Compară Garo Paylan si Ömer Dinçer pentru a afla cine să votezi.
Garo Paylan![]() |
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Ömer Dinçer![]() |
Garo Paylan Being Investigated for 'Insulting Turkishness' Under Turkey's Notorious Article 301
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ANKARA (A.W.)—Ankara's public prosecutor has launched a bid to strip Armenian Member of Turkish Parl...
Garo Paylan: Turkish president has to stand trial
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President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan may face trial after the presidential and parliamentary ele...
Investigation Launched Against Garo Paylan for “Insulting Turkey”
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ANKARA (Al-Monitor) — Turkish prosecutors are seeking to lift the parliamentary immunity of Istanbul...
Four Armenians to Take Part in Turkey's Upcoming Elections
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Garo Paylan—a founding member of the Peoples' Democratic Party of Turkey (HDP)—will be joined by fel...
Garo Paylan tweets in Armenian on being nominated MP candidate from Turkey's Diyarbakır
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Garo Paylan, Istanbul Armenian MP and vice-chairman of the opposition pro-Kurdish People's Democrati...
Garo Paylan to Turkish President: Go away, enough!
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Turkihs parliament deputy of Armenian origin Garo Paylan, a member of the Kurdish Democratic People'...
Turkey election board moves ballot boxes in Kurdish provinces, prompts fears of fraud
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MP Garo Paylan of the HDP said on Twitter that the AKP wanted to leave his party under the threshold...
Armenian MP of Turkey says president calls Israel “terrorist” in front of, but trades with it behind, camera
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Garo Paylan, Istanbul Armenian MP and vice-chairman of the opposition pro-Kurdish People's Democrati...
Armenian MP of Turkey: Judging me will not force me to abandon fight for justice for genocide
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Garo Paylan, Istanbul Armenian MP and vice-chairman of the opposition pro-Kurdish People's Democrati...
Paylan, Dogan Congratulate Armenian People
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ISTANBUL—Garo Paylan and Selina Dogan, two Armenian lawmakers of the Turkish Parliament expressed co...
AK Parti'de düğün heyecanı! İki isim dünür oluyor
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AK Parti'de düğün heyecanı! İki isim dünür oluyor. Dinçer'in kızı Ayşe Hilal ve Eker'in oğlu Yasin 1...
CHP Bildirgesi: Neo-liberal döküntü
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Yalnızca aynı cümleler de değil. Aynı yönetişim zihniyeti, aynı özerkçilik, aynı ademi merkeziyetçil...
Siyasetin 'müzmin bekârı' evleniyor
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Bu arada, Millî Eğitim eski Bakanı Ömer Dinçer'in kızı Ayşe Hilal ile AK Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcı...
CHP'nin ikinci tur stratejisi (Kılıçdaroğlu NTV'de)
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Sayın Ömer Dinçer'in bir kitabı var 2004 Milli Güvenlik Kurulu kararının uygulanmamasının siyasi sor...