budget commissioner, Günther Oettinger, tweeted: “It is very...
Günther Oettinger weist Vorwürfe aus Italien zurück
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Brüssel/Genua - EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger hat Vorwürfe aus Italien wegen der Brücken-K...
EU and Italy row over bridge tragedy
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EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger, tweeted: “It is very human to look for somebody to blame…...
Greece warns Brussels on Brexit: No-deal could trigger EU ECONOMIC MELTDOWN
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Gunther Oettinger, the EU's budget commissioner, has said the bloc must find an extra £20bn a year a...
Deadly bridge collapse in Italy prompts finger-pointing over design flaws, funding
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The budget minister Gunther Oettinger tweeted Thursday, "it is very human to look for someone to bla...
Merkel should scuttle Nord Stream 2
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Günther Oettinger, while EU energy commissioner from 2010 to 2014, called Russian energy policy “Put...
"Schlüssel für mehr Vertrauen liegt in Ankara"
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20.08.18 11:00 Uhr – 02:51 min. Die Türkei gerät immer tiefer in die Krise. Soll Deutschland den Sta...
Turkey crisis: German government, business leaders dismiss talk of aid
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Also rebuffing the idea, the EU's budget commissioner, Günther Oettinger, insisted "there is a need...
Oettinger: It's not Germany's job to help Turkey financially
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EU budget chief Günther Oettinger rejected the idea of Germany helping Turkey out of its economic tr...
Turkish lira crisis: Merkel turns her back on Turkey and rules out German financial aid
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Senior European Union official Gunther Oettinger told Turkey it is not Germany's job to assist Ankar...
Günther Oettinger schließt EU-Finanzhilfen für Türkei aus
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger hat sich skeptisch zu möglichen Finanzhilfen für die Türkei...
AB yetkilisi: Türkiye için doğru adres IMF
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Türkiye'deki ekonomik krizin aşılması için öncelikle 'Ankara'nın doğru bir siyaset' izlemesi gerekti...
EU hits back hard at Italy's budget threat in migration row
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Günther Oettinger, the EU's budget chief, warned Italy on Friday of “heavy sanctions” if its populis...
Immigrati, il tedesco Gunther Oettinger minaccia l'Italia: "Pesanti sanzioni se non paga contributi Ue"
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Lo ha scritto su Twitter Günther H. Oettinger, commissario dell'Unione europea al Bilancio. In un al...
EU WARNED: Italian senator outlines SCHEMING plan to break Italy's ties with Brussels
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Budget Commissioner Gunther Oettinger warned Rome of the "heavy sanctions" Italy would incur into if...
Oettinger: Migration nicht mit Budgetpolitik vermengen |
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger hat in der Debatte um die Migrationspolitik gegenüber Italie...
'It's NOT 20 billion!' EU in turmoil as Brussels hits back HARD at Italy's budget threats
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The threats came as Matteo Salvini refused to allow 150 migrants, predominantly from Eritrea, to dis...
Günther Oettinger strebt in die Privatwirtschaft FAZ
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Offiziell betont Oettinger immer noch, dass die Verhandlungen mit den Mitgliedstaaten und dem Europä...
The Brief – Changing borders in Europe???
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After the Cambridge Analytica scandal made headlines earlier this year, the Commission wants to crac...
Leading journalists join call for EU copyright reform
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Günther Oettinger is leading the EU's copyright reform efforts. In an interview with EURACTIV German...
The EU is 'unprecedented filth that doesn't deserve our money' Italian minister FUMES
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The borders of Italy are the borders of Europe.” EU budget chief Gunther Oettinger retaliated by cla...
Ue, Gunther Oettinger sputa sull'Italia: "I 20 miliardi? Una farsa, fino a 2 anni fa..."
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Secondo Gunther Oettinger, il Commissario Ue al Bilancio, la minaccia prospettata dal vicepremier Lu...
Oettinger: 50-50 chance of a budget deal before 2019 election
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European Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger sees a “50-50” chance and “100 percent good arguments...
Oettinger warns Italy not to block EU budget talks
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“There are a lot of reasons why blockade is not in the interest of any member states,” Günther Oetti...
Günther Oettinger: „Europäisch investiert ist besser“
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Günther Oettinger: Wir brauchen nur die Einnahmen, die wir zur Finanzierung unserer Aufgaben und zur...
Oettinger: Researchers will leave Europe if there is no early budget deal
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The EU's budget commissioner Günther Oettinger has warned that researchers will be forced to leave E...
EU Commissioner Threatens 'Penalties' if Italy Stops Payments over Migrant Row
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European Union Commissioner Günther Oettinger has threatened the anti-establishment populist Italian...
Anruf bei: Günther Oettinger und der Harmonikaverband
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Jochen Haußmann: Wir hätten auf jeden Fall genug Funktionen, um jemanden wie den Herrn Oettinger auf...
Brussels has no Plan B to cope with financial chaos of no-deal Brexit, EU's budget chief warns
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BRUSSELS has no “plan B” to cope with the financial chaos of Britain quitting the EU without a deal,...
EU watchdog finds Juncker broke rules to promote political ally
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The ombudsman said Selmayr had been promoted to deputy secretary general by Juncker and the EU human...
Italy's government wants to 'destroy Europe', says EU budget chief
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Oettinger, a German, also criticized his own country's government for dragging its heels on the EU's...
Günther Oettinger: Magyarország halálos veszélyt jelent az EU-ra
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„Halálos veszély” fenyegeti az EU-t külső és belső ellenségei miatt – közölte egy brüsszeli eseménye...
Oettinger: Commission president should choose own secretary-general
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Presidents of the European Commission should be able to choose their own secretary-general, EU budge...
RESIGN! Demands for Juncker's arrogant right-hand man Selmayr to quit but he says NEVER
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In response to the report, EU's commissioner in charge of staffing, Gunther Oettinger said: "While w...
'Long Shot to Say that We Are Heading for Recession in Italy' Professor
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EU budget commissioner Günther Oettinger claimed that the EU is in mortal danger because a number of...
Italien solle EU Haushalt nicht blockieren, mahnt Günther Oettinger
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger hat Italien vor einer Blockade des EU-Haushalts gewarnt. Dam...
Italy's Matteo Salvini links with Bannon's far-right Movement ahead of EU vote
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EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger said in an interview with newspaper La Repubblica that Salv...
'Less tax dodging, more investment in Africa': Italy slams proposed EU budget
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"The Commission's current proposal seems inadequate as it doesn't sufficiently answer citizens' conc...
Gunther Oettinger: "Dopo la Brexit l'Italia dovrà dare più soldi all'Europa"
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Pagheremo molto di più. Dopo Brexit, la Ue perderà i contributi britannici, i più consistenti dopo q...
Commission seeks dialogue with Five Star Movement, isolating Lega
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Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger flew to Rome on Thursday (13 September), as part of a series o...
The real danger facing the European Union
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Earlier this month, EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger, who is a member of the leading Europe'...
EESC president: MFF proposal is 'not ambitious enough'
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The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will discuss on Wednesday (19 September) the next...
EESC to advocate for an ambitious EU budget of at least 1.3% of EU GNI
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During a plenary debate with Günther Oettinger (European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources...
„Brüssel wartet auf verantwortungsvolle Regierung in Berlin“
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Friedrichshafen - EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger hat die erneuten Zerwürfnisse innerhalb der Großen...
"Abrissbirne für Deutschland"
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (Artikelbild) hat die Koalitionsparteien aufgefordert, ihre Querelen...
'Fictitious and false invoices': Commission raps UK for budget fraud
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The European Commission sent a stark warning to the UK government on Monday (24 September), after it...
EU's Oettinger: Angela Merkel is a 'lame duck' – POLITICO
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German leader's power in party is waning, prominent member of Christian Democrats says.
Regions' representative: We don't want money just for the sake of it
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Local and regional authorities met with EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger on Tuesday (25 Sept...
Oettinger nennt Merkel "lahme Ente"
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EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker hat sich von der Einschätzung seines deutschen Kollegen...
Germany's Merkel Denies Power Struggle, Saying She Is 'Alive and Kicking' Despite Ally's Shock Exit
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... in Germany described as a signal from Merkel's party to her. German Commissioner Günther Oetting...
WSJ City: Senate Weighs Kavanaugh's Fate, SEC Sues Musk and Seeks His Exit From Tesla
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MUST READS FROM WSJ CITY. The fate of Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court now hangs in...
Der neue Botschafter ist ein begeisterter Flipperspieler
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„Da war ein Unfall, es ging nichts mehr“, erzählt Günther Oettinger – der lang erwartete Besucher –...
Daily News 01 / 10 / 2018
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European Commissioner in charge of budget and human resources Günther H. Oettinger will be in New Yo...
Romanian PM clashes with Commission over rule of law
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Democracy under siege in Romania · Marius Stan and Vladimir Tismaneanu. Budget Commissioner Günther...
Daily News 04 / 10 / 2018
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Le commissaire Günther H. Oettinger, chargé du budget et des ressources humaines, a déclaré à ce pro...
Is This The Next Mister Europe?
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Weber also currently benefits from the support of Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Hungar...
EU-Kommissar Günther H. Oettinger ist "DVSI-Botschafter des Spielens ...
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(Schorndorf/Nürnberg) - Besser spät als nie. Die Premiere von EU-Kommissar Günther H. Oettinger als...
Die Kreis-CDU startet mit EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger in den Europa-Wahlkampf
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Rhein-Kreis Die CDU im Rhein-Kreis nimmt Kurs auf die Europawahl im nächsten Jahr. Beim Parteitag am...
Lambertz: 'To weaken our municipalities, our cities, our regions is to weaken our Union'
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... of the Regions in Brussels. Although Lambertz has defended on several occasions Budget Commissio...
Juncker hits out at 'stupid populists'
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Juncker, as his Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger repeatedly said, wants to close an agreement o...
Horber Gin als Geschenk für EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger
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Regionale Produkte mit Kultstatus transportieren das positive Image der Region, teilt die Wirtschaft...
Theresa May has to make MORE concessions to Brussels before they will give a Brexit deal, EU finance chief demands
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BRUSSELS' budget chief has shattered the fragile truce over Brexit by demanding Theresa May makes mo...
Der deutsche Kommissar
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Braun gebrannt und gut gelaunt kommt Günther Oettinger zur Vereinigung der Auslandspresse. Der Kommi...
EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger bei Expo Real beim Nordschwarzwald-Auftritt zu Gast
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Am Stand waren auch EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger und die Staatssekretärin im Ministerium für Wirts...
Britain will have to send billions to Brussels after Brexit if it stays in customs union
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Gunther Oettinger, the EU's Budget commissioner, confirmed that the UK would be expected to pay up,...
EU budget chief: some east Europeans don't want bigger research pot
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The European Commission's budget chief, Günther Oettinger, said some central and eastern European co...
Brussels Edition: Budget Crunch
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... the International Monetary Fund's meetings, meets U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and T...
Următorul buget multianual ar putea da Europei securitate, afirmă comisarul european pentru buget, Günther Oettinger
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Referindu-se în special la acest ultim principiu, Günther Oettinger a subliniat că securitatea este...
Vollgas mit 65: Oettinger will nicht kürzer treten
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger feiert an diesem Montag seinen 65. Geburtstag - denkt aber n...
Günther Oettinger will trotz 65. Geburtstags nicht kürzer treten
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger feiert an diesem Montag seinen 65. Geburtstag – denkt aber n...
Stuttgart: Zentraler Bürgerdialog mit EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger und ...
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Oktober) trafen beim abschließenden Zentralen Bürgerdialog im Neuen Schloss in Stuttgart diese Bürge...
Italian bonds sell off as key EU official says Brussels is 'very likely' to reject its budget plan
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In a tweet following the report, the EU Budget Commissioner Gunther Oettinger said the media report...
EU Oettinger: It's only my personal opinion regarding Italy budget
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... the draft budget. I did NOT say there is a Commission decision on #Italy, nor that a letter w/ a...
Oettinger: EU-Kommission will Italiens Haushalt zurückweisen
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Brüssel (dpa) Der wegen hoher Schulden umstrittene Haushalt Italiens trifft auf Widerstand der EU-Ko...
Comissário Oettinger quer que Itália corrija orçamento enviado para Bruxelas Jornal de Negócios
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O comissário europeu do Orçamento defendeu que a Comissão Europeia deveria rejeitar a proposta orçam...
Oettinger, la Ue non approverà la manovra italiana. Anzi no
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Così ha commentato, secondo quanto riportato dal settimanale tedesco Spiegel, il il Commissario Euro...
Widerstand gegen Italiens Schuldenetat
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Der Streit um Italiens Haushaltspläne droht sich zu verschärfen: EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oetti...
Manovra, Gunther Oettinger: "La Ue boccerà il bilancio italiano". Poi smentisce
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C'è anche il commissario al Bilancio Ue, il tedesco Gunther Oettinger, che oggi 17 ottobre, in una i...
Market wrap with Pfizer offering retirement
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Markets across Europe closed lower on Wednesday as investors focused on political uncertainties surr...
Oettinger warnt vor überstürzten Reaktionen
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Brüssel (dts Nachrichtenagentur) - Im Fall Khashoggi hat der deutsche EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger...
Prejudice from one commissioner Conte
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... presented, I say that this is a prejudice and it is unacceptable that it comes from someone who...
Oettinger will Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien vorerst nicht stoppen
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Nach dem Tod des saudiarabischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi hat sich EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinge...
Italy and the EU: a poor relationship that could break the union
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When the European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, German Gunther Oettinger, unofficiall...
Germany expecting to pay €15bn a year EXTRA to EU to plug Brexit blackhole
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The bloc's budget chief Gunther Oettinger has called on member states to increase their commitments...
Germany will have to stump up an extra £13.2billion-a-year to the EU budget after Brexit to cover UK contribution
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GERMANY will have to stump up an extra £13.2 billion a year for the EU budget due to Brexit - the sa...
EU Budget and Brexit – Europe at a crossroads
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Failure to reach agreement on the EU Budget before the May 2019 European elections would play into t...
'Unholy alliance' of MPs tell Barnier to prepare for UK to remain in the EU
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EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger said recently the UK's rebate would still be phased out eve...
Italian budget standoff may consign eurozone integration drive to slow lane
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An uncompromising challenge to EU budget rules by Italy is providing the first big test for reforms...
Denunciati Moscovici-Oettinger: "Hanno manipolato lo spread"
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Due denunce, una dietro l'altra. La prima recapitata a Pierre Moscovici e la seconda a Guenther Oett...
Deutscher EU-Beitrag soll ab 2021 um zwölf Milliarden Euro steigen
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Diese Zahl nannte Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger im Gespräch mit der „Bild“-Zeitung (Freitag)...
'Unholy alliance' of MPs tell Barnier to prepare for UK to remain in the EU
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EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger said recently the UK's rebate would still be phased out eve...
The European Commissioner Gunther Oettinger official visit to Bucharest on October 30
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The European Commissioner Günther H. Oettinger, responsible for budget and human resources, will be...
Comisarul european Gunther Oettinger, responsabil pentru buget, vine în România
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Oettinger va participa la conferința la nivel înalt "O politică de coeziune incluzivă pentru o Uniun...
EU dismisses Cable's call to prepare for second Brexit vote
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EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger said recently that it would be “absolutely fabulous” if Bre...
Günther Oettinger: "Die Union muss Merkel den Rücken freihalten" NOZ
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Berlin. EU-Haushaltskommissar und CDU-Mann Günther Oettinger fordert seine Partei auf, Kanzlerin Ang...
Blatt Oettinger ewartet keinen Autoritätsverlust für Merkel
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"Ich erwarte das Gegenteil", sagte Oettinger der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung" (Dienstagausgabe) einem...
Ein schwäbischer Abend mit Günther Oettinger
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Teilen Twittern. 30. Oktober 2018. EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger ist ins Sparkassen-Forum nach Göpp...
Omul care împarte banii în UE, comisarul Gunther Oettinger, vizită-fulger în România
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Comisarul Günther Oettinger va participa la conferința la nivel înalt "O politică de coeziune incluz...
Viorica Dăncilă, întâlnire cu Gunther Oettinger, comisarul european pentru buget
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Viorica Dăncilă urmează a avea întrevederi cu doi oficiali europeni marţi, 30 octombrie. Programul p...
Oettinger in Bucharest: the rule of law is an important value of the European Union
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European Commissioner Gunther Oettinger said on Tuesday that the rule of law is an important value o...
Comisarul Gunther Oettinger: Aceste alegeri europene vor fi mai dure decât orice alte alegeri
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Alegerile europarlamentare din primăvara anului viitor vor fi "mai dure decât orice alte alegeri eur...
Diskussion um den Meisterbrief: "Kein Grund für erhöhte Besorgnis"
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger spricht im Interview mit der Deutschen Handwerks Zeitung übe...
EU-Kommissar Oettinger begrüßt Kandidatur von Merz
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) begrüßt die Kandidatur von Friedrich Merz für das Amt des Parte...
„Ich halte einiges von ihm“ – EU-Kommissar Oettinger begrüßt Kandidatur von Merz
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU) begrüßt die Kandidatur von Friedrich Merz für das Amt des Parte...
"Wir hatten noch nie die Auswahl"
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Bei dem Treffen ist auch EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger dabei. Im Bericht aus Berlin lobte er alle d...
INTERVITIS: Oettinger eröffnet Fachmesse
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger begrüßte die Innovationsfreude der Branche und stellte den hohen kult...
EU Commissioner Oettinger says there's an autocrat in White House
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European Commissioner Günther Oettinger said Tuesday said the European Union is competing against au...
Oettinger: Merz good CDU candidate for Europe
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Friedrich Merz is a good candidate to lead Germany's Christian Democratic Union from a European pers...
Unelected German Eurocrat: Trump Is an 'Autocrat'
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European Union Commissioner Günther Oettinger — an unelected, appointed politician who enjoys unchal...
Comisarul european pentru buget și resurse umane Gunther Oettinger afirmă că UE concurează și împotriva ...
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Comisarul european pentru buget şi resurse umane, Gunther Oettinger, a declarat marţi că Uniunea Eur...
Theresa May fails to block court case that could allow the UK to reverse Brexit
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Gunther Oettinger, the EU's Budget Commissioner has previously stated that under those circumstances...
MEPs debate EU long-term budget
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Responding to the debate, EU Budget Commissioner Gunther Oettinger says it is not true that the Comm...
Angela Merkel and the future of the EU
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Günther Oettinger, the German European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, has supported Me...
Parliament urges Council to start negotiating on next EU long-term budget
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The Council under pressure. The Commissioner for Budget, Günther Oettinger, praised the Parliament's...
Oettinger vermisst Komprissbereitschaft für neuen EU-Haushalt
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Eindringlich appellierte EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger am Dienstag in Straßburg im Europäi...
Electric tractor for fruit and wine scoops prize
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"We want to gain key insights into the tractor's scope across a variety of uses, and that absolutely...
Streit um EU-Budget eskaliert FAZ
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Nun muss der EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger einen neuen Entwurf für den Haushalt 2019 vorle...
EU budget negotiations fail, Commission must submit new proposal
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The European Commission must submit a new proposal for the 2019 budget after negotiators from EU mem...
Theresa May fails again to block court case that could allow the UK to reverse Brexit
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Gunther Oettinger, the EU's Budget Commissioner has previously stated that under those circumstances...
Verhandlungen über EU-Haushalt gescheitert
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Damit muss die EU-Kommission einen neuen Vorschlag für das milliardenschwere Budget 2019 vorlegen. E...
Italy WAGES WAR: EU launches disciplinary action after Salvini REFUSES to buckle on budget
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European Commission Günther Oettinger had earlier signalled his intention to get tough, suggesting i...
Commission to submit new EU Budget proposal as negotiations fail
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“Unfortunately, no breakthrough (was) possible,” Günther Oettinger, the EU's Commissioner for Budget...
Oettinger rechnet nicht mit EU-Budgetloch 2019
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Wien. EU-Budgetkommissar Günther Oettinger rechnet nicht damit, dass ein Hard Brexit - also ein brit...
Günther Oettinger zu Besuch EU-Kommissar spricht über ein zukunftsfähiges Europa RTF.1 Regionalfernsehen
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Der Regionalkreis Südwürttemberg hat zur Jahresversammlung in die Kreissparkasse Reutlingen geladen....
The finances of the European Union, including the research budget
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The finances of the European Union, including the research budget is placed under the spotlight by G...
Plastic rietjes en brooddozen bannen bij Europese Commissie? Dat is dan 200 ...
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Dat schrijft commissaris voor Budget en Personeelszaken Günther Oettinger in een brief aan het Ooste...
Streit um EU-Förderung: Kuhn sieht Einlenken in Brüssel
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... wieder rückgängig gemacht werden. Das sagte Werner Kuhn, CDU-Europaabgeordneter aus Mecklenburg-...
European Autos Slide as EU Commissioner Warns on US Tariffs 'Before Christmas'
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European Union Budget Commissioner Gunther Oettinger, a German politician who once oversaw the auto...
EU should maintain cohesion funds to sustain Malta's progress Muscat
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Those present for the conference include European Commissioners Ewropej Günther Oettinger and Maroš...
European update: Dollar trying to strike back, except vs Yen and Aussie
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After the Fed Powell triggered selloff yesterday, Dollar is trying to regain some ground in US sessi...
Amerikanische Zölle auf deutsche Autos rücken näher FAZ
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EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger geht davon aus, dass die amerikanische Regierung in Kürze Sonderzölle...
Šarec urges against drastic cuts to cohesion funding STA
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At the meeting, which featured high representatives of 15 EU member states and European Commission V...
Donald trump spoke about US trade policy
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... trump's intention to increase duties on car imports in the United States may soon touch and Euro...
Oettinger fordert EU-Regelungen für chinesische Investoren
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Nach dem überraschenden Führungswechsel beim Augsburger Roboterbauer Kuka fordert EU-Kommissar Günth...
US trade war and the EU's expectations post-G20
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However, other EU officials are not so optimistic that the ceasefire will hold. EU Budget Commission...
Tesla Leads US Carmakers Higher After Trump Tweets on China Tariff Removal
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European Union Budget Commissioner Gunther Oettinger, a German politician who once oversaw the auto...
Commission slams ombudsman's 'incorrect' Selmayrgate report
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The European Ombudsman never spoke to Martin Selmayr or his predecessor about the German's lightning...
Brussels backtracks on threat to UK budget rebate if Brexit is cancelled
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The European commission has handed anti-Brexit campaigners a boost by u-turning over whether the UK...
Theresa May has the power to unilaterally reverse Brexit says EU's law chief
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LONDON — The law chief of the EU's highest court has advised that the UK should unilaterally be able...
Nichts gelernt aus dem Cum-Ex-Skandal?
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Beim Treffen der EU-Finanzminister in Brüssel fehlt ein wichtiges Thema: der Cum-Ex-Files-Skandal. F...
BRUSSELS U-TURN: Desperate EU says UK can keep Thatcher's rebate if Brexit is CANCELLED
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Handing a boost to anti-Brexit campaigners, the German EU commissioner confirmed the rebate would re...
'I want my money BACK!' How Margaret Thatcher's rebate is TODAY's symbol of EU resistance
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The former Prime Minister's prized incentive was pulled into Brexit negotiations again on Wednesday,...
Political battles force a go-slow in EU budget negotiations
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But even with the longer timeframe, he doubts Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger's proposals will...
Alte Liebe oder späte Rache? EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger besucht das ...
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Was davon bei Günther Oettinger zutrifft, dürfte ein Feld für Spekulationen bleiben. Fest steht aber...
„Gefährlich für Italien und für die Eurozone“
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EU-Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger fordert von Rom die Vorlage eines neuen Haushaltsentwurfs, d...
EPP holds Damocles sword over Crețu
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- Role of Government
EPP holds Damocles sword over Crețu
Corina Cretu, the designated commissioner for Regional Policy. The full composition of the next Commission...
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- Role of Government
Corina Cretu, the designated commissioner for Regional Policy. The full composition of the next Euro...
Corina Cretu, among the winners of the European Commission
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- Role of Government
Corina Cretu, among the winners of the European Commission
Commission: Corina Cretu na not really punctured the screen
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- Role of Government
Commission: Corina Cretu na not really punctured the screen
Corina Cretu gets positive opinion after EP hearing
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- Justice System
Corina Cretu gets positive opinion after EP hearing
EC president Junker prefers Corina Cretu for Regional Policy European Commissioner mandate
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EC president Junker prefers Corina Cretu for Regional Policy European Commissioner mandate
Corina Cretu, an observer of the OSCE at the elections in Bosnia/Herzegovina
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- Role of Government
Corina Cretu, an observer of the OSCE at the elections in Bosnia/Herzegovina
Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova met with European ...
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- Role of Government
The issue was discussed between Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova and Commissioner fo...
Romania to receive EUR 27 bn in cohesion funds for 2021-2027, 8 pct more than in current period
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The European Commission's proposal for the long-term budget of the EU includes an allocation of EUR...
EU Commissioner Corina Cretu sends critical letter to Transport Ministry about delays on infrastructure projects
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The EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu has sent a letter to the Transport Ministry in...
Romania squandering EU funding, Moldova deserves more, says EU regional boss
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“We want the Republic of Moldova to fulfil as soon as possible the accession criteria, because with...
EU Commissioner Cretu: Romania must access EU funds more efficiently; plenty of resources available for urban ...
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Corina Cretu visited Bacau together with PM Viorica Dancila on Monday to check on projects built usi...
Ending child poverty requires financial backing
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Ahead of the release of the financial instrument regulations in the last week of May, we have writte...
Corina Crețu: Am conștiința împăcată. Vă doresc tot binele din lume
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"Astazi a fost, cred, cel mai important moment al mandatului meu de Comisar European. Pentru prima o...
Six billion increase in NSRF resources for Greece, beyond 2020
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"The work done in recent years on the absorption of the NSRF resources under the co-ordination of th...
Corina Cretu: “Portugal tem o 5º maior pacote de fundos. Está muito melhor” apesar do corte de 7%
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A comissária europeia da Política Regional, Corina Cretu, disse esta tarde em conferência de imprens...
Corina Cretu
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CALENDRIER du 21 mai au 27 mai 2018
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Ms Corina Crețu in Bacău, Romania (until 22/05): delivers a speech at the conference "Europe's Urban...
Cohesion policy beyond 2020 Corina Creţu
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It is worth €374 billion, it is Europe's main source of investment and its aim is to reduce economic...
Polska jest wśród największych beneficjentów – przekonuje Corina Crețu z Komisji Europejskiej
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Polska nie jest karana – powiedziała Radiu Olsztyn podczas IX Forum Unii Europejskiej dla Regionu Mo...
European regions in urgent need of a Brexit strategy
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The EU's new regional policy is a “balanced, simpler and ambitious” proposal, the best that could ha...
Corina Cretu a aprobat o finantare de 246 de milioane de euro pentru constructia a 50 de kilometri de autostrada
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Comisarul european pentru politica regionala Corina Cretu a aprobat o finantare de peste 246 milioan...
EU providing 246 mln euro for new motorway sections in Romania
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It will also make the region more attractive for both investors and tourism and will facilitate deve...
EU invests in greener and more secure electricity in Madeira
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“I am proud to see what a difference Cohesion Policy investments can make to citizens in Europe's ou...
Una dintre cele mai aşteptate autostrăzi intră în linie dreaptă: Comisarul european Corina Creţu a aprobat marţi ...
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Una dintre cele mai aşteptate autostrăzi intră în linie dreaptă: Comisarul european Corina Creţu a a...
Corina Crețu: Proiecte noi nu mai avem. Păcat de miliardele de ...
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Comisarul european pentru Politică regională, Corina Creţu, a declarant cu ocazia conferinței Confer...
Commissioner: Estonia must decide on splitting country into two regions
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According to European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu, Estonia itself must decide whet...
Greener and more secure electricity in #Madeira thanks to EU funds
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Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Crețu, said: “I am proud to see what a difference Cohesion...
Gov't approved funding for Targu Mures-Campia Turzii motorway
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Prime Minister Viorica Dancila highlighted on Thursday the importance of the Targu Mures - Campia Tu...
The European Commission decided to finance the highway TgMures – Campia Turzii
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The European commissionaire Corina Cretu approved on Tuesday financing of over 246 million euro for...
Cozmin Gușă intervine în scandalul moțiunii de cenzură! Două ...
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Cea mai rapidă sursă de informații și știri. În fiecare zi îți aducem primii cele mai noi știri, exc...
Corina Crețu, invitată de Macron la Palatul Elysee
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Comisarul european pentru politică regională Corina Creţu va efectua timp de două zile o vizită ofic...
Corina Crețu, invitata lui Emmanuel Macron la Palatul Elysee ...
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Corina Crețu, comisarul european pe politică regională, a fost invitata președintelui Franței, Emman...
Comisarul european Corina Creţu: 'Îmi exprim întreaga compasiune faţă de familiile afectate de inundaţii;suntem la ...
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Comisarul european pentru politică regională, Corina Creţu, a transmis, duminică seara, un mesaj în...
Corina Creţu: Mesaj de susţinere de la Bruxelles pentru cei afectaţi de inundaţii
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Rămânem în legătură permanentă cu autorităţile române. Felicitări pentru mobilizarea exemplară în ac...
This is the 'year of the tree', says Herrera, at rowdy environment committee meeting
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Aside from sending a letter to the Prime Minister, they also sent a letter to the Maltese MEPs, EU C...
A call for a more humane immigration policy
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu, President of the European Parliament Antonio...
PM Dancila, after meeting Vucic, Tsipras and Borisov: Talks about common points in transport, energy
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Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said late on Wednesday in Thessaloniki that she had talked with Serbi...
Ease of Doing Business Varies Substantially Across Croatia and Czech Republic
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The future Cohesion Policy for 2021-2027 will continue supporting those reforms that make our region...
Corina Crețu anunță DEZASTRUL pentru România: probleme ...
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Comisarul european Corina Crețu trage un semnal de alarmă foarte puternic pentru România. Ea arată c...
Ease of Doing Business Varies in Cities Across Croatia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Slovakia
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The future Cohesion Policy for 2021-2027 will continue supporting those reforms that make our region...
Cel mai aşteptat proiect de infrastructură. Corina Creţu: Se lucrează
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Comisarul european Corina Creţu a detaliat, în cadrul unei emisiuni la Antena 3, care sunt stadiile...
Corina Crețu: Banii UE pentru spitalele regionale așteaptă, autoritățile române întârzie
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Autoritățile române au solicitat 50 de milioane de euro pentru fiecare spital, dar există un deficit...
EU to Support Budapest Metro 3 Reconstruction with EUR 473.4 m
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The European Union will contribute 473.4 million euros in cohesion funding to the reconstruction of...
Viorica Dăncilă sa întâlnit cu comisarii Corina Crețu și Phil Hogan, la Bruxelles. Imagini publicate de Guvern, fără sunet
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Viorica Dăncilă s-a întâlnit cu comisarii Corina Crețu și Phil Hogan, la Bruxelles. Imagini publicat...
Licitațiile la autostrada Sibiu Pitești, de abia în 2019
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Marți ministrul Transporturilor, Lucian Șova, a făcut un anunț care semnifică întârzieri impotante a...
Dăncilă vrea să ajungă la un grad de absorbție de 25% pe fonduri europene, anul acesta; Ce a discutat cu Corina ...
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Premierul i-a transmis comisarului Corina Crețu, cu care s-a întâlnit la Bruxelles, că autoritățile...
Daily News 13 / 07 / 2018
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With this increase in the budget, overall the programme is expected to deliver €90 million of SME fi...
New SME initiative programme will provide €22m
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ommissioner for Regional policy Corina Crețu said: "I welcome Malta's decision to increase the avail...
Criticism Directed At CEE's Attempted Transition Away From Coal
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The platform will host a series of prominent speakers such as Maroš Šefčovič, the European Commissio...
Corina Creţu în vizită la Beijing
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Luni, 16 iulie, la Beijing, comisarul Corina Creţu va participa la dialogul la nivel înalt UE-China...
Lezzi (M5s): «Sui fondi europei Bruxelles dia più tempo»
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C'è un'ossessione al ministero per il Sud. Non dover restituire i fondi europei in scadenza. Il mini...
Better access to finance for #Malta small businesses thanks to the SME initiative
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Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Crețu said: “I welcome Malta's decision to increase the availabl...
Corina Crețu, la Beijing: E cea mai recentă inițiativă de a promova cooperarea descentralizată
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Acest program este cea mai recentă inițiativă a UE de a promova cooperarea descentralizată între reg...
Daily News 20 / 07 / 2018
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Commissioner for Regional policy Corina Crețu said: "By enhancing transport infrastructure, this pro...
EU grants major funding for railway development around Lake Balaton
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The European Commission has decided on supporting a fifth major transport development project of Hun...
Lake Balaton line upgrading funding Railway Gazette
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HUNGARY: The EU has provided €193m from the Cohesion Fund to cover 85% of the cost of the recently-c...
Grecia, incendiu. Corina Crețu: ''Sunt șocată. Vom ajuta cu tot ce se poate''
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Șocată de incendiile devastatoare din Grecia, Corina Crețu este alături de greci și le transmite toa...
BREAKING NEWS Incendiu Grecia. Corina Crețu, ajutor major, promisiune pentru Tsipras
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Corina Crețu, comisar european pe politică regională, a făcut o declarație cu privire la tragedia di...
Corina Cretu: Commission will speed up payment of aid relief for Greece
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Brussels. The European Commission will do whatever it can to disburse the first installment of the r...
EU talks funding for reconstruction work after fire tragedy
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The EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu reaffirmed the European Unions solidarity for G...
DEZOLANT! Șarada PENALILOR care vor candida la alegerile prezidențiale din 2019! Corina Crețu, președinte!
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După ce a apărut în prim-plan cel mai stupid personaj politic postdecembrist – Viorica Dăncilă prim-...
Bosnia Wants Croatia to Stop Pelješac Bridge Construction
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ZAGREB, July 31, 2018 - Bosnian Council of Ministers Chairman Denis Zvizdić has sent a letter to Cro...
EU reaffirms funding for reconstruction work after fire tragedy in Greece
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The EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu reaffirmed European Union's solidarity for Gree...
Corina Crețu: Am găsit soluții pentru achizționarea de ambulanțe și elicoptere de intervenție
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Comisarul european Corina Crețu a scris, astăzi, pe Facebook despre reușita pentru sistemul medical...
Romania gets $68 mln from EU to modernize Danube shipping
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Corina Cretu, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, said in a Tuesday statement that the money...
Corina Crețu, investiție pe Dunăre cu beneficii mari pentru ...
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Corina Crețu a anunțat o investiție care va aduce venituri considerabile României.
Romania gets EUR 59 mln from EU to modernize navigation channels
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“The project will allow a better exploitation of the huge potential river traffic has in facilitatin...
Corina Crețu: Finanțare UE, construcție gazoduct. Polonia, sumă ...
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Polonia va investi o sumă considerabilă pentru construcția unui gazoduct, bani obținuți prin finanța...
EU OKs Polish Gas Pipe Grant, Plant Support
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EU regional policy commissioner Corina Cretu said the project would contribute to providing Poles wi...
UE: 411 mln euro na renowację sieci kolejowej w Łodzi
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Rozwój transportu kolejowego w Łodzi będzie również bodźcem dla miejscowej gospodarki, wymiany gospo...
European Commission PRESS RELEASES Press release Daily ...
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European Commission - Press Release details page - European Commission - Daily News Daily News 29 /... / Rijeci iz EU fondova 163 milijuna eura za poboljšanje ...
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BRUXELLES - Grad Rijeka dobit će 163 milijuna eura (više od 1,2 milijardi kuna) iz Kohezijskog fonda...
BREAKING NEWS Gabriela Firea, declarații de ultimă oră
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"Mi-a dat voie (n.r. Corina Crețu) să transmit în CEX aceste îngrijorări și că este posibil ca pe da...
RĂZBOI total între Gabriela Firea și Liviu Dragnea. Există o singură cale de RECONCILIERE
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”Doamna comisar Corina Crețu mi-a spus că șefii CE și-au exprimat îngrijorarea față de ceea ce s-a î...
Dezvăluirile Gabrielei Firea produc efecte în PSD. Dragnea: 'Viorica ...
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Liderul PSD, Liviu Dragnea, a declarat, sâmbătă, la Neptun, că premierul Viorica Dăncilă îl va suna...
Gabriela Firea, semnal de ALARMĂ: România va fi 'taxată' la nivel european pentru evenimentele din 10 august
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Primarul Gabriela Firea spune că a cerut demisia lui Carmen Dan de la Ministerul de Interne, după se...
Liviu Dragnea: Corina Crețu regretă discuția cu Gabriela Firea
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"Eu am luat cuvântul și le-am transmis colegilor mei faptul că am vorbit ieri cu Corina Crețu, comis...
Bucharest Mayor to be questioned by military prosecutors on Tuesday regarding August 10 protest violence
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“I spoke to European Commissioner Corina Cretu yesterday, who told me about a discussion she had wit...
#Croatia – Better water infrastructure in Rijeka thanks to EU funds
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Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Crețu said: “This is Cohesion Policy at its best, concretely imp...
Dragnea o contrazice pe Firea: Am vorbit cu doamna Corina Crețu chiar sambata seara
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Președintele PSD, Liviu Dragnea, a infirmat declarațiile Gabrielei Firea potrivit cărora comisarul e...
Se incing spiritele in PSD. Dragnea, reacție dupa discuția Firea-Corina Cretu: A spus ca ii pare rau!
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Liderul PSD, Liviu Dragnea, a afirmat luni că a discutat la telefon cu comisarul european Corina Cre...
Pa: guida europea all'appalto 'perfetto' usando fondi Ue
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... gli investimenti dell'Ue è fondamentale per salvaguardare il bilancio comunitario da errori e ga...
Cohesion file must be closed before 2019 elections, stakeholders say
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Explaining the logic behind the Commission's proposal for the 10% cuts on the Cohesion budget, Nicol...
Corina Crețu, precizări importante: Pentru prima dată în istoria UE...
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Corina Crețu, comisarul european pentru politică regională, a anunțat care este testamentul ei polit...
Comisarul Corina Crețu le cere politicienilor români să nu o implice în luptele politice interne
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Comisarul european pentru Dezvoltare Regională, Corina Crețu, le-a solicitat voalat politicienilor r...
Daily News 07 / 09 / 2018
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Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu said: “The new data received from the Member States sh...
European Union invests EUR 320 million in Poland's road infrastructure
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With the new expressways in place, Polish citizens will also enjoy shorter travel times and better r...
România va PIERDE anul acesta 800 de milioane de euro! Ponta avertizează: Cei care au furat bani europeni cu ...
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Fara Corina Cretu si echipa sa nu am fi ajuns niciodata la un grad de absorbtie de peste 90% a fondu...
Corina Cretu contrazice Guvernul Dancila. Autostrada Iasi -Tg.Mures se poate face cu banii UE, doar sa vrea
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"Am primit, din partea comisarului european pentru Politica Regionala, Corina Cretu, raspunsul la sc...
Guvernul contrazis. Comisia Europeană: Autostrada Iași -Tg.Mureș se poate face cu banii UE
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Comisarul european Corina Crețu i-a răspuns europarlamentarului Sorin Moisă, că autostrada Iași - Tâ...
MEPs to demand continued EU funding for NI peace programmes after Brexit
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In a debate on Monday afternoon Regional Affairs Commissioner Corina Cretu welcomed the strong conse...
Brexit: Northern Ireland should keep EU funding to preserve peace ...
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Northern Ireland should be allowed to keep hundreds of millions of pounds in EU funding after Brexit...
BREAKING NEWS Corina Crețu, comisar european, revine în România
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În perioada 17-18 septembrie, comisarul european Corina CREȚU va participa, alături de președintele...
Brexit: Northern Ireland should keep EU funding to preserve peace process, European Parliament says
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Corina Crețu, the EU Commissioner for regional policy, said that Northern Ireland was “undoubtedly o...
Comisarul european Corina Crețu va fi sâmbătă la Turda!
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Comisarul european pe politici regionale, Corina Crețu, va efectua o vizită la Turda, în cursul dimi...
#CohesionPolicy – More than €300 billion of investment allocated to projects in member states
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Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Crețu (pictured) said: “The new data received from the member st...
Corina Crețu, fonduri europene. Valea Jiului, atenție specială
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Comisarul european pentru politici regionale, Corina Creţu, a declarat joi, la Petroşani, cu prileju...
The European commissionaire for agriculture Phil Hogan comes today to Bucharest
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He will also have a meeting in Cluj-Napoca with the European commissionaire Corina Cretu. The Europe...
Daily News 13 / 09 / 2018
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«Ce projet financé par l'Union européenne permettra un transport de fret plus rapide, ce qui apporte...
Corina Crețu, către Cabinetul Dăncilă: Sunt probleme privind capacitatea administrativă, birocrația nu sa redus, iar ...
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Corina Creţu participă, vineri, alături de comisarul european pentru Agricultură, Phil Hogan, la Fac...
Comisarul Corina Crețu către Dăncilă: Birocrație, întârzieri și lipsă de proiecte mature
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Comisarul european pentru politică regională Corina Creţu a avertizat-o vineri pe Viorica Dăncilă că...
Elégedetlen a román kormány nagy infrastruktúra-projektjeivel a román EU-biztos
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Corina Cretu elmondta, a nagy infrastruktúra operatív program keretében az EU még mindig azokat a ro...
De ce AȘTEAPTĂ FINALUL RĂZBOIULUI din PSD Corina CREȚU. Comisarul European NU a HOTĂRÂT dacă VA MAI ...
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Nu am hotărât dacă voi candida la alegerile europarlamentare”, a spus Corina Creţu, potrivit Agerpre...
Fonduri europene pentru Valea Jiului. Rovana Plumb și Corina Crețu, anunț
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La rândul său, comisarul european Corina Crețu, a declarat: „Valea Jiului primeşte o atenţie special...
Radu Tudor: Corina Crețu, dezvăluire halucinantă despre PSD
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Comisarul european Corina Cretu, membru PSD, dezvaluie un detaliu absolut halucinant ! Acela ca actu...
European Commission may increase Romania's funds by 10 pct for ...
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Corina Cretu, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, said on Saturday that the Commission's...
Comisarul european Corina Crețu: Mereu am susținut dreptul românilor de a protesta. Partidele trebuie să țină cont ...
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Comisarul European pentru Politică Regională, Corina Crețu (PSD), și-a exprimat susținerea pentru d...
Ponta o vrea pe Corina Crețu premier al României la 1 ianuarie 2019: „Vo închipuiţi pe doamna Dăncilă mergând în ...
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Fostul premier al României, Victor Ponta a declarat, luni, la Botoșani că el și-ar dori ca actualul...
Mesaj din partea lui Jean-Claude Juncker, transmis de Corina Crețu
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Corina Creţu, comisar european pentru dezvoltare regională, a transmis luni, la primul Forum de afac...
EC President Juncker to attend the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Bucharest
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Romanian European Commissioner Corina Cretu will accompany the EC president to the Business Forum, w...
PSD ajunge sa se canibalizeze si la Bruxelles. Replica Guvernului ...
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Ministerul Transporturilor sustine ca nu a pierdut niciun euro din sumele alocate prin Programul Ope...
Comisarul european Corina Crețu susține că nu a fost contactată de nimeni din PSD pentru a candida și la ...
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Ea a precizat că nu a fost contactată de partid pentru a discuta acest subiect. La observația jurnal...
Summit URIAȘ la București! Comisarul Corina Crețu dă vești BUNE României: 'Se dorește realizarea unor proiecte ...
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Comisarul european pentru Politici Regionale Corina Crețu vorbește într-un interviu acordat agenției...
Corina Crețu: Autostrada Sibiu Piteşti este un proiect întârziat. Nu ...
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Comisarul european pentru Politici Regionale, Corina Crețu, vorbește într-un interviu acordat Mediaf...
Commissioner Cretu: I hope construction of regional emergency hospitals to kick off by end-2019
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European Commissioner for Regional Development Corina Cretu declared on Friday, in Cluj-Napoca, that...
Jean- Claude Juncker: investments make no sense without respect of the rule of law
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Juncker announced that EUR 150 billion will be invested between the Adriatic and the Black Sea, with...
Corina Crețu: Comisia Europeană a făcut tot ce se putea face pentru a ajuta autoritățile române
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Referitor la transporturi, Corina Crețu a declarat că anul acesta nu există riscul pierderii de fond...
European Commissioner Cretu: Valea Jiului is receiving special attention under initiative supporting coal regions
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu stated on Thursday in Petrosani, on the occas...
Corina Cretu: PSD a refuzat asumarea autostrazii Moldova-Ardeal de catre Bruxelles
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Comisarul european pentru pentru Politici Regionale, Corina Cretu, sustine, intr-un interviu acordat...
Corina Creţu cere Guvernului proiecte de autrostrăzi. "Nu suntem ...
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Corina Creţu a precizat, într-un interviu acordat EurActiv România, că reducerea decalajelor din pun...
Hrvatska je iskoristila najviše novca iz europskih fondova
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Povjerenica Europske komisije Corina Cretu i ministrica regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije...
More European Money for Slavonian Projects
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu, who attended the Council session, spoke to r...
ANSAmed Weekly diary from September 24 to September 30
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(ANSAmed) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 21 - Weekly diary of the main events scheduled in the Euro-Mediterranean...
Corina Crețu, avertisment pentru Guvernul Dăncilă: Bruxellesul așteaptă să dea bani autorităților române
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Referitor la transporturi, Corina Crețu a declarat că anul acesta nu există riscul pierderii de fond...
Andora, la commissaria europea per le politiche regionali Corina Cretu incontra gli amministratori locali per parlare di ...
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Modulare i futuri finanziamenti europei attraverso uno scambio di idee con i territori per conoscere...
BREAKING NEWS Corina Crețu, întâlniri cheie la Bruxelles: Putem fi mai puternici
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Am discutat despre propunerea Comisiei Europene privind politica de coeziune de după 2020, cât și de...
Daily News 25 / 09 / 2018
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From Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 September, Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu will visit t...
Il commissario UE Corina Cretu ad Andora: "Vicini alla Liguria con fondi per agricoltura, turismo e infrastrutture"
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Le parole chiave per il futuro dell'Europa e della sua coesione nell'incontro con Corina Cretu, Comm...
Il commissario UE Corina Cretu incontra la comunità romena ad Andora
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Al termine dell'incontro a Palazzo Tagliaferro, ad Andora, il commissario europeo per le Politiche R...
Zagreb Receives 150 Million Euro from EU Funds
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The conference is dedicated to the cohesion policy, public investments and the urban agenda in the c...
Commissioner Crețu in #Italy to present Commission's post-2020 #CohesionPolicy proposal
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To Friday 28 September, Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu (pictured) is visiting the Ita...
Corina Cretu (UE): 'Puglia migliore in Italia per utilizzo Fondi Europei'
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Il presidente della Regione Puglia Michele Emiliano ha incontrato nel suo ufficio la Commissaria UE...
Less money, a new legal framework, what future for the Interreg post-2020?
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“These programs are creating links between regions and members states of the European Union,” Dimitr...
European Commission PRESS RELEASES Press release Major ...
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This week, Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu will travel to Greece to visit or inaugurat...
Greek PM meets with EU Commissioner for Regional Policy
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Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is scheduled to meet today with European Commissioner for Reg...
Commission to fund western Greece motorway with 121 mln euros
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said on Wednesday the EU will fund with 121 m...
EU investments in infrastructure kickstart growth process in Greece
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Uniindia: Brussels, Oct 3 (UNI) The Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu will travel to Gre...
BREAKING NEWS Corina Crețu, proiect important: A fost restaurat cu bani europeni
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Cu o investiție de aproximativ 1,8 milioane de euro, acest proiect este doar unul dintre numeroasele...
Art, Music, Sharing Bring Athens' Kypseli Public Market Back to Life
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Referring to the municipality's efforts to revive the Kypseli market, European Commissioner for Regi...
EIB to lend Hungary 400 million euros on four projects
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commented European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu. "In addition, a new EIB loan signe...
Commissioner Cretu: Greece remains first in absorption of EU funds
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu congratulated the Greek government during her...
EBRD, EU, Bulgaria to invest up to 230 mln euro in national water sector
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"Thanks to this agreement, 220,000 Bulgarian citizens will have access to better water supply and 1....
Commissioner in Greece to inaugurate major projects
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu will be in Greece on October 5 to inaugurate...
EU Commission to fund western Greece motorway with €121 million
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu announced on Wednesday the EU will fund with...
EU Commissioner visits intertransport complex at Thriasio near Athens
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu, who is visiting Greece since Wednesday, paid...
EIB VP hails commitments to Hungarian projects
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"These agreements will have a positive impact on local economic development in Hungary," says Europe...
Commissioner Cretu: the EU budget is 'very emotional'
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Despite Brexit and new priorities, it is important to keep EU funds for all regions - rich and poor...
EU Commissioner Cretu criticises Bucharest: We have money in Brussels for infrastructure but no projects to fund
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu criticised Bucharest authorities for not subm...
EU Commissioner Cretu inaugurates reconstitution of Lake Karla in Thessaly
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The reconstitution of Lake Karla in Thessaly, one of the major European environmental projects and t...
ATAC NEAȘTEPTAT de la Bruxelles. Corina Crețu ȘTERGE PE JOS cu lideri din PROPRIUL PARTID. „Nu mai ...
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Luni, la o conferință de presă, Corina Crețu a declarat: „Vreau să anunţ public că nu mai accept ins...
Corina Crețu, declarații. Teodorovici: În România, nu a fost problema banilor
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În România nu a fost problema banilor atunci când s-a vorbit de proiecte, ci modul în care anumite m...
Slovenia leads interregional project on battery materials STA
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Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu expressed hope that "this new partnership inspires oth...
EU's Crețu says Brussels has enough infrastructure money but Romania fails propose projects to fund
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu launched a scathing criticism of the governme...
Rise of EU funds for Greece during the period 2021 – 2027
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A rise in EU funds in the next programming period 2021-2027 was announced for Greece by Regional Pol...
Victor Ponta, intervenție FULGER în conflictul Corina Crețu Guvernul Dăncilă
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Liderul Pro România, Victor Ponta, sare în apărarea comisarului european Corina Crețu, reamintind că...
Corina Crețu îi pregătește o lovitură neașteptată lui Liviu Dragnea ...
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Vreau să anunţ public că nu mai accept insultele din partea Guvernului României faţă de munca pe car...
EU funding for upgrade of tram lines in Sofia
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They will also enjoy cleaner air in the capital, as we hope they will trade their usual car ride for...
Corina Cretu n'accepte plus aucune insulte du gouvernement
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La représentante de la Roumanie à la Commission européenne, Corina Cretu, qui gère les fonds de l'UE...
Dragnea nu vrea să o lase pe Corina Crețu să candideze la PE! Evz
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Recentele acuzații acide proferate de comisarul european Corina Crețu, de la Bruxelles, îi vizează,...
EU's Crețu says Brussels' infrastructure money is available, but Romania fails to request funds
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu launched a scathing criticism of the governme...
Cohesion Policy: EU Invests in the Trams of Sofia
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"Thanks to EU funds, residents of Sofia will be able to enjoy a modern and comfortable tramway, and...
City in Romania, among 22 European cities to get EU funding for innovative actions
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And because urban security and the safety of public spaces has become a crucial concern for citizens...
Cohesion Policy contributes to the Energy Union strategy
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On October 9, the Vice-President of the European Commission for the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič and...
EU citizens need a Europe that's closer to them, says former US ambassador
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“It is important to continue building bridges” Corina Crețu, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, ad...
EU's regional policy chief signals increase in funding
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Although Greece has one of the highest absorption rates of European Union funds, “time is pressing a...
Corina Crețu, vocea care tulbură liniștea Guvernului
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Obișnuiți cu jocurile de culise și cu loviturile administrate pe la spate adversarilor politici, cla...
Romanian PM: Tender for Ploiesti-Brasov highway starts on Monday
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The public tender for building the Ploiesti-Brasov highway in public-private partnership will be lau...
RegioStars awards reward EU's pioneer regional initiatives
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The EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu is enthusiastic about the awards, which she say...
CORINA CREȚU, nou atac INCENDIAR la adresa GUVERNULUI DĂNCILĂ: 'Unele neîmpliniri ale Statelor Membre ...
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Comisarul european Corina Crețu a criticat faptul că unele State Membre pun anumite nereușite în atr...
European Commissioner Corina Cretu approved the POR ...
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu approved the modification of the Regional Ope...
Corina Crețu continuă RĂZBOIUL cu GUVERNUL. STRATEGIA de la Bruxelles care SALVEAZĂ ROMÂNIA
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Miercuri, comisarul european pentru politică regională, Corina Crețu, a aprobat modificarea Programu...
EU Funds Polish Pipe, Inks Deal with Bill Gates
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EU regional policy commissioner Corina Cretu said the pipe is "another brick in the wall of the Euro...
EU Commissioner Corina Cretu: The tourism potential of the Danube region is enormous and could bring many ...
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Sofia. The tourism potential of the Danube region is enormous and could bring many economic benefits...
Corina Cretu amended ROP for Romania to „better use” the EU funds
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The European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu, has approved the amendment of the Regio...
Corina Crețu. Pucista de la Bruxelles? România lui Cristoiu
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Luni, 8 octombrie 2018, la o conferință de presă ținută la sediul Comisiei Europene, în calitate de...
EC to provide aid to Greece, Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria on natural disasters
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... the Council have approved the European Commission's proposal, the EC Representation in Bulgaria...
Corina Crețu: Uneori sunt exasperată de ritmul lent în care România atrage fondurile UE
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Corina Crețu a comentat și despre sancțiunea dată joi la adresa României: ”Din păcate, după cum vede...
Sofia Hosts Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
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So here we rely on Mrs Corina Crețu, and also on the EU Member States in the Danube Strategy. The Co...
Corina Crețu, momentul emoționant care ia adus aminte de tatăl său
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„Cel mai emoționant pentru mine a fost momentul în care am pășit iar în biroul în care, cu mulți ani...
Commissioner: Romania should focus on spending EU funds ...
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The Romanian authorities should mainly focus on spending the money offered by the European Union thr...
Commissioner Cretu, new criticism against the Gov't : I have been saying same things for four years
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European Commissioner Corina Cretu said on Friday that as long as she is in this position she will s...
EXCLUSIV EvZ. Dedesubturile Congresului Pro România: Ponta încearcă să o coopteze pe Corina Crețu!
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Aceleași surse ne-au precizat că Victor Ponta speră să o ralieze pe Corina Crețu atât proiectului Pr...
Darius Vâlcov, atac la Corina Crețu și Comisia Europeană: Ca să ...
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Cea mai rapidă sursă de informații și știri. În fiecare zi îți aducem primii cele mai noi știri, exc...
Corina Crețu: De la aderarea la UE, România a beneficiat de peste 45 de miliarde de euro
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Politica de coeziune este garanţia creşterii calităţii vieţii pentru cetăţenii europeni, rezultatele...
Corina Crețu reacționează în SCANDALUL MOMENTULUI! Mărul discordiei, spitalele regionale. RĂSPUNS DUR ...
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Într-o postare pe Facebook, Corina Crețu a precizat că aceste discuții „se duc într-o zonă a specula...
Corina Cretu, European Commissioner: Romania will benefit from a 8 percent higher budget than the current one
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Romania will benefit from a 8 percent higher budget than the current one, as proposed by the Europea...
Corina Creţu ARE O TEORIE EXPLOZIVĂ despre IEȘIREA ROMÂNIEI din Uniunea Europeană. Breaking news
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România „nu-și poate permite luxul nici măcar de a se gândi la ideea de a ieși din Uniunea Europeană...
România, ieșire din UE. Corina Crețu: Să schimbe lucrurile
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România "nu-şi poate permite luxul nici măcar de a se gândi la ideea de a ieşi din Uniunea Europeană...
Corina Crețu, concluzii dure: România nu-și permite luxul de a se gândi să părăsească UE
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Comisarul european pentru Dezvoltare Regioanlă, Corina Creţu, a criticat prezenţa în România a unui...
European Commissioner Cretu: "I believe that Romania cannot afford the luxury of even contemplating the idea of ...
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said on Monday that for the rest of her term...
EC commissioner encourages Romania to absorb EU funds for infrastructure
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According to Corina Cretu, a Romanian politician and the incumbent European commissioner, it is inde...
Corina Crețu, EXPLICAȚII FULGER la conferința unde sa întâlnit cu Viorica Dăncilă: Politica de coeziune nu are ...
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Sigur, ea a fost inventată la presiunea UK, atunci când s-au închis minele în Irlanda și ei au propu...
Liviu Dragnea se sustrage de la o întâlnire cu Corina Crețu. Șeful PSD și-a anulat participarea la un eveniment
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O explicație ar putea fi conflictul dintre Corina Crețu și Liviu Dragnea. Comisiarul european a avut...
Romania will get EUR 7 bln worth of extra EU funds for cohesion in 2021-2027
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Romania will benefit from a EUR 7 billion increase in cohesion funds allotted to it in the 2021-2027...
Europe's struggle to bring coal regions along for the transition
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The platform for coal regions helps to funnel funding specifically where each region needs it most,...
Guvernul răspunde la întrebarea adresată de Corina Crețu: se renunță la banii europeni
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Acesta este, practic, un răspuns pentru comisarul european, Corina Crețu, care se întreba dacă mai e...
Corina Crețu demontează manipulările legate de prețul celor trei spitale regionale și anunță că e posibilă ...
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Comisarul european Corina Crețu a demontat joi manipularea venită din partea PSD cu privirea la preț...
European Commissioner and EU Funds minister contradict each other over the cost of a feasibility study
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The European Commissioner for Regional Development, Social Democrat Corina Cretu, disagreed with wit...
Corina Crețu, „șocată” de „atacurile pornite ca la un semnal" la adresa ei. Răspunsul pentru cei care o acuză că ar fi ...
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Comisarul european Corina Creţu continuă vineri discuţiile în contradictoriu cu autorităţile de la B...
BREAKING NEWS Gabriela Firea și Corina Crețu, invitate de PNL la discuții
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Ca atare, invită într-o consultare publică pe tema Centurii Capitalei, la data de 15 noiembrie anul...
Corina Crețu acuză PSD că plătește ”sume incredibile” către presă prin intermediul ministerelor pentru a denigra ...
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Corina Crețu a acuzat PSD, într-o postare pe Facebook, că direcționează către presă ”sume incredibil...
Dragnea nu o vrea pe Corina Crețu pe lista pentru Parlamentul European EXCLUSIV
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Corina Crețu a criticat cu duritate Cabinetul PSD-ALDE, luni, somând-o public pe Viorica Dăncilă să-...
Corina Cretu, shocked that her statements on the need of accelerating projects for Romania's development had been ...
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No other major project has been lodged with the European Commission besides the M6 metro line, Europ...
Daily News 06 / 11 / 2018
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La commissaire chargée de la politique régionale, Corina Crețu, a déclaré: "Naples est réellement un...
Un pesedist „dîrz” o ia de guler pe Corina Crețu
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”Doamna Corina Crețu trebuie să decidă dacă este comisarul UE sau al PNL (…) Mă îngrijorează faptul...
Corina Crețu, premier. Iohannis: Aceste critici le-am făcut și eu
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a declarat Președintele României, la Palatul Cotroceni. Întrebat ce părere are despre o posibilă nom...
IPOTEZA care RĂSTOARNĂ războiul dintre PSD și Corina Crețu Ce plan ascuns ar avea comisarul european ...
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Ipoteză incendiară în plin scandal dintre PSD și Corina Crețu. Comisarul european ar urma să părăsea...
SocDem leader slams Corina Cretu: She has to decide if she is EU Commissioner or PNL's
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Corina Cretu must decide if she is the EU Commissioner or PNL's, Social Democrat deputy, Ioan Dirzu,...
Romania's parliament adopts law for building “Union Highway”
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This highway project is eligible for EU funding, according to European Commissioner for Regional Pol...
Autostrada A8 Iași – Târgu Mureș: Corina Crețu anunță că poate fi construită cu fonduri europene
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Comisarul European Corina Crețu a anunțat pe Facebook că Autostrada A8, Ungheni – Iași – Târgu Mureș...
Dezvăluiri din întâlnirea lui Dragnea cu cei care susțin construcția Autostrăzii Unirii: `Ne-a spus că banii europeni nu ...
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Liderul PSD, Liviu Dragnea, este de părere că ”doamna Corina Crețu nu prea știe ce vorbește”, când s...
Commissioner Corina Cretu reiterates that A8 motorway can be made with EU funds
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European Commissioner for Regional Poliy Corina Cretu has reiterated the EC's availability to financ...
BREAKING NEWS RAPORT MCV. Șerban Nicolae, mesaj pentru Corina Crețu: Sper să nu se ralieze unui asemenea ...
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”Am sunat-o pe Corina Crețu, dar nu am reușit să dau de domnia sa. Este cea mai veche prietenă a mea...
Un NUME GREU din PSD DINAMITEAZĂ raportul MCV. Corina Crețu este SOMATĂ să ia ATITUDINE
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„Am sunat-o pe Corina Crețu, nu mi-a răspuns (..) Aș vrea să-i cer să se delimiteze de această tical...
EU Commissioner Corina Cretu to PSD: CVM report shouldn't be ...
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Corina Cretu, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, said that Romania must continue on the...
Corina Crețu, mesaj pentru PSD. Se încearcă o nouă MANIPULARE? „Să nu pună MCV într-o cheie complotistă”
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Comisarul european pentru politică regională, Corina Creţu, consideră că România trebuie să continue...
EC approves financing for upgrade of Bulgaria's Plovdiv-Burgas railway
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Because this project promotes clean mobility in the country, they will also ultimately benefit from...
Corina Cretu crede ca Romania trebuie sa invete din lectiile MCV. Ce spune despre relatia cu Iohannis si o eventuala ...
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Comisarul european pentru politica regionala Corina Cretu a vorbit miercuri seara despre rezolutia d...
Corina Cretu: Romania must continue in Europe; we shouldn't play with our future
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu believes that Romania must stay in Europe as,...
EU to Invest EUR 293.4 Million for more Modern and Safe Rail Transport in Bulgaria
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Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Cretu commented that this EU-funded project will shorten travel...
Incredibil cine sare în apărarea Corinei Crețu. Miniștrii care ar trebui să-și dea demisia
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„După dezvăluirile comisarului european pentru Politică Regională, Corina Crețu, demisiile miniștril...
6 Romanian Ministers Fired as Party Leader Seeks More Power
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In a boost for Dragnea, the party approved his ally, Codrin Stefanescu, as the new party secretary....
6 Romanian ministers fired as party leader seeks more power
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He has been extremely critical about European Union commissioner Corina Cretu, a Romanian Social Dem...
Ion Cristoiu o DESFIINȚEAZĂ pe Corina Crețu: ' Apare opiniei publice de la noi drept Mămica națiunii'
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Jurnalistul Ion Cristoiu critică extrem de dur ieșirile publice ale comisarului european Corina Creț...
Eurocomisarul Corina Creţu şi şeful Executivului european Jean-Claude Juncker merg în vizită în Canare
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Preşedintele Comisiei Europene (CE) Jean-Claude Juncker şi comisarul european pentru politică region...
Cluj County wants to build its regional hospital without the help of the Governement
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According to the request addressed to European Commissioner Corina Cretu and the leadership of the M...
Greece expands LNG capacity at Revithoussa terminal
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The commissioner for regional policy, Corina Cretu, said: “Thanks to this Cohesion Policy project, c...
Ce spune Corina Crețu despre construirea de către clujeni a Spitalului Regional de Urgență Florești
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La ora aceasta in Programul Operational Regional, beneficiarul este Ministerul Sanatatii. Fondurile...
CONFERENCE CALL: Romania's missed opportunities
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A similar point was made recently by Romania's European Commissioner, Commissioner for Regional Poli...
Romanian finance minister wants new system for spending EU funds
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The country also has a low absorption rate in the current financial exercise (2014-2020) and Europea...
Corina Crețu și Sorina Pintea se bat pe spitalul din Cluj
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De asemenea, Crețu a acuzat Guvernul că preferă parteneriatul public-privat în detrimentul banilor e...
Corina Crețu, avertizment. Credibilitatea cercetătorilor români poate fi afectată
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Comisarul european Corina Crețu este îngrijorată de întârzieri în proiectul laserului de la Măgurele...
The European Commission is concerned about delays in the ELI-NP laser project at Magurele
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During a meeting in Brussels on Thursday with Minister of Research and Innovation Nicolae Hurduc, Eu...
Croatia Strongly Opposes Changes in EU Funds Regulations
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Regional Policy Commissioner Corina Cretu said the proposed shortening of the programming period was...
Corina Crețu a spus TOT! De câți bani a beneficiat România de la Comisia Europeană: Suma este fabuloasă
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Comisarul European Corina Crețu a declarat sâmbătă, la un eveniment organizat cu ocazia Zilei Națion...
Corina Cretu: Nu avem voie sa iesim de pe acest drum european indiferent de greutati/ Ardealul, campion la atragerea ...
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România nu are voie să iasă de pe drumul european pe care se află, indiferent de greutăţile pe care...
Corina Crețu: Sunt tristă să văd atitudinea complotistă a unor membri din partidul de guvernământ / Viorica Dăncilă să ...
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Comisarul european Corina Crețu a reacționat luni la ultimele atacuri lansate la adresa sa de Darius...
Corina Crețu PUNE PAIE pe FOC în PSD. Laudă PE FAȚĂ un PRIMAR al PNL
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„Cred că este un proiect emblematic, una dintre cele mai mari investiţii pe perioada actuală de prog...
Corina Cretu raspunde acuzatiilor lui Valcov: Propun guvernantilor ...
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Comisarul european Corina Cretu a declarat, luni, la Oradea, referitor la ultimele declaratii ale lu...
Corina Cretu :Romanian PM Should Mention If Attacks Against Commission Represent Official Stance
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The EU commissioner for regional policy, Corina Cretu, requested her country's PM Viorica Dancila on...
Corina Crețu, atac. Olguța Vasilescu: Inexplicabil! Probabil că...
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Întrebată în timpul emisiunii de unde vine supărarea comisarului european Corina Crețu pe guvernul R...
BREAKING NEWS Corina Crețu: Noi toți ne-am mobilizat
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Aş dori să vă urez mult noroc şi să vă asigur că noi toți, Comisia, domnul preşedinte, ne-am mobiliz...
120 million EU funding for Western Greece Motorway
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European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu confirmed that the European Union will fund w...