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Caspar Weinberger vs Arne Duncan

Compare Caspar Weinberger and Arne Duncan to find out who to vote.

Caspar Weinberger

Caspar Weinberger

Arne Duncan

Arne Duncan
Caspar Weinberger
Arne Duncan
Former U.S. Secretary
Former U.S. Secretary
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How far can Trump go on pardons?
2018.06.01 - Source :85% - News
Most presidents wait for the waning days of their administrations to issue high-profile pardons of a...

The Executive Branch's Extraordinarily Broad View of the Presidential Pardon Power
2018.05.31 - Source :80% - News
For example, in December 1992 President George H.W. Bush pardoned former Secretary of Defense Caspar...

For Mueller, Timing Is Everything
2018.05.29 - Source :95% - News
Lawrence Walsh was named the independent counsel to investigate the Iran-Contra scandal back in 1986...

Pardoning Michael Cohen This Early In The Mueller Investigation Could Be Trouble For Trump
2018.05.10 - Source :75% - News
On Christmas Eve in 1992, Bush pardoned six former government officials, including former Defense Se...

The Secret Jewish History Of Oliver North
2018.05.08 - Source :90% - News
He also took on former Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger, writing that he “seemed to go out of his...

That Time the Independent Counsel Meddled in an Election
2018.05.31 - Source :85% - News
Reagan's defense secretary, Caspar Weinberger — who already had been under indictment — got hit on O...

On North Korea, Trump should follow Reagan example: Guestview
2018.05.12 - Source :75% - News
In the months leading up to the Geneva summit, Reagan was advised by Vice President George H.W. Bush...

To make history at North Korea summit, Trump should prepare like Reagan did for Gorbachev
2018.05.10 - Source :95% - News
In the months leading up to the Geneva summit, Reagan was advised by Vice President George H.W. Bush...

John Carrick: influential Liberal Party figure
2018.05.24 - Source :80% - News
John Carrick died on Friday, May 18, just three and a half months before his 100th birthday and only...

29 Year Old Oddity
2018.05.13 - Source :75% - News
According to Wikipedia: In the end, fourteen administration officials were indicted, including then-...

Arne Duncan Is Serious: Americans Should Boycott School
2018.05.22 - Source :80% - News
The former education secretary says it's time for American families to boycott school to fight for s...

Obama Education Chief Arne Duncan: Boycott US Schools Until There's Gun Control
2018.05.20 - Source :80% - News
Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan proposed a nationwide boycott of schools until U.S. gun laws...

Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan will share new book "How Schools Work" at National Press Club Headliners ...
2018.06.01 - Source :85% - News
WASHINGTON, June 1, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Arne Duncan, the former Secretary of Education u...

Arne Duncan: It's time to change the game on gun violence CBS ...
2018.05.27 - Source :80% - News
A school shooting that wounded two in Indiana this past Friday reminds us yet again of the challenge...

Weasel of the Week: Educrat Arne Duncan
2018.05.23 - Source :90% - News
Here's another thing I find hard to swallow: education overlord Arne Duncan now championing the radi...

Malkin: Meet educrat Arne Duncan, master of hypocrisy
2018.06.01 - Source :90% - News
Behold Arne Duncan, longtime pal of Barack Obama and former U.S. Department of Education secretary,...

Weasel of the Week: Educrat Arne Duncan The Clarion-Ledger
2018.05.24 - Source :95% - News
Educrat (ED-yoo-krat) noun, usually pejorative. A government school official or administrator whose...

Arne Duncan: Boycott schools over gun laws
2018.05.22 - Source :85% - News
Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan speaks to CNN's Kate Bolduan about his proposal to hold child...

To fight school shootings, we call for a school boycott after Labor Day: Arne Duncan
2018.05.25 - Source :90% - News
To fight school shootings, we call for a school boycott after Labor Day: Arne Duncan. Pam Bosley and...

School boycotts? Yes, parents must pressure Congress to pass smart gun laws
2018.05.23 - Source :90% - News
In the wake of another mass shooting at a public school, a colleague and I floated the idea of a par...